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China Doubles Weapons Exports

A research group from Sweden says Chinas 1. ___________ exports have nearly doubled in
five years. Chinese exports of major weapons 2. _____________ 88 percent between 2011
and 2015, according to the Stockholm International 3. ____________ Research Institute
(SIPRI). China 4. __________ the worlds third largest weapons 5. ___________. The United
States and Russia are the other top weapons exporters. Siemon Wezeman, a senior researcher
with the Swedish group, said: China is actively 6. __________ for exports. A lot of the
exports are going to countries where China 7. ___________ good relations for a long time.
Pakistan and Bangladesh are two of the countries buying Chinese arms. Wezeman said
territory 8. _____________ in the South China Sea are 9. ____________ an arms race in
Asia. Countries are 10. __________ to actions taken by neighboring nations, he said. Also,
many Asian countries are trying to keep 11. __________ with Chinas modern weapons.
In Asia, Vietnam became the eighth-largest 12. ___________ importer in the world from
2011 to 2015. Asian political and economic experts agree that Asian countries like Vietnam,
the Philippines and Indonesia would rather focus on economic13. _____________. Instead,
they are purchasing arms and over- 14. _____________ their defense plans. Gregory Poling,
an Asian policy expert, said recent actions in the South China Sea have led to an arms 15.
____________. Those 16. ______________ disputes with China are 17. ___________
weapons. The seas shipping 18. ___________ are responsible for $5 trillion in trade every
year. Im Jim Dresbach.

China Doubles Weapons Exports

A research group from Sweden says Chinas weapons exports have nearly doubled in five
years. Chinese exports of major weapons grew by 88 percent between 2011 and 2015,
according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). China is now the
worlds third largest weapons exporter. The United States and Russia are the other top
weapons exporters. Siemon Wezeman, a senior researcher with the Swedish group, said:
China is actively pushing for exports. A lot of the exports are going to countries where
China has had good relations for a long time. Pakistan and Bangladesh are two of the
countries buying Chinese arms. Wezeman said territory disputes in the South China Sea are
fueling an arms race in Asia. Countries are reacting to actions taken by neighboring nations,
he said. Also, many Asian countries are trying to keep pace with Chinas modern weapons.
In Asia, Vietnam became the eighth-largest arms importer in the world from 2011 to 2015.
Asian political and economic experts agree that Asian countries like Vietnam, the Philippines
and Indonesia would rather focus on economic development. Instead, they are purchasing
arms and over- budgeting their defense plans. Gregory Poling, an Asian policy expert, said
recent actions in the South China Sea have led to an arms buildup. Those with territorial
disputes with China are stockpiling weapons. The seas shipping routes are responsible for
$5 trillion in trade every year. Im Jim Dresbach.

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