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Conflux Journal of Educationl ISSN 2320-9305 Volume 1, Issue 3, August 2013

Retrieved from: http://naspublishers.com


Partha Sarathi Mallik1
According to Sir John Adams Education is the dynamic side of philosophy. To have a clear-cut
conception, philosophy determines the goal of life and education channelises it. That means both philosophy and
education have same functional value i.e. serving human life. From another stand point, we can relate philosophy
with education. Maximum educators are philosophers according to there own perception about life. In terms of
perception and view towards reality, cosmology, knowledge and value. Some philosophers can be brought in to
same platform or ideological similarity which is known as school of philosophy. By this standpoint each school
will differ from others in terms of its own thought. But may be mentioned here that not for each and every time
and sphere. Rusk has classified school of philosophy in to idealism, naturalism and skepticism. J.D.Butler has
classified as idealism, naturalism and realism. But it can be mentioned here that the classification is not like
watertight compartment. But it has been found that maximum recent schools of philosophy are eclectic in nature.
Prof. Hoernale in his book idealism as a philosophical Doctrine pointed out that the word idealism
has come from the word idea, ideals, ideology and All these words have come from Greek philophical dictionary
word idein that means to see or conceptualize .Plato is of view that the root word is idea which means the
picture/figures in the mind .so the philosophical thought or idea come from the word idea or mental state is
called as idealism.
According to D.M. Dutt idealism holds that the ultimate reality is spiritualism.
According to J.S. Ross idealistic philosophy takes many and varied forms but the postulate underlying
all the things is mind or spirit which is the essential world stuff. That means the true reality is of mental
From the above definitions some the characteristics can be drawn as follows

Ideas are much more important than matter/things.

Individual mind or spirit can create ideas which are real.

Individual spirit is the part of ultimate sprit/ paramatma which is real.

Changelessness of the spirit/mind/truth/universe.

Importance of man over nature.

Faith in the principle of unity in diversity.

As a philosophical thought it can be interpreted in term of its three branches i.e. Metaphysics,
Epistemology and Axiology.
IDEALISTIC METAPHYSICS: This branch of philosophical thought is concerned with reality, cosmology,
ontology and individual existence of the particular school of thought .According to idealistic thought idea and
mind is real. Reality is nothing but vision of minds which is spiritual not physical in nature. This spiritual mind
is a part of universal mind or BRAHMA. The reality is constant and unchangeable because it has been created by
the spiritual mind.
IDEALISTIC EPISTEMOLOGY: This branch of philosophical thought is concerned with knowledge. According
to idealistic thought the source of knowledge is intuition. According to Plato the rational knowledge is more
important than empirical knowledge. Idealistic are known as conceptualist according to epistemology. Indian
Assistant Professor and Head, P.G. Department of Education,, Fakir Chand College, Diamond Harbour,

Conflux Journal of Educationl ISSN 2320-9305 Volume 1, Issue 3, August 2013

Retrieved from: http://naspublishers.com

idealistic is of the view of revelled knowledge. I.e. a form of knowledge that God has disclosed to certain man
.According to Hegal knowledge should form a system for easy transmit ion.
IDEALISTIC AXIOLOGY: This branch of philosophical thought is concerned with value. According to idealism
value are permanent/changeless and absolute in nature. Truth is beauty; beauty is goodness which is desirable or
valuable. Values are not man made or personal in nature rather these are part of universe. Values are intrinsic not
instrumental in nature.
IDEALISM IN INDIAN SCENARIO: India or Bharat is a land of spiritualism. Its identity is reflected in its noble
literature that is Gita, Koran etc where the central theme is that God or Allah is the creator of universe. He is real
and almighty. The Atma or individual soul is the part of paramatma or universal soul .The works of individuals
are governed by the wish of Allah /Ram/ Paramatma. The technique of acquiring knowledge is manana or
intuition .It is in the form of raveled knowledge which has been realized by Gout am Buddha, Balmiki etc.
The highest knowledge is paravidya or knowledge about Brahma/Ultimate reality.
SUPPORTERS OF IDEALISM: Though we cannot make a water tight compartmental division of philosophers,
idealistic philosophers are different from others in term of some basic conceptions. The supporters from western
world are-Socretes, Plato, Hegal, Deseartes, Spinoza, Burkley, Kant, FitchSchelling, Green etc and supporters
from eastern world are Veda, Upanishad, Aurobindo, Mahatma Gandhi and Vivekananda etc.
TYPES OF IDEALISM: All have agreed that idealism is a philosophical thought of spiritualism or nonmaterialism. But the classification is done in terms of nature of ultimate reality. These are (1) subjective idealism
(2)Absolute idealism(3)objective idealism (4) phenomenalism or psychiasm.

Subjective idealism is known as mentalist. They hold the view that mind or sprit when comes in contact
with world, the subject of experience is merely the perception not the material objective. George Barkley
(1685-1753) is the founder of this idealism who has taken the idea from John Lock.

Absolute idealism begins with the idea of Fitche who says that whole existence is of the self. He believes
in the absolute existence of the self. Hegel was the strong supporter of absolute idealism.

Hegel is the exponent of objective idealism. God and world are interdependent .The individual mind will
perceive the same thing in an objective manner as it has been created by the all mighty.

Kant is the advocate of phenomenalism who is in between subjective and objective idealism. He admits
the existence of all the things in themselves or Neumann. But he regards them as unknowable and
unknown. Through our own form and categories, we see only there phenomenal appearance.

IDEALISM IN EDUCATION: The different aspects of education have been influenced by the idealistic thought
in the following way.
Aims of education and idealism:

Self realization and exaltation of the personality (Vivekananda & Ross).

To ensure spiritual development.(Rusk)

To cultivate truth, beauty and goodness.

Conservation, promotion and transmit ion of cultural heritage(Ross)

Preparation for holy life.(Frobel)

Development of intelligence and rational capacity(Adams)

Curriculum and idealism: though there is no specific mentioned about curriculum according to idealism,
some basic principles can guide it.
The individual self can play a creative role. So the curriculum should be basically arts.

Conflux Journal of Educationl ISSN 2320-9305 Volume 1, Issue 3, August 2013

Retrieved from: http://naspublishers.com

The subjects which have a flavor of personal greatness are generally emphasized. so it can include
biography, autobiography, personal literature etc.
Idealists are of the view of distinct personality development. So there should be options for choice of subjects.
The idealistic curriculum has to be an epitome of the human knowledge. The purpose of school should
be to reflect the civilization it self .The experience of race can be analyzed in to two main parts which are
physical environment and fellowmen. So curriculum should include (a)the science(b)humanities.
Methods of teaching and idealism: Butler has mentioned that idealists consider them selves the creator
and determiner of teaching methods but they have not specifically any teaching methods. But some of the
methods used by idealistic supporters are as follows-----(a) Socrates-----question-answer method
(b) Plato-----logical &conversational method
(c) Aristotle-----inductive and deductive method
(d) Hegal-----logical method
(e) Pestalozzy-----self-activity methods &discussion method.
(f) Froebel-----kindergarten method.
Interest, discipline and idealism: Students should be the captain of his own soul by self initiated and
self-directed manner. They are of the view of no external discipline imposed upon the child. But interest should
be transcendental in nature.
Utility, implications and limitations of idealism:
(a) Comprehensive aims of education (b) emphasis upon highest value of life. (c) Respect for individuality of
child. (D) Emphasis on self-discipline on child which is psychological in nature.
Limitations- (a) unsuitable for the present time (b) Avoids the real problems of life(c) excessive importance upon
intellectualism. (d) They give more importance to teacher in relation to child which is unsuitable in the modern
age where focus is on student.
Butler, J.D.(1951). Four philosophies and their practice in education and religion, Harper, the University of
Brubacher, J.S. (1939). Modern philosophies of education, Mac Graw Hill.
Chaube, S.P. (2002). Foundations of education, Vikas publish house, New Delhi.
Dash, B.N. (1995).Foundation of educational thought and practice, Kalyani publishers ,New Delhi.
Horne, H.H. (1930).The philosophy of education, Macmillan company. New York
Kneller, G.F. (1941).Educational philosophy of national socialism, Yale university Press.
Rusk, R.R. (1956). The philosophical bases of education, Houghton Mifflin, the University of Michigan.
Shrivastav, K.K. (2003. Philosophical foundation of education, Kanishka Publisher, New Delhi.
Wingo, Max (1975). Philosophies of education, Starling Publishers, New Delhi.

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