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Clearly Cute Boxes by Elisa Kammerdiener


Purple Cows 2 in 1 Combo Trimmer #1040
Purple Cows Decorative Click Blades #2901, 2811, 2803
We R Memory Keepers Cropadile

2 Clear Scraps 12” x 12” acrylic sheets
Cosmo Cricket Chemistry Paper Kit
Zip Dry
Felt Ribbon
Glimmer Mist
Liquid dimensional pearls

3210 North Canyon Road Provo UT, 84604 (877)386-8264 www.purplecows.net

Clearly Cute Boxes by Elisa Kammerdiener

Step by Step Instructions:

Clear Bag
1. Trim Clear Scraps acrylic down to 6x12
2. Using click blade #2811 Scor at 1 ½ on each long side and then
score at 5” & 7 the opposite way.
3. Using scissors snip at score lines at 5” & 7” only 1 ½ inches in.
4. Peel off protective coating and Spray with marshmallow
glimmer mist and let dry.
5. Once dry fold at each section you scor at.
6. Trim pattern paper to 6x6 using click blade # 2803
7. Using click blade #2811 scor at 2” and 4” on two sides
8. Using scissors snip in at 2” & 4”. Only 2 inches in.
9. Fold pattern paper into a small box and adhere with adhesive.
10. Apply adhesive to inside of pattern paper box and slide your
clear box inside it.
11. Using your Cropadile place two holes on each side 1 inch down
and tie ribbon.
12. Embellish your box with pattern paper and ribbon.

Clear Box
1. Trim Clear Scraps Acrylic down to 7x12
2. Using click blade #2811 scor 2” on each side then turn and score
at 3”, 5 ½”, 8 ½” and 11”
3. Take off protective coating and using scissors cut off a 2”x3 ½” section
from each side at the top of acrylic. (the top of your acrylic is where the
1” score line is and this will become the top and flap of your box.)
4. Using scissors snip in at each scor line on the long sides only going
in to the 2” score line
5. Fold your box and wrap ribbon around it to hold it in place.
6. Add Velcro to the front flap in the center
7. Create a circle shape embellishment to place on outside of box to
cover the Velcro piece.
8. Embellish your box as desired.

3210 North Canyon Road Provo UT, 84604 (877)386-8264 www.purplecows.net

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