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Los tiempos verbales - The tenses

Un tiempo verbal es una forma de un verbo que muestra el momento en el que ocurre la accin.
A verbal time is a form of a verb that shows the moment in which the action happens.
Los tiempos verbales constituyen distintas formas de combinar el aspecto verbal y el tiempo gramatical en
una expresin. De acuerdo al tiempo verbal utilizado, una oracin tiene una cierta referencia temporal que indica
cundo se desarroll la accin del verbo; es decir, este puede ser en pasado, presente o futuro.
The verbal times constitute different ways of combining the verbal aspect and the grammatical time in an
expression. In accordance with the used verbal time, a prayer has a certain temporary reference that indicates
when the action of the verb developed; It is to say, this one can be in past, present or future. That is to say, this
can be in the past, present or future.
El trmino presente se utiliza para referirse al conjunto de sucesos que estn teniendo lugar en el momento de
hablarlo o la accin presentada en el momento.
Present: This term is used to refer to the set of events that are taking place at the moment of speaking it or the action
presented at the time.
Ejemplo: (Habla, Camina, Baila)
Example: (He speaks, Walks, He Dances)
Pasado: Referido a eventos que al momento del enunciado o en el momento de referencia, ya ha sucedido la accin o
evento. Es decir, Forma verbal que expresa una accin anterior al presente.
Past: Referred to events that at the time of the statement or at the time of reference, it has already happened the action
or event. That is to say, verbal form that expresses an action previous to the present.
Ejemplo: Habl, Camin, Bail.
Example: He spoke, walked, and danced.
Futuro: Se aplica al tiempo verbal que expresa una accin no producida en el momento de la enunciacin.
Future: Applies to the tense expressing an action that is not produced at the time of the enunciation.
Ejemplo: Va a hablar, caminar, bailar
Example: You will speak, walk, dance
Tiempos verbales de presente (Verbal times of present)
Presente Simple: Es una forma del verbo que muestra que la accin ocurre en el presente.
Present Simple: It is a form of the verb which shows that the action takes place in the present.
Ejemplo: Example
I live = yo vivo
You live = Tu vives
We live = nosotros vivimos
He goes to school by bike = Va a la escuela en bicicleta.
They go to work every day = Van al trabajo todos los das.
Presente Continuo: El Presente Continuo o Presente Progresivo es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar
acciones que suceden en el mismo momento en que se est hablando.
Present Continuous: The Continuous Present or Progressive Present is a verbal time that is used to express actions
that happen in the same moment in which one is speaking.
Ejemplo: Example
I am singing / yo estoy cantando
I am studying for my exam Estoy estudiando para mi examen

I am cleaning the house Estoy limpiando la casa

She is buying a hat. Ella est comprando un sombrero.
It is raining. Est lloviendo.
El Condicional Simple: Se utiliza para acciones pasadas que podan haberse producido con mucha probabilidad, as
como para pedir cosas educadamente o expresar deseos. Tambin, es relativo y expresa un hecho futuro visto desde
una perspectiva en tiempo pasado.
Conditional simple: It is used for past actions that could have taken place with a lot of probability, as well as to ask for
things politely or express wishes. Also, it is relative and expresses a future event seen from a perspective in the past
Ejemplo: Example
They would clean / ellos limpiaran
If you heat butter, it melts. / Si calientas manteca, sta se derrite.
If iron gets wet, it rusts. / Si el hierro se moja, se oxida.
Could they help me with this problem? / Podran ayudarme con ste problema?
I would do it otherwise. / Yo lo hara de otra manera.
El Condicional Continuo: Se utiliza para describir hechos o situaciones incompletas o continas. Tambin se utiliza
para describir acciones que habran estado sucediendo, pero que por algn motivo no ocurrieron.
Conditional Continuous: It is used to describe events or incomplete situations or continuous. It is also used to
describe actions that have been happening, but that for some reason not occurred.
Ejemplo: Example
Gustavo estara jugando ftbol / Gustavo would be playing soccer
Jhoana estara bailando reggaetn / Jhoana would be dancing reggaeton
Jos habra estado jugando tenis / Jose would have been playing tennis
Petra habra estado escribiendo un libro / Petra would have been writing a book.
Si estuviera aqu, estara limpiando. / If it was here, it would be cleaning.
Tiempos verbales de pasado - Verbal times of past
Presente Perfecto: Es un tiempo que sirve para describir acciones que acaban de suceder en el pasado y que guardan
alguna relacin con el presente.
Present Perfect: It is a time that is used to describe actions that just happened in the past and that have some
connection with the present.
Ejemplo: Example
Yo he comprado un carro: I have bought a car. = nos indica que la accin de comprar el coche acaba de realizarse.
Yo he ledo un libro: I have read a book. La accin acaba de finalizar.
yo he jugado / I have played
Presente Perfecto Continuo: Es un tiempo que se utiliza principalmente para referirnos a acciones que se iniciaron
en el pasado y que en el momento presente, se siguen desarrollando.
Present Perfect Continuous: It is a time that is mainly used to refer to actions which began in the past and at the
present time, is still developing.
Ejemplo: Example

Yo he estado estudiando: I have been studying. (Quiere decir que empec a estudiar en algn momento del pasado y
que en la actualidad sigo estudiando. )
Ella ha estado viendo la televisin / She has been watching TV.
I have been singing / yo he estado cantando
I have not been working much on my Project / No he estado trabajando mucho en mi proyecto
Te he estado esperando: I have been waiting for you. La espera comenz en el pasado y acaba de finalizar.
Pasado Simple: Se utiliza para acciones que ocurrieron en el pasado y terminaron en el pasado especificando
normalmente el cundo termin la accin.
Past Simple: It is used for actions that occurred in the past and ended in the past normally specifying when the action
Ejemplo: Example
Yo jugu beisbol ayer / I played baseball yesterday
Ellos estudiaron matemticas la semana pasada. / They studied Math last week
Yo estudi ingls / I studied English.
Yo compr un coche / I bought a car.
Yo perd mi trabajo / I lost my job.
Pasado Continuo: Se utiliza para describir acciones que se estaban desarrollando en el momento del pasado al que
nos estamos refiriendo y que continuaron despus de ese momento.
Past Continuous: It is used to describe actions that were developing at the moment of the past to which we are
referring, and which they continue after this moment.
Ejemplo: Example
Mientras ella escuchaba msica, su hermano hizo sus deberes: While she was listening to music, her brother did his
Ellos estaban construyendo una casa el ao pasado. / They were building a house last year.
Jose called while I was watching the news. (Jos llam mientras estaba mirando las noticias.)
My son was reading while I was cooking. (Mi hijo estaba leyendo mientras que yo estaba cocinando.)
Pluscuamperfecto: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para referirnos a una accin que tuvo lugar en un momento
anterior a otra accin, aunque ambas hayan sucedido en el pasado estableciendo un orden entre ellas.
Past Perfect: It is a verbal time that is used to refer to an action that took place in a moment previous to another action,
although both have happened in the past establishing an order between them.
Ejemplo: Example
The film had finished when she arrived at the cinema. / La pelcula haba terminado cuando ella lleg al cine.
(Primera accin: la pelcula haba terminado - Segunda accin: ella lleg al cine)
Sarah had prepared dinner when her husband got home. / Sarah haba preparado la cena cuando su esposo lleg a
(Primera accin: Sarah haba preparado la cena - Segunda accin: su esposo lleg a casa)
Pluscuamperfecto Contino: Se utiliza para mostrar el orden de las acciones en el pasado. Adems se usa este
tiempo para hablar de acciones que continan durante un tiempo en el pasado o para acciones no terminadas.
Past Perfect Continuous: Used to show the order of actions in the past, Also used this time to talk about actions that
continue for some time in the past or for actions not finished.
Ejemplo: Example
He had been repairing the car before they went. / l haba estado reparando el coche antes de que ellos se fueran.
She had cried when I found her. / Haba llorado cuando la encontr.

Mary had been reading novels when began the earthquake. / Mara haba estado leyendo novelas cuando comenz el
El Condicional Perfecto: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir situaciones que habran sucedido, pero que
por algn motivo no ocurrieron.
Conditional Perfect: It is a verbal time that is used to describe situations that would have happened, but that for any
motive did not happen.
Ejemplo: Example
Andrs habra ido a Colombia pero su novia no le dio permiso / Andres would have gone to Colombia but his girlfriend,
did not give permission
Willy habra jugado ftbol pero no le avisaron a tiempo / Willy would have played football, but they will not be told in
Te habra comprado un buen regalo si hubiera tenido ms dinero / I would have bought you a good present if I had had
more money
El Condicional Continuo Perfecto: Se utiliza para describir acciones que habran estado sucediendo, pero que por
algn motivo no ocurrieron. Tambin usamos este tiempo verbal para hablar de una accin que empez en el pasado
pero que seguimos haciendo en el presente.
Conditional Continuous Perfect: Is used to describe actions that have been happening, but that for some reason not
occurred. Also we use this verbal time to speak about an action that started in the past but that we keep on doing in the
Ejemplo: Example
I would have been living here if I had won the lottery. - Habra estado viviendo aqu si hubiera ganado la lotera.
She would have been writing her novel if she had found a good idea. / Habra estado escribiendo su novela si hubiera
encontrado una buena idea.
He estado enseando ingls por mucho tiempo / I have been teaching English for a long time.
I have been working in this restaurant for ten years - He estado trabajando en este restaurante por diez aos.
She has been telling people not to go to that shop - (Ella le ha estado diciendo a la gente que no entre en esa tienda)
Tiempos verbales de futuro (Future tenses)
Futuro Simple: Es un tiempo que sirve para describir acciones que se van a desarrollar en el futuro.
Future Simple: It is a time that serves to describe actions that are going to develop in the future.
Ejemplo: Example
I will play tennis. / Yo jugar al tenis
I will listen to music tomorrow. / Yo oir msica maana
We will go to the cinema. / Nosotros iremos al cine
Futuro Continuo: Se utiliza para describir una accin que va a tener lugar en el futuro y que en el momento del tiempo
al que nos referimos an seguir desarrollndose.
Future Continuous: It is used to describe an action which will take place in the future and that at the point in time to
which we refer still will continue to develop.
Ejemplo: Example
I will be studying la leccin. / Yo estar estudiando la leccin.
She will be working at the office this afternoon. / Ella estar trabajando en la oficina esta tarde.
We will be tripping tomorrow at this time. (Maana estaremos viajando a esta hora).
I am going to be printing until paper ends. (Estar imprimiendo hasta que se acabe el papel).

Futuro going to: Be going to es un tiempo que usamos en ingls para hablar del futuro y se traduce por "ir a (hacer
algo)". Es decir, se usa para acciones que van a suceder muy pronto o para expresar un plan que se tiene.
Future going to: It is going to be a time that was used in English to talk about the future and is translated as "go to (do
something) ". Namely, it is used for actions that are going to happen very quickly or to express a plan that is had.
Ejemplo: Example
I am going to eat / yo ir a comer
They are going to buy a car (ellos van a comprar un coche)
She is going to pay with a credit card = Ella va a pagar con una tarjeta de crdito
He is going to pay = l va a pagar.
Futuro Perfecto: Se utiliza para describir acciones que se estn ya desarrollando o que se van a desarrollar en el
futuro, pero que en cualquier caso cuando llegue ese momento futuro, al que nos estamos refiriendo la accin ya
habr finalizado.
Future Perfect: It is used to describe actions that are already developing or that are going to develop in the future, but
that in any case when it comes this future moment, to which we are referring the action it will have already finished.
Ejemplo: Example
By this evening I will have done my homework. / Antes de esta tarde, yo habr hecho mis deberes
Before summer you will have sold your house. / Antes del verano, t habrs vendido tu casa.
Before we arrive, she will have cooked the supper. / Antes de que lleguemos, ella habr preparado la cena.
Futuro Perfecto Continuo: Es un tiempo verbal que expresa que una accin tendr lugar en el futuro y seguir
desarrollndose por un periodo de tiempo determinado.
Future Perfect Continuous: It is a tense which expresses that an action will take place in the future and will continue to
develop for a certain period of time.
Ejemplo: Example
Francis will have been living in Italy for 4 years by the time he finishes his studies. (Francis habr estado viviendo en
Italia durante 4 aos, hasta que haya terminado sus estudios.)
He will have been driving for an hour by the time he gets home. (Habr estado manejando durante una hora para
cuando llegue a casa.)
In November, we will have been living in Spain for eleven years. (En noviembre habremos estado viviendo en Espaa
durante once aos.)
Tony will be tired when he gets here because he will have been exercisingfor four hours. (Tony estar cansado cuando
llegue porque habr estado haciendo ejercicio durante cuatro horas.)

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