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Wave Motion and Waves on String


Wave motion, speed of a wave, transverse wave, superposition of waves, progressive and standing waves, vibration of string.

Review of Concepts
1. Wave : It is a process by which transfer of energy and
momentum take place from one portion of medium to
another portion of medium.
(a) If a wave reaches at a point, then the particle of that
point starts to oscillate. The presence of a wave at a
point is caused by disturbance at that point. The
disturbance consists of momentum and energy.
(b) Wave function: Any function of space and time
cPy l &y
which obeys ^ = - represents a wave.
c2 dt2
Mathematically, y = f(x, t)
Remember that wave function should be continuous,
single valued, harmonic and finite.
2. Travelling or progressive wave : Any wave equation
which is in the form of y = /((of kx) represents a progressive
(a) If the sign of f and x are opposite, wave is
propagating along positive x-axis.
(b) If the sign of f and x are same, then wave is
propagating in negative x-direction.
(c) Wave speed, c =
(d) If a t - k x - phase = constant, then the shape of wave
remains constant.
(e) Particle velocity, uparticle =
(f) Slope = 1 (g) For a wave, particle = ~ c (Slope).
(h) For a given f, y-x graph gives the shape of pulse or
3. Plane harmonic progressive or travelling wave : For
progressive wave, y = /(cof kx). If the function '/' is sine or
cosine function, then the wave is harmonic progressive wave.
(a) The equation of plane harmonic progressive wave
moving along positive x-axis is
y = A sin (cof - kx)
y = A sin (cof - kx + <(>)

(In general)

(b) The equation of plane harmonic progressive wave

moving along negative axis is
y = A sin (cof + kx)
In general,

y = A sin (cof + kx + <}>)

(c) Different form of plane harmonic progressive wave :


y = A sin co

y = A cos co f - "

y = A sin (cof - kx),

y = A cos (cof - kx)

y = A sin (cof + kx),

y = A cos (cof + kx)

y = A sin 2n - v
y = A sin k (ct - x),

A cos o
2n ft - ;V
y = A cos k (ct - x)

y = A cos k (ct + x)
(ct + x),
4. Speed of transverse wave :
where, T = force of tension
(X = linear density = mass per unit length
p = volume density
5. Stationary or standing wave : The superposition of
two identical waves travelling in opposite direction along the
same line is known as stationary wave. If two waves
yi = a sin (cof - kx)
y 2 = a sin (cof + fcx)
These two waves form stationary wave. Then
y = y\ + y2 = 2a cos kx sin cot
Some important points regarding standing or
stationary waves :
(a) Every particle of the medium vibrates in SHM
manner but amplitude depends on position, i.e.,
A = 2A cos fcx.
(b) The point of medium with zero amplitude is a point
of node and the point of medium with maximum
amplitude (i.e., A m a x = 2a) is a point of antinode.
(c) The particle of medium at node remains permanently
at rest. Also nodes divide the medium into loops. All
particles of a medium lying in a loop (node to node)
vibrate in same phase having different amplitude.
(d) Total energy of a loop remains constant.
(e) At node displacement is zero but pressure is
(f) At antinode, displacement is maximum but pressure
is minimum.
(g) The equation of stationary wave for a string fixed at
one end is
y = 2a sin kx cos cof

Wave Motion and Waves on String



For a given time f, the y-x graph gives the shape of

(ii) The distance between two successive nodes or the
distance between two successive antinodes is A/2.
(iii) The distance between nearest node and antinode is
(h) The equation of stationary wave on a string fixed at
one end is

fn " 2 1

Ratio of harmonics produced = 1 : 2 : 3
where, I = length of string
T = tension in string
p = linear mass density,
(b) If the strings vibrates in p loops, pth harmonic is
produced then frequency of pth harmonic is

y = 2a sin kx cos cof

6. Mode of vibration of string fixed at both ends:
(a) The frequency of vibration is


p VfT

(c) Characteristics of different harmonics and overtones :

Number of

Number of

Number of



tii = n


1st overtone

n2 = 2n



Ilnd overtone




( p - l)th overtone

(P + l )

np = pn







Some important points about vibration of string:

(i) If string is in resonance with a source, then any one
of its natural frequencies coincides with that of the
(ii) If a string is vibrating in nth mode of vibration, then
(a) number of harmonics = n.
(b) fn = hf, where / is frequency of first or fundamental mode of vibration.
(c) the number of loops = n.
(d) the number of antinodes = n.
(e) the number of nodes = n + 1.
(f) the number of overtones = n - 1.
But at n = 1, overtones is fundamental.
(iii) If the vibration takes place in a composite string
formed by joining two strings of different lengths,
cross-section and densities but having same tension
throughout the string, then the common frequency of
vibration is


is the ratio

/2 = 2"/,
7. The







P = ^pA 2 co 2 c.
8. The intensity of wave is
/ = ^ pco2 A2c
9. The amplitude of reflected wave is

CJ + C 2

Aj and the

amplitude of transmitted wave is

At = A{

f 2c2
CJ + C 2


Here, Aj = amplitude of incident wave in first medium

cj = speed of wave in first medium
c 2 = speed of wave in second medium

/2 = fundamental frequency for second string

of interval


higher than /1( then

Here, /j = fundamental frequency for first string



(v) The meaning of octave is 2, e.g., if f2 is wth octave

/O = " L / L = " 2 / 2



10. Melde's law : p ^ T = constant

of two


1. A transverse wave consists of :

(a) only crest.
(b) only trough
(c) both crest and trough
(d) rarefactions and compressions

2. The speed of wave of time period T and propagation

constant k is:

Wave Motion and Waves on String 226

3. The
y = 60 cos (18001 - 6x) where y is in microns, t in seconds
and x in metres. The ratio of maximum particle velocity
to velocity of wave propagation is :
(a) 3.6 x 10~ n

(b) 3.6 x l O - 6

(c) 3.6xlO" 4

(d) 3.6

4. The phase difference between the prongs of a tuning fork

is :
(a) n
(b) 3n
(c) 2n
(d) none of these
5. I f * i = f l s x n I co t+~ and x2 = a cos cof, the phase difference
between waves is:
< \


(a) 3

i(c)\ ^

(a) 15 cm
(c) 7.5 cm




(a) A and B
(c) C and E

(b) B and C
(d) none of these

The phase change between incident and reflected sound

wave from a fixed wall is :
(a) 0
(b) K
(c) 371

9. For the standing wave y = 2 sin

cos 96 Ttf, where x and

y are in cm and f is in second, the amplitude at node is :

(a) zero
(b) 2 cm
(c) 4 cm
(d) none of these
10. In previous problem, the minimum distance between
node and antinode is :

velocity is 20 ms - 1 then the frequency is :

(a) 2 Hz
(b) 4 Hz
(c) 5 Hz
(d) 10 Hz
A note has a frequency 200 Hz. The frequency of a note
3 octaves higher than it is :
(a) 200 Hz
(b) 600 Hz
(c) 1600 Hz
(d) 1200 Hz
A pulse or a wave train trands along a stretched string
and reaches the fixed end of the string. It will be reflected
back with:
(a) the same phase as the incident pulse but with
velocity reversed
(b) a phase change of 180 with no reversal of velocity
(c) the same phase as the incident pulse with no reversal
of velocity
(d) a phase change of 180 with velocity reversed.


8. Which of following represents the equation of standing

wave ?
(a) a cos cof sin kx
(b) a cos kx cos cof
(c) a sin kx sin cof
(d) all of these

In the case of standing wave, constructive interference is

formed at:
(a) node
(b) antinode
(c) either node or antinode
(d) none of the above

12. A string of length 2 m fixed between two supports

vibrates in two loops. The distance between node and
antinode is:
(a) 50 cm
(b) 10 cm
(c) 100 cm
(d) 200 cm
13. Standing waves are produced in a 10 m long stretched
string. If the string vibrates in 5 segments and the wave

(d> *

6. Figure shows the shape of string, which pairs of points

are in opposite phase !

(b) 30 cm
(d) none of these

16. The number

of waves each of wavelength 10 cm

produced in string of 100 cm length, is :
(a) 1
(b) 10
(c) 20
(d) 30


The example of forced vibration is :

(a) resonance
(b) beats
(c) interference
(d) diffraction

18. Coherent sources are characterized by the same :

(a) phase and phase velocity
(b) wavelength, amplitude and phase velocity
(c) wavelength, amplitude and frequency
(d) wavelength and phase

1. Which of the following cannot represent a travelling
wave ?
(a) y = a cos (cof + kx)
(b) y = a cos (ax + bt)

= Asm(x-vt)

(d) y=f(x2-vt2)

2. A wave pulse in the shape of y =/(x) at f = 0 is moving

along positive x-axis with a constant speed c. The

equation of wave is:

(a) y =f(x + ct)
(c) y = f(cx + f)

(b) y =f(x - ct)

(d) none of these

3. A wave pulse is propagating with speed c towards

positive x-axis. The shape of pulse at f = 0, is y = ae~xib
where a and b are constant. The equation of wave i s :


Wave Motion and Waves on String


ct + x

(b) ae b

(a) ae
(c) ae" -ct

(d) none of these

4. A wave propagates on a string in positive x-direction
with a speed of 40 cm/s. The shape of string at f = 2 s is
y = 10 cos ' where x and y are in centimetre. The wave

11. If wave y = A cos (cof + kx) is moving along x-axis, the

shape of pulse at t - 0 and f = 2 s :
(a) are different
(b) are same
(c) may not be same
(d) none of these
12. At any instant a wave travelling along the string is
shown in fig. Here, point 'A' is moving upward. Which
of the following statements is true ?

equation is:
(a) y = 10 cos
(c) y = 10cos



(b) y = 10 sin

- 8f

- 8 f + 16 (d) y = 10 sin - - 8f + 1 6

5. A travelling wave is propagating along negative x-axis

through a stretched string. The displacement of a particle
of the string at x = 0 is y = a cos at. The speed of wave is
c. The wave equation is :
(a) y = a cos cot
(b) y = 2a cos at
(c) y - a c o s c o

. cox
(d) y = a cos CO t +

6. The equation of a wave travelling on a stretched string
along the x-axis is y =ae~^bx + ct\ The direction . of
propagation of wave is :
(a) along negative y-axis (b) along positive y-axis
(c) along negative x-axis (d) along positive x-axis
7. In above problem, the maximum displacement of particle
of string is :
(a) a
(b) b
(c) c
(d) c/b
8. In previous problem, the speed of wave is :
(a) c/b
(b) b/c
(d) c
9. The wave travels along a string whose equation is



where p =2 unit and q = 0.5 unit. The


direction of propagation of wave is :

(a) along + y-axis
(b) along - x-axis
(c) along + x-axis
(d) none of these
10. If a travelling wave y = a sin (kx - at) is moving along
x-axis, which of the following represents the shape of
pulse ?

(a) The wave is travelling to. the right

(b) The displacement amplitude of wave is equal to
displacement of B at this instant
(c) At this instant 'C' also directed upward.
(d) None of these
13. In the given figure :


the speeds of particles B and C are same

the speeds of particles A, C and are maximum
the particle F moves upward
all particles have same speed

14. If a wave propagates through a medium, then the

velocity of particle of medium is given b y :
(a) wave velocity x strain
wave velocity



(c) wave velocity
angular frequency
In a wave motion y = a sin (kx - at), y can represent:
(a) electric field
(b) magnetic field
(c) displacement, pressure
(d) all of the above
16. The equation of a wave travelling on a stretched string




= 4 s i n 2 7 t


Here x and y are in cm and f is in second. The speed of

wave is:
(a) 50 m/s
(b) 40 m/s
(c) 50 cm/s
(d) 40 cm/s
17. In previous problem, the ratio of maximum particle
velocity and wavelength i s :
(a) N
(b) 2K
(c) 3rt
(d) 4n

Wave Motion and Waves on String 228

18. In previous problem, the relative deformation amplitude
of medium is :
(a) 0.027t
(b) 0.087t
(c) 0.0671
(d) none of these
19. A plane wave y = a sin (cot - kx) propagates through a
stretched string. The particle velocity versus x graph at
t = 0 is :


25. A long rubber tube having mass

0.9 kg is fastened to a fixed
support and the free end of the
tube is attached to a cord which
passes over a pulley and supports
an object, with a mass of 5 kg as
shown in fig. If the tube is struck
by a transverse blow at one end,
the time required for the pulse to
reach the other end is :
(a) 5 s
(b) 0.47 s
(c) 4.7 s
(d) 3.2 s
26. For a wave
y = 0.0002 sin 271 1 1 0 f - v


is travelling in a medium. The energy per unit volume

being transfered by wave if density of medium is
20. In above problem relative deformation versus x graph is :

1.5 kg/m3, is:

(a) 1 4 x 1 0

J/m 3

T /3
(b) 143.2x10"-4 J/m

(c) 14.3x10" 4 J/m 3

(d) 1.43x10" 4 J/m 3
27. The time taken by a transverse wave to travel the full
length of a uniform rope of mass 0.1 kg and length
2.45 m hanging from the ceiling, is :
(a) 1 s
(b) 0.5 s
(c) 2 s
(d) 1.5 s
28. The speed of the wave travelling on the uniform circular
hoop of string, rotating clockwise in absence of gravity
with tangential speed Vq, is :
21. Along a stretched string equation of transverse wave is
( .x
ft vi
y-3 sin 2n
20 0.01
where, x, y are in cm and f is in sec. The wave velocity
(a) 20 m/s
(b) 30 m/s
(c) 15 m/s
(d) 25 m/s
22. A transverse wave along a string is given by
y = 2 sin 2 i c ( 3 f - * ) + J
where, x and y are in cm and f in second. The acceleration
of a particle located at x = 4 cm at t = 1 s is :
(a) 36 V2TC2 cm/s2

(b) 367i2 cm/s2

(c) - 36 V2 7C2 cm/s2

(d) - 36K2 cm/s2

23. If y = y0 sin 2K ft

is the equation of transverse wave,

then for what value of 'X' the maximum particle velocity

is equal to four times the wave velocity ?
(a) y0K

(c) 2y 0 n

(d) 1.5y07t

24. Along a stretched wire a transverse wave passes with

speed 3000 m/s. If the tension in the wire increased four
times, then the velocity of the wave is
(a) 1500 m/s
(b) 3000 m/s
(c) 6000 m/s
(d) 9000 m/s

(a) v = v0
(C) V =


(b) v = 2v0
(d) v =

29. A transverse wave is passing through a light string

shown in the figure. The
equation of wave is
y = A sin (cof - kx).
area of cross-section of
string is A and density is
p. The hanging mass is :
(a) Aco
(d) none of these
30. A transverse wave of equation y = 2 sin (O.Olx + 30f)
moves on a stretched string from one end to another end.
In the equation of wave, x and y are in cm and f is in
second. The time taken by wave to reach from one end
to another end of string is 5 s. The length of string is :
(a) 10 m
(b) 100 m
(c) 150 m
(d) 160 m
31. A sinusoidal wave travelling in the same direction have
amplitudes of 3 cm and 4 cm and difference in phase by
71/2. The resultant amplitude of the superimposed wave
(a) 7 cm
(b) 5 cm
(c) 2 cm
(d) 0.5 cm

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