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Ngan Le

NHD Process Paper

The first objective of my History Day project was choosing a topic to research. A lecture
during history class inspired me to focus on the importance of the railroads during the rapidly
developing Industrial Revolution in America. I was interested in how or why it was crucial to the
American industrial front during the late 19th century. I committed myself to the topic when I
realized the railroads facilitated a network that enabled Americans to exchange goods and trade,
explore unreached regions, and encounter both people and conflict.
To begin researching my topic, I first developed a general knowledge of the railroads by
reading short sections in books, encyclopedias, and short articles. Then I began to search for
more specific and concrete evidence to relate my topic to the History Day themes. In particular, I
spent a significant amount of time on the Library of Congress and JSTOR websites to search for
primary sources and scholarly journals.T o emphasize the economic impact of railroads, I spent
additional time finding sources detailing the movement of freight, materials, and other forms of
trade. A couple of useful sources on this topic include Leland Jenks's Railroads as an Economic
Force and Robert Fogels Railroads in American Economic Growth. Additionally, I found
various primary reports on the railroads and their recordsone of them was called Report of the
Union Pacific Railroad. I used primary accounts of travel on the railroad, such as W.S.s Across
the Continent, to support both the explorational and encountering capabilities of the railroads.
Using the information I gathered, I divided various facts and occurrences into the three themes of
exchange, exploration, and encounter. After reading my sources, I highlighted the most important
details and drew conclusions from the authors works to support my thesis.

Knowing I was not a particularly creative or artistic person, I chose to create a website
because Im familiar with technology and could organize and present my ideas clearly. A
computer is something I can always access conveniently and I felt comfortable working online.
To build my project, I organized my website into three main sections and then further extended
each section. Working under those smaller subjects, I then supported my thesis using the context
from my sources. After outlining and adding written content to my website, I coded pictures and
quotes for support.
After extensive research, it occurred to me that the railroad was central to developing
America. It was a vast network exchange because it transported both economic material and
people on an immense scale. It connected and transported goods from every corner of the
country. It enabled Americans to move on an unprecedented level and consequently removed
geographic limits to trade and exploration. It was responsible for a series of encounters (and
conflicts) between different peoples in America. The railroad, evidently, opened for America a
door of economic and social exchange, endowed its people with a vehicle of exploration, and
increased the magnitude of encounter between people and culture.

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