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Gotu Kola

Gotu kola has traditionally been used by the far easern part of the world for centuries. Because of
the number of active ingredients in Gotu kola, it is easy to see why this herb has been used to
treat many ailments, including, but not limited to infections, shingles, leprosy, the common cold,
flue, fatigue, and many more.

How it works: Some of the active ingredients in Gotu kola are asiaticoside, madecassic acid,
thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, vitamin K, serine, alanine, lysine, magnesium, calcium and

Both asiaticoside and madecassic acid increase hydroxyproline, which have a major role in
supporting collagen, and increasing the strength of the collagen so that it can stretch farther
without tearing. It is also a main component in the process of healing.

Thiamine is what converts carbohydrates and fat into energy. It important to the functioning of
nerves, muscle cells, and the brain, and it aids in the production of ATP, or muscle fuel, when
building muscles.

Riboflavin (B2) stimulates metabolism and assists in the digestion and absorption of fats,
carbohydrates, and proteins. Some studies have shown that riboflavin may reduce and lessen
migraine headaches. It also binds itself to different types of blood cells debilitatin certain diseases
making riboflavin beneficial for immunity to some diseases.

Pyridoxine (B6) is important for the production and function of a variety of enzymes, the
functioning of and the production of blood cells and antibodies, healthy skin, healthy digestion,
the utilization and eventual breakdown of the fats, carbohydrates and proteins in foods, and the
release of carbohydrates which have been stored as energy in the liver and muscles.

Vitamin K is what causes our blood to clot, and help with bone mineralization.

Serine makes myelin sheath, which insulates the nerve cells and speeds up message relays. It
also is the starting material for the building blocks of DNA, and is thus important for the growth
and development of cells.

Alanine protects cells during a "workout" by preventing the build up of large amounts of toxins
produced by proteins that are needed during the workout.

Lysine is the most abundand protein that makes up bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. It
also helps with calcium absorption and aids in the production of antibodies, hormones, and

Although gotu kola is used to increase energy and vitality, it contains no caffeine. (It is often
confused with kola nut, which contains high caffeine content)

Uses: Because of the riboflavin and pyridoxine, Gotu kola has been used for every type of
infection – bacterial, viral, and parasitic; cholera, dysentery, syphilis, the comon cold, influenza,
swine flue, tuberculosis, and schistosomiasis. These also make Gotu kola useful for improving
memory and intelligence, and treating diarrhea, indigestion, and stomach pain.

The asiaticoside and madecassic acid make Gotu kola good for treating shingles and leprosy. If it
is applied to the sking it aids in the healing of wounds, reduction of scars, and when used during
pregnancy, it can reduce that chance of stretch marks.
With vitamin K as one of its active ingredients, gotu kila helps take care of circulation problems,
including varicose veins and blood clots in the legs.

Som other things Gotu kola has been used for are fatigue, anxiety, depression, psychiatric
disorders, sunstroke, tonsilitis, fluid around the lungs, liver disease, jaundice, systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE), stomach ulcers, epilepsy, asthma, anemia, and diabetes

Toxicity: Don't take by mouth if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Don't take gotu kola with
medications used during or after surgery. Ask a doctor when taking gotu kola with any other
medications. Stop taking it at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Don't take gotu kola with sedatives.

Dosage: For circulation problems in the legs, take 60-18 mg daily by mouth.


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