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Schedule of reinforcement: Continuous, Fixed interval, variable interval, fixed ratio:piece of work/bake sale, Variable

Shaping-reinforcing each small step of progress toward a desired behavior.
Contiguity-Aristotle:Association of two events because of repeated pairing
Contingency contracts:contract btwn the teacher and student specifying what the student must do to earn reward
or privilege
Types of studies: Descriptive-surveys/audio, Correlations- how close 2 variables are related, Experimental-Research
method in which variables are manipulated
Egocentrism-assuming others experience the world the way you do. Characteristic of preoptional stage
Constructivism-view that emphasizes the active role of the learner in building and understanding and making sense
of info.
Thorndikes law of effect: consequences of behavior will either strengthen or weaken the behavior. Learning comes
thru trial and error.
3 principals of cognitive development- occurs at diff. rates. is orderlyis gradual/quantitative
Nature v Nuture- what good would education be if environment was not important
Continuity v Discontinuity- does process flow (continuous)
Piaget- 2 fundamentals of education- organization and adaptation of brain/ Stages of childhood development.
Piaget- Schema/schemes-mind is a network of nodes connected by links that function together as frameworks for
experiences and expectations
Accommodation-altering schema or creating a new one to fit new material
Equilibration-search for balance between existing schema and new input
Piagets stages: Sensorimotore 0-2years imitation, reflex to goalOreoperational2-7 language acquisition,
egocentricconcrete operations7-11 solve logice problems through manipulation, understand reversibility
Formal operations 11-adult abstract thinking
Social interaction: piaget Disequilibrium is the key to learning
Vygotsky-encounters w/more experienced people is key to learning
Piaget-peer to peer interactionvygotsky: adult or older person to child interactions
Cultural tools-phones, calculators, blogs, language, private speech
Zpd-place where instruction succeeds the best
Scaffolding-work by an expert to bring the learner from that which they are capable of doing w/assistance
5 conditions 1. Embed learning in complex environments, 2. Provide social negotiation and shared responsibility for
learning 3. Provide multiple perspectives of content 4. Nurture self-awareness and an understanding that knowledge
is constructed 5 encourage ownership in learning
Vy-language drives thoughtPi thought drives language
Vysocial constructivists---Pi cognitive constructivists
VY cog dev is continuousPi develop in stages

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