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Term 1 Week 4

e Fo c


Empowering learners to be positive, self-directed and engaged life-long learners

25 February 2016


Save the Date

Saturday 19 March - Community Working Bee

In the past week, we have welcomed Chaz (Room
10), and Bronte and Meghan who are both in Room
6. We wish you all the best for your learning at
We are 4 weeks back into school and we have
noIced a SIGNIFICANT NUMBER of children arriving
late to school. While being late by 10 minutes may
only seen like its only 10 minutes - this is 10
minutes the child has missed the register, iniIal
seJling and focus and criIcal informaIon for the
day, which impacts negaIvely on their learning.
ConInual lateness mounts up and turns into days of absence.
REMINDER: School learning STARTS at 8.50am

Rippa Rugby Skills - Room 15

ICAS (InternaIonal CompeIIon and Assessment for Schools) are independent assessments for Years 3-8
children, which provide a measure of your childs achievement from an external provider. ICAS assessments
are in Digital Technologies, English, Maths, Science, WriIng and Spelling. Assessments are held at school
during school Ime. If your child would like to parIcipate in any of these assessments, they can collect an entry
form from the oce.
Board of Trustees
At their recent Board meeIng, the board accepted and approved the revised School Charter, Annual Plans and
Achievement Targets. The board also co-opted Repi Wright to the Board and Todd Isaacs was elected as Board
Chair, with Kelly Binning-Rangi as Deputy Chair.
CURRICULUM FOCUS: Mixed Ability Grouping
A major part of our professional learning last year as a sta, was researching and understanding mixed ability
grouping. As the term suggests, mixed ability grouping brings children together of diering levels of ability, to
learn about and work together on a specic skill, concept, problem or acIvity. Mixed Ability grouping
promotes the collaboraIon and cooperaIon of children to work alongside each other to solve problems and

understand new learning. There is a strong body of research that supports mixed ability grouping and the
posiIve aects it has on student learning - for every child. One text that sta read last year Itled The Elephant
in the Classroom highlighted that when children are placed together in ability groups, that this can actually
have damaging eects to the development of the child. Research in this book idenIed that 88% of children
who are placed in a low ability group at an early age, typically stay in a low ability group for the rest of their
schooling - therefore, never having an opportunity to
broaden their learning or experiences or being introduced
to concepts that they may actually be able to do.
InteresIngly, one of the top performing countries in the
world for educaIon, Finland, who frequently appear at the
top of educaIon tables, have banned ability grouping in
their country. There is the uninformed misconcepIon that
with ability grouping, the top children just teach the
boJom children - this couldnt be further from the truth.
Mixed Ability grouping promotes the reciprocal teaching
and learning of each child, as each child brings their own
strength to the learning and/or problem. Through his
research, New Zealand educaIonalist, Graham Nuthall,
found that at least one third of learning is individual and
unique to each child - therefore, when children come
together to work together, a third of their learning will be
uniquely independent to them. As a sta, we have spent
considerable Ime researching mixed ability grouping and
the posiIve eects it has for student learning. This year at
Faireld, teachers are adopIng mixed ability grouping
across curriculum areas to maximise the learning we
provide our children. Through this approach, we are seeing
increased moIvaIon, engagement and achievement from
our children with their learning.
School Zone
Recently, there have been a number of people enquiring about our school zone. Faireld School operates a
school zone, which is put in place to prevent over crowding at our school. Currently, only people who live
within the home zone are able to enrol at our school. In June, the Board of Trustees will conduct a review of
our roll to ascertain whether there will be any places for the remainder of the year. InformaIon about our
enrolment scheme can be found on our school website.
Winter Soccer RegistraIons
Levin AFC are hosIng their winter soccer registraIons this weekend, Sunday 28 February 2016 at the Donnelly
Park Clubrooms, Adkin Avenue, Levin. All welcome from 10.00am - 3.00pm.

We have such an amazing school and culture! I emailed the sta to ask for a photo to put into the newsleJer
and within minutes I was ooded with photos, celebraIng and showcasing the fantasIc learning at Faireld
School. Accompanying this newsleJer, are a range of photos from our classes.
Lunch Service
At their Board meeIng, the Board approved a lunch order service for our school from Manea Estate Catering
(Levin). As a lunch ordering service, you will be able to place an order for your childs lunch any day of the
week, which can be ordered through the oce or online! Given that this is a lunch ordering service, the
canteen as we knew it, will cease - there will be no sales from school. The service will start on Monday 7
March with further details provided in next weeks newsleJer.


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