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Meeting Minutes
27 January 2016,
Rolfe Room, 7:00 p.m.

Winter 2016
Admissions and Alumni


Call to Order
Myra calls the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.


Roll Call (initial on the line)

Mallory Barnes, President _________
Myra Jackson, Executive Vice President _________
Jordan Murakami, Vice President of Finance _________
Paul DeWater, Vice President of University Affairs _________
Samuel Wolff, Senior Representative _________
Carlos Rodriguez, Junior Representative _________
Claire Conway, At-Large Representative ABSENT
Jonathan Fikru, At-Large Representative _________
Stephenie Simmons, Multicultural Representative ABSENT
Keziah Abigail, International Representative _________
Braden Wild, Students with Disabilities Representative _________
Claire Johnston, Athletic Representative _________
Randi Reed, Non-Traditional Representative _________
Kate Hannick, Freshman Representative _________
Christopher ODore, Freshman Representative _________
Jaden Phan, Transfer Representative _________
Jorge Laborico, Sophomore Representative _________
Kelly Besmer, Commuter Representative _________


Approval of the Minutes

Minutes pass with abstention from Representative Wolff,
Representative Conway, and Representative Simmons.


Old Business
a. Resolution for Disability Services Staffing

i. Three sections have changed in content since being

released to this body last week to:
1. Build a distinction between alternative media content
and office as a whole
2. Highlight that this is a recognized inequality of
education in the classroom for those with disabilities,
as proven by the campus climate survey (which
serves as the standard, sufficient to demand an
increase in staffing)
3. Use careful language regarding why an extra staff
member is necessary (not only for compliance, but to
look ahead and maintain level of quality
ii. President Barnes notes that we are currently looking to
serve over 900 students next year; staffing has not
changed since they were serving just over 200
Representative Wild makes motion to approve the disability services
resolution, Representative Rodriguez seconds the motion. Motion passes with
abstentions from Representative Conway and Representative Simmons.
Executive Murakami seeks a motion to add agenda item to approve finance
committees recommended appropriated amount for the 2016 Barrio UFC
fiesta. Representative ODore moves, and Representative Reed seconds.
b. Approval of Finance Committees Recommended
Appropriated Amount for the 2016 Barrio UFC Fiesta.
i. Recommending that the body approves $3,000 for Barrio
Fiesta 2016 with stipulation that excess appropriated funds
from SGSU to UFC will be used for the sustainability of the
Barrio Fiesta of 2017 and recommendation that scholarship
should be available for free or reduced cost of admission to
Barrio 2016
Representative Reed: Are the scholarships recommended for students
Executive Murakami: Its vague to account for students, alumni, and
community members. The number of scholarships is also open for
Representative Phan: Have they indicated what theyd like to do with the

Executive Murakami: UFC is looking to host another big event later this year
Representative Wild: Looking to host an event of 500+ students from all
around Seattle, upwards of $22,000 expected
Executive Jackson: Will steps be proposed if this stipulation is not accepted?
Executive Murakami: It will be placed in the legacy document to be
referenced for years to come, if Barrio 2017 asks for money for this event.
Representative Reed: Where is the rest of their money coming from, if they
anticipate $6000 and are only asking for $3000
Representative Wild: UFC budget is donated, as theyve fundraised quite a
bit on their own. The estimate is an estimate, so only if they have an excess
in funds would the stipulation and recommendation be necessary
Executive Murakami seeks a motion to approve the $3000 budget
appropriation to UFC 2016 Barrio with stipulations that excess appropriated
funds from SGSU to UFC will be used for the sustainability of the Barrio Fiesta
of 2017 and recommendation that scholarship should be available for free or
reduced cost of admission to Barrio 2016 attached.
Representative Wild moves, Representative Wolff seconds. Motion passes
with abstention from Representatives Conway and Simmons.


New Business
a. Legislative Agenda
i. This is a living document, so if something comes up that is
relevant to the student experience, it is important to
acknowledge such topics. Proposed amendments are a
result of a discussion with cabinet members.
ii. Suggestion to include a section on religious identity, to
ensure that students who do not identify as Catholic find a
place on campus and feel advocated for and represented.
This is noted under diversity engagement and inclusion.
iii. Suggestion to include a section on sustainability, which is
in line with the Bike Shelter that was approved earlier this
year, and ideas involving a rooftop garden in Bellarmine.
This can tie in sustainable investments, and in the
classroom work of understanding sustainability.

iv. Suggestion to include a section on accessibility of

university structures. This would enable this body to
advocate for students who are operating within these
structures. This would give us room to look into housing as
an equitable experience (i.e. regarding gender neutral
housing), etc.
1. Representative Reed: considerations of different
wording, as to not confuse with the section on
disability and accessibility; Navigation of University
v. Suggestion to add sub-section on transportation
Representative Wild: Are these student facing services, or an internal policy
that we are trying to address
Executive DeWater: I dont know how much separation there is at this point,
as most services deal with students on some level. It has to be broad enough
to evaluate both of those things
President Barnes: In the creation of this document, we wanted to keep it
intentionally open
Representative ODore: To clarify, will next years governing body have to
re=approve the agenda?
President Barnes: They will be encouraged, as well as encouraged to add
their own
Director Saito: Would it be wise to add public transit under civic
President Barnes: It appears that commuter students are not really
represented in this document, but it appears that transportation would be
the best fit
Representative Rodriguez: things are intentionally vague so that we are not
limited. However, the UW includes their transportation initiatives under
sustainability, which shows how vague this can be


Committee Reports
a. University Affairs:
i. Social media plan for student government

ii. Monthly updates to students about what SGSU is doing.

Looking at a few different platforms, but leaning toward a
poster that notes, Did you know, SGSU is doing ____.
iii. Continuation and expansion of comment boxes, with
consideration of having one in each building on campus
iv. Club outreach beyond the appropriations process
b. Finance:
i. A lot of large requests are coming in this week
ii. Budget forum
iii. SGSU finance project with a competition to fund clubs or
c. Steering:
i. Completed retreat
ii. Training new-elects
d. Presidential Advisory Board:
i. State of the Undergraduate Student Survey

a. International Dinner is happening Saturday those with tickets
should meet at 5:30 in the office. Reminder that this is semiformal.
b. Reminder that the re-org work group is meeting Mondays from 23 and Tuesdays from 5-6
c. Project idea just came up to put a garden on the Bellarmine roof,
which is already approved by facilities
d. Committee to improve trans-inclusion has been looking into a
new gender neutral restroom in Loyola on the third floor
e. Extra outreach on veterans work, and looking to have a veterans
meeting and veterans resource event to share what resources
are available on campus, and bring outside VA members on
campus; also looking to provide support buttons and stickers to
raise awareness. If interested, reach out to Representative Reed.
f. At the campus night walk, public safety stressed to let them
know if you see anything. Call 206-296-5990 if you have any

VIII. Adjournment at 7:27 p.m.

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