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32 cm carries a uniform charge density of 3.22 mC/m3. Using Gauss\\\\&#39;s law
and assuming the pipe is sufficiently long to consider it infinitely long, calcu
late the electric field r = 8.19 cm from the centerline of the pipe.</p>\\r\\n\"
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0 \\u2715 107 m/s, in a direction perpendicular to the earth&#39;s field, which
has a strength of 5.00 \\u2715 10-5 T.</p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>a) What strength electr
ic field must be applied perpendicular to the earth&#39;s field to make the elec

tron move in a straight line?</p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>b) If this is done between plate

s separated by 1.00 cm, what is the voltage applied? (Note that TVs are usually
surrounded by a ferromagnetic material to shield against external magnetic field
s and avoid the need for such a correction.)</p>\\r\\n\", \"tutor\": 6, \"is_val
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ontal as shown in the figure (Figure 1) . Part A Find the highest point in the t
rajectory, H.</p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>Part B What is the range of the projectile, R?</
p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>Part C</p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>Find the angle &theta; above the horiz
ontal at which the projectile should be fired.</p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>Express your an
swer in terms of H and R.</p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>What is the initial speed?</p>\\r\\n
\\r\\n<p>Express v0 in terms of g, R, and H.</p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>Find tg, the flig
ht time of the projectile.</p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>Express the flight time in terms of
H and g.</p>\\r\\n\", \"tutor\": 4, \"is_valid\": false, \"is_skipped\": false,
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-02-26T18:03:04.809Z", "answered": "2016-02-26T18:06:03.042Z", "modified": "2016
-02-26T18:11:15.297Z", "content": "<p>A long pipe of outer radius 3.90 cm and in
ner radius 3.32 cm carries a uniform charge density of 3.22 mC/m3. Using Gauss\\
&#39;s law and assuming the pipe is sufficiently long to consider it infinitely
long, calculate the electric field r = 8.19 cm from the centerline of the pipe.<
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Z", "content": "<p>An electron in a television tube moves with a speed of 5.50 \
u2715 107 m/s, in a direction perpendicular to the earth&#39;s field, which has
a strength of 5.00 \u2715 10-5 T.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>a) What strength electric field
must be applied perpendicular to the earth&#39;s field to make the electron move
in a straight line?</p>\r\n\r\n<p>b) If this is done between plates separated b
y 1.00 cm, what is the voltage applied? (Note that TVs are usually surrounded by
a ferromagnetic material to shield against external magnetic fields and avoid t
he need for such a correction.)</p>\r\n", "tutor": 6, "is_valid": false, "is_ski
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.829Z", "modified": "2016-02-26T19:47:21.830Z", "content": "<p>A projectile is f
ired with speed v0 at an angle &theta; from the horizontal as shown in the figur
e (Figure 1) . Part A Find the highest point in the trajectory, H.</p>\r\n\r\n<p
>Part B What is the range of the projectile, R?</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Part C</p>\r\n\r\n
<p>Find the angle &theta; above the horizontal at which the projectile should be
fired.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Express your answer in terms of H and R.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Wha
t is the initial speed?</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Express v0 in terms of g, R, and H.</p>\r\
n\r\n<p>Find tg, the flight time of the projectile.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Express the fl
ight time in terms of H and g.</p>\r\n", "tutor": 4, "is_valid": false, "is_skip
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