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' "

1) On which day(s) can the 14th fall out to have the and the reading on the same
Monday, Thursday, or Shabbos
2) On which day(s) can the 14th fall out to have the and reading on the
same day?
3) Why would the go into town on Mondays and Thursdays? ()"
Because the courts were open as per takanas Ezra
4) Why cant the just read themselves? ()"
They were not bekiim in reading the megillah
5) Why cant the be read on "( ?here and later)
As a gezeirah lest you come to carry it
6) Explain the s rhetorical question of )"( !
The fact that the Chachamim allowed you to read early is not a chiiuv, it is a kula.
7) Why were the on the to allow them to read on the ?
For they would go into town to provide food for the bnei ayaros for the Purim Seudah
8) How does the prove that the must have been the ones who established all
the dates for reading the , including 11-13?
For otherwise, how could a later beis din come along and nullify the words of an earlier beis din,
unless they are greater than them in chachma and minyan
9) Where is there a for reading the early? (both )
A- R Shemen bar Abba amar R Yochanan- Likayem Es Yemei Hapurim Haeleh
Bizmaneihem B- R Shmuel bar Nachmani- Kayamim Asher Nachu Vahem
10) Why dont we need a to include the possibility of reading on the 13th of ?
For that was the yom kehilla, and the day of the ikar neis
11) Explain how the two are mutually exclusive. (Meaning, explain why ' does
not hold like ' and vice-versa.)

R Shmuel bar Nachmani does not hold like R Shemen bar Abba because he does not darshin
zman zmanam zmaneihem, and R Shemen bar Abba does not hold like R Shmuel bar Nachmani
because the pasuk of Kayamim was written for the future, meaning, this pasuk is the mandate for
the future to celebrate Purim on the 14th and 15th, therefore you are unable to extrapolate two other
days from this pasuk.
12) What are the two criteria necessary, according to the , to read early?
A- Shanim Kisiknan (Years are fixed according to eidim, Kiddush hachodesh, and a beis din)
B- Yisrael Sheruyin Al Admasan
13) Why, in the first version of the , does the say '
yet this clause of ... is omitted in the )"( ?
Because in the second version the Rabanan agree to R Akiva that you darshin zman, its just
that in this case they are machmir after churban beis hamikdash since people anticipate mikra
' "
14) Explain the between the two of ' .
R Yehuda in the mishna says that since people anticipate mikrah megillah you can only read
megillah in its proper time, yet in the baraiisa it says that if the bnei kefar go into town on Mondays
and Thursdays then they can read early
15) How does ' explain why attributing the to ' and the to ' is
a valid answer?
For R Ashi heard it reported in the name of some people like R Yehuda and by some people like
R Yose bar Yehuda, so he figured that whoever reported the baraiisa in the name of R Yehuda
was not being specific, they really meant R Yose bar Yehuda, and whoever said R Yose bar
Yehuda was being specific
16) Explain why, if the do not go into town on Mondays and Thursdays, they are not
allowed to read early. ()"
For if they do not go into town, then reading early does not constitute a kula
17) What two problems does the have with the suggestion that the walled cities should not
read at all?
A- Arent they Jews? B- It says from Hodu until Kush! (That all of these provinces accepted
Purim on themselves. In this context it actually says that letters were sent out to all the
provinces of King Achashverosh, and we already know from beforehand that that refers to
Hodu until Kush.)
18) How does the reject the suggestion that the should be read on both the 14th and the
15th of in the walled cities?

If that were true it should have said Es Yom Arbaah Asar Vachamisha Asar, but now that it says
VIES Yom Chamisha Asar, the es comes and divides it into the 14th and 15th
19) How does the reject the suggestion that the people of the walled city can pick either the
14th or the 15th on which to read the ?
Because it needs to be that the opened and walled cities have to read on separate days
20) Why, in every suggestion, does the automatically assume that the scattered cities read on
the 14th? ()"
For the 14th is fixed in the as a day on which to read .
21) Explain the following phrase in the : .( ? Explain with )"
Since the megillah does not hint to you when the time is on which the walled city should read, and
we already know that Shushan reads on the 15th, most probably that day is also for all the other
walled cities.
22) What is the of ?'
That walled cites from the times of Achashverosh read on the 15th
23) Why doesnt the of our hold like ?'
Our tanna learns the gezeirah shava of Prazi Prazi from milchemes Sichon and Og which is
referring to Yehoshua
24) In what case may one learn a )"( ?
Only if one has a mesorah for one from his rebbi
25) Why was different than all other cities?
That is where the nes took place
26) How does our learn ?
To differentiate between Shushan and other cities
27) How far is it from to ?
1 mil
28) Which letters in the stood ?
The Mem Sofit and the Samech
' "
29) What is the of the as to how the could have come along and instituted
The letters always existed, they were just forgotten, so they came along and re-instituted them
30) For what purpose did write a on ?

So that there should not be increased machloksim in Yisrael (in terms of how to understand hidden
31) Why did ' forbid from translating ?
For it contains, specifically in Sefer Daniel, references to the end of time, and the coming of the
32) How could you say that was the one who wrote the on , but we already know
from a in that there was a on the !
There was always a targum, it was just forgotten, so Onkelos rewrote it
33) Why did the world only shake when wrote his but not when wrote his ?
In the torah, everything is revealed, in navi, some things are revealed but some things are hidden
34) To the deaths of which two people is the cryptic pasuk in , quoted by ' , referring?
Achav bar Omri, who was killed by Hadadrimon ben Tavrimon in Ramos Gilad, and Yoshiyahu
bar Amon, who was killed by Paroh Chagira (Nechoh) in the valley of Meggido
35) Who were the people who were with ?If they did not see anything, why were they so
Chaggai, Zecharya, and Maalachi, and they were afraid for even though they did not see anything,
their mazal did
36) What is s three-stage suggestion for one who is afraid for no apparent reason?
Ideally you should say kerias shema, if you are in a dirty place then jump back 4 amos then say it,
if you cant do that either then you should say that the sheep in the slaughterhouse are fatter than
37) What does ' learn from ?
That the kohanim, leviim, and yisraelim all have to stop their avodah to come hear megillah
38) How does the prove from the story with and the that is really more
than ?
For when Yehoshua asked the maalach for which offense he was coming, the bitul korban tamid
or the bitul torah, he responded Atah Basi- pashtus this means that I am coming for the offense
you committed now, namely bitul torah. Tosfos explain that I am coming for the torah about which
it writes Viatah Kisvu Lachem Es Hashira Hazos, so you see that Talmud torah is more chamur
than avodah
' "
39) , what is the only thing that is more than ?
Talmud torah diyachid
In all of the following state which one is better and either prove it or say why:

40) and
Mikra Megillah, from the statement of R Yose bar Chanina above that the kohanim stop working
to come hear megillah
41) and
Mikra Megillah, based on what Beis Rebbi did
42) and
Meis Mitzvah, based on the baraiisa which says that we are mivatel learning for hotzaas hames
and hachnasas kalah
43) and
Meis Mitzvah, based on a pasuk of Vilaachoso, and the baraiisa which explains that if you are
going to give your son a bris or shecht a korban pesach you cannot be mitamei for a karov, like
your sister, but you can be mitamei for a meis mitzvah
44) and
Meis Mitzvah because of kavod habriyos, which is docheh a lav in the torah, certainly it is docheh
pirsumei nisa
45) What is the case of " and ? "
Samuch and not nireh is in a valley, nireh and not samuch is on a mountain
List the status of the city in the following cases:
46) A city that was settled and subsequently walled
47) A city that does not have
48) What implicit is there with stating the case of over here, its a on
?' "
The chiddush is about a krach, namely that even if people are always passing through the town, if
it is not kavua the same people then it is still not called an ir gedolah
49) Prove that when ' says that the word does NOT mean
For if it meant charvu chomosav then the halacha is that once a city is walled it remains walled
even if there are no inhabitants, yet we said here that only if there are inhabitants does it constitute
a walled city
' "

50) During what major incident in Jewish History was ,, and destroyed for the
first time?
Pilegesh Bigivaah
51) Why are women in ?
For they too were part of the neis (Rashi- the gezeirah of Haman was also against the women and
52) What is the of telling us that if falls on then we learn the of , we
learn the of a on every ?
The chiddush is about Purim, I would have said that since we were gozeir not to read megillah
because of the gezeirah of Rabbah lest you come to carry daled amos in reshush harabim on
shabbos, I would have thought that the same concern exists by learning the halachos, for maybe
you will carry the megillah with you to darshin from, ka mashma lan
53) What did ' s think when they heard him say
They thought that you should read megillah at night and learn Meseches Megillah by day
' "
54) Why cant the push back from Thursday to Monday, it is only the 11th?
Because we have a klal that you cannot push back from one yom hakenisah to another
55) Why does the of the list the days of the month of , yet in the it lists the cases
by days of the week?
Had the mishna listed the days of the week based on the dates of the month then one who taught
the mishna would make a mistake for he still needed to teach Sunday
56) According to , if the 14th falls on a Friday when do the read?
57) According to ' , if the 14th falls on a Friday, when do the walled cities read?
58) Why dont we read , take , or blow on ?
It is a gezeirah of Rabbah that since not everyone is an expert in reading megillah they might come
to carry it to a baki to learn how to read and they will carry daled amos in reshus harabim
59) According to ' , why dont we read on ?

Since the aniyim anticipate megillah for the matanos laevyonim which they receive, and they
cannot receive matanos laevyonim on shabbos (Tosfos- R Yosef is not arguing on Rabbah, rather
he is saying that megillah has an added reason why we do not read it on shabbos which has nafkah
minahs for the mikdash in which we say ein shevus bamikdash
' "
60) According to ' , when do you need a for ?
61) What was the purpose of bringing the wood to the ?
For the maaracha
62) Why does the specifically mention )"( ?
For many tzaros occurred on that day, but other fasts, the gemara tells us that if you want to you
can fast, and if not you do not have to
63) If fell on a , why are you able to be the to the next day?
For there was tashlumin all 7 days
64) If the was the whole reason why they could not perform on , why didnt they just
bring in the from the previous day? ()"
The azarah was too narrow
65) Who are the ?
They are 10 people who do not go to work and are supported by the tzibbur in order that they
should be constantly davening in shul
66) What practical application could there be of not counting a year by days? ()"
If a person makes a neder that I will not taste wine for a year, and he took the neder on Aleph
Nissan, then he cannot drink wine until the following Aleph Nissan, even if it is a leap year
67) What practical application could there be of not counting a month by hours? ()"
If a person says this is your (conditional) get if I do not come back in a month, and the month is
chaser, and he comes back on the night of the 29th then it is too late, the month is over and he is
68) Why do we push forward?
We do not want to have puranus early
69) Why do we push ,, and forward?
For the zman chiiuv has not yet set in, and if you do it to early you will not be yotzei your chiiuv
70) Which would you not bring even on a regular that would be pushed off until the
next day?

An olas reiyah
71) Why are you allowed to bring a on )"( ?
It is ocheil nefesh
72) Why does not allow you to do on a on )"( ?
For semicha is an issur dirabanan
73) Why does allow you to do from the day beforehand? ()"
For Beis Shammai does not require that the semicha immediately precede the shechita
74) Why does not allow you to bring on )"( ?
For you can only bring that which is Lachem like shelamim, which are liocheil nefesh, but not
things that are purely ligavoha, like olos
75) How would understand the pasuk of in light of the fact that he permits bringing
on )"( ?
It is only for you but not the korban of a goy
76) If falls on Friday, according to when is the ? According to when
is the )"( ?
Sunday, there is no yom tevoach, and you do not have to wait for the shelamim and the olos
77) How, in the aforementioned , are and ?
Beis Shammai hold that olos cannot be brought on yom tov, therefore you cannot bring it until
Sunday, Beis Hillel hold that shelamim and olos can be brought on yom tov
78) In which case do they agree?
When Shavouos falls on Shabbos they agree that the yom tevoach is the next day, so you see that
there is tashlumin even for Shavouos
' "
79) What did do on ?"
He bathed in the square of Tzippori
80) What really happened when the said that wanted to uproot ?
It was Tishav Biav that fell out on Shabbos and they were going to psuh it off until Sunday, and
Rebbi said, for this year only, once youre pushing it off to Sunday, just push it off completely
81) What is the proof that we were only not to have and on and not an
For originally the pasuk says Simcha Umishteh Viyom Tov, and later it only says Yemei
Mishteh Visimcha, and it does not say yom tov
82) Why did curse the person who planted flax if they were not an on

It was something which was technically mutar, but others were machmir and were noheig liissur,
in which case you are not allowed to do that which they are machmir, but where Rebbi came from
they were not noheig this way
83) Why was allowed to plant a tree on ( ?2 )
A- They were not noheig the issur melacha where Rebbi came from B- It was a netia shel
simcha (and since Purim is a yom simcha, therefore you can plant a netia shel simcha)
84) What was the nature of the about ?
Even though it was surrounded on all 4 sides, one of the sides was the sea, and the question was is
it an issue of being revealed and Teveryah is revealed, therefore it would not be a walled city, or
is the issue whether or not it is protected, and Tevryah is protected
' "
85) Why is called ?
Because of the hot springs
86) Why is called ?
The same way that the edge of the river is higher than the river itself, so too Tzippori resides on
top of a mountain, and is taller than everything around it
87) Why is called ?
Because its fruits are sweet like the fruit by the Kinneret, and it ripens quickly
88) Why is called ?
For even the emptiest people there are as full of mitzvos like a pomegranate
89) According to ' , why is called ?
For it is situated in the navel of Eretz Yisrael
90) According to , why is called ?
For it looked nice
91) Why is called ?
It was situated at the top of a mountain like a bird
92) How does the prove that is not ?
For if it was, why did Zevulun complain about his portion, Tzippori was the best land of Eretz
93) From where to where did the of extend? How far is this?
Bei Kuvei until Akra (the port of) Tulbakni, 22 parsaos long and 6 parsaos wide
94) , what exactly was complaining about? How do you see this from the pasuk

That he did not have fields and vineyards, and you see that Naftali had fields, so that is exactly
what Zevulun was complaining about
95) What did they call after was victorious?
Achidas Migdal Shir- the conquering of the tower of song
96) To what do the words in the refer?
The batei kenesiyos and batei midrashos in Edom
97) Where will the teach in the future?
In the amphitheaters and circuses in Ekron (Tosfos explains these terms as referring to either batei
avodah zarah or a beis vaad shel avodas kochavim)
98) What is ?
99) What is the etymology of the word ?
Matra eim polin, an expression of authority
100) List both as to why was called a .
A- Kings were raised there B- They appointed kings for Kesar and Yerushalayim from there
101) List both sources for the fact that if is settled must be destroyed or vice-versa.
A- Imaalah Hacharava- Im Meleiah Zu Charva Zu B- Uliom Milom Yeematz
' "

To what do the words refer?

It refers to Germamya (Gra in Yuma- Germanya) shel Edom that if they were to go out they would
destroy the entire world
103) How many crowned princes were there in ?

How many chieftains were there in Rome?


What did the chieftains and the crowned princes do every day?

They had gladiator fights, and whoever was victorious was appointed king
106) , what is the only case in which we say ?
Lichadudei, to sharpen your torah knowledge
107) Which two things are not included in the aphorism of ?
Business, and memorizing torah
108) What three things will happen if you incite a ?

He will be matzliach, he will be zocheh badin, he will see the downfall of his enemies
109) What are three answers to the seeming of whether or not you can incite a ?
A- Dont incite him when it is mileh dideh, but if it is mileh dishmaya then you can incite him
B- A tzaddik gamur can incite a rasha, even bimileh didei C- When times are good for him
it is different
110) How big is ?
300 parasahs by 300 parsahs
111) How many market places are there in Italy and to what do they correspond?
365, the solar year
112) What was the smallest marketplace and how big was it?
The seller of fowl, and it was 16 mil by 16 mil
113) What one of two criteria did one must meet in order to be supported by the king?
He either has to live there or have been born there
114) How many members were in the kings household?
115) How many windows were there by the palace and what was their function?
500, they brought the smoke outside the walls
116) What surrounded each of the 4 sides of the palace?
Sea, hills and mountains, an iron partition, thin rocks and sand
117) Why cant our be like the ?
For he omits matanos laevyonim
118) Why cant our be like ?' '
For he holds that you do not have to read megillah again in Adar Sheni
119) Why cant our be like ?" '
For he says that even for daled parshiyos you have to repeat them in Adar Sheni, yet that is omitted
from our mishna
120) What is the between the and ?"
Daled Parshiyos- Tanna Kama holds that bidieved, if you read it during Adar Rishon you do not
have to repeat it during Adar Sheni, whereas R Shimon ben Gamliel holds that you have to repeat
it in Adar Sheni
121) How could our be like the ?

When he said megillah he also meant matanos laevyonim, for they are talui zeh bazeh
122) How could our be like ?"
The mishna was missing words, and it should have said that there is no difference between the 14th
of Adar Rishon and the 14th of Adar Sheni, except for mikra megillah and matanos laevyonim,
mashma that for hesped and taanis they are equal, and we are not even discussing seder parshiyos
123) What is the as to why ' ' learns as the which is closest
to ?
Ein maavirin al hamitzvos
124) What are the two / for why "says that refers to the
which precedes ?
A- It is preferable to juxtapose two geulahs, namely the geulah of Purim and of Pesach. BThe pasuk writes Likayem Es Igeres Hapurim Hazos Hashenis- referring to the second
' "

Why does the need to write ?Why does the need to write ?

If it only wrote Bichol Shana Vishana I would have thought like our original question, namely
that we are only talking about Adar Rishon, ka mashma lan hashenis. If it only wrote Hashenis
I would have thought that the original takanah was to read on both Adar Rishon and Sheni, ka
mashma lan Hashenis
126) What does ' ' do with ?
He needs it for the statement of R Shmuel bar Yehuda, who says that originally the takanah of
megillah was only in Shushan (Rishon), and eventually it spread to the rest of the world
127) Why were the afraid that if they were to establish the story of and for the
future as a holiday it would thereby arouse jealousy amongst the nations?
For the other nations would say that they are rejoicing at our downfall
128) How did quell the fear of the ?
She said that my story is already recorded in the Chronicles of Paras and Madai, and they can see
for themselves what happened, so it wont hurt to write it down
129) In , whenever you see the group of ' , ' ,, and ' , who do we
swap for ?'
R Yonasan
130) Originally, why did the reject s request to write down the story and
incorporate it into the canon of ?"

For the pasuk in Mishlei writes Halo Kasavti Lecha Shalishim- meaning, Hashem says, why
would you do aveiros when I gave you all of these noble (shalishim) mitzvos to do, and shalishim
is a play on words, meaning 3, and there have already been three references to Amalek in Tanach,
namely, in Beshalach, Ki Seitzei, and Shauls war against Agag
131) At what point did the decide that it was proper to write down the story of ?Clearly,
like which are the holding?
When they found the pasuk of Ksov Zos Zikaron Basefer, like R Elazar Hamodai
132) According to , in what sense was said over in ?
It was said to be read by heart, but not to be written down
133) According to ' , which is for sure not the ?
134) The poses a question: holds that is not the , yet ' holds that
is the . How does the resolve this ?
Shmuel holds like R Yehoshua that the megillah was never meant to be written down, therefore
it is not mitamei the yadayim
135) What is the as to why should not be the ?
For it is merely chachmas Shlomo, and it has no inherent kedusha
136) What is the textual that s were said over ?
The pasuk in Mishlei says Al Tosp Al Divarav- since there is an issur to add on, you see from
here that it was said biruach hakodesh
In all of the following cases list the that each brings that was written
and the to that :


Vayomer Haman Bilibo, pircha- Haman figured there was no one more raui for the throne than
him, and when he said that this person should wear bigdei malchus he envisioned himself in that
prestigious position
138) '
Vatihi Esther Noseis Chein Bieinei Kol Roeha, pircha- It could be like R Eliezer who says that
to everyone Esther appeared like she was from their respective nation, and that is why they found
favor in her eyes
139) '
Vayivada Hadavar Limordechai, pircha- It could be like R Chiya bar Abba who says that Bigsan
and Sersh were Tarsi and Mordechai simply understood their language
140) '

Uvabizah Lo Shalchu Es Yadam, pircha- Maybe Esther sent messengers to ensure that no one
touched the spoils
Kiymu Vikiblu- kiymu limatah mah shekiblu limatah, pircha- None (but see Tosfos)
142) What axiom did say in association with s proof?
One sharp pepper is better than a basket-full of gourds
143) '
Viymei Hapurim Haeleh Lo Yaavru Mitoch Hayehudim
144) '
Vizichram Lo Yasuf Mizaram
145) What are the parameters of and ?
Mishloach manos- two portions to one person, matanos laevyonim- two portions to two people
146) What two things did ' send to ' in fulfillment of the of ?
A calf that was 1/3 fattened, and a barrel of wine
' "

What did send to via ?

A basket full of dates, and dried out, sweetened wheat kernels

148) What was s complaint with the choice of food that wanted to send? (Explain with
Now Mari will say that you are sending me the same food that you just fed your animals with after
you have been appointed the rosh yeshiva in Pumpadisa
149) What did send to ?
A basket full of ginger and a full cup of long peppers
150) What was s complaint with the choice of food that wanted to send?
Now Rabbah will say, I sent you sweet goods and you are sending me things which are bitter
151) What was the last dish they brought out in front of called?
Pot roast
152) How much did eat at s house?
Some food from 60 dishes, pot roast, and he wanted to eat the plate
153) What two possible aphorsims come out of the ravenousness of ?
A person does not realize how hungry he is, or there is always room for dessert
154) Why did ' refuse s offer to come eat by him the following ?

For he said a neis does not always happen

155) Why are you not the at night?
For the pasuk says YEMEI Mishteh Visimcha
156) If ' had heard the of that you are not at night, then why did
he ask, Why couldnt the have eaten their at night?
He wanted to learn the teaching 40 times to really ensure that he knew it well
157) What is the only difference between and ?
Ocheil nefesh
158) Arent there many differences between and in terms of )"( ?
Of course there are many chilukim in terms of onshin, but the mishna was only discussing in terms
of permitting lichatchila on yom tov that which is ossur on shabbos
159) Why does the forbid on ?
The pasuk says Hu Livado Yesaeh Lachem- hu vilo machshirav
160) What type of does ' forbid on ? Give an example of something
that fits this category. ()"
One that could have been made from before yom tov, a knife which became pagum before yom
161) What is the only difference between and ?
On shabbos, if you are michalel shabbos bimeizid (and with eidim and hasraah) then you get
sekilah, whereas on yom kippur you get kares
162) Based on what famous does ' exempt one from if one is ?
Kim leh bidirabah mineh
163) According to ' , what does the of come to teach us?
One who gets malkus is exempted from a chiiuv kares
164) What is the problem, vis--vis our , with applying ' s to ?
(Explain with )"
Then both shabbos and yom kippur would be punishable biydei adam
165) What are two possible answers to the aforementioned problem?

A- R Yitzchak- All chaiivei kerisos by arayos were generally included in the pasuk of
Vinichrisu Hanefashos Haosos, and the reason why the torah singles out kares in a case
where one sleeps with ones sister is to tell you that it is specifically kares that you get and
not malkus. B- R Ashi- You could even say our mishna reflects shitas Rabanan, who say
that there is malkus in place of kares, and our mishna means that the main punishment by
shabbos is biydei adam, and by yom kippur the main punishment is bikares, but, limaashe,
if you give malkus on yom kippur he is patur from kares
166) What was the of stating a explicitly by the case of relations with a )"( ?
To tell you that even for haraah (just the beginning of the maaseh biah, before any actual
intercourse, you are also chaiiv kares for that)
' "
167) What are the only two differences between one who is from his friend for all
things vs. one who is only against food?
Derisas haregel (walking through his property), and keilim that are not used for ocheil nefesh
168) In which case is a allowed to use not designated for )"( ?
Only when they do not normally lend out keilim like those, but if they normally lend out keilim
similar to these than it is ossur, for even if he only gains a perutah he might use that to buy food
169) If people are not about why is it still ?
Because our mishna is going like R Eliezer who says that vitur, being liberal, meaning letting
people do things that you do not care about, is still ossur in a case of mudar hanaah
170) What is the only difference between and ?
Nedarim you are responsible for if it gets lost or stolen or dies, but not so by a nedavah
171) What is the of ?
Not to leave a korban over past three regalim
172) If is not written by a then how do we have the right to learn that the of
applies to a )"( ?
The gemara in Rosh Hashana makes a gezeirah shava to teach us that bal tiacher also applies to a
173) What does ' employ to demonstrate the fundamental difference between
a and a ?

A korban neder is like you shouldered the burden, meaning the acharyus for the korban is upon
you, in that if it something happens to the korban you must replace it, whereas a nedavah is upon
the animal
174) What is the only difference between a who saw two emissions and a who saw three
Whether or not he brings a korban
175) List all the ways that a person can be classified as a who saw three emissions. ()"
Three emissions on one day, one emission on three consecutive days, two emissions today and one
176) What is )"( ?
If a zav sits on top of 10 begadim they all become avos hatumaah, even if he does not touch them
177) What is the status of an object which is not classified as when it is touched by
a )"( ?
It is only a rishon litumaah, and can only be mitamei ochlin umashkin not adam vikeilim
178) What happens if a has an emission during one of the 7 days of counting?
He must start counting anew
179) Why do I need both the statement of ' and the of ?
If I only had R Simai I would have thought like our original question, namely that the difference
between one who saw 2 vs. one who saw 3 is purely in terms of the tumaah and not in the korban,
ka mashma lan Mizovo to tell you that some zavin bring korbanos and some do not. And if I
only had Mizovo I would not know how many emissions are needed to make a person tamei or
chaiiv to bring a korban, ka mashma lan R Simai that two is for tumaah and 3 is for a korban
180) For what do we need the of ?
It tells you that he can become tahor when his zivah stops, and he does not have to wait for his
tzaraas to also go away, if he is also a metzora
181) Explain the s : !
Isnt it logical that if he is mitamei mishkav umoshav after two reiyos and he takes on all the
chumras of a zav, then why would you think to exclude him from sefiras shiva
' "

How does the refute the ?

The case of a shomeres yom kineged yom, meaning a woman who sees dam in the 11 days between
her nidah periods she is mitaemi mishkav umoshav yet she does not require to count 7 clean days
183) What are the only differences between a and a ?

Periah and primah (his clothing have to be torn and he has to let his hair grow)
184) What are the only differences between a and a ?
Tiglachas vitzipparim (shaving off all of his hair and the sending away of one bird and the
slaughter- via melikah- of the other bird, thoese only apply to a metzora muchlat)
185) How does the explain the pasuk of to show you
that and only apply to a ?
We drashin the pasuk to mean that you are tahor miperiah uprimah dimeikara, meaning, at the
initial stage, namely musgar, you are exempt from doing periah and perimah
186) What issue does take with the aforementioned ( ?Explain with )"
If Vitaheir truly means that he is tahor from the outset, then how would you explain the pasuk
by a zav of Vichibes Bigadav Vitaheir, there are no stages for a zav, either he has all the chumras
of a zav or none of them
187) What would be the problem with suggesting that the pasuk of
implies that only one whose depends on his body, meaning a , has to be sent
out of the camps?
The mishna said that the only difference between a musgar and a muchalt is periah and perimah,
mashma that for shiluach they have the same din
188) , from where does include a for ?
Kol Yemei
189) What source does bring for the that there is no by a ?
Viyatza Hakohen El Michutz Lamachane Vihineh Nirpa Nega Hatzaraas Min Hatzarua- one
whose tzaraas depends on being healed, a muchlat, excluding one who depends on days, a musgar
190) According to the , what is the only difference between "vs. and ?
Sifrei tanach can be written in any language, whereas tefillin and mezuzos can only be written in
191) What do all have to be made with? ()"
A margin
192) What is the that and need to be stitched with sinews? ()"
It is a halacha limoshe misinai
193) Clearly, what is our holding in terms of the in regarding a that
was stitched with flax? ()"
It is poskining like the man diamar that it is posul, for it sounds like from here that you davka need
' "

194) , how do we resolve the between the which says that can be written
in any language and the which says that a is not until it is written ,
,( ? both )
A- Bichol loshon is talking about sefarim, biksav ashuris etc. is talking about megillah B- R
Ashi- The baraiisa that says bichol loshon was talking about shear sefarim, namely sifrei
195) Why do and have to be written ?
Vihayu- bahavaysan yehu
196) Give an example of in the .
Yegar Sahadusa
197) Give two examples of in the .
A- R Papa- Vinishma PISGAM Hamelech B- R Nachman bar Yitzchak- Vichol
Hanashim Yitnu YEKAR Livaaleihen
198) Why is the of only by a ?
Because of the maaseh with Talmai Hamelech
In all of the following cases explain why the made the changes they did (with )":
So that they should not say that bereishis is the name of a god, and there are two gods, and bereishis
created Elokim
The apikorsim could say based on this that there are two gods had it said naaseh
So that they should not say that Hashem does melacha on shabbos, chas vishalom, for they do not
accept medrash chazal that the pasuk means that the Hashem brought menucha into the world at
that time, and this was its completion
They did not write beram for that implies that He created them, meaning it implies that there were
two separate bodies, when in reality it means that Adam and Chava were created as one body with
two different images or sides of their face
Here too had they written neridah it would have implied that there are many gods

They did not write bikirbah for they would have said that only Sarah is being punished for laughing
and not Avraham, therefore they wrote bikroveha, meaning to say that Avraham laughed inwardly
and Sarah laughed outwardly
They did not write hargu ish so that they should not say that our forefathers were murderers
They did not write chamor for they would have said that it is undignified to have your leader riding
on a lowly donkey
So that they should not say that there is sheker in the torah, for the Jews were only in Mitzrayim
for 210 years, and they do not accept the fact that the gezeirah began from when Yitzchak was
They did not write naarei, for they would have said you only sent out your lads to greet the
They changed atzilei to zatutei to remain symmetrical
' "

Had they written that Moshe said lo chamor they would have said that he did not take a donkey
but he took something else, therefore they wrote that he did not take a single object
211) '
They added the word lihair, for otherwise they would have said that only Jews cannot worship
avodah zarah, but bnei noach can
Had they not written liovdam it would have implied that Hashem created these gods against His
They did not write Arneves so that Talmai should not say that the Jews are jesting with me by
putting my wifes name in the torah
214) How do we know that refers specifically to the Greek
language? ()"

Because the gemara darshins that yafyuso shel Yefes should be in the tent of Shem, and Greek is
the most beautiful language of Yefess descendants
215) What is the only difference between a who is anointed with the and one who
is appointed via ?
The par haba al kol hamitzvos, meaning only if the kohen hamashuach makes a mistake in psak
does he bring this korban but not the mirubeh begadim
216) During whose time was the hidden? ()"
Yoshiyahu Hamelech
217) What are the only two differences between a who is currently serving vs. one who
served in the past?
The par yom hakippurim, for only one person can bring that, and the asiris haeifah, which were
the chavitin which the kohen gadol brought daily, and a kohen hedyot brought on his day of
218) What is the case where you have a and a )"( ?
The current kohen develops a psul and someone is appointed in his place, and then his psul goes
away and he goes back to the avodah, the first one is called the mishamesh and the second one is
called the avar
219) From where does ' know that even a brings a ?
From the extra Hei in Hamashiach
220) If a temporary gets ousted from his position why, according to ' , is he not fit
for being a nor for being a ?
He cannot be a kohen gadol because of eivah and he cannot be a kohen hedyot because of maalin
bakodesh viein moridin
221) How does ' resolve the fact that the is the and the is ?'
Really the whole mishna is Rebbi, but by mirubeh begadim he holds like the rabanan and by kohen
sheavar he holds like R Meir
222) What is the only difference between a and a ?
The korban pesach can only be brought on a bamah gedolah
223) What is a )"( ? ?
Bamah gedolah- The mizbeach of Moshe when the mishkan was still in Nov and Givon, bamah
ketanah- a private bamah
224) Based on the s , what things can be brought on a ?

Any type of korban neder or nedavah

225) How do we resolve the fact that the s in the is ostensibly more expansive
than the one difference listed by the in the ?
Everything brought on a bamah has to resemble a korban pesach, in that it has to be korban chova
which has a set time
226) Based on our , in what one regard is a better than a )"( ?
On a bamah ketanah you cannot bring any chova, and on a bamah gedolah you can only bring a
chova with a set time
227) Give two examples of . Based on our , what is the by these
types of )"( ?
Par heelm davar, and seirei avodah zarah, they cannot be brought on either bamah
228) Why cant our be like the )"( ?
For they hold that anything which the tzibbur offered in the ohel moed in the midbar was also
offered in the ohel moed in Gilgal, which had a bamah gedolah, and even a par heelem davar could
be brought, against our mishna which only said pesach and things which are similar
229) What is the only difference between and the ?
By mishkan Shiloh, you can eat kodashim kalim and maaser sheni as long as you are able to see
the mishkan, whereas by the beis hamikdash you have to be within the wall of Yerushalayim
' "

What commonality do and have?

In terms of kodshei kodashim, in both cases, they can only be eaten within the curtain
231) What is the difference between and ?
There is a heiter bamos after Shiloh but not after Yerushalayim
232) Who was and what did he do? ()"
He was the son of Shimon Hatzadik and he built a bamah in Mitzrayim lishem shamayim
233) What two things must ' be holding to allow you to bring in nowadays?
A- Beis Chonyo is not a beis avodah zarah B- Kedusha Rishona Kidsha Lishaata Vilo Leasid
234) Explain the of . ()"
The original kedusha with which Yerushalayim was sanctified was not an eternal kedusha
235) For what two reasons did ' retract his ruling?

A- The kashya of R Mari who says that kedushas Shiloh has a heiter afterwards but not
kedushas yerushalayim B- The mishna says that when they came to Yerushalayim they
forbade the bamos and there was no longer a heiter
236) What would be the problem if the built in the would not be called
)"( ?
You would not be able to bring korbanos until the construction was completed, yet they were
already bringing korbanos from the days of Koresh
237) Why did the curtains have to be spread out within the thickness of the wall? ()"
So that the builders should not go into the heichal
238) In the , where we said that ' holds that
, how were they re- the )"( ?
With todos and shir
239) For what purpose does ' require there to be curtains?
' "
240) The asks: It cannot be that the Jews who came up from found these cities and were
them, for we said that there is no need to be them! How does the answer this
When they found the cities they counted them, not that they were mikadesh them
In all of the following cases say whether it is a good or bad and explain:

Bad, for the pasuk goes on to say Vayar Hashem Ki Rabbah Raas Haadam
Bad, Havah Nivneh Lanu Ir
Good, binyan beis hamikdash
Bad, Lo Halchu Banav Bidrachav
Bad, Rak Atah Lo Sivneh Habayis

Good, he saw his future wife

247) '
Bad, Vayimalu Bnei Yisrael
248) What is the purpose of the statement ?
If a daughter-in-law is modest in her father-in-laws house, like Tamar, she will be zocheh to
melachim from David and neviim, Amotz Vamatzya etc.
249) If the was 10 then how could it possibly stand in the ?
It stood biderech neis
In all of the following cases explain how the used the pasuk to springboard into a
about :
250) ' - '
Vineched refers to Vashti, who was the granddaughter of Nevuchadnezzar
251) ' -
Tachas Hanatzutz- refers to Haman who made himself into avodah zarah, Yaaleh ViroshMordechai, who was the head of all spices, Visachas Hasirpad- Vashti whose grandfather burned
the resting place of Hashem, Yaaleh Hadas- Esther who is called Hadasah
252) ' - '
Hu Eino Sas Aval Acheirim Yasis, Kein Yasis, Hashem causes others to rejoice
253) What is the of ?
Marei Dachai
254) What does ' glean from the ? '
From the fact that it does not say ki tov you see that Hashem does not rejoice at the downfall of
255) What reason did ' give as to why the could not sing ?
My creation is drowning and you want to sing shira?!
256) ' -
Vilachtoei Nasan Inyan refers to Haman, Lases Litov Lifnei Haelokim refer to Mordechai and
257) -
Melech- Vashti, Visarim- Haman and his 10 sons
258) ' -
This was during the time of Haman
" "


' -

Vatozienu Larvaya is bimei Haman

260) ' -
When will the whole world see the salvation of Hashem? In the days of Mordechai and Esther
261) -
Ari Noheim- Nevuchadnezzar, Vidov Shokek- Achashverosh, Mosheil Rasha- Haman, Al
Am Dal- Yisrael who was poor from mitzvos
262) ' -
Because of Klal Yisraels laziness that they were not osek in torah, the enemy of Hashem (a
euphemism for Hashem Himself) became poor (kaviyachol)
263) ' - )"( ' '
Adam vilo melech, referring to Haman
264) -
Birvos Tzadikim Yismach Haam- Mordechai and Esther, Uvimshol Rasha Yeenach AmHaman
265) Of what is a contraction?
Vay- woe, and Hi- lamentation
266) What did enact against the Jews as is seen from the of
)"( ?
That no one could buy the Jews as avadim
267) Which people were appointed to counteract the ?
Daniel, Chananya, Mishael, Azaryah
268) Which people were appointed to counteract the Greeks?
Shimon Hatzadik, the Chashmonai and his sons, and Matisyah Kohen Gadol
269) Which people were appointed to counteract ?
Mordechai and Esther
270) Who was appointed to counteract the Persians?
The house of Rebbi and the chachmei doros
271) What will happen in the future as is seen from the words ? '
No nation or language will be able to overpower the Jews
272) ' - - To what event does this refer? ()"

The fact that the Jews were punished when Shaul had pity on Amalek
273) ' -
They too were almost wiped out
274) List 4 as to why he was called .


A- Rav- He was the brother of rosh and he had the same mazal (the same mindset) as rosh
(rosh refers to Nevuchadnezzar) B- Shmuel- He blackened the faces of Klal Yisrael
during his days like the bottom of a pot, as a result of their excess fasting C- R
Yochanan- Whoever remembers him will say woe to my head D- R ChaninaEveryone became poor during his times, for he levied a tax on everyone
When the says what exactly did want to destroy? ()"

The foundation of the beis hamikdash that Zerubavel built during the days of Koresh before
276) When the word is written by a person or people what does that indicate?
That they were consistent their whole lives, either for good or for bad
277) What is the positive and negative side of saying that became king on his own?
Positive- No one was as raui as him to become king, negative- he was not raui to be king but he
bribed his way up to that position
278) What are the two opinions as to how to understand the phrase of ?
Either Hodu and Kush are at opposite ends of the world, and he ruled all the lands in between
them, or Hodu and Kush are right next to each other, and the same way that he ruled over Hodu
and Kush, so too he ruled over the whole world
279) If by it is obviously impossible to explain that he was 7 then 30 then 100, how are we
allowed to take such a liberty over here in the ?
Since we already know that he ruled over the whole world from the pasuk of Meihodu Viad Kush
this pasuk must be coming for a drasha
280) In the opening statement of the , which three people are listed as ruling over the whole
Achav, Achashverosh, and Nevuchadnezzar
" "
281) Explain according to both the that ended his life as a and according to the
that he went back to being a king, why is not listed as one of the people who ruled
over the whole world?

If you hold that he ended his life as a hedyot then you can simply say that since his malchus was
interrupted it was not considered complete and therefore we do not consider it as if he ruled over
the entire world, and if you hold that he went back to being a king then Shlomo is too good for this
list, for he also ruled over the upper realms and lower realms
282) Why isnt on the list?
He didnt conquer Yerushalayim
283) Why isnt on the list?
There were 7 provinces which he did not conquer
284) Why isnt on the list?
When he said Kol Mamlachos Haaretz Nasan Li Hashem, there he was merely praising himself
285) How does explain the between the of and ?
Kisheves Hamelech means that after the kings mind settled and he figured the Jews would not be
redeemed and he took out the keilim of the mikdash etc.
286) From whom did take the )"( ?
287) Explain the four events that are being referred to by the phrase
. (Explain with )"
Sheva- To Yehoyakim being conquered, Shemoneh- Galus Yehoyachin was 8 years after
Nevuchadnezzas, Shemoneh Esrei- Kibbush Yehoyakim, Tsha Esrei- Galus Tzidkiyahu, which is
19 years from Nevuchadnezzar
288) In what year of s reign did come to )"( ?
289) For how many years did work before he rebelled against )"( ?

How many years did s rebellion last? ()"

3 years
291) What kind of burial was given? ()"
The burial of a donkey
292) What witty parable did s advisors use to convey the fact that it would be a bad
idea to replace with this son )"( ?
Mikalba Bisha Gurya Tava Lo Nafik- From a bad dog, a good cub cannot come out
293) Whom did appoint in place of )"( ?

294) In what year of did he conquer ?
295) In what year of did he conquer ?

In what year of did release from prison?

37th year
297) About how old was when he was appointed king?

To what does the word in the refer?

Galus Bavel
299) What mistake did make in his calculations?
He should have started counting from Charvos Yerushalayim (which is galus Tzidkiyahu in which
the city was burned)
300) For how many years did the stand after )"( ?

From which months do the count their years of rulership? ()"

302) In what year of s reign was the written?

Who caused to retract his decision to allow the )"( ?

The officers of Yehuda and Binyamin

304) List two alternate names for . ()"
Daryavesh and Artachshasta
305) Explain the phrase . ()"
Some years in the cheshbon were swallowed up amongst other years
" "

How many years was it from when was appointed king until )"( ?

69 years
307) Who else made a mistake in the ?

308) What does it mean that the of is )"( ?
That pasuk is not to be taken in terms of the count of when Bavel would be destroyed, rather it
refers to the fact that at that time Hashem will remember His people
309) How many years after were the Jews remembered? ()"
310) Prove from the that the word and in the are meant to be two
separate clauses. ()"
For there is never a case where a zarka is not followed by a segol, but here the word limishicho
has a zarka and the word Koresh has a marich (munach) to separate it from the previous clause
311) What did ' complain regarding to ?
I said that he should build my beis hamikdash, yet he says whoever is from the Jewish people
should come up and build it
312) How does resolve the seeming between the fact that in one , is listed
before and in another , is listed before ?
Paras and Madai had a deal with each other, if you provide the king we will provide the governors
and vice-versa
313) What type of did wear?
Bigdey Kehuna
314) What is the to say that was a wise king? A foolish king?
Wise- He did well by inviting the people from far off-lands first, for the people in his town he
could appease whenever he wanted, Foolish- He should have brought close the people of his town
first, for if the people from the far off-lands were to rebel against him, the people from his town
would stand up for him
315) , why were the Jews of that deserving destruction?
Because they bowed down to the tzelem of Nevuchadnezzar
316) Why would ' show the Jews favor and redeem them if they worshipped ?
They only acted out of fear, so Hashem only responded in a way that was merely intended to
frighten them
317) - Give three as to how to understand these words.

A- Those who were raui to be in the chatzer were in the chatzer, those raui for the ginah were
in the ginah, and those raui for the bisan were in the bisan B- Achashverosh brought all of
his guests into the chatzer and it could not hold them, he then brought them all into the
ginah, and it could not hold them, until he brought them into this bisan where it could hold
them C- He brought them into the chatzer and made two doors, one going to the ginah and
one to the bisan
318) Give two in the word .
A- Rav- Latticework or needlework, B- Shmuel- He spread out a white mat
319) What is ?
Multi-colored pillows
320) ' says that those who were for the silver couches got the silver ones, and those
who were for the gold got the gold ones. What objection does ' have to this and how
does he re-interpret the ?
You will be stirring up jealousy at the meal, rather all the beds were made of silver and some of
the legs were made of gold
321) What does ' mean when he says )"( ?
They are precious stones that people are willing to pay a lot of money for
322) - Give 3 in these words.
A- Rav- Circular rows of precious stones B- Shmuel- There was a precious stone in the depths
of the sea called Darah, he brought it to the middle of his meal and it lit up the place like it
was midday C- Devei R Yishmael- He proclaimed freedom for all merchants,
Achashverosh lightened the taxes
323) Why does the say that the were it should have said ?
A bas kol came out and said Balshetzaar was destroyed for misusing the keilim and now you are
repeating that?!
324) - What does learn out from here?
Everyone drank wine that was older than them in years
325) How was the drinking ?
R Chanan mishum R Meir- It was like the law of the torah, just as the law of the torah dictates
that there is more eating than drinking, specifically in regards to the items that were offered on the
mizbeach, so too at the seudah of that rasha there was more eating than drinking
326) How was the drinking considered ?
R Elazar- Everyone drank wine from his respective province, wine that he was used to and would
not become easily intoxicated from
327) - What does comment on this ?

To do like the will of Mordechai and Haman, both of whom are called ish, and they were the sarei
mashkim at the meal
328) What aphorism comes out of the fact that both and had bad intentions?
He with large gourds and she with little gourds, it is a euphemism for sexual acts
" "

What very chauvinistic comment did make about ?

He called her the vessel that I use

330) What did do to the Jewish girls?
She made them strip naked and do melacha on shabbos
331) Why did refuse to come down? (both )
Either she had tzaraas or she grew a tail
332) What infuriating message did send to ?
Young stable boy of my father, my father could drink 1,000 barrels of wine and not get drunk,
and you are completely inebriated!
333) What did the know how to do?
To intercalate years and to fix months
334) What was the as to why the Jewish advisors could not say to kill and on the other
hand why they could not say to let her live?
If they killed her then when the king sobered up he would demand her from them, and if they
didnt kill her, well, she was mizalzel the malchus
335) What reason did the give for no longer being able to judge cases?
When the beis hamikdash was destroyed and we were exiled from place to place, our daas was
taken from us
336) To whom did they recommend go instead? Why?
Ammon and Moav, for they had not been exiled, therefore their smell and taste, meaning their
sense of logic and reasoning was better
Explain specifically how each of these names or phrases relates to :


This refers to hakravas hakorbanos

Did the goyim bring before You one-year old oxen, like the Jews

Two turtledoves
An earthen mizbeach
Making use of the bidgei kehuna about which it writes Tarshish Vishoham Viyashfeh
They stir the blood so that it should not coagulate and be posul for zerikah
Stir the menachos before You so as to mix it up
Do they set the table before You
345) Why was called ?
For he was muchan (prepared or ready) for punishment
346) What obnoxious character trait do we see about ?
He spoke up before his elders did
347) How did the first letters, stating how a man is the ruler in his house, save ?
When people saw those letters they thought it was a joke, for even a weaver, the lowliest of
professions, in his house is in charge, therefore when the latter letters came to destroy the Jews
they did not take them seriously, had they taken them seriously they would have gone out
immediately to fulfill the tzivui of the king to kill the Jews
348) In what way did act wisely, and in what way did act foolishly?
David needed a warmer, so all the fathers who had daughters sent their daughter, hoping she
would be chosen, Achasverosh wanted to have relations with all the women, so whoever had a
daughter hid her
349) Why was called ?
He lit up the eyes of Yisrael with his tefillos
350) Why was called ?
His tefillos were listened to
351) Why was called ?
He knocked on the gates of mercy and they were opened for him
352) Give four ways to resolve the seeming as to whether was from or .

A- Rabbah bar bar Chana Amar R Yehoshua- His father was from Binyamin and his mother
was from Yehuda B- Rabanan- Yehuda said: We caused Mordechai to be born, for David
did not kill Shimi ben Gera, and Binyamin said that limaaseh he came from us C- RavaLook what the Yehudi did, in that David did not kill Shimi ben Gera, which led to the birth
of Mordechai who incited Haman against the Jews, and see how the one from Binyamin
was paid back, in that Shaul did not kill Agag, who had Haman, who pained Klal Yisrael
D- R Yochanan- Really he was from Binyamin, and he was called a Yehudi because he
was kafar baavodah zarah
" "

Why was called ?

For man descended during his days for Klal Yisrael

354) Why was called ?
For he broke down breaches in his time
355) Why was called ?
For he connected Klal Yisrael to their Father in heaven
356) Why was called ?
He was like a shelter for Klal Yisrael
357) Why was called ?
For Klal Yisrael hoped for Hashem in his days
358) Why was called ?
He purged the aveiros of Klal Yisrael
359) In what three respects was called an ?
Torah, chochma, and nevius
360) Why was called ?How does this explain why it was fitting that he marry ?
For he rebelled against the plot of the meraglim, for she too rebelled against her fathers idols
361) What was unique about this for , as is evidenced from the words ?
They exiled themselves
362) According to ' , why was called ?
Because tzadikim are called hadasim
363) According to ' , why was called ?
She hid her words but not revealing her nationality or birthplace
364) According to ' , why was called ?

For the nations of the world called her Estahar, meaning that her complexion was as beautiful as
the moons
365) According to , in what respect was like a ?
She was of average height
366) According to ' , why did need a extended for her?
For she had a greenish, ugly complexion
367) What do we learn from the fact that the tells us ?
That Esthers father died when her mother was pregnant, and her mother died during childbirth
368) How did remember what day of the week it was?
She appointed a maid for everyday of the week
369) List three opinions as to what ate.
A- Rav- Kosher food B- Shmuel- Pork (cabbage heads) C- R Yochanan- Pulp (seeds)
370) Why wasnt punished for eating pork? ()"
She was an anusah
371) Give two for .
A- R Chiya bar Abba- Stacht B- R Huna- Olive oil that is not yet 1/3 ripe
372) Why would people anoint themselves with the ?
It smoothed out the hair and made the flesh glow
373) What good thing do we learn about from the pasuk of
That he was only mishamesh mitaso at night
374) What was the degradation of )"( ?
He would be boel women and then send them away
375) What do you see about from the fact that the says
That everyone viewed her as if she was from their own nation
376) What is significant about ?
It is the coldest month and the month where one body benefits from body heat from another body,
and min hashamayim Hashem was trying to be michabev her to Achashverosh
377) How do you see the lewdness of from ?
He wanted to have relations with besulahs and beulahs, and he did
378) What three things did do to try and get to reveal her religion and birthplace?

A- He made a seudah in her honor B- He raised a head tax in her name C- He sent gifts to
officers in her name
379) What did tell was the only way to get a woman jealous?
With the thigh of her friend, i.e. another woman
" "

What was the that had?

She gave the simanim over to her sister

381) What type of trickery would pull on ?
He would give him Leah instead of Rachel
382) What was the that had?
He did not immediately reveal the fact that he was appointed king to his uncle, instead he told him
that he had located his donkeys
383) What is the only we have that came from )"( ?
The targum on the megillah lists Mordechai as a 10th generation descendant of Shaul, and then the
pasuk says He Esther Bas Dodo
384) What is the one way that one can lose greatness from his family?
If he becomes too haughty
385) What does it mean that did the ?
She showed her dam niddah to the chachamim to ascertain whether or not she was tahor and mutar
to Mordechai
386) Why did need to in between with and )"( ?
So that she would not be disgusting to that tzaddik, from her lying with Achashverosh
387) In which scenario did ' get a master angry at his servants to do the will of a ?In which
scenario did ' get servants angry at their master to do the will of a ?
Paroh at the Sar Hamashkim and Sar Haofim to do the will of Yosef, to enable him to get him out
of jail, Bigsan and Seresh got angry at Achashverosh to do the will of Mordechai
388) Why hadnt and gotten any sleep since s arrival? ()"
Since Achashverosh loved Esther so much he was always having relations with her which
subsequently made him very thirsty
389) How was and s plot to kill the king foiled?
Mordechai sat on the Sanhedrin which resided in the Lishkas Hagazis, therefore he had to know
all 70 languages
390) How did ascertain that and were really trying to kill him?

He realized that, as one of them covered both of their posts, which were at different times, the
other one must have been attempting to poison him
391) - To what is the referring when it says after these matters?
After Hashem created a refuah for the makkah, for Hashem does not punish the Jewish people
without first creating a refuah, not so by the goyim
392) Who were the ?
The Rabanan
393) Why was happy when his lot fell out in the month of ?
For that was the month in which Moshe died, so he figured it was a bad month for Klal Yisrae
394) What was s response to when he said that the Jews have Rabbis who are
protecting them?
The Jews are an am echad, so even if their rabbis are doing mitzvos, but if they are not looking out
for the rest of klal yisrael then they are vulnerable and we can defeat them
395) In what three ways did say the Jews were different than all other nations?
They do not eat our food, marry our woman, nor do their women marry us
396) To what did refer when he said that the Jews did not keep the religion of the king?
They are always making excuses to get out of work, like today is shabbos or peasch
397) How does "explain the simple understanding of the words ?
They do not pay land taxes, head taxes etc
398) How did ingeniously misconstrue the of to portray the Jews in a bad light?
He said that if a fly falls into our glass of wine then we will throw it out and drink the wine, but if
the king, Achasverosh, touches it then they will throw it to the ground, meaning he used the halacha
of yayin nesech against us.
399) Why did ' give us the of ?
For He knew that Haman was destined to make the offer to give his 10,000 silver pieces, and the
only reason we were saved is that we gave our pieces before Haman did
" "
400) How does the with a man who wants to sell his ditch and the man who wants to sell
his mound relate to the story of and )"( ?
They both wanted to get rid of that object, meaning Achashverosh also had bad intentions
401) Why was the removal of the ring so much greater than the 48 and 7 who
prophesied for ?

For the removal of the ring got the Jews to do teshuva, whereas all those neviim and neviios were
unsuccessful in doing so
402) What / did the make to justify the institution of ?
If from avdus to cheirus, pesach, we say shira, then certainly from maves to misah we should say
403) Why dont we say on ( ?3 )
A- We do not say Hallel on a neis in chutz laaretz B- R Nachman- Kerias Hamegillah is in
place of Hallel, C- Rava- We were still avdei Achashverosh, and not just avdei Hashem, as
opposed to yetzias mitzrayim, when we left we were no longer avdei Paroh, we were
completely avdei Hashem
404) How many were there for ?
1.2 million
405) What types of were written down?
Ones that were needed lidoros, meaning to teach about teshuva or horaah
406) Why is described as being from ( ? both )
A- R Shmuel bar Nachmani- He came from two mountains which overlooked each other BR Chanin- He was a descendant of people who stood at the height of the world, namely
the Bnei Korach
407) Why was called ( ?both )
A- She was enshrouded in ruach hakodesh B- Everyone gazed at her beauty
408) Why is called and not ?
R Nachman amar Rav- She prophesied when she was only the sister of Aharon and she prophesied
that her mother would give birth to a son who would be a savior of klal yisrael
409) What happened when was born?
The whole house filled up with light
410) At what point did slap over the head?
When Moshe was thrown into the river, he said, what happened to your nevuah
411) What does it mean that stood from afar to know?
To know what would happen with her nevuah
412) Why was called an ?
For she made wicks for the mishkan
413) Why did sit specifically under a date tree? (both )

A- R Shimon ben Avshalom (Avishalom)- For yichud reasons, meaning that a date tree is
high up and it has no shade and it is not easy to be miyached there as in a house B- Just as
a date tree has only one heart, meaning the sap is like the tree, but it is not in the branches
only in the trunk on the face of all the height, so too Klal Yisrael of that dor had one heart
towards Hashem
414) What was the difference between and s inauguration vs. and s
David and Shlomo were anointed with a keren, which was open on both sides, therefore their
malchus was long, Shaul and Yehu, who were anointed with a flask, which is closed on one side,
had a shortened malchus
415) What unique quality do we see about ' vs. from the word ?
Read it Livalosecha, people do not outlive their handiwork, but Hashem outlives His handiwork
416) What unique quality do we see about ' vs. from the words ?
If we create a form on a wall we cannot put in it ruach, neshama, keravayim, and bnei meayim,
but Hashem creates a form within a form, meaning a baby inside a mother, and he can instill in
the child ruach, neshama, keravayim, and bnei meayim
417) Why does it say that went down from the hidden part of the mountain?
She came regarding dam which comes from the hidden area, the vaginal canal, she took her dam
and showed it to David, to ascertain whether she was a niddah
" "

What was s as to why he was allowed to judge by day?

For he was a moreid bimalchus and he does not need to be judged, I can just kill him
419) What counter-argument did present to on this point?
Shaul is still alive and your nature in the world is not yet well-known, therefore he wasnt really a
moreid bimalchus
420) What is the that was a ?
She said to David Lo SIhyeh Zos Lecha Lifuka- do not let this, meaning me, be a stumbling
block, and the loshon of this implies that there was something else, and that is what eventually
happened, the maaseh of David and Bat Sheva
421) Explain how the phrases When a woman speaks she sows and When a goose stoops it
peers afar apply to . (Explain with )"

When Avigayil spoke to David after dissuading him from killing Naval, she said do not forget
about your maidservant, meaning me, meaning she wanted to eventually marry David, she was
already making plans even as she was speaking and he husband was alive, and Avigayil peered
ahead and anticipated the day on which she could marry David
422) How was allowed to prophesy in place of ?
She was a relative of Yirmiyahu and he did not mind
423) How could go to instead of ( ?both )
A- Dvei R Shila- Women are merciful B- R Yochanan- Yirmiyahu wasnt there for he went
to restore and bring back the 10 lost tribes
424) What do you see from the of ?
That Yirmiyahu successfully returned the 10 lost tribes, for otherwise how could Yechezkel
prophesy about the yovel being nullified if it was already mivutal, rather it must be that he
successfully brought them back
425) What do you see from the fact that the says that wore ?
That she was clothed in ruach hakodesh
426) Which two women had disgusting names as a result of their haughtiness?
Devorah, for she summoned Barak to come to her, and Chulda, for she referred to the king as a
regular man
427) Of whom was a descendant?
428) How many / came out of ?

Whom did marry?

" "

In which case do we say that you are a but not a ?

If only your name is explicated and not your fathers

431) If a s city is not explicated, where must he come from?
432) Who is an example of one whose actions and fathers actions are hidden but one was
specified for praise, then we know he is a ? ?
Tzefanya ben Kushi ben Gedalyah, Yishmael ben Nesanyah ben Elishama
433) Why, in the , is called ?

For he was viceroy to the king

434) Why is it to say that was ?
For Malachis nevuah, which speaks of foreign women marrying into klal yisrael parallels Ezras
problem that he had to deal with the issue of inter-marriage
435) List both as to who the 4 most beautiful women in the world were.
A- Sarah, Rachav, Avigayil, Esther B- Sarah, Rachav, Avigayil, Vashti
436) How does cause ?
Through her voice
437) In which case will you get an emission by saying ?
If you know her and recognize her
438) What was shouting about? (both )
A- Rav- Haman has exalted himself over Achashverosh, for he is already set on the matter to
kill the Jews, unlike Achashverosh B- Shmuel- The upper king has triumphed over the
lower king (it is a euphemism for just the opposite, kaivyachol, it is as if Achashverosh
triumphed over Hashem)
439) What does the mean when it says ( ?both )
A- Rav- She became a niddah, B- R Yirmiyah- She needed to loosen her bowels
440) Why was called ( ?both )
A- Rav- For he was cut down from his position of greatness by Achashverosh, after being an
officer and advisor to Balsheetzar, Daryavesh, and Koresh B- Shmuel- All the words of the
malchus were nechtachin, were issued, based on his mouth, meaning he read out all the
proclamations of the king
441) What was hinting to when she said ?
R Yitzchak- Maybe the Jews violated the torah about which it says Mizeh Umizeh Hem
442) What do you see from the fact that did not go back to deliver the message?
That you do not return a message with bad implications, or just a bad message
443) Why was today ?
R Abba- For up until now she was anusah when sleeping with Achashverosh but now she went in
444) In what sense would now be lost from )"( ?
She would be ossur to him, for if I am boeil him biratzon then I am ossur to you
445) What does it mean that passed? (both )

A- Rav- He passed the first day of Pesach fasting, B- Shmuel- He passed over a body of water
to gather in all the Jews from the other side to daven and to fast
446) Which two blessed and respectively?
Aravnah blessed David and Daryavesh blessed Daniel
447) Who cursed ?
448) How does ' differ from us in terms of putting up water?
When we put up water first we put up the pot and then we add water, Hashem puts the water and
then he puts up the pot around the water
449) What happens if you report something ?
You bring geulah to the world
450) Explain the that relates to .
A person who loses a pearl, wherever it is, it is still a pearl, it is only lost to its owner
" "

What did they call ?

R Papa- The eved who sold himself for a basket of bread

452) What do you see about s inner being from ?
That all of his hidden feelings were etched on his heart
453) What do you see from the words ?
That if you want Hashem to be a crown on your head you have to make yourself like shirayim,
meaning humbling yourself
454) Who is being referred to by the word ?
The talmidei chachamim they come early and leave late from the shul or the beis medrash
455) What is the one difference between the Jews and the ?
We are oseik batorah and they are not
456) When did the leave ?
When she arrived at the beis hatzelamim
457) What were each of the doing to when she entered the palace?
One was lifting up her neck, one was extending a chut shel chesed over her, and one was extending
Achashveroshs scepter
458) How far did s scepter extend? (all 5 )

A- R Yirmiyah- 12 amos, B- 16 amos, C- 24 amos, D- 60 amos, E- Rabba bar Ufran mishum

R Elazar- 200 amos
459) Why was unable to remove the mountain from upon his head? ()"
His teeth had extended and had gone into the mountain and since the ants had made holes in it he
could not get it off his head
460) How do we know that grow to 60 )"( ?
The pasuk could have said shen and rasha, so you take the extra yud, and the extra yud and mem
from reshaim, and that gives you 60
461) What two things was excluding when he offered ?
The whole malchus, and something which would divide the malchus, namely binyan beis
hamikdash, which is at the middle of the world
Explain, according to all of the following / the reason as to why invited to
her party:


She set a trap for him

463) '
She learned it from her fathers house, if your enemy is hungry, give him bread
So that he would not take advice and rebel against the king, and since he was being matzliach he
would be victorious, meaning he would feel
465) '
So that he should not recognize that she was Jewish
466) '
So that the Jews should not say that we have a sister in the palace and they would avert their mind
from davening for rachamim from Hashem
467) '
So that she should always be by him and she might get him to slip up in front of the king
468) '
Maybe Hashem will feel my plight, that I have to befriend an enemy of Yisrael, or that I have to
flatter him and degrade my kavod, and He will perform a neis
469) '

I will show him a good face so that the king suspects myself and Haman of having an affair and
kill both of us [and some nuschaos in "say that when a gezeirah is promulgated, and one of
the people involved in the gezeirah dies, the gezeirah is nullified]
470) '
Achashverosh was a very wishy-washy king, therefore, even if he consented to kill Haman, Esther
would need him there, for if they had to travel to get him, by the time they arrived there,
Achashverosh might have changed his mind
471) '
When there is jealousy in the king then there is jealousy in the officers, meaning all the officers
were jealous of Hamans exalted position with the king, and now that Esther invited him to the
party it concretized that jealousy
Lifnei Shever Geon, meaning that Esther invited him so that he should fell prideful right before
his downfall
Bichumam Ashis Es Mishteihem, the same way that by Balshetzar and his entourage when he
returned from war tired and exhausted, Koresh and Daryavesh surrounded Bavel, and after
Balshetzar sat down to drink, they got drunk and were killed, so too Esther wanted to intoxicate
Haman, for through the feast of reshaim, bad things occur
474) Like which was holding?
All of them
475) How many sons did have? (all )
A- Rav- 30, 10 died, 10 were hanged, and 10 went around begging B- Rabanan- The number
of those who went begging was really 70, meaning he had a total of 90 kids C- Rami bar
Abba- 208
476) Whose sleep was disturbed? (3 )
A- R Tanchum- The sleep of the malko shel olam, B- Rabanan- The upper and lower realms
were shaking (the maalachim were in a frenzy the whole night, saying how could you pay
back good to this kefuyei tovah, or the reason the upper realms shook was so that they
davened for rachamim) C- Rava- Achashveroshs sleep was disturbed
477) What do you see from the words ?
The words read of their own accord
" "

What do you see from the fact that the writes instead of ?

That Shimshai erased the good deed of Mordechai and Malaach Gavriel rewrote it
479) Who was )"( ?
Achashveroshs scribe and he was a sonei yisrael
480) How does this incident demonstrate the of ?
If the ksav shelimatah, which is lizechusan shel yisrael, is not erased, then the ksav shelimaalah,
the kesivah of all of our actions on this world, certainly it will never be erased
481) If was a , then why did he tell that he has not done any good to
repay ?
For he hated Haman
482) What is the deeper meaning of the words , that had the gallows prepared for
It was really Lo Heichin, meaning, it was prepared for Haman himself to be hanged on
483) What did suggest should be given to instead of having ride on the royal
horse through the town?
Either give him a village or a riverbank from which to collect taxes
484) Why was demonstrating to the )"( ?
It was the 16th of Nissan, the day of the waving of the korban omer, so he was teaching them inyana
485) Why did tell the to disperse?
So as not to get burned by the coal of Haman
486) For how many years was the barber of ?

Why was unable to mount the horse with his own strength?

He was weak from fasting

488) How did justify kicking as he climbed up his back?
He said that the pasuk of Binfol Oyivcha Al Tismach only applies to Jews, but for you the pasuk
says Viatah Al Bamoseimo Sidroch
489) What did s daughter throw onto s head?
The contents of a toilet
490) If was a descendant of which four would be unable to overpower him?
Yehuda, Binyamin, Menashe, or Efrayim
491) Why does the use the double of ?

R Yehuda bar Illai- The Jews are compared to the stars and to the dust, when we descend, we
descend down to the level of dust, but when we ascend, we rise to the level of stars
492) Why wasnt able to properly clean himself off before attending his party with
and )"( ?
He was rushed to the palace by the couriers of the king
493) - Explain what happened here.
For the first time, Achashverosh spoke directly to Esther because he know found out that she was
inherently from royalty
494) When said what was she about to do?
She was about to point at Achashverosh until a maalach came and redirected her finger towards
495) What did see in his garden that upset him further?
He saw maalachim, disguised as men, uprooting trees from his garden, and they told him that they
had orders from Haman to uproot these trees
496) What do we learn from the fact that the says instead of ?
That Haman fell down, wanted to get up, but the maalach held him down on top of Esther to make
it look like they were having an affair
497) Why was also deemed a ?
For once he saw that his plot was not going to succeed he ran away (he also told Achashverosh of
the gallows which Haman had built and suggested hanging him on his own gallows)
498) Explain the double of . (both )
A- Hashems and Achashveroshs anger subsided B- Both refer to Achashveroshs anger, one
about Esther and one about Vashti
" "
499) How could possibly give 5 garments to , he is going to arouse jealousy amongst
the brothers?
R Binyamin bar Yefes- He was hinting to him that he would have a son who would have a
descendant who would emerge from him who would go out before the king wearing 5 types of
royal garments
500) Why would we not be the question of How many necks did have? ()"
For it is normal for the mikra to write tzavarei in the plural even when it refers to a singular neck
501) What was crying over? What was crying over?

R Elazar- Yosef was crying over the two batei mikdashos that were going to be in Binyamins
chelek that would be destroyed, and Binyamin was crying about Mishkan Shilo, which was going
to be in Yosefs chelek, which would be destroyed
502) What is considered the ?
Aged wine that pleases older people ( "on chumash adds certain soporific beans are considered
tuv mitzrayim as well)
503) Where is the phrase A fox in his time, bow to him really apropos?
By the pasuk of Vayishtachu Yisrael Al Rosh Hamitah
504) What comforting words did say to his brothers?
If the 10 of you couldnt put me out, how could I possibly kill you
Say what each of the following refer to:

Yom Tov
508) At what point in the bathhouse was comforted? ()"
When he looked at or remembered his makom hamilah
Tefillin shel rosh
510) Why should the and the word be recited in one breath?
They lost their lives at the same time
511) Why must the of be standing erect?
They were all hanged on the same tree
512) Which two are written or ? Why?
This shira of the aseres bnei haman and the malchei kenaan, so as not to give room for the reshaim
to linger
513) How do we know that the hit on the mouth? ()"
Because he started a diatribe as to how the Jews killed 500 people in Shushan, and he was getting
angry, and at the end he asks Esther what she wants
514) What do we see from the fact that the says instead of ?

Esther said to recount annually that which occurred, meaning read over that which is written down
515) What do we see by a from the words ?
That it needs sirtut
516) Why wasnt all of appeased by ?Why did part of the separate from
him? ()"
For he was mivatel torah and went into politics
517) What is the that is greater than ?
When Mordechai is still the Rebbi he is recounted after 4 people, but after he becomes viceroy to
the king, even though he does it to save the Jews, he is still demoted and listed after 5 people
518) What is the that is greater than ?
For as long as Baruch ben Neriyah was alive, Ezra, his talmid, would not leave Bavel, even to go
build the beis hamikdash
" "

What is the that is greater than ?

For the 14 years that Yaakov was in Yeshivat Shem Vaever, learning torah, he was not punished
for a lack of kibbud av vaeim
520) How old was when he died?

How much older was than ?

14 years
522) How old was when was born?

How old was when he got the from ?


Who was and what did he do?

He was Yishmaels son and he married off his sister Machalas to Esav
525) How many years after descended to did die?

How old was when he stood by the well?


For how long was in ?

18 months
528) For how long was in ?
6 months

529) What is the only language, that even if you dont understand it, if you hear the in that
language you are still ?
530) Why is the of the that if the is read backwards you are not learnt from the
pasuk of ultimately rejected? What new does the give for such a ?
For the pasuk does not write anything about keriah, rather it is about asiyah, rather the source is
from Vihayamim Haeleh Nichtavim Vinaasim and we compare zechira to asiyah, just as asiyah
cannot be limafrea, so too zechira cannot be limafrea
531) List and explain the four sources as to how we know that cannot be read backwards.
A- Rabbah- Mimizrach Shemesh Ad Mevoh- the same way that the setting and rising of the
sun is not inverted, so too praise Hashem but not backwards B- R Yosef- Zeh Hayom
Asah Hashem- the same way that the hours of the day are in order, so too do not praise
Hashem out of order C- R Avya- Yehi Shem Hashem Mevorach- the way it is, praise
Hashem and bless him in order D- R Acha bar Yaakov- Meiatah Viad Olam
" "

What is the for s that can only be read in ?

The pasuk says Vihayu Hadevarim Haeleh- and Rebbi darshins bahavayasan yehu, the words
have to be the way they are, namely in
533) What is the for the that can be read in any language?
The pasuk says Shema- and the darshin it to mean in any language that you hear, meaning
any language that you understand
534) What does do with the aforementioned of the ?
He learns from Shema that you have to able to hear that which you are saying
535) How do the deal with s limud?
They hold like the shita that says that bidieved if you do not hear the words of shema coming out
of your mouth you are still yotzei
536) What do the do with ?
They learn that you cannot read kerias shema backwards
537) From where does know the aforementioned ?

From the extra hei in Hadevarim

538) How do the deal with aforementioned of ?
They do not learn anything out of the extra hei
539) What is the assumption behind the suggestion that should hold that can
be read in any language?
For otherwise, what is the point of the from Vihayu, its pashut
540) How is the that suggestion?
Vihayu is needed, for I might have thought that Rebbi agrees to the of Shema, namely that
you can read kerias shema in any language, comes along Vihayu and tells us that it can only be
read in
541) Why was he called )"( ?
He sold grape-vine wool which was called pakula
542) How many instituted the ?

State the which teaches us the for each of the following:

Havu LaHashem Bnei Eilim

544) How is the aforementioned a reference to )"( ?
We ask Hashem to remember the eilei haaretz, strong ones of the land, meaning the avos
Havu LaHashem Kavod Vaoz
Havu LaHashem Kavod Shemo Hishtachavu LaHashem Bihadras Kodesh
547) State the juxtaposition which explains why we say after .
The pasuk says Vihikdishu Es Kedosh Yisrael Vies Elokei Yisrael Yaaritzu and then it goes on
to say Viyadu Toei Ruach Binah
548) after
The pasuk says Ulevavo Yavin Vishav Virafa Lo
549) What type of is being referred to in the of ?
A refuah of selicha
550) Why is the seventh ?

Because we are going to be redeemed in the 7th year

551) Isnt coming in the 8th year?
The milchama is the beginning of the geulah
552) What type of is the after the )"( ?
It is a geulah from the tzaros not the geulah from the galus
553) Why is the 8th ?
Because milah is on the 8th day
554) Why is the 9th ?
Because David, in the 9th perek of Tehillim, davened that Hashem should brake the hand of the
rasha and thst refers to those who cause inflation in the markets
555) How do you know that the in that of are specifically referring to
inflationists? ()"
For the pasuk says Yerav Bimistar Kiaryeh Bisuko Yerov Lachatof Ani, listim dont chase after
aniyim! Rather the pshat is that these are the people who cause the market value to go up
556) How do we get around the issue that this is really the 9th of )"( ?
The perek of Ashrei and Lama Ragshu are two separate perakim of Tehillim, therefore this is still
the 9th
557) What do you see from the )"( ?
That kibbutz galuyos will happen at a time of birkas hashanim
558) What is the necessary pre-requisite to as is
evidenced from the in )"( ?
First it has to be , meaning all the evil has to be removed and only then can we
settle in
559) Who are the )"( ?
Those who do not believe that Toras Moshe in min hashamayim
560) What will happen when the are destroyed?
The tzadikim will be raised up
561) Who is included in the category of ?
Geirei tzedek
562) Where will this take place?

563) What will happen when is built?

David will come

" "

What will come at this point?

565) What will come next?
566) Next?
567) Why is after ?
For the pasuk says Vayisa Aharon Es Yadav El Haam Vayivarchem Vayered Measos Hachataas
Vihaolah Vihashelamim, it says measos, meaning it was after the avodah
568) In what sense are and considered one thing? ()"
Hodaah is also an avodah of Hashem
569) How do we know that should be after ?
The pasuk says
570) What is the of '?
571) What was the point of s institution of if it was already established?
They forgot it
572) In what sense was it to speak of the praise of ')"( ?
To be kovea such praise in a bracha
573) Which type of are we allowed to give to ')"( ?
Only praise which the were misaken
574) What happens to one who praises ' too much?
He is uprooted from this world
575) What is the best drug of all?
576) What aphorism came from the aforementioned drug?
A word for a sela and silence for 2
577) What did the , in the , think that the word meant?

Just looking in to the megillah, learning it, but not reading it

578) What is the case of ?
It was written in targum and you read it in targum
579) What is the case of ?
It is written in Greek and you read it in Greek
580) What should the have said had been calling the -?
It should have said Vayikra Lo Yaakov
581) Why did and have to say that is for everything, why didnt they just
say that the follows ?"
For I would have said that they only poskin like R Shimon ben Gamliel by other sefarim, but by
megillah, where it writes Kichsavam, I would have said that Greek is no good, ka mashma lan
that Greek is good for everything
582) Why is a foreigner who hears his , he does not understand what he is
He is just like the women and the amei haaretz who also do not understand what is going on
583) But even we do not fully understand the , like by , so how can we
be reading the ?
For there is still mitzvas keria and pirsumei nisa, and the women and amei haaretz will ask others
and they will tell them the story of Purim and that will be a kiyum of pirsum haneis
Define each of the following words:

A type of vegetable

Your load
Sweep away
" "
589) In which case of do you have to go back to the beginning?

If you paused long enough to finish the entire megillah

590) Why cant the of be from where you stopped until the end?
For otherwise you putting a shiur on the words of the
591) What is the that is for the ?
The fact that by a case of a woman who is awaiting yibum, and one of the younger brothers goes
ahead and is mikdaesh the sister of the shomeres yavam, R Yehuda ben Beseirah says that we tell
him to wait until your older brother does a maaseh, either yibum or chalitza, and Shmuel says that
the halacha follows R Yehuda ben Beseirah
592) Explain why, if the is still in front of the brothers, she is considered a full wife to all
of the brothers. ()"
Through the zikah-bond of yibum and he is to her sister becusae of the lav of achos isha, for
he holds that there is zikah even with two woman and certainly with one, and the argue and
say that since they are two brothers, their zikah is not unique to merely be imposed upon one of
them to make her considered to be his wife, and therefore he is to her sister
593) Explain, in detail, the case of .
Not fully awake, not fully asleep, if you call to him he will answer you, but he will not be able to
be masbir to you what he said, but if you remind him he will remember the incident
594) How is the the possible to that you are not allowed to write
one letter that is not from the text?
Maybe we were talking about a case where there happened to be a megillah in front of him
595) Why was ' allowed to write the by heart?
Because he fulfilled the pasuk of and , namely when they did not
have a megillah readily available, is different
596) Why can and be written by heart?
Because they are fluent in everyones mouth
597) What is )"( ?
Vermillion which is used to dye the window shutters
" "

What is )"( ?

Black shoe polish

599) What is ?
Unfinished paper
600) What time of day is the cut-off point for a to leave the city and not be called a ?

601) Why does a who goes to the city, read with the people of the city?
For the were only on the villages to allow them to read on the if they were not
going into town, but if they went into town, even if they already heard the they have to hear
it again
602) List the 4 as to where a person must start reading the in order to fulfill his .
A- ' - The whole thing B- ' - From C- ' - From D' - From
603) Explain how all four fit into the of .
A- According to the opinion that you have to read everything, the refers to the strength
of B- According to the opinion of it refers to the strength of CAccording to the opinion of it refers to the strength of D- According
to the opinion of it refers to the strength of the
604) Explain how all four fit into the of .
A- According to the opinion that you have to read the whole thing, why did see fit to
use the keilim of the "because he calculated the 70 years and he saw that the Jews
were still not redeemed, and what happened as a result, Vashti was killed B- According to
the opinion that you have to start from Ish Yehudi, why did see fir to incite Haman,
because he made himself into avodah zarah, and what happened, a miracle took place CAccording to the opinion that you have to start from Achar Hadevarim Haeleh, why did
Haman see fit to hate all the Jews, because would not bow down to him, and what
happened, he and his kids were hanged D- According to the opinion that you have to start
reading from Balayla Hahu, why did Achashverosh see fit to bring out his book of
chronicles, because invited Haman to the party, and what happened, a miracle
605) In what respect is a called a ?
That if you stitch it with flax it is posul
606) In what respect is a called an ?
That if you stitch it up with three sinews it is kosher
607) Explain the phrase . ()"
Each stitch should be equidistant
608) In which case are you if you read a ?
If the section of the megillah is longer or shorter than the rest of the klaf, meaning there is a heker
" "

Why did hit ' over the head?

For that ruling that you are not yotzei by reading a was only taught
610) What is the point of the additional stitching on a ?
So that it should not rip
611) Which two people stood in the cleft of the rock as ' passed over the cave?
Moshe and Eliyahu
612) What is the point of the small needles? ()"
To sew garments
613) What are big needles called? ()"

614) What was the thing that the were going to innovate in the future?
615) How old is a )"( ?
9 or 10
' "
616) How do we resolve the seeming and say that our follows ' and that a
is to read even ( ?2 ways)
Either the is his Rebbi and the case of taking off terumah is his own shita or you can even
say that he agrees to his Rebbi and that R Yehuda breih DiR Shimon ben Pazi holds like R Meir
617) Why didnt the , in the second story, just say ?
It was written in a format of chada viod, meaning both reasons are contributing factors as to why
you cant prove anything from this incident
618) Why would one have thought that you could at night? ()"
You might have said that once the 7th day sets in, which is at night, then one can already do tevilah
619) If is really considered morning, why dont we just allow all to be done,
, from that point on? ()"
Since not everyone is a baki as to when alos hashachar is, therefore we wait until hanetz
620) Why is the case of singled out in our ?

For otherwise I would have thought to say that it should be considered like the first emission of a
zav, and the first emission of a zav is compared to a baal keri, just as a baal keri can only toveil
during the day, so too the zav who saw one emission can toveil during the day, but a
cannot toveil that day for she needs at least partial shemira for the next day, and that partial
shemira can be accomplished by watching herself partially at night, in which case I would have
thought just let her toveil at night, after her partial shemira, that since she requires
sefirah, and sefirah can only be done by day
' "
621) What would I have thought from the in of without the of
Really alos is not considered day and shekia, not tzeis is already night, and these people were just
working longer hours, comes along the pasuk of and tells us that these were actually the
parameters of the day itself
622) What rule do we learn about )"( ?
It is not miakev, all these things are still kosher the entire day
623) Which two are being referred to when the says )"( ?
The and the
624) How do we know that has to be done during the day?
For it is equated to the korban musaf
625) Why cant you say that the is the )"( ?
For the pasuk afterwards writes
626) To which corner of the do you bring the )"( ?
The southwest corner
627) Which process of the corresponds to by )"( ?
The haktarah
628) How do we know that is by day?
We learn a gezeirah shava of torah torah, the pasuk here says
and the pasuk there says , just as mishpat is by day so too hashkayas sotah
is by day
" "

How do we know that has to be done by day?

For the word kaparah is written by it like by

630) When do you offer up the ?

During the day

631) How is ' the of )"( ? ?
R Yose understands the pasuk to mean that the shulchan cannot go the entire night without bread,
but the say that the bread has to be ready to be put on the moment the old bread is taken off
632) According to ' how late can one eat the ?


Why cant you add on Monday and Thursday? )"( ?

Monday and Thursday- People have to go to work, Shabbos Mincha- People were learning the
whole day and it is close to being dark, therefore we do not add on aliyos
634) If there is an on and , then why did the forbid one from
adding more )"( ?
Because doing melacha for a davar haveid is , so we do not want to nullify that permitted type
of work
635) What happened when died?
Kavod hatorah was nullified
636) Of what is an expression?
Lingering or holding back
637) According to , when can be learnt sitting and when can it be learnt standing?
Easy sugyos, standing, hard sugyos, sitting
" "

Why cant there be two for the )"( ?

639) Why are we so about everyone hearing the of , but not that of )"( ?
For torah, we want everyone to understand the mitzvos
640) Why are we not " " by )"( ?
Because there is no targum for kesuvim
641) Why by and do we allow 10 people to read it?
Since it is chaviv, people will pay attention to it and try to hear it
642) At what point in time do you make on ?
Oveir laasiyasan
643) Which three do you make before you read the ?

, ,
644) How do we end the which follows the reading of the ?
645) To whom or what do the 3 on Mondays, Thursdays, and correspond? (2
' - , ,
- ,
646) Why would I have thought that the of ' is not counted as one of
the 10 needed in )"( ?
For it does not come to teach you anything
647) To whom or what does the minimum requirement of 10 correspond? (3 )
' -
' -
648) Explain the from that if the first reads 4 , " .
The kohanim labeled the baskets as aleph, beis gimmel in order to know which coins, for the
machtzis hashekel were given first, for the mitzvah is with the first one
649) Explain the from that if the middle reads 4 , " .
All the candles faced the ner maaravi, and the ner maaravi faced the shechina
650) Why, if the last reads four , ?"
Because of
651) Why were the that each make a before and after each ?
Because of the
652) Why cant the break down of "be 2, 3, and 3?
Because you cannot leave over less than 3 psukim until the end of a section
" "

What are two possible ways to read the of if there are only 5 ?

Rav- skip backwards, and re-read the last pasuk with which you ended off, Shmuel- Split the
middle pasuk in half
654) Why does not hold like ?

For he holds that any pasuk which Moshe did not split up, we cannot split up
655) How does deal with the fact that ' only permitted young children to break
up ?
The same way that there it was impossible to teach the children any other way, so too here it was
impossible to read it any other way
656) Why does not hold like ?
As a gezeirah for the nichnasin and the yotzin
657) Why would I have thought that are not common?
Because the sefer torah is opened and people would not have the chutzpa to walk out, ka mashma
658) Why are we not worried if the walk in late?
Because they can just ask someone what happened
659) How does the try to prove that on a we have 4 from the story of
going down to ?
For the gemara says that he only made the opening the bracha, and presumably he got the aliyah
for a yisrael, and yet he did not make the concluding bracha, most probably because there was
going to be a fourth oleh
660) How is the this ?
Rav actually read the kohens aliyah
661) Why did give to )"( ?
For he cursed him that he should not have children, so to appease him he gave him kavod
662) Where did live? ()"

663) Why didnt need to make the after the ?

People might come late to shul, but no one would leave early for they were in awe of Rav
" "

What is our coming to teach us?

Any day that has more kedusha than the previous day, has more aliyos
665) Why didnt fall on his face?
For he was in front of a stone floor
666) Why was the rest of the allowed to fall on their face?

They were not sitting in front of a stone floor

667) Why didnt just move and join the rest of the ( ?2 )
Either he didnt want to be matriach them to get up, or Rav was doing pishut yadayim viraglayim,
which is forbidden on a stone floor
668) Why didnt just refrain from doing ( ? 2 )
Either he did not want to change from his minhag or because he was an adam chashuv he generally
did not fall on his face, for an adam chashuv cannot fall on his face unless he is certain he is going
to be answered, like Yehoshua bin Nun
669) Define .
Falling on your face
670) Define .
Bending on your knees
671) Define .
Bowing down all the way, pishut yadayim viraglayim
672) For what 2 reasons did become lame?
Because he complained to Hashem and because he did kidah in front of Rebbi
673) How did and say ?
They leaned on their sides
" "

Why do we delay the onset of )"( ?

For people are busy with preparing their seuda

675) Why do we let out quickly? ()"
Because of simchas yom tov
676) Why do we bring in quickly? ()"
For everything is already prepared from erev shabbos, and it is better to bring it in quickly in order
to be able to recite shema early
677) Why do we let out quickly? ()"
Because of oneg shabbos
678) How does the attempt to prove that the aforementioned was reflective of the
opinion of ?'
The reason why we let yom kippur later is because we have an extra aliyah
679) How does the rebut this claim and show that this can even be like ?'

The reason why we let out yom kippur later is because davening is much longer
680) To what do the 3, 5, and 7 correspond? (2 )
A- Birkas Kohanim B- The 3 shomrei hasaf, the 3 people who had keys to the mikdash, and
they were the gabbaim in the mikdash, the 5 roei pnei hamelech, who were constantly with
the king, the 7 from those who were roei pnei hamelech were the 7 officers of Paras and
Madai who are mentioned in Megillas
681) To whom do the 6 on correspond?
Corresponding to the 6 people who stood to the right of Ezra and the 6 people who stood to his
682) Why was called ?
For he was whole in his actions
683) Why were the that women should not read from the ?
Because of kavod tzibbur
684) If you hold that does not count as one of the then why do we read it?
It is merely for kavod torah, to show that the torah is more chashuv than navi
685) How does the try to prove that is not one of the , from the ?
For the din is that the minimum number of psukim you need in the haftarah is 21, corresponding
to the psukim which you read in the torah, and if maftir was one of the aliyos then you should have
to read 24 psukim
" "

In which two cases do you not need 21 in the ?

A- If you finished the topic B- If there is a turgaman, because of tircha ditziburra

687) What does it mean to be )"( ?
If a minyan if people come to shul after the tzibbur said shema, then one person should get up and
recite kaddish, barchu, and the first bracha of kerias shema
688) What is )"( ?
When you carry a meis to go bury him they would sit seven times and cry, and whoever wanted to
give a hesped would do so, you cannot do less than 7 sittings and standings for a meis, like when
the safdan says Get up and sit down precious ones
689) What is )"( ?
When the avel would leave the cemetery there would be a row of people who would be standing
there and comforting him, and that row requires at least 10 people
690) Explain the from , that an is no less than 10 people. ()"

Hashem says to Moshe, Ad Masai Laedah Haraah Hazos and that excludes Yehoshua and Kalev,
so you are left with 10
691) Why is doing with less than 10 people not considered normal? ()"
It is not normal to be matriach a shliach for less than 10 people, nor is it normal to call them
precious ones, for what will happen to the rest of the people
692) What is ( ? Based on a and "in )
This refers to the seudas havarah, where they would go out into the street and comfort the aveilim
and provide them with food for their first meal
693) Why cant the be counted as one of the 10? ()"
For they say a separate bracha to the menachamim, therefore they are not included with them
694) Explain the s assumption when it asks: Why not say 5 and 5 )"( ?
Numbers 1,3,5,7, and 9 tell me that I need a kohen, but based on the other 5 applications I should
be able to use a yisrael
695) How do we evaluate a person who wants to pay his value to ?
We evaluate him like an eved
696) Why should a not translate more than one at a time? ()"
So that he should not make a mistake, for he is translating by heart
" "

Why is a allowed to translate three at a time? ()"

We do not care if they mess up, for there is no practical application of knowing navi
698) Why cant you skip around in the )"( ?
For if you jump around then those listening will be confused
699) What would be the problem if the time it took you to roll the and skip was longer than
the time it took for the to finish translating? ()"
It is not kavod for the tzibbur to stand silently
700) , when are you allowed to skip around in the ?
If it is within the same topic
701) In which case can you not skip within the ?
If you are skipping backwards
702) Why should a not be or )"( ?
Since he is not michuyav, he cannot be motzi others
703) Why should a not do )"( ?

It is not kavod tzibbur that they should be subjugated to his bracha

704) What is a )"( ?
One whose legs are visible and he is barefoot, and naked
705) According to ' , what type of blind person cannot be ?
One who was born blind
706) What is a between the reason of and the reason of ?
If he does it for free, for there is no issue of fighting, but there is still an issue of kavod
" "

What was the to say that a should be able to read from the )"( ?

Maybe the lav of Vilo Yeraeh Becha Ervas Davar only applies to a katan
708) According to ' what is the fundamental difference between the and a
blind person being ?
By maaseh merkavah, everything depends on your level of havanah, whereas by being poreis al
shema it depends if you have gotten hanaah from the meoros, and a blind person has not gotten
hanaah from light
709) What is the purpose of a blind person holding a torch?
So others can see him walking and help him along the path and help him avoid obstacles
710) What happens to one who looks at the hands of the when they are doing ?
His eyes become dim
711) Why shouldnt people from , , or go down in front of the ( ?explain
with )"
Becusae they read alephs as ayins and vice-versa, and they will say yaer, meaning that Hashem
will show us good grace as yaer, meaning that Hashem will curse us
712) Why would ' be considered a when he got to the of ')"( ?
For it looks like he is saying Vihikeisi, and I will hit Hashem
713) What is a )"( ?
A teary eyed person
714) Explain the phrase . ()"
The people of the town are already used to him and they will no longer look at him
715) When is a person whose hands are painted or dyed allowed to do ?

If that is the profession of most people in the town

716) Why, if you put your on the palm of your hand or on your forehead, is that considered
)"( ?
For he degrades the drash of the and he follows the literal implication of the pasuk, for the
say that al yadecha refers to your bicep and bein einecha refers to the soft spot on your head
717) What is a ?
Your shirt sleeve
718) Why is plating gold or putting it on your considered to be ?
For they are people who follow their own daas, outside the daas of the , for the say
that tefillin has to be Lecha Leos and not Laacheirim, and in terms of plating it with gold it has to
come from animal hide which is
719) A box of is one fingersbreadth wide. How long is its diagonal? ()"
1 2/5
" "

Why is saying considered )"( ?

For you do not include the reshaim in the praise of Hashem, and the learn to include reashim
from the chelbanah in the ketores
721) What does it mean that one is )"( ?
One who says that the whole parshas arayos is not literal, rather it is all a reference to one who
shames his parent publicly, and they take the psukim out of their literal interpretation
722) Why do we silence one who misconstrues the of ?
For he is uprooting the implication of the pasuk by saying that it really means not to have relations
with a kusis
723) List both reasons as to why it is a problem to say .
A- You are instilling jealousy into creations, by saying that Hashem only has rachamim on
birds but not on the other creatures B- You are making the traits of Hashem into merciful
traits, when in reality they are merely gezeiros
724) If the said that we silence a person who says then why did
say Look how the know how to appease their master?
He was testing Abaye
725) How could say ' is ' a small thing?

For Moshe yiras Hashem was a small thing

726) Explain the s exclamatory remark of !
Is Hashem your friend that you can say things to Him without first thinking
727) Why are we not the )"( ?
Maybe the amei haaretz will think that the egel has mamash
728) Why would I have thought that I should not be ?
For I might come to ask that which is above and below the world, and that which happened before
and will happen after the world
" "

Why would I have thought that I should not be the ?

For I might have though that we should be concerned for the kaovd of Avraham
730) Why would I have thought that I should not be the ?
For I might have thought that we should be concerned about the kavod of Yehuda, ka mashma lan
that it was actuall a shevach for him, the fact that he admitted to what he did
731) Why would I have thought that I should not be the ?
For I might have thought that we should be concerned for the kavod of Klal Yisrael, ka mashma
lan that it is a kaparah for them
732) Why would I have thought that we should not be the ?
For I might have thought that we should be concerned about the faintheartedness of the tzibbur
733) Why would I have thought that I should not be the ?
For I might have thought that you might come to do the mitzvos out of yirah
734) Why would I have thought that I should not be the ?
For I might have thought that we should be concerned for the kavod of David
735) Why would I have thought that I should not be the of ?
For I might have thought that we should be concerned for the kavod of Binyamin
736) Why would I have thought that I should not be ?
For R Eliezer holds that you cannot be it, for there was an incident where someone
read it in front of him and he said before you look at the flaws of , look at the flaws of your
mother, and he found a shemetz psul
737) How do we learn from s response to that you should be careful about what you
respond to people? ()"

Through Aharons response to Moshe the contesters have room and brazenness to say that there is
substance to the avodah zarah, for Aharon said I threw it into the fire, and out came this egel
738) Why are we not the word from )"( ?
So that people should not think that Hashem in unjust and he only gives us things we do not
deserve, but not anyone else
739) Why does ' bestow so much good will and so many favors upon us? ()"
For the in Brachos says that Hashem tolds us to bentch on kedei seviah, and we are machmir
on ourselves to bentch even on a kezayis, so since we are going above and beyond for Hashem,
He does the same for us
740) When are you allowed to be the ?
When it just says Amnon without saying ben David
In all of the following cases explain the difference in :
741) vs. )"(
Yishgilena is a loshon of relations, yishkevena merely implies lying down
742) vs. )"(
Baapolim is a more explicitly degrading thing than Batechorim, although both of them relate to
743) vs. )"(
Cheryonim is fecal matter, Divyonim is fecal matter which flows from a dove, and the difference
is that by Divyonim is not explicated that Klal Yisrael ate dung in the Shomron during the famine
744) vs. )"(
The first one is an explicit reference to fecal matter which comes out via the anus, and urine which
comes out via the rectum, whereas the second is less discreet
745) vs. )"(
Mechraos is an explicit reference to a bathroom, or a place where feces is let out, Motzaos merely
means a privy
746) According to ' , why are you allowed to say ?
Because it is a genai for ovdei kochavim
747) What type of is ?
Leitzanus against avodas kochavim
748) What does the mean when it says )"( ?
It means take the avodah zarah and shove it up your bared buttocks, based on a pasuk in Iyov
749) What does the mean when it says ? " "

If there are rumors going around that a certain person is an adulterer, then you can call him a
degrading name, or the Geonim say that you can embarrass his mother who bore him

" "

What is the for the of )"( ?

After Betzalel built the Mishkan, Moshe, who was greater than him, erected it
751) According to ' , why does the have ?
Because people daven there on taaneisim and maamados
752) Why, according to the , does it not have ?
For those occasions are merely circumstantial and are not
753) Why can you not sell a ?
Since it belongs to the rabbim, perforce you cannot sell it without their consent
754) Why was the of the allowed to be sold?
For it was a small shul and they built it
755) Why was to host the ?
For he was mitztaer daily over the fact that the entire mizbeach was not in his chelek
756) In which two do the hides go to the owner? ()"
The todah and shelamim
757) What does see from the fact that the owner can grab the hides by force?
That it is natural for the guest to leave for the owner an earthenware flagon and animal hides
758) When are you allowed to buy things that have less ?
If you have the consent of the 7 council members in the presence of the people of the town
" "

Why are you allowed to exchange or sell a )"( ?

Because the kedusha is being chal on the exchanged object or on the money
760) In which case will no one say ?
Like in the case of tavui laarig, where it was not yet designated for a specific purpose
761) Explain the that says that giving a as a is .
If not for the fact that he got some hanaah from this person he would not be giving him this gift,
therefore this gift takes on the status of a sale
762) What is a )"( ?

A sack in which to put a sefer

763) What is the difference between a and a )"( ?
Tik is on something long and nartik is on something short
764) Why did originally assume that a was a )"( ?
For you spread a cloth on it and only then do you put a sefer torah on it
765) What made change his mind that the curtain which surrounded the inner part of the
was really a )"( ?
They would wrap it directly under a sefer torah
766) Why does the have to tell us that the coverings of have to be buried, its
I would have thought that they are merely made for protection, not for kavod, therefore they have
no kedusha, ka mashma lan
767) What two benefits would have accrued had they put in front of the room of the ?
An aron is not mikabel tumaah and it stops tumaah from entering
768) Why, in the end, was putting the there not a viable option?
For there were times where it was carried empty, therefore as a wooden kli that is carried empty
or full it is not possible that it can prevent the tumaah from entering
769) According to , what is an effective method of burying the cloth for ?
You can use them as shrouds for a meis mitzvah
770) What is the purpose of burying a worn out in a ?
It will be preserved for a long time
" "
771) The tries to bring a proof that one may sell an old in order to buy a new one from
the fact that the says that it is only that cannot be bought after a is sold,
implying that buying a new would be fine. How does the reject this proof?
That baraiisa was only talking about bidieved, meaning if you went ahead and bought the torah,
but our question is, can you do this lichatchila
772) Why must you say that the case of placing on top of one another is different then a
regular case of going down in ?
For otherwise you would never be able to roll up a torah, for you would be putting one column on
top of another
773) Why would and getting married be different than just selling a for another

Limud hatorah brings about maaseh, and marriage, there is a mitzvah to populate the world
774) In which two cases may one use the leftover money to purchase something which has less
If you collected the money, or even if you sold the object but it was done in the presence of the 7
council members and the townspeople
775) What is a )"( ?
The townspeople hire a horse rider to constantly be prepared to be sent to the ruler if they needed
to do so
776) For what two reasons did ' not return the money to ' and the people of
his town?
He was a chever ir, meaning a talmid chacham who took care of tzarchei tzibbur, and R Yosef
also supported the aniyiim from R Chanas town
" "

Why are the concerned about selling a ?

Birov Am Hadras Melech

778) Why does ' require you to build in to the sale a stipulation that it can always be
returned whenever the seller wants? ()"
For it is a bizayon to a shul to do a decided sale upon it
779) According to the , for which 4 things can you not sell a ?
A bathhouse, a tannery, a mikveh, a laundry room (or urinal)
780) According to ' , how are you allowed to sell a with this stipulation, doesnt
that constitute ( ?2 )
R Meir holds like R Yehuda, that one possible outcome in a situation of potential ribbis is ,
or you could say like Rava that everyone agrees that tzad echad in ribbis is , rather the
machlokes is whether ribbis al menas lihachzir is , and R Yehuda says that it is
781) Why does one have to wait the amount of time it takes to walk 4 after urinating before
Because there are still drops of urine on his ever
782) Why does one have to wait the amount of time it takes to walk 4 after before
The words of tefillah are still on his mouth
783) How do you see ' s great to obtain wine for ?

His mother sold her head covering to obtain for him wine for Kiddush and when she died she left
him 300 barrels of wine, and when he died he left 3,000 barrels of wine
784) How do you see ' s great to obtain wine for ?
He gave his belt as a collateral in order to obtain wine for Kiddush
785) Why was angry at ?'
He said: Why didnt you say Vichen Limar
786) How is it possible to step on the heads of the holy nation?
When the talmidim in a beis medrash would sit on the floor, if you walked between them in order
to sit amongst them it looked as if you were stepping on their heads
" "
787) Why, if a passes up the opportunity to lead a and instead an leads
the , is the )"( ?
For he causes others to hate him, for they see talmidei chachamim as lowly compared to everyone
else, and they say that there is no pleasure in torah
788) What did do every night before he went to sleep?
He would say that I forgive all those who pained me
789) How was liberal with his money?
He would leave the shopkeeper with an extra perutah
790) Why did ' s servants chase ' up a tree? ()"
For they thought he was disgusted with his life
791) How did ' prove that he was a ?
He asked R Nechunya Hagadol, if the pasuk says keves why does it go on to say echad
792) If the says then why does it also say ?
The animal has to be meyuchad shebiedro, unique amongst the flock
793) How did ' justify his going to the for a party?
He said that it is a kavod for them when I am there, not for myself
794) How did justify asking ' about attaining long life?
He said it is torah and I need to learn it
795) What two things caused s eyes to dim?
Looking at Esavs face and because Avimelech cursed Sarah that it should be for you a covering
of the eyes, and that was upkept in her child
796) Why did ' bless that he should live to half of his days? ()"

For then his children would not get the chance to become Rashei Yeshivos and Talmidei if
he was still around, rather they would be stuck as lowly shepherds
797) What is a and a )"( ?
Chachinaso is a degrading nickname, Chanichaso is a degrading surname
798) Why does the specifically mention a case of )"( ?
Because twisting ropes requires a lot of space, but the same applies to any type of melacha
" "

What is ?

Adorning oneself
800) What is considered in a ?
Making calculations
801) Why are and their allowed to adorn themselves in a ?
For it is their house
802) Why were and ' allowed to go into the if it was raining outside?
Because learning requires clarity
803) If you have to call your friend from a , what are the two minimalist things that the
says you must do?
Either have a child read to you a pasuk or just sit there for a little bit and wait
804) What did ' say when asked to eulogize over the one who taught , , ,
How could I eulogize him, we just lost a basket full of books, meaning he had no understanding
of that which he learned, he could just spit back facts to you
805) What was so great about the )"( ?
Reish Lakish would not even talk to Rabbah bar bar Chana, bcause he knew that if anyone saw
them talking, Rabbah would automatically be given neemanus, simply because he was talking to
Reish Lakish
806) According to , of which type of person are you allowed to make use?
One who merely learned 4 sedarim of mishnayos, but if he taught the 4 sedarim then you cannot
make use of him
807) Give 3 as to what it means that
. ()"

A- Midioraiisa, only a woman who sees dam for three consecutive days in between her
niddah periods, when she would be a zavah, requires 7 clean days, but if she sees dam
in the beginning of her period, even if she sees dam all 7 days, and she stops bleeding
that night, then she can toveil that night and she will be tahor, but these women are
machmir on themselves because not everyone is an expert as to exactly when the womb
started to bleed, if it was during the 11 days or during her niddah period B- After a
woman becomes a full zavah she begins to count 7 clean days, and on the 7th day she
sees dam, even the size of a mustard seed, then the whole counting is nullified and she
has to count 7 clean days again C- A woman bled for 2 days but she did not realize that
she was bleeding, and then on the 3rd day she realizes that she is bleeding, since when
she sees blood, we have to be concerned that maybe she bled for two days prior but did
not realize it, therefore they are machmir to count 7 clean days
" "
808) Give 4 as to what the for is for one who is .
A- 12,000 men and 6,000 trumpeteers B- 12,000 men, 6,000 of which are trumpeters C- A line
of people from the city gate until the cemetery D- 600,000 people
809) In which two did the reside during ?
Shaf Viyasiv and Hutzal
810) What practice did change when he heard the of ?'
He went from learning in his house to learning in the shul
811) Explain the from and that the will in the
future be implanted in .
Tavor and Karmel were uprooted to come hear torah by matan torah temporarily, then these shuls
and batei midrashos, in which torah is learned and spread, certainly they will be uprooted
812) How does ' see that being haughty is considered a ?
It calls Tavor and Karmel Harim Gavnunim, and the pasuk by the psulim of Kohanim says O
Giben O Dak
813) Why is a shortcut called a ?
For you say, instead of going around (adimakifna adarei) instead I will go through here (aeiol biha)
814) In which 3 cases is it to make a into a shortcut?
A- If it was a shortcut before the shul was built there B- You entered the shul without intention
of using it as a shortcut C- If you go in to daven
815) When are you allowed to uproot grass from a ruined ?
If you are going to leave it there
816) Why do we stop from reading a special on the second )"( ?

In order that Zachor be read on the shabbos before Purim

" "

What announcement does make regarding ?

To uproot it from your field

818) How can ' make sense even according to ?"
You start announcing two weeks before the moneychangers come into town to collect the
machatzis hashekel
819) What reference to is there in ?
The shekalim that are donated for the sockets of the mishkan
820) What was the function of the 3 ?
For the mizbeach, the sockets, and the upkeep of the mikdash
821) If you hold that is then how is this different from all
other ?
On a regular shabbos rosh chodesh you read 6 aliyos from the parsha hashevua and 1 for rosh
chodesh, whereas on this shabbos the whole keriah is about rosh chodesh
822) How is this different if you hold that we return ?
On normal shaboosim you read 6 aliyos from the parsha and 1 about rosh chodesh, whereas on
this shabbos you read 3 aliyos from the parsha and 4 from rosh chodesh
823) How can fall out around the time of ?
In Eretz Yisrael, where they only complete reading the torah once every three years
824) What is the as to why, on " , you would read three about "and one about
Tadir visheino tadir, tadir kodem
825) What is the as to why, on " , you would read three about and one
about ?"
The fact that it is Rosh Chodesh causes there to be 4 aliyos, therefore it is fitting that it be the 4 th
826) What would be the problem, if fell out on , with reading 6 from
until and then one from until ?
People would think that that is where the parsha ends
' "
827) What would be the problem with reading 6 from until and then reading
until ?

You are reading it backwards (out of order)

828) If " falls out on , why does say to push back to the previous ?
Why does say to read it that ?
For otherwise, you will be taking away days from the moneychangers, for the moneychangers do
not actually leave until Sunday, so the days will even out
829) The asks: " " the then
answers . Explain this answer of the . ()"
Bitocha does not mean during the week, rather it means on Shabbos, or erev Shabbos, itself
830) When does "say not to skip a ?
When Rosh Chodesh falls out on Erev Shabbos, otherwise you push it back, despite the fact that
it is still Shevat
831) If falls out on , why does say to push back to the previous ?Why
does say to read it the next day?
So that the asiyah of Purim does not precede the zechira of Zachor, because the mukafin will be
reading on the same day
832) If fell out on , why according to ' would everyone agree that you do not push
it back? ()"
Because the asiyah does not preced the zechira, and for the mukafin the zechira is even before the
833) If fell out on , why according to ' is there still a )"( ?
Because we want the zechira of the ayaros to precede the asiyah
834) If the says that the on which you read is the after , and '
holds that it is the before " , explain how they are not arguing. (explain with
In a case where Rosh Chodesh Nissan falls out on Shabbos there is no need to push back
Hachodesh to the previous shabbos, and on the previous shabbos you read parah, and that is called
the shabbos before RC Nissan because we are more concerned about juxtaposing parshas parah
to chodesh Nissan, in order to warn people not to become tamei, but if RC Nissan falls out during
the week then you read it on the shabbos following Purim, because hachodesh has to be read on
the shabbos before RC, therefore parah is read the shabbos before that
' "
835) What is the only case in which we do not follow ?Why cant we follow in this case?

Purim which falls out on Shabbos, and the reason we do not follow him in this case is because if
we did then RC Adar would fall out on Sunday and RC Nissan would be on Monday, and Adar
is always chaser, and therefore Pesach would fall out on Monday, and we established that Pesach
cannot fall out on a Monday, Wednedsday, or Friday, and RC Adar can only fall out on Shabbos,
Monday, Wednesday, or Friday
836) If you hold that we return to the , then how do you explain ... "
)"( ?"
For sure during the week we stop reading the parshas hashavua, but on Shabbos, when there is a
haftarah, then you should read the regular keriah and read a haftarah that has to to do with the day
837) Why couldnt they read the regular of the week on the morning of a )"( ?
Because on the morning of the fast the people of the town would gather together to inspect their
deeds, to see if they had an aveirah, and rectify it, therefore they had no time to read from the torah
in the morning
838) Why, in , if it is the second day, do we not read )"( ?
Because it is a yom, and it is a genai to call it a yom tov when it is really a safe chol
839) Explain the structure of the on the rest of . Explain the structure on
, and why it differs. ()"
On a normal day the 4th oleh reads that which the first 2 read, on Hoshana Rabbah we cannot read
about the 8th day, for that is not part of that yom tov, therefore the first aliyah is yom hachamishi,
then shishi, shevii, and the 4th oleh reads 6 and 7, which are the sfeikos of that day
" "

Why didnt the previous just tell us what to do for )"( ?"

Because that baraiisa was taught in Eretz Yisrael and they only keep one day of yom tov there
841) Why do we read the of on the 8th day of )"( ?
For Sancherivs downfall occurred on the night of Pesach
842) says that today we are on to read , , , , , , ,
- Explain what all of these things represent.
Mashach- Mishchu Ukichu Lachem Tzon, Tora- Shor O Kesev, Kadesh- Kadesh Li Kol
Bechor, Bikaspa- Im Kesef Talveh Es Ami, Psal- Psal Lecha, BimadberaVayidaberBimidbar Sinai, Shalach- Vayhi Beshalach, Buchra- Kol Habechor
843) Why do we read the from on the second day of )"( ?
Because it speaks about matan torah
844) Why is the of read on the first day of as opposed to the second?

Because matan torah happened on the 6th of Sivan

845) Why do we read on ?
Because we mention Zachor Ezkirenu Rachem Arachamenu
846) Why do we read about on )"( ?
Because she was remembered on Rosh Hashana
847) Why do we read on )"( ?
For it speaks of middas hateshuva
848) Why do we read on )"( ?
Whoever has aveiros in his hand should separate from them, and arayos is an aveirah that is
common, for people are desirous and their yetzer overtakes them
849) Why do we read on the second day of )"( ?
Because it talks about the inauguration of the mikdash which took place on Sukkos
850) Give 2 reasons why we read on . ()"
A- In that parsha there are many mitzvos and chukim that apply to Sukkos and that time period,
which is the time of harvesting and when the aniyiim need to gather in food for their
household B- There is in that parsha the mitzvah of maaser ani, noson titen, pasoach tiftach,
haaneik taanik for an eved ivri, sending out an amah haivriyah to freedom, and haavet
851) What do we learn from the of )"( ?
Doing melacha on Chol Hamoed
" "

Explain the of .

Hashem said: It is not enough that they sinned before Me, but they are bothering Me to know
which punishment I will bring upon them
853) Explain the opinions of ' and the as to why we read
or on . ()"
For they both talk about the meraglim and they returned on Tisha Biav
854) What do the have to do with ?
Without the maamados, the shamayim vaaretz would no longer be standing
855) What did ' mean when He responded to )"( ?
The korbanos will be michaper for them
856) How are we to achieve when there is no ?

By reading the parshas korbanos

857) What will it look like if one stops during the )"( ?
That it is too hard for you to bear, and the pasuk says Mussar Hashem Bni Al Timas
858) According to , why cant you stop during the ?
Because you cannot make a bracha on puranus
859) Why can you stop by the in ?
Because they are biloshon yachid and Moshe said them on his own, not from Hashem
860) Why do we read the before and ?
So that we should end the year and its curses
861) What type of is ?
It is the Rosh Hashana on the peiros hailan
862) Who is the paradigm of
Rechavam ben Shlomo
863) According to ' , from where do you begin reading on Monday?
From the place you left off at Shabbos Mincha
" "

Why didnt ' just say that the follows ?'

For you might confuse him with R Meir

865) Why isnt ' concerned that people might say that the are written in the ?
Because everyone knows that the brachos are not written in the torah
866) What are the and the )"( ?
Luchos- coverings for Sefarim that are not made with a margin, Bimah- platform for the king
867) What is the case of )"( ?
A yachid who has a torah on his lap and is rolling it from one topic to another
868) Why should you not clasp the closed from the outside? ()"
So that you should not cover the writing, for there is a mitzvah to show people the ksav when you
clasp it together
869) What are the two conditions necessary to listen to a ?

A- It has to be the sound of a man in the city or a woman in the field B- It says Yes, Yes or
No, No, it repeats itself
870) , when do we apply the pasuk of ?
Two talmidei chachamim who are sitting in one city and they are not pleasing to each other in
halacha, meaning they do not respect one another, about them this pasuk applies
871) , what does it mean ? "
It means you will be buried without that mitzvah
872) Explain the phrase ". ()"
It is better to roll the cloth around the torah, and not the torah around the cloth
873) Why does the write ' , werent all the said from
to )"( ?
It teaches us that Moshe would tell them the halachos of every yom tov in its proper time, to make
known the laws of Hashem and to accept schar for each of the mitzvos for them and their children

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