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Ingresar a su Perfil a travs del link ubicado en la parte superior del

curso y actualizar la informacin.

2. Despus de haber explorado el curso y su estructura, deber realizar un

texto en formato .DOC o .PDF respondiendo en ingls las siguientes
Lets talk about you
a. Whats your name?
My name is Jaime Humberto Montoya Arbelez.
b. How old are you?
Im 42 years old.
c. Where do you live? (City and neighborhood)
I live in Bello, neighborhood Niquia.
d. What are you studying?
I'm studying Industrial Technology in Logistics.
e. What do you do in your free time?
In my free time I usually go with my daughter to the mall.
f. Who do you live with?
I live with my daughter.

Lets talk about the course

Your tutors name is

My tutor is Marivel Reina.

Your course director is

My course director is Martha Luca Bulla Lpez.

Your group number is

My group number is 90030_1038.

a) What can you find in News Forum?

In this space you will find information and instructions that will support your
learning process in the English 0 course. In it, the director the public course
Course News
b) What can you find in General Forum?
This is a place to communicate with your virtual tutor and group mates to solve
technical problems and general academic concerns. In it, tutor and students will
present, is not a means for submissions.
c) What is the link "Duties and Rights" about?
Course called Agreements. Find in the general description of the course,
methodology and regulations that we must read fully before accepting.
This course will follow certain rules and activities to be carried out in
accordance with the guidelines established by the institution. By reading this
document, participants established a commitment to follow the rules mentioned
here along the course.
3. En el mismo documento deber realizar un prrafo corto no mayor a 10
renglones, dando respuesta a las siguientes preguntas:

Is English important in your life? Why?

English is important in my life because I get to interact with people from other
cultures, meet their lifestyle and way of thinking; facilitates communication, for a
conversation to occur and have command of the language, the messages that
are transmitted will be included.
Also, I think it is of great importance in my life, for learning it will be an
achievement for me, which will help tremendously in my workplace, because it
will allow me access to better job opportunities, improving my economy.

Is English important in your career? Why?

English is the language most widely used worldwide, so it is called the universal
language; learning is not a luxury but a necessity because through him we
share with other cultures its advances in science and technology. It is believed
that those who do not master this language is at a disadvantage compared to
other professionals, as in the economic field, this will open many doors,
allowing access to better jobs with higher wages.

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