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Heralded generation of multi-photon entanglement

Philip Walther1,† , Markus Aspelmeyer1,2 , Anton Zeilinger1,2

Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI),
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Boltzmanngasse 3, A-1090 Vienna, Austria

present address: Department of Physics, Harvard University,
17 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
We present a new scheme, based only on linear optics and standard photon detection, that allows to generate heralded
multi-photon entangled states of arbitrary photon number from spontaneous parametric downconversion (PDC) in the weak
arXiv:0804.2384v1 [quant-ph] 15 Apr 2008

interaction regime. The scheme also works in the strong interaction regime, i.e. for the production of large photon numbers,
when photon-number resolving detectors with nearly perfect quantum efficiency are used. In addition, the same setup can be
used for quantum metrology as multi-photon interferometer with sensitivity at the Heisenberg-limit.

The controlled generation of single photons and of Our proposal is based on separating photon pairs
multi-photon entangled states is at the heart of quantum into different pairs of modes and utilizing two-particle-
information processing, in particular quantum cryptog- interferometry rather than distinguishing photon num-
raphy [1, 2] and scalable approaches towards photonics- bers or employing nonlinear beamsplitters. A crucial ele-
based quantum computing schemes [3, 4, 5]. Up to now ment is the polarizing beam splitter (PBS) that transmits
the best source for heralded single-photon states is spon- horizontally (H) polarized light and reflects vertically
taneous parametric down-conversion (PDC) [6], in which (V ) polarized light. This property of the PBS allows ’tar-
pairs of strongly time-correlated photons are emitted into geted projections’ onto either path-entangled states [15]
two spatial modes and where the detection of one photon or polarization-entangled states [16] or a combination of
of a pair indicates with a high probability the presence both. Such a successful two-photon interaction can be de-
of a single-photon in the second mode. Such conditional tected by a two-photon coincidence measurement, where
methods achieve preparation efficiencies of up to 85% [8] in each output mode one and only one photon is prop-
with state qualities of g (2) (0) ≈ 1 × 10−3 , yet unchal- agating. For the case where two photons arrive from
lenged by alternative approaches based on atomic or solid different input modes the PBS acts as parity check [17].
states systems. An important goal is to achieve simi- If the input photons propagate within the same mode
lar heralding for entangled multi-photon states. A prob- they must have orthogonal polarizations for being split
lem arises because of the probabilistic emission of PDC. up into the two different output modes.
Since pairs of photons are not created ’event-ready’ [9],
all photons involved in a protocol need to be measured Fig. 1 gives a schematic diagram of a possible setup
to ensure that the wanted multi-photon state has been to generate N-particle quantum states of the GHZ type
created. Several approaches exist to overcome the prob- non-destructively, i.e. event-ready. Consider first the
abilistic emission in PDC and to prepare two-photon en- case for the
√ heralded generation of the Bell state state
tangled states conditioned on the detection of auxiliary |Φ+ i = 1/ 2(|0i⊗2 + |1i⊗2 ) (Fig. 1a). An ultra-violet
photons [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]. However, these suggested (UV) pulse passes through two co-linearly aligned crys-
schemes have either low production probability at high tals for PDC, probabilistically producing pairs of energy-
state fidelities for their generated entangled pairs, or they degenerate polarization-entangled photons into the spa-
rely on still unavailable detectors that unambiguously re- tial modes a2 & b2 and a4 & b4. The UV pulse is reflected
solve photon numbers or on nonlinear interactions be- back at an adjustable mirror, and can thus also emit en-
tween photons, which are too weak to be exploited for tangled photon pairs into the modes a1 & b1 and a3 &
applications. We propose a new scheme to generate b3. The setup is aligned to produce the Bell state
heralded multi-photon states of arbitrary photon num-
ber using only linear optics and standard (non number-
resolving) photon detectors. We suggest the heralded √
generation of N-particle entangled states of the GHZ |Φ+ i = 1/ 2(|Hia |Hib + |V ia |V ib ) (1)

type, |Ψi(GHZ) = 1/ 2(|0i⊗N + |1i⊗N ), from a 2N pair-
emission from PDC. In addition, the setup can be used
to generate path-entangled photon-number
p states of the for each of the pairs generated into the pairs of modes
NOON type, |Ψi(N OON ) = 1/ (2)(|4N i|0i + |0i|4N i), a1 & b1, a2 & b2, etc. If the back-reflection mirror is
which are of practical relevance for quantum metrology kept interferometrically stable the emission amplitudes
at the Heisenberg limit. add up coherently and the overall Hamiltonian for creat-

ing 4 pairs via PDC can be written as a relative phase of ei4∆φ , originates from the single-pair
X emission into all mode-pairs. Note that it has two contri-
H∝[ (a† mH b† mH + a† mV b† mV ) + butions in which no photons are emitted into modes b1′ or
m=2,4 b3′ . The parity check leaves therefore only those contri-
butions in which a detection event in b1′ and b3′ indicates
e i∆φ
(a† nH b† nH + a† nV b† nV )]4 + h.c. (2)
with certainty that a photon each propagates in modes
b2′ and b4′ . In this way, the emission of a two-photon
Here, a† m and b† m are creation operators for the for- state in modes b2′ and b4′ is heralded by joint detection
ward emitted entangled photon pairs (a2 & b2 and a4 & events in modes a1′ , a2′ , a3′ , a4′ , b1′ and b3′ . By project-
b4), and a† n and b† n are the creation operators for the ing each of these 6 modes into a specific linearly polarized
backward emitted entangled photon-pairs (a1 & b1 and basis, e.g. |±i = √12 (|Hi ± |V i), one obtains the max-
a3 & b3). The phase of each backward emitted photon imally entangled Bell state |Φ+ i = √12 (|Hib2′ |Hib4′ +
pair is influenced by the position x of the pump mirror |V ib2′ |V ib4′ ), as can be seen by projecting the state of
PM with ∆φ = 2π ∆x λ and the single-photon wavelength Eq. (3) onto |+ia1′ |+ia2′ |+ia3′ |+ia4′ |+ib1′ |+ib3′ . This
λ of the downconverted photons. entangled state, |Φ+ i, can be easily converted into any
To see the working mechanism of the scheme the setup other Bell state by using local operations at one of the
can be split up in two parts (Fig. 1): on the left side the qubits. Recent 6-photon experiments were already able
PBSs combine forward- and backward emission modes to detect 6-fold coincidences at a rate of 40 per minute
from different crystals (a2 & a3 and a4 & a1) and on the and with 2-photon visibilities beyond 90% [7], which cor-
right side forward- and backward emission modes from responds respectively to the expected generation rate and
the same crystals are superimposed (b1 & b2 and b3 & fidelity of the heralded pair if the same parameters were
b4). Assuming that the probability for the higher or- used. It is also important to note that our scheme does
der emission of 5 and more photon pairs is negligible not need photon-number resolution in the detection pro-
(this is typically the case in the weak interaction regime cess, since the scheme inherently suppresses situations
of PDC; see below), only three different emission pro- in which more than one photon is emitted into each of
cesses can lead to the propagation of 8 photons in the 8 the 6 detection modes. Furthermore, the fidelity of the
output modes behind the beamsplitters: either one en- created state is independent of the detection efficiency,
tangled pair is emitted into each of the modes a1 & b1, which is an advantage over other proposals where this
a2 & b2, a3 & b3, a4 & b4 or a double-pair emission is not the case [8]. In our case, the fidelity will depend
occurs into the backward modes both a1 & b1 and a3 on the interaction parameter. Increasing the interaction
& b3 or a double-pair emission occurs into the forward will enhance the effect of stimulated emission and lead
modes both a2 & b2 and a4 & b4. Because of the specific to spurious detection events that will eventually dimin-
choice of modes to overlap at the PBSs all other pos- ish the fidelity. We discuss a workaround scheme at the
sible emissions fail to provide sufficiently many photons end of the paper. For the present discussion we focus on
in all output modes (For example, a three-pair emission the situation, in which higher-order pair emissions are
into modes a2 & b2 together with a single-pair emission essentially negligible.
into modes a4 & b4 would fail to provide a coincident
detection event in the output modes a1′ & a4′ ). The left
side acts as a parity check on the photon polarization in
emission modes a2 & a3 and a4 & a1. Because of the
polarization-entanglement of the initially emitted pairs
the overall state is projected into

|V ia1′ |Hia2′ |V ia3′ |Hia4′ |V ib1′ |Hib2′ |V ib3′ |Hib4′ + This scheme can easily be generalized to the heralded
ei8∆φ |Hia1′|V ia2′ |Hia3′ |V ia4′ |Hib1′ |V ib2′ |Hib3′ |V ib4′ + generation of higher photon-number entangled states. By
ei4∆φ (|Hia1′ |Hia2′ |Hia3′ |Hia4′ |Hib1′ |Hib2′ |Hib3′ |Hib4′ + adding additional crystals (and hence more pairs of emis-
sion modes) and by keeping the general structure (of
|V ia1′ |V ia2′ |V ia3′ |V ia4′ |V ib1′ |V ib2′ |V ib3′ |V ib4′ + parity-checks on the left side and projection on the right
|Hia1′ |V ia2′ |V ia3′ |Hia4′ |HV ib1′ |0ib2′ |0ib3′ |HV ib4′ + side) the above arguments hold as well. For example, one
|V ia1′ |Hia2′ |Hia3′ |V ia4′ |0ib1′ |V Hib2′ |V Hib3′ |0ib4′ ).(3) additional crystal extends the scheme to 6 pairs of emis-
sion modes. Again, the only relevant emissions are those
The first term stems from the two double-pair emis- three where (1) one pair each is emitted into the pairs of
sions into the forward modes a2 & b2 and a4 & b4 and modes a1&b1, a2&b2, a3&b3, a4&b4, a5&b5, a6&b6, or
hence carries a phase of ei8∆φ relative to the second term (2) a double pair each is emitted into the forward pairs of
that is due to the two double-pair emissions into the back- modes a2&b2, a4&b4, a6&b6 or (3) a double pair each is
ward modes a1 & b1 and a3 & b3. The third term, with emitted into the backward pairs of modes a1&b1, a3&b3,

a5&b5. The left-side parity check leaves the state project all 4n detection modes onto linear polariza-
tions |±i with an odd number of |−i projections,
|V ia1′ |Hia2′ |V ia3′ |Hia4′ |V ia5′ |Hia6′ e.g. |−ia1′ |+ib1′ |+ia2′ |+ib2′ ...|+ia2n′ |+ib2n′ , then the
|V ib1′ |Hib2′ |V ib3′ |Hib4′ |V ib5′ |Hib6′ + 4n-fold coincidence detection probability varies with
ei12∆φ |Hia1′ |V ia2′ |Hia3′ |V ia4′ |Hia5′ |V ia6′ Pa1′ ,b1′ ,...,an′ ,bn′ ∝ 1 − cos4n∆φ and the phase-noise sen-
|Hib1′ |V ib2′ |Hib3′ |V ib4′ |Hib5′ |V ib6′ + sitivity < ∆φ > scales with 4n as opposed to the ex-
pected √4n (shot-noise) performance of a comparable
ei6∆φ ( |Hia1′ |Hia2′ |Hia3′ |Hia4′ |Hia5′ |Hia6′
”classical” interferometer (in particular, a single-photon
|Hib1′ |Hib2′ |Hib3′ |Hib4′ |Hib5′ |Hib6′ + interferometer with 2n independent averaging runs or an
|V ia1′ |V ia2′ |V ia3′ |V ia4′ |V ia5′ |V ia6′ interferometer that is driven with a coherent state with
|V ib1′ |V ib2′ |V ib3′ |V ib4′ |V ib5′ |V ib6′ ). (4) α ≈ 2n). Interferometers based on NOON-states have re-
cently been demonstrated for up to 4 photons [15, 19, 20]
For reasons of clarity we have omitted those terms and up to 6 ions [21, 22, 23].
in which no photons are emitted into the modes b′ . As an example, consider the 8-photon interferometer
Conditioning the right hand side on a 3-fold detection described in Figure 2a, where n=2. Projecting each of the
event in modes b1′ , b3′ , b5′ results then with certainty eight output modes onto a linear basis, |±i, specifically
in a 3-photon state in the undetected emission modes
b2′ , b4′ , b6′ . A projection of each of the nine detection |−ia1′ |+ia2′ |+ia3′ |+ia4′ |+ib1′ |+ib2′ |+ib3′ |+ib4′ ,
modes a1′ , a2′ , a3′ , a4′ , a5′ , a6′ , b1′ , b3′ , b5′ into the linear
polarization basis |±i finally generates a freely propagat- effectively eliminates the contributions of the emission
ing 3-particle GHZ-state. For example, a projection onto process into each pairs of modes (3rd term in Eq. 3) and
|+ia1′ |+ia2′ |+ia3′ |+ia4′ |+ia5′ |+ia6′ |+ib1′ |+ib3′ |+ib5′ results in the maximally path entangled state of the form

leads to the heralded generation of the maximally en- |Ψi = 1/ 2(|8ia2′ b2′ a4′ b4′ |0ia1′ b1′ a3′ b3′ +
tangled state |GHZi(3) = √12 (|Hi|Hi|Hi + |V i|V i|V i).
ei8∆φ |0ia2′ b2′ a4′ b4′ |8ia1′ b1′ a3′ b3′ ).
It is straightforward to see that this technique, ap-
plied to 2n emission modes (n: number of crystals), These remaining contributions correspond to a
is capable of heralding n-photon GHZ-states of the N OON -state, where either 8 photons are emitted via
type |GHZi(n) = √12 (|Hi⊗n + |V i⊗n ) (Fig. 1c). The four-photon emission from each crystal into the pair of
2n-photon parity check on the left side together with modes a2 & b2 and a4 & b4 or by four-photon emis-
the n-fold detection in the odd modes after the PBSs sions into the backward pair of modes a1 & b1 and
on the right side conditions the emission of a n-photon a3 & b3. Thus the eight-photon detection probability
state into the n remaining even modes on the left side. in the spatially separated output modes oscillates like
If the 3n-photon coincidence detection is performed in a Pa1′ ,a2′ ,a3′ ,a4′ ,b1′ ,b2′ ,b3′ ,b4′ ∝ 1 − cos(8∆φ) when moving
specific linear polarization basis |±i the heralded state the delay mirror for the UV pump beam. Finally, the
is the wanted quantum state of the GHZ-type. generalization to an arbitrary number of 4n photons is
We would like to note an additional feature of the equivalent to the heralding scheme above and simply con-
presented scheme. If one decides to measure all 4n sists of adding crystals and keeping the overall structure
output ports via a 4n-fold coincidence detection, the of the interferometric scheme (Fig. 2b).
setup represents an interferometer with a sub shot- Let us finally comment on the potentials and limita-
noise phase sensitivity. Such performance is known tions of the scheme. Firstly, the setup is essentially a
in the context of quantum metrology and can occur multi-photon interferometer in which the phase needs to
when the state propagating within the interferometer be controlled with high accuracy. This poses an increas-
is highly non-classical. For example, path-entangled ing challenge with increasing number of involved photons,
photon-number states, so-called NOON-states [18], are since the phase-sensitivity of the state contributions scale
known to achieve Heisenberg-limited interferometric sen- linearly with photon number (see Eq. (3) and (4)). How-
sitivity beyond the classical shot-noise limit. In a reg- ever, locking techniques can achieve stable interferometer
ular Mach-Zehnder interferometer, p such states are of controls to better than 10−15 m [24], which would allow
the form |Ψi(N OON ) = 1/ (2)(|N iA |0iB + |0iA |N iB ), photon numbers on the order of 108 or larger; hence phase
where A and B are the two spatial modes of propagation stability does not pose a limitation. Secondly, the scheme
within the interferometer. Here, we generate NOON- is based on using stimulated PDC emission in the weak
states that consist of a nonlocal 4n-photon state [15] interaction regime where the probability to generate an
that is path-entangled between the n pairs of modes additional pair is negligible. In our case, if (2n+1) pairs
for forward emission, a2&b2, a4&b4, ... and the n would be emitted instead of the wanted 2n, spurious co-
pairs of modes p for backward emission, a1&b1, a3&b3, incidence events might occur without generating the her-
..., i.e. |Ψi = 1/ (2)(|4nia1&b1,a3&b3,... |0ia2&b2,a4&b4,... + alded state. The probability to create an additional pair
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