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Practice questions

Vineet Barhwal


1. The first geneticist wasa) Mendel
b) Schwann
c) Miller
d) Engler
2. When did Gregor Mendel die?
a) 1884
b) 1890
c) 1900
d) 1926
3. Who coined the term genotype?
a) Muller
b) Boveri
c) Sutton
d) Johannsen
4. In a dihybrid cross AABB aabb, F2 progeny of AABB, AABb, AaBB
and AaBb occurs in the ratio ofa) 1:1:1:1
b) 9:3:3:1
c) 1:2:2:1
d) 1:2:2:4
5. Which types of gametes does RrYy produce?
a) RY, Ry, rY, ry
b) RY, RY, Ry, RY
c) RY, rY, rY, ry
d) RY, Ry, rY, rY
6. Complete dominance is absent ina) Pisum sativum
b) Mirabilis jalapa
c) Lathyrus odoratus
d) Oenothera lamarckiana
7. Who was introduced ABO blood groups?
a) Wiener
b) Levine
c) Fisher
d) Landsteiner
8. Ratio 9:7 is due toa) Complementary genes
b) Epistatic genes
c) Lethal genes
d) Supplementary genes
9. Skin colour inheritance in man is an example ofa) Monogenic
b) Polygenic
c) Sex linked
d) Multiple alleles
10. Chromosomal theory of heredity was postulated bya) Darwin
b) Mendel

c) Boveri
d) Khorana
11. Linkage of hereditary units was discovered bya) Sutton
b) Bateson
c) Muller
d) Guire
12. Linked genes separate due toa) Crossing over
b) Mutation
c) Recombination
d) Nutation
13. Crossing over in diploid organism is responsible fora) Dominance of genes
b) Linkage between genes
c) Segregation of alleles
d) Recombination of linked alleles
14. The four daughter cells derived from a single meiosis differ from each
other due toa) Difference in chromosomes number
b) Crossing over only
c) Independent assortment of chromosomes only
d) Crossing over as well as independent assortment of chromosomes
15. Sex linked inheritance was discovered bya) Mc Clung
b) Mendel
c) Landsteiner
d) Morgan
16. A colour blind woman marries a man with normal vision, what is the
probability of sons to be colour - blind?
a) 100%
b) 50%
c) 25%
d) 0%
17. Red green colour blindness appears due toa) Excessive drinking of alcohol
b) Inheritance through X chromosome
c) Over activity of adrenal
d) Vitamin A deficiency
18. If a boys father has haemophilia and his mother has one gene for
haemophilia; what is the chance that the boy will inherit the disease?
a) 25%
b) 50%
c) 75%
d) 100%
19. Kappa particles indicatea) Cytoplasmic inheritance
b) Mutations
c) Nucleo cytoplasmic inheritance
d) Nuclear inheritance

20. Leaf colour in Mirabilis jalapa is an example ofa) Non mendelian inheritance
b) Mendelian inheritance
c) Chemical inheritance
d) Both b) & c)
21. Sex chromosomes X and Y were discovered bya) Nettie Stevens
b) Bridges
c) Henking
d) Mc Clung
22. A display of the pairs of chromosomes is called aa) Pedigree chart
b) Karyotype
c) Caricature
d) Chromosome map
23. Genetic balance theory of sex determination was produced bya) Morgan
b) Bridges
c) Boveri
d) Wilkins
24. What is true in case of honeybee?
a) Male diploid, female haploid
b) Male diploid, female diploid
c) Male haploid, female haploid
d) Male haploid, female diploid
25. Drosophila flies with one half of the body as male and other half female
is referred to asa) Gynandromorph
b) Hermaphrodite
c) Super female
d) Intersex
26. The plant which made popular by De Vries mutation theorya)
Triticum vulgare
Oenothera lamarckiana
Pisum sativum
Primula vulgaris
27. Which of the following is not heritable?
a) Point mutation
b) Chromosomal mutation
c) Somatic mutation
d) Gene mutation
28. Which one of the following is a base analogue?
a) Nitrous acid
b) 5 Bromourecil
c) Caffeine
d) Colchicine
29. Which of the following is a mutagen?
a) SO2
b) CO2
c) CO
d) HNO3

30. Mutations are usually induced bya) Gamma rays

b) Alpha rays
c) Beta rays
d) Visible light
31. Gene mutation is causeda) Due to reproduction
b) Due to changes in the sequence of nitrogen bases
c) Due to linkage
d) Due to changes in the sequence of gene in DNA
32. Among the following, which one is the best chemical for inducing
a) Colchicine
b) Acridines
c) Ethylene
d) Maleic hydrazole
33. A trisomic individual has a chromosome number ofa) 2n + 2
b) 2n + 1
c) 2n + 3
d) 2n 1
34. If the haploid number of chromosome is 10, what is the tetrasomic no.?
a) 20
b) 10
c) 22
d) 40
35. Which of the following is a genetic disease?
a) Blindness
b) Cataract
c) Leprosy
d) Phenylketonuria
36. Mongoloid idiocy in human is known to be, caused by the trisomy of
chromosome 21. This trait is also known asa) Downs syndrome
b) Turners syndrome
c) Tay Sachs disease
d) Klinefelters syndrome
37. The number of chromosomes in Downs syndrome isa) 23rd pair with one less = 45
b) 21st pair with one more = 47
c) 17th pair with one more = 47
d) One extra sex chromosome
38. Turners syndrome is represented bya) XYY
b) XO
c) XXX
d) XXY
39. Find out the mismatcha) Klinefelters syndrome XO
b) Haemophilia sex linked
c) Downs syndrome autosomal aneuploidy

d) Turners syndrome female with retarded sexual development

40. The cry du chat syndrome is caused by change in chromosome
structure involvinga) Deletion
b) Duplication
c) Inversion
d) Translocation
41. Which one of the following characters studied by Mendel in garden pea
(Pisum sataivum) was dominant?
a) Green seed colour
b) Terminal flower position
c) Wrinkled seed shape
d) Green pod colour
42. Gametes are never hybrid. It is a statement of low ofa) Dominance
b) Segregation
c) Independent assortment
d) Random fertilization
43. Queen Victoria of England wasa) Haemophilic carrier
b) Colour blind
c) AIDS patient
d) Deaf
44. Heterozygous tall (Tt) is crossed with the homozygous tall (TT).
Percentage of heterozygous tall in the progeny would bea) 25%
b) 50%
c) 75%
d) 100%
45. Number of bar bodies in XXXX in female would bea) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1
46. When both alleles express their effect on being present together, the
phenomenon is calleda) Dominance
b) Codominance
c) Pseudodominance
d) Amphidominance
47. Mendels law of independent assortment is applicable fora) All non linked genes only
b) All genes in all organisms
c) All genes of pea plant only
d) All linked genes only
48. A diploid cell is treated with colchicine. It becomesa) Diploid
b) Monoploid
c) Triploid
d) Tetraploid
49. Philadelphia chromosome isa) 13th
b) 22nd

c) 17th
d) 21st
50. On selfing of plant of F1 generation with genotype AABbCC, the
genotypic ratio in F2 generation will bea) 1:2:1
b) 1:1
c) 9:3:3:1
d) 27:9:9:9:3:3:3:1
51. Christmas disease is another name ofa) Sleeping sickness
b) Downs syndrome
c) Haemophilia B
d) Hepatitis
52. When a cross is made between offspring and its parents, it is known asa) Monohybrid cross
b) Dihybrid cross
c) Back cross
d) Reciprocal cross
53. A recessive trait in garden pea isa) Wrinkled seeds
b) Tall stem
c) Round seeds
d) coloured seed coat
54. Number of linkage groups in pisum sativum isa) 2
b) 5
c) 7
d) 9
55. Phenylketonuria is a genetic disorder due to defect in metabolism ofa) Polysaccharides
b) Fatty acids
c) Vitamins
d) Amino acids
56. The number of chromosomes in Klinefelters syndrome isa) 47 (44 + XXY)
b) 47 ( 44 + XXX)
c) 47 ( 46 + 1 chromosome 21)
d) 47 ( 46 + 1 chromosome 18)
57. Gene for cytoplasmic male sterility in plants are generally located ina) Mitochondrial genome
b) Cytosol
c) Chloroplast genome
d) Nuclear genome
58. Which of the following is not X-linked recessive?
a) Haemophilia A
b) Colour blindness
c) Beta thalassaemia
d) G 6 PD deficiency

59. Edwards syndrome, Pataus syndrome and Downs syndrome are due
toa) Mutation due to malnutrition
b) Change in sex chromosomes
c) Change in both sex chromosomes and autosomes
d) Change in autosomes
60. A test cross is performed to distinguish betweena) Two homozygous forms
b) Two heterozygous forms
c) A homozygous dominant and a heterozygous form
d) A homozygous recessive and the heterozygous form
61. Which of the following is most suitable medium for culture of
Drosophila melanogaster?
a) Agar agar
b) Ripe banana
c) Cow dung
c) Moist bread
62. How many different kinds of gametes a plant having the genotype
AABbCC will produce?
a) Three
b) Four
c) Nine
d) Two
63. The gene for cystic fibrosis is located over chromosomea) 4
b) 7
c) 11
d) 12
64. Longest chromosomes occurs ina) Trillium
b) Lilium
c) Zea mays
d) Allium
65. Sex chromosomes of birds area) ZZ ZW
b) ZZ WW
c) XX XY
d) XQ XX
66. The link between generations is provided precisely by thea) Cytoplasm
b) Chromosomes
c) Nucleic acids
d) Nucleus
67. Genetic information in a DNA is coded in thea) Sequence of nucleotides
b) Base pairing
c) Proportion of each base
d) Coding sequence
68. DNA is the genetic material was proved conclusivelya) Watson
b) Hershey and Chase
c) Alfred Griffith
d) Boveri and Sutton

69. DNA firstly discovered as nuclein bya) Miescher

b) Robert Koch
c) Fleming
d) Ochoa
70. Watson & Crick composed the model of DNA structure ina) 1953
b) 1943
c) 1955
d) 1963
71. Which of the following statement is NOT consistent with the double
helical model of DNA?
a) The amount of A + T/C + G is not constant in different organisms
b) Density decreased on heating
c) According to X ray diffraction it is double helical structure
d) A = T, C = G
72. Duplication of DNA is calleda) Replication
b) Transduction
c) Transcription
d) Translation
73. DNA generally acts template for the synthesis ofa) Only protein
b) Only RNA
c) Both DNA & RNA
d) Only DNA
74. In DNA replication, which type of the enzyme unwinds the helix?
a) Topoisomerase
b) Primase
c) DNA polymerase
d) Helicase
75. DNA polymerase enzyme is required for the synthesis ofa) RNA from DNA
b) DNA from DNA
c) RNA from RNA
d) DNA from RNA
76. Enzyme necessary for transcription isa) DNA polymerase
b) RNA polymerase
c) Endonuclease
d) RNAase
77. In DNA replication, the Okazaki fragments on the lagging strand are
joined together bya) DNA polymerase
b) Primase
c) Helicase
d) DNA ligase
78. Noble prize for one gene, one enzyme was given toa) Beadle and Tatum
b) Schleiden and Schwann
c) Watson and Crick
d) H. Harris
79. Initiation of polypeptide chain in protein synthesis is induced bya) Methionine
b) Leucine
c) Lycine
d) Glycine

80. In protein synthesis the codon used as a start signal isa) UAA
b) CCA
c) AUG
d) GCA
81. UAA, UAG, and UGA area) Non overlapping codons
b) Non sense codons
c) Degenerate codons
d) Chain initiator codons
82. Protein synthesis takes place on the surface ofa) Ribosomes
b) Mitochondria
c) Nucleus
d) DNA
83. The mRNA is formeda) From DNA in nucleus
b) From the ribosomes on E.R.
c) In the cytoplasm
d) By free ribosomes
84. The type of RNA specifically responsible for directing the proper
sequence of amino acids in protein synthesis isa) Ribosomal RNA
b) Messenger RNA
c) Chromosomal RNA
d) D DNA
85. The following sequence best arrange the compounds in order of
increasing molecular weighta) tRNA DNA RNA
86. Which of the following has a clover leaf structurea) tRNA
b) rRNA
c) DNA
d) mRNA
87. tRNA is also known asa) production of mRNA
b) soluble RNA
c) rRNA
d) Single stranded microsomal RNA
88. Anticodon is associated witha) mRNA
b) DNA
c) tRNA
d) rRNA
89. Transcription is most similar toa) Chemiosmosis
b) DNA replication
c) Facilitated transport
d) Translation

90. The process translation meansa) DNA synthesis

b) RNA synthesis
c) Protein synthesis
d) Ribosome assembly
91. Who among the following established that RNA is a genetic material?
a) Fraenkel Conorat
b) Nirenberg and Holley
c) Laderberg
d) F. Griffith
92. Retrovirus has the following as its genetic materiala) Single stranded DNA
b) Double stranded DNA
c) DNA RNA hybrid
d) RNA
93. The information carried by RNA in retroviruses is put in the DNA code
bya) DNA polymerase
b) DNA ligase
c) RNA synthetase
d) Reverse transcriptase
94. Ligase an enzyme is used fora) Joining bits of DNA
b) Splitting DNA thread into small bits
c) Replication
d) Transduction
95. The process that involves the transfer of genetic material from one
bacterium to another through the agency of bacteriophage isa) Transduction
b) Transcription
c) Translocation
d) Transformation
96. Operon consists ofa) A cluster of associated genes on chromosomes that participate in
regulating transcription and includes regulatory genes, promoter site and
structural gene
b) A smallest unit of genetic material
c) A unit of genetic material responsible for mutation
d) A unit of recombination on chromosomes
97. Tryptophan (trp) operon isa) Repressible system
b) Inducible system
c) Three structural genes control it
d) Controlled by regulator gene

98. Gene is aa) A segment of DNA and histones

b) A segment of DNA, RNA and histones
c) A segment of DNA
d) All of the above
99. Who coined the term gene?
a) Mc Clintock
b) Waldeyer
c) Johannsen
d) Mendel
100. A unit of recombination is known asa) Cistron
b) Recon
c) Muton
d) Gene
101. The smallest unit of genetic material which when mutated produces
a phenotypic effect isa) Recon
b) Muton
c) Nucleic acid
d) Cistron
102. Which one of the following unit is unrelated to gene and DNA?
a) Cistron
b) Operon
c) Rishon
d) Recon
103. The term cistron, recon, and muton, were produced bya) Bateson
b) Lederberg
c) Benzer
d) Morgan
104. Jumping genes are now known asa) Transposons
b) Transversion
c) Transformration
d) Transduction
105. In which direction mRNA is synthesized on DNA template?
a) 3` to 5`
b) 5` to 3`
c) Both a) & b)
d) None
106. Extranucleus genes are located ina) Peroxisome and ribosome
b) Chloroplast and mitochondria
c) Mitochondria and ribosome
d) Chloroplast and lysosome
107. Types of RNA polymerase required in nucleus of eukaryotes for
RNA synthesisa) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
108. Who discovered reverse transcription?
a) Temin & Baltimore
b) Watson and Crick
c) Beadle and Tatum
d) Khorana

109. The enzyme that breaks the hydrogen bonds in DNA isa) Topoisomerase
b) Ligase
c) Polymerase
d) Helicase
110. Exon parts of mRNAs have code fora) Protein
b) Lipid
c) Carbohydrate
d) Phospholipd
111. Which of the following reunites the exon segments after RNA
a) RNA polymerase
b) RNA primase
c) RNA ligase
d) RNA protease
112. During transcription, the DNA site at which RNA polymerase binds
is calleda) Promoter
b) Regulator
c) Receptor
d) Enhancer
113. In the genetic code dictionary, how many codes are used to code for
all the 20 amino acids?
a) 20
b) 64
c) 61
d) 60
114. What does lac refer to in what we call the lac operon?
a) Lactose
b) Lactase
c) Lac insect
d) 1,00,000
115. Watson and Crick shared the Nobel Prize for DNA structure witha) Franklin
b) Pauling
c) Wilkins
d) Tatum
116. DNA strands are antiparallel because ofa) Peptide bonds
b) Disulphide bonds
c) Hydrogen bonds
d) Phosphodiester bond
117. Length of DNA with 23 base pair isa) 7814
b) 7812
c) 78
d) 74.8
118. Find the correct matcha) UUA Valine
b) AAA Lysine
c) CCC Alanine
d) AUG Cytosine

119. The telomeres of eukaryotic chromosomes consist of short

sequences ofa) Guanine rich repeats
b) Thymine rich repeats
c) Cytosine rich repeats
d) Adenine rich repeats
120. In a mutual event, when adenine is replaced by guanine, it is a case
ofa) Transversion
b) Framshift mutation
c) Transcription
d) Transition
121. Portion of gene which is transcribed but not translated isa) Intron
b) Codon
c) Exon
d) Cistron
122. Which is soluble RNAa) hnRNA
b) rRNA
c) mRNA
d) tRNA
123. Unwinding due to release of coiling ahead of moving replication
fork is due toa) Gyrase
b) Unwindase
c) Topoisomerase
d) All
124. Lac operon concept was produced bya) Watson and Crick in 1953
b) Watson and Crick in 1963
c) Jacob and Monad in 1961
d) Jacob and Monad in 1969
125. Anticodon present on tRNA complementary to interior codon AUG
of mRNA isa) TAC
b) UAC
c) CAU
d) GUA
126. Continuously functional genes which regulated on the tissue level
area) Housekeeping genes
b) Luxury genes
c) Mild genes
d) Gene battery
127. Transposons discovered by Barbara Mc Clintock are better known
asa) Jumping genes
b) Protein model
c) Both a) & b)
d) None

128. Which antibiotic inhibits peptide bond formation?

a) Streptomycin
b) Tetracycline
c) Neomycin
d) Chloramphenicol
129. All the terminator codons begin witha) Guanine
b) Cytosine
c) Adenine
d) Urecil
130. Which RNA is short lived?
a) mRNA
b) tRNA
c) rRNA
d) snRNA
131. Match the followingI
A. Termination synthetase
1. Aminoacyl tRNA
B. Translation
2. Okazaki fregments
C. Transcription
3. GTP dependent release factor
D. Replication
4. DNA polymerase
a) A 2, B 3, C 1, D 4
b) A 3, B 1, C 4, D 2
c) A 1, B 4, C 2, D 3
d) A 4, B 2, C 1, D 3
132. DNA element with ability to change its position isa) Cistron
b) Intron
c) Transposon
d) Recon
133. One turn of helix in a B DNA is approximatelya) 2 nm
b) 20 nm
c) 0.34 nm
d) 3.4 nm
134. Which antibiotic inhibits interaction between tRNA and mRNA
during bacterial protein synthesisa) Tetracycline
b) Erythromycin
c) Neomycin
d) Streptomycin
135. AUG codon isa) Ocher
b) Amber
c) Opal
d) Initiation codon
136. Complete turns in 45000 bp DNA would bea) 45
b) 450
c) 4500
d) 45,000
137. Sequence of structural genes of Lac operon isa) Y, Z, A
b) Z, Y, A
c) A, Y, Z
d) A, Z, Y

138. Which did not provide experimental proof of semiconservative DNA

a) Cairns
b) Meselson and Stahl
c) Taylor
d) Watson and Crick
139. The Okazaki fragments in DNA chain growtha) Polymerize in the 3` to 5`direction and forms replication fork
b) Prove semi-conservative nature of DNA replication
c) Polymerize in the 5` to 3` direction and explain 3` to 5` DNA replication
d) Result in transcription
140. The two polynucleotide chain in DNA area) Discontinuous
b) Antiparallel
c) Semi-conservative
d) Parallel
141. First transgenic planta) Potato
b) Tomato
c) Tobacco
d) Maize
142. Manipulation of DNA in genetic engineering became possible due to
the discovery ofa) Restriction endonuclease
b) DNA ligase
c) Transcriptase
d) Primase
143. Restriction enzymesa) Are endonuclease which cleave DNA at specific sites
b) Make DNA complementary to an existing DNA or RNA
c) Cut or join DNA fragments
d) Are required in vectorless direct gene transfer
144. DNA fingerprinting refers toa) Techniques used for identification on fingerprints of individuals
b) Molecular analysis of profiles of DNA sample
c) Analysis of DNA samples using imprinting devices
d) Techniques used for molecular analysis of different specimens of DNA
145. DNA probe is used fora) DNA fingerprinting
b) Detection of pathogenic bacteria
c) Medical genetics to find whether a person carries a particular gene or
d) All the above

Function of restriction endonuclease enzyme is-


Useful in genetic engineering

Protects the bacterial DNA
Helpful in transcription
Helpful in protein synthesis
Electroporation procedure involvesFast passage of food through sieve pores in a phloem elements with the
help of electric simulation
b) Opening of stomatal pores during night by artificial light
c) Making transient pores in the cell membrane to introduced gene
d) Purification of saline water with the help of a membrane system
148. A child is born with an extra chromosome in each of its cell, this
condition is the result ofa) Synapsis
b) Crossing over
c) Non-disjunction
d) Disjunction
149. The genotype of a plant showing the dominant phenotype and can
be determined bya) Pedigree analysis
b) Back cross
c) Test cross
d) Dihybrid cross
150. The point, at which polytene chromosome appear to be attached
together, is calleda) Centromere
b) Chromomere
c) Chromocentre
d) Centriole

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