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{A {Comparison|Contrast} Between Digital and Chemical Photography|Digital Photog

raphy {Compared to|Vs} Chemical Photography|{Knowing|Realizing|Recognizing} The

Difference Between Chemical and Digital Photography|Photography - Chemical Vs Di
gital Processing}

Tim Gunther

wedding photography in Portland, Portland photography studios


{Photography is one of the new media forms that revolutionizes awareness and mo
difies the structure of our society.|These days, there are a lot of great innov
ations that have transformed our society and has totally changed our awareness.
Photoraphy is among them.} {It is the art of obtaining accurate images of certa
in objects by undergoing chemical processes.|Photography is defined as the art o
f getting specific images of different objects by going through different chemic
al processes.} {Photography is the so-called skill of creating reality.|In sim
ple terms, it is an art of creating reality.} {According to Jean Luc Godard, p
hotography is truth.|Photography is all about truth says Jean Luc Godard.} {The
device used in creating or capturing the image desired is known as a camera.|T
o do this, one has to have a camera which is a tool to make or capture the chose
n image.} {The creation made by photography is called negative or photograph.|
A photograph or sometimes called negative is the product made by photography.}

{The creation done by photography originally started in black and white form.|A
few years ago, photography was in black and white format.} {This classic look
has dominated for several decades due to its reasonable cost.|This form has bee
n around for several years because it is cost effective.} {Some photographers st
ill use the 'classic look' that even with the advent of digital imaging, photos
are sometimes processed using a variety of techniques just to generate a black
and white effect.|These days, photographers still use this kind of format to cr
eate a classic look. Some photographers even resort to different kinds of techni
ques just to create this kind of effect.}

{Digital photography came in when new technological trends opened a new horizon
for fresh artistic visions.|The birth of radical artistic visions because of te
chnological advancements have given rise to digital photography.} {With digital
camera, one uses full spectrum photography.|Full spectrum photography is used i
n digital cameras.} {Photojournalism and professional photography were the firs
t to enjoy the modern accents of digital photography.|With digital photography,
photojournalism and professional photography have been revolutionized due to its
modern accents.} {One only needs to use a little amount of time when transmitt
ing images to the head office.|Transmitting images back to the head office only
requires a small amount of time.} {While chemical photography uses film and ph
otographic paper, digital imaging does not need any of this equipment.|The diff
erence of digital to chemical photography is that in digital photography, film a
nd photographic papers are not needed unlike chemical photography.} {Digital pho
tography only needs a controlling medium.|This is because digital photography o
nly needs a controlling medium.}

{Traditional photography held back photographers assigned in remote areas becau

se of the difficulty in obtaining access to processing facilities.|When photogra
phers go to remote locations, they will have a difficulty in finding processing
facilities with traditional photography.} {In 1981, Sony uncovered the first co
nsumer camera which saved images to disks and, therefore, eliminating the need
for film.|The first company that first eliminated the requirement of films and p
hotographic paper by saving the images to disks was Sony.}

{From then on, digital photography has become a major consumer product in the w
orld of photography, from Portland photographers in the north to those in Flori
da in the south, to the east and the west of the United States.|This has revolu
tionized digital camera and it has turned into a major consumer product in the i
ndustry. Photographers from Portland, Florida and those from the east and west o
f the US have benefited from this innovation.} {However, a 2007 survey conducte
d by a major camera brand showed that a sizable number of professional photogra
phers continue to use chemical photography which, to them, is still superior ov
er other forms of photography.|But it has been reported by a major camera brand
that conducted a survey 3 years ago that a large portion of professional photog
raphers prefer chemical photography because they consider it to be of superior q
uality than any other forms.}

{It was in the 17th century when color photography started, although the first
successful color processing facility was created in 1907.|Color photography sta
rted during the 17th century but it was only until 1907 that a successful color
processing facility was made.} {By 1963, the instant color film was introduced
and, out of this novelty, photo printing equipment was introduced.|Instant colo
r film was established by 1963 which led to the introduction of photo printing e
quipment.} {While digital photography is a force to be considered, traditional
techniques are still regarded as a wonderful learning experience for most phot
ographers.|These days, digital photography is highly considered to be a great in
novation but being skilled in traditional techniques is still a great learning e
xperience for majority of professional photographers.}
<a href="http://www.timgunther.com/">Portland photography studios</a> are some o
f the north's best, with package options of either chemical or digital processin
g. Whether it's a <a href="http://www.timgunther.com/">wedding photography in
Portland</a> or any type of event photography you're looking for, the choices a
re many in Oregon's most populous city.

Tim Gunther

wedding photography in Portland, Portland photography studios

Portland photography studios are some of the north's best, with package options
of either chemical or digital processing. Whether it's a wedding photography in
Portland or any type of event photography you're looking for, the choices are ma
ny in Oregon's most populous city

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