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I have not come to destroy de law Spiritism Joana dArc 02/ 02/ 2016

Theme: Spiritism.
Source: The Gospel according to Spiritism, 1stI chapter, 5-7.
5. Spiritism is the new science which has come to reveal to mankind, by means of irrefutable proofs, the
existence and nature of the spiritual world and its relationship with the physical world. It appears not as something
supernatural, but on the contrary, as one of the living and active forces of Nature, source of an immense number of
phenomena which still today are not fully understood, and because of this they are relegated to the world of fantasy
and miracles. Christ alluded to this situation on several occasions and it is the reason why much of what He said
remained unintelligible or has been wrongly interpreted. Spiritism offers the key by which all can easily be explained.
6. The law of the Old Testament was personified in Moses: that of the New Testament in Christ. Spiritism is then
the third revelation of God's Law. But it is personified by no one because it represents leaching given, not by Man but
by the Spirits who are the voices of Heaven, to all parts of the world through the co-operation of innumerable
intermediaries. In a manner of speaking, it is the collective work formed by all the Spirits who bring enlightenment to all
mankind by offering the means of understanding their world and the destiny that awaits each individual on their return
to the spiritual world.
7. Just as Christ said: 'I am not come to destroy the Law but to fulfill it,' so Spiritism says: We have not come to
destroy the Christian Law but to carry it out. It leaches nothing contrary to what was taught by Christ. Rather it
develops it, explains it in a manner that can be understood by all and completes that which had previously been known
only in its allegoric form. Spiritism has come at the predicted time to fulfill what Christ announced and to prepare for the
achievement of future things. It is then, the work of Christ Who, as He also announced, presides over the regeneration
which is now taking place and which will prepare the reign of the Kingdom of God here on Earth.
Spiritism is still badly understood by many persons and avoided of society by many, for superstition, ignorance or
of mental conditioning to which some are subjected to live in society which have its own customs its culture in religious
traditions, national or accepted in its social living; few do risk themselves to seek out to understand the reason of things
among which are what is Spiritism, good, they have the right to retain with their own, since they do not be obsoletes,
intolerants and subjected to the truth which they may have and of which demand that only their truth be the truth for
everyone, we have gone through that, be it said and understood.
The catholic church in the past with its absolutism demanded the death of Jeanne dArc by fire, as if it was not
enough to have her killed, the bishop of Seville in Spain in his absolutism demanded the burning of the books of
Kardec in a public square and so it goes, our great fathers used to sing: give us the old religion it was good for our
fathers it is good enough for me, but meanwhile they were not tolerant to whomever had mediumnity and there was
prosecutions of the one way or the other , because they refused to accept the laws of mediumnity, hence many did
suffer for not being able to live in a spontaneous way with their mediumnity, being accepted by other persons,
regarding that it is a natural law.
Well? Was it not good that evolution in comprehension and the publishing of love one another to have come, did
it not make and makes the whole difference, do we not all live within the laws of God which are infinite whose laws no
one is the owner of the truth which only to the Infinite God belongs and Gods truth does not hold in the knowledge of
nobody be him wise or saint, to start with the infinite does not fit in the finite.
Fair enough, Spiritism is not for all, it is for those who in their evolution seek out explaining which normally they
do not find in other studies or that they are not satisfied with the answers which society in general knows or can give,
Spiritism did not come saying: look! I am the owner of truth, notwithstanding it brings some objective explanations
which satisfies the questioning of many persons, and if that offends whom knows not to explain certain things which
have to do with our soul, they may stay with quietness, as the world in general advances quicker with the ones who
have courage to seek out to knowledge, that is as much in science as in spiritual life there is evolution and progress,
did not the Jew sacerdotism stay with their truth and said: thou art his disciple (as for us) we are Moses disciples
(John, 9: 27, 28) (discipulo dele sejas tu; ns, porm, somos discipulos de Moiss) and in progress and evolution has not Jesus say:
Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time but I say unto you (Matthew, V: 21-48), is this not spiritual progress?
We should not allow ourselves to stay with an intimate fear of visiting a spiritual center or to study Spiritism or its
knowing, thinking: the family will not like with thoughts that if one gets involved with taboos acknowledgments accepted
by the majority of the society will receive persecutions not only by the family, but also the ones of the society who in
truth does not want to change, hence do live in a state of stagnation with oneself suffering that stagnation or not and
the freedom to follow ones will, ones impulses of research of alternative knowledge other than the ones which are
imbued in oneself, because one is conditioned to the influence of the media in which one lives.
With the idea that one is in ignorance because in a certain way it is better for oneself, if one considers that God
had said: of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it (Genesis, 2: 17) it stays imbued in a

person a type of refusal: no this, no that, without one taking on account, and so it goes, yet God does not cease his
ever loving towards us all.

Now let us see what Allan Kardec says in the item seven:
7. Just as Christ said: 'I am not come to destroy the Law but to fulfill it,' so Spiritism says: We have not come to
destroy the Christian Law but to carry it out. It leaches nothing contrary to what was taught by Christ. Rather it
develops it, explains it in a manner that can be understood by all and completes that which had previously been known
only in its allegoric form. Spiritism has come at the predicted time to fulfill what Christ announced and to prepare for the
achievement of future things. It is then, the work of Christ Who, as He also announced, presides over the regeneration
which is now taking place and which will prepare the reign of the Kingdom of God here on Earth.
Speaking about Newton, was it not good of him to have given the attention and discovered what existed and
nobody had noticed, that on the falling of an apple he discovered the gravity and announced it so that everyone would
know, but gravity always existed because it was a law of God, those who knew not that law perchance did they not
accept it and praised the scientist? And even today that law is developd that with that knowledge of the gravity laws
man won confidence of going to the stars.
The Scotsman as I were told when seeing when his mother cooked that the cover of the pot rose, he paid
attention and discovered the force of steam; so was born the industrial revolution, because thence onwards of that
knowledge it began there to be steam ships, steam trains and industry with chimneys scratching the skies.
And Edison who they laughed at him when trying in a vacum lamp (without air) to put in a hair thread to make it
shine, it failed, but he didn't give up and how much do we all owe him today for that?
And the scientist to whom they laughed when he put a key close to a kite and raised it up to reach the storms
and the key shone, was it not so that electricity was discovered, however electricity had always existed, but what if it
were not for the scientist's attention, and how much do we owe him for that?
Now was it not good of Allan Kardec to have given attention, to why of the tables being intelligent and he
discovered that there was the existence of another world close to this one which also had Always existed, but that
nobody rendered the attention, and that whoever answered to questions given were spirits who were nothing else than
men that lived among us and that disincarnated, in other words, as it is said: they died, but their spirits or souls didn't
die, however they continued living in a spiritual state, and from the information which the spirits gave all over the world
through many serious mediums, Allan Kardec codified and with the help of the spirits he presented us the Doctrine of
the Spirits, that is: 'Spiritism.' Allan Kardec did not however leave out making serious,logicl and intelligent questions
himself to the spirits 'Voices of the heavens (spiritual world) that sincerely and honestly as well as voluntarily they
contributed their knowledge with the humanity, however there is those who think that they are devils of the evil and with
prejudice that they are angels of the evil or devils, thereabout there is only a lot of fear of 'Spiritism', because it was not
priest nor shepherd the onlooker who verifyed the speaking tables and who searched deeper sacrificing his own life in
favor of the humanity, bringing us the spiritual Works research fruits of scientific research about the spiritual life, leaving
to say 'science of the soul'; whose morals has religious consequences and philosophy that is very including in our lives.
Let us therefore study then Spiritism with the use of the reason and with faith ratiocinated with the
recommendation of St. Paul that says: 'examine everything keeping the good' (I Tessalonians, 5: 21. Although with all
the freedom of following the religion that we may want to proceed.

Let us see again the item five:

5. Spiritism is the new science which has come to reveal to mankind, by means of irrefutable proofs, the
existence and nature of the spiritual world and its relationship with the physical world. It appears not as something
supernatural, but on the contrary, as one of the living and active forces of Nature, source of an immense number of
phenomena which still today are not fully understood, and because of this they are relegated to the world of fantasy
and miracles. Christ alluded to this situation on several occasions and it is the reason why much of what He said
remained unintelligible or has been wrongly interpreted. Spiritism offers the key by which all can easily be explained.

For some understanding of Spiritism let us see in conclusions V & VI of the Spirits Book::
V Those who complain that spiritist belief is spreading in all directions and threatening to invade the world
thereby proclaim its power; for no opinion that is not founded on reason and on fact could become general. Therefore,
if Spiritism is taking root everywhere, making converts in every rank of society, and especially among the educated
classes, as is admitted by all to be the case, it is evident that it must founded in truth. That being so, all the efforts of its
detractors will be made in vain; an assertion borne out by the fact that the ridicule attempted to be heaped upon it by
those who have hoped thereby to arrest its march seems only to have given it new life. This result fully justifies the
assurances that have been so constantly given us by our spirit-friends, who have repeatedly said to us, "Do not allow
yourself to be made uneasy by opposition. Whatever is done against you will turn to your advantage, and your bitterest
opponents will serve you in spite of themselves. Against the will of God, the ill-will of men is of no avail."

Through the moral teachings of Spiritism, the human race will enter upon a new phase of its destiny; that of the
moral progress which is the inevitable consequence of this belief. The rapid spread of spiritist ideas should cause no
surprise, being due to the profound satisfaction they give to those who adopt them with intelligence and sincerity; and
as happiness is what men desire above all things, it is not surprising that they should embrace ideas which impart so
much happiness to those who hold them.
The development of these ideas presents three distinct periods. The first is that of curiosity, excited by the
strangeness of the phenomena produced; the second, that of reasoning and philosophy; the third, that of application
and consequences. The period of curiosity is gone by, for curiosity has only a brief existence; the mind, when satisfied
in regard to any novelty, quitting it at once for another, as is not its habit in regard to subjects that awaken graver
thought and that appeal to the judgment. The second period has already begun; the third will certainly follow. The
progress of Spiritism has been specially rapid since its essential nature and its scope have been more correctly
understood, because it touches the most sensitive fibre of the human heart, viz., the desire of happiness, which it
augments immeasurably, even in the present world; this, as previously remarked, is the cause of its wide acceptance,
the secret of the force that will make it triumph. It renders happy those who understand it, while awaiting the extension
of its influence over the masses. How many a spiritist, who has never witnessed any of the physical phenomena of
spirit-manifestation, says to himself, "Besides the phenomena of Spiritism, there is its philosophy, which explains what
NO OTHER has ever explained. That philosophy furnishes me, through arguments draw from reason only and
independently of any sanction but that of reason, with a rational solution of problems that are of the most vital
importance to my future; it gives me calmness, security, confidence; it delivers me from the torments of uncertainty. In
comparison with results so valuable, the question of the physical phenomena is of secondary importance."
To those who attack this philosophy, we reply, "Would you like to have a means of combating it successfully? If
so, here it is: Bring forward something better in its place; find a more philosophic solution of the problems it solves: give
to man ANOTHER CERTAINTY that shall render him still happier. But you must thoroughly understand the meaning of
the word certainty, for man only accepts as certain what appears to him to be reasonable. You must not content
yourselves with saying that the thing is not so, which is a mode of proceeding altogether too easy. You must prove, not
by negation, but by facts, that what we assert to exist has no existence, has never been, and CANNOT BE, and above
all, having shown that it has no existence, you must show what you have to offer in its place; and you must prove that
the tendency of Spiritism is not to make men better, and consequently happier, by the practice of the purest moralitythat sublime and simple morality of the Gospels, which men praise so much, and practice so little. When you have
done all this, you will have a right to attack it."
Spiritism is strong because its bases are those of religion itself, viz., God, the soul, the rewards and punishments
of the future; because it shows those rewards and punishments to be the natural consequences of the earthly life; and
because, in the picture it presents of the future, there is nothing which the most logical mind could regard as contrary to
reason. What compensation can you offer for the sufferings of the present life, you whose whole doctrine consists in
the negation of the future? You base your teachings on incredulity; Spiritism is based on confidence in God: while the
latter invites all men to happiness, to hope, to true fraternity, you offer them, in prospect, ANNIHILATION, and in the
present, by way of consolation, SELFISHNESS: it explains everything, and you explain nothing; it proves by facts,
while your assertions are devoid of proof. How can you expect that the world should hesitate between these two
VI - To suppose that Spiritism derives its strength from the physical manifestations, and that it might therefore be
put an end to by hindering those manifestations, is to form to one's self a very false idea of it. Its strength is in its
philosophy, in the appeal it makes to reason, to common sense. In ancient times it was the object of mysterious
studies, carefully hidden from the vulgar; at the present day it has no secrets, but speaks clearly, without ambiguity,
mysticism, or allegories susceptible of false interpretations. The time having come for making known the truth, its
language is such as all may comprehend. So far from being opposed to the diffusion of the light, the new revelation is
intended for all mankind; it does not claim a blind acceptance, but. urges everyone to examine the grounds of his
belief, and as its teachings are based upon reason, it will always be stronger than those who base their arguments
upon annihilation.
Would it be possible to put a stop to spirit-manifestations, by placing obstacles in the way of their production?
No; for such an attempt would have the effect of all persecutions, viz., that of exciting curiosity, and the desire of
making acquaintance with a forbidden subject. Were spirit-manifestations the privilege of a single individual, it would
undoubtedly be possible, by preventing his action, to put an end to them; but unfortunately for our adversaries, those
manifestations are within everybody's reach, and are being obtained by all, from the highest to the lowest, from the
palace to the cottage. It might be possible to prevent their production in public, but, as is well known, it is not in public,
but in private, that they are most successfully produced; and as any one may be a medium, how would it be possible to
prevent each family in the privacy of its home, each individual in the silence of his chamber, each prisoner, even, in his
cell, from holding communication with the invisible beings around them, in the very presence of those who should
endeavor to prevent them from doing so?

If mediums were forbidden to exercise their faculty in one country. How would it be possible to hinder them from
doing so elsewhere throughout the rest of the world, since there is not a single country, in either continent, in which
mediums are not to be found? In order to shut up all the mediums, it would be necessary to incarcerate half the human
race; and even if it were possible, which would scarcely be easier, to burn all the spiritist books in existence, they would
at once be reproduced, because the source from which they emanate is beyond the reach of attack, and it is
impossible to imprison or to burn the spirits who are their real authors.
Spiritism is not the work of any man; no one can claim to have created it, for it is as old as creation itself. It is to
be found everywhere, in all religions, and in the Catholic religion even more than in the others, and with more
authoritative inculcation, for the Catholic dogma contains all that constitutes Spiritism; admission of the existence of
spirits of every degree; their relations, occult and patent, with mankind; guardian-angels, reincarnation, the
emancipation of the soul during the present life, second-sight, visions, and manifestations of every kind, including even
tangible apparitions; As for demons, they are nothing else than bad spirits; and with the exception of the belief that the
former are doomed to evil forever, while the path of progress is not closed against the others, there is, between them,
only a difference of name.
What is the special and peculiar work of modern Spiritism? To make a coherent whole of what has hitherto been
scattered; to explain, in clear and precise terms, what has hitherto been wrapped up in the language of allegory; to
eliminate the products of superstition and ignorance from human belief, leaving only what is real and actual: this is its
mission, but that of a founder does not belong to it. It renders evident that which already exists; it co-ordinates, but it
creates nothing, for its elements are of all countries and of every age. Who, then, could flatter himself with the hope of
being able to stifle it, either by ridicule or by persecution? If it were possible to proscribe it in one place, it would
reappear in another, or on the very spot from which it had been banished, because it exists in the constitution of things,
and because no man can annihilate that which is one of the powers of nature, or veto that which is in virtue of the
Divine decrees.
But what interest could any Government have in opposing the propagation of spiritist ideas? Those ideas, it is
true, are a protest against the abuses that spring from pride and selfishness; but although such abuses are profitable to
the few, they are injurious to the many, and Spiritism would therefore have the masses on its side, while its only
adversaries would be those who profit by the abuses against which it protests. So far from Governments having
anything to dread from the spread of spiritist ideas, the tendency of those ideas being to render men more benevolent
towards one another, less greedy of material things, and more resigned to the orderings of Providence, they constitute,
for the State, a guarantee of order and of tranquility

Let us see a given reply to a question which was spoken to, in the Spirits Book, Q 982:
982. Is it necessary to make a profession of Spiritism, and to believe in spirit-manifestations, in order
to ensure our well-being in the next life? "If it were so, it would follow that those who do not believe in them,
or who have not even had the opportunity of learning anything about them, will be disinherited, which would
be absurd. It is right-doing that ensures future well-being; and right-doing is always right-doing, whatever
may be the path that leads to it."(165-799.)
Belief in Spiritism aids our self-improvement by clearing our ideas in regard to the future; it hastens the progress
and advancement of individuals and of the masses. because it enables us to ascertain 'what we shall someday be, and
is at once a beacon and a support. Spiritism teaches us to bear our trials 'with patience and resignation, turns us from
the wrong-doing that would delay our future happiness, and contributes to our attainment of that happiness; but it does
not follow that we may not attain to that happiness without it.

Happiness outcomes from progress, hence let us appreciate about influence of Spiritism on
progress, Spirits Book. Q.798:
Influence of Spiritism on Progress.
798. Will Spiritism become the general belief, or will its acceptance remain confined to the few? "It will certainly
become the general belief, and will mark a new era in the history of the human race, because it belongs to the natural
order of things, and because the time has come for it to be ranked among the branches of human knowledge. It will
nevertheless have to withstand a good many violent attacks-attacks that will be prompted rather by interest than by
conviction, for you must not lose sight of the fact that there are persons whose interest is to combat this belief, some
from self-conceit, others from worldly considerations; but its opponents, finding themselves in a decreasing minority,
will at length be obliged to rally to the general opinion, on pain of rendering themselves ridiculous."
Ideas are only transformed in the long run, never suddenly. Erroneous ideas become weakened in the course of
successive generations, and finish by disappearing, little by little, with those who professed them, and who are
replaced by other individuals imbued with new ideas, as is the case in regard to political principles. Look at paganism:
there is certainly no one, in our day, who professes the religious ideas of pagan times; and yet, for several centuries
after the advent of Christianity, they left traces that could only be effaced by the complete renovation of the races who
held them. It will be the same with Spiritism; it will make considerable progress, but there will remain, during two or

three generations, a leaven of incredulity that only time will be able to destroy. Nevertheless, its progress will be more
rapid than that of Christianity, because it is Christianity itself that opens the road for it. And furnishes its basis and
Christianity had to destroy; Spiritism has only to build up.

The subject most debated against Spiritism it is Reincarnation, herein is a question and answer in
the Spirits Book, Q 171:
Justice of Reincarnation.
171. What foundation is there for the doctrine of reincarnation?
"The justice of God, and revelation; for, as we have already remarked, an affectionate father always leaves a
door of repentance open for his erring children. Does not reason itself tell you that it would be unjust to inflict an eternal
privation of happiness on those who have not had the opportunity of improving themselves? Are not all men God's
children? It is only among selfish human beings that injustice, implacable hatred, and irremissible punishments are to
be found." All spirits tend towards perfection, and are furnished by God with the means of advancement through the
trials of corporeal life; but the divine justice compels them to accomplish. in new existences, that which they have not
been able to do, or to complete, in a previous trial. It would not be consistent with the justice or with the goodness of
God to sentence to eternal suffering those who may have encountered obstacles to their improvement independent of
their will, and resulting from the very nature of the conditions in which they found themselves placed. If the fate of
mankind were Irrevocably fixed after death. God would not have weighed the actions of all in the same scales, and
would not have treated them with impartiality.
The doctrine of reincarnation-that Is to say, the doctrine which proclaims that men have many successive
existence-is the only one which answers to the idea we form to ourselves of the justice of God in regard to those who
are placed, by circumstances over which they have no control, in conditions unfavorable to their moral advancement ;
the only one which can explain the future, and furnish us with a sound basis for our hopes. because it offers us the
means of redeeming our errors through new trials. This doctrine is Indicated by the teachings of reason, as well as by
those of our spirit-instructors.
He who is conscious of his own inferiority derives a consoling hope from the doctrine of reincarnation. If he
believes in the justice of God, he cannot hope to be placed, at once and for all eternity, on a level with those who have
made a better use of life than he has done but the knowledge that this inferiority will not exclude him forever from the
supreme felicity, and that he will be able to conquer this felicity through new efforts, revives his courage and sustains
his energy. who does not regret, at the end of his career. That the experience he has acquired should have come too
late to allow of his turning it to useful account? This tardily acquired experience will not be lost for him; he will profit by it
in a new' corporeal life.
As in the laws of God there are evolution and progress, we were not surprised that in due course of time almost
in the recent eras when the man was ready in mature the revelation of the existence of the spiritual world came, which
before it was mystery, superstition, inexplicable things, like why God created intelligent people, brilliant people, weak
minded people, people wise as from childhood, people always healthy and smart, sick people from birth, good people,
wicked people, people of all the quality, people of various colors, privileged people, and all those diversities after
having meditated and thought about one asked why and there was not one would give an acceptable logical answer
and the search continued.
However in due course of time came Spiritism with the key which opens many questions done until then without
the acceptable answer, however with the key which Spiritism brought 'reincarnation' one came to understand that God
has not privileged creating some better ones than others, but that we are the authors of us ourselves that the more
wise person is because he progressed in other lives, we received the consequences from what were in other previous
lives, and so it goes.
For our good Jesus explained: 'to each one according to their works', but few understand that sentence given by
Jesus, and now after all being accommodated in the old traditional knowledge it is difficult the acceptance of the truths
that the spiritualistic revelation brings us, but a truth that is believed or not, it doesn't stop being true.
Allan Kardec says: "Spiritism is the new science which comes to reveal to men, through irrecusable proofs, the
existence and the nature of the spiritual world and their relationships with the corporal world."
Does anybody doubt that it may not 'new science', yes, it is natural that it is accepted, because after a revelation
as well as so many others that one studies and develops, of course that was what happened with the discovery of that
spiritual revelation and today we have it with the name that Kardec coined "Spiritism", there were mediumnety and
spiritualism until then, but it was Kardec who gave the name for the spiritist doctrine of "Spiritism" was, and there we
have it, thanks to God, because nothing happens without the permission of God.
Well then, it does stay to the criterion of each one to accept or not, since all have choice of freedom, the Spiritist
doctrine is not absolute demanding that we should accept it under penalty of punishments, because that the force of
the very own doctrine is: the one that all will ascend God, some earlier than others, not that the doctrine saves

somebody although it develops the love some for the other ones in the direction and understanding of themselves, but
because God wants like this and it is of His Will that all will ascend to Himself. (The Spirits Book Q. 964 - Q, 1009).
Therefore let us trust on our celestial Father and with that faith let us live hopeful in our future blessed by God
according to His designation and Will.
May God be with us , as formerly today and forever.

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