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On the very same day (February 12, 1809), God brought Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin into

world. Why were they brought into the world? The first question and answer in the Westminster Shorter
Catechism help us there:
Q1: What is the chief end of man?
A1: The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.
Abraham Lincoln, Charles Darwin and every other person to have lived on this earth since Adam had or
have the same purpose, to glorify God. But what does that mean? Much can be learned from the
meaning of the Hebrew word translated glory, namely, kabowd. Its ancient pictograph root is .
Regarding this root, Jeff Benner writes in his Ancient Hebrew Lexicon:
The pictograph is a picture of the palm of the hand and represents a covering, the is a picture of
a tent. Combined these mean "covering of the tent". The black goat hair fabric used for the roof of the
tent allows some light through giving the appearance of stars overhead.
The Hebrew word for star (kowkab) comes from the same pictograph root. Stars are numerous, massive
and brilliant:
1. Numerous: In Genesis 15:5, Yahweh told Abraham that he could not count the stars - and for
good reason, as there are an estimated 10 septillion (1025) stars in the universe. Even if you could
count a million stars a second and lived to the age of 175 as Abraham did, you would only have
counted 0.00000005% of the stars.
2. Massive: The suns diameter is 100 times greater than the earths. The sun represents 99.86% of
the mass of the solar system. As a result of its size, the gravitational force of the sun draws 8
planets, 5 dwarf planets & an asteroid belt to circle it.
3. Brilliant: Stars are visible as a result of nuclear reactions occurring in their cores, which generate
energy that radiates outward. Light intensity is measured in lux. Standard lighting in a house is

about 500 lux. However, even though the sun is 93,000,000 miles away, the light we receive
from it on a clear day is about 25,000 lux 50 times more intense than the lighting in our houses.
Putting together the ideas of numerous, massive & brilliant, we will use the following definition:
Gods glory is the sum (numerous), substance (massive) and stunningness (brilliant) of His
When we talk about glorifying God, what we are really talking about is an ever increasing appreciation
for and satisfaction with the sum, substance and stunningness of Yahwehs perfections. The appreciation
and satisfaction in our hearts eventually points others to our Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16). Yahweh is
ignored by the vast majority of mankind He is not even on their radar. They have no desire to know
Him, let alone obey Him. He seems as insignificant as a distant star. John Piper writes in his book
Don't Waste Your Life:
Magnify has two distinct meanings. In relation to God, one is worship and one is wickedness. You can
magnify like a telescope or like a microscope. When you magnify like a microscope, you make
something tiny look bigger than it is. A dust mite can look like a monster. Pretending to magnify God
like that is wickedness. But when you magnify like a telescope, you make something unimaginably
great look like what it really is. With the Hubble Space Telescope, pinprick galaxies in the sky are
revealed for the billion-star giants that they are. Magnifying God like that is worship. We waste our
lives when we do not pray and think and dream and plan and work toward magnifying God in all
spheres of life. God created us for this: to live our lives in a way that makes Him look more like the
greatness and the beauty and the infinite worth that He really is. In the night sky of this world God
appears to most people, if at all, like a pinprick of light in a heaven of darkness. But He created us
and called us to make Him look like what He really is. This is what it means to be created in the
image of God. We are meant to image forth in the world what He is really like.
I would say that Abraham Lincoln was a telescope and Charles Darwin was a microscope and heres why.


Lincoln is probably best known for his words in the Gettysburg Address, which begin:
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived
in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Our sixteenth President believed that all men were created by God and that they were all created equal.
You can say otherwise, but the Civil War was about whether we as a nation believed that proposition OR
if we were going to treat millions of people created in the image of God as animals or property. The truth
be told, until the Civil War, the Constitution protected slavery at every turn as noted by Paul Finkleman in
a New York Times article (June 2, 2015) entitled How the Civil War Changed the Constitution:
The first and most obvious change involves slavery. The 13th Amendment was possible (as were the
other two Civil War amendments) only because the war broke slaverys stranglehold over politics
and constitutional development. The Constitution of 1787 protected slavery at every turn. Although
framers did not use the word slavery in the document, everyone at the Constitutional Convention
understood the ways in which the new form of government protected slavery. Indeed, the word
slavery was not used at the request of the Connecticut delegation and some other Northerners, who
feared that their constituents would not ratify the Constitution if the word was in the document not
because the delegates objected to the word itself.
The three-fifths clause gave the South extra members of the House of Representatives, based on the
number of slaves in each state. Without these representatives, created entirely by slavery, proslavery
legislation like the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 could never
have been passed.

Equally important, votes in the Electoral College were based on the number of representatives in the
House, and so slavery gave the South a bonus in electing the president. Without the electors created
by slavery, the slaveholding Thomas Jefferson would have lost the election of 1800 to the nonslaveholding John Adams.
The domestic insurrections clause guaranteed that federal troops would be used to suppress slave
rebellions, as they were in the Nat Turner Rebellion in 1831 and John Browns attempt to start a
slave rebellion in 1859.
Finally, it took two-thirds of Congress to send a constitutional amendment to the states, and it took
three-fourths of the states to ratify any amendment. Had the 15 slave states all remained in the Union,
to this day, in 2015, it would be impossible to end slavery by constitutional amendment, since in a 50state Union, it takes just 13 states to block an amendment.
The political power of the slave states meant that the nation was always forced to protect slavery.
Thus the South in effect controlled politics from 1788 until 1861. Slave owners held the presidency
for all but 12 years between 1788 and 1850. All of the two-term presidents were slave owners. Three
Northerners held the office from 1850 to 1860 Fillmore, Pierce and Buchanan but all were
proslavery and they bent over backward to placate the South.
It took the Civil War to break slaverys stranglehold on politics and fundamentally alter the nature of
constitutional law and constitutional change.
The demise of slavery began with slaves running away and the army freeing them. But the key
moment was the Emancipation Proclamation, which was the first important executive order in
American history. In order to destroy slavery and save the Union Lincoln found new power for
his office.
Even if our founding Fathers did not see slavery as wrong, Lincoln did. The destruction of the Satanic
practice of slavery and the preservation of the Union, which was used by Yahweh to destroy other Satanic
influences like Nazism, seems to me to make Abraham Lincoln our greatest President. But his birthday
has never been a national holiday and is only celebrated in a handful of states.
In 1820, William Barton published a biography of Lincoln entitled, The Soul of Abraham Lincoln. Barton
concluded his study with a series of short quotations from documents, letters, and addresses, certified
authentic and touching directly upon points of Christian doctrine. He organized these quotations into
what he called The Creed of Abraham Lincoln in His Own Words:
I believe in God, the Almighty Ruler of Nations, our great and good and merciful Maker, our Father
in Heaven, who notes the fall of a sparrow, and numbers the hairs of our heads.
I believe in His eternal truth and justice.
I recognize the sublime truth announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history that those
nations only are blest whose God is the Lord.
I believe that it is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling
power of God, and to invoke the influence of His Holy Spirit; to confess their sins and transgressions
in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon.
I believe that it is meet and right to recognize and confess the presence of the Almighty Father
equally in our triumphs and in those sorrows which we may justly fear are a punishment inflicted
upon us for our presumptuous sins to the needful end of our reformation.
I believe that the Bible is the best gift which God has ever given to men. All the good from the Saviour
of the world is communicated to us through this book.

I believe the will of God prevails. Without Him all human reliance is vain. Without the assistance of
that Divine Being, I cannot succeed. With that assistance I cannot fail.
Being a humble instrument in the hands of our Heavenly Father, I desire that all my works and acts
may be according to His will; and that it may be so, I give thanks to the Almighty, and seek His aid.
I have a solemn oath registered in heaven to finish the work I am in, in full view of my responsibility
to my God, with malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right as God gives me
to see the right. Commending those who love me to His care, as I hope in their prayers they will
commend me, I look through the help of God to a joyous meeting with many loved ones gone before.
Wouldnt you love to see a man or woman who spoke like that on the ballot? Abraham Lincoln was a
telescope he pointed others to the greatness of his Heavenly Father.


Charles Darwin is known primarily for his work, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection,
or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. Only Yahweh knows how many people
Satan has sold the macroevolution lie to as a result of the work of Darwin. For instance, just last week,
Democratic congressman Jim Hines (CT) introduced U.S. House Resolution 67 which states:
Whereas Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by the mechanism of natural selection, together with
the monumental amount of scientific evidence he compiled to support it, provides humanity with a
logical and intellectually compelling explanation for the diversity of life on Earth;
Whereas the validity of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection is further strongly supported
by the modern understanding of the science of genetics;
Whereas it has been the human curiosity and ingenuity exemplified by Darwin that has promoted new
scientific discoveries that have helped humanity solve many problems and improve living conditions;
Whereas the advancement of science must be protected from those unconcerned with the adverse
impacts of global warming and climate change;
Whereas the teaching of creationism in some public schools compromises the scientific and academic
integrity of the United States education systems;
Whereas Charles Darwin is a worthy symbol of scientific advancement on which to focus and around
which to build a global celebration of science and humanity intended to promote a common bond
among all of Earth's peoples; and
Whereas February 12, 2015, is the anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin in 1809 and would be
an appropriate date to designate as ``Darwin Day'':
Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the House of Representatives-(1) Supports the designation of ``Darwin Day''; and
(2) Recognizes Charles Darwin as a worthy symbol on which to celebrate the achievements of
reason, science, and the advancement of human knowledge.
With all the problems are nation is facing, we have politicians wasting time on things like this. Have
Darwin and all his disciples provided us a logical and intellectually compelling explanation for the
diversity of life on Earth? NO, a trillion times NO! The ideas of eternal mass-energy (an infinitely dense
point consisting of no volume whatsoever at infinite temperature, until about 14 billion years ago when it
began to expand), random development of DNA, abiogenesis (spontaneous generation of life from nonlife) and macroevolution are illogical and Satanic lies.

Microevolution is the variety within the same species, meaning variety within the same DNA structure.
Microevolution never creates a new species. It creates a new member of an existing species and each
offspring has the same DNA structure as one of its parents (i.e., the parent which is of the same sex), even
if it physically looks different. Darwins finches were a good example of microevolution. All the finches
were of the same species (i.e., they have the same DNA structure), but each breed of finch had different
nucleotide sequences within some of their genes, which may have created a different size, color of
feathers or hardness/shape of the beak. Natural selection or survival of the fittest may apply to the
different finches because of the differences in color or beaks. The phrases are valid with regards to
microevolution. Before the discovery of DNA, no one, including Darwin, could differentiate between
microevolution and macroevolution. The finches were legitimate examples of evolution in Darwins day,
but not since the discovery of DNA.
Macroevolution is the creation of a new species (where species is defined by a unique DNA structure)
by either:
1. Random mutations to the DNA structure of parents in the species which already existed prior to
2. Random mutations to the DNA of the offspring after mating; or,
3. Two different species mating and having viable and fertile offspring.
Macroevolution does not occur. University of Bristol Emeritus Professor of Bacteriology Alan Linton
summarized the situation:
But where is the experimental evidence? None exists in the literature claiming that one species has
been shown to evolve into another. Bacteria, the simplest form of independent life, are ideal for this
kind of study, with generation times of 20 to 30 minutes, and populations achieved after 18 hours. But
throughout 150 years of the science of bacteriology, there is no evidence that one species of bacteria
has changed into another, in spite of the fact that populations have been exposed to potent chemical
and physical mutagens and that, uniquely, bacteria possess extra-chromosomal, transmissible
plasmids. Since there is no evidence for species changes between the simplest forms of unicellular
life, it is not surprising that there is no evidence for evolution from prokaryotic to eukaryotic cells, let
alone throughout the whole array of higher multi-cellular organisms.
God can be seen through the things that He has made but atheists refuse to see Him. They refuse to
ascribe to Him the glory or give Him the thanks that are due to Him. They claim to be wise, but in fact
they are fools (Romans 1:20-23). Their attempts to prove eternal mass-energy, random development of
DNA, abiogenesis, and macroevolution are futile. Science is supposed to be about searching for the truth,
not trying to prove something you want to be true, namely, that there is no God. Every new discovery
about the universe or cellular biology should cause us to see how great Yahweh is how wise and
powerful He is. But instead atheists can only see them as attacks on their hope that God does not exist.
Charles Darwin took something as insignificant as small differences in the beaks and colors of finches to
exalt his foolishness above the Gods wisdom. He was a microscope.

How about us? We were placed on this earth to glorify God. We can either fulfill that purpose, like
Abraham Lincoln, by being a telescope magnifying Almighty God so that our world can see Him better
OR we can fulfill some much lesser purpose, like Charles Darwin, by a being a microscope magnifying
somebody or something above Almighty God. Two famous men entered the world on the same day the
world is a much better place because of Lincoln and a much worse place because of Darwin. What will
be our impact on the world?

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