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Part 3


With lots of love dedicated, to my parents, to EL_lines in Natalia, Olga,

Onder, and of course to my colleagues
                                                                                          By Price
                                                                              LIAPIS Panagiotis

With lots of love dedicated, to my parents, to EL_lines in Natalia, Olga,

Onder, and of course to my partners
                                                                                  By Price
                                                                          LIAPIS Panagiotis

При большом количестве посвященный, любви мои родители

        Греки, В Наталья, Οльга, и Ондер, к моим коллегам
                                                                    По цене
                                                      LIAPIS Panagiotis


Δ/νση Κ.Βάρναλη 12, 15121 Πεύκη, Αθήνα
Τηλ. 210-6149149
Κιν. 6937097443
Ε-mail real_estate_liapis@yahoo.gr
ΔΙΑΘΕΣΗ 210.8065618 6937097443
Author LIAPIS Panagiotis
Addr K. Varnali 12 15121 Pine Athens
Tel 210-6149149
Mob. 6937097443
E-mail real_estate_liapis@yahoo.gr
SUPPLY 210.8065618 6937097443

A few words from the author

My Friends in this textbook, take the
knowledge that until now store it in
dusty Greek manuscripts of Plato,
Aristotle and other ancient fotodoton
in damp basements monasteries and
private libraries disekatomyriouchon. We revealed through
masterfully blended events of economy, religion, Greek history
and mythology, the confirmations of Medicine and the
multidimensional social structures, the Greek discovery of
ether for which spoke Platonas and Aristotle, the mineral
krystalyka and electrical properties, their initiatory secret
caves, history, radiation and their effects on human health,
MIND CONTROL is the technical control of the mind legends
and myths, travel guides, the history of Russia and Mongolia,
Dynasty RURIC, the Greek supremacy, The Secret of the
Living Water, forecasts in recent days, the establishment of the
4th Reich, well read, and its organization, methods of
prevalence of the 4th Reich, Geostrategic, The Secrets of the
Parthenon, The stolen works of art, naturally leads business
survival in difficult times. There are missing from my literary
work of literature, prayer and research on photovoltaic
technology in whose threshold of energy is free. Also
presented a series of investigations on a series of error events
for the signs, and possible manipulation of cosmogony,
incidents involving the Nazis and the possible bases in space,
President Obama, and the new doctrine Panthriskeias
launched in conjunction with the Worship infernal beings are a
new mirror through which can be seen the current scene of the
enormous progress in the areas of MIND CONTROL, the chip
EMV of Bill Gates on bank credit cards, the emerging banking
system in relation to economic crashes of America The
SIONISMOS and the New World Order of the 4th Reich, and
PEOPLE CLONES - Men in Black, and the CIA in connection
with the anti-government slogans and reactive walls define a new reality, which
leads to control police forces in Use of Sound for centuries hidden weapons ancient
Greeks developed from the Greek National Nuclear epistimoina C. Gkiolva. The
creations of the Plan "Arrow" (sound rule) and the sound "Artemis", as are sources
on the web are presented in detail below in relation to biological warfare aircraft from
the US-spray from chemical and microbial air over cities. Trying to minimize the
harmful effects that using genetics Industry, extensive fires, building new towns in
the concentration camps of D Reich, apply geostrategic implementation plan new
war in the Balkans because of Kosovo, where the project "Blue Ray" at the
upcoming mayhem by the end of 01/2010 will chrisimopoiithoun new weapons bass
Police with physical effects of radiation on the human organism KARKINOUS
                                                                                                          By Price
                                                                                   LIAPIS Panagiotis

1. This project is a bottomless MYTHISTORIMA Reality

2. Clarifies Developed Fiction
3. Any resemblance to actual persons, locations and events are imaginary,
purely accidental, not existing in the present reality and past it.
4. Copyrights on works protected by the current constitution, laws and
5. Prohibited the reproduction and distribution of all or part of the document
without the prior written permission of the author and an award identifying
figures and in words of the author's remuneration, rights and remuneration
of the Greek state, the duration of the contract and the parties.
6. The document bears a registered trademark
7. The project is only available for private use, prohibited the reading public
all or part of it.
8. The work donate to the library of the Greek state request and complied
with the legislation providing for the process.
9. For Greek citizens: To book not sold through bookstores and other retail
outlets. KNOWLEDGE donors.
10. The book takes seeker typing costs and expenses of this mission.
11. The Writer LIAPIS Panagiotis receive no remuneration (money) making
a work available
12. The book has no subversive of the system concept, but instead Net
conglomerate of all the Greeks of Planet Earth, 120,000,000 Greeks to
create well-governed society as defined by the democratic, elected
Parliamentary Antiptosopous People (primary form of power)
13. The GREECE Fri all the problems exist because of the scandalous
AS NO ONE GREEK even no hope, no justice. Amen.

Copyright by Panagioti Liapi





(From Dialogues of Diomidis with Alexander the Great )




Slavs - Slave

What is European Russia - the vast plains of eastern Europe, bounded on

the north by the White Sea, east of Ur & I Mountains to the south from the
Black Sea and west by the Baltic Sea - was the ninth century AD . X.
occupied, the central part, the various tribes of Eastern Slavs, who originally
migrated there from the banks of the Danube.
During the prehistoric era of the great steppes of southern Russia were
home to tribes of nomadic pastoralists. In classical antiquity, the Pontic
Steppe was known as Scythia. residues of these long gone steppe cultures
found during the 20th century in places like Ipatovo, Sintashta,] Arkaim, and
Pazyryk. In the latter part of the eighth century BC, Greek merchants
brought classical civilization to the stores for trade and Tanais Phanagoria.
Gelonus described by Herodotus as the larger) wood dust and a huge
Europe (fortified grad lived around 500 BC by the turtle and Budini. Between
the third and sixth century AD, Bosporan Kingdom, a state Hellenistic
successor to the Greek colonies, was overwhelmed by successive waves of
nomadic invasions, led by warlike tribes which would often move to Europe,
as was the case with Huns and Turkish Avars. Turks, the Hazara, remained
in the lower steppes Volga basin between the Caspian and Black Sea are
mid-8th century. The Hazara was the main commercial link between the
Baltic and the Muslim empire centered on Baghdad. It was an important ally
of the Byzantine Empire, and held a series of successful wars against Arab
Caliphs. In the 8th century, the Hazara have embraced Judaism.

Early History of the Rus

According to the Primary Chronicle, the earliest chronicle of Kievan Rus, a
Varangian (Viking) named Rurik first established Novgorod (chosen as the
joint command of several Finnish and Slavic tribes) to about 860 before
moving south and extending his authority in Kiev. The length of the state as
the ancestor of the Rurik dynasty. The Primary Chronicle says:
After years 6367 (859): Varangians from over the sea had tribute from
Chuds, Slavs, Merias, Veses, Krivichs .... After years 6370 (862): [The]
Drove Varangians back across the sea, refused to congratulate them, and
set the target of the rule. But there was no law among them, and tribe rose
against tribe. Discord thus followed one another, and began to war one
against another. They said to themselves, "Let us seek a prince who can
rule over us and judge us according to custom." So they went abroad to
Varangians, the Rus. These particular Varangians called Rus, and some
called Swedes and others Normans and corners, and still others for these
Goths were named. The Chuds, the Slavs, Krivichs Ves and then told the
Rus, "Our land is big and rich, but there is no provision. Come reign as
princes, rule over us." Three brothers, with their kinfolk, volunteered. They
took with them all the Rus and came. Aftoi oi Varangians first settled in
Ladoga, then moved south to Novgorod and finally expelled the Khazars
from Kiev.
The so-called Kievan Rus was founded by prince Oleg (Helgu to Khazarian
records) about 880. During the next thirty-five years, Oleg and warriors
subdued the various Eastern Slavic tribes and Fennic. To 907, Oleg led an
attack on Constantinople in 911 signed a trade treaty with Byzantine Empire
as an equal partner. The new Kievan state prospered because it controlled
the trade route from the Baltic to the Black Sea and the East because of its
abundant supply of furs, wax, and honey for export. Given the putative pro-
Scandinavian bias of the Russian Primary Chronicle, some Slavic historians
discussed the role of Varangians the installation of Kievan Rus' (see Rus »).
From the reign of Svyatoslav (r. 945-972) Kievan rulers had adopted Slavic
religion and names, but even the druzhina consisted primarily of
Scandinavians. Svyatoslav military conquests were astonishing: dealt lethal
blows to two of the most powerful neighbors, Khazaria and the Bulgarian
Empire, which collapsed shortly after the raids. The Golden Age of Kiev
The region of Kiev dominated the state of Kievan Rus' for the next two
centuries. The great prince (Kniaz ») Kiev-controlled territories around the
city, and theoretically subordinate relatives ruled in other cities and paid
tribute. The peak power of the State came during the reign of Prince
Vladimir (R. 980-1015) and Prince Yaroslav (the Wise? R. 1019-1054). And
the two leaders continued their steady expansion of Kievan Rus' that had
begun under Oleg. To strengthen their power, Vladimir married the sister of
the Byzantine emperor Basil II. Grandaughter of Yaroslav, Eupraxia
daughter of his son Vsevolod I, Prince of Kiev, was married to Henry III,
Holy Roman Empire. Yaroslav arranged marriages for his sister and three
daughters of the kings of Poland, France, Hungary and Norway. Vladimir
greatest achievement was the Christianization of Kievan Rus, a process that
began in 988. He built the first great edifice of Kievan Rus, the
Desyatinnaya church in Kiev. Yaroslav passed the first East Slavic law
code, Russkaya Pravda (Justice of); Built Rus' Cathedral of St. Sophia in
Kiev and Saint Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod? Patronized local clergy and
monasticism; And it is said to have founded a school system. Sons
Yaroslav, Kiev became the great Pecherski Monastery, which functioned in
Kievan Rus' as a church college. The annals of Rus ¹ state that when
Vladimir had decided to accept a new faith, rather than surrender idol-
worship (paganism) of the Slavs, he sent some of the most value to
advisors and warriors as emissaries to different parts of Europe. After
visiting the Roman Catholics, Jews and Muslims have finally arrived in
Istanbul. There was so amazed by the beauty of the Cathedral of St. Sophia
and the operational service held there, that they had done to their minds
there and then for the faith they want to follow.
 On arrival home, convinced Vladimir that the faith of the Greeks was the
best choice of all, in which Vladimir made a journey to Constantinople and
arranged a marriage between him and the daughter of the Byzantine
emperor. Vladimir choice of Eastern Christianity may also be reflected by
close personal ties with Constantinople, which dominated the Black Sea and
hence trade with the most vital shopping street of Kiev, the Dnieper River.
Compliance with the Eastern Orthodox Church had long-range political,
cultural, religious and consequences. The church had a function written in
Cyrillic and a body of translations from Greek were produced for the Slavic
peoples. The existence of this literature facilitated the conversion to
Christianity of the Eastern Slavs, and introduced to rudimentary Greek
philosophy, science, and historians do not need to learn the Greek
language. In contrast, educated people in medieval Western and Central
Europe learned Latin. Enjoying independence from the Roman authority and
free from doctrines of Latin learning, the East Slavs developed their own
literature and arts, very different from those of other countries Orthodox.
See Old Russian literature and old Russian architecture details.

In the centuries that followed the foundations of the state, descended from
Rurik public power over Rus. Princely succession moved from elder to
younger brother and uncle to his nephew, and father to son. Junior
members of the dynasty usually began their official careers as leaders of the
minor area, moved to more lucrative principalities, and then competed for
the coveted throne of Kiev. In the 11th century and 12th century, the princes
and their retinues, who were a mixture of Slavic and Scandinavian elites
dominated the society of Kievan Rus. Leading soldiers and officials received
income and land from the princes in return for political and military services.
Kievan society have institutions in the region and autonomous towns that
were typical of feudalism in Western Europe. Nevertheless, urban
merchants, artisans, laborers sometimes exercised political influence
through a city assembly, the Veche (Council), which included all the adult
male population. In some cases, the Veche made under either rulers or
expelled and asked others to take their place. At the bottom of society was a
small stratum of slaves. Most significant was an order of the tribute-paying
peasants, who work in related task princes; The widespread personal
serfdom characteristic of Western Europe did not exist in Kievan Rus,

The Rise of Regional Centers


Rus was not able to maintain its position as a strong and prosperous state,
partly because of different merger of land under the control of factions
decision. As members of the clan who were more numerous, they identified
themselves with regional interests rather than the greatest heritage. Thus,
the princes fought among themselves, often forming alliances with outside
groups such as Polovtsians, Poles and Hungarians. The Crusades brought
a shift in European trade routes that accelerated the decline of Kievan Rus.
In 1204 the forces of the Fourth Crusade sacked Constantinople, making
the trade route Dnieper marginal. It declined in many fragmented Rus
principalities and many large regional centers: Novgorod, Vladimir-Suzdal,
Halych, Polotsk, Smolensk, Chernigov, and Pereyaslavl. The inhabitants of
those regional centers then evolved into three nationalities: Ukrainians in
the southeast and southwest, Belarusians in the northwest, and Russians to
the north and northeast.

Novgorod Republic

In the north, the Republic of Novgorod prospered as part of Kievan Rus'

because it controlled trade routes from the Volga River in the Baltic Sea. As
Rus declined, Novgorod became more independent. A local oligarchy ruled
Novgorod? Important decisions were made by a government complex in the
city, which also elected prince as a military leader of the city. In the 12th
century, Novgorod acquired its own archbishop, a sign of growing
importance and political independence. In the political structure and
commercial activities, Novgorod resembled the north European cities, the
Hanseatic League, the prosperous alliance that dominated the business of
the Baltic region between the 13th and 17th century, more than the other
principalities of Kievan Rus.
Northeast, Slavs arrived in the area that eventually became Muscovy by
winning the finnooungrikon tribes already occupying the area. The city of
Rostov was the oldest center of the northeast, but was replaced for the first
time in Suzdal »and then the city of Vladimir, which was the capital of
Vladimir-Suzdal». He recorded a great wave of immigration from the region
north of Kiev, to escape continuing excursions of Turkish nomads from the
"Wild Steppe". Since the southern territories were deserted and most
boyars, nobles, artisans arrived in court at Vladimir, the combined
principality of Vladimir-Suzdal »imposed as a major power in Kievan Rus.
To 1169 Prince Andrey Bogolyubskiy of Vladimir-Suzdal 'dealt a severe
blow to the waning power of Kievan Rus when armies sacked the city of
Kiev. Prince Andrey then installed, the younger brother, who ruled briefly in
Kiev, while Andrey continued to rule the kingdom from Suzdal ». Thus,
political power began to drift away from Kiev in the second half of the twelfth
century. In 1299, after the Mongol invasion, the metropolitan moved from
Kiev to the city of Vladimir, and Vladimir-Suzdal replaced Kiev "as a
religious center in northern regions. To the southwest, the principality of
Galicia had developed trade relations with Poland, Hungary, Lithuania and
its neighbors and emerged as the local successor to Kievan Rus. In the
early thirteenth century, Prince Roman Mstislavich united the two previously
separate principalities, conquered Kiev, and took the title of Grand Duke of
Rus. His son, Prince Daniil (Danylo? R. 1238-1264) was the first leader of
the Rus to accept a crown from the Roman papacy, apparently this does not
break with Constantinople. In early 14th century, the patriarch of the Eastern
Orthodox Church in Constantinople granted by the rulers of Galicia-Volhynia
a metropolitan to compensate for the opening of the Kievan metropolitan to
Vladimir. Lithuainian leaders also asked for and received a metropolitan
Novagrudok later. In the early 15th century, they were excluded Metropolia
again in Kiev by the "Metropolitan of Kiev, Halych and all Rus'.
However, a long and unsuccessful struggle against the Mongols combined
with internal opposition to the prince, and foreign intervention weakened
Galicia-Volhynia. By the end of the branch Mstislavich Rurikids the mid-
fourteenth century, Galicia-Volhynia ceased to exist; Poland won Galicia;
Lithuania took Volhynia, including Kiev. Lithuanian leaders have been
included below as monarchs of Rus'.
People speaking East Slavic dialects were known as the 9th century Rus
(English: Ancient Russians or Ruthenians). Later, the differences in three
major nations - modern Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, and also
several small ethnic groups, including Carpatho-Ruthenians.

Svyatopolk II Izyaslavich (1050-16 April 1113) was a supreme ruler of

Kievan Rus for 20 years, from 1093 to 1113. His reign was marked by
constant rivalry with his cousin, Vladimir Gladiator. It was never a popular
prince, and after his death, people Kievan raised a rebellion against the
Jewish Varangian merchants and officials who spoke on grain and salt.

As demonstrated recently, Svyatopolk was the illegitimate son of Izyaslav

Yaroslavich by his mistress. During the life of his brother Yaropolk,
Svyatopolk not considered as a potential claimant Kievan throne. In 1069 he
was sent to Polotsk, briefly took the father from the local lord Vseslav, and
then worked for ten years (1078-88) decision Novgorod. After the death of
his brother who succeeded him in Turov, which will remain in possession of
his descendants until the 17th century.

Vsevolod Yaroslavich When he died in 1093, Svyatopolk recognized by

other princes as the son of a senior Grand Duke and allowed to ascend the
Kievan throne. Despite having participated in conferences organized by
princely Vladimir Gladiator, sometimes charged with encouraging
internecine wars between princes Rurikid. For example, the side with his
cousin David the Volynia arrest and blindness from Halychian princes. Also
faced with Vladimir Gladiator in many campaigns against Kypchaks but was
defeated at the Battle of the River Stugna (1097).

Christian Svyatopolk name was Michael, so encourage beautification of the

monastery of St. Michael in Kiev, which has become known as the Golden
roof (http://img.photosight.ru/2005/01/28/743206.jpg) until present . The so-
called Primary Chronicle written by the monk Nestor Svyatopolk during his

Svyatopolk married twice, first in a Bohemian princess, and secondly, the

daughter of Tugorkhan Kypchaks. With his first wife had two daughters, who
married to King Boleslaw III of Poland and Almos I, King of Croatia. His son
Yaroslav reigned in Volynia and married three times - to Hungarian, Polish,
and Kievan princesses. In consequence of the premature death of Yaroslav,
descendants forfeited any right to the Kievan throne and had to content
themselves with Turov and Pinsk

Vladimir Gladiator (1053 - May 19, 1125) was arguably the most beloved
prince of Kievan Rus. Son of Vsevolod I of an anonymous daughter of
Emperor Constantine IX Monomachos from which it takes the nickname of

In the famous circular to children, says Gladiator conducted 83 military

campaigns and 19 times made peace with Polovtsi. At first waged war
against the steppe along with his cousin Oleg of Chernigov, but after
Vladimir was sent by his father to give Chernigov and Oleg made peace
with Polovtsi to retake the town from him, parted company. Since then,
Vladimir and Oleg were bitter enemies will often engage in internecine wars.
The continuing hostility between the children and the most remote posterity.

Rest o Gladiator after hunting.From 1094, chief legacy was the southern
town of Pereyaslav, but also controlled Rostov, Suzdal, and other northern
provinces. These soils founded many towns, particularly the namesake,
Vladimir, the future capital of Russia. To join Russian princes in their
struggle against the Great Steppe, Vladimir principality began three
conferences, the most important of which was held in 1097 and in Lyubech
Dolobsk in 1103. When o Sviatopolk II died in 1113, the people rebelled and
called Kievan Vladimir the capital. That same year he entered Kiev to the
delight of the crowd and reigned there until his death in 1125. As shown by
the circular, passed a series of reforms to allay the social tensions in the
capital. These years saw the last flowering of Rus, which was torn apart 10
years after his death. O Vladimir married three times: first, to Gytha of
Wessex, then a Byzantine noble, and finally, a daughter of Khan Kypchak.
By his first marriage had Mstislav, proud heir. Among children by his second
wife was Yury Dolgoruky, the founder of Moscow, and two daughters,
married to King Coloman Hungary and vyzantinos pretender who called
himself Leon Diogenes. Only Vladimir Praxedis sister is notorious for her
divorce with Emperor Henry IV, on the grounds that he had attempted a
black mass on her body naked. O Vladimir Gladiator is buried in St. Sophia
Cathedral in Kiev. Subsequent generations often referred to his reign as the
golden era of the city. Numerous legends associated with the name
Gladiator, including transport from Constantinople to Rus of these precious
relics of the Virgin of Vladimir and the Muscovite crown called the Gladiator
Cap VladimirOur Virgin Mary of Vladimir (Russian: Владимирская
Богоматерь) is one of the most respected Orthodox icons. Regarded as the
holy protectress of Russia, the icon displayed at the Gallery Tretyakov,
Moscow. Luke Chrysoberges Patriarch of Constantinople sent recently
painted icon as a gift from the Grand Duke of Kiev, Yury Dolgoruky in 1131.
The beautiful picture was coveted by his son Yury devout men who brought
the beloved city of Vladimir in 1155. When the horses carried the icon
stopped near Vladimir, and refused to go further, this is interpreted as
evidence that Mary wants to stay in Vladimir. To house the icon, the great
cathedral, the Assumption was built there, followed by other churches
dedicated to Our Lady throughout northwest Russia.

In 1395, during the invasion of Tamerlane, the picture was taken by Vladimir
on new capital, Moscow. The point where the people and the ruling prince
met the icon referred to the monastery Sretensky. Basil I of Moscow, spent
a night crying over the icon, and troops of Tamerlane retreated the same
day. The Muscovites refused to return it back to Vladimir and placed in the
Assumption Cathedral of Moscow Kremlin. The image also was credited
with saving Moscow by Tatar hordes in 1451 and 1480.

One of the finest ever painted pictures, Our Lady of Vladimir is imbued with
universal feelings of maternal love and anxiety for the child. By the 16th
century Vladimirskaya (as the Russians call it) was a thing of legend. It was
even rumored that the picture was painted by St. Luke in the table of the
Lord Supper. The pilgrimage image was used in coronations of tsars,
election of the patriarchs, and other important ceremonies of state.
Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev (Sobor Sviatoyi Sofiyi, Собор Святої Софії
in Ukrainian) is an outstanding architectural monument of Kievan Rus and
the main cathedral or Kievan metropolitan.

The name of the church comes from the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Istanbul.
The foundations were laid in 1037 by Prince Yaroslav I the Wise. The
exterior was covered with plinths. Dimensions: 37 x 55 meters. The
cathedral has 5 naves, 5 arches, and (surprisingly enough for a Byzantine
structure) 13 cupolas (domes). Surrounded by a two-tier galleries on three
The cathedral was reached today Baroque Ukrainian side, after the
reconstruction of the late 17th century, completed by 1707. The interior has
mosaics and frescoes from the 11th aiona.To 1934 the structure was seized
by the Soviets and set an architectural and historical museum / reserve,
together with the surrounding architecture throughout the 17th-18th century.
The cathedral was the first Ukrainian heritage to be included in the list of
global klironomias.Alla most important service was yet to come. In
December 1941, as the Germans approached Moscow, Stalin that the
image taken from a museum and placed on a plane and should be around
the besieged capital. A few days later the German army began to retreat.

General map of European culture in Russia during the arrival Varangians

Early East Slavs and Rus' Khaganate

The ancestors of the Russians were the Slavic tribes, whose original home
is considered by some scholars to have woodlands of Pripet Marshes. Slavs
gradually settled Western Russia in two phases: a transition from Kiev to
Suzdal and Murom, and another from Polotsk to Novgorod and Rostov.
From the 7th century onwards, the East Slavs constituted the bulk of the
population in Western Russia and slowly but peacefully assimilated the
native Finno-breeds Ugric, as Merya, the Muromians, and Meshchera The
Slavs were independent tribes, in cities and villages surrounded by wooden
stockades and ditches, as protection from wild beasts and other enemies.
Houses were rude wooden huts, and each family father, as head of the
house, held absolute power and exacted implicit obedience. Issues; Public
importance, such as the pursuit of war, or the defense of cities, the
decisions taken at Council, the Council invited the VSchSy and was more or
less the equivalent of Saxony Witena-gemot. The Slavs hunting in the vast
forests and bogs that cover the country, caught in a grown rivers
Rus (Киевская Русь, Kievskaya Rus in Russian? Київська Русь, Kyivs'ka
Rus' in Ukrainian) was the first main East Slavic ¹ state dominated by the
city of Kiev (HS: Киев, Kiev? Uk: Київ, Kyiv) from about 880 in mid-12th
century. The reign of St. Vladimir (980-1015) and his son Yaroslav I the
Wise (1019-1054) is the Golden Age of Kiev, which saw the acceptance of
Orthodoxy and the creation of the first Eastern Slavic1 written legal code,
the Russkaya Pravda.
Oleg Svyatoslavich of Chernigov was Rurikid prince whose equivocal
adventures ignited political unrest in Kievan Rus in the late 11th and 12th
centuries. One of the sons of Sviatoslav II of Kiev, Oleg was named after
the great uncle. In the 1070s, who held the cities of Rostov and Lutsk, and
hence made an incursion into Bohemia in 1076. That same year his father
died in Kiev and was succeeded by his brother Vsevolod it. Failing to get
him, Oleg had to flee to a distant Chernigovian sector in the Black Sea
coast, called Tmutarakan. There he made an alliance with Kypchaks, and
support them returned his father's legacy, Chernigov (1078). It was the first
time at the Slavic princes, in order to achieve their ends, bore heathen
hordes in the walls of Russian cities. Oleg is buried in the cathedral of Christ
Chernigov (1031-36). On October 3rd, 1078 Oleg forces clashed with
Vsevolod of Kiev in Nezhatinnaya Niva. Defeated and fled to Tmutarakan,
where the Khazars had been imprisoned and sent in chains to
Constantinople. The emperor, who was an associate and ally of Vsevolod,
in exile in Rhodes. There he married a noblewoman, Epiphany
Mouzalonissa, who brought his many children. Four years later, we find
again active in Tmutarakan, which adopted the title "lord of Khazaria". In
1094, he returned to the Kypchaks Rus and captured Chernigov. There
ensued a protracted internecine battle with his cousins and Vladimir
Svyatopolk Gladiator. One of the most prominent princes of the Kievan
period never reached the Kievan throne, died on August 1, 1115 and was
buried in Chernigov History Campaign style Igor Gorislavich, poetic
patronimic flowing from the Russian word for sorrow. Descendants, known
as Olgovichi, archrivals were the descendants of Vladimir (known as
Monomakhovichi) in their fight for sovereignty in Russia.


Transporting natural products trade with their neighbors. The women

perform all domestic tasks, to raise their children and the death of their
husband's burning pyre at it with his weapons, his horse, and any other
cherished possessions that may be required to post -life.
The Slavs believed in the immortality of the soul, mind and life beyond the
grave will be the continuation of life on earth. The religion of the Slavs
consisted of a • deification of the great elemental forces of nature, and had
many gods, therefore, of which the largest were: Perun, god of thunder and
lightning; Dazhbog or Hors, god of the sun. Stribog, god of winds. Besides
these gods, the founder of each household was supposed, after his death,
to return to earth in spiritual form, as the House-or Domovoi god protect the
descendants of many evils. The Slavs did not he built temples to their gods,
and had no regular priesthood, but the head of each family offered prayer
and sacrifice at home. In early times did not idols for gods, but later large
amounts of wood, stone or was set up to worship in public places before the
sacrifices were offered at times, the victim chosen by lot. Wizards, witches,
pixies and mermaids of course played a big part in superstitions, and were
supposed to have wonderful powers. The Slavs had three great festivals of
the year, two in honor of the sun - celebrated around the Christmas and
midsummer - and the third to welcome the arrival of spring. The Hospitality
was regarded as the greatest virtue, and a poor man was justified even
steal what was necessary for the life of a stranger.

Although the Slavs lived in independent tribes, there were frequent quarrels
and wars between themselves, not only gave their neighbors war ample
opportunity strikes and tribute, but generally interfered with the peaceful
development of the country. This situation finally decided Slavs, worn out by
internal strife and out of oppression, to seek help from the Norwegians who
lived on the Baltic coast. They sent an embassy to the Nordic race in Russia
and said: "Our land is very fertile, but there is no law or provision come and
reign over us, and our princes.
The Norwegians accept the invitation, and three brothers, 862 Viking, Rurik,
Sinius, and Truvor, settled in cities Slavic Novgorod, B61o-6zero, and
Izborsk. By this time the land of the Slavs named the Rus or Russia.
 • Two years later Sinius Truvor and died, and then the Rurik annexation of
their land for the leadership of Novgorod, and became sole ruler. Two of the
captains, the Askold and Dir, went south, at the height of Kiev, demanded
that the residents of the city to send tax submission and with the consent of
the townspeople, made them leaders of Kiev refused to pay tax tribute to
Hozars, virus who were nomadic tribe living in southern Russia. -
When Rurik died, his son Igor was a baby, so Oleg relative "reigned over
until they grow up. The Oleg then created a large army, in which he won the
Smolensk, and then sailed in the direction of the Dnieper River in Kiev,
where requested to meet the Askold on the river, to pay taxes and usurped
the principality of Kiev. Showed Kiev is the capital and named * Mother of
Russian cities.
A few years later, Oleg that a successful war against the Greeks. Besieged
and captured the Byzantine Empire, and returned with lots of loot «Oleg and
Igor are the Russian versions of Scandinavian names and Helgi Ingva / n,
smooth and promise of free trade with the Byzantine merchants merchants
Slavs. The Oleg met one day and someone asked how he would die. * Will
die from your favorite horse, Prince! "Said the guide. * This will not happen
ever! Cried the Oleg, jumping from his horse and ordered his men to take,
and to look good. Several years later, in the midst of a celebration, Oleg
remember his favorite horse and asked what had become of it. He said they
are dead. The Oleg asked to see the bones, and accompanied by the
courtiers, went to the point where the skeleton of the horse. In vain were the
words of the guide! "Said the prince; * Behold, my good steed is long dead,
but I'm still alive! "They say that the Oleg touched the white skull with his
foot when a poisonous snake popped out of it and bite him. The wound was
infected, and Oleg died, so the driver's words were true. People mourned
the sincere, and has called * Oleg the Wise. " Igor, the son of Rurik, now
succeeded to the throne, and began an unsuccessful war with the Greeks.
But soon he was killed in a raid made on neighboring Drevlians, a powerful
tribe living on the river Pripet.
After his death, his wife Olga reigned and passed
many years in punitive campaigns against OlffaIFL the Russian version of
the Scandinavian name Hdga, Drevlians to avenge her husband. When the
thirst for vengeance was finally satisfied, she turned her thoughts on religion
and was the first Russian princess to embrace Christianity, fihe traveled to
Byzantium, and publicly baptized by the Patriarch of the city to the Church
of St. Sophia, 967.
 When Svyatoslav, the son of Igor, had grown up, his mother, Olga gave the
throne, the young prince who immediately started a war with Hozars.
Defeated and their tributaries, which is attached, the Vyatichi. The Greek
emperor Nicephorus, who want to break the power of his enemies, the
Bulgarians, Svyatoslav offered a large sum if they will attack back.
Svyatoslav agreed, arrived at the mouth of the Danube in boats and there
defeated the Bulgarian army, he had the whole country and become the
capital of the Pereyaslavets the Danube. Meanwhile Petsenegoi, a horde of
nomads living in the southern steppes, attacked and be-sieged Kiev - ^
which was saved only by the timely arrival of Pretich, one of the captains of
Svyatoslav - both Olga recalled her son from Bulgaria and made him
promise not to empty the Kiev by the army and again during her lifetime. He
died soon after, and then went back to Svyatoslav Pereyaslavets, only to
find that the Bulgarians had entered the meantime peace with the Greeks,
was now increased by the Russians and shut them out of town. Soon
regained not only Pereya-slavets, but the whole of Bulgaria, and then began
a long war against the Greeks, who conducted with varying degrees of
success - at a time when even crossed the Balkans and besieged
Adrianople - until he was defeated finally the emperor John Tziiniskes and
had to abandon all claims on Bulgaria and return to his country. On the
homeward journey to Kiev was UNEX-pectedly attacked by Petsenegoi near
the Dnieper Rapids, was killed in battle. Vladimir and his successors left for
Bulgaria Svyatoslav had, as was the custom in those days, divided the
country between his sons, with the Kiev-born son Yaropolk, and Oleg, the
Novgorod Vladimir Soon after the death Svyatoslav of a quarrel arose
between Yaropolk and Oleg, and resulted in a war in which Oleg was killed,
and took possession Yaropolk its territories. This angered Vladimir, who
immediately declared war on Yaropolk, and set off to Kiev with a large army.
On his way south he saw the beautiful Rogneda, daughter Rogvold, Prince
of Polotsk, and wished to marry her. Rogneda fiancé was already Yaropolk,
and refused to leave him. So the governor of Vladimir killed his father,
Rogvold, confiscated lands, and married Rogneda with violence. He then
went to Kiev, which won Yaropolk and was put to death, and thus became
sole ruler of Russia. Like most of his predecessors, Vladimir enlargement of
the dominions, attended constantly at war with its neighbors, particularly in
perioch'i who controlled the bellicose Petsenegoi. It is however noteworthy
that ennekrine Christianity. A Greek missionary came to him in Kiev and,
after being told the story of the Gospels, he showed a photo of the final
decision. Vladimir was very impressed by this picture, and after hearing the
Greeks exhorta-tions, called the Council of hoyars or rulers, and the elders
of the people, to inform him of adopting Christianity. The hoyars showed
that prior to leaving the old gods would be good to send an embassy of ten
hoyars to foreign lands to study various forms of worship and decide what
religion would be wise to adopt. On their return, Vladimir asked again a
board to hear the report of the ambassadors. When the ten hoyars had
come to Byzantium, the Patriarch had the most wonderfully decorated
church, and ordered a special service, which impressed both the
ambassadors that their own words, * do not know if it was on earth or in
heaven. " Vladimir and his successors on their return to Kiev described the
glories he had seen, and strongly advised the approval of the Greek faith.
priesthood IN RUSSIA
The following year Vladfmir besieged the town of Korsun in the Crimea, and
he met unexpectedly stubborn resistance, which he vowed that if the city
would embrace Christianity. Shortly after, a traitor - Athanasios Korsunite -
Russian camp brings a message that says Vladimir how to cut the water
supply of the city. The city was forced to surrender, and Vladimir became a
Christian, and having made peace with the Greeks and married Princess
Anne of, returned to Kiev. Here destroyed all the idols of God - Perun was
connected to the tail of a horse, beaten with sticks, the faithful, and thrown
into the Dnieper - CREATION OF NEW priests - and then ordered the
people to be baptized in the river Pochaina the pain suffered his
dissatisfaction, ad 988. The people of Kiev adopted Christianity very happy,
but many other cities have increased by Vladimir sent priests to convert
them, and Christianity had to be entered by force of arms. After becoming a
Christian, Vladimir became a more peaceful monarch, and was dedicated to
the internal prosperity of his possessions. He founded schools in Kiev,
where the sons of boyars was ordered by Greek priests, built many
churches, and spent huge sums to charity. He was much loved by his
people, whom he called "sun." He died in 1015. Before his death, Vladfmir
Draws on His possessions to his sons, with Kiev in the highest, and thus
establishing a system of VdMy, or separate princedoms, which over the next
five centuries of history Russia is a long and complicated history of family
feuds, murder and iEpatricide. The Prince of Kiev, is the son ddest, was
rated most powerful ruler of other princes, but the succession went from
father to son, but his brother to brother, the princes often change their
possessions, and there were constant fights, even and war between them.
No sooner was dead Vladfmir, the eldest son, caused his brothers, Boris
and Gleb, to be assassinated, and seized their principalities.
The Yaroslav of Novgorod, the second brother, immediately declared war
Svyatopolk, to avenge the murder of his brother, followed a long struggle, in
which the Polish king Boleslav helped Svyatopolk. The Yaroslavikes
however forces at the final stage went to seek refuge abroad and were
captured in Kiev, whose army was in turn attacked younger brother,
Mstislav of Tmutarakan, far south of Russia, who was hired Hozar
mercenaries to besiege Kyiv. Like Mstislav could not understand Kiev who
defended well, abandoned the siege and captured Chernigov. Yaroslav
Nordic then hired mercenaries NEFELIM and brothers met in a bloody battle
near Chernigov, after which they made peace and decided to split between
the Russian Federation. The Yaroslav maintained dominance until the right
bank of the Dnieper and Mstislav got the left side.
 After the death of Mstislav, Yaroslav became sole ruler. Kiev surrounded by
stone walls with gilded gates and built several churches both there and in
Novgorod. ALL WHO FOUND A YELLOW; She also had religious books
translated from Greek, and established a small library. He died in AD 1064.
Yaroslav distributed his possessions to his sons, and they in turn did the
same, so for the next fifty years, Russia was in a state of perpetual civil war,
and the principality passed and repassed Baev from one to another prince .
The Polovtsy, a warlike tribe on this occasion came from Asia,
GIOUGKOUR TURKEY, settled in the steppes of southern Russia, took full
advantage of this state turmoil and invaded Russian territory more
ruthlessly, until one of the grandchildren of Yaroslav, the Vladimir Gladiator
finally called all the other princes to forget their differences and combine
against the common enemy. He led a Russian army against Polovtsy,
defeated them and returned laden with booty. Vladimir Gladiator was much
loved by the people of Kiev, who, on the death of the prince, Svyato Polk-II,
sought to override the legitimate heir, Oleg, and become the Prince Vladimir
of Kiev, where reigned peacefully until his death in 1126. Gladiator is a
Greek word for "Gladiator.
The Yladimir was a scholar and left a book of "instructions-tions' for sons,
which encourages children to have the fear of God in their hearts. Be real
reason for them. Do not show laziness, but to judge the people in person.
and free entertainment-ment envoys and visitors, be they rich or poor,
humble or important, because it was one that was good or bad report was

The rise of the principality of SCZDAL AND Novgorod THE GREAT

Among the sons of Vladimir Gladiator was the most notable Yuri Dolgoruki
(George weapons), Prince of Suzdal, a major channel of land between the
upper reaches of the Volga and OKD. It was a very warlike prince, and after
many matches managed to make himself prince of Kiev, but his main claim
to remembrance is that he was the founder of Moscow, which was to
become the most important city in Russia .
Choose the location on a hill on the left bank of the Moskva only when
connected to the small river Neglinnaya, and built there a small wooden
castle-town. This later became the famous Kremlin, or citadel of Moscow,
AD 1147. His son Yuri, Andrei Bogolyubski, succeeded his father in Suzdal,
and immediately sent an army to reconquer Eaev, which had regained its
independence at the death of his father. The town was invaded in 1169, and
two days would be devoted to the looting of Siizdal military forces. He made
himself master of Kiev, Andrei and Uve goes there, and moved the capital
Kiev, and he gave his younger brother Gleb. After Kiev was losing its
importance, while Vladimir was the capital of Russia. Andrei tried to
increase his possessions from attacks against Novgorod, but his army was
defeated even more devastating. Then bans sale of grain to the people of
Novgorod, and that the ban given people of Novgorod in such turmoil that
sent envoy for peace and acceptance of one of his sons be prigkipa.Den
requested advice from the boyars at them very hard indeed to some of
those condemned to death. This so incensed the boyars gathered about
twenty of them
formed a conspiracy and killed in his palace in 1174. His successor
Revenge and the plot xefotyothike finally inserting it in the face with sewn
bags and throwing them into a lake. In the early thirteenth century Russia
1889 B
consisted of seven independent principalities ie. Kiev, Suzdal, Smolensk,
Chernigov, Volynia, Galich, and Novgorod. Of these, Novgorod, ranging
from Gtdf Finland, Upper Volga, and Lake Peipus, White Sea, near the Ural
Mountains, was the largest. The country was covered with thick forests, and
had a barren, sandy soil, so people naturally turned to trade more than
agriculture. Novgorod, the chief of the town was a prosperous commercial
center, and in every way the finest of Russian cities. Was continuously
communication with the free cities of the Hanseatic Legion and bloomed
bright fur, tallow skins, hemp and imported guns, cloth, wine, and other
foreign products. The power of the princes of Novgorod was very limited,
and the kingdom depends solely on the will of the people.
The supreme power was ceded to Vich, who was a public meeting or
council, called by a bell and held in a large square. It was attended by all
residents of the Novgorod boyars and so common, and decided all matters
of importance. The Vich had the power to elect or reversal of the prince,
declaring war, criminals, judge, elected municipal officials headed by the
posddnik applied even to designate three can-so much for the archdiocese.
The names of these three candidates were written on the high altar of St.
Sophia, and a blind man or a boy was sent to take two away. The candidate
whose name remained on the altar then becaqe archbishop. Novgorod
became the most rich and powerful city, and usually spoken * Lord Great
Next largest was the principality Stizdal, which was probably the south-east
of Novgorod, along the Volga Valley, Kly & ZMA, Oka, and their tributaries.
It was a land of forests and bogs, interspersed with
rural areas and cut by many rivers solution, which in the absence of roads
formed natural channels of communication between the chief cities. The soil
was poor and unsuitable for cultivated, but the flat part of the plantations
were from rye, buckwheat, flax and hemp could be cultivated and forest
suppUed quantities of wood, bark and stem. People were
intelligent and presses, which in many industries, not only supply their own
needs but also their neighbors, and the cities of Suzdal in the booming
commercial centers, while the IcorobSiniki (commercial or packmen) whose
products across Russia.
The Principality of Smolensk, located on the southwest Siizdal, was smaller
and less significant than their more powerful neighbors, although the climate
and physical characteristics were almost identical. * This was the halfway
house, the road from Suzdal in Lithuania and other countries (what is now
western Russia), and since the band formed between the Dnieper and the
Western Dvind, was "a great commercial pass along these rivers.
The Principality of Chernigov, located in the Desna, with precious woods
and ekefeinetai up in Kiev, the Dnieper valley, is the most fertile principality
of Russia. The soil was rich, and agriculture and animal husbandry were the
main occupation. The people. Apart from the city of Kiev are intense trade
with Constantinople and Moscow tx Mother of Russian cities, and spiritual
center of the whole country. This activity continued until leilatithithei by
Andrei Bogolyiibski, Prince of Siizdal, where the validity of Kiev gradually
began to recede, and two strong opponents, Volynia and Galich, showed
the western borders. Volynia was a fertile corn cultivation of land located
between the upper reaches of Pripet and Western and Southern Bug. He
was for years a stronghold of Russia against the Poles and Lithuanians.
«Galich, located in Southwestern Volynia, between it and the Carpathians,
barely out of war neighbor, and became the province of Volynia. It was
mostly a lev ^ l plain, fertile and watered IRP, except Section covers the
foot-hills of the Carpathians, which are covered with dense forests and wild
country was not broken. The ancient capital, Ga1ich, located in Transnistria,
and another city, Perem ^ SHL, was significant even in the eleventh century.

 The Invasion rock

The first half of the thirteenth century, Tartarus invaded Russia. They came
from the banks of the Amur in eastern Asia, was a nation of fierce nomads
who live together in hordes. Timuchin, or Chinghiz Khan, as is generally
known, these hordes united under his rule, swept victoriously across Asia
and appeared on the banks of the Don, which won the Polovtsy. The
Polovtsy sent messengers to Mstislav, warning him that if the Russian
princes do not help them, would in
a little turn, yperfalangistoun of Tartarus. Mstislav and persuaded the other
Russian princes to join their armies to him and Pdlovtsy and tna attack
Tartarus tions on the banks of the Kalka, but shortly before the battle arose
disputes between the rulers and not to attack the enemy together. The
advantage of Tartarus, it defeated the prince of each separately, and after a
stubborn struggle forced the last of them, by Mstislav of Kiev, to surrender.
The Mstislav the apodchthike, provided that they will be allowed to return
unharmed to his own country but prisoners of Tartarus captured him and his
officers and killed them with beatings. The Tartarus then returned to Asia,
but thirteen years later came back in Baty, the grandson of Chinghiz Khan
and spent virtually all of Russia. Crossed the Volga in the winter of 1237,
attacked Ryazan, and then swept across the Stizdal, burn Moscow and
Kolomna, and besieged the city of Vladimir on the Klyazma. There Prince
Yuri and his followers were determined to make a stand, but Tartarus put a
fence around the city, attacked the abuse of males, and after four days of
hard fighting, which took by storm, and reduced to ashes. Ytiri rallied the
remnants of his army and attacked Tartarus on the river a seat but was
defeated and killed in battle. The Tartarus then turned to Novgorod, but the
vast moors and forests of the country prevents the movement, and thought
it wise to attack the southern parts of Russia. The 1240 unleashed in Eaev,
and then went to Poland and Hungary. About this time Baty a city built on
the lower Volga, which was named Sarai, which was the capital of Tartarus
the Golden string.
He made all Russian princes appear before him and swear loyalty to him,
and appointed Prince of Suzdal than Lord over others. Thus, the Tartar rule
firmly established, and for two centuries, half the people paid a heavy poll-,
and princes did homage to the decision Khan ^ and received permission to
rule on the princedoms. The rule Tartar had very significant impact on the
habits and customs of the Russians, the daily life and religious beliefs were
not among fered with, but the continuous raids of Tartarus are to be kept up
the feeling of unrest and
insecurity in the country and seriously delay the peaceful development of
the nation. The sovereignty of Tartarus over Russia was a direct
consequence of the system UdSly of government, the princes of the various
principalities were individually too weak to resist, and will not forget their
private quarrels, reconcile
at the national enemy.

ALEXANDER NlfiVSKI, Daniel gAlIOH, and rising MOSCOW

While Baty was conquering the southern parts of Russia, Novgor6d was
reigned over by Alexander, son of Yaroslav of Suzdal, and was engaged in
war with the Swedes, who at the request of the Pope wanted to convert to
the Roman Catholic faith Novgorod. The saUed by Neva, but covered by
Alexander the point where the Izhera falls on it. There is a legend on the
eve of battle | the captain of the guard Alexander had a vision, which saw
the Saints Boris and Gleb speed in a kitchen to help Alexander. He said the
prince of dreams, so inspired Alexander the next 'day led his men with such
courage that he has acquired a complete victory and saved Novgorod from
Swedish. After this battle, Alexander adopted the surname of Novski. Soon
after that Alexander was involved in a war with squads of German Knights
of the Sword who had settled on the Baltic coast. They were originally an
order of militant monks who had infiltrated the country to adopt Christianity -
Freemasonry. They were followed by merchants from Bremen and other
German settlers who founded a year flourishing cities like Riga, near the
coast and gradually spread inland. Conquered Pskov, and was desirous to
attack Novgorod, but Alexander marched against them, led them out of
Pskov, and met in a battle for the ice of Lake Peipus. The Germans were
defeated so many of them killed the ice is supposed to have turned red. The
battle is called «Ice Massacre», ab 1242. With the death of his father,
Alexander scored, the principality of Suzdal and upper-nobility, and as he
fully realized that Russia was too disorganized to be able to offer any
resistance to Tartarus, went down to the Golden Xodi be officially
recognized and do homage. Convinced even the people of Novgorod to pay
their share of taxes, and paying tribute regularly kept the Tartarus to make
inroads on his country. He died in 1263. A contemporary of Alexander and
Daniel Gilichy was determined to break the power of Tartarus, and
xanaenischysei cities were destroyed. He asked the pope to help him, and a
crusade against Tartarus was actually filed in Europe, but found no
followers, PAPPAS AND TURKEY Tartarus belonging to the same
FRATERNITY! Tartarus and soon make a foray into G41ich whenever
Daniel was forced to return to allegiance. After the death of Daniel in 1264,
Casimir III of Poland conquered Galicb. The other principalities of the
southern Russian (Kiev, Volynia, & c.) were conquered by the Lithuanians,
who have been released from the yoke Tartar, but converted to the Roman
Church, and ultimately connected with Poland in Yagdilo King and
successors. The city of Moscow was meanwhile, increased the size and
importance, and Daniel, yoimgiBst son Alexander N6vski, even took the title
of "Prince of Moscow. According to his son Yuri began a long struggle with
the princes of Tver for the titles of over-lord and the Prince of Vladimir. The
Khan had appointed Michael Tver in this dignity, as was the head of the
family, but Moscow's Yuri went to live in Golden Xodi married a sister Han,
rich and generosity at the time caused his brother; in-law to overthrow
Mikhail, and to give his lordship over it. When he returned to Suzdal had to
fight for new dignity, and was defeated. Then accused Michael of
treacherous acts against Khan, and Prince of Tver was invited to the Golden
Xodi and murdered there. After the death of Yuri for his brother, Ivan Kalita,
managed to princely and conflicts, and conflicts continued in Tver. Finally
Ivan, who was very rich, bribed the Khan to give him an army of 60,000
tartare, which completely broke the power of Tver and attached to property.
It was confirmed the primacy of the Khan, and appointed to collect the
tributes paid to Golden Xodi all Russian princes. This gave him the
opportunity to enrich themselves and increase the power of Moscow at the
expense of other principalities and to give his last name Kalit or Money Bag.
Despite the fact that Ivan was headed by Prince Vladimir, he resides in
Moscow and led to become the religious capital of Russia, by persuading
the Bishop Peter managed to get there in Vladimir. He did much to beautify
the city, surrounded the Kremlin, with wooden stockade, and dug a deep
ditch on the north side, and therefore around the water side of the AU, and
make a very strong fortress

The Byzantine cross, on U 161, a
cross which is today the coat-of-arms
of the local town Täby One of the runic
inscriptions in Hagia Sophia, probably
carved by members of the Varangian
Guard. The big losses that Varangian
Guard suffered is probably what is
reflected by the largest group
runestones we're talking about external routes in Sweden, namely
Greece Runestones [24], many of whom came from former members of
the Varangian Guard, or the memory. A smaller group consists of four
Runestones Italy, which probably arose in the minds of members of
the Varangian Guard were killed in southern Italy. The oldest of
runestones Greece are six stones in the style RAK, a style that dates
to the period before 1015 AD. [25] The team consists of Skepptuna
Runestone U 358, Västra Ledinge Runestone U 518, Nälberga
Runestone Up 170 Eriksstad Runestone Sm 46. [26]
One of the most notable of the later runestones a large boulder on the
west shore of Lake Ed. It says Ragnvaldr, captain of the Varangian
Guard, had returned home where he had the inscriptions made in
memory of their deceased mother. the style is PR4 Ed Runestone U
112, [26] The youngest runestones, PR5 in style as Ed Runestone U
104 (currently Ashmolean Museum, Oxford), dating to the period 1080-
1130, after the runestones placed when the Varangians not return
home no lasting imprint of Byzantine culture to which testifies a
Byzantine cross carved in the early eleventh century Risbyle
Runestone U 161, and which is now the symbol of stratiotiko Täby.
[27] somewhat ironic, however, made by the Viking Ulf of Borresta
mentioned in Orkesta Runestone U 344 had received three danegelds


The Saga According to the sagas, the West Nordic entered the service
of the Guard much later than the East Norse. The epic Laxdœla,
informs that the Icelander Bolli Bollason, born c. 1006, was the first
known Icelander or Norwegian in the Varangian Guard. [28] Travelling
to Constantinople via Denmark, spent many years in the Varangian
Guard? "And it was thought to be the most generous in all projects
that try a man, and always went next to those at the forefront." [29]
The poem also records the finery of the fans received from the
emperor, and the influence which occurred after his return to Iceland:
Bolli led by the ship with twelve men, and all the fans were dressed in
red, and resulted in a gilt saddle, and all have a trusty band, though
Bolli was peerless among them. He had on clothes fur the Garth-king
had given him was above all a red cape; Girt and had forbidden him
the handle of which was gold, and the handle is woven with gold, had
a gilded helmet on his head, and a red shield in hand, with a knight
painted on in gold. He had a dagger in his hand, as is the custom in
foreign lands; And where were the fourth women paid attention to
nothing but gazing at Bolli and majesty, and that his followers.
The Varangian Guard is also mentioned in the Saga Njal than
Kolskegg-an Icelander said he has come first in Holmgard (Novgorod)
and then to Miklagard (Istanbul), which entered service of the emperor.
"The last I heard from him was that he had wedded a wife there, was
captain during Varangians, and remained there until day of death." [31]

Perhaps the most famous member of the Varangian Guard was the
future king Harald Sigurdsson III of Norway, known as Harald Hardråde
("Hard-ruler '[32]). Having left his homeland, Harald went first Gardariki
and then to Istanbul, where he arrived in 1035. He participated in
eighteen battles and during his service fought against Arabs in
Anatolia and Sicily under General George maniac, and in southern
Italy and Bulgaria. During his time in the Varangian Guard Harald won
the titles of manglavites and spatharokandidatos. But the term ended
with his imprisonment for misappropriation of imperial plunder taken
during his mandate. He was released from the dethronement of
Emperor Michael V, and sources suggest Saga was that sent the blind
Emperor, when he and his uncle fled to the monastery church of
Constantinople and insisted on the altar. Harald then tried to leave his
post, but she refused. He eventually escaped and returned home in
1043, eventually dying at the Battle of Stamford Bridge and invaded
England in 1066. The Varangian Guard regained some of the old
Scandinavian flavor, where the grandson of Harald Hardråde, Sigurd I
of Norway, went on a crusade to the Holy Land. After fighting against
Muslims, King Sigurd let the rest of the force, originally numbering
6000 men, join the Varangian Guard. King Sigurd returned home with
less than a hundred of his personal guard. Second album Finnish Folk
Metal band Turisas », The Varangian Way, based on the discovery
Varangians" of Istanbul. A song album Twilight Swedish Viking Metal
band Amon Amarth is called the Thunder God "Varyags of Miklagaard"
describes Varangians service "to the emperor.
Satanic forces are trying to do and to suppress the Greek and
syncheis failures simply because if you make one step ahead of the
God of Love and Truth as powerful strengthens its own long enough
plyra live among our paratirits but not learn anything from defeats
them. Have experienced thousands of years can do individually, but
let's hide the Tartarus activated when all the Greeks code Ichor. Then
SICHMONTRA, it seems just a shack that was torn down and the
Vikings matovamena chop, straw burning sword are not those of
stratefmatonn parlthontos, the other with blue light. The sword was
narrow lanceolate weapon of war used by the Thracians 400 BC It was
a variant of the falx Dakon. The sword had a sickle shape and length
up to 2 meters. It was used mainly by horseback.
The falx length was 50 s NV 130 cm and was tilted downwards. The
handle was made of wood. The Romans fought the Dacians under
King Dekevalou 106 AD The Falx was terrifying weapon of war which
has caused serious losses, especially when using strong warriors. He
was able to penetrate leather armor and armor, metallic helmets of the
era. The answer of the Romans was to strengthen the armor of
legionnaires during Trajan's campaign against the Dakon
Byzantine Hellenism

John C. Duke Vatatzi (Didimoticho 1193 - Nymphaeum November 3,

1254) was the second emperor of Nicaea (1222-1254), successor and
son-in Theodore Laskaris. Prudent and competent military
commander, was a follower of the work of his predecessor by getting
more than double the acquisition received and to redress social and
economic state, paving the way for the reconquest of Constantinople.
The triantadiachroni reign marked by continued progress in all areas
of life in exile empire. Several years after his death was recognized as
Santa and his memory etimato special reverence by the peoples of
Asia Minor to the early 20th century.
Conspiracies and first achievements
The rise of John on the throne of Nicaea did not find consistent
brothers of Theodore Isaac and Alexios Laskaris. Disgruntled refuge in
the courtyard of the Latin emperor of Constantinople Robert de
Courtenay B asking for help to overthrow John. Indeed for sealing
their alliance, offers the hand of their niece, the daughter of Theodore,
Evdokia, which had kidnapped and brought with them in Istanbul. The
match is unlikely success, but Robert helped the brothers to recruit
mercenaries Lascaris as well as offering them military. The hostilities
began in early 1223 when the Frankish army Laskaridou handled in
Bithynia. The decisive battle took place in Poimanino next year, where
the army Vatatzis with the same heads, crushed their opponents. This
is a very important victory: the Franks lost most of Asia Minor to build
for the benefit of Nicaea, with the exception of beaches across the city
and the Izmit, and diminished due to the destruction of a large part of
their army, did John even bolder. Indeed, the emperor of Nice carrying
the war in Europe and Latin Rule lands on the opposite coast of Asia
Minor, the Aegean islands. With the help of the fleet was built near
Lampsacus (where persecuted by the Venetians) Vatatzis troops
crossed the Hellespont and captured several cities in Thrace, while the
Latins confined behind the walls of Constantinople, can not defend
their build them. From the Aegean islands were occupied Chios,
Lesvos, Samos, Ikaria, Kos and other smaller ones. The important
island of Rhodes and the other Dodecanese ekyvernato by the
Byzantine ruler Leo Gavalas, who, following a number of inconclusive
fighting, eventually accepted the suzerainty of Vatatzis (1233).
But while everything went well for the state of Nice, while John had
begun to reign in such a good omen, began to hatch in Nice
conspiracy against the emperor. Chief synomoton, who wanted to
exploit the absence of the emperor, was the cousin and close
associate of, Andronikos Nestongos. John, however, learned early on
the conspiracy and abandoning the business, quickly returned to Nice
and thus save his throne. But until 1235 did not attempt to personally
lead military operations to expand its borders, as its primary aim to
consolidate its position and to regulate internal issues

The claim of the imperial title

Relations with the Byzantine Epirus
In contrast to Asia Minor empire was created by the Domain of Epirus,
which embodied the hopes of Byzantine Balkan Peninsula to throw off
the Latin and the Bulgarian yoke. The Despotate, with its capital at
Arta, included parts of today's Albania, western Greece (Epirus,
Western. Macedonia, Western. Solid). Soon, under the capable
leadership, turbulent and adventurer Theodore Doukas Angelos,
followed a policy of expansion in 1223, occupying the city of
Thessaloniki as well as large parts of Macedonia, Thessaly and
Thrace. It seemed then that the Continent would have been able to
recapture the throne. In 1227 even the monarch of the continent gave
the title of Archbishop and was crowned emperor in
Thessaloniki.Episis, the Bulgarian King John II Asen (1218-1241) and
he claimed the imperial title bearing the name "Bulgarian and Roman
emperor. Within this full Empire [2] Byzantine world, John Vatatzi had
to defend the imperial title was inherited from his predecessor. The
first conflict with the Domain of Epirus, came in 1225 for possession of
Adrianople. The townspeople sent an embassy to Vatatzis asking him
to send forces to oust the Frankish garrison. The latter seized the
opportunity and the passage sent bloodless occupied the city. Also
bloodless left when Theodore Doukas, situated in Thrace, rushed with
his army to expel the Asia Minor guard. At the time of delivery, the
commander of Nice John Kammytzis not afippefse or pilgrimage
Theodore not recognizing in this way, another Roman emperor, in
addition Vatatzes. Spirits sharpened (Theodore came close to make
use of force against Kammytzi) but ultimately no action was taken.
This is typical of intense ideological confrontation between Epirus and
Nicaea. Indeed, Kammytzis to act, won office by Vatatzis in his return
to Nice, having shown the people of Thrace that only the monarch of
Nicaea was the original "Roman Emperor. The Domain of Epirus from
1205 to 1230 (Battle of Klokotnitza). With the green light It notes the
achievements of Theodore Doukas Angelos (1215-1230). Dealing with
domestic issues, as stated, and military operations in the Aegean,
John did not react strongly to the loss of Adrianople. He sent an
embassy to the patriarch Germanos II (1222-1240) to Theodore (after
the coronation of the latter) requiring renounce the title of emperor
and accept that the despot, ruling undisturbed soils of the formal
sovereignty of Nice. But once again it went into real action against
Theodore when he rejected his proposals. And that she had to face
new invasion of the Franks of the city, under the leadership of their
new emperor, the elderly and John Knights Vriennou (de Brienne)
attempted to retake the Asia territories lost after the battle Poimanino.
Eventually the Franks were driven and the continent's aspirations
evaporated after the battle of Klokotnitsa Klokotinitza or, where John
Asen crushed the army of Theodore Doukas. The King of Thessalonica
was the brother of Theodore and son-in Asan, Manuel, who still bears
the famous imperial although it was virtually vassals father in law.
Relationships with the Bulgarians and attempts to occupy the City
Stronger, more, man of the Balkans was the Bulgarian ruler and
Vatatzi rushed to ally with him. The alliance was sealed in the custom
of the time, the marriage of his son Vatatzis, Theodore, with his
daughter Helen Asan. After signing the agreements, the two allies
launched a campaign in Thrace. Both came to the walls of
Constantinople which was besieged and co 1235, 1236, without
success. The intervention of the Venetians and the Franks in the
Peloponnese, respectively prevented the fall of Constantinople. He
made clear that the fall of Constantinople Latin Rule was only a matter
of time. The Pope excommunicated Asan, [3] demanded that the king
of Nice to cease hostilities and called on Western leaders to assist
their troops in the city same nationality. Then the ruler of the
Bulgarians renounced his alliance with Vatatzis, realizing that the ally
benefit much more from him. Sought, indeed, managed to win the
Latin of the city, hoping to become master of a settlement or after
marriage. Finally, because of uncertainties [4] the Alliance of Bulgarian
and Franks did not success. Leaving the joint operations with the
Latins, John Asen renewed the treaties and agreements with Vatatzes.
In 1241 the Bulgarian prince died, leaving the throne to his son ten,
pale. In this way, the Empire of Nicaea was acquitted by a dangerous
and capable opponent and Vatatzi turned his attention to the Domain
of Epirus. He wanted to fasten the building of Europe before giving the
final blow to the faltering Istanbul.
Operations in the Balkans and final conflict with the Byzantines in the
Meanwhile, things in the empire of Thessaloniki unfolded as follows:
Theodore Doukas, after the battle of Klokotnitza became a prisoner of
John Asen. Some years later, he was arrested to be conspiring against
the latter and was punished with the punishment of blindness. Throne
of Thessaloniki was occupied by Manuel, brother of Theodore blank
and Epirus Michael II Komnenos Doukas, nephew of the latter. When
John Asen widowed, Theodore gave him his daughter. This has finally
released. He went secretly in Thessaloniki where overthrew his
brother, Manuel, and raised to the throne his son, John. Manuel fled
first the Seljuks of Konya and then Nice. Vatatzis promised that if he
helped to understand the symvasilefousa will be ruled under the
suzerainty. Indeed, the emperor gave the army and navy and Manuel
sailed to Greece. Landed in Thessaly, Pagasitikos in 1239. Using the
army as a means of pressure and not military operations carried out,
managed to distribute the territories of the Kingdom of Thessalonica.
He was in Thessaly, his brother, Theodore western Macedonia, and
John remained in Greece.
Two years later, died Manuel and John Asen II, leaving Theodore
(essentially initiating a yarn behind the John of Thessaloniki) and
Michael II of Epirus dominate the southern Balkans. With the death of
Manuel, the Vatatzi found a suitable pretext to claim allegiance to the
active region. First act was to disarm the assets and cunning
Theodore. Has succeeded in a peaceful and "honest" way: Theodore
invited to Nice where he was welcomed with honors. But when he
prepared to return to Macedonia ... learned that he was taken prisoner.
In spring 1242, the emperor marched in Thessaloniki with an army and
fleet. We laid siege to the city, but oath of allegiance won the
namesake of the commander and returned hastily to Asia Minor.
Cause of sudden cessation of business was the emergence of Mongol
hordes that swept eastern Asia Minor, making vassals of the Seljuk
Turks and the Byzantines of Trabzon. Faced with the common risk
Nice and Seljuk alliance. But luck favored again John. The Mongols
suddenly left the area, due to internal problems, leaving intact the
state of Nice and it simply a tribute to the Vatatzes. This followed a
period of rest and all the surrounding states were attenuated (Konya,
Latin Istanbul, Bulgaria) or recessive (Thessaloniki) in Vatatzes.
Found in 1246 in Thrace, where they inspected the garrison towns, in
view of the end truce with the Franks. Learning that the king of
Bulgaria Kaliman, died leaving the throne to the child's brother,
attacked by the Bulgarians. In a short time annexed to the kingdom of
Nicaea throughout the southern and southwestern parts of Bulgaria
and Macedonia. Major cities such as Serres, Veria, Meleniko and
Macedonia came under Byzantine control, most of them without a
fight. He turned then and Thessaloniki which came together with
disgruntled by the new government despot Demetrius, aristocrats of
the city. By symvasilefousa occupied, the Vatatzi consolidated its
position as the sole Byzantine emperor in the minds of the people.
Prosetairistike also the despot of Epirus Nikephoros, the successor to
Michael with the prospect of marriage. But Nicephorus failed
agreement in 1251 and attacked the cities of Macedonia under the
Nice. It took another campaign, and many indecisive battles until
finally capitulate Nikiforos - with the prospect of marriage again, and
taking the title of bishop as its predecessors, but with even less land.
Relations with Western powers
Alliance with the German Emperor Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor
Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in the era of John Vatatzis was
Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor (1194 - 1250, emperor from 1220).
Brought up in Norman Sicily, where Arabs coexisted, Greeks, Jews
and Italian-speaking, had developed a very different perception and
attitude of the other princes of the West. [5] Proponents of the "divine
right monarchy, did not share his penchant for imposing and Pontiff
domination of ecclesiastical authority over the policy. It was not long,
therefore, come into conflict with the papal kratos.Apo the other hand,
Vatatzi to offset the influence and power of the pope, whose actions
may at any time to drive even a crusade against the Byzantine
country , sought a substance allied to the West. Common interests
and common ecclesiastical and political perceptions of the two
monarchs have led to an alliance with John formally a vassal of the
German emperor. [6] The alliance was sealed by the marriage of John
(his first wife, Irene, died in 1239) the daughter of Frederick,
Constance, in 1245. After this, Pope Innocent IV excommunicated
Frederick and Disclaimer strain of the Byzantines. Indicative of the
attitudes of the German monarch is the letter sent to John,
commenting on the policy of the pope. Wrongly believes that Istanbul
had been taken from the Byzantines, the rightful owners, and was
wrong again they were considered schismatics, as the first cause of
the schism was the Pope himself [7].
Although the alliance did not work as they wanted Vatatzi, has been
quite profitable for both countries. The Frederick prevented the troops,
who at the request of the pope prepared to assist Latinos in the city,
passing through its territory in northern Italy, and received the aid of
an ally (especially pedestrians and archers) for businesses in
Southern Italy.
Intense diplomatic activity was between Nice and the Holy See, on the
days of John Vatatzes. Having to him the powerful Pope Gregory IX
(1227-1241), which followed the eastern policy of his predecessors in
urging Western leaders to strengthen the Latins in Constantinople, the
emperor sent a request through the patriarch of German B Association
of Churches . Met, therefore the meeting in Nymfaio 1232 but quickly
disbanded without enjoying any agreement. The Vatatzi had put a
condition on non-assistance mission to the Franks in Constantinople,
which the pope rejected without question. Similar efforts in the coming
years (1234) concluded an exchange of insults. [8] Although the
emperor realized that he could gain a lot through negotiations,
continued to hold contacts with the Vatican. The views and
aspirations, however, remained stable, so that nationals (both clergy
and people) I never felt that respecting the religious beliefs for political

Pope Gregory IX, formidable diplomat and a passionate supporter of

the Latin Empire of Constantinople, was the last fifteen years a high-
grade opponent Vatatzes.
As mentioned above, Pope Gregory had an active role in the
dissolution of alliance between Bulgaria under John Asen and Nice
having excommunicated the Bulgarian king. Then sent a letter to
epiplitiki Vatatzis demanding to stop the hostilities against the City.
Typical is the response [9] Emperor: treat the strain of Roman
(Byzantine) which alone has rights to the throne of Constantine the
Great. "The unaware that the clergy of that succession (SS
Constantine the Great) in the us has crossed gender, and that we
ourselves so we are the heirs and successors?" It confirms that the
pope would not stop fighting if they did not understand City (as never
pafsometha fighting and war with the cash possessed
Constantinople). In particular threats to crusade for investigational
Franks replied that "if this is not the same indignation and makes
oplizitai and against us, We have lifted it in thereby amynthomen first
hand through the help of God, then life is not existing and still chariots
and horses to us and many male combatants and combatants, often
Eutin epolemisan crusaders. " After this, relations between Rome and
Nice deteriorated further. Indeed, the Pope and prevented an alliance
between Nice and Hungary, outraged by the ending of the session in
But again, the monarch of Nice did not break off contacts with the
papal office. He informed his successor Gregory IX, Innocent IV (1243-
1254), that he wants the union of the Churches and resumed talks with
envoys of the pope in Nice. It appears that it harbored, in addition,
hopes for a real effect beyond the late Frankish aid mission in
Istanbul. However, the new pope was more conciliatory and willing to
sacrifice to Constantinople in exchange for allegiance to the Eastern
Church. On the other hand, the emperor of Constantinople for
considering going to reconcile the issue of the primacy of papal See.
The reaction, however, the Orthodox Patriarch on doctrinal issues,
prevented a further approach. Another key reason late effort approach
(which, admittedly, was more than ever) was to strengthen its position
in Nice over all neighboring states. We wanted John to come into
conflict with the priesthood, but also people from the moment that
there was any real external cause. Definitive end to the matter raised
by the almost simultaneous death of Innocent IV and Vatatzes.
Confrontation with the Italian maritime republics
In the 13th century the Mediterranean was under the domination and
control of the Italian maritime republics. Especially Venice diinye gold
century. He gained enormous benefit from the subjugation of
Constantinople to the Crusaders in 1204, of which jealously trying to
keep away the other competitors, particularly in Genoa.
John exploiting the rivalries of the Italian cities (as many times until
they reached open conflict), tried to obtain various benefits, especially
economic release them and reduce the trade monopoly, which
suffered from Byzantium during the last decades before the fall. So
stubbornly refused to renew the privileges his predecessor had given
to Venice. Moreover, expelled the Venetians from several coastal cities
of Asia Minor, as Lampsakos. Directed against Venice and moves
closer to the Genoa pursued during the early years of his reign, but
elicited no response. However, take care to build the fleet to be able to
challenge the practical domination of Italians in the Aegean. In direct
conflict with Venice came when the latter supported the governor of
Rhodes Leo Gavalas in an effort to stay away from the influence of

Worship as a saint
As Saint John the Merciful Vatatzi, memory etimato with special reverence
by the peoples of Asia Minor to the early 20th century. The cult of the saint,
the emperor remained until modern times, especially in the metropolis of
Ephesus. The 14th century Bishop Pelagonia George wrote the Life of King
of St. John the Merciful in the form of biographies, and the many miracles
were attributed. Bishop George probably based and Nicodemus of the Holy
Mountain (1749-1809), who commissioned by the Metropolitan of Ephesus
drew suite in honor of the saint-emperor. The Church does not officially
recognized as a saint John Vatatzis, but the month is the memory of "John
Duke Vatatzis" 4 Noemvriou.Ta achievements can best be assessed taking
into account the historical context in which they acted. The Byzantine world
after 1204, was in complete decomposition of parochial and separatist
movements to follow each other. The Italian republics Antibes trade in the
eastern Mediterranean, while an important destabilizing factor because of
piracy in the business engaged. The Balkans were scattered among the
Slavs, Byzantines and Franks who fought constantly with each other. A
similar situation prevailed in Asia Minor and the tourkomanikes tribes to a
permanent threat to every organized society (even for omofyloys their
Seljuks). The emergence of the Mongols made the situation even more
difficult and complex, but ultimately proved positive for the state of Nice.
Finally, although the Latin Empire of Constantinople quickly stopped taking
aggressive initiatives, was always a potential source of even a crusade
which the popes of that period were willing to kyrixoun.I Empire of Nicaea in
1254, year of death of John III. Through in this complex geopolitical and
historical context, John has managed to more than double the holdings of
the State of fronts with long and struggles in Asia Minor, the Balkans and
the Aegean. These events were fueled by a robust and thriving economy,
which was the result of prudent and consistent domestic policy. We share
the vision of Constantinople aristocracy, which like the state of Nice as a
simple means to return to Constantinople. [10] The visual was created
friction between the aristocrats of refugees from Constantinople and Asia
Minor local populations, especially during the reign by Theodore A.
Previously, such a visual (and practice) indifference to the provinces by the
central government led to the alienation of capital from the provinces, so
they turn a blind eye to turn the fate of its reign in 1204. To avoid anything
like the Emperor and organized the construction territory soundly that
prosperity to spread and the lower strata of society (from which derive a
large proportion of soldiers). All these were a direct consequence of the
empire of Nice become a major force in the Balkans and Asia Minor and
reached a few years after the death of John, the reconquest of
John Vatatzi diatranonontas national conscience: "You write the letter you
that in our strain of Greek wisdom reigns ...... that, therefore, by our own
race flourished wisdom and goods and diedothisan to other people, it is
true. But how to ignore case, or if it ignores how and apesiopises that, along
with the king city and kingdom in this world bequeathed to our own race
from Constantine, who has accepted the call from Christ and Government
modesty and honesty? Is there anyone who ignores that the legacy of his
own succession (SS Constantine the Great) came to our own race and we
are the heirs and successors? requires that you ignore the privileges. And
we have a requirement to see and recognize our law concerning the power
of our rule of Constantinople, which starts from the years of Constantine the
Great and ...... lived a thousand years so much as our own kingdom. Οἱ
founder of the kingdom I from the families of the Duke and Komnenian, not
to mention others, originating from Greek genera. These then, are my fellow
for centuries held power in Istanbul. Them is the Church of Rome and the
heads of Roman emperors they called ....... But I assure your Holiness and
all Christians would never be put a stop to fight and fight against the
conquerors of Constantinople. He will asevousame and to the laws of nature
and to the institutions of his country and to the graves of our fathers and to
the holy temple of God, if not fighting them with all our strength ...... We
have with us the law of God, who helps the oppressed and made subject to
the aggressors .....»
A "king of the Romans, John Vatatzi left us a great monument written Greek
Orthodox self-consciousness. Such texts It is interesting to teach our young
people. Century, the memory of devout Christians and patriots St. John
GDouka Vatatzes.

1. ↑ Anthony Miliarakis, "History of the Kingdom of Nicaea and the Despot of
Epirus (1204-1261), Editions Ionia (Ionian Bank Publications), Athens 1994,
p. 418
2. ↑ rulers of Trebizond and they bore the title of Emperor of the Romans,
but soon, in fact, had come outside competition. Only immediately after the
recapture of Constantinople by Nice (1261) removed from their title the word
anagorefomenoi Roman emperor only. Of course there was the Latin
"Emperor Romania", the only one whose title is recognized by the Pope and
the Western forces
3. ↑ The tsar Kaloioannis (1197-1207) had declared the union with the
Roman Catholic Church in exchange for the title of king (rex), which
awarded him the pope.
4. ↑ In the same year, 1237, an epidemic in the capital of Asan, Tyrnovo,
which killed his wife, a son and the Bulgarian Patriarch. Devastated John
Asen, regarded as the successive calamities theodikia for breach of
agreements with Vatatzis and rapprochement with the Western Church.
5. ↑ Vasiliev, History of the Byzantine Empire, publications Bergadis, 1954,
6. ↑ Vasiliev, op sel.654
7. ↑ A. Miliarakis, op sel.385
8. ↑ History of the Greek Nation, Volume I sel.86
9. ↑ A. Miliarakis, op p. 276-279 citing executive summary of his letter to
Pope Vatatzis.
10. ↑ 10,0 10,1 World Biographical Dictionary, Volume 4, sel.168
11. ↑ O Pachymeres George says that even in wartime taxation remained
unchanged. A. See the Miliarakis op p. 415, describing specifically how
many border forts in the East, guaranteeing the necessary without
burdening the citizens with extraordinary charges.
12. ↑ History of the Greek Nation, Volume I and A. sel.230 Miliarakis op p.
13. ↑ Encyclopedia of the Hellenic
14. ↑ History of the Greek Nation, Volume I sel.111
15. ↑ Nikephoros fast, "Roman History", published Livani, 1997 sel.72-73
• Anthony Miliarakis, "History of the Kingdom of Nicaea and the Despot of
Epirus (1204-1261)", Editions Ionia (Ionian Bank Publications), Athens 1994

• "History of the Greek Nation, Volume I '(Middle Byzantine and post

Byzantine period), Publishing, Athens 1972
• Panagiotis Gonis, "The Emperor John III Doukas Vatatzi and its
contribution to the reconstruction of the Empire of Nice", Journal of Military
History, issue 89 January 2004
• Nesseri Elias, "The Rise and Fall of Theodore Komnenos Doukas," Military
History Magazine, issue 117, May 2006
• World Biographical Dictionary, Athens Publishing, 1985-1988
• Angold Michael, "A Byzantine Government in Exile", Oxford University
Press 1975.
• Alexander Vasiliev, History of the Byzantine Empire, Bergadis versions.
Athens 1954.
• Nikiforos fast, "Roman History", Livanis publications, Athens 1997.
• Christos Michalopoulos, "The Latin Empire of Constantinople (1204-1261),
publications Spanidis, Xanthi, 2007. ISBN 978 -
• Site Encyclopedia, Volume 27, Athens 2006.
Byzantine 'international' words

We know that our rich Greek language used and is used also as
inexhaustible treasury of words for all western - and not only, language. A
large number of scientific, literary, technological and societal conditions
given in several languages with Greek words. Even commonly used words
in the vernacular of our Western friends reflect the Greek language origin
(catastrophe - catastrophe, phone - telephone) or even the names of
animals (elephant - elephant).
In the Middle Ages there were many cultural interactions between
Byzantium and the West. Especially during the early Middle Ages (until the
12th century) the cultural influence of the Byzantine Greeks in Western
Europe was very strong. Within the limits of that influence, the Christian
nations of the West (and the Slavs) borrowed intact or Greek words
translated from Greek into Latin, other words to indicate that the Byzantines.
Here i 'mentioned a few examples of such loans.
The first related to political and social institutions widely pervasive
and so absolutely necessary and then the modern epochi.I Byzantine
Empire was global political ideology. As a continuation of the Roman
imperium - in which Christianity was transformed into imperium
christianum - had claims for a global political and cultural domination.
The Byzantine emperor himself as the senior ruler of all the secular
kings, Christian and otherwise, as the protector of all Christendom.
These, coupled with the fact that the prosperity coveted many
enemies, made urgent the need to create an international legal order
directed course, the leadership of Byzantium. So very early, developed
the famous Byzantine and complex diplomacy. The word "diplomacy"
as a technical term has Byzantine origins, and so the word "diploma
diplomat. 'Diplomas' called by the Byzantines specific credentials of
diplomatic agents. The word "diplomacy" was first used in the current
meaning of voreioitalikes cities during the Renaissance, so we have
the first permanent foreign countries, diplomatic missions. The first
resident ambassador was from Venice and was permanently
established in Istanbul. Indeed, today the oldest known bilateral trade
treaties - signed on economic matters since the 10th century between
Byzantium and Venice.
Moreover, the Orthodox Church saw - and distinguished - the charity
action. By sponsoring bishops, emperors and several loyal
individuals, foundations and operated since the 4th century several
charitable foundations. During the course of thousand years of
Byzantium and under the continuous care of the Church, developed
the institution of the hospital, as we know it today. The organized
hospitals called "hostels" or "hotels" because they started as
reception areas afflicted pilgrims. The Latin word for hospitality is
«hospitalis». In this and in epirroin the Byzantine name of the hospital,
came the word «hospital» (ospedale in modern Italian).
Staying at the ecclesiastical terminology, the Byzantines for a landfill
dead have traditionally used the term "cemetery" because according
to Christian teaching as Christians dead brothers, are only temporarily
dead, it will be resurrected on the day of Judgement, namely The
Second Coming of Christ. From this came the term and widespread
condition today in all Western countries «cemetery» denoting the
cemeteries. It is noteworthy that while in modern Greece, the word
"cemetery" is much more prevalent in everyday language the word
"cemetery" in English speaking countries is dominated by the term
«cemetery», which has displaced almost completely the word
Indeed, Byzantium, a worthy successor of Greco-Roman civilization
was famous for its great cultural tradition and organized public or
private higher education. The early 5th century Founded
'Pandidaktirion, reorganized the 8th century by Emperor Leo III Isavros
(717-741 AD) called "universal TEACHING. In Latin, the universal word
translated as «universalis». When the first universities were founded
in Italy (late 11th - early 12th century.) Named and are universal in the
sense that they provided claws scientific, philosophical and
theological knowledge. This created the word «university».
The other words - loans related to the material culture and especially
the gastronomy. Emperor Justinian (527-565 AD) with the wars against
the German kingdoms of the West, gained a lot of the old territories
Roman Empire. In Italy especially, was founded in Byelorussian
Exarchate of Ravenna. In the past, a significant number of Greeks
settled in the eastern provinces, dealers, artists, tessellate, sculptors,
etc. The Greek presence has stimulated the cultural and artistic
production and raised, to some extent the standard of living of the
inhabitants of early medieval Italy. Although the Byelorussian
Exarchate was dismantled by the Lombards in the mid-8th century.
The Byzantine cultural influence was evident until the end of the
Middle Ages. Important, indeed, areas in southern Italy and Sicily
remained in Byzantine rule until the end of the 11th century.
The Byzantine cultural influence was manifested in various fields, so it
was felt in daily life and cuisine of medieval Italians. Thus, the
Byzantines were producing a sweet honey syrup that was called
"kiromelon. The Italians called «caramella». It is the forerunner of
today's candy (caramel in English). Also, since antiquity, the Greeks
were producing a long, narrow type of pasta they ate dinner in the
funeral, called "nekrodeipna" in honor of deceased relatives. The
Byzantines - who continued this tradition - called this food "makaronia
(blessed + century) and eating say eternally blessed by such and such
.... This created the word and its pasta "macaroni» (macaroni)!
Naturally, the Italians then created many different kinds of spaghetti.
Finally, the Byzantines called the variety of pies "cake" - as the
ancients or "cakes", hence the word «pie». Even the Byzantine
Calabria, Greeks and Italians were producing a savory pie and "open".
Basic materials were cheese, onion, olives and more rarely different
sausages. The food was the forerunner of today's popular pizza (!)
(Pizza, when a corruption of the word cake)!
1. ^ Milner-Gulland, R. R.. Atlas of Russia and the Soviet Union.
Phaidon. p. 36. ISBN 0714825492. http://books.google.com/books?q =
% 22known + to + the + Russians + and + Greeks + as + Varangians%
22 & btnG = Search + Books.
2. ^ Schultze, Sydney (2000). Culture and Customs of Russia.
Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 5. ISBN 0313311013.
http://books.google.com/books?client=firefox-a&um=1&q =%
22Varangians + as + the + Russians + call + them% 22 & btnG = Search
+ Books.
3. ^ Duczko, Wladyslaw (2004). Viking Rus. BRILL. pp. 10-11. ISBN
9004138749. http://books.google.com/books?
4. ^ Forte, Angelo, Richard Oram, and Frederik Pedersen. Viking
Empires. Cambridge University Press, 2005 ISBN 0-521-82992-5. p. 13-
5. ^ Abcd Stephen Turnbull, The Walls of Constantinople, AD 324-1453,
Osprey Publishing, ISBN 1-84176-759-X.
6. ^ H.S. Falk & A. Torp, Norwegisch-dänisches etymologisches
Wörterbuch, 1911, pp. 1403-4; J. de Vries, Altnordisches
etymologisches Wörterbuch, 1962, pp. 671-2; S. Blöndal & B.
Benedikz, The Varangians of Byzantium, 1978, p. 4
7. ^ Hellquist 1922:1096, 1172; M. Vasmer, Russisches etymologisches
Wörterbuch, 1953, vol. 1, p. 171.
8. ^ Blöndal & Benedikz, p. 4; D. Parducci, "Gli stranieri nell'alto
medioevo", Mirator 1 (2007) in Italian, English abstract
9. ^ Falk & Torp, p. 1403; other words with the same second part are:
Old Norse erfingi "heir", armingi "beggar", aumingi "beggar", bandingi
"captive", hamingja "luck", heiðingi "wolf", lausingi / leysingi
"homeless", cf. Falk & Torp, p. 34; Vries, p. 163.
10. ^ S. Bugge, Arkiv för nordisk filologi 2 (1885), p. 225 [1]
11. ^ A massive majority (40,000) of all Viking-Age Arabian coins found
in Scandinavia were found in Gotland. In Skåne, Öland and Uppland
together, about 12,000 coins were found. Other Scandinavian areas
have only scattered finds: 1,000 from Denmark and some 500 from
Norway. Byzantine coins have been found almost exclusively in
Gotland, some 400. See Arkeologi i Norden 2. Författarna och
Bokförlaget Natur & kultur. Stockholm 1999. See also Gardell, Carl
Johan: Gotlands historia i fickformat, 1987. ISBN 91-7810-885-3.
12. ^ The Russian Primary Chronicle: Laurentian Text Translated by O.
P. Sherbowitz-Wetzor ISBN 0910956340
13. ^ Jansson 1980:22
14. ^ A b Pritsak 1981:386
15. ^ Battle Honours of the Varangian Guard, by Stephen Lowe
16. ^ Anna Comnena, The Alexiad (London: Penguin, 2003), p. 95.
17. ^ Byzantine Armies 886-1118 by Ian Heath and Angus McBride,
1979, page 38, "Psellus however claims that every Varangian without
exception was armed with shield and 'Rhomphaia' ... a mixture of
Byzantine and Scandinavian gear was in use .. ".
18. ^ Mark Bartusis The late Byzantine army: arms and society 1204-
1453 (Philadelphia 1992), pp. 272-275.
19. ^ As in the Novgorod Chronicle on Pontus de la Gardie's Swedish
troops [2]. In Swedish only
20. ^ It is neither unusual nor particularly Byzantine that a foreign unit
would gain such access and prestige. Augustus himself had a
personal guard of Germans, the Collegium Custodum Corporis or
Germani Corporis Custodes, to protect himself from the native
Praetorians. This guard was revived by Tiberius and continued until
21. ^ A b c d e Enoksen, Lars Magnar. (1998). Runor: historia, tydning,
tolkning. Historiska Media, Falun. ISBN 91-88930-32-7 p. 135
22. ^ Anna Comnena, The Alexiad (London: Penguin, 2003), p. 97.
23. ^ Norwich, John J. (1997). A Short History of Byzantium. Viking.
ISBN 0-679-77269-3 ..
24. ^ Larsson, Mats G (2002). Götarnas Riken: Upptäcktsfärder Till
Sveriges Enande. Bokförlaget Atlantis AB ISBN 9789174866414 p. 143-
25. ^ Runriket Täby-Vallentuna - en handledning, by Rune Edberg
gives the start date 985, but the Rundata project includes also Iron Age
and earlier Viking Age runestones in the style RAK.
26. ^ Abc The dating is provided by the Rundata project in a freely
downloadable database.
27. ^ A b The article 5. Runriket - Risbyle on the site of Stockholm
County Museum, retrieved July 7, 2007.
28. ^ Sagas of the Icelanders, Penguin Group
29. ^ OMACL: The Laxdaela Saga: Chapter 73
30. ^ OMACL: The Laxdaela Saga: Chapter 77
31. ^ OMACL: The Story of Burnt Njal
32. ^ Philip Dixon, Barbarian Europe, Salem House Publishing
(October 1976), 978-0525701606
Trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks

The path from trade Varangians Greeks (Russian: Путь «из варяг в греки»,
Put iz varyag in Grekos, Swedish: Vägen varjagerna från till grekerna,
Greek: Commercial Street Varangians - Greek) was a trade route that
connected Scandinavia Rus and the Byzantine Empire. The trip allowed
operators along the path to establish a direct prosperous trade with
Byzantium, and led some of them to settle in the territories of present-day
Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.
The journey began in the Nordic commercial centers such as Birka, Hedeby,
and Gotland, crossing the Baltic Sea entered the Gulf of Finland, followed
by the Neva River in Ladoga. Then followed the Volkhov River, upstream
past the towns of Staraya Ladoga and Novgorod, crossed Lake Ilmen, until
the Lovat River. From there, the vessels would be portaged the Dnieper
river near Gnezdovo. A second route from the Baltic to the Dnieper was
along the Western Dvina (Daugava) between Lovat and the Dnieper in the
region of Smolensk, and along the river to Kasplya Gnezdovo. Along the
Dnieper, the path crosses several major rapids and went from Kiev, and
after entering the Black Sea following the western coast of Istanbul. Map
showing the major Varangian trade routes: the Volga trade route (in red)
and the trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks (in purple). Other
trade routes of the 8th-11th centuries shown in orange.
The route from the Varangians Greeks first mentioned in the first few years
but the results have been reported much earlier, in the early ninth century
when the Byzantines made newcomers in their regions, the Varangians.
Although this should be seen as a "Viking" to many, the term for the
Byzantines meant all Scandinavians and their relatives living in Russia
The route was established probably in the late eighth and early ninth
century, when explorers were searching for Varangian looting, but also
slaves and profitable products. The route has gained considerable
importance from the tenth to one third of the eleventh century, while the
Volga trade route and trade route from the Hazara to the Germans.
According to Constantine G, Kriviches and other tribes that depend on Kiev
moved hollow-out sailing or monoxyla, which could accommodate thirty to
forty people in places along the rivers. Places named include Smolensk
(Miliniska), Liubech (Telioutza), Chernihiv (Tzernigoga) Vyshhorod
(Vousegrade), Vitechev (Vitetzevi) and Kiev (Kia (o) ba). Some of these
cities have alternative names in Old Norse, and Constantine says some of
them: Novgorod = Nemogarda = Hólmgarðr = 'Island Enclosure », and
Nýgarðr =' New fence '; Kiev = Kœnugarðr = 'Boatyard' and Samvatas =
Sandbakki-ass = 'Sandbank Ridge ». [1] (The Runestone N 62 retains the
name Vitaholmr ("dividing strip) for Vitichev.) Subsequently, these yachts
are transported along the Dnieper River in Kiev. There were sold in
Varangians who re-equipped and loaded the goods [2].
On the Dnieper Varangians had to portage their boats around seven Rapids
(no longer exist as a chain of river was founded in 1950-'70), which had to
be alert to Pecheneg nomads. The Rapids started Dnipropetrovsk below
where the river turns south and fell 50 meters to 66 kilometers
Names of the Dnieper rapids, with translations [3], and Constantine's Greek
Modern Slavonic Norse
Ne sǔpi, 'Don't Sleep', Essoupi Sof eigi, 'Don't Sleep'
Surskij, 'Severe One'; Lochanskij Ostrovǐnyj pragǔ, 'Island-waterfall',
Ostrovouniprach Holmfors, 'Island-Waterfall', Oulvorsi
Zvonets (kij), 'Clanger' Gellandi, 'Roaring', Gelandri
Nenasytets (kij), 'Insatiable' Nejasytǐ, 'pelican' (which nested there), Neasit
Eyforr, 'ever violent', Sustainable
Volnyj, Volninskij, '[place] of waves' Vlǔnǐnyj pragǔ, 'wave-waterfall',
Voulniprach Bárufors, 'wave-waterfall', Varouforos
Tavolzhanskij Vǐruchi, 'laughing', Veroutzi Hlæjandi, 'laughing (ref. noise of
water)', Leanti
Lishnij, 'superfluous' Naprjazi?, 'Bend, strain?', Naprezi; Na bǔrzǔ?, 'Quick?'
Strukum, '[at the] rapids', Stroukoun
A color copy of the Runestone G 280 which mentions the death of rapids
Dniepr. Under the Rapids, who had to pass a narrow rocky point called the
Ford of Vrar (Russian: Krariyskaya way), where Varangians attacked
frequently by the Petsenegoi. Varangians stopped at the island of St.
George. Then, equipped ships with sails at the mouth of the Dnieper and
continued to surf along the west coast of the Black Sea all the way to
Istanbul (Slavic: Tsargrad, Old Norse: Mikligarðr).
The trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks was related to other
routes of Eastern Europe, including the Pripyat-Bug waterway leading to
Western Europe and the Volga trade route, which reduced the Volga
waterway to the Caspian Sea. Another branch was along the Dnieper and
Usyazh-Buk River to Lukoml and Polotsk. The trade route from the
Varangians to the Greeks used to transport different kinds of goods. Wine,
spices, jewelry, glass, expensive fabrics, images, and books came from the
Byzantine Empire. Kiev in the trade of bread, handmade products, silver
coins, etc. Volhyn negotiate swirls and other items. Some kinds of weapon
and handicrafts sourced from Scandinavia. Offered timber Northern Rus',
furs, honey and wax, while the Baltic tribes traded amber. In the second half
of the eleventh century, the Crusades opened up more lucrative routes from
Europe to the East through the Crusader states in the Middle East. By that
time, Rus' strengthened its trade relations with Western Europe, and the
route from the Varangians Greeks gradually lost its importance. For related
military route, see Muravsky Trail.
• A large part of the Swedish best-selling historical novel The Long Ships
("Red ORM") describes the adventures of the crew of the ship of Denmark
(with a pilot from Gotland) via this route in the late 10th century.
• Two random music album released in 2007 dealing with imaginary travel
down the path of trade, Miklagard heavy metal band Rebellion - The Story
of the Vikings Volume 2 and The Varangian Way Folk metal band Turisas ».

• In Stephen R. Lawhead 's novel, Byzantium, the main character, a 9th

century Irish monk has taken by Vikings from Scandia to Istanbul via this
• In the comic Prince Valiant, 932 pages (19 December 1954) to 988
(January 15, 1956) the eponymous main character and travel company in
two Viking longships from Istanbul to Scandia by this means, when faced
Patzinaks and Polotjans.

• http://www.novgorod.ru/read/information/history/clauses/PMZolin
1. ^ Constantin Zuckerman proposed a more obvious etymology, the
Turkish (chazarikis) roots "Sam" + "Bat" (literally "upper castle"). See: Sorlin
I. commerciales Vion, peuplement villes et de la Rusia au Xe siècle d'après
le De administrando imperio de Constantin Porphyrogénète. / / Les Centres
proto-urbains Russes entre Scandinavie, Byzance et Orient / ed. M.
Kazanski, D. Nercessian, C. Zuckerman (Réalités Byzantines 7). - Paris,
2000. -P. 337-355
2. ^ The English translation of De Administrando Imperio.
3. ^ Pages 172-174, "Russian and Slavic Languages from WJEntwistle and
A. Morison, publ. Faber & Faber, 1949 & 1969.
Greece runestones
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A map of main routes to the east

Scandinavians had served as mercenaries in the Roman army for centuries

before the Viking Age, [8], but during the time when the stones were, there
were several contacts between Scandinavia and Byzantium than ever. [9]
Viking ships were common on the Black Sea, Aegean Sea, Sea of Marmara
and the wider Mediterranean. [9] Greece has been home to the Varangian
Guard, the elite troops of the Byzantine emperor, [10] and by the Comnenus
dynasty in the late 11th century, most members of the Varangian Guard
were Swedes. [11] In late 1195, the Emperor Alexius Angelos sent envoys
to Denmark, Norway and Sweden, asking 1000 warriors from each of the
three kingdoms. [12] stationed in Istanbul, which is referred to as the
Scandinavians Miklagarðr (the "Great City"), the Guard attract young
Scandinavians who had type consists of creating in the late 10th century.
The large number of men left for the Byzantine Empire is shown by the fact
that the medieval Scandinavian laws contained even laws about travel in
Greece, when recorded at the time of the Vikings. [9] An earlier version of
Westrogothic law, which was written under Eskil Magnusson, the
lawspeaker of Västergötland 1219-1225, said that "man can not take
heritage (Sweden), and resides in Greece." The last version, which was
recorded from 1250 to 1300, adds that "no one can inherit from such person
was a living heir when he went away." Also, the old Norwegian
Gulaþingslög contains a similar law: "But if (a man) went to Greece, then
whoever is next in line to inherit must have property."
The Lion of Piraeus to Piraeus Lion runic runic inscription on a sign currently
moved to Venice from thieves falsifications of history have approximately
3.000 runestones the Viking Age found in Scandinavia c. 2700 which came
into what is now the Sweden.


As you know, the Venetian

admiral Francesco
Morosini, when he
returned to Venice he took
with him the famous Lion
of Piraeus, which is
certainly not stood there is
now a copy but in
Tinaneio garden, and went
to Venice. Each lion
display was important for
the city of Venice because
it was converted into a
display of St Mark, patron
saint of Venice is. For this
reason Venice is full of
lions of all kinds, brought
from all over the world,
reflecting both the strength
of the Venetian
thalassokratorias. But
there was one who built it
and put it in Piraeus Lion
is an essential question
unanswered. The only sure thing is that because the port was renamed in
medieval times at Porto Leone or port of Dragon. The theme of our history
but now is not really to describe the already known story of the past symbol
of Piraeus, which most know her, but to make better known the inscriptions
are carved on both sides of the lion, carved in Runic inscriptions writing and
so far the interpretation given several explanations. The runes is the
scripture of the Teutonic peoples especially ancient Scandinavia, the Anglo-
Saxon and German. The use of runes was identified primarily with the use
of myth and magic. Do not forget that RUN means alone "secret." The
question of runic script on the lion is not present but in the past attracted
many historians and scholars, including the great Greek historian
Paparrigopoulos. In 1856 a Danish archaeologist, a Rafn published an
interpretation of these inscriptions. According to the inscription Rafn on the
left side of the lion says:
"The Chakon together after the Ulf, and Asfmound Oern ekyriefsan this port.
These men and Charold Makris imposed a heavy penalty because of the
defection of the Greek people. The GOK to restore the captured countries.
The Egil and Ragnar marched in Romania and Armenia.
On the right side of the lion's inscription reads:
"The Asmound together after the Asgeir, and Thard ivari runes carved them
after ordering Charold off, though the angry Greeks wanted to prevent them
from doing so.
The first observations can be made as to the interpretation of these strange
rune inscriptions are: The Charold far was the real person because we are
talking about the legendary Norwegian hero (Harold), future king of Norway
from 1033 to 1043 AD As head of spine Varangis served in the Byzantine
army and had fought with George Maniaki in Sicily, and had experienced
many times in the Bulgarians. If we accept the interpretation of the
inscriptions by Danish Rafn, then we are faced with a fact completely
unknown until now. Namely that the Byzantines used Nordic mercenaries to
suppress unrest occurred since Piraeus? We are talking about the 1041
when the throne of Byzantium is Michael the west and it is true that the
reign of riot occurred dramatic upset and attitudes throughout . Incidents
listed in Syria in the current Iberian peninsula, in Sicily revolt while Serbs
and Bulgarians. So the historical events of that time completely identical to
the information we give them the inscriptions. But if we accept this then the
questions are many:

1. The Byzantines experienced riots in Greece, chrisimpoiontas

mercenaries as they did with the unrest in Syria, Sicily and elsewhere?
2. The Byzantines saw themselves as the Byzantines effectively while
continuing to call the residents of Greece Greeks? (.... Secession of the
Greek people, Greeks angry ..... like ....)
3. Piraeus was then a time we all say the city there was only one port? And
with residents angry and rebellious? In fact such number to be used and
leased houses Varangis?
Another question that is born is that Varangis or runes, or North, or
northernmost, or Rus as mentioned performing their missions with payment
to grab gold and gifts from the spoils of the defeated, and the agreement
with the Byzantine emperor exclude the looting of Byzantine sites then But
what the explanation in the header (......... imposed heavy penalty)?
But all of this ties in with another story that evolves in Norway, Sweden,
Denmark and Iceland that time. Refer to original Byzantine objects were
found in Scandinavian countries. Specifically 635 Byzantine coins found in
Sweden in graves or in residential homes Vikings. 270 coins from the bear
in the form of Basil II (d. in 1025). O Basil II was emperor of Byzantium
before Michael D and was first used as mercenaries in the northernmost
Byzantine strato.Os epilogue to this is worth mentioning that the historic
Naval Museum of Venice, a separate information panel, which state failure
reading runic script, due to the destruction part, erasing from history the
attitude of Piraeus? Athens? Greek anyway to Byzantium.
(For this article we used data from:
* Mr. Papathanasopoulos Thanos (Architect) - Archaeology and Arts
* Ms. Vafiadis Antonia (Archaeology) - Archaeology and Arts Magazine
* Concerning the present Peiraiei Lions - Hestia
* History Paparrigopoulos
* Free search)

As is evident from the title of the issue deals with the advent and dominance
of Christianity in medieval Scandinavia, the Vikings and other Nordic
regions which have been expanded.
-When and what procedures have adopted the Christian faith are the robust
tribes of the North abandon its ancient pagan beliefs them?
-Which factors and what historical figures Vikings and European leaders
have contributed to the transition from the ancient Nordic religion of the
Vikings to Christianity?
-How and why powerful, yet stunning Nordic gods of Odin, the Thor of Tyr,
the frigate and the Fref supplanted by Jesus of the Christian faith?
-What about archaeological and other findings shed light on this important
-What 'bits' left by the ancient national religion of the Vikings adopted
-What data indicate the coexistence of two religions to Christianity can
overcome the Nordic national religion?
I admit that in this project met many difficulties in both the reliability of some
primary sources and finding the necessary literary material as in Greece,
unfortunately there is a rich literature on the subject. For "historical" sources
in fact all scholars keep their reservations and of course we put random
word in historical eisagogika.Oi primary written sources generally come from

a) Saga, which are religious texts, heroic stories, translations of Latin texts,
stories of kings and biographies of saints of the church. The contract term is
between 12th and 15th century, began to say the prevalence of Christianity,
although it is clear that existed earlier oral tradition (indeed, the word "saga"
is' narrative ',' what is said "," legend "and Icelandic origin).
b) PM-Greece, which are a collection of religious texts and Nordic
mythological character, both as poetry and in prose.
c) Christian authors sometimes named as the German chronicler of the 11th
century Adam of Bremen, and sometimes anonymous.

Written sources of the northern Religion and Mythology

From the book Yngvar "The Opposite Archaiothriskoi the occult" versions
"Open City", Athens 1996

1. Prehistoric, pre-Christian and post-Christian runic rock paintings And

Incisions: In Sweden alone, about 3,000 have been counted rocks inscribed
with the most famous rock Roek (m.a.ch.ch. 9th century) which houses 725
epic runes. In Norway and Denmark have counted about a thousand signs
and smaller in number in Britain, Iceland, Ireland, Austria, Germany,
Switzerland, Italy and Spain.
H using the runes "accused" ultimately the Church as a major vehicle
maintenance unwanted national tradition of the northern peoples, and
eventually banned Summit in the year 1412. (Although the Runic script
generalized the 3rd-2nd century p.a.ch.ch., several characters appear in
ceramics p.a.ch.ch. 5000, while the association and correlation of some
specific deities shown around p.a.ch.ch. 1500, at which time and place the
final shaping Ontinistikis kosmoantilipseos, religion and mythology).

2. The Roman historian and author: the Roman Empire we have the first
clear descriptions of Ontinistikon ethon and world views. The Tacitus (ca.
55-120 m.a.ch.ch.) wrote, for example Detailed descriptions of German and
Scandinavian ethon in his book "Germania".

3. Late Roman and Gothic Testimonies: Among them, one of two surviving
books of Latin-speaking background Ostrogoths from Jordan Danouvia (mid
6th century). The Jordan preserves important parts of the mythology of his
fellow Scandinavian and Ukrainian (and some very interesting ethnological
information Priscus, who lived among the Asian Huns in 449).

4. Testimonials Arab and Byzantine Writers: The most important and

comprehensive Arabic testimony is that of Ibn Fantlan that (as eyewitness)
describe customs of the Vikings Volga (922 m.a.ch.ch.) in his "Risala".
Followed by those of Ibn Chorantantmpach, Ibn Chourntantampi, the
geographer Ibn Chaougkal of Ibrahim ibn Jakub astronomer and
geographer Mohammed Mougkantosi over the Vikings trade in the Caspian
Sea and Baghdad (985). From the testimony of the Byzantines,
distinguishes the "Chronicle of Nestor" written in the 10th or 11th century,
dealing with the Scandinavian dynasty which reigned Oleg the Russians
until 945, when it is crowned with a Slavic name (Sviatoslav) King Yngvar's
5. Christians Chronographs: One of them was Adam of Bremen, clergy
hosted by the Swedish king Svein Estritzon (1047-74). The book written by
Adam of Bremen, contains detailed descriptions of pagan holidays and
rituals of Oupsalla and descriptions of where churches and cult statues of
Odin, Thor and the frigate. Another important testimony is that of missionary
Ansgkar, who twice visited the eastern Sweden, and the "History of the
Norse Kings" the monk Theodrikou (1180). Important were also the
"imperial Chronicle" (9th century), Irish Ulster Annals, and Skotoroum
Inisfallen and the English translation on the King Alfred, the lover of
milestones "against national history" (Historiae Adversum Paganos) which
arbitrarily introduced an additional chapter on the inhabitants of the Nordic
and Baltic countries.

6. The Past (verse) PM-Greece: The first (Codex Regius), belongs to the
10th or 13th century and discovered in 1643 in Iceland. It contains 29
mythological and heroic poems. The second (Arnamagnaean Codex)
contains 6 poems, 5 of which are already included in the first. The verse Eur
divided in two parts. The first ("Voeluspa" ie "The prophecy of Syvillas) is a
kind of cosmogony, the second (" Havamal "ie" Reasons of the Most High ")
focuses on the exploits of Odin and other gods.

7. The Scheldt Poems: These are blessings and elegies for certain eminent
poets their contemporaries, their ancestors, for various races, gods, etc.

8. The Pedestrian HR: Is the work of gifted pagan Icelanders frontiers

Sturluson (1179-1241), political leader, judge and historian Reikcholt
murdered at the behest of the Norwegian king Chaakon.

9. The Gesta Danorum: This is a work 16tomo Ntaiin Saxo grammar written
in Latin in the year 1215, and is a story of the Danish nation from prehistoric
times (during the reign of the legendary King Dan) to the conquests of King
Canute (1185). Unlike Iceland from Main Sturluson, the Christian author of
"Gesta Danorum" presents a number of points in a negative way, the
progenitor of "eithota" but does not avoid but to contribute in anyway a good
recording of a two thousand year tradition that would otherwise be present
completely unknown to us.

10. Icelandic epics: This is more than seven hundred (!) Sagas, dating from
the 11th century onwards. Some of these so-called Fornalda Sagas ("Epics
of Antiquity") praised legends and heroes of the Germans and Vikings
involving long periods prior to the recent establishment of the island.
Famous is the so-called Voelsunga Saga, which is the Icelandic version of
the German "Legend of Nimpelougken. Other important enough Sagas are
Burntnjal Saga (13th century), Hrafnkel's Saga (13th), Laxdaela Saga
(13th), Olaf Tryggvason's Saga (14th), etc. (From the Icelandic epics
composed and Ari Thorgkilson early 12th century the "Book of Icelanders",
the famous Islendingabok) and finally

11. H Oral Tradition and Folklore.

The Vikings over some runic inscriptions on stone, wood, bones, etc were
not literate in their entirety, and what we know about them and their religion
from ekchristianismenous descendants from European Christian writers of
the time or later, and Arab writers such as Ibn Fantlan.Ta archaeological
findings - In my view the most charming and interesting aspect of the
subject - located closer to reality, providing another valuable source of
information about the spread of Christianity in the regions of the Vikings,
helping to shape time and space framework of their evangelism.
It is obvious from the above that we can draw a well documented and
reliable picture of the issue. I would say that we possess some of the
processes of Christianization Vikings, but another - probably equally
important - remains in obscurity due to lack of resources but also the
problematic nature of existing in which the historical facts mixed with fiction,
creating difficulties in understanding what is real and what is fiction.
However, a general rational question with rational disposal, with experience
in the study of historical testimonies and a good knowledge of the general
historical development of the medieval period can outline the general
procedures that took place leading to the Christianization of Scandinavia.
Before you start quoting figures will be reported in the chronological period
of the culture of the Vikings to a better understanding of the issue to readers
who do not know about. While the Germanic tribes living in the first
centuries AD in Scandinavia (probably much earlier), the beginning of the
Vikings mounted conventionally in 793 AD when they raided the monastery
of Lintisfarn northern England, killing and kidnapping of monks, robbing and
looting the treasures of the temple, causing terror in Western Christian
Europe. The conventional end of the season dating back to 1066 AD after
the defeat of the Vikings in England, the Battle of Stamford Bridge in
Yorkshire, where he killed the powerful Norwegian King Harald Charntranta.

Battle of Hastings
Battle of Hastings
Norman Conquest of England

Death of Harold Gkontouin during the Battle of Hastings, as assigned by the

Bayeux Tapestry.
Year: 14/10 1066

Location: Senlak Ridge, Hastings, Sussex, England, UK

Outcome: Decisive victory for the Normans

Anglo Norman
Williams. Harold Gkontouin.
4500 foot, 1700 archers, 2200 cavalry, 7500 foot (2,000 permanent and
5,500 epistratoi).
~ 3000 dead. ~ 5000 dead.
Decisive Battle Anglo - Norman control of England and the last successful
invasion of England. Typical medieval battle nearly equal number of
opponents. It was felt by the poor performance of anglosaxonnon mobilized
soldiers and especially the death of Harold Gkontouin during the period,
which ended any organized resistance. The Celts invaded around 500 BC
the British Isles, requiring language and culture. Their arrival boosted the
trade, although most strategic metal of age was in between the iron. The tin,
however, continued to have commercial value. The foundation of Marseille,
intermediate, and offered an alternative trade route: UK - Channel - France -
Marseille - Greece (sea). The Romans finally imposed Pax Romana only in
England and Wales 43. Scotland and Ireland remained outside the Roman
conquest. However, the involvement of Vretanokeltikou the Greco-Roman
culture has a unique cultural mix, the Romaiovretaniko culture. The decline
and eventually collapse of Western Roman Empire in the 5th century
resulted in the gradual withdrawal of Roman legions from the island,
creating a power vacuum that could not compensate nor the ekromaismenoi
or self-Celts, who also clashed with each other. Germanic tribes in England
(now Denmark) and Saxony after? Nastefsan and gradually took control of
England today. Celtic centers in Wales, Scotland and Ireland, we continued
to resist the new settlers - kataktites.Akolouthise a period of Christianization
of Anglo-Saxon and Viking raids finally rebutted by the main UK. Created
towards However, the French-speaking Duchy of Normandy. In 1066 the
Anglo-Saxon king Edward the Confessor died and was succeeded by
Harold II of England. But claiming the throne, the Duke of Normandy,
William and King Harald of Norway Sigkourntson. Harold was awaiting an
invasion of the Normans in the south. But Harald had made a landing in
northern England and had already won the battle of Foulfornt. By Harald
had allied and his brother Harold, the Tostigk. So Harold was forced to walk
along with his army 180 miles in just four days. In the Battle of Stamford
Bridge Anglo-Saxons by surprise and managed to defeat the Norwegians.
Among the dead was Harald and Tostigk. In less than two weeks, but
William had already landed in southern England with a lot of army and with
the blessing of the pope. Harold arrived as fast as he could with depleted
army and on 13 October the two armies met at Hastings. The original
homes are Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Of these scoot towards western
Europe, Britain, the Shetland Islands and Faroe north of Britain, Ireland,
Iceland, Greenland, Canada, and east to cross the rivers of Russia, creating
major commercial stations, as well as laying the groundwork the birth of the
Kievan Rus. The extensions have character triple nature:
a) pirates - looting
b) establishment of permanent colonies
c) trade

The major forces that were experienced Christian Anglo-Saxon and

Frankish states of Western Europe, the Byzantine Empire in southeastern
Europe and the Arab states of North Africa and the Middle East. Quote a
useful map that includes the people who knew and water routes followed by
After these necessary for understanding the main theme introductory
information, proceed to the submission of historical data, testimony,
assessments and findings related to the processes of Christianization

The Harald Sigkourntson (Norwegian: Harald Sigurdsson, 1015-1066)

was a Norwegian king named Harald III of Norway (Harald III). It is also
the hero of 9 medieval Icelandic sagas poet Snorri Sturluson where I
recounted how epic pieces of his life. For methods passed into history
with the nickname Hardråde, ie ruthless king. It is considered the
founder of Oslo, although archaeological evidence does not suggest
Born in Norway in 1015 and a fugitive after the coup against the half-
brother, King Olaf II of livestock (later St. Olav), the Harald settled in
Novgorod at the age of fifteen years. The Novgorod was the second
largest city of Kievan Rus, which at that time reached the edge of the
maximum under the leadership of Grand Prince Yaroslav Varangians
the Wise. A year later, Harald created a predatory horde who fought
alongside the Poles in Rus. His fame spread rapidly and in 1035
enlisted in twenty of the Byzantine Order of Varangians (Varangiki
Guard), where part of the Scandinavian mercenaries. In the turbulent
period that he served four consecutive emperors, to Michael IV the
Paphlagonians, Michael E by Kalafatis, Life and the Porphyrogennetos
Constantine I, the Gladiator. For his achievements, the ferocity of that
combined with shrewdness, he was promoted early to follow (the
equivalent of today colonel), and even if he was illiterate and very
young, he was the administration of Varangikis Guard. Harald At The
Varangians mercenaries showed great military success and excelled
in using unorthodox methods, as it was arson enemy castle with
flaming birds or hypocritical reluctance to fight, so the opponents to
think that win and leave the fort. Overall he took part in eleven major
battles - against Arabs in Anatolia, Africa and Sicily, and Bulgaria
during the Bulgarian and southern Italy by the Saracens. Property
would receive from the campaigns to take care of "saves" by sending
her for safekeeping at Novgorod, to be sure that no danger. It is
unclear how his career slumped in the Byzantine army. According to
some sources she decided to return home to claim the throne. In a
second version, Harald victim of erotic passion: Empress Zoe was in
love with him, but he wanted to be married the niece of Mary. Natural
Life refused to give consent and persuaded her husband Constantine
to the jail on the pretext that he had embezzled loot. The Harald, but he
escaped, kidnapped Mary and escaped into the Black Sea. In fact,
according to this scenario, once satisfied that he has escaped any
danger, sent Maria back in life to prove how weak it was in front. In any
case, it is true that the 1043 that Harald is now married Princess
Elizabeth of Kiev, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, and returned to
Norway, bringing with him his fortune and reputation acquired by the
City. From the start has raised claims to the throne, which was held by
Magnus I the Good, son of Olaf. Magnus was forced to compromise
and thus the Harald enthronisthike symvasilefs as in 1045. A year
later, Magnus died under unclear circumstances and was crowned
King Harald as Harald III. He ruled for two decades with an iron fist and
has used his experiences of Byzantium, reorganizing and modernizing
the State, but changed the nature of war remained, and sometimes
downright predatory. When he died, the Anglo-Saxon king Edward the
Confessor, the Harald launched an ambitious plan of conquest of
England, citing secret agreements by his predecessors, arguing that it
is the legal successor to the English throne. So in 1066 he invaded the
island led 15,000 men to take the throne from Harold Gkontvinson, the
last Anglo-Saxon king. The campaign failed miserably - he was killed
in battle of Stamford Bridge (September 22, 1066), while the 300 only
25 ships returned to Norway. The bones of over a year after his death
in Nintaros (Trondheim) and placed in the Church of Mary. With the
death of Harald Sigkourntson ended a long period of Scandinavian
history, the Viking Age. His successors have followed a different
policy, that of peaceful coexistence with Western Europe, resulting in
the establishment of Christianity and the gradual Europeanisation of
the Nordic peoples. Therefore Harald often described as the last Viking
Stories Harald Sigkourntson
In a campaign of the Byzantine army had to camp in a coastal forest.
The Varangians of Harald surpassed the best place (on a small hill)
and left for Greek soldiers in lowlands. Generally lowest at a
disadvantage, because in case of rain flooded the streams that formed
the surrounding hills. Then started quarrel between Harald and
General Gregory, who wanted to set up the same point the scenes of
personal guard. When Harald refused to obey, saying only Varangiki
Guard obey the throne, the situation has reached the brink of conflict.
The last time the most calm urged to make their lot. The two men will
be marked by a lucky draw prize, I'll throw in a raffle box, and whoever
came first would entitle camping on the hill. Indeed, Gregory marked
the lucky draw prize of. The Harald saw the sign made by Gregory and
made his lucky draw prize in the same way. When the draw was made,
the Harald got the lot and threw him into the sea, saying that it sure is
his. Gregory pulled out of the box the lucky draw prize that was left, he
saw the sign and had to retreat, not to occupy the Gulf of Harald!
In a campaign in Sicily, an army besieged city but were unable for long
to understand why the walls were strong and supplies reached the
besieged for a long time. The Harald but managed to ekporthisei a
horrible trick. He noticed that the day came from the castle looking for
small birds feeding in the countryside and then return to the city,
apparently to feed their young. Then he put his men to catch as many
as they could and tied them back sticks brushed with tar, wax and
sulfur, to set fire and left free to all at the same time. The birds
instinctively flew to their nests. Started this way while hundreds of
small fires, which are broadcast from their nests on rooftops until they
became massive fire and burned the whole city. After that, the gates of
the walls were opened and residents were delivered.
In another similar case, the Varangians Harald dug a tunnel. Due to the
hard ground and was forced to divert for several days in terms of a
small district to soften the soil. The defenders have not noticed
because they were committed to accept attacks on other parts of the
Byzantine army. Not having projects within the city, the tunnel led to a
dining room where they ate and rested troops defenders. Immediately
stop the Varangians and some ran to open the door, forcing the city to
Where once the prospective ally Sven Oulfson asked him what piece
of property picked up in Byzantium is the most precious, the Harald
replied, "The banner of me, because whoever put behind this is not to
lose." Another time, right before a major battle, the makers advise him
to retreat and not to lead his troops in battle, for fear-term superiority
of the opponents. The Harald disagreed and ordered a general attack,
the words "I prefer to die standing than live kneeling.
According to legend, and returned to Norway to claim the crown, the
Harald met on a stage with King Magnus, who was the son of Olaf, so
nephew. Magnus offered him the title of symvasileos with full rights
under the sole condition that when they were together he would hold
the primacy. After the meeting, Harald returned to the ship. The next
morning I returned to the scene and handed out helmets leave the
royal guard. Seeing the obvious question in the face of Magna, said:
Yesterday I have offered half the kingdom to resurrect your blood. So
today I offer you half the fortune earned with my blood. Then the
escorts Harald began to fill the empty helmets with gold stamping the
To put all the stones are close to see the entire puzzle Friends
As many as 1277 of them were in the province of Uppland alone. The
Viking era coincided with the Christianization of Scandinavia, and in
many neighborhoods c. 50% of the stone inscriptions are traces of
Christianity .. 70% of the inscriptions are clearly Christian, as
evidenced by inscribed crosses or add Christian prayers, while only a
few runestones clearly pagan. [15] The tradition Runestone probably
died before 1100 and no later than 1125. Among runestones the Viking
Age, 9,1-10% indicated that were in memory of people who went
abroad and showing runestones Greece are the largest group.
Moreover, there is a group of three or four runestones that celebrate
men who were killed in southern Italy, and who probably members of
the Varangian Guard. [18] The only group of stones in numbers
comparable to runestones Greece are those that say England, [5],
followed by c. 26 Ingvar runestones raised after the fatal Ingvar
campaign in Persia. Blöndal & Benedikz (2007) note that most of
Greece is runestones Uppland and concern that was the most
common place to start a trip to Greece and the region from which most
Rus. However, as noted by Jansson (1987), the fact that most of these
were runestones Uppland and Södermanland does not necessarily
mean that this number reflects the composition of the Scandinavian
Varangian Guard. These two provinces are those that have the
greatest concentration of runic inscriptions. Not all those who have
celebrated runestones Greece were necessarily members of the
Varangian Guard, and some may have gone to Greece as a dealer or
died there, passing by on a pilgrimage. [11] The fact that a trip to
Greece was associated with increased risk indicated by the fact that
the woman had a Runestone held in memory of herself before
departing on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem: «Ingirún Harðardóttir had
runes carved for itself; I'll go and East Jerusalem. Fótr carved the
runes. "However, the situation Blöndal and Benedikz (2007) that
although there are other reasons for going to Greece, it is clear that
most of the runestones made in memory of members of the Varangian
Guard were killed there. Still, some say runestones men who have
returned to the increase of wealth, [20] and an inscription on a stone to
Ed was a former captain of the guard, Ragnvaldr. The reasons for the
delivery Runestone is a matter of discussion, but include issues of
heritage, status and respect for the deceased. runestones Quite
explicitly celebrate heritage, such as stone and stone Ulunda Hansta,
but the vast majority of runestones say just put the stone in memory
no matter what. A common view held by scholars such as Erik Moltke
and Sven BF Jansson is that runestones was mainly the result of
several missions Viking from Scandinavia, or to say Jansson (1987):
When large shipments were up, the old trade routes are closed, and
Viking ships are now ready each spring for travel to the east and west,
then that meant the end of the sculpture and the establishment of the
Rune stones sense of the word. They call on the monuments of Viking
voyages, and the sensitive reader can catch many of the signs like the
Vikings of adventure and daring feats of noisy. Sawyer (2000), on the
other hand, reacts against the commonly accepted view that the
comments and the overwhelming majority of runestones raised in
memory of people who are reported to have died abroad. He claims
that few men have gone abroad, have been honored with monuments
and the reason is that the runestones were mainly due to concerns at
home, such as issues of succession. These concerns will arise when a
family he knew that that would not return from abroad.

The runestones
Below is a presentation of runestones Greece based on information
gathered from the project Rundata, organized by location. Transfers
from runic inscriptions in Old Norse is standard in Old East Norse
(Fr), Swedish and Danish dialect to facilitate comparison with the
inscriptions, and the English translation provided by Rundata given
name in the standard dialect, Old West Norse (OWN) in the
Icelandic and Norwegian dialect.

Transcription and translation

There is a standard practice to write transcripts of the runes into
Latin characters with bold and transcribe the text into a normalized
form of the language in italic typeface. This practice exists because
the two forms of providing a runic text should be divided. [26] By not
only shows the original recording, and transliterating, transcription
and translation, students of this analysis in a way that allows the
reader to follow their interpretation of the runes. Each step presents
challenges, but most younger Futhark inscriptions is easy to
interpret [27]. In the transcripts, *,: X '+ and dividers are common
words and ÷ represent less common. Parentheses () represent the
damaged runes that can not be determined with certainty, and
brackets [] represent sequences runes lost, but can be determined
thanks to the early descriptions of the students. A short dash -
indicates that there is a Rune or elsewhere can not be determined.
A series of three dots ... indicates that runes were supposedly in
place, but they have disappeared. The two points separating | |
Rune separating the two Latin letters, it is often carved runemasters
a single Rune instead of two consecutive them. § § P and Q
introduced two alternative readings from an inscription on multiple
words, while § A, B and C, § § introduce the different parts of a sign
that can appear on different sides of the Runestone. [28]
Brackets, Angle, <>, indicate that there is a sequence of runes that
can not be interpreted with certainty. Other specific points are þ and
ð, where the first is the thorn letter, which represents a voice dental
fricative like th in English thing. The second letter is eth represents
a voiced dental fricative like th in English. The symbol R represents
yr Rune, and t is the same as the Icelandic ogonek ǫ. [28]

Each runic inscription appears with a unique identifier that is used in
scientific literature to refer to the legend, it is only required to give
the first two components. The first part is one or two letters
represent the region where runic inscription appears, eg U of
Uppland, Södermanland and so for DR in Denmark. The second
part represents the order in which the inscription shown in the
official national publications (eg Sveriges runinskrifter). So U 73
means that the Runestone was the 73rd runic inscription in Uppland
documented in runinskrifter Sveriges. If the inscription was later
substantiated by the official publication, are listed according to the
publication of which was first described, eg So Fv1954? 20,
although this represents Södermanland, Fv represents the annual
publication Fornvännen, 1954 is the year of issuance of Fornvännen
and 20 is the page in the publication. [29] There are many, and 18
runestones in Uppland related information about the men who
traveled to Greece, most of whom died there.

Runestone U 73
Runestone U 73 (location) may be erected to explain the order of
succession by two men who lost their lives as Varangians. [30] is in
the style of PR3 [31], which is part of the overall style Urnes. The
stone, which is made of granite, grayish measuring 2 m (6 ft 7 in) in
height and 1,2 m (3 ft 11 in) wide, [32] stands on a hillside about
100 meters (330 feet) north of the farm Hägerstalund, former
Hansta (Lund). The stone was discovered by Johan Peringskiöld in
the national survey of historical monuments in the late 17th century.
Shares stone with the same message U 72, a combination which
was once a monument, [32] U 72, but was moved to Skansen in
1896. [33] The last stone states that "these stones' and set by
Gerðarr Jörundr in memory and Ernmundr Ingimundr.
Consequently, U 73 the phrase" sons Inga "and" died in Greece
"refers to Ernmundr and Ingimundr. [32] Ernmundr Ingimundr and
had inherited from their father but left the Byzantine Empire, and
died there as Varangians. Since they had no had children, their
mother Inga inherited the property, and when he died, siblings and
Gerðarr Jörundr inherited it. The two brothers then set the two
memorials in honor of his nephew, which is probably due to the
nephews and nieces who have excelled in the South. However, you
may also have an appreciation for the wealth obtained by the
nephews overseas. At the same time the monument was used to
the way in which the property was passed from one generation to
another. [32] [34] Sawyer (2000), on the other hand, shows that
since the two signs do not indicate the instructed, the only possible
claimant to the fortune, and what had been the stones can be the
church. [35] runemaster declared Visäte. [31]
Latin transliteration:
«Suni 'ikur eftR» kam gar IRU merki þisun''''hon' þeira X in arfi ×
kiaþar b'reþr «þir to i kirikium arfi» in brþr þeir × * kamu hnaa: the "
Old Norse transcription:
Þessun mærki æRu gar æftiR syni InguR. Hon kvam þæiRa to arfi,
en þæiR brøðr kvamu hænnaR to arfi, Gærðarr brøðr. ÞæiR du i
English translation:
"These milestones made in memory of the sons of Inga. He came to
inherit from them, but these brothers-Gerðarr and his brothers,
came to inherit it. Died in Greece." [31]
U 104

Cast copy of runestone U 104

Runestone U 104 (starting position) is in the red sandstone
measuring 1,35 m (4 ft 5 in) in height and 1,15 m (3 ft 9 in) in width.
[36] It was first documented by Johannes Bureus in 1594 [36]. It
was donated to one of a couple in the Ashmolean Museum at
Oxford in 1687 at the request of King James II in England to King
Charles XI of Sweden, asking for two runestones add to the
collection of the University of Oxford. [37] to the Urnes (PR5) style.
Þorsteinn was raised in memory of his father and brother Sveinn
Þórir, who went to Greece, and finally, in memory of his mother.
The stone is signed by runemaster Öpir Old Norse which is
important for the improper use of Rune haglaz (ᚼ), as in the hut Old
Norse út ("out"). [38] The irregular use of omega-voice feature is a
dialect that has survived and continues to be characteristic of the
modern Swedish dialect Roslagen, one of the areas where Öpir was
active. [38]
Latin transliteration:
«Þorstin 'lit uk sin faþur Suin FTIR« merki × Kera''''''FTIR »þori» (b)
roþur «sin» huaru þiR «hut» til «k - IKA (u) (k)« ybiR sin moþur
inkiþuru iftiR''''risti »
Old Norse transcription:
Þorstæinn our gæra mærki æftiR Svæin, faður Sinn, okay æftiR
Þori, broður Sinn, þæiR varu ut til G [r] ikkia, okay æftiR Ingiþoru,
Sina moður. ØpiR risti.
English translation:
"Þorsteinn had become a landmark in memory of Sveinn, his father
and in memory of Þórir, his brother. They were abroad in Greece.
And the memory of Ingiþóra, his mother. Œpir carved." [39]
U 112

Side A of runestone U 112

Side B of runestone U 112

Runestone U 112 (post), a large boulder measuring 18 m (59 ft) in the
region is adjacent to a wooded path known Kyrkstigen ("path church")
in Ed. [28] [40] It is well known to scholars from Johannes runological
first campaign Bureus »in 1594, and dated in the mid-11th century. [40]
The boulder bearing runic inscriptions on both sides, referred to as U
112 A and B. [28] The linguistic significance of the inscription lies in
the use of haglaz (ᚼ) Rune denote the velar approximant / ɣ / (as in
Ragnvaldr ) which will become public after the close of the Viking Age.
The inscription also includes some dotted runes and ansuz (ᚬ) Rune
used for / o / phoneme. [42]
The inscriptions are in the style of Urnes (PR4), [28] and
commissioned by a former leader of the Varangian Guard Ragnvaldr
named in memory of his mother and his own price. [28] [40] Very few
could boast about back home with the honor of having the captain of
the Varangian Guard. Moreover, the name Ragnvaldr shows that
belonged to the upper echelons of society, Old Norse, and may have a
relevant decision of the dynasty. [43] The maternal grandfather of
Ragnvald, Ónæmr, referring to two additional runestones in Uppland,
U 328 and U 336. [44] Runestone U 328 Ragnvaldr stated that he had
two uncles, Gyríðr and Guðlaug. Furthermore, Runestone U 336 Ulf
adds that the Borresta, who took three Danegelds in England, his
father was a nephew Ónæm and thus first cousin Ragnvald. [44] was
probably the same Ragnvaldr whose death is connected to bro runic
inscriptions Hargs, which will also be connected to Estrid and wealthy
clan Jarlabanke. [45] Considering the background of Ragnvald, it is
not surprising that grew to become an officer of the Varangian Guard:
he was a wealthy chieftain who brought a lot of ambitious soldiers in
Greece. [46]

Latin transliteration:
Side A: rahnualtr * * * lit rista Runar * * * EFR fastui * moþur sina * * * *
onems to aiþi i * * * kuþ hialbi ant totR * hena *
Side B: Runa rista * * * lit rahnualtr * huar a X griklanti UAS * * * lis
forunki *
Old Norse transcription:
Side A: Ragnvaldr our rista Runar æftiR Fastvi, moður Sina, Onæms
dottiR, I Æiði. Guð hialpi and hænnaR.
Side B: Runar rista our Ragnvaldr. VaR a Grikklandi, Vas liðs forungi.
English translation:
Side A: "Ragnvaldr had the runes carved in memory of Fastvé, mother,
daughter of Ónæmr (who) died Eið. May God help the spirit."
Side B: "Ragnvaldr was carved Runes; (O) was in Greece, was
commander of the sequence." [47]
U 136
Main article: Broby bro Runestones

Runestone U 136
Runestone U 136 (position) is in the PR2 (Ringerike) style [48] and was
once the monument together with U 135. It is a dark grayish stone is
1,73 m (5 ft 8 in), high and 0,85 m (2 ft 9 in) wide. [49] In 1857, the
Richard Dybeck noted that he had discovered in the ground five years
ago. A small part of it sticking up above the ground when the planter
was tilling the land and discovered that he had come back to that
point. Some pieces chipped off by mistake by the landowner and the
upper parts of some runes lost. [50]
The stone originally came from a rich lady named Ástríðr in memory of
her husband Eysteinn, and Sawyer (2000) proposes that one of the
many rocks in a tug-of-war heritage. [51] is uncertain because
Eysteinn went to Greece and Jerusalem, because the interpretation of
sœkja word (as evidenced in sotti indefinitely). It means "ask" but it
can mean "attack" as on the stones, and 166 N 184, and "visit" or
"travel". [52] Consequently, Eysteinn recognized as one of the first
Swedes to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, [53], but Jesch (2001)
notes that judging by the other runic examples, the "attack" feeling is
more likely. [52] The translation of sœkja as an "attack" is also
selected by the project Rundata (see below). It is one of the two
Jarlabanke Runestones say that travelers abroad, the U140 is another

Latin transliteration:
× × astriþr la (t) + raisa staina X X X þasa [a] t austain × × sin is Voutas
suti × × iursalir auk UB antaþis i kirkum ×
Old Norse transcription:
Æstriðr our ræisa stæina þessa to Øystæin, Sinn Bonda, es sotti
IorsaliR ok ændaðis upp i Grikkium.
English translation:
"Ástríðr had these stones raised in memory of Eysteinn, farmer, who
attacked Jerusalem and met the end of Greece." [48]
U 140

Runestone U 140
Runestone U 140 is Broby (location), near Broby Runestones brother
and U 150. The fragment of granite is Ringerike style (Pr 2). [54] The
discovery was made by Richard Dybeck among the foundations of a
small building. Dybeck searched without success for other parts.
Initially, the fragment was moved into a hillside near the road between
Hagby and Täby church, but in 1930, moved next to the road. It is one
Jarlabanke Runestones and refers to a man who traveled abroad [55]
(compare U 136, above).
Latin transliteration:
× ... la × b (a) ... ... han: entaþis * kirikium i
Old Norse transcription:
[IAR] laba [NKI] ... Hann ændaðis i Grikkium.
English translation:
"Jarlabanki ... finally met him in Greece." [54]
U 201

Runestone U 201
Runestone U 201 (post) are at PR1 (Ringerike) type and was the same
as runemaster U 276. [56] The red stone is granite wall in the sacristy
of the church Angarn c. 0,74 m (2 ft 5 in) above the ground, measuring
1,17 m (3 ft 10 in) in height and 1,16 m ( 3 ft 10 in) in width. [57]
Johannes Bureus (1568-1652) referred to the stone, but for unknown
reasons, had been ignored in the national survey of the historical
monuments of 1667-1684. [57] Two of the men listed on the stone are
names that are otherwise unknown and remade as Gautdjarfr
Sunnhvatr and based on information known by other names Norse.
Latin transliteration:
* Þiagn * UK * kutirfR * UK * sunatr * UK * þurulf * þiR * litu risa * * *
THE þina * iftiR * tuka faþur * * * sin skins * * * ut i krikum * kuþ * ialbi
ot ans * ot * uk * salu
Old Norse transcription:
Þiagn ok GautdiarfR (;) ok Sunnhvatr (;) ok ÞorulfR þæiR letu ræisa
stæin þenna æftiR Toka, faður Sinn. Hann fors ut i Grikkium. Guð
hialpi and Hans, and salu ok.
English translation:
"Þegn and Gautdjarfr (;) and Sunnhvatr (;) and Þórulfr, had this stone
raised in memory of Toki, their father. The lost abroad in Greece. May
God help the spirit, mind and soul ". [56]
U 270

Runestone U 270
Runestone U 270 was discovered in Smedby (located) near Vallentuna
and illustrated by Johan Hadorph and his assistant for Johan
Peringskiöld, in the national survey of historical monuments in 1667-
84. Richard Dybeck noted in 1867 that he had seen the Runestone
intact three years ago, but was used for the construction of the
basement in 1866. Dybeck sued the farmer found guilty and the
prosecution was completed by the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters,
History and Antiquities. Documents from the court case that was
standing in the farmhouse and had blown up three times in small
pieces that could be used to build the basement. Reconstruction of the
Runestone was impossible. The stone was 2,5 m (8 ft 2 in), high and
1,2 m (3 ft 11 in) wide, [59] and referred to the memory of his father
who seems to have traveled to Greece. [60]
Latin transliteration:
[Ikiþur-isina ... ...-- * Stiu nuk * * to kiatilu ... faþur * krikfarn sin * T. ..]
Old Norse transcription:
Ingiþor [i] ... ... <stiu> ok to Kætil ..., faður Sinn, Grikkfara (?) ...
English translation:
«Ingiþóra ... ... and memory Ketill-... her father, (a) person in Greece (?)
..."[ 61]
U 358

Runestone U 358
The Runestone U 358 (position) in the style RAK [62] was first
mentioned by Richard Dybeck discovered the stone in the foundation
of the church steeple Skepptuna. The parishioners did not allow him to
reveal the word altogether, and then hid the stone with a thick layer of
soil. It was not until 1942 that was removed from the tower and came
back a few steps away. The stone is light gray granite. It is 2,05 m (6 ft
9 in), high above the ground and 0,78 m (2 ft 7 in) wide. [63] The
counterpart of the Runestone Folkmarr named and a name that is
otherwise unknown Viking Age Scandinavia, although it is known to
exist after the Viking Age. He was on the other hand a common name
in West German languages, especially between the Franks. [63]
Latin transliteration:
fulkmar lit × × × risa stin þina × × iftiR Sun fulkbiarn X X X X X sin sar
itaþis × uk miþ krkum × kuþ × ialbi × × ans ot uk salu
Old Norse transcription:
Folkmarr our ræisa stæin þenna æftiR Folkbiorn, Sinn Sun SAR
ændaðis ok með Grikkium. Guð hialpi Hans and ok salu.
English translation:
"Folkmarr had this stone raised in memory of Folkbjörn, his son. He
also met the end among the Greeks. May God help the spirit and soul."
U 374
Runestone U 374
Runestone U 374 Runestone was that once existed in Örby (location).
In 1673, according to a national survey of historical monuments,
Winge said that Abraham had two runestones standing in Örby. In
1684, Peringskiöld went to Örby to document and illustrate the stones,
but found only one standing (U 373). Instead he discovered the second
or third Runestone, U 374, and the bottom of a stove fire. The use of
stone as the fireplace was detrimental to the legend and the last time
someone wrote about having seen was in 1728. Peringskiöld Plan is
therefore the only documentation of the inscription. The amount of
stone was 1,5 m (4 ft 11 in) and a width of 0.88 m (2 ft 11 in), [64] and
this is attributed to runemaster Asmund Kåresson. [65]
Latin transliteration:
[... Rita litu »: stain þino * iftiR * o-hu ... ... an hon fil o kriklontr kuþ hi-
lbi sal ...]
Old Norse transcription:
... letu retta stæin þenna æftiR ... ... Hann fell a Grikklandi. Guð hi [a]
sal LPI [u].
English translation:
"... This stone was erected in memory of ... ... Fell in Greece. May God
help (his) soul. "[65]
U 431
Runestone U 431
Runestone U 431 (site) was discovered, such as U 430, in a field
belonging to the inn where Åshusby rocks blasted to prepare the
ground for crops in 1889. As the stone is face-down inscription, was
blown up and were arrested by the fragments discovered the runes.
The Runestone was repaired with concrete and on the terrace of the
temple of Norrsunda. The stone is in bluish gray gneiss, and measures
1,95 m (6 ft 5 in) in height and 0,7 m (2 ft 4 in) in width. [66] The
surfaces are unusually good. [66] It is in Ringerike (PR2) style, and this
is attributed to runemaster Asmund Kåresson. [67] He was raised by
his father and mother, Tófa and Hemingr, in memory of their son,
Gunnarr, who died "between Greeks and it is very unusual that the
mother is mentioned before the father. [68] Latin transliteration:

tufa auk hominkr litu Rita IN abtiR sin þino «Sun kunor» in - u Hon (a)
ta R (u) - (r) mir ut krikium «kuþ hons hialbi | | salu | | UK | | kuþs m - (i)
Old Norse inscription:
Tofa ok HæmingR letu retta stæin þenna æftiR Gunnar, Sinn Sun En ...
hann DAU var [p] r ut Grikkium meðr. Guð hialpi hans salu ok with
Guðs [oð] iR.
English translation:
"Tófa and Hemingr had this stone erected in memory of Gunnarr, their
son, and ... died abroad among the Greeks. May God and Mother of
God help his soul." [67
U 446

Runestone U 446
A bit of Runestone U 446 in Droppsta (location) ensures only
documents provided in the national survey of the historical
monuments of the 17th century, during the preparation of the Board of
Uppland runinskrifter Sveriges (1940-1943) unsuccessfully searched
for scholars debris of stone. The piece was what was left of the bottom
of a Runestone and seems to have two pieces one of which was the
first part of the header and the second last part. The fragment appears
to be c. 1,10 m (3 ft 7 in) high and 1,2 m (3 ft 11 in) are widely used [69]
and Urnes style is attributed to either PR3 or PR4. [70] The isifara
runes interpreted as æist-Fari, which means "person in Estonia", [71],
which is known from an inscription in Södermanland, [69], but left as
deciphered by the project Rundata. [70]
Latin transliteration:
[Isifara * auk * ... r * sin * hon tu krikum i]
Old Norse transcription:
<isifara> ok ... Sinn. Hann I do Grikkium.
English translation:
"<isifara> And their .... He died in Greece." [70]

U 518

Runestone U 518
Runestone U 518 (position) is in the style RAK [72] and is on the south
side of the pine hill about 700 m (2300 ft) north-east of the main
building of the Homestead Västra Ledinge. The stone was informed by
Richard Dybeck in several publications in 1860, and when they had
recently been destroyed and many pieces of which the bottom was
still on the ground. In 1942, the stone was welded and put back the
original item. The stone is gray granite and coarse. [73]
The Runestone was in memory of three men, two of whom died in
Greece, and third, Freygeirr, died in a debate setting is written as i
SiLU × Nur. Richard Dybeck suggested that it could either refer to the
nearby estate Skällnora or lake Siljan, Sophus Bugge, and identified
the location as "north of Saaremaa" (Øysilu either), while Erik Brate is
the place to be today Salo in Finland. [74] The modern view, as
presented in Rundata, from a more recent analysis by Otterbjörk
(1961) who believe that refers to a sound Selaön island in Mälaren. [72]

Latin transliteration:
uk þurkir × × × Suin þu litu risa X X X IN þina × iftiR × urmiR uk × × ×
urmulf uk frikiR × × × about etaþis × i SiLU × × nur Ian þiR antriR × ut i
krikum × × kuþ ihlbi - R ( a) ot × salu uk
Old Norse transcription:
Þorgærðr ok Svæinn þau letu ræisa stæin þenna æftiR OrmæiR ok
Ormulf ok FrøygæiR. Hann ændaðis i SiLU nor en þæiR andriR ut i
Grikkium. Guð hialpi [þæi] Ra and ok salu.
English translation:
"Þorgerðr and Sveinn, had this stone raised in memory of Ormgeirr
and Ormulfr and Freygeirr. Came the end of the sound of Silas
(Selaön), and the rest abroad in Greece. May God help spirits and
souls." [72]

U 540

Runestone U 540
Runestone U 540 (position) is in Urnes (PR4) style and was runemaster
Asmund Kåresson. [75] It is mounted with iron in the northern wall of
the church of Husby-Sjuhundra, but when the stone was first
documented by Johannes Bureus in 1638 that has been used as a
threshold in the atrium of the church. It was still used as a threshold
when the Richard Dybeck visited in 1871 and is positioned so that the
entire inscription was visible to create a duplicate cast. [76] In 1887,
the parishioners decided to extract both U 540 and U 541 from the
church and with the financial assistance of the Royal Swedish
Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities of the stones were
removed and attached outside the northern wall. The stone is red
sandstone and is 1,50 m (4 ft 11 in) high and 1,13 m (3 ft 8 in) wide. [77]
Parts of the stone and the inscription is lost, and is exhausted due to
former use as a threshold. [77]
One theory, proposed by Germanist FA Braun (1910), based on
runestones Runestone U 513, U 540, 179 and 279 Thus, the lament has
Ingvar be the same person Ingvar the Far-traveled, the son of the
Swedish King Emund the Old. Braun states that the stones set in
Husby, a royal residence, and the names Eiríkr (Eric) and Hakon was
rather rare in Sweden, but is known by the royal dynasty. Önundr will
Anund Gårdske, who grew up in Russia and Eiríkr is one of the two
Pretenders named Eric and Hakon will Håkan red. [78] The recognition
of the three men Eiríkr, Håkon and Ingvarr also included in the
reference work Nordiskt runnamnslexikon (2002), which adds Eiríkr is
also shown in Hillersjö stone Runestone U 20. Håkon also identify with
the one requested and runestones og 162 og Fv1970? 310. [79]
Latin transliteration:
auk auk hokun airikr »inkuar Rahn aukk [ILT] osY hr '- ... ... ...- R '-na
uarþ hon [tau] þ (r) [a] kuþ hons hialbi kriklati' | | salu | | UK | | kuþs
muþi (R)
Old Norse transcription:
ÆirikR ok Hakon ok Ingvarr ok Ragnhildr þau ... ... ... ... Hann varð
dauðr a Grikklandi. Guð hialpi hans salu ok Guðs moðiR.
English translation:
"Eiríkr and Hakon and Ingvarr and Ragnhildr, which ... ... ... ... He died
in Greece. May God and Mother of God help his soul." [75]

U 792

Runestone U 792
Runestone U 792 (position) is in style Fp and this is attributed to
runemaster Balli. [80] The stone is in the gray granite and measures
1,65 m (5 ft 5 in) in height and 1,19 m (3 ft 11 in) in width. [81] It was
originally put together by a second Runestone, with one on each side
of Eriksgata where the road passed a Ford, [82] C. 300 meters (980
feet) west of where the farm Ulunda today. [83] Eriksgata was the path
that newly elected Swedish kings lived when he toured the country to
be accepted by local assemblies. [82] The stone was first documented:
Johannes Bureus the 17th century, later the same century by Johan
Peringskiöld, who is considered a valuable stone raised in memory of
the petty king, or the first war, the pagan times. When Richard Dybeck
visited the stone in 1863 was significantly folding [83] and in 1925, the
stone is reported to have fallen completely under the media stream. It
was not until 1946 that the Swedish National Heritage Board arranged
to have re-erected. [81] was in memory of a man (probably Haursi) his
son, Karr, and his brother-in-law. Haursi had returned from Greece a
wealthy man, left his son heir to a fortune. [30] [84]
Latin transliteration:
kar lit risa * * * THE þtina * to mursa * * * faþur sin * auk Kabi * * * sin
mah * fu-hfila * very * aflaþi ut i * Kri [k] um * Arfa * sinum
Old Norse transcription:
Karr let ræisa stæin þenna a Horsa (;), faður Sinn, okay Kabbi (;) /
Kampi (?) / Kapi (;) / Gapi (?) In Mag Sinn. For [r] hæfila, fear aflaði ut i
Grikkium sinum Arfa.
English translation:
"Karr had this stone raised in memory of Haursi (;), his father; And
Kabbi (;) / Kampi (?) / Kapi (;) / Gapi (;) in memory of his relative-by-
marriage. (The ) traveled competently; wealth earned abroad in Greece
for the successor. "[80
U 922

Runestone U 922 (position) is in PR4 (Urnes) style [85] and measures 2.85
meters (9 ft 4 in) in height and 1,5 m (4 ft 11 in) in width. [86] It is hidden in
the floor in Uppsala Cathedral, near the tomb of King Gustav Vasa of
Sweden. Its existence was first documented by Johannes Bureus in 1594,
and 1666, Johannes Schefferus commented on the stone as one of the
many runestones that was seen as pagan and which have thus been used
as building material for cathedral. Schefferus U 922 as being the most
notable of these stones and regrettable that the parties were part of the
pillar and therefore could not be read completely. [87] In 1675, the Olof
Verelius discovered that he had been in the mind of man in Greece, [88],
but even the French traveler Aubrey de la Motraye wrote home in 1712, was
informed that he had done in memory of a traveler in Jerusalem. [89] The
last words to say that the inscription was visible was Olof Celsius in 1729,
and it seems that the case is covered quickly by a new layer of flooring. In
1950, Professor Wessén Elias and the custodian of antiquities County
asked to be removed for better detail, along with three other runestones, but
the request was rejected by the Royal Council of the structure (KBS) for
security reasons. [90]
Ígulbjörn appears also on a second Runestone in Uppsala Cathedral, U
925, made by Ígulbjörn in memory of son who died GagR "south" with
"South" may refer to the Byzantine Empire. [91] [92]
Latin transliteration:
uk þorþr ikimuntr »* [uk uikibiarn iarl» * risa litu «* stain" in] ikifast * faþur [*
sturn sin * maþr '] sum' til about «* ionha Sun Shack girkha'''* * United
Kingdom * igulbiarn * in ybiR [* risti *]
Old Norse transcription:
Ingimundr ok Þorðr, Iarl ok Vigbiorn (;) letu ræisa stæin to Ingifast, faður
Sinn, styrimaðr, amount til ut Girkia, Sunn Iona (;), including in the Igulbiorn.
En ØpiR risti.
English translation:
"Ingimundr and Þórðr (and) Jarl and Vígbjôrn (;) had the stone raised in
memory of Ingifastr, their father, the captain who traveled abroad to Greece,
(?) Ioni son; And in memory of Ígulbjôrn . Œpir And carved. " [85]

U 956

Runestone U 956
Runestone U 956 (location) was the runemaster Asmund Kåresson in Urnes
(PR3) style. [93] It has to Vedyxa near Uppsala, c. 80 m (260 ft) east of the
junction of the road to Lövsta and provincial road between Uppsala and
Funbo. [94] The stone is in the gray granite and has a unusual shape with
two flat sides and an obtuse angle between them. The sign is 2.27 meters
(7 ft 5 in) high, from which the top is 1,37 m (4 ft 6 in) and bottom 0,9 m (2 ft
11 in), and width 0,95 m (3 ft 1 in). [95]
It was first documented by Johannes Haquini Rhezelius (D. 1666), and later
by Johan Peringskiöld (1710), who commented that the label is legible
despite the stone was split into two parts. Unlike modern scholars,
Peringskiöld is this stone, like other runestones Greece, the Gothic wars in
southeastern Europe from the 3rd century. [96] Olof Celsius visited the
stone three times, the last time was in 1726 with his nephew Anders
Celsius. Olof Celsius Peringskiöld noted that it was wrong and that the
stone was intact, although it gives the impression of being split in two, [97]
and the same remark was made by Richard Dybeck in 1866. [94]
Latin transliteration:
Lit * Rita »stniltr 'stain buanta sin krikfara uiþbiurn abtiR« þino'''kuþ hos
hialbi | | salu | | UK | | kuþs u muþiR markaþi Sun osmuntr kara
Old Norse transcription:
Stæinhildr our retta stæin þenna æptiR Viðbiorn Grikkfara, Sinn boanda.
Guð hialpi hans salu ok Guðs <u> moðiR. Asmundr Sunn Kara markaði.
English translation:
"Steinhildr had this stone erected in memory of Viðbjôrn, her husband, a
man in Greece. May God and Mother of God help the soul of her son.
Ásmundr Kári» noted. "[93

U 1016

Runestone U 1016
Runestone U 1016 (region) is light gray and coarse granite, and is 1,91 m (6
ft 3 in) high and 1,62 m (5 ft 4 in) wide. [98] The Stone is located in a
wooded area of 5 m (16 ft) west of the road to the village Fjuckby, 50 meters
(160 feet) from the crossroads, and c. 100 m (330 feet) south-east of the
farm Fjuckby . [98] The first scholar to comment on the stone was Johannes
Bureus, who visited the rock on 19 June 1638. Several other scholars will
visit the stone during the next century, as the Rhezelius 1667, Peringskiöld
in 1694, and Olof Celsius in 1726 and 1738. In 1864, the Richard Dybeck
noted that the Runestone was one of several in the area had been raised
again during the summer. [98]
Parts of the decoration has been lost due to scaling, which probably
occurred during the 17th century, but the label is intact. [98] Art in the
Runestone has tentatively been classified PR2 style [99], but Wessén &
Jansson (1953 -1958) observed that the ornamention considered unusual
and different than most other runestones in the region. Other stones in the
same style is the Vang stone and Alstad stone in Norway, so 280 and U
1146 in Sweden. The style was more suitable for wood and metal and it is
likely that only a few runemasters ever tried to apply it in stone. [100]
There were many different interpretations of parts of the inscription, [101],
but the following two interpretations appear Rundata (2008): [99]
Latin transliteration:
§ P * liutr: sturimaþr * riti: slick: þinsa: aftir: sunu * Sina: sa hit: Aki: Sims
skins UTI: sturþ (i) * - (n) * Ari kuam *: HN krik *: Ports: haima tu : m-...- ... ...
(K) (a) (r) ... (I) United Kingdom (r) (u) - (a) * ...
§ Q * liutr: sturimaþr * riti: slick: þinsa: aftir: sunu * Sina: sa hit: Aki: Sims
skins UTI: sturþ (i) * - (n) * Ari kuam *: HN krik *: Ports: haima tu : m-...- ... ...
(K) (a) (r) ... (I) United Kingdom (r) (u) - (a) * ...
Old Norse transcription:
§ P Liutr styrimaðr retti stæin þennsa æftiR sunu Sina. Sa het Aki, fors UTI
sem it. Styrði [k] nærri, kvam GrikkhafniR Hann, hæima do ... ... hiogg (?)
RU [n] AR (?) ...
§ Q Liutr styrimaðr retti stæin þennsa æftiR sunu Sina. Sa het Aki, fors UTI
sem it. Styrði [k] nærri, kvam Hann Grikkia. HæfniR, hæima do ... ... hiogg
(?) RU [n] AR (?) ...
English translation:
§ P "Ljótr captain erected this stone in memory of his sons. He lost abroad
called Aki. (O) steered cargo-ship; came in Greek port; died at home ... ...
cut the runes. .. "
§ Q "Ljótr captain erected this stone in memory of his sons. He lost abroad
called Aki. (A) steered cargo-ship; come to Greece. Hefnir died at
home ... ... cut the runes. .. [99]
U 1087

Runestone U 1087
Runestone U 1087 (ex post) were unusually large and impressive
Runestone [102] in Urnes (PR4) style, but has disappeared. [103] Before he
was gone, he had studied and described by many scholars as Bureus,
Rhezelius, Peringskiöld and, finally, Olof Celsius in 1726. [104]
Peringskiöld commented that the stone was lying back in a hop-garden in
the east of the farm Lövsta, which was later confirmed by Celius in 1726.
Stolpe tried to find, but noted that in 1869 the landowner was aware of the
Runestone, but that he had indicated that it completely covers the ground,
and in 1951 a runologist tried to find the Runestone, but failed. [105] The
inscription was an unusual discrete k-Rune in girkium ("Greece"), which
together with U 922, above [102], but the only difficulty that has arisen in the
interpretation of runes is Dream sequence. Rhezelius read as a name,
Onarius, which belonged to a third son and Verelius, Peringskiöld, Dijkman
C and is interpreted as the pronoun annarr meaning of "other" and refers to
Ótryggr, an interpretation supported by Wessén and Jansson ( 1953-1958)
[106] and Rundata (see below). Latin transliteration:
[Fastui * lit * risa stain iftiR * * * karþar auk * utirik Suni * sino * onar uarþ
tauþr girkium i *]
Old Norse transcription:
Fastvi our ræisa stæin Otrygg æftiR Gærðar ok, syni Sina. Annarr varð
dauðr i Grikkium.
English translation:
"Fastvé had the stone raised in memory of Gerðarr and Ótryggr, their sons.
The other (= last) echasan life in Greece." [103] Södermanland There are
seven runestones in Södermanland on trips to Greece.
 Two of them seem to mention governors of the Varangian Guard and a
second Baron talks, high-ranking warrior, who fought and died with Greek

Sö Fv1954; 20

Runestone Sö Fv1954; 20
The Runestone So Fv1954? 20 (location) was discovered in 1952
approximately 500 m (1600 ft) west-southwest of Nolinge mansion during
plowing the field, with uninscribed stones. Therefore, it was part of a twin
monument was placed about 2-3 m, except for two important aspects of a
local road, which had marked a passage. Both stones have lost more parts
and this level of Runestone is 1,52 m (5 ft 0 in) (of which 1,33 m (4 ft 4 in) is
above the ground) and 0 , 55 m (1 ft 10 in) wide. [107] has been classified
as carved in the style Fp Runestone. [108]
Latin transliteration:
biurn: lit: Risa: stin: i (f) ... ... ... ... r: Austr: i: kirikium: biurn hik
Old Norse transcription:
Biorn our ræisa stæin AEF [tir] ... ... [Dauð] r Austr i Grikkium. Biorn hiogg.
English translation:
"Bjørn had the stone raised in memory of ... ... died in the east to Greece.
Bjørn cut." [108]

Sö 82

Runestone Sö 82

Runestone So 82 (area) is granite, and measures 1,18 m (3 ft 10 in)

and height is 1,30 m (4 ft 3 in) wide. [109] It was formerly under a
wooden ceiling inside the church Tumbo, and the top was hidden
beneath the wall of the atrium. Most of the inscription and artwork
were destroyed, [109], but still be classified as either style Fp and
PR1 (style Ringerike). [110] The inscription is partly runes
encryption. [109]
The stone was raised by Vésteinn in memory of his brother
Freysteinn, who died in Greece, under Omeljan Pritsak, Freysteinn
was the commander of the convoy. [91] The wolf-beast image in the
center of SO 82 touches the inscription in the name Freysteinn and
has the jaws of the word 'dead' or 'died'. Since a known kenning in
Old Norse poetry to die in battle was that "the wolf fed," the
combination of text and images will lead to the conclusion that
Freysteinn had died in battle in Greece. [111]
Although the picture stone monument includes a Christian cross,
the two names of persons mentioned in the inscription on both
Norse paganism. Þorsteinn includes as an element name of the god
Thor, meaning "stone of Thor," [112], and include the word Vésteinn
Vé, a temple or shrine, and when used in a personal name meaning
"holy", giving its name means "sacred stone." [113]
Latin transliteration:
[+] UI - (a) n [x (b) -] × iR (i) þrn + RftRh × fraitRn × bruþur × [is] (R)
n × þuþR × kRkum (X) [þulR × × iuk × ULN ]
Old Norse transcription:
Vi [st] æinn <ba-iR> <iþrn> æftiR Frøystæin, broður Sinn, dauðr [i]
Grikkium. Þuli (;) / ÞulR (?) Hiogg <uln>.
English translation:
"Vésteinn ... in memory of Freysteinn, his brother (who) died in
Greece. Þuli (;) / Þulr (;) cut ..."[ 110]
Sö 85

Runestone Sö 85
Runestone So 85 (location) to a Runestone styles KB [114] that the
measures currently being 1,23 m (4 ft 0 in) in height. [115] The
granite stone was discovered in a small stream, but in 1835 the
Runestone was destroyed. Some pieces submitted to Munkhammar
Mälhammar and where used to build fireplaces. Seven remaining
pieces were brought to Västerby in 1855, to be protected by a
fence, but when a scientific survey conducted in 1897, only four
pieces remained. An association of local antiquarians so arranged
that the four remaining parts could be grouped in Västerby. [115]
Latin transliteration:
: Ansuar: auk: ERN ... ... [: Faþur sin: Han: enta] þis: ut i: krikum (r)
uþr: ---... unk a ------ -----
Old Norse transcription:
Andsvarr ok Ærn ... ... faður Sinn. Hann ændaðis ut i Grikkium ... ...
English translation:
"Andsvarr and Ern-... ... their father. Meet the outer end of
Greece. ... ..." [114]
Sö 163

Runestone Sö 163
So Runestone 163 (position) is in style Fp [116] and the gray gneiss
[117] measuring 1,22 m (4 ft 0 in) in height and 1 m (3 ft 3 in) in
width. [118] The Runestone was first documented in the national
survey of historical monuments in 1667-84 and Peringskiöld noted
that it was near the village of Snesta between Ryckesta and the
highway. In 1820, this stone is reported to be seriously damaged
and mostly hidden in the ground, because the part of the local road
network. George Stephens said in 1857 that the previous position
was a hill on a narrow path near Ryckesta, but had moved to 1830
Avenue of the mansion and Täckhammar reerected a wooded
hillside about 14 steps from the entrance to the highway. [118]
The man who put the stone is the name of the runes and the name
þruRikr identified as Þrýríkr by Sophus Bugge found the first part of
the name as the real þrýð-will be derived from * þrūði-and represent
Old English þrýðu ( "power", "power"). The Old English form is
similar to the Old Icelandic þrúð element ("Strength") that appears
in many Old Norse words in connection with the Norse god Thor.
This analysis was accepted by Brate & Wessén but noted that R
contains the name instead of the expected r, [117], while the body
Rundata gives a slightly different form Þryðríkr [116].
The stone was in memory of two sons, one of which went to Greece
where it is divided into gold, "a phrase that also appears in
Runestone 165 Thus, below. It can mean either that he was
responsible for allocating payments to members of the Varangian
Guard or took part in the distribution of the spoils. [119] Düwel
suggested that the expression is equivalent to the eastern route of
gjaldi skifti ("split payment") displayed on the nearby 166 stones
that talks of payments to Vikings England (see also U 194, U 241
and U 344). If so, the phrase could mean that the man who won had
received payment. [120]
Latin transliteration:
þruRikr: stain: in: Suni: Sina: sniala: Trakia: for: ulaifr: i: krikium: Uli:
Old Norse transcription:
ÞryðrikR stæin to syni Sina, drængia snialla, for OlæifR / i GullæifR
Grikkium gulli skifti.
English translation:
"Þryðríkr (increase) the stone in memory of his sons are able brave
men. Óleifr / Gulleifr traveled to Greece, divided (on) gold." [116]
Sö 165

Runestone Sö 165
So Runestone 165 (site) is classified as temporary in the style RAK.
[121] It is gray granite and 1,61 m (5 ft 3 in), high and 0,57 m (1 ft
10 in) wide. [122] The Runestone was first documented in the
national survey of historical monuments (1667-81) and
subsequently reported close to a series of set stones. Runestone
later moved and grew up near 166 in a ditch southwest of the farm
Grinda. [122] came from a mother, Guðrun, in memory of her son,
Heðinn. As Runestone 163 Thus, this indicates that the person went
to Greece and is divided into gold, which may relate to distribution
of payment to members of the Varangian Guard, a division of the
spoils [119] or received payment ( Compare So 163, above). [120]
The word itself is a poem in fornyrðislag. [119] [122]
Latin transliteration:
kuþrun: raisti: spot: at: hiþin: UAR: Nafi suais: UAR: Han:: i: krikum
skifti iuli: kristr: hialb: ant: kristunia:
Old Norse transcription:
Guðrun ræisti stæin to Heðin, var Nefi Svæins. VaR hann i
Grikkium, gulli skifti. Kristr hialp and kristinna.
English translation:
"Guðrún put the stone in memory of Heðinn? (A) Sveinn was
nephew. He was in Greece, divided (on) gold. May Christ help
Christians minds." [121]

Sö 170

Runestone Sö 170
So Runestone 170 gray granite towers north of the former route to
Nälberga (position), and the stone is 1,85 m (6 ft 1 in), high and
0,80 m (2 ft 7 in) wide. [123] style is tentatively given as RAK and
some cipher runes are runes in the form of runes branch. [124] The
legend says that a man died with the Greeks, the area is not clearly
identified, with several tests of runes encryption. Läffler (1907)
suggested that the position should be read Ithome was the name of
a city in Thessaly, a stronghold of Messinia, also called Thomi.
Omeljan Pritsak (1981) notes that among those who raised the
memorial, the youngest son Guðvér will grow to become the
commander of the Varangian Guard in the mid-11th century, as
seen in a second reference Guðvér the Runestone So 217. This
stone was in memory of one of the escort of Guðvér. [41]
Latin transliteration:
: Uistain: agmunr: kuþuiR: þaiR: R. .. (S) þu: spot: at: baulf: faþur
sin þrutaR þiagn han miþ kriki uarþ tu o / þum þa / þumþa
Old Norse transcription:
Vistæinn, Agmundr, GuðveR, þæiR r [æí] stæin sþu to Baulf, faður
Sinn, þrottaR þiagn. Hann með Grikki varð, do a / <þum> þa /
English translation:
"Vésteinn, Agmundr (and) Guðvér, put the stone in memory of
Báulfr, their father, a Þegn power. It was the Greeks; then died with
them (?) / In <þum>." [124]
Sö 345

Runestone Sö 345
So Runestone 345 (post) was first documented in the national
survey of historical monuments in 1667, and was subsequently
used as a threshold for the terrace of the temple Ytterjärna. He
probably used to this end in a long time, because according to a
plan that was a few years later, was very worn down. In 1830 a
review of the church noted that in a damaged state and thus be
worn only a few runes remained significantly when Hermelin shown
later Stone noted that the stone was cracked into two pieces. In
1896, the runologist Erik Brate visited the stone and discovered that
one of the pieces were missing and that the only remaining part was
lying on the wall of the church. The remaining piece is measured
1,10 m (3 ft 7 in) and 1,15 m (3 ft 9 in). [126] The stone has since
been rebuilt and grew up in the cemetery.
Latin transliteration:
Part A: ... ... in þinsa X X X as kai (r) ... ... ...- N * ER * e [n-a] × þr ut
- × kr ...
Part B: ... ... roþur × ...
Part III: ... ... Raisa: ...
Old Norse transcription:
Part A: ... [Stæ] in a þennsa GæiR ... ... [Ha] NN eR Aen [d] aðr ut [i]
Gr [ikkium].
Section B: ... [B] roður ...
Part III: ... [Our] ræisa ...
English translation (Sections B and C are probably not part of the
monument and not translated [127]):
"... This stone in memory of Geir-... ... He finally met abroad in
Greece." [127]
In Östergötland, two runestones reporting Greece. One of the
remarkable Högby Runestone, describing the deaths of brothers
and sisters in various parts of Europe
Ög 81
Main article: Runestones of Högby

Side A of runestone Ög 81

The Runestone Högby (position) is in Ringerike (PR1) style, [128]

and the red granite stone measures 3,45 m (11,3 ft), in height and
0,65 m (2 ft 2 in) in width. [129] has gone past the outer wall of the
temple with the cross Högby side (A) to the outside. The church
was demolished in 1874, and then the B side of the inscription was
discovered. The stone came back to the cemetery of the former
church. [129]
The Runestone honors Özurr, one of the first Varangians which is
known to have died in the service of the Byzantine emperor, and is
estimated to have died around 1010, [130] or in the late 10th
century. [131] was one of his sons "a good man» Gulli, and
Runestone describes a situation that may be common to
Scandinavian families at the moment: the stone was under the
command of Özur niece, Þorgerðr, in memory of aunt , who were all
dead. [130]
            Side B of runestone Ög 81

Þorgerðr probably have the stone that had just learned that Özurr,
the last of her uncle, who died in Greece, and made it possible to
ensure the right of inheritance. The inscription on the back side of
the stone on the way other uncles died, is fornyrðislag. [132]
Ásmundr Her uncle probably died in the battle of Fýrisvellir, the
980s, [133] and was probably on the side of the victorious king Eric.
[134] Özurr had been in the service of a more powerful king and
died for the Byzantine emperor. [135] Halfdan may have either died
or Bornholm holmgang, while Kári which killed remains uncertain.
The most likely interpretation might be that he died on Od, the old
name for the northwestern Cape Zealand [136], but it is also
possible that he was in Dundee in Scotland. [137] Bui place of
death is not given, but Larsson (2002) comments that it was
probably in a way not seen as glorious as those of his brothers.
Latin transliteration:
Side A: þukir * * * THE resþi * þansi eftir * * * asur sen muþur * * *
bruþur sin IAR * * * eataþis Austr * i * krikum *
Side B: * * kuþr Karl kuli * * * kat FIM * syni * feal * o * furi frukn * * *
asmutr treks aitaþis * * * asur Austr * krikum i * uarþ * o hulmi *
halftan * tribin * Kari * uarþ * in UTI *
Side C: auk tauþr * * * bui þurkil rist * * Runar *
Old Norse transcription:
Side A: Þorgærðr (?) Ræisþi stæin þannsi æftiR Assur, Sin Sin
moðurbroður, er ændaðis Austr i Grikkium.
Side B: Goðr karl Gulli syni fæm GAT. Fioll a Fori frøkn drængR
Asmundr, ændaðis Assurr Austr i Grikkium, varð a Holmi Halfdan
drepinn, Kari varð a UDDI (;)
Side C: ok dauðr Boi. Þorkell ræist Runar.
English translation:
Side A: "Þorgerðr (;) raised this stone in memory of Ôzurr, brother
of her mother. Meet in the east end of Greece."
Side B: "A good man Gulli got five sons. The brave brave man
Ásmundr decreased by Fœri? Ôzurr met the end of the east in
Greece; Halfdan died in Holmr (Bornholm?); Kári was (killed) in
Oddr (?)? "
Side C: "als o dead (is) Búi. Þorkell carved the runes." [128]
Ög 94

Runestone Ög 94
Runestone og 94 (class) style Ringerike (PR1), [138] are in red granite and
placed on the former cemetery of the church Harstad. [139] The stone is 2
m (6 ft 7 in) high and 1.18 m (3 ft 10 in) are widely used in the base. [140]
The name Haðistaðir, referred to in the inscription refers to modern
Haddestad in the region, and seems to mention Greece as the place where
the deceased died, and was probably a member of the Varangian Guard.
Additionally, the last part of the inscription refers to the location of death is
probably a poem in fornyrðislag. [141]
Latin transliteration:
: Askata: auk: kuþmutr: þau: risþu: kuml: þ [i] (t): iftiR: u-auk: IAR: buki | | i:
haþistaþum: a: UAR: bunti: kuþr: taþr: i: ki [ (r)] k [(i) (u) (m)]
Old Norse transcription:
Asgauta / Askatla ok Guðmundr þau ræisþu kumbl þetta æftiR O [ddl]
August (?), Er byggi i Haðistaðum. Hann var Bondi goðr, dauðr i Grikkium
English translation:
"Ásgauta / Áskatla and Guðmundr, raised this monument in memory of
Oddlaugr (;), who lived in Haðistaðir. It was a good farmer; (A) died in
Greece (?)"[ 138]
In Västergötland, there are five runestones said eastern routes, but only one
of them mentions Greece. [142]

Vg 178

Runestone Vg 178.
Runestone Vg 178 (position) to PR1 style [143] used to be outside the
church Kölaby the cemetery, about ten meters north-northwest of the tower.
The stone is composed of gneiss desquamation measuring 1,85 m (6 ft 1 in)
in height and 1,18 m (3 ft 10 in) in width. [144]
The oldest comment is on a stone church on the census of 1829, and says
that the stone was illegible. Ljungström documented in 1861 was the rock
fence with the inscription facing the cemetery. When Djurklou visited the
stone in 1869, was still in the same place. Djurklou is fitting that it is
unfortunate, because some of the runic band was buried in the ground that
the Governor and honest farmer can select a group of men and remove the
stone from the wall. The next time Djurklou visited the area, found the stone
raised in a graveyard. [144]
Latin transliteration:
: Agmuntr: risþi: stin: þonsi: iftiR: isbiurn: FRIDA: sin: auk: (a) (a) (a) that:
Voutas: sin: ian: SAR: UAR: klbins: Sun: SAR: uarþ: tuþr: i: krikum
Old Norse transcription:
Agmundr ræisti stæin þannsi æftiR Æsbiorn, Sinn frænda, okay Asa (;) to
Sinn Bonda, en sar var Kulbæins Sunn. SAR varð dauðr i Grikkium.
English translation:
"Agmundr raised this stone in memory of Asbjorn, relative; And ASA (?) In
memory of the farmer. And he was the son of Kolbeinn? Died in Greece."
There was only one Rune Stone in Småland referred to Greece (see Sm 46,

Sm 46

Runestone Sm 46
Runestone Sm 46 (post) was in the style RAK [145] and was 2,05 m (6 ft 9
in), high and 0,86 m (2 ft 10 in) wide. [146]
The stone was already in a dilapidated condition when Rogberg shows the
stone in 1763. Rogberg that has been used as a bridge into a creek, and
because of that runes were so exhausted that most of them were almost
illegible, [147], a statement contradicted by illustrations later. Since the
Runestone had passed unnoticed by the runologists 17th century is likely to
be used as a bridge. In the newspaper a person written in 1792 by Hilfeling,
the bottom of the stone shows for the first time, although the artist does not
seem to realize that both parties owned jointly. In 1822, Liljegren has come
to represent. One survivor still unsigned draft attributed to Liljegren (see
picture). In 1922, the runologist Kinander learned from a local farmer that
about 40 years earlier, the Runestone had seen a wall at a bridge that was
part of the country road and the sign was up. Someone decided to remove
the Runestone from the bridge and is adjacent to the street. Kinander like to
see a large stone and showed less wear in the garden of stone Eriksstad.
[148] However, according Kinander was unable to find any remaining runes
on what was supposed to be the Runestone. [146]
Latin transliteration:
[... nui krþi: kubl: þesi: iftiR Suin: Sun: Sin: im ÷ ou itaþisk * tr krikum i]
Old Norse transcription:
... vi gærði kumbl that the æftiR Svæin, Sinn Sun, eR ændaðis Austr i
English translation:
"...- Vé made these monuments in memory of Sveinn, her son, who met in
the east end of Greece. "[145]
Only a Runestone mentioning the Byzantine Empire has been found in
Gotland. This may be because of the fact that the few stones Rune raised in
favor of Gotland stone image, and the fact that Gotlanders seen mainly in
trade, an annual tribute to the Swedish military for protection. [149]

G 216

Runestone G 216
1. G 216 (first place) is 8.5 cm (3,3 in) long, 4.5 cm (1,8 in) wide and 3,3 cm
(1,3 in) thick stone sharpening runic with an inscription discovered 1940. It
was found by a worker at a depth 40 cm (16 in), and dug a shaft for a
telephone cable in a field in the Roma Timans. [150] It is currently in the
museum fornsal Gotlands the inventory number C 9181. [150] is dated to
the late 11th century, [151] and although the interpretation of the message
is uncertain, scholars have generally accepted analysis of von Friesen in
which commemorates the journeys of two Gotlanders Greece, Jerusalem,
Iceland and the Muslim world (Serkland). [152]
The legend created a sensation refers to four distant countries, the
objectives of the adventurous Scandinavian missions during the Viking era,
but it stirred some doubts about its authenticity. However, in-depth analysis
of geological and runological dispel any doubts about the authenticity of the
character. The stone had the same patina and other Viking Age stone on all
surfaces and sculptures, and also has the usual r-Rune open-side stroke,
which is usually ignored by forgerers. Moreover, Friesen commented that
there could be no expert in Old Swedish that has forged, and wrote krikiaR
well as all the reference books of the time rightly said that the form grikir.
Jansson, Wessén & Svärdström (1978) observed that the personal name
that is more interesting than the students are Ormika, which is also known
only from Gutasaga, which was the name of a free peasant who was
baptized by the Norwegian king Saint Olaf in 1029. [154] The first ormr
component (snake) is known from the Old Norse naming tradition, but the
second element is a West Germanic nicknames-Fish, and the lack of final-n
is proposing a loan from Anglo-Saxon or Old Frisian, although the name is
unattested in West Germanic. The runologists appreciate the appearance of
the nominal form GrikkiaR ("Greece"), which is otherwise unattested, while
the other forms where found in a number runestones. The name appears in
the Old Jerusalem Gutnish form iaursaliR while the western-most dialect of
Old Norse, Old Icelandic, has Jórsalir, both representing a Nordic folk
etymological rendering where the first element is interpreted as JOR
element-name (from an older * meaning eburaz "boar"). The legend also
shows the runic only show the name of Iceland, there are five other runic
inscriptions in Sweden report that Serkland. [154]
Latin transliteration:
: Ormiga: ulfua-r: krikiaR: iaursaliR (:) islat: serklat
Old Norse transcription:
Ormika, Ulfhva [t] r (?), GrikkiaR, IorsaliR, Island, Særkland.
English translation:
"Ormika, Ulfhvatr (;), Greece, Jerusalem, Iceland, Serkland." [155]
National Agents
Vikings 3
Byzantium, Abbasid 2
Cordova, North African Arabs, Franks 1
Battle Score
Difference 1 repel hostile fleet lost 6% N/10% The AP
Difference 2 repel hostile fleet lost 4% N/15% The AP
Difference 3 repel hostile fleet lost 2% N/25% The 1 year inactivity
Difference 4 repel hostile fleet lost 40% of the 1.5 years inaction
Difference 5 repel hostile fleet lost 50% or 2 years doing nothing
Note. Each season of inaction may be purchased for 40AR
1) Scouting. When 2 armies are in motion (motion nation each factor) then
the player has the right if the army did not move to send probes within the
territory of the adversary to determine the size of the army of the opponent.
The actively scouting throwing dice, adding the factor of traffic. The referee
throws the dice secrets from the defense. A modified difference of more
than 1 revealed the size of the army.
2) Foreign assistance. Each country can have a year to 25% of the new AP
in order to build allies. Condition of adjacent states, or have a fleet of Allied
access to the port of another ally. Warning: this help is by sea
anachaitisimi.An stem back half AP
3) Acquisition and an increase in naval power. Countries not originally navy,
may obtain 80AR spending to build the port, and the next year 80AR for the
construction of the fleet. The quality of each nation's navy can be improved
by 1 (max), spending 100AR.
4) Fortifications. Reasons of expediency or tactics may require the
fortification of major cities for the player. This is the top spending time in the
phase of aid for cities 25ari 0-30AR and 40AR for the rest. These cities are
the national factor 1. The opponent can not get the reinforcement of walls
only in scouting.


The most notable form of descendants of Ivan Kalita was a grandson,

Dimitri, who is determined to throw off the yoke, and refused to pay the
heavy tribute imposed on them. Mom, who then ruled as
Golden Xodi, demanded to be paid the debt, and threatened to attack
Russia with fire and sword, allied with Yag ILO and Lithuania. The Dimitri
picking up an army of 200,000 men in Kolomna, before the war started he
went to the newly established monastery of Troitsa to receive the blessing
of St. Sergius. St. Sergius gave two of the monks, Peresv6t and Oslyaba,
who was a famous warrior, for his companions, and Dmitri incorporate these
personal army. At the end of the course the first day, and while he was
sleeping under a pine tree, had a vision in which St. Nicholas promised
victory. When he woke up he saw a ikdna krlemetai to the tree, took him to
war. Later he built a monastery dedicated to St. Nicholas, in place of the
camp. The Dmitri led his men through the steppes to cover the tartare, and
finally joined them in the valleys of the Don, the scope of Kullkovo. Part of
his men were ambushed in a dense forest. The remainder of power. And
while it lost the chance for victory divided his forces and came back while at
Dimitri took the title of Donskdi and returned to Moscow in triumph, but it did
not last long, for two years later in Tartarus Tokhtamysh came back and
marched on Russia in Moscow. Dmitri retired to Kostroma to reorganize his
army, hoping that Moscow will be able to stand against the enemy. When he
was besieged by the Kremlin was so intense siege (The Dmitri had built a
stone wall with iron gates and battlements are roimd) that the Tokhtamysh
Moscovites promised to ransom if they help him to occupy the Kremlin. After
this Moscovites unsuspectingly opened the door and accepted the unarmed
Khan in Tartarus so that they fell upon them, and looted and burned the
Kremlin. This act of treachery so weakened the power of Dimitri not been
able to recover and was obliged to submit to Tartarus again to pay tribute,
and so lost all the fruits of his victory in the Kulikovo. The Dmitri died in
1389, leaving all his possessions to the greatest son, and then the throne
was passed on a straight line of succession.

IVAN III (THE GREAT) d. 1505 in the fall of Novgorod AND THE END OP
stone supremacy

The princes of Moscow was always jealous of the wealth and importance of
Novgorod, and chrisimopoiousan all the instruments went through their
power to weaken the edge of town. Ivan III finally, greatgrandson Dmitri
Donskoi, decides to conquer. The governors of Novgorod, realizing that they
will be able to sustain their power if they do not seek help from their
neighbors, they wanted to put under the protection of Casimir IV of
Lithuania, but as Casimir was a Roman Catholic, many people considered it
an act of betrayal of the Russian Church. Then there emerged two political
parties in Novgorod, Lithuania and Moscovite, and conflicts between them
eventually weakened the authority of the city. The party of Lithuania day,
and concluded an alliance with Casimir condition that does not affect their
religion. When Ivan heard of it, which immediately declared war and
marched with an army of Novgorod supported by forces of tartar. The
armies met on the river Shelon, before the battle Ivan ordered his men to
shoot the horses of the men of Novgorod.
These animals, which were quite unused to war, tromkratithikan and sowed
panic among the men of Novgorod, who were mainly carpenters and other
artisans, many untrained in the use of weapons. The Tartarus then fell upon
them from behind, and obtain a full Moscovites niki.O Ivan then besieged
Novgorod, and forced people to pay fifteen and a half thousand rubles and
cease their alliance with Casimir. Then he returned to Moscow, Novgorod,
but continued to be in a state of turmoil caused by the conflicts of rival
parties. The hoyarSy also suppressed common, and meetings VecM often
terminated in a free fight. Many of the men of Novgorod, unable to obtain
justice in their own city, which brought their cases before Ivan, which
thereby becomes himself the champion of the public against the boyars.
1478 Ivan again besieged Novgorod, and sent a messenger to town to say:
* Do you know that I intend to rule in Novgorod as a rule in Moscow! "Since
there was no choice left handed people, and Ivan deposed mayor
disbanded the Council and took the bell used to call the gathering together
of f Moscow. So Novgorod the Great "became merely a dependency of
Moscow. During the fifteenth century Golden Xodi had gradually begun to
split into three independent Khanates, ie. Crimea, the Kazan and Golden
Xodi. The Crimean Khanate and the Golden Xodi were constantly at war
with each other, and Ivan III took advantage of it and refused to pay tribute.
Khan Akhmat Golden Xodi sent emissaries to collect it, and since they were
murdered in Moscow, the Russian army, and simultaneously entered into an
alliance with Casimir IV of Lithuania. Tartarus Ivan met on the banks of the
Volga, but was afraid to give battle, and the two armies remained facing
each other throughout the summer and autumn. When winter began, the
tartare, the need for a winter clothing, were forced to move south and
Akhmat was soon murdered by one of the captains. A few months later, the
Golden Horde was destroyed by Mengli Ghirei, the Crimean Khan, and so
Russia is liberated from the yoke of Tartarus in 1480.
Ivan III built many churches in Moscow, the most famous is the Cathedral of
the Assumption, where among others and place coronations. Encouraging
foreign architects, doctors, technicians and come to Moscow and teach the
locals. In 1472 he married Sophia Palaeologus, niece of the last emperor of
Byzantium, and introduced many luxury and ceremonial life of the Russian
court, which had until then was very simple. He died in 1505, leaving the
throne to his son Vasfliii III. 1 = Basu.

VASfLI ni. Ivan IV 1606-33, 1533-84

Vasili III following the policy of his father for the gradual absorption of
princedoms smaUer Russia in the kingdom of Moscow. So, he annexed
Pskov and Ryaz & N, and transported to a war with Lithuania for possession
of Smolensk, which was besieged katelave.Oi Tartarus of Crimea, which in
earlier times were the allies of Moscow, were far worse enemies. Had
indeed moved away from Moscow to arid steppes of southern Russia, but it
was very dangerous, because they were making everything unpredictable
attacks in the country. The first wife of the king had no children, was forced
to marry again in Helena Glinskaya (the daughter of a powerful boyar), by
whom he fathered a son. He died in 1633. At the death of the King, the son,
Ivan IV, was only three years, and during the minority of princes Shtiiski,
Glfnski, and Belski, the relations of his mother, who for the needs of the
state. Among these conflicts and to the little prince was shamefully
neglected. It was a beautiful child with physical skills, but the worst instincts
were developed. PROFILE was tough, and he liked to torture animals, to
throw the cat's towers

Ivan IV 33
He was fond of reading, and was extremely well read in the books of the
year, which were mainly religious works and time. When he was seventeen,
Ivan was crowned in the Cathedral of the Assumption, and took the title of
Tsar of Muscovy. Two weeks later he married his first wife, Anastasia.
At the moment, a terrible disaster and occupied Moscow. The city was built
almost entirely of wood, and even the streets were paved with planks on the
spot fire started and spread by a violent storm, so the entire city was a sea
of flames and residents had to fly for their lives them. Ivan and his court fled
to Sparrow Hills, and saw the fire from there.
After this misfortune Ivan decided that he would manage the affairs and
chose as advisors to the priest Sylvester, and boyar named Adashev. With
their advice he called a meeting of representatives from each city, which
was called boyar Zimski, and before this Assembly was sworn to administer
justice for all and to protect people from the oppression of boyar
The first war was Ivan the Tartarus of Kazan, who decided to attack Kazan,
out with an army of 160,000 men. Or, a council of all the earth. 1829. O Ivan
epistatise personally siege of Kazan, with the help of German engineers
succeeded in blowing up the underground passage through which the
people received the rushing waters of the river Kazanka.Sto Kazan,
however, resisted bravely, was seized when the Germans engineers in
mines under the walls and blew the town was found in Doom in 1552. Four
years later, Ivan won the Astrakhan, stronghold of tartar in the mouth of the
Volga, and Sylvester Addshev advised him to attack Tartarus of Crimea,
and so completely clear their country, but Ivan feared the intervention of the
Sultan of Turkey, and returned to Moscow. A few years later Devlet Ghirei,
Crimean Khariy advantage of the Russian army being engaged in a war with
Livonia, the way an army in Moscow. He reached the outskirts unanimously
and fired at them, whereupon the fire spread throughout the city. The
Kremlin, which had been rebuilt with stone and bricks, Woods, just that
escaped the fire, and was so heavily fortified that Tartarus afraid to attack it,
and returned to Crimea.
Next year again invaded Russia but complete army under the command of
Prince Vor6tinski in Lopasnya near Moscow defeated them completely (ad
1672). Like his father and grandfather, Ivan wanted to bring Russia into
closer relations with Western Europe, and encouraged foreign craftsmen
and skilled workers to come to Moscow, where he founded the first printing
press in Russia. Sent to foreign embassies, courts, and even wanted to
marry Queen Elizabeth of England - a request refused politely. A band of
English merchants, according to Richard Chancellor, went to Moscow by
way of Archangel, bearing messages of goodwill from Queen Elizabeth, and
opening trade relations with "barbarian" as it was then. Ivan take a more
welcoming, granted them many privileges, and allowed them to establish a
The ports of the Baltic was at this time, closed for the Russians, who are
solely in the hands of Swedish and German Knights of the Sword, so the
1558 Ivan a war for the last, to gain access to the sea. The army entered
Livonia and waste more than twenty cities, so the Master of the Order
xjeded Livonia to Poland, Estonia, while she gave up the Swedes. The Ivan
now saw himself involved in a war against both nations, and called again
Zemski Boyar decide whether it should continue. Apofasistike support for its
implementation, but if the Russians held successfully Pskov against Poland,
which has gained real benefits, and the 1582 Ivan made peace with the
Poles and the Livonia resigned. 1560 Ivan's wife, Anastasia, died, and after
her death was a big change on him, he began to suspect deducting all wise
advisers and Sylvester Adashev, who were exiled to a former monastery in
the White Sea, head off many friends and generally behaved with the
boyars as enemies and traitors. He left Moscow and took residence in the
village of Alexandrovsk, a small portion located in a dense forest. Here
Oprichniki lived surrounded by it - a rough body-guard of a thousand men,
commanded by Malyuta Skur & tov, and chosen by small noble, but totally
dedicated to him. Formed a court and allowed themselves to unbridled
license, killing and robbing anyone chose, imder pretext of punishing the
enemies of the Tsar. Ivan led a strange life. Dressed in three himdred
Oprichniki as monks, and lived among them and almost monastic austerity,
burst into wild orgies kynigita and a frenzy of bloodshed will come after him,
and would be a whole series of executions and torture. So in 1670 he went
to Novgorod, where he said there was a conspiracy against him, and
ordered to destroy Oprichniki monasteries and the homes of boyars, and put
to death thousands of people. Ivan was sumamed * the Terrible ", a name
rich deserved. It was a matter of blind rage attacks, and one of those hurled
kommatoa iron floor in his eldest son, Ivan, and kills him.


By Anastasia, Ivan had two sons, Ivan and Fe6dor, but after her death was
enough forespantremenos, and last wife, Mary had a little son, Dmitri. Ivan
the Terrible died in 1684, leaving the throne to the second son, Fe6dor.
During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries a community of freebooters
called "Cossacks" have gradually come to exist in the steppes bordering the
Don. They were recruited from among proscribes, criminals, vagabonds,
and in fact, the information could not be reconciled with the law and order,
and has a strong band of armed men, held in perpetual skirmishes with
Tartarus, but quite often attacked Russian traders saihng the Don and
Volga. The Cossacks chose a commander or Hetman? Iead-man???
Comadir? from among them and led them into battle, but the power was
controlled by a meeting or Viche, also called the Krug, or Rada, Ivan From
time to time the attacks were so frequent Cossack who sent an army to
clean up the Volga region of these, and was then IYermak one of their
leaders, the followers of Stroganovs. The Stroganovs was a family of
merchants who owned large estates and salt marshes on the banks of
KAMD, and it was well beaten by Theodore. That cycle or the Council. The
Tartarus and other wild tribes, were able to build forts on their land and keep
a small army to protect themselves. When the Yermak and the Cossacks
came fitted in, a campaign against the Tartar of the Urals. About a thousand
Cossacks successfully crossed the Ural Mountains and, after several
battles, took Siblr, the capital of the Khan Kuchum, and the power of
Tartarus. Yermak sent a messengers to Ivan, saying he had conquered and
annexed Siberia name of the Tsar, and in return for these services Ivan
granted him a large sum of money and a free pardon for all crimes in the
Russia, he moved to Moscow from the forced marches, hoping to rebuild
the city. The Russian army was at the time, engaged in a campaign against
the Swedes, but Boris had rushed the monasteries in the south and east of
Moscow put on the defensive. The gap between the Sparrow Hills and the
last in this line of monasteries has an entrenched camp and prepared troops
that could be obtained. When the army had moved Kazi Ghirei, Khan found
surprised to find in Moscow prepared to oppose, and Boris sent hundreds of
soldiers to join the vanguard. All day long who fought for the sandy plain
before Moscow and the Russians maintain a cannonade from the towers of
the Kremlin, at night, the Tartarus received news that the aid coming to the
Russians from Novgorod, both under cover of darkness withdrawn and
returned to the southern steppes. In 1691 an event occurred later, caused
many problems in Russia - the brother of Dmitri, was killed while playing in
the square of Uglich, where he lived with his mother. The people of Uglich
was so outraged by this act that fell upon them and killed them murderers.
Fyodor very sorry for the news and sent a boyar, Vasfli Shuiski, to inquire
into the circumstances. Shtiiski returned, saying the boy had accidentally
stabbed himself in the seizure, and that people were killing innocent men as
killers. This version of history was not, however, have much faith, and
began to whisper that he was free Boris Godundv which had caused the
little prince to be killed because he hopes to succeed to the throne himself.
The most important measure of Fe6dor reign was the law passed in 1692,
permanently bound the peasantry to the earth. Until then, farmers were able
to move from place to place, working for any master's playground. Richest
landowners were able to offer workers more favorable conditions so that
farmers went heavily in their properties, while the poorer nobility was difficult
to get good and enough workers
The poorest boyars, however, was committed in time of war to occur on the
battlefield with men, their horses and weapons "- a situation that was found
unable to meet their property was set aside and unprofitable due to lack of
workers. What their case before the Tsar, and Boris Fe6dor advised to pass
a law which prohibits farmers to leave land which he lived, and became the
serfs and chattel minutes of their masters. In an era Fe6dor is the
Metropolitan of Moscow took the title of Patriarch * all of Russia, and
Russian calls were completely independent from the Byzantine Orthodox
The Feodor had no children, and when he died in 1698, the line of Rurik

BORfS G0DUN6v, 1698-1606 the fake Dimitris, 1606-6

After the death Fe6dor for his wife, Irena, married Monastery Novodevichi,
and her brother, Boris Godnnov, went to stay there with her. The Patriarch
of work and people were anxious to make the Tsar Boris, but he refused.
The Zimski 86b6r was called then, and the elected, but still refused to honor
Boris, and only when the patriarch and the people went to the monastery
and * on their knees and with tears in their eyes, begged him to accept The
crowd, which he consented. The first years of his reign was very happy. It
was a wise and energetic leader, and had the good of his people at heart.
Soon, however, a terrible famine followed an epidemic struck the country,
and people believed these misfortunes is a decision of the sky in a country
where the Tsar was regicide, and the climate began to be negative to stress
during the Boris who had become very suspicious, and had performed many
boyars for treason.
A rumor started that the little prince Dmitri had not really been killed but had
been smuggled into Poland, and another boy had been placed on replacing
events. This story, unlikely as it was acquired many followers, especially as
this time showed a crook in Poland and spread himself to be the son of Ivan
the Terrible.
He was a young monk, Gregory, who escaped from the convent Chudov in
Moscow, and became a servant in the palace of the Polish nobleman. One
day I pretended to die, and when confessing to a priest, said that after his
death, he wanted "to be buried as a son of a king, and that there was a
paper under the pillow, which would prove his identity .
The priest said he got the paper, which was a clever fake document,
showing the voyage Otrepev Prince Dmitri. The Polish leaders were taken
by fraud, and the Jesuits through Otrepev hoping to be able to introduce
Catholicism in Russia, persuaded Sigismund III to recognize him and help
him win the throne of his father. A powerful Polish nobleman, the Ytiri
Mnishek, suitor of his daughter, Marina, the false Dmitri, and was arranged
that the marriage should take place in Moscow, and the bride take
Novgorod and Pskov as a gift of marriage. The Polish nobility rallied around
Otrepev, and in 1604 entered the Russian head of an army, and many cities
have opened their doors to him.

The Boris Godun6v meanwhile had sent an envoy of the King of Poland,
denouncing Otrepev a crook, and demanding that he should resign. In
Moscow, all those disagreed with him was thrown into prison, and was
excommunicated by the Patriarch of public work as a renegade monk.
When Otrepev crossed the border, Boris sent an army against him and
completely defeated in Sevsk, where with difficulty, escaped arrest.
Unfortunately, a few days after this battle, Boris died suddenly, now 1605.
After his death, Moscow quietly took his oath to his son, Fe6dor Godun6v,
and appointed the young Tsar Peter Basmanov to. command of troops sent
by the challenger. This proved an unfortunate choice for Basmanov turned
traitor, and all his army went over to
the false Dmitri. The Pretender is sent once to an embassy in Moscow, and
stir up people to kill their young Fe6dor Oodunov and sister. That is, he had
declared himself Tsar, and immediately started to Moscow in triumph. It
even sent for the murder of Dmitri
The mother, who had become a nun, and by the fear caused to recognize
him as her son.
The Pretender showed great skill and energy. Were accessible to everyone,
and surprised the boyars of intelligence in the Council, and ingenuity in
addressing complex matters of state. The infected people, however, with
absolute contempt for the customs and prejudices, and signaled his
preference for foreigners, and the clergy were shocked by marrying, Marina
Mnishek not accept the Russian faith. Moreover, the Poles had come to
train crook behaved horribly to Moscovites, and there were always conflicts
between them are Boyars, who hated the Pretender, did everything they
could to create a fertile ground to overthrow him. In his suicide on 17 May
1606, the boyars rang the tocsin to be sounded, and when people gathered
in the large square, told the Poles wanted to kill the Tsar. This was the
signal for a general massacre of the Poles, and the uproar that followed
Shuiski boyars and went to the Kremlin to kill Dmitri. The Guard of Striltsy ^
(permanent militia entered by Ivan the Terrible) to protect, but when the
Tsaritsa Mary, the mother of Dmitri, announced publicly that it was not really
her son, and they turned against him and killed him . His body was exposed
to public ridicule by being shown in Red Square with a pipe in his mouth and
a mask on his chest, and then burned and the ashes shot from a cannon.

VASSILIS SHtJISKI, 1606-10 * The turbulent period 1610-12,


After killing the false Dmitri, the boyars elected Vassilis Shfiiski for Tsar,
making the affiant that it will do nothing to consent Boydrskaya D4ma, or
Council of the boyars. The rumor true that Dimitri is not murdered but had
secretly left the palace, leaving on one of the individuals to act, and that this
was the reason why the boyars was killed and his body dissolved is not
known what This was a crook, but found people to believe in him, and
gathered round the army made up of Poles, Cossacks, and tssibar who
marched to Moscow, but was beaten by soldiers before Shuiski the very
gates of the city. Then withdrawn to establish a camp in the village Tushino,
noon versts from Moscow, and there are threatened by the city for more
than a year. There Marina Mnishek, who hoped to remain Tsaritsa, followed
him, and recognized as her husband. That has always been known in
history as the Thief * Tushino ». Basil Shtiiski had, meanwhile, requests for
assistance for Swedish and an army of 5,000 men, under Delagardi, had
sent him. This army has joined forces with an army Michael Skopin-Shtiiski,
nephew Basil, had gathered in Novgorod, and won the Tushino Thief "in two
battles. Sigismund of Poland, who wanted to benefit from these internal
disorders to make himself ruler of Moscow, said today the war with Russia
on the pretext of resenting the alliance with Sweden. Laid siege to
Smolensk, and ordered the Poles were the Thief Tushino to join the army.
They did, and the tramp, let alone a little later, he went to Kaltiga. The army
took Moscow was ready to go to relieve Smolensk, under the leadership of
Dmitri Shtiiski, brother Bill; But Polish, Zholk6vski, that won in Klushino, and
marched on Moscow.

VASSILIS SHtJISKI, 1606-10 * The turbulent period 1610-12,

After killing the false Dmitri, the boyars elected Vassilis Shfiiski for Tsar,
making the affiant that it will do nothing to consent Boydrskaya D4ma, or
Council of the boyars. The rumor true that Dimitri is not murdered but had
secretly left the palace, leaving on one of the individuals to act, and that this
was the reason why the boyars was killed and his body dissolved is not
known what This was a crook, but found people to believe in him, and
gathered round the army made up of Poles, Cossacks, and tssibar who
marched to Moscow, but was beaten by soldiers before Shuiski the very
gates of the city. Then withdrawn to establish a camp in the village Tushino,
noon versts from Moscow, and there are threatened by the city for more
than a year. There Marina Mnishek, who hoped to remain Tsaritsa, followed
him, and recognized as her husband. That has always been known in
history as the Thief * Tushino ». Basil Shtiiski had, meanwhile, requests for
assistance for Swedish and an army of 5,000 men, under Delagardi, had
sent him. This army has joined forces with an army Michael Skopin-Shtiiski,
nephew Basil, had gathered in Novgorod, and won the Tushino Thief "in two
battles. Sigismund of Poland, who wanted to benefit from these internal
disorders to make himself ruler of Moscow, said today the war with Russia
on the pretext of resenting the alliance with Sweden. Laid siege to
Smolensk, and ordered the Poles were the Thief Tushino to join the army.
They did, and the tramp, let alone a little later, he went to Kaltiga. The army
took Moscow was ready to go to relieve Smolensk, under the leadership of
Dmitri Shtiiski, brother Bill; But Polish, Zholk6vski, that won in Klushino, and
marched on Moscow.
The Pretender, hearing this, returned from Kaltiga and endorsed an
entrenched position in the village Kol6menskoye, near Moscow. In the same
city riots broke out and people Vaslli Shiiiski deposed and forced into a
convent (1610).
Following the tabling of Bill Shuiski, and the Polish army to promote
Moscow's Tushino Thief and the gates, the hoyara found in a very difficult
position, as a way out of difficulty, elected Vladislav, son of the King of
Poland in tsardom. They sent an embassy in announcing the election of
Sigismund's son, and begs to allow the prince to oome Moscow.
Sigismund ambassadors held hostage, and ordered the Polish army
occupied Moscow, but would not allow his son to go there as planned
annexation of the whole of Russia in Poland, with its own rule.
Meanwhile Thief Tushino rushed to Kaluga, where later killed by a farmer.
When people in Moscow along aware of their intentions for Sigismund
resolved to oppose the Poles and the Patriarch Hermogen issued a
proclamation calling on all Russian people to arms.
In a very short time an army of 100,000 men to be established under the
leadership of Prok6pi Lyapuniv. The Polish garrison very close to the
Kremlin and prepared for a siege. Unfortunately, the Cossacks who had
joined the army Lyapuniv not obey, and was so angry with General
Lyapuniv, because they are prevented from looting the people who killed
him. After his death, his army dispersed, and the Poles held back the whole
of Moscow. Sigismund was captured Smolensk in the meantime, and
Swedes, listening to Vladislav election, broke their alliance and took
Novgorod. In all these problems and difficulties, the Russian clergy and
again make an effort to inspire people with courage. Then, Archimandrite of
Troitsa sent a circular to all cities, inviting people to hand over the holy
Moscow from strangers. When this letter was received at the Nizhni-
Novgorod, * the mayor of the city by a butcher, Kuzma Mfnin by name, to
raise the army to come under the command of Prince Pozhirski, where one
of the generals Lyapiv, he collect money and supplies to continue the war.
The army marched in Moscow, winning is always attacking the shape of
stars, and arrived in town at the same time the Hetman Hodkovich and his
troops, brought supplies to the Poles excluded. The first task was to prevent
the Hodkovich getting supplies in town, and that he and Minin managed to
do than to beat him in several skirmishes, and was forced to withdraw,
leaving the Polish garrison to its fate.
The Poles which was besieged for several months in the Kremlin, but finally
too hungry and worn out eventually entered his troops amid public rejoicing

Lower Novgorod, on the Volga. PETER THE GREAT 1682-1735 first

Romanov: MICHAEL FE6dOROVICH S 1612-45

Since the Poles were expelled from Moscow, the Zem & ki 86b6r met and
elected Michael Peodorovich Romanov to the throne. His father, Fe6dor
Nikitich Romanov, was immediately followed, as nephew ing wife of Ivan IV,
Anastasia, but Boris Godundv, who was suspicious of anyone who had
claim to the throne, had forced him to become a monk by the name of
Philaret and had blocked the way from claiming the post of Emperor.
Michael Fe6dorovich was sixteen when he was called to the throne, and
lived with the mother Ip4tev Convent in Kostroma. The Polonika troops
continue to penetrate into Russia in small
zones, and the captain of one of them, when he heard the election of
Michael to kill him, and his life saved only by the dedication of an old man,
Susanin, who led the Poles astray and vengeance was killed by them.
When Michael ascended the throne, Russia was in a terrible situation. The
Smolensk was made by the Poles, the Swedes, Novgorod, and the whole
country was terrorized by roaming bands of Poles and Cossacks, who
robbed and burned towns and villages. The Cossack, Hetman Zarutski,
proclaimed his son Marina Theodorou. When was the infant son of Czar,
1829 Mnishek, was arrested and brought to Moscow, the child and his
mother was thrown into prison. The child then hanged Marina died in prison.
Michael obKged to continue the war together with the Poles and Swedes,
but the disorganized state of the Russian army prevented of doing so
successfully. He made peace with the Swedes and take back Novgorod, but
had to abandon the claim on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. The war
against Poland was more prolonged for Vladislav supported yet tsardom,
and was barely beaten back the attack in Moscow. Michael finally concluded
a truce in Detilino, the terms of which the Poles held areas of Smolensk and
S6versk, but sent back the ambassadors had fraudulently detained, among
whom were Philaret, his father Michael. When Philaret arrived in Moscow
raised the dignity of Patriarch, and became co-regent with his son. First acts
was to restore civil order in that country and then to reorganize the army.
The Russian army was at that time, a very mixed crowd. The great boyars
appeared in full armor, the head of their men, who were all effipoi ipotes,
armed with swords and muskets, and followed by carts laden with supplies
and baggage. The equipment of the poorer nobility left is good, and
sometimes poorer pigenan to war armed only with bow and arrows, followed
by a single officer carrying a bag of toasted bread. In time of war, the
infantry were recruited among farmers, and WA «a disorderly mob armed
with axes, pitchforks, and bows.
The only regular body of soldiers were Streltsy, or bodyguards, instituted by
Ivan the Terrible, and even had the opportunity to pursue various
transactions in peacetime, and lived with their families on the outskirts of
Moscow. Michael sent for guns and firearms from abroad, the Russians
gave the European methods of warfare, and even hired several thousand
foreign mercenaries. After the expiry of the truce sent an army under the
boyar regain Smolensk. The siege began, but Vladislav came to relieve the
city and laid siege to Sh6yin entrenched camp. The Russians held out for a
year, but hunger and disease forced them to surrender, and Sh6yin forced
to abandon the artillery. When he returned to Moscow was guilty of treason
and beheaded. Michael found it impossible to continue the war and make
peace with which Poland retained Smolensk, but Vladislav provided all
claim to the throne of Moscow. Michael focused more on the internal
prosperity of the country, and by the end of his reign, managed to create
some degree of order. He died in 1645 and was succeeded by his son,

ALEXEl Mikhailovich \ 1645-76

Alexei MIXAILOVITCH was only sixteen when they ascended the throne.
Soon after the accession, two hundred of the most beautiful of the
daughters called boyars * Together in Moscow for the young tsar to select a
wife from among them. The choice fell on Maria Milosl & vskaya, and the
first months of the reign of Alexei was content to lead a happy, leaving the
management of the affairs of his father-in-law, MUosl & vski, and boyar
Mor6zov. These two people are outraged by Moscow's excessive taxation
and an uprising occurred in which several officials were kiUed. This led to
draw the attention of the new tsar in the state of things, and he decided to
present himself for business. First act was to revise the laws, many of whom
had been inadequate. One of the most important events of the reign of
Alexei was the revolt of Little Russia by the Poles and the annexation of
tsardom Moscow. Little Russian-i. e. south-western provinces, was passed
by the Lithuanian Polish rule, and even forced to accept the EU * ". This
was a religious settlement between the Greek and the Roman Catholic
Church, in which people St. Michaels. were able to maintain Greek ritual,
but acknowledged the Pope as supreme head of the Church. The Poles
were imported customs and their institutions to small Bussia> and
oppressed the people, who were mostly farmers Cossack. In 1648 a Polish
noble looted and burned the farmhouse B6gdan Hmelnitski, the Cossack
HetmaUy then, who called the whole country in revolt. He made an alliance
with the Crimean
Tartarus, and also received help from Zaporogian Cossacks. ^ This was a
community of freebooters - ^ far as the Don Cossacks - ^ who lived on the
shores and islands of the Dnieper River just below the rapids. Led a life of
total freedom in their leaders, received only bachelors or widowers in the
community, and had a code of honor of their own. Farmers Ukrdina, ^ as
Little Russia was also invited, and the Cossacks gained during the first few
successes against Poland, but in the battle of Ber ^ stechko stone Khan and
the empty deceit, carrying Hmelnitski away as the prisoner. The Cossacks
then fled under cover of darkness, leaving the poor farmers were
massacred by the Poles. Soon after this Hmelnitski managed to buy himself
free, and asked the Board to Pereyasldv, in The Cossacks from across the
rapids. or Borderland. suggested that the Little Russians would have to
send messengers to Moscow Alexei Mikhailovich begging to take them
under his protection. In 1653, Alexei called a meeting of Zimski Sobor to
discuss this important issue, and Sobdr voted in favor of annexation, he
sent a deputy to take his allegiance Little Russians. A war then started
against the Poles, and was conducted with varying degrees of success for
many years to finally end the peace in Andrusovo (1667), divides Little
Russia, Alexei kept the left bank of the Dnieper, and Poles held the right
bank, but permanently ceded Smolensk Russia. Kiev was to belong to
Russia only two years but has never been restored back to Poland. It was
during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich great schism took place in the
Russian Church. At the time Nik6n, a remarkable man, enlighten-ment and
strength, was Patriarch. He found that many errors had, over the years,
crept into the records department so that it re-translated from Greek
originals, and ordered this new version to be used in churches. This caused
great dissatisfaction and a large part of the clergy and the people seceded
from the Church and kept the old form of the ritual. They took the name of
«Old Believers» or sectarians' win) and still be numerous in Russia.
Alexei Miki & ilovich was very fond of Nikon, and he was deeply religious.
Considered the best-read man of his time, and did everything she could
about the progress of its people. Alexei had two sons, Feodor and Ivan, and
several daughters from his first wife. A few years before his death, which
occurred in 1676, he married Natalia NAR ^ shkina, a wing of hoyar
Matv6yev, and it had a Uttle son, Peter. Alexei introduced some innovations
in court life of Moscow, were the daughters of educated and allowed to
attend theatrical performances, the public has shown, instead of keeping
them in isolation


1682 1726

After the death of Alexei, the eldest son Feodor, succeeded him. It was a
good, smart guy too, but reigned only six years. He died in 1682, leaves no
children. On his death in hoyars were uncertain whom to appoint as
successor to his brother, Ivan, was weak in both mind and body, and Peter
was a child. While hoyars was deUberating, the Patriarch Joachim
addressed the people assembled before the palace and asked them which
of the princes who, his son Alexis, will have the Tsar. The people called
Peter, and Ivan had no desire to rule in favor * Peter was claimed, and his
mother's relations, the Narshkins, became powerful in court. This enraged
the princess Sophia, Alex daughter from his first wife, who was a very
smart, ambitious woman. He had a weak brother, Ivan, and this election is
almost excluded from the throne which is determined to assert when she
and her relatives, the Miloslavskis, bribed them with gifts StreUsy and
stirred until they are falsely accusing the rebel Narshkins, The StrSltsy rose
in a body and rushed to the Kremlin, but Natalia Narshkins appeared at a
window with two princes, and when found unharmed Ivan who resigned said
they want to return to their homes. Unfortunately at that time commander of
the boyar Dolgoruki, led by mutinous and berated them for their behavior,
and this has incensed them so broke into open rebellion, after terrorizing the
town for three days to two princes insisted on making sure together and the
Princess Sophia to be regent
during the minority Peter. Sophia became so power and ruled the country
with a great capacity for seven years. The Peter meanwhile lived with his
mother in palace Preobrazh6nskoye, a village three miles from the (village)
Moscow. The gathered around him all the boys of the village
Preobrazh6nskoye, and the next village, 8em6novskoye, and formed into an
army for the game with the soldiers. With these boys made miniature
fortresses, which besieged and defended, and pretended led campaigns
against the surrounding villages. When he grew up, as his teammates
formed by the 1st and 2nd, or Preobrazh6nski and Sem ^ novski
emprosthofylki constitutions. The so-called German quarter, where all the
foreigners who had settled in Moscow lived, was close enough
Preobrazh6nskoye, and Peter was very
love to go there and spend several hours with foreigners. Many of these
men gave lessons, and helped him to play, and later one of them, Lefort, a
Genevese, became CEO. One day Peter found a boat from Old English
wood shed, it was repaired, fix it, and started it on the River Y & uża. After
this much time devoted to sailing, and built a small fleet of ships, which were
kept in a pond near Moscow. Peter was very intelligent boy, with great thirst
for knowledge and an enormous capacity for hard work. When she was
seventeen was married to Eudoxia Lopukhina,, and began taking a more
active role in managing state affairs. Sophia realized that the influence was
on the decline, and determined to maintain its authority. One night Peter
woke up two StreUsy, who had to gallop to the ETS Preobrazhenskoye that
Sophia was StrHtsy incitement to rebellion and had a plot in MQ it. Peter
immediately left for
Troitsa, ordering his wife and mother to follow him as escorts and
Preobrazh6nski Semenovski guard. From Troitsa sent a command to
Striltsy, commanding them to leave Moscow and live with him. Contrary to
expectations Sophia, StriUsy, with very few exceptions, obey this order, and
Peter soon returned to Moscow at the head of his troops. The Wisdom then
deposed by the regency, forcing her to marry him (ad 1689).
The Ivan V continued to bear the title of Tsar until his death, but now Peter
reigned independently. Peter was very anxious to see the sea, and made a
trip to Archangel (which is visited every summer by the English and Dutch
vessels) to become familiar with ships and shipbuilding. It is fitted then a
campaign against the Turkish fortress of Azov, who ordered the sea of that
name. This first campaign was unfortunate for the Azov was protected by
Turkish ships and could supply the fleet, but Peter returned to Russia and
built a fleet, which reached Don. In the next year when once again the siege
of Azov, both by land and sea, and occupied in 1695. On returning from the
siege of Azov, Peter was determined to send an embassy to all European
courts, he traveled incognito to train. He went first to Germany where he left
the ambassador to Lefort rituals go on, and he visited cities, forts and
factories, studying everything more depth. He then went to Holland, where
he visited the big yards, and gained a practical knowledge of the
shipbuilding industry by working as a carpenter on the ship piers Saardam.
Peter then in London and Vienna, where he received news of the uprising
StreUay, and rushed back to Moscow. The uprising was quelled and the
ringleaders executed before returning, but Peter took the opportunity of
combating Striltsy altogether and replacing them with regular soldiers, who
receive fixed salaries, and trained in the German way. After returning from
abroad, Peter determined to bring Russia into line with the rest of Europe
and introduced many innovations, some of which proved extremely popular.
This would prohibit matters to wear beards and voluminous flow of garments
affected, and made them wear French coats and wigs. In the boyars were
instructed to take their wives and daughters in theaters, instead of keeping
them in almost isolation, but this was more indecent and won many
echthrous.O Peter did much to reform the internal organization of the state,
replacing the Boydrskaya Dama, or Council of the boyars, the Senate, a
body consisting only of the highest officials, and which constituted the
highest court of the kingdom. The Moscow Patriarchate abolished the death
of Patriarch Adrian, and maximum control of church matters dedicated to
the Holy Synod, the council of bishops. Too many new schools were
founded, and the gentleman was not allowed to marry if they did not know
reading, writing and arithmetic. Young men were encouraged to go abroad
to complete their studies, and Peter was very anxious to encourage trade
and manufactures in the country. The dream of Peter's life was to become
the Baltic ports, both in 1700 entered into an alliance with Denmark and
Poland and declared war against Charles XII of Sweden. The Swedes
opened the campaign by a sudden attack of Copenhagen, Denmark, and
soon had to withdraw from the alliance with Russia, then, Charles turned his
attention to the banks of the Neva. Here Peter was besieging Narva with a
huge army of raw recruits, and Charles with experienced soldiers easily
defeated, raised the siege of Narva and led Peter to retire, leaving behind
the artillery. Thinking was so broken power Peter, Charles Augustus II
attacked, and spent several years playing in Poland.
The Peter who in the meantime, the education of soldiers and making
weapons out of church bells, and again in 1703, began operations on GuU
Finland. Got Schliisselburg and Nienshants, two Swedes, fortresses, and
built the fortress of SS. Peter and Paul in a small island in the Neva. In the
marshy banks of the river opposite the fort founded St. Petersburg, which
becomes the new capital of Russia. It also established a shipyard in
River Svir, and began construction of ships for use against the Swedes.
Charles XII had by this time Augustus II dethroned and Stanislas
Leszczynski to the throne of Poland and was in no position to attack Peter
from the southwest. Mazeppa, Hetman of the Little Russian, who was
absolutely reliable from Peter, turned traitor and joined the Charles with
most of the Cossacks. This was a major blow to Peter, but nothing ptoeitai,
this army in the southern steppes, and a battle Poltdva (ad 1709) completely
defeated the Swedes. Whole their army surrendered, and Charles and
Mazeppa sought refuge in Turkey. There he persuaded the Sultan to make
war with Russia. Hearing this, Peter came in after Moldova, but was forced
to turn back due to lack of supplies, and was surrounded by the Turkish
army and Tartar on the banks of the Prut. He concluded a treaty, however,
the Grand Vizier, during the First World War in 1914 the city was renamed
St. Petersburg and was able to retire with military honors, under the
condition that he would resign from the Sea of Azov.
On the shores of the Baltic Sea, Peter made about the war with great
success, and gradually made himself master of the whole country. The war
moved to a close, 1721, the Peace of Nystaedt, which gave the whole of
Livonia, Estonia, Ingria, and part of Finland to Russia. After this, Peter has
taken the title of Emperor, and was sumamed the Great. Peter did not care
for his first wife, Eudoxia - with whom he had a son, Alexei - thus placed in a
convent and married. A few years later, during the siege of Marienburg in
Livonia, he took prisoner a pretty maid called Martha Skavr6nskaya. She
married and then become the empress, in the name of Catherine, adopted
when she joined the Greek church. She had two daughters, Anna and
Elizabeth. Peter and his son were not good relations, Alexei opposed
reforms of his father, and conflicts between them has reached such a pitch
that the prince went abroad for a year. On his return to Russia, Peter threw
him in jail, where he died, leaving a small son, Peter.
Peter the Great died in 1725 from the effects of severe cold took while
saving some soldiers from a vessel that was sunk near St. Petersburg. He
knew how to surround himself with able men who were completely devoted
to him and encouraged in all projects. Greater favorite was Prince
Mnshikov, who had started life as a pieman, but with brilliant abilities, came
to fill the highest offices of state.

Catherine I, 172 & -7 n PETER, 7-1730 ANNE, 1730-40

Peter the Great did not appoint his successor, but the direct heir to the
throne was his grandson, Peter. However, it was only ten years, so the
Empress Catherine, with the help of the garrison, ascended the throne and
ruled for two years, M6nshikov as minister plenipotentiary. At her death,
was bequeathed the throne to Peter II, but during the minority is responsible
for administering the state in the * Supreme Council of State, which formed
the highest among employees in the chair M6nshikov. M6nshikov
immediately took over the top, betrothed his daughter to the new emperor,
who received the most arrogant nobles, and general abuse of power to his
advantage. This behavior raises many enemies against him, especially
Ostermann, Professor Peter II and Princess Dolgoriikaya, and led to his
downfall. He was deprived of all honors and wealth, and was with the family
to Berezov exiled to Siberia, where he died. In thirteen Peter II declared
himself of age and went to live in Moscow, where, in despair Ostermann,
spent all his time hunting. 1730 died from small pox. Peter B in the male line
of the Romanovs came to an end, and the dynasty could only be done for
women in line. Eldest daughter of Peter the Great, Anna, Duchess of
Holstein, had died, leaving a small son to the nearest heir to the throne was
the second daughter of Peter, Elizabeth. The Supreme Council of State,
however, ignored his claim, and the elected Anne, second daughter of Ivan
V, to be empress, provided that the power of the throne will be limited and
will be held in the guidance of the Council of State. When Anne arrived in
Moscow for the coronation, the nobles presented a petition to begging for
the restoration of absolute monarchy in Russia, and crowned itself as the
custom was, and still today. After that, the Supreme Council of State was
In the age of Anne of the most important offices were filled by Germans.
Foreign affairs were entrusted Ostermann, the army Minikh but more
investigation carried out by the beloved Anne, Biron, who enjoyed absolute
power, and cleverly managed to maintain their lifelong support of ..


Anne has won in two wars, one to promote aecession August III as King of
Poland and the other agamst Crimean Tartarus - but both campaigns were
insignificant in their results. St. Petersburg again became the residence of
the Empress, and it found a very bright, happy love around the court. She
married her niece Anne (daughter of deceased sister, and granddaughter of
Ivan V) to the Duke of Brunswick, and when the infant son, Ivan, was bom,
appointed to succeed. Anne died in 1740.

IVAN VI, 1740-1 ELIZABETH, 1741-61 M Peter, 1761-2

The Ivan VI was only a few weeks, when the Empress Anna died, but had
appointed Biron
be regent during the minority. Had many enemies by Biron, however, rose
against him and under his leadership Minikh arrested him and sent from the
fort Schlusselburg, and then to Siberia. The Duchess of Brunswick was
appointed regent, with Minikh Ostermann and as chief advisers, but it was a
stupid, incompetent woman, and soon the enemies of all followers. The
Princess Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great 1829, The Duchess
unpopularity advantage to seize the throne with the help of the guard, which
roused the enthusiasm stirring speech, which ended with the words: "You
know whose daughter I am! "The Duchess of Brunswick and her husband
was exiled Holmog6ry, and little Ivan VI closed in Schliisselburg for Life
(1741). The first act was to remove Elizabeth Minikh and Ostermann from
power and exile to Siberia, and their fall marked the decline of German
influence at court. Favorite of Elizabeth were all Russians. The first of these
was Earl Razum6vski, who was a singer, but that was an easy man
evolution, which does not interfere at all in the public sector. Second
consultant Elizabeth was Shuv & lov, a man of great talent and education,
who did much to enlighten the people. He founded the University of
Moscow, the first university in Russia. The foreign policy of Elizabeth's reign
was marked by the alliance with Maria Theresa in the War for seven years,
the Russians Soltyk6v, April & Xin, and many victories gained over the
Prussians. Elizabeth died in 1761. He appointed her nephew, Peter, Duke of
Holstein, to her successor, and had the young prince was educated at the
court of its own. In 1746 was married to a princess AnhaltZerbst, a small
German prigkipisa who at the accession of the Greek Church was named
Catherine. Although this princess was just fourteen, was extremely clever
and energetic, and a series of study itself is not only the Russian language,
history, literature and customs of the country. Also wrote many plays,
poems, and historical and philosophical essays. After the death of Elizabeth,
Peter III ascended the throne, but was weak and incompetent, and was
soon to assign responsibility for the intelligent woman, who thus became
Empress alone. The Peter III died a few months later, in 1762.

Catherine II, 1762-96


The reign of Catherine II was one of the most illustrious Russian history,
and during this period, the limits of the empire was too extended.

Church of the Saviour Cathedral (XIX c) NIKOLAOS I MOSCOW 79

In 1813 the Shah of Persia was finally forced to abandon their claims on
Georgia, but at the time of accession Nicholas attempted to regain ground
lost to Nicolas choras.Ston send troops under General Pask6vich to protect
Georgians. Pask6vich defeated the Persians took the fortress of Erivan, and
while it was en route to the Persian capital
when the Shah sued for peace (1828 AD). Persia gave up two Khanates in
Russia and paid high salary. In 1828 Russia joined England and France into
an alliance to promote the liberation of Greece and the Russian Black Sea
fleet took part in the battle of Navarino, where the entire Turkish fleet was
destroyed. Nicholas now divided between the Russian army in two parts.
One of them operating in Asian Turkey in Påsk ^ VICH 'Erivaaski », and
took the fortresses of Kars and Akhaltsykh, while another, under the
emperor himself, was attacked in Varna. This fort and several others were
captured, and the Russian army in Dlbich, crossed the Balkans and
conquered Adrianople. With the enemy within the course of two days of the
capital, the Sultan has decided to open up the peace, and it was concluded
in Edirne in IS29. With this peace Russia taken from the mouth of the
Danube, the eastern Black Sea coast, and several Asian strongholds. In
1830 the Poles, who bitterly dysforisan Russian rule, the rebellion broke out
and tried to restore the kingdom of Poland. The whole country rose in arms,
and Nicholas had to send a powerful force in Poland. Dlbich defeated the
rebels in battle Gr6hovo, in which the chief commander Chlopicki, was
mortally wounded but even that did not end the insurgency. As usual,
however, disputes and dichonies arose between Poles and prevented
opposing the advance of the Russians in Warsaw, which was invaded by
PaskoVICH in 1831. This proved the death-blow to the insurgency, and
Poland joined with Russia. During the peace that followed the suppression
of the Polish uprising, the Nicholas turned his attention to domestic affairs,
and in 1833 was the "Code of Laws," prepared under the guidance of SPER
& nski. Nicholas is also very developed its naval and military resources of
the country, and was almost Martinet for discipline. In 1853 war broke out
again with the Turks, who have infringed on the prerogatives of the Greek
Church in St. Lfuad, and refused to restore the rights granted to Russian
pilgrims to Palestine. The Russian army under Gorchak6v, immediately
occupied Moldavia and Wallachia, and the Black Sea fleet destroyed the
Turkish fleet at the port of Sinop. England, France, Sardinia and embraced
the cause of Turkey, and sent their fleets to the Black Sea. So began the
Crimean War in 1 854. The Allied armies landed in Yevpatoria, in the
Crimea and Sevastopol have turned south. Prince M6nshikov, who
commanded the Russian troops tried to check in advance about the high
banks of the River Alma, but after a struggle that lasted several hours had to
give in Sevastopol. This fortress, which was very strongly fortified towards
the sea, had very little defense on the part of the land, and were reinforced
in a hurry, the people who work alongside soldiers throwing the earthworks
and fortifications of the city. The Russian ships were sunk across the mouth
of the harbor to block the entrance of the allies against fieets, and guns of
the ships were removed for fortification. The allied army laid siege to
Sevastopol, and remained for eleven months, although the army M6nshikov
made several attempts to grow, mainly the attack on the English language
to the heights of Inkerman. This war was a great burden on the resources of
Russia, especially when the allied fleets in the Baltic came and bombed the
fort Sveaborg, oflf Helsingfors. The absence of the railway supply of 1829 £
* Russian army a work of great difficulty, while the allies would take what he
wanted from the sea. In the middle of the Crimean War, Emperor Nicholas
died suddenly in St. Petersburg in February 1866 and was succeeded by his
son, Alexander II.

ALEXANDER H, 1866-81

The siege of Sevastopol lasted until the end of Augusf 1866, when the
guards began to face Failure to ammunition, and the bastion Malakh6y,
which was the key to Sevastopol, was invaded by the Alps. The fall of
Sevastopol effectively put an end to operations in the Crimea, but three
months later the Russians left the Turkish fortress of Kars from hunger.
Both Alexander II and his allies were by this time quite willing to make
peace, and had concluded in Paris in 1866. The provisions of the Treaty of
Paris, all the victories of the war he returned to former owners, but Turkey
also received from Russia, the mouth of the Danube, and prohibiting the
crossing of the Strait of Russian fleet. The major event of Alexander II's
reign was the abolition of serfdom. Both Catherine II and Alexander wanted
to do this, but the work was not done, and when Alexander II came to the
throne, there were over 22,000,000 serfs in Russia. On February 19, 1861,
Alexander abolish the institution of serfdom, and the farmers had land
allotted to them, which was to acquire from landowners at a fixed rate. This
act was received with enthusiasm by the people, and won Alexander the
title of * The Liberator ». Alexander brought in many reforms. So in 1863
placed the management of local governments and districts in the hands of a
council elected ZematvOy among people, who naturally more familiar with
local needs. He also introduced trial by jury at a hearing, and Polish
immigrants and rebels of 1830 had granted amnesty by Alexander, and was
allowed to return to their homes, but only took advantage of this discontent
to promote the country, and 1863 another revolt broke out. Night attacks on
Russian soldiers were also in many parts of Poland, and bands of armed
rebels spread across the country. One guerrilla was for many months, but
then the Muravov the Russian regent in Vilnius, he ordered Russian troops
to take such radical measures that the insurgency was quickly stamped out.
The conquest of the Caucasus had been happening gradually but steadily
since the beginning of the century, but the opposition of the mountain tribes
became desperate, when he placed the head of Shamil's movement. He
was the leader of the Muslim sect of Murids, and sworn enemy of Russia.
On the hill the men made brutal attacks on Russian troops and then
withdrew to the safety of the mountains, where they were safe from attack.
Alexander finally decided to put an end to this state of affairs, some Pton
Prince Baryatinski devoted full attention of the Eastern Caucasus, where he
made the forest clearings and military roads. Then stormed the fortress of
Shamil veden, and led the wild of Dagestan. Here Shamil made a desperate
stand on the hill-fort Gunib, but the Russians invaded the place, and after
several hours of fighting Shamil surrendered to Prince Barydtinski. This
brought the entire eastern Caucasus in Russia's feet, but the Western
Caucasus had yet to be conquered step by step, and did not lower levels
until 1864. Those men who did not accept Russian domination emigrated to
Turkey and Asia Minor. The Christian inhabitants of the Balkan peninsula for
centuries tried to throw off the sovereignty of Turkey, and Serbia had
already made a separate principality. Bulgaria now showed similar
expectations, and the Turks to prevent the growth of the country, committed
atrocities, a wholesale massacre when thousands of Bulgarians lost their
lives. It is called the intervention of Russia, who is the champion of the
Slavic nationalities. In 1877 Alexander II declared war against Turkey, and
sent his army under his brother, Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolayevich,
Bulgaria. The Turkish army has focused on this part of Bulgaria, surrounded
by fortresses Shumla, Varna, Bushchuk, and Silistria, and was strongly
fortified town of Plevna. This town Russians under siege General Skobelev,
and made several attempts to transfer from the storm, but met with more
defiance. When supplies ran short, the Turks at Plevna, under Osman
Pasha made a desperate attempt to break the siege of Russian power, but
was overpowered by numbers, and the entire garrison had to surrender
Plevna. The Russians under General Gurko, which then route the winter in
the Balkans, and with great difficulty, again defeated the Turks at Shipka
Pass. The Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich, another brother of the
emperor, had command of the army operating in Asian Turkey, and his
generals, Loris M ^ likov and Heyden took Kars. Once in the Balkans, the
Russian army moved forward quickly and took Edirne unchallenged. Turkey
then sued for peace, signed in San Stefano in February 1878 and
subsequently ratified in Berlin. Russia take back the mouth of the Danube
river and the districts and fortresses of Kars and Batum. Montenegro,
Serbia, Romania and have been independent, and Bulgaria became a
separate principality under the suzerainty of Turkey. During most of the
nineteenth century, revolutionary and anarchist ideas have been gradually
developing and gaining ground in Russia, and had occurred in several
attempts on the life of the Emperor, representing the monarchy. The attacks
were organized by a body of rebels called "nihilist" whose head lived mostly
abroad. The mass of Russian people was and still is, dedicated loyal to the
throne, but the propaganda of the burn always find a few warm-blooded to
develop events with any pretext.
On March 1, 1881, a bomb was thrown to the emperor during transport in
winter palace. Mortally wounded by the explosion, and died an hour later.
He was succeeded by his son, Alexander III.

ALEXANDER m, 1881-1894 NIKOLAOS n, 1894

Alexander was the first Russian emperor to whom the villagers swore on
until emancipation of serfs was granted only to senior and official
categories. His reign, which lasted more than thirteen years, was a period of
peace to Russia, Alexander IQ, through personal influence, did much to
preserve peace in Europe.
In Central Asia, Russian power had made great progress in recent years of
the reign of the former, and in 1878 the Emir of Bokhara he was placed
under Russian protection, an example that Samarkand and Merv soon
followed. Submission has not been any resistance from the residents, but
the Khans realized that Russia intended to subjugate them, and chose to
submit voluntarily, and thus maintain. Religious and tribal prerogatives. The
benefits arising from trade with Russia was a powerful factor in the
progressive russification Central Asia.
I In its contacts with Eastern countries, Russia | »always followed a smart
policy with more or less peaceful occupation ^ Ending the full annexation,
and therefore have turned the tables and the Mongol now submit to the
Russian yoke . Alexander III married Princess Dagmar, daughter of Eong of
Denmark, who after joining the Greek church took the name Maria
Fe6dorovna. Alexander III died on October 20, 1894, and was succeeded
by his eldest son, Nicholas. Nicholas II married Princess Alix of
HesseDarmstadt (who was named Alexandra Fe6dorovna), and has five
daughters and one son, Alexei.
So far, the main events of his reign were: the opening of the Trans-Siberian
somewhat disastrous war against Japan, 1904-5, the spread of the strike
movement and the increase of terrorist acts; The granting of the Russian
Constitution, the manifesto of October 17, 1905; and armed revolt in
Moscow and depression in December 1905; and the opening of the first
State Duma and the European Parliament on April 27, 1906.

Thus, the first East Slavic state, Kievan Rus, arose in the 9th century along
the Dnieper River valley. A coordinated group of princely states with
common interests to maintain trade routes along the river, Rus controlled
the trade route for furs, wax, and slaves between Scandinavia and the
Byzantine Empire along the Volkhov and Dnieper Rivers.
The name "Russia" together with the Finnish Ruotsi (which means
"Sweden") and Estonia Rootsi (which means "Sweden"), are by some
scholars to be related to Roslagen - Rotsild;;;
The etymology of Rus and derivatives are discussed, and other schools of
thought connect the name with Slavic or Iranic roots. By the end of the 10th
century, the Norse minority had merged with the Slavic population, [31],
which absorbed Greek Christian influences in the course of several
campaigns to plunder Tsargrad, or Istanbul. [32] One such campaign
claimed the lives of the foremost Slavic leader druzhina, Svyatoslav I, who
was known for having broken the power of Hazara in the Volga. [33] At the
time, the Byzantine Empire was facing a major military and cultural revival;
rather than later decline of civilization would have permanent effects on the
development of Russia's formative centuries.
Rus is important for the introduction of a Slavic variant of the Eastern
Orthodox religion [2] dramatically deepen a synthesis of Byzantine and
Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next thousand years.
The region adopted Christianity in 988 by the official act of public baptism of
Kiev inhabitants by Prince Vladimir I. [34] Some years later the first code of
laws, Russkaya Pravda, was introduced. [35] From the beginning of the
Kievan princes followed the Byzantine example and kept the Church
dependent on them, even for its revenues, [36] so that the Russian Church
and the state was always closely linked.
By the 11th century, especially during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise,
Kievan Rus' could boast an economy and the achievements in architecture
and literature more than what was then the western part of the continent.
[37] Compared with the languages of the European Christendom, the
Russian language was hardly affected by the Greek and Latin of early
Christian writings. [2] This is due to the fact that Church Slavonic was used
directly in liturgy instead [38].
A nomadic Turkish people, Kipchaks (also known as Cumans) replaced the
previous Petsenegoi as the dominant force in the southern steppe regions
neighboring to Rus »at the end of the 11th century and founded a nomadic
state in the steppes along the Black Sea (Desht -e-Kipchak). Repelling
regular attacks, mainly in Kiev, which was just a day trip from the steppe,
was a heavy load for the southern areas of Rus'. The nomadic incursions
caused a massive influx of Slavs in the safer, heavily forested areas in the
north, especially in the area known as Zalesye.
Rus ultimately disintegrated as a state because at-battles between
members of the noble family who held collectively. Kiev's dominance
declined in favor of Vladimir-Suzdal in the north-east, Novgorod in the north
and Halych-Volhynia in the west. Conquest by the Mongol Golden Xodi the
13th century was the final blow. Kiev was destroyed. [39] Halych-Volhynia
could be absorbed by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, [2] while the
Mongol-dominated Vladimir-Suzdal and independent Novgorod Republic,
two regions in the Kiev region, will lay the foundations for the modern
Russian nation. [2]
Mongol invasion

Sacking of Suzdal by Batu Khan, in February 1238: a miniature from the

sixteenth century period
Main articles: Mongol invasion of Rus 'Tatar invasions and the invading
Mongols accelerated the fragmentation of Kievan Rus'. In 1223, the divided
southern princes faced a Mongol invasions in the party Kalka River and
were soundly defeated. [40] In 1237-1238 the Mongols destroyed and
burned the city of Vladimir (February 4, 1238) [41] and in other cities of
northeast Russia, the Russians launched the river Sit ', [42] and then moved
west to Poland and Hungary. [43] Until then conquered most of the Russian
principalities. [44] Only the Novgorod Republic escaped occupation and
continued to flourish in the orbit of the Hanseatic League. [45]
The impact of Mongol invasion on the territories of Kievan Rus' was uneven.
The advanced city culture almost destroyed. It never large centers such as
Kiev and Vladimir recover from the destruction of the original infection [39],
the new Moscow, [46] Tver [46] and Nizhny Novgorod [47] were competing
for hegemony in the Mongol dominate Russia. Although a Russian army
defeated the Golden Xodi Kulikovo in 1380, [48] Mongol domination of
Russia, populated areas, along with the demands of tribute from Russian
princes, continued until about 1480. Russo-Tatar relations Prince Michael of
Chernigov was passed between the fires and ordered prostrate himself
before the tablets of Chingis Khan. Mongolian Batu Khan to stabbed to
death for refusing to do obeisance to unliving person in pagan ritual.

Volga Bulgaria and Golden Xodi

After the fall of Hazara in the 10th century, in the middle Volga came to be
dominated by the commercial state of Volga Bulgaria, the last remnant of
Greater Bulgaria centered Phanagoria. In the 10th century the Turkish
population of the Volga Bulgaria converted to Islam, which facilitated trade
with the Middle East and Central Asia.Meta the Mongol invasions of the
1230s, Volga Bulgaria was absorbed by the Golden Xodi and population
evolved into modern Chuvashes and Kazan Tatars. The Mongols held
Russia and Volga Bulgaria in power from the western capital at Sarai, [49],
one of the largest cities in the medieval world. The princes of southern and
eastern Russia had to pay tribute to the Mongols of the Golden Xodi,
commonly called Tatars; [49], but in return will receive maps of which may
act as deputies to the khans. In general, they had the possibility of the
princes considerable freedom to rule as they wished, [49], while the Russian
Orthodox Church were even a spiritual renaissance under the guidance of
Metropolitan Alexis and Sergius of Radonezh.
The Orthodox Church and most princes, the fanatical Northern Crusaders
seemed a greater threat to the Russian way of life than the Mongols. In the
mid-13th century, Alexander Nevsky, was elected prince of Novgorod,
acquired heroic status as a result of significant victories over the Teutonic
Knights and the Swedes. Alexander obtained Mongol protection and
assistance in fighting invaders from the west who, hoping to profit from the
collapse of the Russian raids Mongol tried to grab territory and convert the
Russians in the Catholic Church.
The Mongols left their impact on the Russians in areas such as military
tactics and logistics. Mongol occupied, Russia has also developed a postal
road network, census, taxation, and military organization. [2] Eastern
influence remained strong well until the 17th century, when Russian rulers
made a conscious effort to modernize the country. In popular memory, the
time it left a very bad impression, and referred to as Tataro-Mongol Yoke.

Grand Duchy of Moscow

The rise of Moscow

During the reign of Daniel, Moscow was a little more than a small timber fort
lost in the forests of central Russia.
Daniil Aleksandrovich, the youngest son of Alexander Nevsky, founded the
Principality of Moscow (known as Muscovy), [46], which eventually deported
Tatars from Russia. Well-located in the main river system of Russia,
surrounded by protective forests and marshes, Moscow was at first only a
vassal of Vladimir, but soon it absorbed its parent state. An important factor
in the leadership of Moscow was the cooperation of the rulers of the Mongol
overlords, who granted him the title of Grand Prince of Moscow and made
them agents for collecting the Tatar tribute to the Russian principalities.
Validity of the principality was further strengthened when it became the
center of the Russian Orthodox Church. The head of the Metropolitan, fled
from Kiev to Vladimir in 1299 and a few years later established the
permanent headquarters of the Church in Moscow with the original title of
Metropolitan of Kiev.
By the mid 14th century, Mongol power was declining, and the Grand
Princes felt able to openly oppose the Mongol yoke. In 1380, the Don River
in Kulikovo, defeated the Mongols, [48] and although this is not hard victory
over Tatar rule of Russia, had brought fame to the Grand Prince Dmitry
Donskoy. Leadership of the Church in Russia was now firmly based and
mid-fourteenth century its territory has grown considerably through the
market, war and marriage.
Ivan III the Great

Ivan III tears outside Khan's missive letter demanding the tribute in front of
the mission of Khan
In the 15th century, the great princes of Moscow went to the gathering
Russian lands to increase the population and wealth under their rule. The
most successful practitioner of this process was Ivan III [46] who laid the
foundations for a Russian national state. Ivan competed with strong
northwest rival, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, to control some of the semi-
independent principalities Above the upper Dnieper and Oka River. [50] [51]
through the defection of some princes, border skirmishes and a long war
with the Novgorod Republic, Ivan III was able to annex Novgorod and Tver.
[52] Consequently, the Grand Duchy of Moscow has tripled in size under his
rule. [46] During the conflict with Pskov, monk named Filofei (Philotheus of
Pskov) is a letter to Ivan III, the prophecy that the kingdom of the latter will
be the Third Rome. [53] The Fall of Constantinople and the death of the last
Greek Orthodox Christian emperor contributed to this new idea of Moscow
as the "New Rome" and the seat of Orthodoxy. [46]
Fall of Novgorod Republic in 1478. To the right is Marfa Boretskaya.
A contemporary of the Tudors and other "new monarchs" in Western
Europe, Ivan proclaimed absolute sovereignty in all the Russian princes and
nobles. The refusal of even a tribute to the Tatars, Ivan initiated a series of
attacks that opened the way for the full defeat of declining gold Xodi now
divided into several Khanates and hordes. Ivan and his successors tried to
protect southern boundaries of the area from the attacks of the Crimean
Tatars and other hordes. [54] To achieve this goal, which financed the
construction of the Great Abatis Belt and manors granted to nobles, who
were forced to serve in the army. The manor system provided a basis for an
emerging horse army.
In this way, internal integration is accompanied outward expansion of the
state. By the 16th century, the rulers of Moscow considered the entire
Russian territory their collective property. Various semi-independent princes
still claimed specific territories, [51], but Ivan III forced the lesser princes to
acknowledge the great prince of Moscow and his descendants as
unquestioned rulers with control of military, judicial and foreign affairs.
Gradually, the Russian commander has emerged as a powerful, autocratic
ruler, a tsar. The first Russian leader to formally crown himself "Tsar" was
Ivan IV. [46]
Kingdom of Russia
Kingdom of Russia Ivan IV, the Terrible
The development of the autocratic powers of the Tsar peaked during the
reign (1547-1584) of Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible "). This strengthened the
position of the monarch to an unprecedented degree, as he ruthlessly
subordinated the nobles to his will, or the execution of exiling many on the
slightest provocation. [46] However, Ivan is often considered an astute
politician reform in Russia, as he passed a new Code of Laws (Sudebnik of
1550) [55] established the first Russian feudal representative body (Zemsky
Sobor), to stem the influence of clergy, [56] and introduced the local self-
governance in rural areas, [57]
Although long Livonian War to control the Baltic coast and access to
maritime trade ultimately proved a costly failure, [58] Ivan managed to
annex the Khanates of Kazan, Astrakhan, and Siberia. [59] These
conquests complicated the migration of nomadic predatory hordes from Asia
to Europe via the Volga and Ural. Through these conquests, Russia
acquired a significant Muslim Tatar population and has emerged as a
multiethnic and multiconfessional state. Also, around this time, the trade
Stroganov family established a firm in the Urals and recruited Russian
Cossacks to colonize Siberia. [60]
In the later part of the reign of Ivan's kingdom is divided into two. In the area
known as oprichnina, followers of Ivan made a series of bloody purges of
the feudal aristocracy (which is suspected of treason after treason Prince
Kurbsky), culminating in the Massacre of Novgorod (1570). This coupled
with the military losses, epidemics, bad harvests, so weakened Russia that
the Crimean Tatars were able to sack the central Russian regions and
burned down Moscow (1571). [61] In 1572 Ivan left oprichnina. [62] [63]
At the end of the reign of Ivan IV of Poland-Lithuania and Sweden militaries
conducted a robust intervention in Russia, devastating the northern and
northwestern areas. [64]
Time of Troubles
Kuzma Minin appeals to the people of Nizhny Novgorod to raise a volunteer
army against the Poles. [65]
Editorial: Time Troubles
The Death of Ivan childless son Feodor was followed by a period of civil war
and foreign invasion known as the "Riot Time" (1606-13). [46] Very cool
summers (1601-1603) wrecked crops [66], which led to the Russian famine
of 1601-1603 and the increasing social disruption. Boris Godunov Party
(Борис Годунов) reign ended in chaos, civil war combined with foreign
invasion, destroying many cities and the depopulation of rural areas. The
country rocked by internal chaos also attracted several waves of
intervention by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. [67] The invaders
reached Moscow and installation First, the impostor False Dmitriy I and,
later, a Polish prince Władysław IV Vasa on the Russian throne. Moscow
revolted but were violently suppressed riots and the city burned. [68] [69]
[70] The crisis has caused a national patriotic rebellion against the invasion
and the fall of 1612 an army of volunteers, led by the merchant Kuzma
Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, expelled foreign forces from the capital.
[65] [71] [72] The Russian statehood survived the "Riot Time" and the rule of
weak or corrupt tsars because of the power of the bureaucracy of central
government. Government workers continue to be, regardless of the
legitimacy of the ruler or the faction controlling the throne. [46] However, the
"Time of trouble" caused by the dynastic crisis resulted in the loss of much
ground for the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Russo-Polish War,
and the Swedish Empire in Ingrian War.
The accession of the Romanovs and early rule

Election of 16-year-old Mikhail Romanov, the first Romanov tsar dynasty

In February 1613, with the chaos ended and Poles were expelled from
Moscow, a National Assembly composed of representatives from fifty cities
and even some peasants, elected Michael Romanov, the young son of
Patriarch Filaret, on the throne. The Romanov dynasty ruled Russia until
The immediate objective of the new dynasty was to restore peace.
Fortunately for Moscow, major enemies of the Polish-Lithuanian
Commonwealth and Sweden, participated in a bitter conflict between them,
which provided Russia the opportunity to make peace with Sweden in 1617
and sign a truce with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1619. The
recovery of lost territories started in the 17th century, when Ukraine
Khmelnitsky uprising against Polish rule led to the Treaty of Pereyaslav
concluded between Russia and Ukraine Cossacks.
Stenka Razin Sailing in the Caspian Sea Under the treaty, Russia issued to
protect the rule of Cossacks of the Left-bank Ukraine, formerly under Polish
control. This provoked a prolonged Russo-Polish war ended with the Treaty
of Andrusovo (1667), in which Poland accepted the loss of Left-bank
Ukraine, Kiev and Smolensk. [46]
Rather than risk their fortunes in a more civil war, the great nobles or boyars
cooperated with the first Romanovs, enabling them to finish the work of
bureaucratic centralization. Thus, the government agency that requires both
the old and new nobility, primarily in the military. In return the tsars allowed
the boyars to complete the process enserfing farmers.
Patriarch Nikon's reform of the Church Service caused schism in the
Russian Orthodox Church and the appearance of Old Believers
In the previous century, the situation was gradually restricted the rights of
farmers to move from one owner to another. With the situation now fully
sanctioning serfdom, runaway peasants became state fugitives, and the
power of owners over the farmers 'attached' to their land have been almost
completed. Along with the state and the nobles placed the overwhelming
burden of taxation on farmers, whose rate was 100 times greater in the 17th
century than it was a century earlier. Moreover, evaluated urban middle
class merchants and craftsmen taxes, and, like the serfs were forbidden to
change residence. All segments of the population subject to military duty
and excise taxes. [73] Under the circumstances required, spatial disorder
[clarify] was endemic; Even the citizens of Moscow revolted against the
Romanovs during the Salt Riot (1648), [74] Copper Riot (1662), [74] and the
Moscow Uprising (1682). [75], the overwhelming peasant rebellion in 17th
century Europe erupted in 1667. As the free settlers from southern Russia,
the Cossacks, reacted against the growing concentration of state serfs
escaped from their owners and joined the rebels. The Cossack leader
Stenka Razin led his followers up the Volga River, inciting riots farmers and
replacing local governments with Cossack rule. [46] The Tsar's army finally
crushed his forces in 1670; A year later Stenka arrested and beheaded.
However, less than half a century later, the strains of military missions
produced another revolution Astrakhan, ultimately subdued.
Imperial Russia Russian Empire of Peter the Great

Peter I disbanded the old army streltsy; Thousands streltsy executed after
the revolt. Peter the Great (1672-1725) brought autocracy in Russia and
played an important role in bringing the country to the European public
systima.Apo modest beginning in the 14th century principality of Moscow,
Russia had become the largest city in the world from time of Peter. Three
times the size of continental Europe, covering the Eurasian land from the
Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. Much of the expansion had been made in
the 17th century, culminating in the first Russian settlement of the Pacific in
the 17th century, the reconquest of Kiev, and the pacification of the Siberian
tribes. However, this vast area had a population of 14 million only. Cereal
yields towed behind those of agriculture in the West (which may be partly
explained by the greater challenges of climatic conditions, especially the
long cold winters and short growing season, forcing virtually the entire
population to farm. Only a small fraction population lived in cities. Russia
remained isolated from the marine trade, internal communications
commerce and manufactures much depends on the seasonal changes.
Peter's first military efforts directed against the Turks. His attention then
turned to the north. The Peter still lacked a secure northern port except at
Archangel on the White Sea, whose harbor was frozen nine months a year.
Access to the Baltic was blocked by Sweden, whose territory is enclosed on
three sides. Peter's ambitions for a "window to the sea" led him in 1699 to
make a secret alliance with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and
Denmark against Sweden, resulting in the Great Northern War. The war
ended in 1721 when an exhausted Sweden sued for peace with Russia.
Peter acquired four provinces situated south and east of the Gulf of Finland,
thus securing the coveted access to the sea. There, in 1703, had already
founded the city that would become the new capital of Russia, St.
Petersburg as a window opened from Europe to replace the Church, where
the cultural center of Russia. Russian intervention in the Commonwealth
marked with the Silent Sejm, the principle of sovereignty 200 years in this
region of the Russian empire. In celebration of his conquests, Peter
assumed the title of emperor and tsar, and Russian Tzardom officially
became the Russian Empire in 1721. Peter the Great so the Russian army
at the Battle of Poltava Peter reorganized his government on the latest
Western models, molding of Russia into an authoritarian state. It replaced
the old boyar Duma (council of nobles) with nine members of the Senate, in
fact, a top Council of State. The countryside was also divided into new
provinces and regions. Peter said the Senate's mission was to collect tax
revenues. The tax revenue from the series tripled during his reign. The
reform of the government, the Orthodox Church Incorporated partly in the
administrative structure of the country, actually makes a tool of the state.
Peter abolish the patriarchate and replaced it with a collective body, the
Holy Synod, led by a lay government official. Meanwhile, removed all
remnants of local government, and Peter continued and intensified their
demand predecessors, the state agency for all nobles.Peter Great died in
1725, leaving an outstanding succession and an exhausted realm.'s
kingdom raised questions about the delay in Russia its relationship with the
West, the appropriateness of reform from above, and other fundamental
problems facing many of the subsequent Russian leaders. Nevertheless, he
had laid the foundations of the modern state in Russia.
Decision of the Empire (1725-1825)

The monument to Catherine II in St Petersburg

Nearly forty years were to pass before comparatively ambitious and ruthless
ruler appeared on the Russian throne. Catherine II the Great was a German
princess who married the German heir to the Russian crown. Finding the
unable, Catherine tacitly consented to his murder. It was announced that he
had died of "apoplexy" and in 1762 became ruler.Catherine contributed to
the revival of the Russian nobility that began after the death of Peter the
Great. Mandatory government service had been abolished, and Catherine
delighted the nobles of the additional shift for most functions of government
in the provinces. Catherine the Great extended Russian political control over
the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth with actions including support
Targowica Confederation, although the cost of campaigns over the
oppressive social system that required lords serfs "to spend nearly all their
time their land lords, caused great spatial revolt in 1773, after Catherine
legalized the selling of serfs separate from land. Inspired by another
Cossack named Pugachev, the sharp cry of "Hang all the owners!" The
rebels threatened to take Moscow before ruthlessly oppressed. Catherine
Pugachev had all four in Red Square, but the specter of revolution
continued to haunt and its successors.
Russian troops under Generalissimo Suvorov crossing the Alps in 1799.
Napoleon's retreat from Moscow Catherine held a successful war against
the Ottoman Empire and the southern border of Russia to the Black Sea.
Then, by allying with the rulers of Austria and Prussia, was incorporated into
the territories of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, where after a century
of Russian rule in non-majority population Catholic, the Orthodox prevailed
during the partitions of Poland, pushing Russian border west to Central
Europe. Rather, it is clear that the adoption or not of orthodoxy was the
political gear extensions of possessions. Since his death in 1796,
Catherine's expansionist policy had made Russia a great European power.
This continued with Alexander I of Finland is distracting from the weakened
kingdom of Sweden in 1809 and of Bessarabia from the Ottomans in 1812.
Napoleon made a major misstep when he declared war on Russia following
a dispute with Tsar Alexander I, and launched an invasion of Russia in
1812. The campaign was a disaster. Able to take decisive and defeat the
status Russian troops, Napoleon tried to force the Tsar in terms of capturing
Moscow at the beginning of winter. This expectation proved vain.
Unprepared for war in the cold Russian winter weather, thousands of
French troops were ambushed and killed rebel peasant. As Napoleon's
forces retreated, the Russian troops pursued in Central and Western
Europe and the gates of Paris. After Russia and its allies defeated
Napoleon, Alexander became known as the savior of "Europe", and chaired
the redrawing of the map of Europe at the Congress of Vienna (1815),
which made Alexander the monarch of Congress Poland.
While the Russian Empire would play a leading political role in the next
century, secured by the defeat of Napoleon in France, the preservation of
serfdom hamper economic progress significantly. In the western part of
European economic growth accelerated during the Industrial Revolution, the
marine trade and colonialism had started in the second half of the 18th
century, Russia began to become more and farther behind, creating new
problems for the empire as a great power. The Imperial Russia after the
Decembrist Uprising (1825-1917)
 Nicholas and the uprising of December events

The December events in the Senate

Was a scheme, the vast power of Russia lie hidden in the inefficiency of
government, the isolation of its people and the economic backwardness of.
After the defeat of Napoleon, Alexander I was willing to discuss
constitutional reforms, although some were imported, no substantial
changes were attempted.
The tsar was succeeded by his younger brother, Nicholas I (1825-1855),
who at the beginning of his reign was confronted with a rebellion. The
background of this revolt lay in the Napoleonic wars, when a series of well-
educated Russian officers traveled to Europe during the military campaigns,
where exposure to the liberalism of Western Europe are encouraged to
seek to change their return to autocratic Russia. The result was the
Decembrist Revolt (December 1825), the work of a small circle of liberal
nobles and army officers who wanted to install his brother Nicholas as a
constitutional monarch. But the rebellion was suppressed easily, leading
Nicholas to turn away from the program was started by Peter the Great and
Westernization application of the doctrine "Orthodoxy, autocracy and
In the first decades of the 19th century, Russia expanded into the South
Caucasus and the highlands of the North Caucasus. [84] In 1831 Nicholas
crushed a major rebellion in Congress Poland; It followed another large
scale in Poland and Lithuania in the 1863 uprising.
 Ideological schisms and the reaction of Michael Bakunin

In this setting Michael Bakunin would emerge as the father of anarchism. He

left Russia in 1842 in Western Europe, where he became active in the
socialist movement. After participating in the May uprising in Dresden in
1849, imprisoned and sent to Siberia, but eventually escaped and made
upon his return to Europe. There's actually joined forces with Karl Marx,
despite significant ideological differences and tactics. Alternative social
doctrines elaborated by such Russian radicals as Alexander Herzen and
Peter Kropotkin.
The question of the direction of Russia had gained steam since the program
of Peter the Great's Westernization. The Slavofiloi was full of disdain for the
"decadent" West. The Slavofiloi were opponents of bureaucracy, preferred
the collectivism of the medieval Russian mir, community or village, the
individualism of the West.

Alexander II and the abolition of serfdom

The manifesto of the abolition of serfdom is being read in humans.

Tsar Nicholas died in the philosophy of conflict. A year ago, Russia was
involved in the Crimean War, a conflict fought mainly on the Crimean
peninsula. Since playing an important role in the defeat of Napoleon, Russia
had been regarded as militarily invincible, but when pitted against an
alliance of major powers of Europe, has suffered reverses on land and sea
exposed the decay and weakness of the regime of Tsar Nicholas .
When Alexander II came to the throne in 1855, the desire for reform was
widespread. A growing humanitarian movement, which over the years has
been likened to that of the supporters of abolition in the United States before
the American Civil War, attacked serfdom. In 1859, there were 23 million
serfs (Russia's total population 67.1 million) living under conditions
frequently worse than those of farmers in Western Europe, 16th century
mansions. Alexander II begins to think to abolish the institution of serfdom
rather than waiting to be abolished by revolution. The emancipation of the
serfs in 1861 was the most important event in Russia in 19th century
history. It was the beginning of the end of the monopoly of landed
aristocracy exousias.I Emancipation brought the provision of free labor in
the cities, industry was stimulated, and the middle class grew in numbers
and influence. However, rather than take the territories liberated free,
farmers had to pay a special tax, called a redemption payments for what
amounted to life in government, which in turn paid the landlords a generous
price for the land were lost. Done that a government MESITIS GIS to recoup
revolutionary reaction to the feudal In many cases, farmers clearing land to
the poorest. All the land turned over to farmers owned jointly by the Mir, the
village community, which divides the territory between the farmers and
supervising the various farms. Although serfdom was abolished, since the
abolition of the terms made unfavorable to the peasants, revolutionary
tensions did not subside, despite the intentions of Alexander II. Towards the
end of 1870 Russia and the Ottoman Empire again clashed in the Balkans.
The Russo-Turkish war was popular among Russians, who supported the
independence of fellow Orthodox Slavs, Serbs and Bulgarians. However,
the war increased tensions with Austria-Hungary, which also had ambitions
in the region. During this period the Russian empire expanded in Central
Asia, which was rich in raw materials, conquering the khanates of Kokand,
Bokhara and Khiva. and through the Caspian region.


In the 1860s a movement known as zeroing out in Russia. A term originally

coined by Ivan Turgenev in 1862 his novel Fathers and Sons Zero favored
the destruction of state institutions and laws so far, based on the idea that
the institutions and laws are artificial and corrupt. At the heart of Russian
nihilism is the belief that the world lacks meaning understandable, objective
truth or value.
 For some time many Russian liberals were dissatisfied with what is
regarded as the empty space for intellectual discussions. The nihilist
questioned all old values and shocked the Russian establishment.
ThProchorisan beyond the philosophical and political dimensions involved in
the cause of reform. The course was facilitated by their previous actions in
December he who rebelled in 1825, and the economic and political
problems that are caused by the Crimean War, which caused a large
number of Russian people to lose faith in political institutions. The nihilist
first tried to convert the aristocracy to the cause of reform. Otherwise there
turned to the villagers. Campaign, addressed the people, rather than the
aristocracy or landed gentry, known as traffic Narodnik.
Vasizmenoi was the belief that ordinary people, known as narod, had the
wisdom and ability to lead a peaceful nation ..
While the move Narodnik is gaining momentum, the government moved
quickly to eradicate. In response to the growing response of government, a
radical branch of Narodniks advocated and practiced terrorism. This one
brought the other and leading administrators were killed by bombs. This
represented the supremacy of anarchism in Russia as a strong rebel force.
Finally, after several attempts, Alexander II was assassinated by anarchists
in 1881, the same day approved a proposal to call a representative
assembly to consider new reforms in parallel with the abolition of serfdom
aimed at improving rebel demands.

Autocracy and reaction under Alexander III

Unlike his father, the new Tsar Alexander III (1881-1894) was throughout
his reign a staunch reactionary who revived the post of "Orthodoxy,
autocracy and national character." Freeze the Slavofilon, Alexander III
believed that Russia could be saved from chaos only by shutting itself off
from the subversive influences of Western Europe. In his reign Russia
concluded the union with democratic France to curb the growing power of
Germany, completed the conquest of Central Asia and exacted important
territorial and commercial concessions from China. The Retreat of the
Russian army after the Battle of Mukden The biggest influence on the Tsar
had the adviser Konstantin Pobedonostsev, tutor of Alexander III and his
son Nicholas and Plenipotentiary of the Holy Synod 1880 1895. He taught
the royal pupils to fear freedom of speech and press and hate democracy,
constitutions, and the parliamentary system. According Pobedonostsev, the
rebels eprepena hard and prosecuted a policy of fear held throughout the
empire. The Bloody Sunday massacre in St. Petersburg. apoterlesma was
like Alexander to succeed his son Nicholas II (1894-1917). The Industrial
Revolution, which began to exert considerable influence in Russia, was
meanwhile creating forces that would eventually overthrow the Tsar.
Politically, the opposition forces organized into three competing parts:
The liberal elements among the industrial capitalists and nobility, who
believed in peaceful social reform and a constitutional monarchy, founded
the Constitutional Democratic party or Kadets in 1905.
Fans of Narodnik established tradition of the Socialist Revolutionary Party,
or Esers in 1901, supports the distribution of land among those who worked
really peasants.
The third and most radical group he founded the Russian Social Democratic
Workers' Party, or RDSLP 1898; This party was the main exponent of
Marxism in Russia. Gaining the support from the radical intellectuals and the
urban working class, which proposes full social, economic and political
The October Manifesto granting civil liberties and establishing first

In 1903 the division RDSLP two wings: the radical Bolsheviks, led by Lenin,
and the relatively moderate Mensheviks, led by former friend Yuli Lenin
Martov.I Mensheviks believed that Russian socialism would grow gradually
and peacefully and that the Tsar scheme should succeed a Democratic
Republic in which the Socialists will work with the Liberal Party civil taxis.Oi
Bolsheviks under Vladimir Lenin, advocated the creation of a small elite of
professional revolutionists, subject to strong party discipline, to act as the
vanguard of the proletariat to seize power by force. The destruction of the
Russian armed forces in the Russo-Japanese war was a major blow to the
Russian state and increase the potential for unrest. In January 1905, an
incident known as "Bloody Sunday" occurred when the father Gapon led a
huge crowd at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg to present a petition to
the tsar. When the procession reached the palace, Cossacks opened fire on
the crowd, killing hundreds. The Russian mass was caused by both the
slaughter declared a general strike demanding a Democratic
Dimokratia.Afto launched the Russian Revolution of 1905. The Soviets
(councils of workers) appeared in most cities to direct revolutionary
drasi.Ton October 1905, Nicholas reluctantly issued the famous October
Manifesto, which conceded the creation of a national Duma (legislature) to
be called no delay. The voting was extended. And no law should apply
unless confirmed by the Duma. The moderate groups were satisfied, but the
socialists rejected the concessions as insufficient and tried to organize new
strikes. By the end of 1905, there was disunity among the reformers. And
the Tsar was able to enhance the moment.

Russian Revolution of 1917

Vladimir Lenin speaking to Red Army troops before their departure for the
Polish front bound by treaty, Tsar Nicholas II and the issues they entered
World War in defense of Serbia. At the start of hostilities in August 1914, the
Russians attacked both Germany and Austria-Hungary had to support
France's ally.
Later, military failures and bureaucratic incompetence quickly became large
segments of the population against the government. Control of the Baltic
Sea by the German navy, and the Black Sea by a combined German and
Ottoman forces prevented Russia to import supplies and export of goods.
By mid 1915 the impact of the war was demoralizing. Food and fuel were in
short supply, accidents are maintained, and inflation has led to strikes
among low-wage factory workers and farmers who wanted land reforms,
were restless. Meanwhile, public distrust of the system was in-depth reports
that a mystic, the Grigori Rasputin, had great political influence within the
government. Murder at the end of 1916 ended the scandal but did not
restore the lost prestige of the autocracy. On March 3, 1917, was a strike at
a factory in the capital, St. Petersburg (formerly St. Petersburg). On
February 23 (8 March) 1917, International Women's Day, thousands of
women textile workers in St Petersburg left the factory complaining about
the lack of food and asks other people to join them. Within days, almost all
workers in the city were idle, and street battles xespasan.Otan the tsar
ordered the Duma to disband, ordered strikers back to work, and ordered
troops to shoot demonstrators on the streets, his orders revolutionized
February, especially when soldiers openly sided with the apergous.Stis
March 2 (15), Nicholas II resigned. To fill the vacuum of power, the Duma
declared a Provisional Government, headed by Prince Lvov. Meanwhile, the
socialists in St. Petersburg organized elections among workers and soldiers
to form a soviet (council) of workers and soldiers deputies, such as an organ
of popular power that could pressure the "bourgeois" Provisional
Government. In July, after a series of crises that undermined their authority
with the public, the head of the Provisional Government resigned and was
succeeded by Alexander Kerensky, who was more progressive than its
predecessor but not radical enough for the Bolsheviks, and many Russians
dissatisfied with the deepening economic crisis and the continuation of the
war. While the government characterized Kerensky, time, the socialist-
Soviet leaders in St. Petersburg became the Soviets formed across the
country to create a national movement. Lenin returned to Russia in exile in
Switzerland, with the help of Germany, which hoped that widespread
controversy could cause Russia to withdraw from polemo.Meta many
behind-the-scenes maneuvering. the Soviets seized control of the
government in November 1917, and led and moderate Kerensky Provisional
Government in Exile, the events will be known as the October Revolution.
When the National Constituent Assembly, elected in December 1917 and
January 1918 meeting, refused to become a rubber-stamp the Bolsheviks
disbanded the troops Lenin.Me the dissolution of the constituent assembly,
all vestiges of bourgeois democracy afairethikan.Me the disadvantage of
removing the moderate opposition, Lenin was able to escape from the
problem of war, the harsh conditions the Brest-Litovsk (1918) in Germany,
in which Russia lost territories of Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, parts
of the territories of Belarus and Latvia (Riga line-Dvinsk-Druia-Drisvyaty-
Mikhalishki-Dzevalishki -Dokudova-r.Neman-r.Yelvyanka-Pruzhany-Vidoml),
and the territories captured by the Ottoman Empire during World War II on
13 November 1918 the Soviet government annulled the Treaty of Brest

Russian Civil War

The Bolshevik rise to power was by no means safe and a long fight broke
out between the new regime and its opponents, who included the Socialist
Revolutionaries, right "white" and a large number of farmers. At the same
time Allied powers sent several expeditionary armies to support anti-
communist forces in an effort to force Russia to return to world war. The
Bolsheviks fought against these forces and movements of national
independence in the former Russian Empire. Since 1921, they had defeated
their internal enemies and brought most of the newly independent states
under its control, with the exception of Finland, the Baltic States, the
Democratic Republic of Moldova (which joined Romania) and Poland (with
which had fought the Polish-Soviet war). Finland annexed also Pechenga
region of the Russian Kola Peninsula. The Soviet Russia and Soviet
republics conceded relevant parts of the territory, Estonia (Pechory and right
bank of the Narva), Latvia (Pytalovo) and Turkey (Kars). Poland
incorporated into the contested territory of Western Belarus and Western
Ukraine, the former parts of the Russian Empire (except in Galicia), east to
Curzon Line.

Soviet Union, Lenin and Stalin (1917-1927) and History of the Soviet Union
The creation of the Soviet history of Russia between 1922 and 1991 is
essentially the history of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or Soviet
Union. This ideologically based association, founded in December 1922 by
the leaders of the Communist Party of Russia, was generally coincides with
Russia before the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. At that time, the new nation
included four constituent republics: Russian SFSR, SSR Ukrainian,
Belarusian SSR, and Transcaucasian SFSR. The constitution, adopted in
1924 established a federal system of government based on a succession of
soviets set up in villages, factories, cities and larger areas. This pyramid of
soviets in each constituent republic culminated in the All-Union Congress of
Soviets. But while Congress seems to exercise sovereign power, this body
was actually governed by the Communist Party, which in turn is controlled
by the Politburo in Moscow, capital of the Soviet Union had been under
tsars before Peter's fine.

War Communism and New Economic Policy

The period from the establishment of the Bolshevik revolution in 1917 until
1921 known as the period of war communism. Land, all industry and small
businesses were nationalized and the money economy was limited. Strong
opposition developed soon. The peasants wanted cash payments for their
goods and brought heavy fact to surrender their surplus grain to the
government as part of its policy of political war. Against the opposition of
farmers, Lenin began a strategic retreat from war communism is known as
the New Economic Policy (NEP). The villagers were released from the
wholesale grain contributions and may sell their surplus on the open market.
Trade was stimulated by allowing private retailers. The state is still
responsible for banking, transportation, heavy industry and utilities.
Although the left opposition Communists criticized the rich peasants or
kulaks who benefited from the NEP, the program proved highly beneficial
and revived the economy. [104] The MCA will come later with increasing
opposition from within his party after the death of Lenin in the early 1924
Changes in Russian society
Soviet poster of 1932 symbolizes the reform of the "old ways of life" is
dedicated to the liberation of women from the traditional role of the
oppressed housekeeper. The text reads as follows:
"March 8 is the day the uprising of the working women against the kitchen
slavery". "Say NO to the oppression and Babbittry the household work!".
While the Russian economy was to transform the social life of people who
were equally dramatic changes . From the beginning of the revolution, the
government attempted to weaken patriarchal domination of oikogeneias.To
Divorce no longer required judicial proceedings and to make women free
from the responsibilities of childbearing, abortion has been legal in 1920.
As a side effect, the empowerment of women has increased in the labor
market. The girls were encouraged to obtain an education and pursue a
career in the factory or office. The regime abandoned the tsarist policy of
discrimination against ethnic minorities, for a policy of integrating more than
two hundred minority groups in Soviet life.
Another feature of the system was the extension of medical services.
Campaigns during typhoid, cholera, malaria; The number of physicians
increased as rapidly as facilities and training would permit; While infant
mortality rates dropped dramatically, while life expectancy is increasing
The government also promoted atheism and materialism, which formed the
basis of Marxist theory. It opposed organized religion, especially in order to
break the power of the Russian Orthodox Church, a former pillar of the old
tsarist regime and an important obstacle to social change.
Many religious leaders were sent into internal exile camps. Party members
were forbidden to attend religious services and education system had been
separated from the church.
Religious teaching was prohibited except for home and atheist instruction
was stressed in schools.

MIPOS The same is true today! Wake up!

 This is the New World Order! The era of Stalin!

The industrialization and collectivisation

More information: collectivisation in the USSR The years 1929 to 1939

included a turbulent decade in Russian history-a period of massive
industrialization and internal struggles as Joseph Stalin established near
total control over Russian society, which have virtually unchecked power.
After the death of Stalin, Lenin struggled to gain control of the Soviet Union
with rival factions in the Politburo, especially Leon Trotsky. Since 1928, the
Trotskyist either exiled or eliminated, Stalin was ready to put a radical
program of industrialization in action. In 1928, Stalin proposed the first five
year plan. Deletion of the NEP was the first in a series of projects aimed at
rapid accumulation of capital funds through the accumulation of heavy
industry, collectivization of agriculture and the limited production of
consumer goods. For the first time in history a government controlled all
economic activity. As part of the plan, the government took control of
agriculture through the state and collective farms (kolkhozes). By decree of
February 1930, nearly one million individual peasants (kulaks) were forced
off their land. Many farmers strongly opposed strict control by the state,
often slaughtering their herds when faced with the loss of land. In some
parts revolted, and countless peasants deemed "kulaks" by the authorities
executed. The combination of bad weather, deficiencies of the hastily-
established collective farms, massive confiscation of grain precipitated a
serious famine, and several million peasants died of starvation, particularly
in Ukraine and parts of southwestern Russia. The deteriorating conditions in
the countryside led to millions of desperate farmers in rapidly growing cities,
fueling industrialization and rapid growth of urban populations in Russia in
the space of just a few years.
The projects were highly successful in fields other than agriculture. Russia,
several measures for the poorest countries in Europe at the time of the
Bolshevik Revolution, now industrialized at a phenomenal rate, far
surpassing Germany's pace of industrialization of the nineteenth century
and Japan earlier in the twentieth century. While the five-year plans were
progressing, Stalin was establishing personal authority. The NKVD collected
tens of thousands of Soviet citizens to face arrest, expulsion or execution.
Of the six founding members of the Politburo who survived Lenin 1920, all
were purged by Stalin. Old Bolsheviks who were faithful companions of
Lenin, high officers of the Red Army, and the directors of industry were
liquidated in the Great purges. clearances to other Soviet republics also
helped gather control in the USSR. Stalin's repressions led to the creation of
a vast system of internal exile of much greater magnitude than those
established in the past by the tsars. Draconian penalties were introduced
and many citizens were prosecuted for fictitious crimes of sabotage and
espionage. The work done by convicts working in the labor camps of the
Gulag system became an important element of the industrialization effort,
especially in Siberia is estimated that 18 million people passed through the
Gulag system, and perhaps another 15 million have experienced some
other form of forced work.

The Soviet Union on the international scene

The Soviet Union believes fervently in 1933 the inclusion of anti-communist

government of Hitler to power in Germany with great concern the event,
especially since Hitler declared nach drang Osten as one of the main
objectives of the vision of the German Habitat Strategy. The Soviets
supported the Spanish Republicans who fought against fascism, German
and Italian troops in the Spanish Civil War in 1938-1939, immediately before
the Second World War, the Soviet Union successfully fought against
Imperial Japan in the Soviet-Japanese wars border in the Russian Far East,
which led to the Soviet-Japanese neutrality and the tension on the border of
peace, which lasted until August 1945. In 1938, annexed to Germany and
Austria, along with major western European powers signed the Munich
Agreement, after which Germany, Hungary and Poland, the Czech territory
divided between them. German plans for further eastward expansion and
the unwillingness of Western powers to oppose it became more apparent.
Despite the Soviet Union strongly opposes the agreement of Munich and
repeatedly confirmed its readiness to support the Soviet military
commitments earlier in Czechoslovakia, the Western betrayal of
Czechoslovakia reached during the Soviet opposition fears a further
increase in the Soviet Union in the next German attack, which led the Soviet
Union to speed up the modernization of Soviet military industry and bring
their own diplomatic maneuvering. In 1939 the Soviet Union signed a non-
aggression pact with Nazi Germany between dividing spheres of influence
in Eastern Europe. Following the agreement, the Soviet Union normalized
relations with Nazi Germany and Soviet resumption of German trade.

Rockets fired in Moscow. The Soviet Union lost around 27 million people
during the war, about half of all victims of World War II.

Eastern Front (WWII)

On September 17, 1939, seventeen days after the start of World War II
victorious German advance deep into Polish territory, the Red Army invaded
the eastern part of Poland refers to the protection of Ukrainians and
Belarusians as a primary objective function and the " occupied Poland to
exist "as a justification for action. As a result, over the western border of
Belarus and Ukraine Soviet republics "to the west and the new Soviet
western frontier was near the starting line Curzon. Meanwhile, negotiations
with Finland for the Soviet-proposed land exchange that would rewrite the
Soviet-Finnish border further away from Leningrad failed. And in December
1939 the Soviet Union launched a campaign against Finland, known as the
Winter War (1939-40). The war took a heavy toll on the Red Army in
Finland, but was forced to sign a peace treaty in Moscow and to cede the
Karelian Isthmus and Ladoga Karelia. In the summer of 1940 the USSR
issued an ultimatum to Romania, forcing it to cede the territories of
Bessarabia and Northern Bucovina. Simultaneously, the Soviet Union
occupied the three formerly independent Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and
Lithuania). Peace with Germany was tense as both sides were preparing for
military conflict, and ended abruptly when the Axis forces led by Germany
swept all the Soviet border on June 22, 1941. Until the fall of the German
army had occupied the Ukraine, the siege of Leningrad, and threatened to
occupy the then capital of Moscow itself. Despite the fact that in December
1941 the Red Army threw off the German forces from Moscow in a
successful counterattack, the Germans retained the strategic initiative for
about a year and made a deep attack in south-eastern direction, reaching
the Volga and the Caucasus. However, two major German defeat at
Stalingrad and Kursk proved decisive and reversed the course of the entire
World War II as the Germans never regained the strength to continue
offensive operations and the Soviet Union recaptured the initiative for the
remainder of the conflict. By the end of 1943, the Red Army had broken the
German siege of Leningrad and liberated much of Ukraine, most of Western
Russia and moved to Belarus. [137] By the end of 1944, the front has
moved beyond the 1939 Soviet borders in Europe. Soviet forces led to East
Germany, capturing Berlin in May 1945. The war with Germany thus ended
triumphantly for the Soviet Union. Soviet wartime poster from Kukryniksy As
agreed at the Yalta Conference, three months after the Victory Day in
Europe, the USSR launched the Soviet invasion of Manchuria, defeating
Japanese troops in neighboring Manchuria, the Soviet last battle of World
War II. Although the Soviet Union was the winner in the Second World War,
the war resulted in about 26-27 million Soviets were killed (estimates vary
widely and had destroyed the Soviet economy to match. Some cities in
1710 and 70 thousand villages were destroyed.] The occupied territories
suffered from the ravages of German occupation and deportations of slave
labor in Germany. Thirteen million Soviet citizens were victims of a
repressive policy of the Germans and their allies in an occupied territory,
where they lost their lives due to mass killings, starvation, lack of immediate
medical assistance and slave labor. The Nazi genocide of Jews by the
German Einsatzgruppen, along the local partners has resulted in almost
complete annihilation of the Jewish population throughout the territory
temporarily occupied by Germany and its allies.


DESTRUCTION commercial competitors;
BUT THE NAZI-THE VIKINGS Who hired this time;
The heirs of Byzantium;
THE RUSSIANS; What you said ....
In every war there are casualties, of course ....
But Russia was destroyed as Europe, do not agree;

During the occupation, the Russian Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, the
region lost about one quarter of its population. Soviet Belarus lost one
quarter to one third of its population. 3.6 million Soviet prisoners of war (5.5
million) died in German camps.

Cold war
The cooperation between the major Allies had won the war and should
serve as the basis for postwar reconstruction and security. However, the
conflict between Soviet and U.S. national interests, known as the Cold War
came to dominate the international scene during the postwar period.
President Leonid Brezhnev talks with President Richard Nixon on his visit to
the U.S., the high water mark of recession The Cold War resulted from a
clash between Stalin and U.S. President Harry Truman on the Future of
Eastern Europe during the Conference Potsdam in the summer of 1945.
Russia had suffered three devastating raids in the West 150 years earlier
during the Napoleonic Wars, the First World War and Second World War,
Stalin's goal was to create a buffer zone between the States of Germany
and the Soviet Union . Truman charged that Stalin had betrayed the Yalta
agreement. In Eastern Europe under Red Army occupation, Stalin have its
own atomic bomb (which not only threw the time) the power is increased
dramatically in Russia
In April 1949 the United States sponsored the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO), a mutual defense pact in which most Western nations
pledged to treat an armed attack against one nation as an attack against all.
The Soviet Union established an Eastern counterpart to NATO in 1955,
dubbed the Warsaw Pact. The division of Europe into Western and Soviet
bloc later took a more global character, especially after 1949 when the U.S.
nuclear monopoly ended with the test of a Soviet bomb. The foremost
objectives of Soviet foreign policy was to maintain and strengthen national
security and maintaining hegemony over Eastern Europe. The Soviet Union
maintained its dominance over the Warsaw Pact crushed the Hungarian
Revolution of 1956, suppressing the Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia in
1968, supporting the suppression of the Solidarity movement in Poland in
the early 1980s. The Soviet Union against the United States in a series of
proxy wars around the world including the Korean War and Vietnam War.
Since the Soviet Union continued to maintain tight control of the sphere of
influence in Eastern Europe, the Cold War gave way to recession and a
more complicated pattern of international relations in the 1970s when the
world is not clear that it is divided two completely opposing blocs, I would
say that the Soviet Union is the vanguard of America acting invisible and
quiet. The two superpowers were partially recognize the common interest in
trying to control the further spread and proliferation of nuclear weapons in
treaties such as SALT I, SALT II, and the ABM. The US-Soviet relations
deteriorated after the start of nine-year Soviet war in Afghanistan in 1979
and 1980 election of Ronald Reagan, a staunch anti-communist, but
improved in the Soviet bloc began to unravel in the late 1980s. With the
collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia lost its superpower status that
won the Second World War. Seemingly at least.

Khrushchev and Brezhnev years

Yuri Gagarin was announced as the first man in space who sent the Soviet
Union. Lord. The power struggle that erupted after the death of Stalin in
1953, closer to the fans lost out. Nikita Khrushchev solidified his position in
a speech before the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party in 1956
detailing Stalin's atrocities. In 1964, Khrushchev was impeached by the
Central Committee of Communist Party Committee, charging him with a
series of errors that included Soviet setbacks such as the Cuba missile
crisis. After a brief period of collective leadership, a veteran bureaucrat,
Leonid Brezhnev, Khrushchev took the place of Stalin, Brezhnev was
followed by an emphasis on heavy industry, and also tried to facilitate
relations with the United States. In the 1960s the USSR was the largest
producer and exporter of oil and natural gas. Khruschev and Brezhnev
years were the era of Soviet science and industry peaked. First nuclear
power plant in the world in 1954 in Obninsk. Baikal Amur Mainline built. The
Soviet space program, founded by Sergey Korolev, was very successful. On
October 4, 1957 Soviet Union launched the first satellite Sputnik space.
On April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin became the first man to travel into space
when the Soviet spacecraft Vostok 1. More recently, the Soviet Union built
the first space station in the world, Salyut, which in 1986 replaced by the
Mir, the first consequence of long inhabited space station from 1986 to

Dissolution of the Union

Two developments dominated the decade that followed: the increasingly
apparent collapse of economic and political structures of the Soviet Union,
and the patchwork attempts at reforms to reverse this process. After the
rapid succession of former KGB chief Yuri Andropov's and Konstantin
Chernenko, transitional figures with deep roots in tradition Brezhnevite,
Mikhail Gorbachev announced perestroika in an attempt to modernize
Soviet communism, and made significant changes in leadership
kommatos.Ostoso, Gorbachev's social reforms resulted in unintended
consequences. Because the policy of glasnost, to facilitate public access to
information after decades of oppression by government, social issues
received wider public attention, undermining the authority of the Communist
Party. In the revolutions of 1989, the Soviet Union lost its satellites in
Eastern Europe. Glasnost allowed ethnic and nationalist resentment to
reach epifaneia.Polles republics, especially the Baltic republics, Georgia
and Moldova SSR SSR, called for greater autonomy, which Moscow was
willing to provide. Gorbachev attempts at economic reform were not
adequate and the Soviet Government left intact most of the key elements of
the communist economy. Suffering from low pricing of oil and gas, ongoing
war in Afghanistan, industry, and pervasive corruption, outdated, Soviet-
planned economy has proved ineffective, and by 1990 the Soviet
government had lost control over economic conditions. Because of price
controls, there were shortages of almost all products, reaching its peak at
the end of 1991, when people had to stand in long lines and be lucky
enough to buy even the essentials. Democratic control and was loose, too,
and began to assert their national sovereignty over Moscow. The tension
between the Soviet Union and Russian SFSR authorities came to be
personified in the bitter power struggle between Gorbachev and Boris
Yeltsin. displace the policy of the Union in 1987 Gorbachev, Yeltsin, who
represented himself as a loyal Democrat, presented a significant opposition
in principle Gkormpatsof.Se a remarkable reversal of fortune, got elected as
the new chairman of the Russian Federation Supreme the Soviet in May
1990. Next month, he secured legislation giving Russian laws priority over
Soviet laws and withholding two thirds of proupologismou.Stin first Russian
presidential election in 1991, Yeltsin became president of the Russian
SFSR. Finally Gorbachev tried to restructure the Soviet Union into a less
centralized state. However, on August 19, 1991, a coup against Gorbachev,
conspired with senior Soviet, was attempted. The coup was facing serious
Democratic opposition and collapsed in three days, but dissolution of the
Union was imminent. The Russian government took over the institutions of
government in the Soviet Union territory. Given the dominance of the
Russians in the Soviet Union no longer with any distinction between Russia
and the Soviet Union before the end of the 1980s. In the Soviet Union,
Russian SFSR only lacked even the paltry instruments of statehood that
other democracies have, as its level of democracy in the Communist Party
branch, boards of trade unions, Academy of Sciences, and the like. The
Communist Party of the Soviet Union was banned in Russia in 1991-1992,
although it has received clearance ever attended, and many members were
on Russian officials. However, as the Soviet government remains opposed
to market reforms, the economic situation continued to deteriorate. By
December 1991, the lack led to the introduction of food rationing in Moscow
and St. Petersburg for the first time since the Second World War. Russia
received humanitarian food aid from abroad. After Belavezha agreements,
the Supreme Soviet of Russia, Russia withdrew from the Soviet Union on
December 12. The Soviet Union officially ended on December 25, 1991,
and the Russian Federation (former Russian Soviet Federal Socialist
Republic came to power on December 26. The Russian government has
lifted price controls in January 1992. Prices have increased dramatically, but
shortages disappeared .

History of Post-Soviet Russia

Although Yeltsin came to power on a wave of optimism, never recovered his

popularity after the adoption of "Yegor Gaidar treatment of shock" ending of
the Soviet price control era, drastic cuts in government spending and a open
trade regime for foreigners, in early 1992 (see Russian economic reform in
the 1990s). The reforms affected the living standards of much of the
population. In the 1990s Russia suffered an economic downturn was
somewhat way more serious than the United States and Germany had
undergone six decades earlier in the Great Depression. hyperinflation hit the
ruble, the monetary overhang from the days of the planned economy.
Meanwhile, the abundance of small parties and aversion to coherent
alliances left the chaotic legislature. During 1993, Yeltsin's rift with the
parliamentary leadership led to the September-October 1993 constitutional
crisis. The crisis culminated on October 3, when Yeltsin chose a radical
solution to settle the dispute with the Parliament: he called up tanks to shell
the Russian White House, blasting the opponents. As Yeltsin was taking the
unconstitutional step of dissolving the legislature, Russia came close to a
serious political conflict. Yeltsin was then free enforce the current Russian
constitution with strong presidential powers, approved by referendum in
December 1993. The consistency of the Russian Federation also
threatened, when the Republic of Chechnya tried to escape, resulting in two
bloody conflicts. Consolidated financial reforms a semi-criminal oligarchy
with roots in the old Soviet system. Advised by Western governments, the
World Bank and International Monetary Fund, Russia launched the largest
and fastest privatization that the world had ever seen to reform the Soviet
economy fully nationalized. Since the mid-decade, retail, trade, services,
and crafts were in private hands. Most large companies have gained from
their old masters, which makes a new rich (Russian tycoons) in league with
criminal mafias or Western investors. By the mid-1990s, Russia had a
multilateral system of electoral politics. But it was more difficult to establish
a representative government, because of two structural problems-the
struggle between the president and the parliament and the anarchic party

Dmitry Medvedev with Vladimir Putin

Meanwhile, the central government had lost control of the localities,

bureaucracy, and economic fiefdoms. Tax revenues have collapsed. Even
in deep recession since the mid-1990s, Russia's economy hardest hit by the
economic collapse of 1998. After the economic crisis of 1998, Yeltsin was at
the end of political career. Only a few hours before the first day of 2000,
Yeltsin made a surprise announcement of his resignation, leaving the
government in the hands of little-known Prime Minister Vladimir Putin,
former KGB official and head after the Soviet KGB-successor agency
FSBTo 2000 The new acting president defeated his opponents in the
presidential election on March 26, and won a landslide 4 years later.
International observers have been alarmed by the end of 2004 moves to
further tighten control over the presidency from parliament, civil society and
regional leaders. In 2008, Dmitry Medvedev, a former chairman of Gazprom
and Putin's chief of staff, was elected new president of Russia.
However, the return to a socialist command economy seemed almost
impossible, meeting widespread relief in the West. Russia ended in 2006
with the eighth consecutive year of growth, averaging 6.7% annually since
the financial crisis of 1998. Despite the fact that high oil prices and a
relatively cheap ruble initially led to this development, since 2003 consumer
demand and, more recently, investment have played an important role.
Russia is far ahead of other resource-rich countries in economic growth,
with a long tradition of education, science and industry
You what would you say;
. So here the cards:
1. Take a Pen
2. Dip it in your mind
3. Write three sentences that you say in front of all the thieves who govern
4. Invite those who want
I would say:
Find any one career for their children and grandchildren, the twins,
Margaret, Alexia, Paul and the other offspring, you open a business of a
bank, something not provided we upload to our rule and then 40 - 50 years!
Routiniasame now!
Tell me honestly, with such faces you, you will ... you vote?
The embassy normally stick stamps?
I will not, force a play tion by listing name, you're all friends welcome.

Expropriation and new food in supermarkets by anti-authoritarians and

share them to passers consumers. Perhaps so "worse" understand the
government and kapitaLISTES incapacitated?
June 14, 2008
And new anti-authoritarian raids in supermarkets!
This time the raid was "double" and was this afternoon at two supermarkets
in the district of Saint Panteleimon. According to cops, the Raiders, who
belong to the antiauthoritarian space expropriation of food, which split a
nearby public market.
Anarchists' Robin of Athens, went as guests at the supermarket DIA, at the
junction of rosin and Acharnon Veropoulos and store, at the junction and
Remoundou Pergamon. Carts filled with food and left without paying. Then
went to the nearby flea market and began to divide. Realized, however,
police officers arrived at the point and, to the satisfaction of bystanders who
have had enough with profiteering, the accuracy and the inability of the
Karamanlis government-free.
Recalled that a similar incident had occurred a few weeks ago Exarchia
when antiauthoritarians expropriation of foodstuffs from Sklavenitis and
handed out to consumers in the popular market Kallidromiou!
These are the associated poverty and the disappearance of the middle
class, lifting images and practices from other eras, such as "dosas" and
"notebook," the swindle of soupermaketadon and industry and above all the
Government of the incapacitated ( Karamanlis and Sia) found things in
Posted on GREEK decline BUSINESS KAPITALISMOS, Economy,
Globalization | 55 Comments »
Slap on ECB Atlantistes and big business from "no" Irish Lisbon Treaty
June 13, 2008
16 hours after the closure of the ballot box in the most hotly debated
referendum last three years, 'small' Ireland of 3 million voters (of whom did
not vote or even half) decided in a referendum for the entire European
Union of 500 million (the third largest population after India and China) that
the famous Treaty of Lisbon should be placed where it deserves, namely
the "dustbin of history" before they even apply. European public opinion,
began the afternoon to be informed of the results of the first verdict of the
Irish folk who were invited to approve the referendum yesterday to the
Treaty of Lisbon to the so-called "Reform Treaty" signed on December 19,
2007 after a endless "Take Give" in a session marked by the media across
Europe in an unprecedented "oriental bazaar, from 1.1.2009 to become law
in all 27 EU countries
If the ballot utter a 'yes', then the 27 governments were happy because the
treaty would energopoieito since all national parliaments were to vote, but
not the people of 27 countries. Now that the ballot took 'no', perhaps finally
realizing that except evrotechnokrates, Commissioners, the European
Central Bank and the lobby in the European Parliament, there are ... 500
million EU citizens, workers, professionals, producers, unemployed,
housewives, pensioners farmers, consumers, etc., who are condemned to
silence about the future of Europe has been the case of some few.
Note that only the Irish government has respected the "sovereign people"
(yes, the Irish people in 2001 voted against the Nice Treaty, with a rate
53.9%). The remaining 26 decided "for fear of the Jews" to bring to vote the
treaty in national parliaments, which "painted" in our country the political
developments of the previous 24 hours with the letters and correspondence
exchanged by the PASOK leader George Papandreou former Prime
Minister Costas Simitis on the referendum.
Fri that a first-look-epidermal any "yes" to the Irish Treaty would seem to
favor the Europeans and respectively "no" that dominated that favors the
anti-European forces, the eurosceptic and apomonotistes in reality there are
many Europeans who claim that this is just the opposite. It was back
"through the back door of the convicted public opinion in Europe"
constitution "had voted against the 2005 French and Dutch citizens
(typically returned to 80% of Internet content) and thus losing a large voting
result would majority 'yes', it was the European idea. 'Aloste, the major
European visionaries, from Adenauer and de Gaulle until Mitterrand, would
be diametrically opposed to 300selido text and how their pension as signed
by 25 prime ministers.
Loser is the EU Losers are the deletion of any federal perspective that
regards even "minor" points, so for example the flag or the anthem as
demanded by the fans' atlantistes (English, Polish, etc.) adopt the
"preventive war" that accepts the "Lisbon Treaty" because of U.S. pressure,
the absence of any reference in Europe cohesive society and the
environment, the failure to integrate foundational Charter Rights as binding
(valid Law Review recently wrote that it is not binding content and
eliminated the requirement for integrating two par excellence filoatlantikes
countries such as England and Poland) for Member States, the statutory
monitoring of citizens, the setback on the issue of veto, the abandonment of
the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the strengthening of enforcement
mechanisms (police force, Eurojust, Frontex, etc.). But mostly losers are the
leaders among 27 "cheese and pear" last December in an endless oriental
bazaar made incredible clearing such between Italy and also France where
the first will have 73 or 74 seats as the second Parliament of Austria distract
postponement of legal action against it for five years in response to quotas
set by the acceptance of foreign students in universities , of which Bulgaria
won the right to tell citizens of the euro, as appropriate in their own
language, Poland, which "has achieved what he wanted" as stated
complacent after the December 19 signing of President Lech Kaczynski's or
Britain since the Gordon Brown used the press conference that followed
then neither one nor two but 19 times in celebration of t the term "British
national interest."
And, perhaps, most importantly, has failed the psychological blackmail
naked in the last 24 hours brought the Irish people. Just 72 hours before
opening the ballot box, the French Foreign Minister Bernard Kushner,
warned that the Irish will be the first victims of a "no" in yesterday's
referendum, adding that such a result would not understand Europe. "They
have benefited more than others," she said of the Irish in the Kushner radio
network RTL. The Kushner, no chance, had used the word "isolation". He
said that isolation is not the appropriate way to deal with the Treaty and that
"contrary to punish the Irish." And it recalls that "the development of
industries that are thriving since we are at the heart of Europe, Europe
needs to develop towards the Lisbon Treaty. Indeed, to boost the 'yes' the
Irish people, was led to resign, a year after his reelection, Prime Minister
Bertie Ahern, and the involvement of his name in case the scandal will
probably egerne the balance of undecided voted 'no' and it is no
coincidence that gave Prime Minister and party leader in hardcore
referendum on the issue of former Economy Minister Brian Cowan, and
blackmail-type intervention had brought before both the European
Commission President José Manuel Barroso and the EP President Hans-
Gert Petering.
Also unpleasant impression caused other statements of European leaders,
such as the French Prime Minister Fillon Francoisps who said yesterday
that "there will be no Treaty of Lisbon if the Irish reject" unless we resume
dialogue with the Irish people ", which hides under pressure to become a
new referendum.
PS: Already European governments began to speak "whisper" to another
referendum for the isolation of Ireland, etc.
Y.G.2: said and written by parrots evroatlantiston of the international media
that 800 thousand Irish "punish" 500 million Europeans. Apparently unaware
that most of these 500 million (other than something "shopping" is) do not
agree at all with the ECB and Trichet's coming out every so often to look
and toupee to tell the most incredible erudite blah of type 2,3 % of
production costs dictated wage freeze "... He wants to get rid of and not the
European vision and good will to stop sometime spoof stereotypes about"
rigid evrofovikon "since they are a small minority among Western European
Greek data - Apokalyptiko video is not lost!
Apart from the father or the Metallinos to present and address confirms
Kissinger, the newspaper "turkish daily" confirms the press on 17 February
1991, what was said by Kissinger. Do away by laoplanous serving the
interests of multinationals and pagkosmiopoiisis.To what happens behind
the curtain is described. Away from partisan labels emerges and whitewash

Archaeological site delightful Serres

  underestimate the knowledge to understand the ancient peoples who

demonstrated many times was much more advanced than ours.
And for the record, A. Volta in 1800 built the "first" battery in exactly the
same materials ....

  features, small hands and blue eyes. The capital of culture in the south
Toltekikou Tiachouanako is called by the Peruvians have been built white-
bearded men long before the time of the Incas. (Vl.Persy Harissa Fosett:
"Exploration"). Finally, even today the Araoukanoi Chile claiming to be
descendants of ancient Sparta who arrived on the shores of South America!
It is white and numbering 360,000 members. The Ancient Greeks
discovered America long before Columbus and there are too many proofs ...
.. The purpose of this article is to restore a historical reality lismonimenis
some deliberately distorted to serve the
The jar was discovered near Bimini in the Bahamas, with Cretan jar set out
in the Museum of Heraklion!. Another great explorer Percy Harrison Fawcett
discovered the remains of ancient Greek civilization .. in South America and
indigenous peoples who supported their Greek origin, and spoke an ancient
Greek dialect. Unfortunately Fawcett in a survey guided by indigenous
people in the ancient Greek town Xavante disappeared forever in the jungle
A "real fairytale" by those who do not ever written ...
At some distant time in the distant Western Europe (America in the modern
version) came flying with artificial wings a God named Incari.I tradition of
people saying that God Incari 'be sent by the gods who inhabited the earth
before the existence of the sun moon, and identifying it with the word
ellinikotati "Ñaupamachus "!!!( Nafpafmachous-NAF (T) + Pan + =
NAFPANMACHOUS BATTLE!) to build a city, and create the I (n) if ka.Tora
wondering what use artificial wings in one God, you gelaso.Oi residents,
however, illustrate the way God,
A strange discovery was made in 1997 in South Africa came last from the
shadows. These are some of rotating beads in which the owner had not
given much importance when found. But now came to be a mystery from the
past billion years old ...! The mysterious balls have a diameter of 30 to 50
mm and is made from a too-hard material was discovered at the mine
Gestopiesfontein South Africa by John Hund, buried in a limestone called
pyrofyllitis. Originally played with them like a nice game, like someone
playing the rosary in the cafe, because the beads had the ability to rotate
around the axis of. But as Mr. Hund was still playing, he observed the
perfect balance that, the beads rotated.
The matter was intrigued and decided to go to the Space Institute in
California to submit a more detailed examination. The result was more than
"expected: the equilibrium level of the beads were so large as to exceed the
measurement systems for laboratories and - obviously - the manufacturing
capabilities of the laboratory, which we take into account that manufactures
gyro compasses for NASA. Hi ... The spread of pellets from the perfect
balance around "the axis of the finally determined in one hundredth of a
millimeter of an inch (ie: 1/100.000 of an inch)!
More thorough investigation showed that the beads are not perfectly
spherical but slightly elongated. As for the interior: other substance
containing a sponge or other sort of charcoal.
The mysterious objects they raised the interest of several research centers
and laboratories who wish to undertake further studies on them. However, a
strong indication that the past of humanity and the planet generally hidden
riddles can scarcely imagine, and leaves open the possibility that our
modern technological culture is not necessarily the highest that has
inhabited the Earth ... Besides, myths and traditions of many cultures in both
East and West refer to cultures lost in time, with the highest technological
The town which he called the city looking for "G" ... Finally, let us see
domain names and gods that remain even today Greek: Dion-If = =
Dionysos.Irakan Hercules Melanonisia = black Islands, Micronesia = Small
Islands, Polynesia = Many islands , Philip-Ness, k.l.p.Stin Caribbean island
is Andros Island and Rhode Island., and the Hawaiian island of Samos!. and
to prevent "qualified" to run again, citing hits to challenge, and I quote part
by rich photographic material, which eliminates any such possibility .

At least for those who are open-kai themselves with the power of a
lead weight of a falling isotachos an hourglass with sand. To start
the show enough to pull the rope in front of the auto mobile vasis.To
theater Heron reconstructed
first time in 1997 by Mr. D. Kalligeropoulos, Mechanical and
NTUA, Dr. of Technical Sciences in auto
professor of control and TEI Piraeus (Report presented to the
Ancient Greek, Roman technology in the market of Thessaloniki
and currently in the Science Center (formerly the Technical
Museum) in Thessaloniki. Rebuilt again in 2002 and presented the
exhibition "Ancient Greek Technology" at the Technopolis
Athinon.Ston foreword book "The Aftomatopoiitiki of Heron of
xandreos (Editions Contemporary Publishing) writes: "The
automatic theaters
Heron is a work of art, yet a high technologies. With his
Aftomatopoiitiki, a very complex creature of Hellenistic art;
words, in that at ἀφορᾷ planning, no distinction between a
modern programmable logic robot is theater, sculpture, painting;
Food, poetry and art. Presented a performance becomes a public
spectacle, with
exclusively for admiration, "its dramatic theory. Innovation, which
introduced, not only technological. It is an innovation in art. He is
a curtain opened at the new arts. Where joy does not
just the viewer, but also the creator, who succeeded in the artificial
the world, so "as if the veracity ginoito" became like all in
reality. The names that are engraved: Torquay, Matyo, Leeds,
Mateio, it is seen Taroutina Thracian origin.
Reference to the origin of the name in the book aftonginetai:
Inscriptiones Graecae (Academiae Scientiarum Germanicae Editae)
Berolini MCMLXXII.
Macedonians also an inscription with the name Torquay hosted on
page 243 of the referenced book:
Cassander Torquay
This self-zos
They live and that Ma
Despite punch and teknois
insulators and Torquay irosi
resurrected grave
zns year. Loou l
The woman's name is Mateio and other related signs of Macedon
chorou.I inscription saying how great was the influence of the
ancient Thracian Macedonians in the general area of Serres. Than
that published by Bisaltia found in one place and another legend.
But I do not think there is a correlation between the two
epigrafon.G.Echedoros - I want to thank the author k.G.Echedoro
for the interest shown and the translation of the inscription. And
while the umpteenth time, published data and information on the
archaeological site, and people outside the delightful show
continuing interest, it seems that this delightful not touched and not
NO. The only exception, the president of the Cultural Association
k.G.Toulaki that republish the themes of the Cultural blog and make
some efforts for the club to promotion, and organizing events within
the area, as happens to all the ancient sites in Greece, but
delightful!. And created some reasonable questions: Why suddenly
stopped the excavation of the time there were serious indications
(signs of obvious) for whole buildings buried in the area? These
findings taken away because other county and decorate County
Museum next door, not the Museum of Serres-(and why not a small
museum in delightful). Because the area is allowed to be destroyed
slowly and systematically? (A recent visit found within the area of
sheep (!) to graze on the columns and marbles, a totally
embarrassing picture!) Why do so systematically hiding place from
the archaeological department are there interests are threatened by
the emergence of? And then what about the pleasant? press and
inform you of t . k.Vouleftes our views during the flash, leaving the
events in the village, or fear of not embarrassing? Where are all
those who had entered Terpniotes <forefront of>> the effort for the
promotion of the municipality, local authorities, because they all
mean a coordinated <deafening lights out>>? Unfortunately if
something is not done immediately, the rains, the grass, our
indifference, and ... sheep will continue their destructive work, and
the second largest archaeological site of Serres in a few years
would only <... stones, bricks, tiles and random errimmena ..>>-
"VISALTIS" - (This post is not simply aim xanafragei space, be
inaccessible and be left to chance tou.Antitheta open, be made
directly to visitors, and continue anaskafes.Episis not attacking
anyone, but just make statements and ask questions.)
/ /

• KanonikoSynthikiorismouListaorismonDiefthynsi "Hercules was a

geologist and engineer world" January 30, 2010
Historical person who came to Canada was the Hercules of Greek
mythology, according to Professor of Geology, Elias
MariolakoEftase thousand years before Alexander the Great to the
Indus River. Come in from Ethiopia, reached the Greenland and
perhaps first stepped foot in America. One of the most famous
heroes of world mythology, [...] Bisaltia
• Travel to the land of the Gods January 30, 2010
var addthis_pub = "visaltis"; Bisaltia
• The Nebra sky disk and the Greeks, January 29, 2010
The good and the falsification Histories History is an interpretation
of material and intangible culture of each era. Good Story. The
other, written, remains the authority of the rulers and the winners.
So let us read the history not only of today's historians, but mainly
by the evidence, the material of an era 3600 years ago. Known
findings [...] Bisaltia
• Greek standards - Apokalyptiko video is not lost! January 28, 2010

Apart from the father or the Metallinos to present and address

confirms Kissinger, the newspaper "turkish daily" confirms the press
on 17 February 1991, what was said by Kissinger. Do away by
laoplanous serving the interests of multinationals and
pagkosmiopoiisis.To what happens behind the curtain does not
describe [...] Bisaltia
• Xeftila.Oi Ministry of celebrities (a) Culture bainoyn not bother to
write a text and ignore procedures already completed. January 28,
GEROULANE Watch where you put the MAS.GIA SIGNATURE
THE OTHER IS NOT INTERESTED IN OUR ... The question tabled
in Parliament a few days ago, the MP LAOS Il.Polatidis on the
archaeological site of delightful Serres said the surprise
Yp.Politismou.I all very well the answer was ... a photocopy of the
previous letter sent by the Type [...] Bisaltia
• The history January 28, 2010
We have become accustomed to Greece to praise the obvious, 'but
the following story is idietairotita tis.Enas our fellow people from the
island decides to build spiti.Kata the excavation of the site is located
in front of a tomb of the Geometric period 3000 years! After the first
shock starting with all known recommendations made in these
cases [...] Bisaltia
OF .... January 27, 2010
RESEARCH GROUP PAFSANIASStin junction of Herefondos
Lysikratous and the plate is the church of St. Catherine. It is a
Byzantine church and dated to the second quarter of the 11th
century. In the beginning was dedicated to Saint Theodore, and
then in 1767 became a dependency of the Monastery of Sinai and
was dedicated to St Catherine .... But what [...] Bisaltia
• Virtual Tour of the Cathedral of St. Sophia January 27, 2010
The splendor of Hagia Sophia with the help of a superb
presentation technology using the technology of internal and
external spaces of St. Sophia. Browse through the courtyard and
marble fountain which bore the famous Palindrome "NIPSON
ANOMIMATA NOT MONAN consideration" to the gates and main
nao.Deite edoPatontas it (here) if it [...] Bisaltia
• H high fraud (?) With the monument Stonehenge January 26,
The revelation that will make the National Geographic magazine in the
January issue will be shocked the world of archeology and opened in 2010
with one of the biggest scientific frauds in history. In an article entitled
"Stonehenge, the great fraud," the online edition of the U.S., the
archaeologist Mike Parker Pearson raises the shall be released [...] Bisaltia
• Why work? Kane and you an NGO, you can! January 26, 2010
NGOs: The lucrative investment. There are no angel ... I remember the
complaints had come to the broadcast Chardavella for a guy who had 9
(nine), NGOs and admitted (by mistake) to get funds from the Ministry of the
Interior for the "public interest" in action? Nobody dealt with this great - a
scandal while continuing efforts to find the stoRY
Corwall, the horn is loose. When the text tells the story of the Greeks!

And the jar was discovered near Bimini in the Bahamas, with Cretan jar set
out in the Museum of Heraklion!. Another great explorer Percy Harrison
Fawcett discovered the remains of ancient Greek civilization .. in South
America and indigenous peoples who supported their Greek origin, and
spoke an ancient Greek dialect. Unfortunately Fawcett in a survey guided by
indigenous people in the ancient Greek city Xavante disappeared forever in
zougkla.Tin city which he called the city looking for the "G" ... Finally, let's
look at domain names and gods that remain even today Greek:
Dion-If = Dionysus. Thes = Hercules Melanonisia = black Islands,
Micronesia = Small Islands, Polynesia = many islands, Philip Ness-fiber = -
lines of Philip Def-fiber = fiber - the NA lines, etc.
In the Caribbean, the island is Andros Island and Rhode Island. And
in the Hawaiian islands Samos!.
And to prevent "qualified" to run again, citing hits to challenge, and I quote
part of photographic material, which eliminates any such
pithanotita.Toulachiston for those with an open mind …….

The names that are engraved: Torquay, Matyo, Leeds, Mateio, it is seen
Taroutina Thracian origin.
Reference to the origin of the name in the book aftonginetai: Inscriptiones
Graecae (Academiae Scientiarum Germanicae Editae) Berolini MCMLXXII.
Macedonians also an inscription with the name Torquay hosted on page
243 of the referenced book:
Cassander Torquay, He zos himself, and live together that Ma, Da and
teknois Despite
insulators and Torquay irosi, resurrected the tomb, zns year. Loou l
The woman's name is Mateio and other related signs of Macedon chorou.I
inscription saying how great was the influence of the ancient Thracian
Macedonians in the general area of Serres. Than that published by Bisaltia
found in one place and another legend. But I do not think there is a
correlation between the two epigrafon.G.Echedoros - I want to thank the
author k.G.Echedoro for the interest shown and the translation of the
inscription. And while the umpteenth time, published data and information
on the archaeological site, and people outside the delightful show continuing
interest, it seems that this delightful not touched and not NO. The only
exception, the president of the Cultural Association k.G.Toulaki that
republish the themes of the Cultural blog and make some efforts for the club
to promotion, and organizing events within the area, as happens to all the
ancient sites in Greece, but delightful!. And created some reasonable
questions: Why suddenly stopped the excavation of the time there were
serious indications (signs of obvious) for whole buildings buried in the area?
These findings taken away because other county and decorate County
Museum next door, not the Museum of Serres-(and why not a small
museum in delightful). Because the area is allowed to be destroyed slowly
and systematically? (A recent visit found within the area of sheep (!) to
graze on the columns and marbles, a totally embarrassing picture!) Why do
so systematically hiding place from the archaeological department are there
interests are threatened by the emergence of? And then what about the
pleasant? press and inform you of t . k.Vouleftes our views during the flash,
leaving the events in the village, or fear of not embarrassing? Where are all
those who had entered Terpniotes <forefront of>> the effort for the
promotion of the municipality, local authorities, because they all mean a
coordinated <deafening lights out>>? Unfortunately if something is not done
immediately, the rains, the grass, our indifference, and ... sheep will
continue their destructive work, and the second largest archaeological site
of Serres in a few years would only <... stones, bricks, tiles and random
errimmena ..>> is not simply aim xanafragei space, be inaccessible and be
left to chance tou.Antitheta open, be made directly to visitors, and continue
anaskafes.Episis not attacking anyone, but just make statements and ask

Chernigov Valey Ukraine, Greek map

The use of cement in Lions Gate - predate the Roman expertise
Pratirisa even that is a mixture of one part cement. As I mentioned in a short
article "Dhavlos, the gateway to the wall of the castle, including the tomb of
Atreus is concrete (concrete) as the walls of the castle, around, around. In
the pictures we can see that the gate has two rectangular parallelepipeds,
with the difference that the top of the gate above mixture was added to
enhance the kentrou.Echo photos (one with a red line for verification of so-
called). At the bottom broke corner and added later. - New Chamsa'i'r
St.Manakos-US-webegreek @ hotmail.com
(See letter k.Manakou the "torch" for download in high resolution photos
here and here
There is a 'mummy' Agamemnon 'Why we hide the truth?

There is finally the mummy of Agamemnon?

The data from the notes of Schliemann and the adoption of the ministry of
culture "Troy, Mycenae, Tiryns, Orchomenos, 1990 where there is a photo
of oil painting that shows the mummy.
O Schliemann himself narrates the incident of finding the dead:
"The round face with all his flesh was wonderfully preserved beneath the
heavy golden mask. There was no trace of hair, but two distinct perfect
eyes, and mouth, which because of the huge weight had been accepted, it
was wide open, revealing 32 beautiful teeth. All the doctors who came to
see him dead concluded from the teeth that the man must have died at the
young age of 35 years. The nose had completely disappeared.
Without comment later anakoiosi of the Greek press said: "... the dead fully
in the picture long ago had mold my imagination for the powerful
Agamemnon. News travels quickly, people get excited, "was found dead
Agamemnon, the legendary king of Mycenae. Time to learn the truth about
this important discovery!
(Newspaper article from the "radical"-Sunday, November 3, 1996)
"We say that the excavations at the archaeological site" Palaiokastro
 Recent days have brought to light maximum and priceless finds from
ancient Greek city of Visaltia and estimated by the archaeologists, who
supervise the ongoing excavations revealed Greek city life is more than 800
years, ie from the 4th X the 4th century AD Century ". The above mentioned
document to the Community delightful Serres, dated 15/7/93, addressed to
then Minister of Public Works of the Southwest, Achilleas Karamanlis. The
community is requesting grant 100 million drachmas for the completion of
excavation. At the same time and in the same issue documents to the
Department of Antiquities Ministry of Culture, sent IH Prehistoric and
Classical Antiquities, Kavala, which requested funding for the excavation to
delightful, which for three years has stopped.
The history of this excavation is as follows: In 1981 the top of the hill, the
ancient city made extensive leveling an arbitrary attempt to install a religious
camp club, aborted attempt to prosecute those responsible. This was
followed by a program of rescue excavations in the location of the damage
and determine the boundaries of the site. The excavation became a regular
after the investigation was entrusted to the archaeologist Mariana Karaberis
first excavation of the area, the contribution of the conservator, C.
Xylapetsidi, the sergeant of the Museum of Serres, P. Rizos, and architect
T. Fellini revealed a complex of Roman times and found an oldest building
phase of the 4th century in the deeper layers. The continuation of the
excavations brought to light complex linon 2nd AD century monumental
Roman basilica, whose existence was known from an ancient legend award,
citing construction of a basilica with a podium and three houses. This
arched structure rare in Greece, but ordinary public building of the Roman
Forum. Also, the excavation revealed part of the wall that surrounded the
citadel at length over 150 meters, while in the same area in 1969,
Macedonia was discovered tomb Ipponaktou and Dioscorides, two brothers
who belonged to upper social class. In one finds plenty of pottery and coins
from the period from the 4th to the 1st century BC, and the period from the
2nd to the 4th century AD
Gaps in research then the Prefecture of Serres has allocated 10 million
drachmas, carried through the Ephorate Community pleasant with which the
excavation proceeded, and found most of the basilica. At the same time, the
R EPCA, in a letter dated 9/8/93, requesting the Ministry of Culture ekat.gia
70 credits to complete the excavation of the basilica and the construction of
shelters in the basilica, the band linon and Makedoniko grave. This money
was never granted. You almost do not give credits and 13 million were
approved by the Ministry when the Government was Southwest, which will
be disbursed by the County Tameio.Me these funds should be paid the
wages of workers, operators and hoeing machines Suppliers of tools. But
the next PASOK government disagreed with the approved appropriations for
the considered "election services." After protests from the 13 million
drachmas issued by the Ministry of Culture, namely the appropriation Lotto.
Since then ... the mess after the culture ministry "not capable" of finance
and of course the credits Inspectorate is not enough. With only four million
allocated by the county took the fence of the site and built the roof of the
basilica, while the area is guarded by only one guard and he
apospasmenos.I stop the excavation for three years, creating large gaps in
the historical and archaeological research of ancient Visaltia. The excavator
says "could this area be included in WFP's Community, but also preceded
by a significant Amphipolis." However, if redistribution of funds is likely the
last time be included in the WFP and the excavation delightful. For the
history of the region Visaltia have very little information from Herodotus and
Strabo. The second says that "in the north of Amphipolis lived Bisaltia. Their
country extended to the town of Ira'klejas and held a lush valley that
crossed the Strymon. Thucydides says Bisaltia was in Macedonia, because
the boundaries of the kingdom of Macedonia had expanded the Strymon the
time of Alexander A. In the Visaltia is the ancient city of Vergi, especially
since the rich mines of silver and give the cut Bisaltia currencies. The
excavator believes that the findings of the excavation may belong to Stick, a
city that lives up to Roman times and this is confirmed by inscriptions. The
above scenario appears from an inscription on the market police control of
gold, and the accumulated potamolithara the region associated with the
processing of gold. Besides, in the IGME has established a production unit
of gold, and historical sources connecting the shaft and the wider Bisaltia
with precious metals
"Hercules was a geologist and engineer world '
• What are you doing there?

The answer lies in the findings of excavations carried out around Lake
Superior in Michigan. Suffice it to think that they have mined more than
500,000 tonnes of copper in the area where the prime source of copper in-
Cyprus-mined 200,000 tonnes. The extraction took place between 2450 BC
- 1050 BC, stops suddenly collapses when the Mycenaean civilization. And
all this in an area where natives were in the Stone Age!
Newspaper "The News" - "Macedonia ... and more"
In the presence of Hercules and other ancient Greeks in America and read
the two previous articles "VISALTIS" here and here.

από τον δρόμο το μέρος δείχνει έτσι


ας κατεβούμε λίγο χαμηλά όμως


And a piece of marble that blends harmoniously with the debris

and how a piece of marble in harmony with the debris ...

I think they are sufficient unto others ... And to cheers

4th and expropriation of goods from super market. Grateful citizens to state
leaders, including government, political parties, trade unions, citizens' sleep
standing up "...
And new anti-authoritarian raids in supermarkets! The New World
(supermarket Marinopoulos) was now June 30, the 4th largest expropriation
of food and detergent from antiexousastes as a symbolic act of precision.
With political parties, trade unions, citizens, the government has fallen into
aphasia and inertia, only anarchists react anymore and it is no coincidence
that they have won the sympathy of the world. With cheers and thanks
bystanders reacted today to the New World. Prior to the expropriation of
June 14 were "double" and took place at two supermarkets in the district of
Saint Panteleimon, and had again won the sympathy of the world and
enytyposeis, while the 1st it had taken place on 31 May (probably the
expropriations made by ... half).
PS Political parties, trade unions, citizens, government is not considered to
have responded as only a reaction not mere statements of (blah blah blah),
runs (will not be passed ", etc.) and a boycott of a plate (or is dropped by
values in milk where it should viriskontai not realize what we got?) ....

Champagnes open Karamanlis Sarkozy Berlusconi, Merkel ...

June 30, 2008
O PASOK leader George Papandreou was re-elected today president of the
"Socialist" International. The re-election, which was proposed by the
Electoral Commission's "Socialist" International, headed by the honorary
president of the International and former Prime Minister of France, Pierre
Moroua came unanimously by all 170 parties participating in the conference.
But the best thing was that for "all be accommodated" provided for 37 (just
30 ... was until now) posts vice-presidents. Note that the outgoing Bureau,
Vice-Chairman and ... Deniz Baykal (!) Who xefonithike however by the
international as well as established a common ideological impostor (and she
were alone ...) and openly right-wing nationalist. Interestingly, had the
position expressed by Tourism Minister Aris Spiliotopoulos and supported
the conference (whether we invited to speak because the meeting took
place in Greece summers to make tourism the participants?) That "the
opposition Right and Left are outdated. "To work with liberals and socialists
because the problems can be solved by one side or the other," said Tourism
Minister! M and M such that, the information that the Champs Elysees, in
the chancellery in Berlin and opened champagne at Maxim's (the ideological
clarity was achieved, not only for her ...) verified as untrue and vicious ...

Geopolitical Waterloo U.S. Indian. Energy axis Delhi - Tehran - Islamabad

and Moscow in the background ...!
Painful defeat seems to be a U.S. economic diplomacy in the Indian
subcontinent. India ready to sign until the end of July Mammoth agreement
with Iran and Pakistan worth 7.5 billion U.S. dollars, to create a pipeline
which will feed into the Indian market with Iranian natural gas. And certainly
no one doubts that in this way opens the way for conducting a second
phase of Russian fuel to the Indian Ocean.
The creation of the first pipeline is a "coverage" of Iran (a country hostile to
the U.S.) from two major regional powers (India, Pakistan) and also diminish
the U.S. role in the region. Recalled it, how to tour in early 2006, George
Bush had come out clearly against the creation of such a pipeline.
Moreover, the construction of this pipeline reverses the de facto U.S.
geopolitical plans "encirclement" of Rosias.Diloseis made today by Indian
Minister of Petroleum and Nteora madness and there is the slightest sign of
progress since Delhi nuclear agreement with Washington because of
pressure from the Left partners of the Indian government. In an interview
with Indian television network NDTV, and while the longer the meeting in
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on oil, Nteora said "there were some minor problems
were resolved ... Very soon, we will be able to sign an agreement with Iran
and Pakistan. The Indian oil minister, who spoke at the Jeddah meeting with
her Iranian counterpart Golamchosein Nozari said it resolved "some issues"
with Pakistan on pipeline IPI (Iran-Pakistan-India). The idea of construction
of the IPI was arrested in 1989, Indian and Iranian officials. These talks
began in 1994 but delayed initially due to tensions between the neighboring
nuclear powers India and Pakistan and then because of disagreements
about the cost of gas. The notification by the Indian Minister of Petroleum of
the imminent signing of a tripartite agreement for the IPI-which is a "red flag"
for Washington, comes in a context of increasing pressure to accept a
coalition government in India 'United Progress Alliance "in the Congress
Party by leftist partners, who have warned that they will withdraw their
support to the government if it goes to the nuclear agreement for peaceful
purposes with the U.S..
India, like China, is a diplomatic disease for years to secure energy
resources and creation of pipelines to reach the territory from neighboring
countries. This contrasts with American interests, and hampered by
speculation against the Indian economy in general and its dependence on
the current mood in Washington, while diminishing the role of "friendly
forces" operating today as the energy hub. Note and, as the Indian
economic diplomacy has been in contact with countries "hostile to U.S.
(Myanmar, Somalia, Iran) for access to fthiotera fuel necessary to maintain
high rates of growth. Note that after the preliminary agreements with
Islamabad in the 1990s and the looming upon progress, intervening as
'twins' nuclear tests by India and Pakistan (1998) coup of Pervez Musharraf
"very suddenly" the revival after many years of crisis in Kashmir. And
meanwhile, the prospect of openness of the Iranian economy in the energy
sector and in Indonesia, would bring "upside down" for Americans.
I wonder, should we expect a new U.S. reaction?

The Age of Charlemagne

Campaign rules and arbitration

Entries (country-player-color)
Carolingian Empire (Carolingian Frankish)-Konstantaras Harris - Red
Byzantine Empire (Thematic Byzantine) - Nick Pesmatzoglou - Yellow
Abbasid Caliphate (Abbasid Arab) - Ioannis Hatzopoulos - Black
Khanate Hazara (Khazar) - Dino Antoniades - Blue
Lombard kingdom (Italian Lombard) - Panagiotis dull - Pink
Bulgarian Khanate (Early Bulgar) - George Mani - Light Green
Asturias and Galicia Kingdom (Feudal Spanish) - Hector Charatsis - Purple
Emirate of Cordoba (Andalusian) - Tolis Zacharakis - Blue
African Arabs (Early Muslim in North Africa) - Miltos Michalopoulos - Grey
Vikings (Norse Viking) - George Pakos - deep green
Anglo-Saxons (Middle Anglo-Saxon) - Dimitri Monos - Bronze
Avars Khanate (Avar) - Spiro Mpogdanos - Orange
Kingdom Magyars (Magyar) - Nick Constantine - Brown
Christian Nubia (Christian Nubian) - Panos Papadopoulos - Gold
Vendon Confederation (Early Slav) - Costas Drosinis - White
Bulgars of Volga (new entry) - Antiochus Barzoukas - Petrola
Rus (new entry) - Thrasyvoulos Drakoulis - Deep Purple

Campaign Map
(Arrows show motions made and areas that have changed in the last round )

1. The "Age of Charlemagne" is a campaign that covers the geographical

area of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East around 800mCh.
Byzantium receives threats from everywhere, Charlemagne expanded the
empire, whereas Muslims have not yet said their last word

2. Countries and Prince


Available countries / peoples are: Karolidis Franks, the Byzantine Empire
Abbasid Caliphate, Khanate Hazara, Lombard Kingdom, Kingdom of
Asturias and Galicia, Bulgarian Khanate, Cordoba Emirate, North African
Arabs, Vikings, Kingdom of Mercia, Khanate Avars, Magyars Kingdom,
Christians Nouveau Vendon Confederation.
Depending on the historical strength and specific weight at the time,
reported countries are divided into major and minor
Karolidis Franks Lombard Kingdom
Byzantine Empire Bulgarian Khanate
Abbasid Caliphate Asturias, Galicia
Khanate Hazara Cordoba Emirate
North African Arabs
Mercedes Kingdom
Avars Khanate
Kingdom Magyars
Confederation Vendon
Christian Nubia


The impact of the classification of countries vary. The major countries
starting with 2 armies, while the minor will start with 1. Moreover, the armies
of major countries will start with 400 AP and can reach a 450, while the
small states AP 350 and can reach as well as 425. The original and any
new army will begin with a minimum roof AP (General exception: The ranks
of the Hazara will always start at the 375AR and can reach 450AR). It is
worth noting that the minor would benefit countries in the field to expand
and create new armies


The minor countries can become major class of power when fulfill certain
requirements that each country is different and depending on the historical
'intentions at the time.
3. Politics and Diplomacy


Each player is free to pursue its own policy. This means it can attack
anyone to form an alliance with any player. However, each player must see
the long term, and to heed what actions will maximize the harvest of
Prestige Points, by consulting the table provided.

Besides the above there is no other restriction for formation of alliances and
players are free to negotiate alliances or whatever they want against any
consideration they wish.
Example "will help you to face the double attack if I concessions before I
send my army the following cities ..."
When two countries form an alliance none can attack another as long as the
alliance relationship. This means that to attack someone in the ally will be a
tour to terminate the alliance and will be able to attack 2 rounds. As a
consequence affects the alliance relationship for a time the players. The
alliance may be secret or otherwise, and at the discretion of the player to
decide whether to reveal or not. But whatever has agreed to a coalition is no
bound to help an ally.
Example: In the spring force allied relations between the Byzantines and
Hazara. At the end of the spring moves the Hazara want to attack the
Byzantines. Summer denouncing the alliance and autumn can invade.

3.2.1 YPOTELEIS and domination

There may be times when the loser will be in a desperate, almost at the
mercy of the winner or moments that political considerations require
submission of a State to an attacker. Then since consented to the winner,
and unless other terms to be selected by the triumphant impose the loser
can become a vassal (vassal) of the winner. In this case you will be required
(exceptions) to provide allied continent (as an ally general) with specific roof
AP particular elements that can not be changed only every winter (during
the recruitment and support). The AP will be drawn from the army rulers as
well as to compensate losses from traffic and supply, but to compensate the
loss of the battle rests ypoteli.Ypotelis suzerain and have obligations and
advantages. The subordinate must be reconciled with the callings of
sovereignty, but won the 1 / 3 of Prestige Points to win the army engaged
the body. The suzerain automatically earn Prestige Points, and gives the
army a different complexion and do not care if lost data from Vassalos
because the vassal ruler needs to replenish. The state of subservience does
not break only when the suzerain suffered some defeat or state rulers no
longer adjacent to the tributary.

H each city on the map according to the historical value gives the holder a
number of AP AP These can be used in 2 ways:
To help replenish and strengthen the existing armies and allow the creation
of new armies.


The replacement and reinforcement of the armies is only every winter at the
end of movements. Each country according to the accounts department is
likely to enlist a certain percentage of all the AP at his disposal. The
following table shows the percentage recovery AP
Karolidis Franks Lombard Kingdom 18% 16%
Byzantine Empire Bulgarian Khanate 18% 16%
Abbasid Caliphate 19% of Asturias, Galicia 18%
Khanate Hazara 16% 17% Cordoba Emirate
North African Arabs 18%
Vikings 15%
Mercedes Kingdom 17%
Avars Khanate 16%
Magyars Kingdom 17%
Confederation Vendon 17%
Christian Nubia 17%
The amount available would be considered by multiplying the available AP
with the above proportion, and the result divided by the number of troops
that the player has. The final amount of AP is the AP can have a player on
each side of the individual. Gives the right to a player when the army
suffered terrible defeat and if there are additional armies, to provide ½ of the
AP belonging to another army, the army has a serious problem but the other
AP is lost.
Example: The Abbasid overall have held in late winter and 2 810 AP army.
This means they can devote to
replenish and strengthen the forces of 810 x 19% = 154. Each side is
entitled to 154 / 2 = 77AR. If an army is urgently needed aid then, in addition
to the AP that the right can take half of that AP
entitled to the other army that other 77 / 2 = 39AR. The rest are lost and the
other army does not take payments.
Apart from strengthening the armies, players can place AP to strengthen the
defense of fortified cities.


Each country, depending on the category begins with 1 or 2 armies. Over
time these armies will be strengthened and increased. New armies created
each time a player has available a number of AP in addition to the original,
and only within the city in its original territory. The threshold must be held by
the player are 400s of major countries and 325 for the minor. The new army
will begin with their respective ceilings.
Example. Bulgarians begin with 350AR. If unable to reach 675AR then
automatically creates a new army 350AR, within the original territory.
If at any time the top goes down, the army remains, and is supported by the
available AP


The year is divided into 4 seasons with each corresponding to one round of
play. In winter they can be aggressive movements (Exception: continued
siege / exclusion) only moves in the territory of the player


The move to shore will be in stages. The armies of each country they pass
through specific stages per round. The points for each traffic state are
Karolidis Franks Lombard Kingdom 6 5
Byzantine Empire Bulgarian Khanate 7 7
Abbasid Caliphate 7 Asturias, Galicia 5
Khanate Hazara 8 Cordoba Emirate 7
North African Arabs 7
Viking 5
Mercedes Kingdom 6
Avars Khanate 8
Kingdom Magyars 9
Confederation Vendon 5
Christian Nubia 7
How quickly would cross an army of a territorial partition will depend on the
configuration. So the armies consume fewer points drive across the plains
than mountains. Another factor that has the players to take seriously is the
loss of property where there is an army campaigned, and listed in the
following table (in AP).

5.1.1. Early initiation

If the player pressed to get quickly from one end of its territory to another,
can do forced march. Increases movement by 50%. Eg Vikings: 2.5 5 = 7.5
rounded to 8. Forced march can be done only within the territory of a player.
The move should result in a valley. It is similar to the move in hostile
territory, because they manage to make foraging.
Winter (except Dry) +2 -
Summer Dry +1 +1

For an army campaigned freely should the point is the army of having a
seamless line with the rest of the cities inland. If at any time the line is
interrupted by power opponents and there is no alternative route the army
would no spin, which is unfavorable situation continues, losses in addition to
inadequate supply of fuel. Losses set to throw a dice (the losses as a
percentage of AP's army).
1: 2%
2 3%
3: 5%
4: 6%
5: 7%
6: 9%
-1 On the dice are Magyars, Avars, Hazara, Vikings

5.3 mover
The initiative and are particularly important. The rules of the campaign
Aggression Factors of the DBM Army List relate to each army to Initiative
Factor (The armies of aggression by a factor 4 has the initiative factor 3). So
when you need to determine which of the rivals have the initiative to throw a
dice, adding the element of initiative. He won first may indicate the
movements / attacks and to encourage the opponent to play first and then
do accordingly.
The determination of the initiative will be whenever it deems necessary for
the player or whenever circumstances require.
Example: The Franks in conflict with the Avars. After the modified dice, the
Avars have the initiative. He has the right to attack cities / armies Frangou
compelling him to respond to movements or to force the franc to move first
to understand the intentions and then do accordingly.
The initiative was created when need for the initiative. If 2 or more allies
want to move simultaneously against a common enemy (coalition - see also
6.1), then after dropping of the dice determined which of the initiative of the
allies is less initiative and move together with the player with the lowest



When 2 or more hostile armies take up contact battle. The rival armies
should not necessarily be equivalent, but lining up the available AP's
armies. Furthermore, it is possible 2 Allied armies to fight alongside the
common enemy. If the opponent also has 2 armies then everyone lined up
to 500cc bikes. Of the allies will provide a 2 / 3 to 3 / 4 of the army and the
other the rest, working with the status of ally general (not unreliable, as this
will depend on the same). If the common enemy has only one army, then:
While the 2 minor allies are lining 450AR army, and if one of the 2 is a major
power then a major force provides the required 3 / 4 of the Allied armies. In
2 cases the adversary of allies lining up properly with the army of the roof
given AP
If one of the allies simply want to send allied continent, then the army from
which the body must be located within a radius of action (in a full motion).
The mission of the body can also be created after the battle but not raise the
roof AP likely to field an army, as opposed to the coalition armies 2
mentioned above. It is worth noting that each side is entitled to 1 attack
move every season. This means that in a city can be held in the same round
battle and siege, but if an army raid tries not entitled to maritime traffic.
Important note: When a defeated army can not retreat to friendly territory,
completely destroyed. Finally an important consideration in the strategic
context is that the movements did not occur simultaneously. If a player has
the initiative in attacking opponent, then he can not avoid him.


The regular part of the fighting remains the same DBM with the following
differences: There is no throwing dice to determine the aggressor.
Aggressor is the one who started first (mover) and therefore has first contact
with the vanguard of the enemy. Available AP determined after calculating
ground motion and loss of supply. The time depends on the season, while
the battlefield is dependent in part on the terrain of the party becomes the
The battle lasts 3 hours and if none of the opponents do not break (scores
5-5, 6-4 with all administrations deserve the same), the outcome is in favor
of the defense (repelled the attackers) and disengagement opponents are
not tracking and each element of a demoralized commands 50% lost. For
losses greater than 2 administrations lost the winner chasing the opponent
is considered that if not broken altogether trying to retreat drawn (if indeed
broken, then the whole Army is seeking salvation in flight).


It is assumed that all surviving equestrian element of the winner chasing a
hostile element. The figure is below the potential destruction of a hostile
element in a d6 (six-sided). The dice is thrown once for each element.
Element 100% Nike Nike 6-4/7-3 R
LH 1,2,3,4 1,2,3
Cv 1,2,3 1,2
Kn / Cm 1,2 1
El 1 0
The loser loses an equestrian element, but can choose to lose 2 foot
elements (4 Ps) and this is because the infantry to flight conditions more
easily exterminated.
Notes on the battles
Because the defense is won in a draw or even lose 1 administration, the
time limit of 1 round battle set 10 minutes maximum. The soil depends on
the place where the battle was conducted. In the mountainous region in the
(S), magnitude 1.5, is compulsory. Only in coastal areas and in areas
adjacent to the Nile, Tigris, Euphrates and the Danube a player (if desired)
to post WW, which is without throwing dice.
The defender is entitled to hide behind TF more than 35% of the AP.

Each country according to its historical effectiveness in sieges is a factor.
Karolidis Franks Lombard Kingdom 2 2
Byzantine Empire Bulgarian Khanate 3 1
Abbasid Caliphate 2 Asturias-Galicia 1
Khanate Hazara Cordoba Emirate 2 1
North African Arabs 2
Viking 1
Kingdom Mercia 1
Avars Khanate 2
Kingdom Magyars 1
Confederation Vendon 1
Christian Nubia 2

Istanbul: 4
Neutral Cities: 1
These factors are positive when the player attacks and defends where
negative (eg when performing Byzantine siege has 3 dice in a while when
the city was besieged, the enemy is -3 in the cube). The result is determined
by dropping 2 six-sided adding and subtracting the relevant national actors,
and the player can influence the factors in favor of the siege. Apart from
national stakeholders on how many AP available for assault or defense
directly affects the outcome. The induction of AP from the army that
besieged them and the defense army that recovered or established guard.
The garrison established from the annual replacement and strengthening of
country and if the player decides to withdraw it recovers only 1 / 5 of the
AP's guard. For every 40 defense AP (max 120) -1 we have and for each
AP 60 (maximum of 120) have 1 attack. Finally attacking cities from 0 -
25ari the attacker has to factor 1. The player is allowed to conduct the siege
without involving AP This simulates the blockade.
RESULTS (2 d6) E = A = Attacker his defense
2 Failed, lost all the attacker AP
3 Failure, lost all of the AP C
4 Failure, lost all of the AP C
5 Failed, lost 50% of the AP C
6 Failure, lost 50% of the AP C / 25% A
7 Failure, lost 30% of the AP C / 30% A
8 Success, lost 50% of the AP E
9 Success, lose 30% of the AP E
10 Success, lost 20% of the AP E
11 Success, lost 20% of the AP E
12 Success, lost 10% of the AP E


As mentioned above (3.1, 3.2) each player is free to implement his policies.
It should however be noted that encouraged and rewarded historical
ambitions and campaigns. The historical missions are to impart historical
connotations in the campaign but can not bind a player to follow. The
following tables show the ways to acquire Prestige Points (PP) per country.
The PP of the missions conquered every 2 years. On how and when
completed a mission consult the organizers. Some missions are easily
identifiable, others not. It consists of players to keep secret the detailed list
of them - but they are free to spread rumors!

The following countries have first option maritime activities. Each country
has a fleet that can run only in the adjacent maritime areas of the ports
(except the Vikings with 2 areas). Every country has a specific quality. To do
battle must either agree or two players to be halting. Stem is throw dice
adding and subtracting the current national players. By halting 5.6 is
considered satisfactory. In battle, each player rolls a d6, adding the national
factor (-1 if carry army). Winner is the largest modified agent. Every nation
has a specific AP roof that can be transferred each time .. In the event of
defeat in battle, depending on the size of this lost and some AP
1) Scouting. When 2 armies are in motion (motion nation each factor) then
the player has the right if the army did not move to send probes within the
territory of the adversary to determine the size of the army of the opponent.
The actively scouting throwing dice, adding the factor of traffic. The referee
throws the dice secrets from the defense. A modified difference of more
than 1 revealed the size of the army.
2) Foreign assistance. Each country can have a year to 25% of the new AP
in order to build allies. Condition of adjacent states, or have a fleet of Allied
access to the port of another ally. Warning: this help is by sea
anachaitisimi.An stem back half AP
3) Acquisition and an increase in naval power. Countries not originally navy,
may obtain 80AR spending to build the port, and the next year 80AR for the
construction of the fleet. The quality of each nation's navy can be improved
by 1 (max), spending 100AR.
4) Fortifications. Reasons of expediency or tactics may require the
fortification of major cities for the player. This is the top spending time in the
phase of aid for cities 25ari 0-30AR and 40AR for the rest. These cities are
the national factor 1. The opponent can not get the reinforcement of walls
only in scouting.

National Agents
Vikings 3
Byzantium, Abbasid 2
Cordova, North African Arabs, Franks 1
Battle Score
Difference 1 repel hostile fleet lost 6% N/10% The AP
Difference 2 repel hostile fleet lost 4% N/15% The AP
Difference 3 repel hostile fleet lost 2% N/25% The 1 year inactivity
Difference 4 repel hostile fleet lost 40% of the 1.5 years inaction
Difference 5 repel hostile fleet lost 50% or 2 years doing nothing
Note. Each season of inaction may be purchased for 40AR

Whatever changes the government may be the time of writing this book and
its publication will not affect the purpose of giving an idea of the components
of the Russian Empire, geographic regions and their characteristics, natural
resources and manufacturing industries, along with a description of all the
leading cities to serve
like to guide a person as a source of information for the student or
correspondent. Prepared essentially for business people and the army of
young men of the first day ready to get on commercial relations with Russia
after the war, and is therefore in general and comparative facts and data so
they can be more easily
use of simple statistical tables. Finland and Poland are included, as no
matter what the final fate may be,
trade relations for some time, at least be part of any project of research and
commercial enterprises in Russia.
Russia proper, and Finland and Poland is divided into certain districts,
which, when under a single administration, known as "governments," which
is the general description of the various parts of the empire. In a few cases,
especially in Siberia, there are two or three provinces combined into one
government, a department under the direct administration of St. Petersburg,
but with unusual local autonomy, the territory known as the "Cossack.

The ten former Russian governments in Poland is relatively small, the total
area is less than England, and none of them more than two-thirds the size
of Wales. It is, however, more densely populated than anywhere in Russia.
The Finnish provinces vary by Nyland, with little more than half of Wales for
Uleaborg, which is larger than England
and Wales combined. The three provinces are Haltic smaller parts in Russia
proper, totaling about three fifths the size of England.
. Most European governments are Russian onethird of the si / e of Kngland,
although some are as large or even larger. The two northern governments
of Archangel and Vologda, is almost as big as England, France and
Germany combined, Perm and Lias scale larger than the British Isles. In
Siberia all governments are too big. Most of these
is significantly greater than in France or Germany; three are much larger
than the two combined, and one is as great as the total
Europe is not Russia. Its population, however, about one square mile in the
whole of Siberia and Yakutsk alone for every five square miles. I'kraine is a
word that means "border area" and is applied loosely to the provinces on
the border of south-western Russia and in adjacent areas of Galicia in
Austria-Hungary. There is, and has never been a division of the country,
and is just a geographical - cal expression in our office as "the Midlands," is
not defined as a border. A large proportion of the population is "Tattle
Russians," who is also known as "Ukranians," but there are also many of
the Great Russians, Poles and Jews. Jn some governments are generally in
Ukraine, more than half of the region is filled entirely by other
Ukrainians. Describing the city has been an effort to give more interesting
features from a business standpoint, but for the larger cities, which are likely
to visit their readers, whether for business or pleasure, and who would
naturally desire to " sightseeing "even if engaged primarily to businesses,
has completed a more complete description of points of interest; leading
arteries and the main characteristics and hotels, but it is physically
impossible to state their prices, as so many changes have been made bv
the war. Ill many cases the names of the cities have many ways of spelling,
stemming from the fact that the Russian and Polish characters must be
translated in Roman letters that correspond to the tone, and re-spelled as
they sound to an English ear . Thus, the solution "ov," so frequent in the
Russian language, is often translated "in" or "off", but this gives not German
and not English spelling; and similarly "w" is often to do their duty to
"consider" The plan adopted is to follow a simple form English. The book
makes no pretense to erudition. Its purpose is to answer, if it proves useful
for business
with Russia or visiting the country Wher> conditions permit. For purposes of
easy reference to the various governments or provinces in Russia, Finland,
Poland, Siberia and Ukraine, as well as cities, in alphabetical order, not
classified under the general headings of these territories.


The viceroyalty of the Caucasus consists of seven governments (Stavropol,

Tbilisi, Kutais, the Black Sea, Baku, Elisavetpol, and
Erivan), five territories (Terek, Kuban, Kars, Dagestan, and Batum), and two
Provinces (Sakatali and Sukhum). Total area is 412,310 square versts
(181.110 sq miles) and has a population of 11,735,000. Located between
3830 / north latitude and 4630 'and between 3720 and 6020 east longitude,
and is bounded on the north by Yeva, the Manuitch and Kuma? westward
Black Sea; southward from Asia Minor and Persia, and east of the Caspian
Sea. The area north of the "Great Caucasus" called Ciscaucasia, whereas
to the south (Little, including the "Caucasian") is known as Transcaucasia.

Great Caucasus, a huge mountain range separating Asia from Europe,

starting from the peninsula of Apsheron, on the Caspian Sea, and extends
from there to the west-northwest direction to a point where the water pours
Kuban the Black
Sea. The total length of the range is about 930 miles; Width ranges from 28
to 134 kilometers. The highest peaks, dominated by the huge extinct
volcanoes Elbruz and Kazbek, found in the central zone, which con - sists of
crystalline plates. The south is adjoined by a zone of folded shales and
Leads to a relatively short slope to the plains of the Transcaucasus. On the
north side of the slope is more gentle descending from a well-defined
spurs. The northern slopes consist of the east side, in Dagestan, the folded
sedimentary rocks;
To the west, in contrast, as in Crimea, will find stratified plateau slightly
inclined to the north, and gradually merge in the valley.
Many cross valleys intersect the foothills of the Caucasus, but there are few
longitudinal valleys.
In the Middle of the northern slope is etched deeply around her legs, the
pelvis sedimentation Valdikavkaz. At this point, where the region is
its intersection with the most important line of communication, ie. :
The Georgian military Gruzinian Road, which climbs the valley of the Terek,
passing Mt. Kazbek, crosses Krestovaya Pass »(7.695 feet), and descends
in Tbilisi.
To the west of Kazbek (16.545 feet) central ridge extending to the double
peaked Elbruz (18.470 feet and 18.345 feet) in the form of a powerful
glacier-wall 125 miles long. In the middle
RUSSIA amount of passes is 11 (feet XXI highest peaks of the ādai-Khokh
(If), 245 feet), the Duikh-Tau (17.055 feet) and Shkara (17.040 feet). To the
east of the first of these is 1'ass MamiMJii (0.270 feet) connecting the
valleys of Ardon and Kion. Glaciers are still over GO miles from Elbruz
westward, where lower, but still very
wild mountains of Abkhazia descend steeply to the Black Sea. East of
Kazbek, isolated snow-clad mountains, to achieve
at an altitude of 13,000 feet, occur at a distance of 90 miles. Beyond this
point the mountains of Dagestan rebate towards
Caspian Sea, the coast of which is a small valley litoral. The snow-cm line
on the south side of the Caucasus is at a height of <>, r> (> 0 feet; the drier
north side is 13,000 feet higher.'s Glaciers this is quite as important as
those of the Alpine
The Duikh-Su glacier, the largest is 9 miles away, and is smaller in the
Aletsch Glacier alone. The results of the glaciers
Ice Age, however, is much less pronounced than in the Alps. For this
reason, the Caucasus is almost entirely devoid of charm lakes and
waterfalls. The general character of the landscape is much wilder and more
bleak than the Alps, because of the destruction of forests and meadows and
pastures of the lack of luxuriance Alps. The rivers are fast, but the volume
greatly. Button, Ingur, and Rio descend to the Black Sea; The Terek, on the
north side of the Caucasus,
The Kura, in the south, the flow of Caspian Sea. iron and sulfur sources
This simply means volcanic activity
The southern Caucasus bounded on the west by the plains of Rio, and in
the east than the Kura. Even farther to the south runs the Little Caucasus or
Anticaucasus, operates almost parallel to the Great Caucasus, and is
associated with
that the Suram or Mesghian Mountains. Little Caucasus is a mountain
range, but only margin increased Armenian Highlands. This is an extensive
plateau basaltic volcanic overburden strata and high peaks, including the
Great Ararat and Mt. Alagoz just tower over the snow-line. The northern
edge of the plateau to the west from the point through which the Kura forced
a passage, formed by Akhaltzuikh Mountains, the northern extensions of
which, Adshar Mountains, extend to the Black Sea. Perpendicular to these
mountains is Arsiyan Range, running towards the south, and finally achieve
the Pontic mountains. The Armenian Highlands contain some large lakes in
river sedimentation. The largest of these, the Russian part of Armenia, Lake
Gotcha (6.315 m depth; 538 sq miles). Earthquakes are common in
Armenia and Transcaucasus plains. As the ethnography of the Caucasus is
one of the strangest and most interesting parts of the world. Impassable
mountains and isolated valleys to promote the splitting of the population in
many races, and remained scattered
remnants of various nations have in-coiase ages followed the great
migration routes to the north and east. The southern region is inhabited by
the descendants of the ancient Iberians, who all use the common language
of Karthli, now broken up into many dialects. These include Georgia, called
by the Russians Gruzinians, holding me, with
upper and middle valley of the Kura? the Mingrelians, the area bounded by
Tzkhenis-Tzkali, the 11 ion is Ingur and Black Sea; the Imeretians, valley
Kvirila, and that of Kion the junction of the Tzkhenis-Tzkali? the
Gurians, south of llion? The Svans or Svanetians, the upper classes and the
Ingur Tzkhenis-Tzkali
And Khevsurs, Pshaves Tushes and east of the mountain. Kazbek, the
northern and southern slopes of the Caucasus. . Even in ancient Iberians
have been regarded as a semi-civilized and peaceful race, who held the art
of writing and literature at a very early stage. The ancient alphabet
(Khutzurij an alliance with the Armenian; Present alphabets called the
Mkhedruli. They number about 1,400,000, all members of the Greek
Church. To the north of the rnouth Ingur live about 60.000 Abkhasians, the
remnant of a tribe that inhabited this region from ancient times until 1864,
when most of it shared the Circassian migration. Mohammedans have the
loth century. On the other hand there was significant migration of Tatars and
Armenians. The Armenians, who number about 1,500 .000, located mainly
in the province of Erivan, the Christians of the early 4th century, and have a
national church, presided by the Patriarch (Catholic) of Etchmiadzin. Eoman
divorced from the Church after the Council of Chalcedon 451 AD and invited
Gregorians after Bishop Gregory the Illuminator. Ritual is almost identical to
that of Kusso-Greek Church. The service is recited in ancient Armenian, but
the sermon is delivered in modern jargon. The Tatar, 2,000,000 to number
is Mahommedans (Sunnites), located mainly in the eastern provinces of
Transcaucasia. Speech is closely akin to the Turks. Most of the Baku district
occupied by Tats
(75000), an Iranian tribe, speaking a degraded form of Persian, and belong
to the Shiite sect of Mohammedans. The film coasts along the Black Sea in
the northwestern part of the Caucasus is, except a few Eussian colonies
remained uninhabited since 1864, when 400.000 Tcherkesses or
Circassians, who seized the former, emigrated en masse. The Kabards, the
race leader, however, numbering 145,000 souls, who had long before been
to Russia, even
occupy the northern slopes of the mountain between Malka and Terek, and
between them and the Sunzha. According to national tradition, the
Circassians, who call themselves Adighe, is a Semitic origin; Their language
is completely isolated
women is small it is significant that apart from the bust, which is decorated
with chains and buckles, and a cylindrical hat, richly
decorated with gold and silver, with chains and loops of metal that hangs
from the upper edge. The central part of the mountain occupied by
Ossetians, who themselves, or Ran Ironi (Aria), and undoubtedly Aryan
origin. Their language is allied with that of Medo-Persians. The number
about 240,000 souls, some
Christians and Mohammedans party. The eastern side of the Caucasus is
inhabited by two main groups of breeds, and Tchetchens Daghestanians.
The Tchetehens, who call themselves Nakh-tchi, occupy the northern
slopes of the spectrum on the Terek, but split into two separate divisions.
large Russian settlement. The number around 305,000, and divided into
various tribes. They are Mohammedans
(Sunnites). Territory was the center of the large increase is not finally
submitted until 1859. The Kists (6.000), and Ingushes (50.000), also owns
stock Tchetchen. The Daghestanians or Lesghians (585.000) also have
from time immemorial been divided into various tribes, which are often
restricted to villages and valleys, and speak a dialect unintelligible to the
nearest neighbors. The most important groups from the linguistic point of
view is called Avarians (235.000),
occupying the valley Avarian Koissu, the native place of Shamyl? The
Darginians (148.000)? and Kurinians (158.000). All are said to be fanatical
followers of Mohammed (Sunnites), but they are hardworking and reliable.
Industry practices;
especial making carpets and weapons, as well as agriculture; Lesghian
burkas and known throughout the Caucasus. The Russians in the Caucasus
today are about 4,000,000. Most of them settled in Cossack Stanitzi
(villages) in the northern part of the government, the regions of TereV and
Kuban and Stavropol province. Among these, especially in Transcaucasia,
many sectaries, as Dukhobors (many of whom emigrated to Canada in 1900
and Eastern Siberia) and Molokans. These are mainly in the plateau of the
Little Caucasus, the head of the occupation is cattle farming, and who also
provide most of the carriers of the soil. There are about 60,000 Germans,
mostly from Wurtemberg (1816-17) to the TIM, Helenendorf and other sites.
Finland (Suomi Finland), the "Land of Thousand Lakes is 145,686 square
miles in area and contains 8,200,000 inhabitants, almost all of whom are
Protestants (Lutheran). Geographically, Finland is the transition from
mountain region Scan - dinavia the vast plains of eastern Europe.
Geological formation is mainly due to the long process of stripping the
successive sedimentary formations. The final surface appearance due to
the work of the glaciers of the Ice Age, which produced the long gentle
ridges, the rounded hills and trough-like valleys. In the valleys of ice is
hollow out basins, which are now filled with countless lakes of Finland and
the covering 11 percent of its total area. These lakes are often irregular in
shape, and is dotted with hundreds of islands. The short but abundant rivers
connecting the lakes with each other and the sea generally penetrate
intermediate barriers through rocky rapids and waterfalls. The entire interior
is occupied by the Finnish Lake Plateau, 250-1,000 feet in height, the
landscape is a quiet and. sombre beauty of its own, but rarely achieve true
greatness. The main feature is masses of dark granite, dense deciduous
and coniferous trees so (including the coast, many fairly recent
development), extensive morasses, clear and serene lakes, happy - looking
towns, churches with steeples detached, houses painted a brown-red, and
poor pastures and cornfields. In all those long light summer nights offer a
special magic. In the south, the plateau is separated from the lake shore
area from the two large terminal Moraines Salpausselka. The south and
west coasts are fertile, and surrounded by areas of low rocky islands, or
Skärgården Skerries. The northern part of Finland gradually increased to
the highest plateau of Lapland's main garment known as Circassian
costume (also worn by the Cossacks of the ground) is Tcherkeska, a long,
fitting coat thick woolen material with a small collar and long sleeves
appeared at the edges; front of this garment is
provided with several rows of small pockets or compartments for cartridges.
Below this, or wear Beshmet Arkhaiik, a somewhat smaller cotton garment,
visible only in the neck and hands. Fitting breeches, leggings, short boots
and a sheepskin cap completed the costume. In cold or wet weather the
same item in the burqa, a sleeveless cloak of thick hair visible outside. Like
all Caucasians who carry a whole arsenal of weapons, though the bearing
of arms is now forbidden. The dress of the Circassian women have little that
is typical except the torso, which is decorated with chains and buckles, and
a cylindrical hat, richly decorated with gold and silver, with chains and loops
of metal that hangs from the upper edge. The central part of the mountain
occupied by Ossetians, who themselves, or Ran Ironi (Aria), and
undoubtedly Aryan origin. Their language is allied with that of Medo-
Persians. The number about 240,000 souls, some Christians and
Mohammedans party. The eastern side of the Caucasus is inhabited by two
main groups of breeds, and Tchetchens Daghestanians. The Tchetehens,
who call themselves Nakh-tchi, occupy the northern slopes of the spectrum
on the Terek, but split into two separate parts
from. large Russian settlement. The number around 305,000, and divided
into various tribes. They are Mohammedans (Sunnites). Territory was the
center of the large increase is not finally submitted until 1859. The Kists
(6.000), and Ingushes (50.000), also owns stock Tchetchen.


Bessarabia, a province of southwestern Russia, bounded from Bucovina

(Austria), north-west by Romania to the west and south and the Black Sea
to the southeast. The borders have changed several times, the area now for
two and a quarter times the size of Wales. The population of two and a half
million n is uneven, and Moldavians Little predomina Russians - ting, but
large numbers of Germans, Greeks, Jews and Bulgarians. The railways of
Galacia and the river Dnieper Bessarabia make an important distribution
center, and the rich fertile soil makes it fertile for the production of wheat,
grapes, tobacco, barley and linseed, which are exported in large quantities.
Several mills, woolen cloth, tanneries, soap works are the main industries.
The chief cities are Kishinev, Akherman, Benderz, Byeltsy, Izmail, Khotin,
Orghveev, Soroki, Kagul and rent.


Chernigov, a government of Little Russia, about two-thirds the size of

Ireland with a population of around three million, most - Russians, although
a large number of Jews and Germans residing in government. The northern
part of the province consists largely of forests, which, however, disappear
quickly, and the timber trade is important, as well as the production of
bitumen and tar. Agriculture is the main occupation, especially the
cultivation of beet for large factories and is close to this - ing governments.
Tobacco and cannabis are also greatly increased, and limestone types for
grinding and China-mined clay. Chernigov, however, has led to the
importance of the sugar industry, which has severely affected by war, but
which may be expected to regain its position in case once more normal. The
chief cities are Chernigov, the capital, Borzna, Glukhov, Konotop, Mglin,
Novgorod-Syeversk, Novozbkov, Nyezhin and Starodub.


Chernomors.kaya, or region of the Black Sea a military area occupies a

narrow strip of land along the east coast of the Black Sea from
Novorossiysk, its capital, in the mountains. It is very sparsely populated,
almost half of its inhabitants, numbering 60,000, a resident of Novorossiysk.
A street with numerous villages runs along the coast.

Martyr Anthony of Athens

 St. Anthony was resold as a slave five times by the Turks, who wanted to
make him Muslim. Finally, the confession of faith and, after torture was
beheaded in Constantinople
 1774. Relaxing Ven. Theodosius of Uglich, Archbishop of Chernigov
 The young Russian in origin, the son of a priest, gentle by nature,
 obedient and sensitive, powered by parents in awe of God and
 in Christian piety, Ven. Theodosius, under the influence of parental
 teaching and God fearing life, burning with love for God and the Church of
God in young years. He developed these highly qualified and love the soul
of even more during the training of the Kievan-Brotherhood of the Holy
Theophany School. Here, under the influence of wishful trainers, practice
reading the word of God and the writings of the Holy Fathers and the
organization of life in their opinion, the future hierarch Theodosios ripening
and was perfected in the spirit, became more pronounced during knowledge
of the truths of the Orthodox faith and piety and asceticism diligence,
humility and moral and attracted the attention of the authorities of the
school. Here Theodosius was fully familiar, meditation on God, reading the
word of God and prayers, notably the church, and these activities became
his favorite hobby.
 After the end of his studies, Theodosius, having decided to devote his
entire life to God and received the monastic egkatestathike as
 archdeacon of the Cathedral St. Sophia in Kiev, and then as chaplain of the
Monastery of Korsun and then was appointed abbot of the monastery
Vydubechi Kievan in 1664. For those looking for complete solitude and
cloisters were built in every possible way to care for the spiritual perfection
of his subordinates. The ascetic life of Abbot Theodosius brought prosperity
Vydubechi Monastery and the inhabitants of Kiev.
 In 1687 Ven. Theodosius appointed Hiero-Archimandrite and the dean of
Chernigov Yeletsky Monastery. The 1692 "All honor Archimandrite
Theodosius," as "a good man, adorned with the virtues of monastic life from
the age of young, skilled management of monasteries, filled with awe of
God, enlightened and quite warm for glory church" was launched an
archbishop. Hierarch Theodosius radiated really good acts are not only for
the candlesticks of Chernigov flock, yet away from it. In Moscow, his name
is used with pious respect for a virtuous life. Deep faith in an active effort to
holiness, genuine love for monastic asceticism, always caring for the
salvation of his flock, his father-like care and compassion for subordinates,
just and merciful judge were all distinctive features of archpastoral activity
hierarch Theodosius. He actively cared for the establishment of churches in
God and the construction of monasteries. The spirit of the inexpressibly
rejoiced in the splendor of these places the glory of God and the salvation of
their neighbors. During the life of Ven. Theodosius flock Chernigov
considered Archpastor Theodosius was a true servant of God, a real home
builder of God as "the guardian of church vigilance, a tireless worker, a
living prayer and intercessor for all the hopeful vision of the Lord." After the
dissolution of the blessed Ven. Theodosius following the February 5, 1696,
the Lord glorified by the incorruptibility of his body. A series of superb
displays the wonders of God through the relics of St. Theodosius of Uglich
who began to treat his successor in Chernigov
 Archbishop John Maximovich, severe disease (fever), who later became
the Bishop of Tobolsk, who attributed the composition of
 The Troparion and Kontakion to Ven. Theodosius. By order of this
 The archbishop in a cave was the entrance of the Saints built a large stone.
Boris and Gleb. The Cathedral was built over the grave of hierarch in which
the remains of healing from the burial of the hierarch open rest, and where
enthusiastic fans started to go to receive blessings and spiritual gifts. This
simply means that within asvestolithiko subsoil are very natural and artificial
caves, possibly linking the churches together. I noticed that if you plug in the
churches of Chernigov formed a L. This may be true this time the formation
of underground caves. Since then, the adoration of pious hierarch
Theodosius Uglich became increasingly widespread. Currently the name of
the Venerable Theodosius asmiotatou is a great grace of God and protects
against problems and misfortunes of every evil circumstance, is honored
today outside the boundaries of the Archdiocese of Chernigov. On the day
of the disappearance of St. Theodosius and the day the memory of a
distinguished formal liturgy is the metropolis of Chernigov in stirring up the
saints Boris and Gleb Saints
 The most kalliergeimenos between bishops
 The Hierarch Theodosius
 You were a beacon in your herd.
 Then you had translated into the heavenly mansions.
 Pray to the throne of King of Glory
 That He gives us from the evil that besets us
 And this should save our souls, O Holy One, in your prayers.
 You worked for Mr. Shepherd Christ
 The Hierarch Theodosius, intellectual range,
 Nurturing rational sheep, you
 And received from Christ the Savior the gift of healing
 To heal the mental and physical disabilities
 All that remains of your treatment approach.
 Pray, O Holy One, that all of us who call your name
 And that our souls be saved from the attacks of enemies.
 (Chernigov Diocesan News 1892, 13).
 Yeletsky image of the Mother of God see January 11
Image of Mother of God
 These images appeared in 1092.
 The image of the Sicilian Mother of God Monastery, located in Divnogorsky
(Voronezh Diocese) where, according to tradition, he was particularly in
1831 when, with the grateful assistance of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the
cholera epidemic occurred in Korotoiaka stop soon. This sacred image from
this annually celebrated on Aug. 1 to 14. Apart from this, it is sacred picture
taken each year for the city Ostrogozhsk (from August 29 to October 29) in
the village Alexeevka (from November 20 to February 20) and the town of
Bobrov. "Searching for the Lost" image of the Mother of God
 In 1835 a church was built in honor of this icon in Moscow
 Alexandrovsky Orphanage. Apart from this one in the Church of the Nativity

 Christ in Moscow, "forum Lost" Wonderworking image

 Mother of God is at Palasha, near Tver.
 SV Bulgakov, Handbook for Church Servers, 2 nd ed., 1274 pp. (Kharkov,
1900) pp. 0069-71
The southern part of the seismic zone is in Belarus and Ukraine, across the
divide between two main parts of the Eastern European Craton-
Fennoscandia and Sarmatia-Sarmatia and in the same. During the initial
phase of our study, a 3-D density model is constructed for the crust of the
study area The model consists of three layers-sediments with maximum
thickness (6 km), Portugal and two heterogeneous layers in the crystalline
crust separated in depth of 15 km. The figures show the main features of
the observed gravity field resulting from heterogeneous DENSITY Different
materials in the upper crust. Distribution density areas deeper than 15 km is
affected by topography. Inserting the densities here reveals an increase (up
to 2960 kg m-3) in standard bodies accompanied by a deepening of 50 km.
But a show at the level of 35-37 km beneath the PC and most of the related
areas of reduced density. Important role in the region of deep Odisou
regarding the tectonic zone, is to divide the crust into two parts by an
Archean consolidation in the west and one of Proterozoic crust in the east
(Kirovograd) pivevaiothike.DILADI as precious metals can be found MAINLY
The East European Platform are substrates of Archaean and Proterozoic
complexes of the Eastern European Craton

Chernigov, a government of Little Russia, about two-thirds the size of

Ireland with a population of around three million, most - Russians, although
a large number of Jews and Germans residing in government. The northern
part of the province consists largely of forests, which, however, disappear
quickly, and the timber trade is important, as well as the production of
bitumen and tar. Agriculture is the main occupation, especially the
cultivation of beet for large factories and is close to this - ing governments.
Tobacco and cannabis are also greatly increased, and limestone types for
grinding and China-mined clay. Chernigov, however, has led to the
importance of the sugar industry, which has severely affected by war, but
which may be expected to regain its position in case once more normal. The
chief cities are Chernigov, the capital, Borzna, Glukhov, Konotop, Mglin,
Novgorod-Syeversk, Novozbkov, Nyezhin and Starodub.


Chernomors.kaya, or region of the Black Sea a military area occupies a

narrow strip of land along the east coast of the Black Sea from
Novorossiysk, its capital, in the mountains. It is very sparsely populated,
almost half of its inhabitants, numbering 60,000, a resident of Novorossiysk.
A street with numerous villages runs along the coast.

Martyr Anthony of Athens

 St. Anthony was resold as a slave five times by the Turks, who wanted to
make him Muslim. Finally, the confession of faith and, after torture was
beheaded in Constantinople
 1774. Relaxing Ven. Theodosius of Uglich, Archbishop of Chernigov
 The young Russian in origin, the son of a priest, gentle by nature,
 obedient and sensitive, powered by parents in awe of God and
 in Christian piety, Ven. Theodosius, under the influence of parental
 teaching and God fearing life, burning with love for God and the Church of
God in young years. He developed these highly qualified and love the soul
of even more during the training of the Kievan-Brotherhood of the Holy
Theophany School. Here, under the influence of wishful trainers, practice
reading the word of God and the writings of the Holy Fathers and the
organization of life in their opinion, the future hierarch Theodosios ripening
and was perfected in the spirit, became more pronounced during knowledge
of the truths of the Orthodox faith and piety and asceticism diligence,
humility and moral and attracted the attention of the authorities of the
school. Here Theodosius was fully familiar, meditation on God, reading the
word of God and prayers, notably the church, and these activities became
his favorite hobby.
 After the end of his studies, Theodosius, having decided to devote his
entire life to God and received the monastic egkatestathike as
 archdeacon of the Cathedral St. Sophia in Kiev, and then as chaplain of the
Monastery of Korsun and then was appointed abbot of the monastery
Vydubechi Kievan in 1664. For those looking for complete solitude and
cloisters were built in every possible way to care for the spiritual perfection
of his subordinates. The ascetic life of Abbot Theodosius brought prosperity
Vydubechi Monastery and the inhabitants of Kiev.
 In 1687 Ven. Theodosius appointed Hiero-Archimandrite and the dean of
Chernigov Yeletsky Monastery. The 1692 "All honor Archimandrite
Theodosius," as "a good man, adorned with the virtues of monastic life from
the age of young, skilled management of monasteries, filled with awe of
God, enlightened and quite warm for glory church" was launched an
archbishop. Hierarch Theodosius radiated really good acts are not only for
the candlesticks of Chernigov flock, yet away from it. In Moscow, his name
is used with pious respect for a virtuous life. Deep faith in an active effort to
holiness, genuine love for monastic asceticism, always caring for the
salvation of his flock, his father-like care and compassion for subordinates,
just and merciful judge were all distinctive features of archpastoral activity
hierarch Theodosius. He actively cared for the establishment of churches in
God and the construction of monasteries. The spirit of the inexpressibly
rejoiced in the splendor of these places the glory of God and the salvation of
their neighbors. During the life of Ven. Theodosius flock Chernigov
considered Archpastor Theodosius was a true servant of God, a real home
builder of God as "the guardian of church vigilance, a tireless worker, a
living prayer and intercessor for all the hopeful vision of the Lord." After the
dissolution of the blessed Ven. Theodosius following the February 5, 1696,
the Lord glorified by the incorruptibility of his body. A series of superb
displays the wonders of God through the relics of St. Theodosius of Uglich
who began to treat his successor in Chernigov
 Archbishop John Maximovich, severe disease (fever), who later became
the Bishop of Tobolsk, who attributed the composition of
 The Troparion and Kontakion to Ven. Theodosius. By order of this
 The archbishop in a cave was the entrance of the Saints built a large stone.
Boris and Gleb. The Cathedral was built over the grave of hierarch in which
the remains of healing from the burial of the hierarch open rest, and where
enthusiastic fans started to go to receive blessings and spiritual gifts. This
simply means that within asvestolithiko subsoil are very natural and artificial
caves, possibly linking the churches together. I noticed that if you plug in the
churches of Chernigov formed a L. This may be true this time the formation
of underground caves. Since then, the adoration of pious hierarch
Theodosius Uglich became increasingly widespread. Currently the name of
the Venerable Theodosius asmiotatou is a great grace of God and protects
against problems and misfortunes of every evil circumstance, is honored
today outside the boundaries of the Archdiocese of Chernigov. On the day
of the disappearance of St. Theodosius and the day the memory of a
distinguished formal liturgy is the metropolis of Chernigov in stirring up the
saints Boris and Gleb Saints
 The most kalliergeimenos between bishops
 The Hierarch Theodosius
 You were a beacon in your herd.
 Then you had translated into the heavenly mansions.
 Pray to the throne of King of Glory
 That He gives us from the evil that besets us
 And this should save our souls, O Holy One, in your prayers.
 You worked for Mr. Shepherd Christ
 The Hierarch Theodosius, intellectual range,
 Nurturing rational sheep, you
 And received from Christ the Savior the gift of healing
 To heal the mental and physical disabilities
 All that remains of your treatment approach.
 Pray, O Holy One, that all of us who call your name
 And that our souls be saved from the attacks of enemies.
 (Chernigov Diocesan News 1892, 13).
 Yeletsky image of the Mother of God see January 11
Image of Mother of God
 These images appeared in 1092.
 The image of the Sicilian Mother of God Monastery, located in Divnogorsky
(Voronezh Diocese) where, according to tradition, he was particularly in
1831 when, with the grateful assistance of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the
cholera epidemic occurred in Korotoiaka stop soon. This sacred image from
this annually celebrated on Aug. 1 to 14. Apart from this, it is sacred picture
taken each year for the city Ostrogozhsk (from August 29 to October 29) in
the village Alexeevka (from November 20 to February 20) and the town of
Bobrov. "Searching for the Lost" image of the Mother of God
 In 1835 a church was built in honor of this icon in Moscow
 Alexandrovsky Orphanage. Apart from this one in the Church of the Nativity

 Christ in Moscow, "forum Lost" Wonderworking image

 Mother of God is at Palasha, near Tver.
 SV Bulgakov, Handbook for Church Servers, 2 nd ed., 1274 pp. (Kharkov,
1900) pp. 0069-71
The southern part of the seismic zone is in Belarus and Ukraine, across the
divide between two main parts of the Eastern European Craton-
Fennoscandia and Sarmatia-Sarmatia and in the same. During the initial
phase of our study, a 3-D density model is constructed for the crust of the
study area The model consists of three layers-sediments with maximum
thickness (6 km), Portugal and two heterogeneous layers in the crystalline
crust separated in depth of 15 km. The figures show the main features of
the observed gravity field resulting from heterogeneous DENSITY Different
materials in the upper crust. Distribution density areas deeper than 15 km is
affected by topography. Inserting the densities here reveals an increase (up
to 2960 kg m-3) in standard bodies accompanied by a deepening of 50 km.
But a show at the level of 35-37 km beneath the PC and most of the related
areas of reduced density. Important role in the region of deep Odisou
regarding the tectonic zone, is to divide the crust into two parts by an
Archean consolidation in the west and one of Proterozoic crust in the east
(Kirovograd) pivevaiothike.DILADI as precious metals can be found MAINLY
The East European Platform are substrates of Archaean and Proterozoic
complexes of the Eastern European Craton. In the south they are exposed
locally in the Ukrainian Shield and Voronezh Massif on both sides of ca.
2000 km long-ANA impressive late paleozoic Pripyat-Dniepr-Donets rift.
Evaluation of Landsat images of 1: 1.000.000 scale published maps of
complexes Precambrian [Zaritsky, AI, Galetsky, LS (Eds.), 1992. Geology
and Metallogeny of Southwest Eastern European Platform Map Series, 1:
1.000.000, Ukraine's State Committee for Geology and Exploitation of
Mineral Resources, Kiev.] Greatly hindered by the coverage of post-
paleozoic sediments and soils of variable thickness. This obstruction is
exacerbated by an almost continuous patchwork of parcels. However,
analysis of current models of Drainage basin of the river Dniepr and
surrounding areas reveals a spatial coincidence of many stream and river
courses with previously inferred steep, transcrustal discontinuities age
probably Precambrian.
Transcrustal dislocations was important pathways for heat and fluid as
shown by the distribution of a large proportion of supposed Early
Proterozoic hydrothermal iron and gold deposits in length. This division is
supported by the spatial coincidence of the long digestion and irregular
areas of high magnetization attributed to unequal distribution of
hydrothermal magnetite in banded iron formation. Given the scale of these
dislocations, both vertically and laterally, the generation of hydrothermal
fluid flow deposition mantle magma source and related mineral potential
away from banded iron formation of complexes is possible. A second group
of gold deposits of Archaean age, is known to occur in conjunction with
another recognizable buildings in volcanic complexes Jade. It is not known
whether and to what extent these Archaean gold deposits related to these
significant transcrustal discontinuities. The kinematics and dynamics of
these dislocations and pathways are largely unknown and deserve research
priority. The geological context of longevity transcrustal dislocation to date
suggests the current drainage systems bolstered, however, repeated
leveling surveys regional topography
Finished: Chaos TL - Genghis Khan dies in 1200

Eastern Europe 1600-50

What is really needed, could be a list of all the princes in the Russian lands
in the year 1237 before the Battle of Kalka. I want to develop a pedigree too,
but lack the resources ... if they have at hand, it would be great if you could
PM me. About the Metropolitan / Patriarch: Remember Constantinople was
conquered by Muslims earlier than OTL. Kiev replaces Constantinople as
important, a nobleman of Kievan marries a Byzantine princess, and so forth.

Yes, it Novorossiya Siberia. And I am aware that this was the name of part
of southern Ukraine IOTL
Chunkwo: A typo, should read "Chunkvo" Seriously, from Zhongguo =
China, transcripted in Russian.
Potato savings Novgorod; Good idea. Unfortunately, this comes too late
ITTL too.
And here's even more for Russia and Eastern Europe, 1600-50:

1500: (Population at this time: Vladimir 9 million, Kiev-Chernigov 10,5

εκατομμύρια, Novorossiya 0,8 million)
1550: (Population at this time: Vladimir 12 million, Kiev-Chernigov 13,5
εκατομμύρια, Novorossiya 2,5 million)
(Population at this time: Vladimir 16 million, Kiev-Chernigov 18 εκατομμύρια,
Novorossiya 5 million)
Since 1600: Novorossiya is an amazing process of modernization,
introducing many advances imported from China. Apart from Chinese art
and science, the changes also relate to the lives of ordinary people, such as
tea drinking, gambling with cards instead of dice, wearing clothes with a
more Chinese style

1602: Grand Prince Pyotr Vladimir crowned first Tsar of Vladimir-Suzdal.

1604: Polish king Ludwik feel angered by the new czar, wants to rid the
Russian threat, starting a preventive war against Vladimir-Suzdal.
1609: Sharukan (OTL Charkov), capital of Kipchaks / Kumans / Polovtser
conquered Kiev-Chernigov.
1610: Polish army destroyed in battle Kostroma.
1612: Peace Thurau. Poland has decided to grant the former principality of
Smolensk to Vladimir.

1613: Chinese school Yeniseisk extended so that everything about China is

taught: the language, technology, culture, their strategy, their philosophy,
everything. Some of this knowledge will filter the Old Russia, along with
democratic ideas (see below!).

1617-32: Novorussian War of Independence. When Kiev-Chernigov

supports them, Vladimir must accept that they leave. The Republic of
Novorossiya is founded. Capital is Yeniseisk.
(Population at this time: Vladimir 20 million, Kiev-Chernigov 22 million,
Novorossiya 7,5 million)

1629: Novorossiya build the first dock to the Russian Pacific coast, with the
help of Chinese technicians, who are paid from the money earned by otter
pelts sold in China.

1637: Novorossiyans s first settlement in Ezo (OTL Hokkaido).

1638: Novorossiya gives the very first constitution.

1644: Novorossiya claims Alyeska.

1647: Novorossiyan Republic made an agreement with Hong empire

against the people north of the Chinese Wall. The emperor sends the
strategic, scientific and technical advisors.
One thing first: I took the liberty to move the debate on the Republic of
Novorossiya a separate thread. We will proceed with the TL, I do not want
things to become very confused.

~ ~ ~ And Central Europe, 1600-50:

~ 1600: 100 years after 20yr War, the German people fully recover and
grow even more. The German nobles repeatedly raised taxes, which the
peasants in Saxony, Thuringia, Franconia and Swabia can not pay now,
because in those regions, peasants divide their land among all children - the
land to become increasingly smaller. The revolters require "Jubilee" (when
all debts must be canceled), no other sovereign emperor, pope and God,
liberation of serfs, the election of the clergy from the people, peace among
Christians, rehabilitation of existing rights and of smaller taxes. The riots are
mixed with religious movements (which is, unfortunately, often anti-
Semitism). Apart from the Swiss Confederation, the insurgency defeated
everywhere. Those who can try their luck elsewhere - some are even

1607: University of Gran (the old capital of Hungary) reinstated.

1612: After the death of king Eduard I of the Netherlands, younger sons to
take very small share (Namur and Friesland). Namur secedes soon
swallowed and then from France.
1615: After the lost war against Vladimir-Suzdal, Poland elect powerful King
Henry V of England a new king.

1616-19: "Island Revolution in Corsica and Sardinia after trying to reform

the administration very quickly (after the French example.) Florence proves
unable to overcome again, but he gets a promise from France that it will try
to conquer.

1627-32: Second Swiss-Savoy war. At the beginning of Switzerland is an

advantage but as the rebellion in England-Castille-Portugal (ECP), France
provides an opportunity to strike against Switzerland. In the peace of Turin,
the Swiss have to give the French-speaking area surrounding Geneva,
some castles in Alsace and the Rhine (as Kehl) in France and Savoy joins
the Alliance des Alpes, becoming a French satellite.

1628: Florence, still grumbling, bribes, the Portuguese governor of the

fortress of Ceuta, thus giving the city, which will keep, to protect their
connection with Atlantis
1629: The disgraced commander of the fleet in the Mediterranean, Duke of
Francisco Alvarez, goes to Sicily, with the occupation forces left Sicily and
Algeria, founded the (unrecognized) kingdom of Sicily (including Tunis,
Malta, the Balearic ). Threatened by the Seljuks, made an alliance with

1630-35: France and Denmark-Braunschweig against the Netherlands to

fight the Dutch war. In the peace of Bremen, the Dutch chose to keep the
Caribbean colonies, giving Denmark-Braunschweig Nieuw Nederlands.
France gets a good part of Flanders and all Hennegau / Hainaut. As the
Dutch say, now the Silver Age has also been completed.

1631: Florentines finally part with ECP, as the Florentines wants to annex
the Duchy of Marche. Make a compromise with France: While the former
papal state still nominally under the pope, Florence will "manage" it for him.
This is also seen as compensation stay Pope in Avignon, and many Italians
still wish to return to Rome. In addition, Florence has to allow an ally of
France Venice to annex the most valuable North: Bologna, Ferrara and

1634: Spain and Sicily make a contract: Spain recognizes the independence
of Sicily (not, however, the fact that Sicily is a kingdom), get back Baleares.
The king, duke and elector Ernst V of Denmark-Braunschweig dies a son,
makes his daughter Margarethe new queen.

1637: Poland joins HREGN, to better protect the Russians, and even gets
one electoral vote. German neighbors claim that this secret is to keep them
in check.

1638: Reforms in the Netherlands after the lost war put more power in
parliament, elected democratically by all adults who own a home above a
certain value.

1639: Sicily conquer Corsica and Sardinia with their fleet. France and
Castille is busy and can not intervene.
Princess Maria of Spain plan to marry her sister to Isabella "on the other
Francisco, King of Sicily, it fails.

1640: Kristina Queen of Sweden, Norway and the North Mecklenburg Baltic
establish an alliance with Prussia, Brandenburg-Franconia, Silesia and
Pomerania in Poland or Russian threats.

1642: Government of "princes Twin" Francois / Ferenc III (also king of

Poland) and Charles / Károly IV begins. Introducing enlightened absolutism,
an act of religious tolerance, resulting in the stabilization of the then very
precarious Hungary (having Catholics in Hungary and Slovakia, Orthodox
Transsylvania Bohemia and his brothers, well, Bohemia, which govern the
state extremely difficult). Even the Jews and Muslims in the country gains
from the new tolerance
1422 (3119, Yang Water Tiger): Chiang Mai (Northern Thailand) pays
tribute to Hong.

1458: Chiang Mai Thai kingdom Annexes Nan (later than OTL).

1566 (3263, Yang Fire Tiger): An earthquake in Shaanxi, killing nearly one
million people.

1586: Kelut volcano erupts in Java, killing ~ 10,000 people.

East Asia 1600-50:

By ~ 1600: Korean start of piracy against the Japanese traders.

In SE Asian countries, held in peace with each other from Hong armies and
diplomacy, old tensions begin to flare up occasionally.

1604 (3301, Yang Wood Dragon): Vijayanagar alliance with China against
the Arabs, Persians, Deccan Sultanate.

1611 (3308, Yin Metal Pig): A senior member of Hong killed in Sulu. The
emperor orders a harsh punishment for rebels. This leads to a prolonged
anti-Chinese uprising among the Muslims there.

1612: Traders from the Sultanate of Brunei OTL discover Australia, not
interested either.

1617 (3314, Yin Fire Snake): Novorossiya pay a symbolic tribute to the
Emperor Hong recognized by China.

1620s: indigenous uprisings Atayal and Bunun tribes on Tungning (Taiwan),

Hong normally.

1620: First French ship (from Suez) arrives in India. The Seljuk presence in
the Indian Ocean makes things very dangerous to trade yet.

1626: Scandinavians in Australia (OTL South Africa!) Reaches India.

1630s: Swedish visit and learn about the various kingdoms in SE Asia and
1631 (3328, Yin Metal Sheep): King of Thailand protests in Hong attempt to
influence domestic politics in Agioutagia.
1638 (3335, Yang Earth Tiger): Pegu (southern Burma) is launching a pilot
intrigue to the court in Hong Ayutthaya, winning favor with the emperor.
Pegu annexes a province of the border a few years later.

1642 (3339, Yang Water Horse): Japanese conflict with the Russians in Ezo
Major flooding in Kaifeng, Henan Province results in more than 300,000

1648: French traders arrive in Vijayanagar, learn to their surprise that the
Swedes were there before them.

1649 (3346, Yin Earth Ox) Swedish traders arrive in Guangzhou

This time many retcons (OK, most things are the same as OTL) for Africa.

(OOC: We've probably never had so much to Africa in a TL is not whether

or Draka Lettow-Vorbeck, ESP. I do not pre-European Africa. Michael
Edward Johnson should be proud of me)

~ 1200: Jolof (in OTL Senegal) arranged as a small kingdom.

Early 13th century: Ile-Ife (OTL southwest Nigeria) peaks.

14th century, Islam was introduced in Darfur since Tunjur.

Bantu-speaking Ovambo and Herero migrate north to OTL Namibia.
Mogadishu is in the spotlight as a city of commerce.

~ 1350: Jolof shall dominate neighbors like Waalo. Beginning his reign
N'Dyadya N'Dyaye.

1390: Kingdom of Theodosia D was founded in Ethiopia.

End of the 14th century: Ile-If; (OTL southwest Nigeria) is reduced, replaced
by Oyo and Benin.

~ 1400: The King rules Oranyan in Oyo.

1480s: Kingdom of Baguirmi (OTL Chad) was founded.

15th Century: Mossi state founded in OTL Burkina Faso.

NUPE migrate to the Nile (it is claimed) to OTL Central Nigeria.
Kano (Nigeria), has built the first Central Mosque.
Late 15th century, Kingdom of Baguirmi adopt Islam. Shortly after it is
conquered Kanem-Bornu.
Islam is religion situation in the Sultanate of Sinnar / Sennar (earlier than
Mandara Kingdom was founded (according to tradition: from a feminine
name Soukda ruler and a non-hunter Mandarawa called Gaia) OTL in
Maravi Empire was founded by people Amaravi (OTL Malawi).

~ 1500: Arab traders bring Islam to the Comoros.

At this time or earlier, Luba people begin to form a situation (in OTL
southern Congo).
Jolof the amount of power.

16th century: Ouaddai Kingdom (Western Darfur) is emerging.

Kingdom of Theodosia (near Ethiopia) made Christianity the official religion
of the state.
Burundi is emerging situation.
First records of the kingdom of Ndongo (OTL N Angola).

~ 1585: Luba kingdom begins to expand, ensuring control of the copper


Late 16th century: Yoruba state of Oyo is stronger, thanks cavalry.

Islam made the official state religion in Darfur (earlier than OTL).

World, the 17th century:

Since 1600: Kingdom of the Congo begins to introduce Western ideas.

1605: King Henry V of ECP wants to find its way to China and India, going
west. It has four ships, starting from the Atlantic west coast. However, travel
hit by bad luck: The first one is hit by a hurricane and starving somewhere in
the North Pacific, the second landing on the island of Tahiti, where the crew
mutinies and just stays there, the third landing at OTL New Guinea, where
are killed and eaten by the local cannibals, and the fourth crossing the
Pacific and landed in Japan, where he was defeated by the Japanese
armed with guns and imprisoned (probably the Japanese competition,
Russia was a reason for that - who in Japan could Europeans say over?).

1607: Songhay, who executed the Moroccan army with gunpowder

weapons, attacks people Fula in Senegal. Typical cavalry in the army added
1612: French traders from Suez arriving in Ethiopia, the opening of
diplomatic links. France takes Djibouti to provide the path for India.

1615/16: "Australian War": Sweden defeats the Dutch, takes back most of
the Scandinavian-settled colony of Australia (South Africa).

By ~ 1620: Portuguese slave traders in Guinea is the first time scolded the
officials Songhay to sell sub-quality firearms. Values for African slaves and
other wares from the increase in Songhay.

1626: Jolof conquered Songhay, which now extended to the coast.

1634-54: Char Bouba war - with French support, Berbers in Mauritania OTL
defeat of the Arabs.

1630s: The French companies can operate in the Portuguese colonies in

Africa, after Portugal gained independence with French assistance. France
is also helping Portugal to oust some West African countries, which do not
like (England, Spain, Netherlands).

1644: Swedes discover the west coast of Australia, but not interested in that
continent either.

Since 1650: Persian Sultanate takes control of the eastern coast of Africa.

1651-58: Kanem-Bornu Empire was conquered by the Songhay.

1670: Songhay subjugates the Mossi. Now that all the kingdoms of West
Africa between the Sahara desert and the jungle (which is unsuitable for

1690s: Portuguese "ship-states" on the coast of Guinea arise. Since the

area is still unsuitable for large-scale European settlement, just to keep the
ship, living in symbiosis with the local kingdoms. Since that time, the
mestizo population of West Africa is starting to grow significantly.

17th Century: Oyo kingdom is the most powerful Yoruba state.

Here is a map. Borders does not make much sense, so I showed only
Songhay Empire (OTL green is extended to a maximum, yellow and green
are ITTL 1700) and others identified by letters.

J in Senegal = Jolof
M in Burkina Faso = Mossi
O in Nigeria = Oyo
I in Nigeria = Ilé-Ifè
N in Nigeria = Nupe
K in Niger = Kanem-Bornu
B in Chad = Baguirmi
W in Chad = Wadai / Ouaddai
M in Cameroon = Mandara
D in Sudan = Darfur (that was easy)
S in Sudan = Seddar / Siddar
K in Ethiopia = Kaffa
K in Congo = Kongo (what else)
N in Angola = Ndongo
L in S Congo = Lunda
L in E Congo = Luba
M in Malawi = Maravi
Well, Stanislaw Wiśniowiecki difficult to be king of Poland from the here.He
dinasty Lithuanian Gedeminovicz, one of the branches going from Ogerd
Korybut. You see, whether it be living in Grand Duchy of Lithuania, whether
in areas of Kiev-Chernigov, because their lands were Kanev and
Cherkassy, and west of the Russ-Ukraine - a Przemyszl. One of his
predecessors, Baida Vishnevetsky (here I give you transiteration by cyrilics
it can hardy lating writing here) is the founder of the Cossack Sich (Sjecz) in
Zaporizhzhya. The same eveal Zaporozhets caled baidaks. His father,
Jeremiah (Yarema) was one of the most consistent oppressor of Ukraine,
although a Russin himself defected Orthodox faith of his parents and
became a Catholic. Thus, the above process, let me say that the
emergence of Stanisav as king of Poland may be somewhat questionable.
You're right - I replaced a Opaliński.

The World, 1650-75:

East Asia:
By ~ 1650: Following the French, Swedish and Russian involvement in
China and India, due to cultural influences are many new ideas were born in

1651: Thailand escape the influence of China. Hong Emperor sends troops
down, but now is forced to fight an unwinnable guerrilla war.

1661: The Hong troops retreated from Thailand about the high cost.

1662: Following an attack on a Chinese treasure fleet in Indonesia (from

Johor Pirates), China begins to avoid this area.

1664: French traders reach Canton.


1668: Khmer ruler demands that his country takes over sovereignty
Champa (S Vietnam) and Thai territories.

2nd half of the 17th century: Hong empire begins to move troops south, as
the Russians are increasingly taking care of the northern border. However,
many leaders in Southeast Asia, the desire for more independence - and
even trained how to do it now, thanks to the spread of Chinese culture and

Russian territories:
1651: Novorossiya begins to attack Mongols, Karakoroum won in 1655.

1657: South Russians (Kiev-Chernigov) was found Dvoryan Republic

Kumania (between Dnepr and South Bug - OTL Western Ukraine).

1659: Novorossiya do a campaign for South-East Asia, watching lands

already learned about the Chinese for the first time.

1663-66: Novorossiya defeats and annexes Tunguses.

1668: Novorussian campaign reaches India.

1672: A ship Novorussian meet the French in Djibouti; French deny them to
sail in the Red Sea and in Egypt.

1652: Novorussians to Vancouver Island.

1652-56: After having accepted the faith of Markland, King Humphrey plans
to regain its old colony of England in the North Atlantis. However, the
countries of Denmark-Braunschweig and Florence ally against the
"Atlantean Coalition" and surprise defeat of the English fleet. New England
remains a Danish-German protectorate.

1655: Border between the Incas and the Spanish colonies in OTL Columbia
ruled by a formal treaty.

1659: England founded the city in Stafford site OTL Recife, (re-) enter the
colonization of Braseal and Argentina.

1662: English (re) found in the city of Fort Humphrey at the OTL Buenos

1669: The OTL San Francisco Bay, Novorussians conflict with Spain.

1670 is: Italian settlers attempting to cross Applachians defeated Atlantis

allied with the French.

1671: Protectorate of New England is divided into three countries: the first
includes the Boston-RI region, with a maximum of Massachusetts,
Connecticut and South and NH VT, and one with more VT and NH,
southern Maine.

1675: Town of Paradise was founded by the English site of OTL in Rio de

Muslim world:
1652-57: Second Russian-Kuman War. Now is the Seljuk tributaries around
the Black Sea in Crimea reduced, Tauria (the region just above the Crimea)
and Georgia.

1660-67: Florence and Venice war against the Seljuks, despite the fact that
France should not fight with them, but expect the Seljuks is beaten after
their defeat by Russia. He is defeated, they lose the conquests of peace of
Györ. The humbled Florence Sicily still need help to evacuate their troops
from Greece.

1662: Seljuk and Choresm make an alliance against the Shiite Persians,

1668-74: Third French-Seljuk War. South Russians meet them. The peace
in Belgrad, Venice receives Aegaean Islands, Hungary gets Serbia and
Bosnia, Bessarabia and southern Russia Tauria. France takes on Palestine
with Jerusalem, which angers many Muslims.

1670-73: War on the border between Persia and Vijayanagar, very

undecided. Since Hong China can not help you, two members will begin to
seek an alliance with European powers.

Central Europe:
The 1653: Reichsdeputationshauptbeschluss: All free cities and other
smaller areas HREGN mediatized (give more states). France takes a very
long land - the Grafschaften (counties) of Mömpelgard, Salm, Saarwerden-
Saarbrücken, Veldenz and Sponheim, now extended into German territory.
The north-eastern German states are beginning to grumble, especially since
France does not care to help them with the Russian threat (and also
because there are obvious lands left in North Germany annexed).

1660-64: War of Luxembourg Succession: France and allies of Venice,

Bavaria, Switzerland and Nassau claimants on Luxembourg territory,
although we are extremely doubtful.
But the authoritarian Francois IV as a French king, things like this do not
matter. Although Luxembourg (most of) the HRE from the side, they're
Vorarlberg is the Swiss canton South Tyrol goes to Venice, the rest of the
Tyrol to Bavaria; Nassau gets a good part of Luxembourg, the rest
(including Lorraine) is French.
The rightful heir, Charles X (VII in Tyrol) only takes Brabant-Limburg. "The
old prick the side of France," says Francois IV, removed now.

1667: Florence makes dynastical married in Sicily, between Francisco King

II and the only surviving child of Grand Duke Lorenzo III, Condolcessa.
(Even apart from the political consequences, marriage is a scandal - there
are rumors that Condolcessa was the lover of both her father and her uncle,
late Grand Duke Giovanni III.)

~ 1670: Styles of Victorianisme at its peak.

Western Europe:
1655: Wales will be an integral part of England. Welsh language
suppressed. (This happens a century later than OTL, as the English kings
concerned with the rest of their empire. Now, in the Staffords, care more
about the islands.)

1662: England reconquers nale in Ireland.

1665: Mary Queen of Spain provides younger,, but more responsible son
Héctor successor, sends his son's biggest Francisco as commander in

1669: Kristina Queen of Sweden marries Eduard Wassenberg of the Dutch

royal family. This leads to a Dutch-Swedish alliance
World 1675-1700
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

1651: Thailand escape the influence of China. Hong Emperor sends troops
down, but now is forced to fight an unwinnable guerrilla war.
1661: The Hong troops retreated from Thailand about the high cost.

1662: Following an attack on a Chinese treasure fleet in Indonesia (from

Johor Pirates), China begins to avoid this area.
1668: Khmer ruler demands that his country takes over sovereignty
Champa (S Vietnam) and Thai territories.
1670-73: War on the border between Persia and Vijayanagar, very
undecided. Since Hong China can not help you, two members will begin to
seek an alliance with European powers.
Fasten your seatbelts position is going to be a bumpy ride again - here is
the World 1675-1700:

Western Europe:
1676: In France, the first global map that includes (more or less) accurate
coastlines on all continents Old World (except polar regions) and Atlantis

1682-94: Anti-French war. Spain, England, Sicily, the Netherlands, the

Baltic League (Sweden, several German states) united against France and
its allies Hungary, Poland, Österreich-Württemberg, Nassau, Savoy, Venice,
Denmark-Braunschweig, Scotland and Portugal. Many areas in northern,
western and southern Germany were destroyed, as in Poland.

1682 October: Sea Battle of Bornholm. Sweden defeats Denmark's Baltic

fleet, can be connected to their allies in the South.

1683, June: Battle of Groningen. A push from Nassau has defeated the
Dutch and English.

1683, October: Battle of Valladolid. Portugal should be resolved.

1684 June: Battle of Ypres. Dutch-Brabant defeated army must not retreat
behind the Rhine. King Francois declares all lands south of the Rhine to be
part of France.

1684 July: Battle of the Lowlands. Glasgow and Edinburgh was besieged by
the English.

1684 September: Battle of Bergen. Sweden linked with England.

1685, May: Battle of Saragossa. Spanish cross the Ebro in Catalonia are
now, although the French still hold Navarre and Barcelona.

1686, May: Battle of Orkney. Denmark and Scotland defeated fleet

conquered the islands of Scotland.
1690 April: Sea Battle of Ibiza. United Spanish-Italian fleet defeats French
1692, April: Danish army was defeated at Güstrow, Mecklenburg, can not
help the French.
1692, August: Battle of Lublin. King's troops defeated the rebels.

1692, September: Battle of Pinne. Baltic League defeats Polish and

Hungarian loyalists.

1693: Earthquake in Sicily. The old royal palace was destroyed too, helping
King Francisco / Francis I to move the court in Rome.
King Humphrey II of England dies amazing. The new English king is only
ten years old. In France, consultants say the new king Francois VI, we
should continue the war, as the tide could turn again. (I will not.)

1693, March: Battle of Roussilon. Spanish troops crossed the Pyrenees and
invade France.
1694 January: Battle of Coimbra. English-Spanish troops occupy the city,
panic strikes Portugal.
1695: After the death of the Pope in Avignon, a new board has begun in
Cork to reconciliate the church.

Central Europe:
1676-79: With French help, Nassau defeats the Gottesfreistaat Münster,
annexes. Many Münsteraner leave Atlantis. Denmark-Braunschweig is
somewhat angered because France promised earlier to get all of Münster.

1680: Heinrich IV of Brandenburg, dies. His son is able to govern, which has
received attention. So decide that Brandenburg-Silesia Collegium governed
by other members of the Baltic League (Kristina of Sweden, Johann IX of
Hohenzollern and Balthasar II of Prussia) until there is a likely heir to take

1681: Johann IX of Hohenzollern (the Franconia-Pomerania) died not too

heirs. New French King Francois V, says the government collectively over
Silesia and Brandenburg-Franconia-Pomerania unlawfully.
France annexes Margravate of Baden, with all rules, laws and traditions.
Even the allies of France in Germany is not willing to take these excesses

1682: The (postponed several times) to elect HREmperor. (Several

candidates, as successor to Humphrey of England and King Humphrey
myself, died in an inconvenient moment, and the anti-French team had to
find new candidates, after Queen Christina of Sweden is Electable.) Finally,
after a turbulent election, King of Sicily Francisco elected Emperor Franz IV
of Brandenburg, Prussia, Saxony, Jülich-Berg, the Netherlands, Palatinate
(until then controlled by France) and Francois V ("the other Franz", as the
Germans call him) was elected from Poland, Austria, Württemberg, Nassau,
Braunschweig and Luxembourg. Francois V unwilling to accept the election
result, which was admittedly quite vague (the votes of the French-occupied
Luxembourg and collectively governed Brandenburg valid?).

1683, February: Battle of Ansbach. Franconian army must retreat.

1683, April: Battle of Thorn. Baltic League Poles fighting for the draw.

1684: France in alliance with the relatives of the duke of Brandenburg to

claim the throne of this country against Sweden and Prussia.

1685: Magnus elector of Saxony-Wittenberg-Lauenburg dies. Theoretically,

the places will go to Ascanian relatives in Brandenburg, but as said, the
state of Brandenburg is difficult - unless the Ascanians gets two electoral
votes with it. This causes some conflict between the anti-French German

1685, April: Battle of Jülich. French army defeated, we must retreat from the
North Rhine.

1685, September: Battle of Coburg. German troops drive the French-

Württembergian armies back.

1686: in uprisings against unpopular Württemberg Duke Karl II started. The

brothers and Eberhard Ludwig (also of his family, Eberhardiner!) Leave the
situation and go to Hesse, to fight and France.

1686, February: Battle of Schlitz. Allies of France in Germany (Nassau,

Braunschweig, Württemberg) prevented unificating? Connecting the Baltic
League with the Dutch, Brabant.

1687 Fall: Bohemian army Hungary booty margravate of Meissen.

1688: Sicily and Florence unite an Italian kingdom. France does not want to
recognize it as a kingdom, as Sicily was not recognized nor Florence is still
the Grand Duchy. Florence / Italy entered the war alongside the coalition
invaded in Venice, Savoy.
1688, October: Battle of Mantova. Armies of Savoy and Venice won, driven

1689, September: Battle of Göppingen. Troops of the Duke Karl II won,

Wurttemberg occupied. Brothers Eberhard and Ludwig declared legitimate

1690: Italian cardinals elect a new pope in Rome to declare him to be the
legitimate pope. Other opponents of France also accepts the Pope.
Baltic League installs a Polish anti-king, leading to compromised Poland into
a civil war and takes a lot of pressure from the Baltic League.

1690, August: Battle of Oppeln. Hungarian army marches into Silesia.

1691, July: Battle of Magdeburg. French-Braunschweiger army crossed the

river Elbe. This threat leads to the Baltic championship rally against the
invaders, eventually turning the table.

1693, July: Battle of Brünn. Last Austrian army defeated. Karl II of Austria-
Württemberg goes into exile in Hungary.

1694 March: Siege of Bratislava fragments - one last victory of the


1694: Peace of Amsterdam. France is to abandon its allies: Denmark,

Norway, Sweden is (although it can keep Braunschweig and Schleswig
Holstein), Portugal, Spanish, English, Scotland. In Atlantis, Caroline and
eastern New France (OTL Hispaniola) are Spanish, Quebec (OTL Ontario)
English, Louisiana, Arkansas north divided between Italy (south) and
Denmark-Braunschweig (north). Prince-Haralds-Land (OTL Newfoundland)
has been transferred from the second to England. The Pyrenees become
the new Franco-Spanish border. Luxembourg-Lorraine given back to
Charles XI of the Brabant-Limburg. Baden has been restored. Switzerland
takes the territories lost too much, but promised to be neutral. Milan,
Ravenna and Genoa, Italian made, to drive a wedge between Savoy and
Venice. Flanders, Hennegau / Hainaut become Dutch again. Karl II of
Austria-Württemberg deposed, Eberhard X (his father has been calculated
as Eberhard IX, although never officially reigned), a new Grand Duke, with
his brother, Louis B. The Alliance des Alpes dissolved. The Mexican empire
became a Spanish colony.

1694: The situation in the Franconia-Pomerania solved when a passable

heir (Friedrich von Hohenzollern, who is Friedrich IX) is in Atlantis.
Franconia-Pomerania is a new electorate instead of Saxony-Wittenberg-
Lauenburg, which is united with Brandenburg-Silesian.

1677-82: defeated Incan Aymara, reconquer the former South of the empire,
spanning the length of Chile / Argentina now.

1687 November: Battle of Kingsburgh (OTL Montreal). French-Atlantean

troops must stop the siege and the retreat in Quebec French (OTL Ontario).

1688, March: Battle of Metztitlan. Spaniards drive deep into Mexico, linking
with anti-government groups.

1689, November: Battle of Martinsburg. Danish fleet was destroyed by

English and Italian.

1692: "The wild journey": Friedrich von Hohenzollern, a German

commander in the service of the Nuova Italia, fights his way through the
French colony of Caroline in the cavalry troops finally connect with
Hispanics in Florida.

1694: Mexico becomes a Spanish colony; The last ruler Tenochca

Acamapichtli II have to go into exile in France.
East Asia:
1680s: Choresmians make incursions into Chinese territory.

1689-94: The war between Javan Majapahit, Johor and several smaller
kingdoms. Sinica people in this part of the world is over.

1695: Japanese claim Ezo / Hokkaido back. Novorossiya protests. Emperor

Hong (in theory even overlord of both countries) rules Russians rightfully
own Ezo, which the Japanese will not tolerate.

1699: Japanese attack pirate ships Novorussian.

Russian territories:

1678-84: Novorossiya won the Jurchen / Nuzhen.

1685-87: Novorossiya sends first shipment from the East to Europe, going
around Africa to reach old Novgorod.

1686: Vladimir-Suzdal enters the anti-French war, although fighting only

against Poland.

1690: With peace in Minsk, Poland grants the former Prussian province
Wolhynien (the old Russian princedoms Turov-Pinsk and parts of Halicz-
Volhyn) to Vladimir, which leaves the war.

1691/92: After a rebellion by then pro-Hong Merkites, they're captured by

Novorossiya too.

1693: Vladimir-Suzdal should cede territory between the northern Ural and
Kama to Novorossiya, as repayment of war debts, are able to repay them.

1700 (Population of Russia at the moment: Vladimir 27 million, Kiev-

Chernigov 32 million Novorossiya 18 million - including 4 million non-

Muslim world:

1683: Seljuk enter the anti-French War, first as allies of the Christian forces.

1687 August: Siege of Jerusalem, ending with the French capitulation.

1694: Seljuk get Sinai, Palestine and Aden, behind France.

1700: France made an alliance with Persia against the Seljuk and
Here is the map of Europe before / after the peace of Amsterdam. Note also
other marginal areas (east of Poland, S, Italy) have changed hands
1657: South Russians (Kiev-Chernigov) was found Dvoryan Republic
Kumania (between Dnepr and South Bug - OTL Western Ukraine).

Max: in English, can the noble Republic of Kumania ...

Dvoryans is noble, nobility ... or I missed something?


THE BIG Explorations - and -
In the middle of the mast ploiouempaine
came up the rivers of Russia and a | rom there, the Black Sea and
Mediterranean. Indeed, they managed to get to Baghdad, near the Tigris
River, where today is Iraq. At first, the Vikings pillaged all countries
For the construction of ships using timber from the surrounding area. The
keel and beams of the ship were made of solid oak, while the sides were
using planks of lighter wood, for example pefko.opoies bang their foot.
Later, however, began to establish trading posts in areas such toDouvlino
Ireland and Kiev in Ukraine. Soon, they began to marry with local and settle
in the area. There were few who embraced Christianity. Here ended and the


Viking merchants from Sweden, crossed the rivers of Russia. Other
akolouthioan the Atlantic Ocean and reached to the Mediterranean. 0 Eriko
Ios the Red was banished from the colony and went to Iceland to Greenland
and the Leif Eriksson I reached Vinlant.

Important Dates
793 AD The Vikings attack the monastery Lintisfern North East England. It
is the first great raid on England.
815 AD The Vikings from Norway settled in Iceland.
841 AD Establishment of Dublin.
855 AD The Vikings travel to the waters of the river Seine in France and
looting in Paris.
911 AD The Vikings settled in Normandy, France.
982 AD Eric the Red begins the epic voyage to Greenland.
992 AD The Leif Eriksson leaves Greenland for Vinlant.
Once created the universe of the Generation of Man.
The young son of his father, his father's favorite;
The young son of his mother, his mother's favorite:
The man who stands on his feet
How will endure?
Let's give someone else
Close someone else will teach the meek!
Uncle and aunt of his father,
Uncle and aunt's mother
His father put him in a cot asimostolismeni
Let him slip into the world of men, residents
the lower land.
On the wings of an eagle, housing the mortal uncle
He fell with the terrible sound of thunder.
His uncle came out and immediately got it.
Day and night the instructor.
So grow up and hitting the aunt.
So grow up and uncle beats him.
So harden the bones, the mouskoula the
And for the second time, hitting his aunt.
And for the third time his uncle. "
"The man who looks the World" - A Hungarian Legend -
Albus Dumbledore-(¨ Albus) - The term used in Latin and it means white,
bright, sunny, friendly 'dressed in white' painted white 'promising' white-
auspicious. The second name, Dumbledore (next door), ie door opening
inwards and outwards. Thus Dumbledore is the one who "plays it" Diporto.
Enters and leaves the door of life. Comes to life (without being born) and
comes to death (without dying). Understand the great mystery of life and of
death, and has a "thread" that connects the. It is a mystic, a White Wizard.

-Slang (slang Field) - Ancient Greek goddess who was one hundred eyes
were always on hand because even when asleep, misokleine eyes.
Havana Kentavra - In Aramaic dialect means "Leave it be destroyed," said
to be the authentic expression of "Habré Katampra.
Avis - Latin for bird.
Bagkman (Lund Bagkman) - Someone who collects money by illegal
Cedric (Cedric Ntigkory) - Name boy from Celtic source which means battle,
war leader.
Cho (Cho Chang) - Chinese name meaning autumn.
Field (Field slang) - The English Field (filch) means stealing.
Flitgouik - English town on the outskirts of London.
Gkilnterou (Gkilnterou Lockhart) - The "Golden King".
Hagrid - In Greek mythology, was a god who was expelled from Olympus.
Zeus, however, eventually let him go and be the custodian of the animals.
The Rowling said in an interview that the name of Hagrid from the word
"hagridenn" which means "I had a night full of nightmares"
Chentvich - Hedwig Swedish name from the era of the Vikings "Hed" means
moor, safe and "wig" nimble, agile. "Hedwig" in Swedish, is called the
confidant and protector.
Hermione (Hermione Granger)-means "eloquence." Hermione was the
name of her daughter Helen. Character was also a work of Shakespeare. It
was an example of dignity without ego, love without passion and tenderness
without weakness.
Ippogrypas - The Griffin is a fictional animal, an eagle head and wings and
body of a lion. It is found in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Crete and
Mycenae. Egypt was the personification of the Sun, and Greece, a sacred
animal of Apollo. The Griffin is Ippogrypas and horse together, created by J.
JK Rowling.

Chogkouarnts (Hogwards) - probably derives from an ancient Celtic

celebration called "Hogmanay". The flame and the fire at Hogmanay
symbolizes many things he says to the relevant web site ...... "The transfer
of the light of knowledge from one year to another, lights over the next
uncharted century, putting behind its dark past, but carrying forward its
sacred flame of hope and enlightenment for a better community .." to
Nowadays, world.
Akram (Krum Victor) - probably a pun of the German word "krumm" which
means crooked, bent.
Lund (Ludo Bagman)-in Latin means "play." It also means I lose my time, I
lose the gamble, cheat. Finally, Russian, Serbo-Croatian means crazy.
Lupin (Lupin Remus) - sudden Latin word "lupus", wolf. It is also the name
of a type of flower. The Haley writes in the work of Daniel Cohen,
"Werewolves" ... In the French province of Normandy, there is a traditional
legend that speaks strange lykomorfa creatures known as lupins or lubins.
During the night, the walls of the crowded cemeteries. Presented as a talk
between an unknown language, and often scream watching the moon. In
most parts of Normandy, was supposed to be very shy and fearful .... The
"run away" if someone approached. In some other scenarios, however,
presented quite wild after digging graves to eat away at the bones of the
dead ... "
Malfi "Mal foy" - is bad faith in French.
Narcissus - Crafted from the Roman myth of Narcissus who fell in love with
Minerva (Mc Gonagall) - Relates to the goddess Athena, the goddess of
wisdom and fair war.
Mrs. Norris - From the work of Jane Austine, which was the wife of a
clergyman who "hath his nose in everywhere."
Always (Padma Patil) - Means "lotus" in Indian dialect. A lotus symbolizing
wealth or the goddess of wealth Lakshmi, wife of the god Vishnu.
Parvati (Parvati Patil) - Indian name meaning "courtesy." Also, the wife of
the god Shiva in Hindu religion.
Pivs - irritable temper.
Remus (Remus Lypin) - Romulus and Remus, were abandoned two twins
when they were babies. I was raised by a wolf and decided to found a city.
But Romulus killed his brother and named the new city of Rome.
Salazar (Salazar Slytherin) - The dictator Antonio Salazar was fascism in
Portugal for 36 years until his death in 1968. Although never recognized as
national "Cleaner", which was ruthlessly colonizer faced with violence every
national movement in the colonies in Africa. His name used as references to
earlier dictators like Hitler, who believed in national purity (Areia Race) ...
like Slytherin.
Skampers (Scabbers) - Scab is the replacement of a worker strike scab ...
Sinistra (prof.Sinistra) - Latin for "left" and "Sinistral" means left-handed and
moving clockwise. The planetary system is "sinistral", since the planets
move in the direction of the clock. The Professor Sinistra is professor of
Sirius Black - The translation of the name: Black Dog, Sirius, the ancient
Egyptians, "the Star of Kynos" is a very common name in all seasons and
was the main star in the sky. Most have called "the star - eye" and is related
to the ancient god Anubis, the god kynokefalo, which is namely human body
and the head of jackal. He was a god psychopompos leading the souls of
the dead Osiris with the court for justice to be done to acts done in terrestrial
Skiter (Rita Skiter) - "Skeeter" in the American dialect is the mosquito.
Slytherin - From "slitherin" which means snake.
Sybil (Sybil Trelawney) - Sibyl, a category name soothsayer in the ancient
world that gave prophecies in the state of occupancy. The ancient Greeks
linked them to the soothsayer of Apollo.
Treloni (Trelawney) - 19th century poet who loved too poetry of his century.
Volntermort (Voldermort)-A combination of French terms: "Vol" = flight, "de"
= on, "mort" = death. "Vol de mort" also can mean "death is a thief",
referring to that "you know who" stole the Potter family, killing his parents.

Mandrake - herbaceous plant with fleshy roots and toxicity, which often
have humanoid shape. They say that crying when uprooted. Since ancient
times have been attributed magical properties.
Werewolf - The transformation of the astral body of a black magician, a
beast, usually a wolf who hangs around the regions of the astral or physical
world, killing and katasparazontas his victims to satisfy his unquenchable
thirst for violence and blood. Any wound received as a wolf, I'll reproduce
the human astral body when it regain its normal shape.

Ghosts - Images. The astral body of a man who has died. Not matter, nor
intelligence, just left like trash in the astral level, the picture-likeness, which
hovers in space than stellar "winds" of this dimension. Can I refreshed
occasionally by a psychic or a ghost.

Philosopher's Stone - A substance in the color of amber which construct

arcane methods Alchemists. With this rude metastoicheionane metals (iron)
into gold. In the occult symbol of the transformation of the lower animal self
and a higher sulfur content.

Dragon - appears in nearly every big bang, and in any tradition of the
ancient world. Wisdom symbolizes the positive form and the cunning and
deceit in the shady side. (See snake) In ancient times people were called
dragons or serpents people are mystics, sages, a dragon is like a flying
serpent. Shows that we have in Egypt by Ammon, the spiritual power of the
Sun god Ketsalkoatl Naouatl to Mexico, etc. In China, the annual dance of
the Dragon is an ancient element of their delivery.

Eagle - the emblem of Ravenkloou that symbolizes strength, victory, pride.

In all cultures, was a symbol of justice, the spiritual Sun, the upper god.

Unicorn - the symbol of purity, goodness, wisdom is lunar feminine principle.

Centaur - mythical animal, the horse body and human head. It symbolizes
the lower (horse) animal nature with the higher nature of man. Solar symbol,
also shows strength and vigilance.

Phoenix - Greek name of the mythical bird in Egypt BEN - BEN (Ben-Ben).
Coincides with the purple heron. A fiery bird, which according to tradition,
reborn from the ashes. Symbolizes immortality, regeneration and
Wolf - One of the symbolic animals of the god Apollo, Apollo High School.
Lyki means light and referred to black or spiritual light, as the wolf moves at

Rod - symbol of power and strength. Connect the will to act. (See thunder)

Broomstick - see rod

Cup (fire) - The more general symbolism of the cup is a container equipped
for the "water of life, abundance, Immortality, source of life, fertility,
happiness and more enthusiasm. The cornucopia or "Gkraal" the Holy Grail.

Basilisk - saurian in Central America. His name comes from a species that
has cartilagenous crest on his head and looks like a crown. It refers to
various versions of occultism, a reptile that has magical properties, therefore
attracted many writers among them Voltaire.
Dwarfs - Elves of "land". For those speaking traditions of all peoples. As a
young man, their bodies are made invisible etheric matter, which under
certain conditions may be visible to our eyes. It is neither good nor bad.
Playful in nature to make fun of people, hiding the things they are looking for
... Yet it is in front of their eyes. They are loyal servants of the real
magicians. Height 15-20cm average. The head is a bit large compared to
the rest of her body. They have a conical head and let a beard! Usually
dressed in country-style waistcoat, comfortable pants and boots.
Lion - solar and lunar symbol. It symbolizes the strength, majesty, courage
and the fury of war, cruelty, respectively. Symbol Griffindor.
Badger - Lunar animal symbolizes stealth, the clumsiness, also represents
the supernatural forces. Symbol Chaflpafl
Giants - Reports of the existence of human beings gigantic (7metra and 4-
up) found scattered in different traditions and mythologies. People earlier
races of mankind the Tertiary (lemurs) and Quaternary (Atlantic) era, where
there were large mammals and the huge tree. These recoverable megalithic
structures such as the giants of Easter Island.
Snake - Symbol of Slytherin. All cultures attach mystical powers. The snake
has a dual aspect, as in kyrikeio Mercury are the two forces of "good - bad"
fighting. The "horizontal" - creeping serpent symbolizes the material,
spiritual darkness and evil. He is Apophis in Egypt, enemy of Osiris, god of
Light, the python in Greece, the enemy of Apollo, killed the dragon from St.
George, Christianity etc.
The vertical or flying serpent (dragon) symbolizes Wisdom (T-snake s),
symbol of the goddess Athena, the mythical ancestors and civilizing of
mankind, the serpent guarding the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Life in
Paradise, etc.
Gnomes - Bad demons of the earth, enemies of light, good and order.
According to popular tradition, is black and dirty and everyone has a
Kousouris. Lame, stravocherides, stravomourides, worn or xeplatiasmenoi.
All sakatilikia to find on them. Throughout the year, living in the bowels of
the earth and saw off the tree that supports the policy of the world. Coming
up in the world 12imerou nights, Christmas Eve to Epiphany and the
mischief and teasing people who are trying to bring the "top down". But
when the day of Epiphany which tremble and do not like all the light coming
back into the earth and there they see that the tree is fed back. And so ...
phew and from the beginning!

Mirror - symbolizes the mental world (an intermediate in the physical and
mental) and the plastic capacity of nature. Plays on image and form ideas
with a desire advanced "means" the souls of men. It shows what you want
to see, for example the witch in Cinderella myth or the myth of Narcissus.
This acts as a portal through which you can go to the causes of the events
of these months as they have figured in his mind-mirror soul.
Insane (Vampires) - Servants of the dark forces. In cases of utmost evil and
brutality of a man who has permeated so deeply eroded and the passions of
the personality, cut out the conscious spiritual too, which is driven by the
power they serve. So the body and has maintained his soul alive "drinking
blood", essentially absorbing the bio-energy and feelings of other people.
Thunder (in front of Harry Potter) - symbolizes the celestial fire of spirituality.
Aunt fair and strength, will and conscience. It is a fiery serpent in the sky.
The Lightning, the golden arrow of Apollo, the sword of the Archangel
Michael, trident Poseidona the hammer of Thor, the double ax of Parastas
Rama, etc.

Magic - etymo. (Magic = Mega), Big Science. It's practical knowledge and
application of the hidden forces of Nature known only to initiates-kings.
Magic has no color but there is a white and black magicians. The purpose
determines the "color". The White Wizard, no selfishness, desire for power
and authority or personal benefits. It is a "Warrior of Light" and the Black
Magician instead pursue all with similar methods.

Labyrinth - a symbol of life with many of deadlock, the false loves. One is
the corridor leading to the unconscious depths of ignorance (Minotaur), the
great enemy that grows in darkness. That which is beyond the traps and
grow again alive in the world of light and truth is a mystic, winner of life.

Owl (owl), the screech owl of the goddess Athena. Symbol of wisdom and

Colours - Red & Gold Griffindor symbolize love, passion, power, reason and
The silver and green for Slytherin, symbolizing virginity, death, hope,
jealousy, stupidity and change.
The black and yellow Chafl pafl symbolizing evil, despair, war, stability,
understanding, intuition, faith, aspiration and intent.
The blue Ravenkloou symbolizing truth, wisdom, loyalty, wisdom, the
coolness and stability
One of the things that impressed me particularly, but not yet
I managed to find a satisfactory explanation is that many
geometric relationships distances cities and temples. Some talk about
attempt to land some representational constellations of the sky, but
explanation although it has several elements, such as the constellation
Athens and surrounding cities, does not explain all the elements. There are
data representation of the whole effort of the zodiac in
Greece and the use of performance of cities in the currencies but
and local deities worshiped believe this
conclusion. There seems to be an effort reflecting the heavenly
harmony on earth.
The states that Hipparchus used surveying methods
determination of any point on earth, but from what until
built whole towns based on distances from base
benchmarks is something quite different. Even if you overcome
technical barriers remains the big question why? What
served (and perhaps even serve) these selected locations?
The mathematical relationships and harmony so that systematically sought
worked? Taking into account the gradual drift of the Zodiac
cycle even tried to recreate their cities and
Sacred to the new appropriate positions. Thus we see
previous two foundations of the Parthenon (and other churches) to
locally differ from the latter.
Also see the use of p = 3.14 gold number f = 1.618 as
as a unit stage = 184.454 meters. Something else
distances observed in cities is a suitable distance type
1:1, 3:2, 4:3, 9:8, 256:243, 8:3, 4:1, 9:2
     * Isosceles
     * Delphi
     * Delos
     * Dodona
     * Geographic numerology
     * Parthenon
     * Efthygrammismos
     * Denmark
     * Germany
     * Equilateral triangle
     * Lay lines
     * Giant balls
     * ... And balls
But let's see some data. Well known is the equilateral triangle
Acropolis of Athens, the temple of Poseidon at Sounion and
Temple of Athena in Aegina Aphaia separated by 242 steps. If only
This could be described as coincidence but we have too many
similar triangles to qualify merely coincidental. Impression
causes and that the words Delos, Delphi, starting at Dodona D
written as isosceles triangle.
Delphi was the navel of the world. The notation
referring to the physiology of human birth and the mother's life
passes to the fetus through the hub and center of gravity
man who is usually near the navel!
As a unit of measurement used in phase = 185.2 meters.
Equidistant from the oracle of Delphi are:
     * Athens - Olympia (660 steps)
     * Eleusis - Iolkos (550 steps)
     * Megalopolis - Figaleia (660 steps)
     * Ida man in Greece - Izmir (2198 steps)
     * Pella - Corfu (1350 steps)
     * Kinyras Thassos - Kardamili Chiou (1700 steps)
     * Dodona - Dion (1010 stages, 187 km)
The sanctity of Delos starting almost with the Greek history. Place
Birth of Apollo and geodetic important point for all
Greece. The sacredness was respected even by foreign nations such as
Persian and not hesitate to destroy temples in other cities, have provided
sacrifices to Delos! The decline begins with the political edge of Athens
After the Persian wars of religion usurped power
and fabricated with various prophecies failed to expel
residents from their own island in the apodynamonontas
traditional guardian. From there began the famous
prohibition of birth or death on the island of Delos. The Law of
return but did not leave Athens to enjoy the power of a stolen
and since then begins to decline significantly at all levels.
Equidistant from the sacred island of Delos to:
     * Corinth - Mytilini
     * Asklipiio Kos - Asklipiio Epidaurus
     * Athens - Kardamili (Chios)
     * Izmir - Thebes
     * Thermi Thessaloniki - Philippi
     * Diktynna - Knossos
     * Ideon Andro - Oracle Trofonion
     * Sparta - Pergamon
     * Ilion (Troy) - Iolcos
     * Delphi - Alexandria
     * Argos - Mycenae (1200 steps)
The oracle of Dodona was dedicated to Zeus, is the oldest
and most important in Greece. Attracts many visitors especially
from Epirus, Macedonia and the islands of the Ionian Sea. The
oracles based on the rustling of the sacred oak explaining the
qualified priests. Maybe we heard today, but the quack
Answers to questions you should be at least satisfactory
continues to attract ever-faithful.
Equidistant from the sanctuary of Dodona are:
     * Delphi - Iolkos (1050 steps)
     * Olympia - Trofonion Oracle (1240 steps)
     * Eleusis - palace of Nestor at Pylos (1600 steps)
     * Athens - Sparta (1700 steps)
     * Delos - Alexandria Troas (2482 steps)
     * Knossos - Miletus (3300 steps)
     * Rome - Byzantium
Similar properties are also Athens, Sparta, Argos,
Dodona, Knossos, and Pella.
Smyrna equidistant from Athens and Thessaloniki (1620 steps). (F x
Marathon equidistant from Athens and Karystos.
But Delphi and Sardis equidistant from the temple of Ammon Zeus
geographical numerology
The distance Iolkos - Eleusis is 850 steps, the sum of
letters - numbers of the word "Eleusis" is also 850. E = 5 + L = 30 +
E = 5 + Y = 400 = 200 + S + I + S = 10 = 200 = 850
Chalkida is equally from Thebes and Amfiareio, 162 steps. The
Thebes Amfiareiou distance is 262 steps (162 x 1.62 = 2.62 and
Φ2 = 100 x 262) triangle reflects the harmony of the golden number
f = 1.62. Chalkida also equidistant from Athens and Megara 314
stages. An illustration of the golden number phi and p
The distance Athens - Sparta is 800 steps equal to the distance of Athens
- Delos. Distance equal to the height of the Great Pyramid of Egypt x 1001.
The distance Delphi - Delos is 1460 steps, what year was the big year or
Bowels period Egyptians 1460 years. Each complements the years 1460
appearance of Sirius. If the distance divided by 4 gives 365.
for more: 'The unknown wonders of the ancient Greeks' of T. Manias
"The sacred geography of the Greek world" by Jean Richer
The Parthenon was built between 447 and 438 BC and took other
5 years for his sculptures. Since causes admiration to
various properties. For the construction of used white
Penteli marble (from where today's cave
Davelis the rumored strange energy properties) and all
Section column weighs from 80 to 100 tons. The 19 km
transport and the carving was not anything memorable
for the season (although each piece is unique having its own
position in the building) but the result is impressive so far.
The plan of the Parthenon there is not a straight line but everywhere
meet soft curves. Proportions found in the number of gold
F and the relationship a/2a 1. The visual result is a harmonious addition
frequently and unexpectedly, as it manages to Parthenon
shows dramatically higher than the actual size but
to fall on the site! If you compare the size (69.54 m long,
30.78 m width 20m. height) with several modern buildings you will see
huge difference in that the visual impression. It is said by some
have been partly due to the energy emitted and it looks like
that of the moon also makes us look like some
great moments.
But the actual construction is still not fully known since
there are many indications of non-solid foundations the unusual in-depth
11 measures may be important underground section or chamber. Some
now leading to nowhere and a rectangular sedimentation
floor of the church persistently remind us that there were other places
and uses unknown nowadays.
The columns of the Parthenon is not vertical but if extrapolated to be
found up to 1852 meters. The volume of the imaginary pyramid
formed is half of the great pyramids of Egypt
Greek 45,000,000 cubic feet.
The width of the base of the Parthenon (100 Greek feet) represents
angle of one second of arc in Ecuador.
The center is equidistant from the Parthenon Thisseio, Pnyka the Memorial
Filopappos, and the center of the temple of Olympian Zeus, which
peaks are octagon.
Is said to be built in large hub earth energy
currents thus serves as point of emission actions
such space. Because pyramidal shape, but these actions
emitted well above the ground. Some scholars
argue that the building has interesting electrical properties
like a huge capacitor and as an antenna. This will be explained and
Variations in strange instruments around the Parthenon. (The
itself out and the great pyramid in Egypt!).
Rumors like energy lines (lay) which spend the Parthenon
be connected not only with all the other great ancient monuments
and the Stonehedge, the great pyramid of Giza, but also with
the Temple of Solomon (Mosque of Omar today). It is said that
Parthenon and as the energy hub is very
important worldwide.
When will we be able to understand and use
Again these actions? The healing properties of energy
enhanced ancient temples are known from antiquity and today
tries with interesting results for different treatments
currents. Nikola Tesla and Wilhelm Reich was the most known
researchers misunderstood the 20th century and in these areas.
for more: 'The unknown wonders of the ancient Greeks' of
I. Manias magazine "Third Eye" issues from 90 to 92 and see the relief
representations of the Parthenon in a very good site www.sikyon.com
Some say that the fact that some cities are a straight issue
chance. One of the lines that cause some concern is that
that connects Rome, Metapontio the Oracle, Delphi,
Eleusis, Athens, Delos, Kos, Rhodes and Nazareth. Out of
Rome and anemesa at Eleusis and Athens was still a crow
called the Sacred Way.
One of the most ancient and sacred oracles of Dodona were, located in
same straight line with Delphi Acropolis of Athens
Delos. Delphi is the largest hub
spot for more distance measurements between the ancient
Cities and sanctuaries. Apart from the oracle functioned as a hospital
offering treatments in many patients through almost Initiation
ritual for which the patient is not entitled to have
speak. This method remained unknown but the number of hits
both oracles and treatments did most oracles, and
Denmark Germany Authorities


Οι ακαδημαικοί που ερεύνησαν το θέμα βρίσκουν αρκετές ομοιότητες

ανάμεσα στίς διδασκαλίες του βιβλίου του ΕΝΩΧ και των ευαγγελιών
των Εσσαίων μιάς θρησκευτικής ενάρετης κοινότητας ανθρώπων που
έζησαν στις δυτικές ακτές της νεκράς θάλασσας. Αυτές οι σχέσεις
ενδυναμώθηκαν μετά το 1947 όταν συνειδητοποίθηκε πως τους
Παπύρους της νεκρής θάλασσας,γραμμένους απο τούς Εσσαίους
υπήρχαν διάφορα αποσπάσματα απο κείμενα του βιβλίου του ΕΝΩΧ.
Ως σήμερα τα μόνα πλήρη χειρόγραφα ήταν αυτά που γράφτηκαν
στην αιθιοπική γλώσσα γκέ εζ την πρώτη που έφερε πίσω στην
Ευρώπη ο σκώτος εξερευνητής και ελευθεροτέκτονας james bruce
κατα τα διάσημα ταξίδια στην Αβυσηννία 1769-1772.

ΌΧΙ μόνο επιβεβαιώνουν οι Πάπυροι της νεκρής θάλασσας την

ευθεντικότητα του βιβλίου του ΕΝΩΧ αλλα και ότι το συγκεκριμένο
έργο έχαιρε μεγάλης εκτίμησης απο τούς ΕΣΣΑΙΟΥΣ του Κουμράν, οι
οποίοι προυπήρχαν της συγγραφής του το 165 π.χ. Στο σώμα των
Παπύρων της νεκρής θάλασσας υπάρχουν εκτενείς αναφορές στούς
φύλακες και τους ΝΕΦΕΛΙΜ. Ο ακαδημαικός jason T milik τα
αναγνώρισε ως απομεινάρια ενός χαμένου έργου που ονομάζεται το
βιβλίο των ΓΙΓΑΝΤΩΝ. Η ανάλυση SCHWABE ήταν καλή και οι πηγές
σου αξιοπρόσεχτες αλλα SCHWABE θα ήθελα μια συγκριτική
διερεύνηση ΤΩΝ ΝΕΦΕΛΙΜ με τους γίγαντες και το βιβλίο του ΕΝΩΧ
ανάμεσα στην ιουδαική ελληνική και σουμεριακή μυθολογία. δηλαδη
τι ομοιότητες υπάρχουν μεταξύ τους; Μήπως δεν ανήκουν όλα στην
μυθολογία η στην σφαίρα της φαντασίας;
Οι πληροφορίες που έχουμε για τους Ανουνάκι έχουν βρεθεί σε ευρήματα -
σφραγιδόλιθους στην Σουμερία και έχουν μεταφραστεί απο τον Zacharia
Sttchin. Η ανάλυση του Sitchin για τους Ανουνάκι είναι λεπτομερέστατη.
Πατέρας Θεός είναι ο Ανού, σύζυγος του η Αντού, και γιοί τους οι Ενλίλ και
Εά. Σύμφωνα με τον Sitchin oι Αβνουνάκι ήρθαν για πρώτη φορά στην Γή
πρίν 400.000 χρόνια ενώ απο τότε έρχονται κατα διαστήματα και για
τελευταία φορά περίπου πρίν 6.000 χρόνια. Έκαναν γεννετικά πειράματα
σε ανθρώπους για να δημιουργήσουν στρατιές εργατών οι οποίες θα
δούλευαν για λογαριασμό των Ανουνάκι για την εύρεση χρυσού ο
οποίος θα ήταν απαραίτητος για τον Πλανήτη τους Νιμπιρού ή 12ο
Πλανήτη, ο οποίος επισκέπτεται το ηλιακό μας Σύστημα κάθε 3.600
χρόνια. Κατά τα άλλα οι Ανουνακι ταυτίζονται με τους Νεφελείμ της
Βίβλου ενώ κατα την δειάρκεια του μεγάλου Κατακλυσμού ο Sitchin
αναφέρει οτι τον έβλεπαν απο ψηλά αφού τον είχαν προβλέψει και έφυγαν
με τα διαστημόπλοια τους. Οι Γίγαντες αναφέρονται ως καρποί της ένωσης
των Νεφελείμ ή Ανουνάκι με γυναίκες ανθρώπινες. Οι Γίγαντες
κατέστησαν Θεοί των Σουμερίων, των Βαβυλώνιων και των Ασσυρίων οι δέ
απόγονοι τους βασιλιάδες!


ΔΕΝ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΑΝΕΦΕΛΗ Όταν ομιλούμε περί Εσσαίων να έχουμε υπ’όψιν
μας ότι μιλούμε για Γνωστικούς Ιουδαίους και όχι για κάποιους οπαδούς του
σχολαστικισμού. Αυτό έχει ΤΕΡΑΣΤΙΑ ΣΗΜΑΣΙΑ στους συλλογισμούς που
θα κάνουμε και δεν θα πρέπει να αγνοείται. Οι Γνωστικοί, ανεξαρτήτως
προέλευσης, χρησιμοποιούσαν «εξωτερικό Λόγο» για να μεταφέρουν τους
συμβολισμούς και τις αλληγορίες της διδασκαλίας τους. Επομένως, όταν
αναφερόμαστε σε Εσσαίους θα πρέπει να ξέρουμε ότι ΤΙΠΟΤΑ από τα
όσα γράψανε δεν ίσχυε ως πραγματικότητα αλλά ως μύθος μύησης.

Θα πρέπει να είμαστε προσεχτικοί όταν πιάνουμε άχρονα νοήματα και

ενίοτε φιλοσοφικά κατηγορήματα τόσο παλαιών εποχών. Δεν είμαι επαΐων
της αρχαιολογίας ή της θρησκειολογίας, διότι περί αυτού ο λόγος, αλλά
κάνοντας μια λιτή προσέγγιση διακρίνω ούκ ολίγα αναχώματα. Σύμφωνα με
τα γραφόμενα του εκκλησιαστικού πατέρος Ευσεβίου, 260-340 μ.χ.
επισκόπου Καισαρείας, διαβάζουμε τα κάτωθι:

"...επειδή από τη δημιουργία του Αδάμ έως τον Ενώχ, δηλαδή το έτος 1282
από κτίσεως κόσμου, δεν ήταν γνωστός ο αριθμός των ημερών ούτε του
μήνα ούτε του έτους, ενώ οι Εγρηγοριοι, αφού κατήλθαν στη Γη κατά το έτος
1000 από κτίσεως κόσμου, συναναστράφηκαν τους ανθρώπους και τους

Έχουμε λοιπόν και λέμε: Εγρηγοριοι: Η ελληνική λέξη "εγρηγοροι" αποδίδει

την αραμαϊκη λέξη η οποία στο Βιβλίο του Ενώχ (179) χρησιμοποιείται για
να δηλώσει τους αγγέλους που εμιχθησαν με τις κόρες των Ιουδαίων
από την γενιά του Καιν (Νεφιλιμ). Από αυτές τις επιμιξίες ανάμεσα στην
γενιά του Καϊν και την γενιά του Σηθ, γεννώνται τέρατα, οι Γίγαντες. Στο
ίδιο βιβλίο αναφέρεται ο πόλεμος ανάμεσα στους Ελλοχιμ (τους
δημιουργούς του κόσμου, δηλαδή τους Θεούς) και τους Νεφιλιμ (δηλαδή
τους υιούς του Σηθ, όπως θα δούμε παρακάτω). Κατά το λεξικό Σουιδα:
Εγρηγοροι, οι άγγελοι. Οι του Σηθ υιοί. Ο Σηθ θεωρείται ότι εφεύρε τα
εβραϊκά γράμματα και είπε τα ονόματα των αστερισμών στους πιστούς του
και για αυτό τον λόγο οι Ιουδαίοι εκείνης της εποχής τον προσαγόρευαν θεό.
Βλέπουμε λοιπόν ότι οι λεγόμενοι "άγγελοι" (αγγελιοφόροι) που θεωρούνται
κατασκευάσματα του Θεού του Ισραήλ (του θεού δηλαδή των Εβραιών και
των Χριστιανών αργότερα…) λέγονται επίσης και "υιοί του Σηθ". Ο Σηθ είναι
ο αιγυπτιακός Σεθ που σημαίνει κατήγορος, γιατί ο Σεθ έσυρε σε δίκη τον
Ωρο προσπαθώντας να αποδείξει ότι είναι δικός του γιος και όχι του
Οσιριδος. Ο Σεθ/Σηθ συνομωτησε με τη βοήθεια των υιων του (τους 72
συνομωτες ή αλλιώς "αγγέλους") ενάντια στον Οσιρη. Στα ελληνικά ο
Σεθ/Σηθ είναι ο Τυφώνας της Γιγαντομαχίας. Η μετάφραση του Σεθ/Σηθ
στα εβραϊκά είναι Σαταν (κατήγορος).

Αφού άγγελοι=υιοι του Θεού (του Ισραήλ)

και άγγελοι=υιοι του Σηθ/Σεθ/Σαταν
και Σηθ/Σεθ/Σαταν=Τυφώνας
τότε Θεός (του Ισραήλ)=Σηθ/Σεθ/Σαταν= Τυφώνας! Ενδιαφέρον, δεν

Πάμε όμως να δούμε τι μας λέει η ελληνική μυθολογία και οι συμβολισμοί

που απορρέουνε τώρα. Στην ελληνική γραμματεία οι Γίγαντες εμφανίζονται
ως σύμβολα των διασαλευτικών δυνάμεων ενάντια στο μέτρο και την
αρμονία. Σε κάθε έμμετρη, αρμονική έννοια (π.χ. θάρρος) αντιστοιχούν
δυο ακραίες, υπερβολικές δηλαδή υβριστικές (π.χ. αλαζονεία-δειλία).
Για αυτό και οι Γίγαντες χωριστήκαν κατόπιν σε σεφιροθικες και
κλυφοθικες όψεις, όπως και ο Τυφώνας. Οι δυο όψεις των Γιγάντων
είναι η μια ως χριστιανικά αγγελάκια και η άλλη ως χριστιανικά
κακοδαιμονακια. Ομοίως, ο Τυφώνας που εμφανίζεται ως Αντοναϊ-Γιαχβε
από την μια και Σαταν/Σηθ από την άλλη. Αδιάσειστο στοιχείο λογικών
συμπερασμάτων είναι η καταγωγή των Ισραηλιτών από τους Υξώς, όπως
αναφέρει και ο Μανέθων. Οι Υξώς, βάρβαρο συνονθύλευμα φυλών από την
περιοχή της σημερινής Χαλδαίας εισέβαλλαν στην Αίγυπτο περί τα -1750,
όπου προκάλεσαν αιματηρές σφαγές και τρομερά εγκλήματα. Οι Υξώς ήσαν
πιστοί του Σεθ και προσπάθησαν να επιβάλλουν την λατρεία του στους
Αιγυπτίους, με την προσωνυμία Ατον (Αντοναϊ). Ευγενείς πρίγκιπες από τις
αιγυπτιακές Θηβες με την υποστήριξη του ιερατείου του Αμμωνος (Διας)
εξεγέρθηκαν εναντία στους Υξώς τους οποίους κατάφεραν να εκδιώξουν
κατόπιν μεγάλων μαχών. Όσοι από τους Υξώς διέφυγαν, πήγαν στα
Σολυμα της Παλαιστίνης. Όσοι πιαστήκαν αιχμάλωτοι στάλθηκαν σκλάβοι
στα λατομεία ανατολικά του Νείλου. Η νίκη των Θηβαίων αποδόθηκε στον
θεό Αμμωνα (Δια).

Ο Πλουταρχος στο "Περι Ισιδος και Οσιριδος" αναφέρει:


(Σύμφωνα με τους Ησίοδο, Απολλόδωρο, Νοννο κ.α., ο Τυφωνας θεωρείται
ο τελευταίος των γηινων Γιγάντων, ο οποίος αντιστάθηκε στην άνοδο του
Διός στον θρόνο του Ολύμπου...). "Ο ΤΥΦΩΝ ΣΥΜΒΟΛΙΖΕΙ ΤΟ ΠΑΘΗΤΙΚΟ
(απερίσκεπτο, αποσυντονισμένο) ΜΕΡΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΨΥΧΗΣ, ΕΝΩ ΣΤΟ ΣΩΜΑ
ΥΠΕΚΠΗΔΗΣΙ..." [371 Β].

Ο Τύφων δηλαδή είναι υπαίτιος των σοβαρότερων ψυχοσωματικών


ΑΝΑΤΡΟΠΗ." [376, Α] Θαρρώ λοιπόν ότι μιλούμε για διαχρονικούς μύθους
που έτυχε απλά κάποιους αιώνες αργότερα να συσχετίζονται με θεωρίες
ανακαλύψεων και ανησυχίες της εποχής της πληροφορικής και της
ταχύτατης ενημέρωσης-παραπληροφόρησης. Ωστόσο, πίσω από τον μύθο
υπάρχει και μια ιστορική αλήθεια. Όχι για εξωγήινους αλλά για κάποιους
κακούς και μπαγάσες…εσω-γήινους! ΠΙΡΙ-ΡΕΙΣ ΤΙΧΟΥΑΝΑΚΟ ΜΑΓΙΑ





Κατά τα πρώτα τρία μέρη του εν λόγω αποδεικτικά στοιχεία έγγραφο αυτό
παρουσιάστηκε γεγονός που υποδηλώνει ότι η ελίτ των κοινωνιών ήταν
μυστικός στη μακραίωνη μυστικό της αιώρηση. Οι Rosi crucian ήταν μία
τέτοια ομάδα και Αλχημιστές στο πλαίσιο αυτό έχουν αποκτηθεί από την
αρχαία σοφία προκατακλυσμιαίο βιβλιοθήκες κρυμμένο βαθιά το εσωτερικό
του φλοιού της Γης. Επιπλέον, ανακάλυψαν το γεγονός ότι η εσωτερική-
terrestrials γη (οι οποίοι εξακολουθούν να διαμένουν στο εσωτερικό της Γης
σήμερα) επιστρατευθούν «αντι-βαρύτητας» από μηχανικής και λειτουργίας
των ΑΤΙΑ χιλιάδες χρόνια πριν. Ένας απόκρυφα τεχνολογία της
πεπειραμένους κατακτηθεί τελικά οι ίδιοι, δεν αποκρυπτογραφηθεί μόνο
από το πρακτικό, αλλά και από την άμεση επικοινωνία με το εσωτερικό
απεσταλμένους-γη-συνεργάτες για την επάνω κόσμο. Συνεχίζοντας με το
θέμα αυτό, υποστηρίζω άλλες μυστικές κοινωνίες ήταν επίσης σε
επικοινωνία με το εσωτερικό-terrestrials γη και να φαίνεται ο κύριος στόχος
του διαλόγου αυτού ήταν και πάλι στον πλοίαρχο του «φέρουν τεχνολογία
δίσκο». Η γερμανική Thule και Vril κοινωνίες αποτελούν άριστα
παραδείγματα αυτής της spin-off ομάδες από την αρχική
Ροδόσταυροι. Επιπλέον αυτών των κοινωνιών, στο Thule ομάδα
ειδικότερα, ανακάλυψε τον εντοπισμό των πολικών ανοιγμάτων σήραγγας ή
«απύθμενη pits'-Βιμανα πύλες, αν-θα-σας, στον υπόγειο κόσμο. Μια άλλη
σημαντική αποκάλυψη έχω Ανοιχτό δείχνει το υπόγειο κάτοικοι πραγματικά
λατρεία έναν μαύρο ήλιο! Ως ερευνητής Dark Star, αυτό είναι σημαντικό,
διότι η κοινωνία Thule επίσης μίλησε για μια «Black Sun» και αναφέρεται ότι
με μεγάλη εκτίμηση. Γιατί λατρεία έναν μαύρο ήλιο; Θα ρίξει φως σε αυτό το
ζήτημα για περαιτέρω στη σειρά. Αλλά πρώτα, ας εξετάσουμε την
προέλευση των εσωτερικών-terrestrials γη.

ANUNNAKI / Aryan απογόνοι –

«... Οι Ναζί [απαρτίζεται κυρίως από μέλη Thule] πίστευε η" Αρίων "ήταν
απόγονοι του ... [Giant θεός-σαν] υπεράνθρωποι που είχαν αποκλειστεί
από τον πλανήτη στη Thule, αρχαία πρωτεύουσα της βόρειας υπερ-φυλή.
Μπορεί να εξαχθεί το συμπέρασμα ότι οι "υπεράνθρωποι" που οι ναζί
πιστεύουν ... δεν είναι άλλοι από τους Anunnaki [Ζεκάρια Σίτσιν] ήταν
περιγράφονται στο έργο του ... "Page 232

Exhibit 21) Jim Marrs (άρθρο από

Απόρρητο © 2000)

"... Μετά από χρόνια αποκλειστικής

μετάφραση και τη μελέτη, Σίτσιν
συνειδητοποίησε ότι η βιβλική Nefilim
και Σουμερίων Anunnaki
εκπροσώπησε την ίδια έννοια-ότι, στις
περισσότερες μακρινό παρελθόν,
όντα της Γης αρχικά κατέβηκε από τα
αστέρια και ίδρυσε την πρώτη
πολιτισμούς , ένα θέμα το οποίο έχει
τρέξει με σχεδόν όλες τις μυστικές
εταιρίες, από την Μασονία στην
Εταιρεία της Θούλης ... " Εδώ είναι μια
σύντομη περίληψη των γεγονότων,
σύμφωνα με Σίτσιν:
"... Περίπου 450.000 χρόνια πριν,
μια ομάδα διαστημικό
ανθρωποειδών εξωγήινους έφτασε
στο πλανήτη Γη. Ήρθαν από τον
πλανήτη, περίπου τρεις φορές το
μέγεθος της Γης, που οι Σουμέριοι
ονομάζεται Nibiru [ή '12th πλανήτη
», που επιστρέφει κάθε 3.600
χρόνια-GJ] ... Η Anunnaki ξεκίνησε
μια συστηματική αποικισμός της Γης υπό την ηγεσία των δύο
[ανταγωνιστές της Anu ] γιους enil και Enki. Όλοι οι ηγέτες Anunnaki
ήταν ... να αναλάβει το ρόλο του "θεοί", ή Nefilim, για τους
ανθρώπους. Όλως περιέργως, ένα από αυτά τα Nefilim ονομάστηκε
ΝΑΖΙ. Κάποιος πρέπει να αναρωτηθεί αν εικοστού αιώνα γερμανική
αποκρυφιστές γνώριζε το θέμα αυτό [και έτσι η Anunnaki / Nefilim / σύνδεση
Aryan γεννήθηκε-GJ] ... "σελίδες 379-382."... Πάνω από χιλιάδες χρόνια
χρόνος στη Γη-αλλά μόνο λίγα χρόνια για να το Anunnaki-μια ακμάζουσα
αποικία αυτών [Giant] επισκέπτες τέθηκε σε εφαρμογή και η προσοχή τους
στράφηκε προς πρωταρχικός στόχος τους [homo erectus χρήση-ως
σκλάβοι σε ορυχείο] χρυσό ... [ένα μέταλλο που απαιτούνται για να σώσει
τον πλανήτη πεθαίνουν ατμόσφαιρα τους, ωστόσο] ... για αυτά τα
προβλήματα εξωγήινης αποίκων προέκυψαν λόγω των κλιματικών
αλλαγών, η οποία προκάλεσε δυσκολίες μεταξύ των Anunnaki, και το
αδιάκοπο μόχθο των εξορυκτικών δραστηριοτήτων ... "σελίδες 382-383.
"Η Anunnaki είχε εξόρυξη χρυσού στη Γη για περισσότερο από 100.000
χρόνια [ωστόσο η homo-erectus απόθεμα είχε αρχίσει να αποδυναμώσει] ...
το βαθμό-και-αρχείο Anunnaki, οι οποίοι ήταν [τώρα] κάνει [περισσότερα]
την κοπιαστική εργασία στα ορυχεία, στασιάσει περίπου 300.000 χρόνια
πριν ... "[Μια μεγάλη συνέλευση πραγματοποιήθηκε σε απάντηση σε αυτή
την ανταρσία και υπό τη διεύθυνση του Enki αποφασίστηκε να
χειραγωγήσουν το DNA του Homo erectus-και να δημιουργήσει ο
σύγχρονος άνθρωπος για την έννοια της συνεχούς εξόρυξης τους πράξεις-
"... Το αποτέλεσμα αυτής της ανθρώπινης αύξησης του πληθυσμού και
ολοένα και πιο στενή επαφή τους με το Anunnaki ήταν προβλέψιμη. Γένεση
6:1-4 σχετίζονται, "Όταν οι άνθρωποι άρχισαν να αυξάνονται σε αριθμό για
την γη και γεννήθηκαν κόρες τους, οι γιοι του Θεού (το Nefilim / Anunnaki)
είδε ότι οι κόρες των ανθρώπων ήταν όμορφες, και παντρεύτηκε κάποια
από αυτούς που επέλεξαν ... Το Nefilim ήταν στη γη εκείνες τις μέρες-και
αργότερα-όταν οι γιοι του Θεού πήγαν στις κόρες των ανθρώπων και είχαν
παιδιά από τους ... "Page 389
"... Περίπου δώδεκα χιλιάδες χρόνια πριν ... την ηγεσία Anunnaki
συνειδητοποίησε ότι σοβαρες αλλαγές στη γη θα προκύψουν με την
επικείμενη επιστροφή του πλανήτη Nibiru. [Τι ειρωνεία. Ο ίδιος ο πλανήτης
που υπέστησαν τους ήταν έτοιμος να τους καταστρέψουν κατά τη διάρκεια
της συγκεκριμένης fly-by ... Σύμφωνα με τα κείμενα Σουμερίων, που ήταν
αντίπαλος αδελφός enil του Enki που [είχε
συμπάθεια τον homo sapiens-και] έδωσε
εντολή ο Νώε ... πώς να κατασκευάσει
ένα κιβωτός ... "[Για να σώσει την
ανθρωπότητα από την επικείμενη
καταστροφή] Σελίδες 390-391. Έτσι εκεί
το έχετε. Είναι Σουμερίων υπόψη Σίτσιν
είναι απολύτως ακριβής; Μπορείτε να
είναι ο δικαστής.
Άλλοι ερευνητές προτείνουν μία κλίκα του
Anunnaki, υπό τη διεύθυνση του enil,
διέφυγαν εκτός πλανήτη μέχρι τα νερά
των πλημμυρών υποχωρήσει. Ενώ άλλοι,
με τη βοήθεια του Enki, (ki έννοια υπόγεια
ήθελα να προσθέσω) διέφυγε στο πλαίσιο
του παγκόσμιου συστήματος της
σήραγγας της εξορυκτικής βιομηχανίας,
γνωστή σήμερα ως το σύστημα της
σήραγγας Agharti. Σύμφωνα με το μύθο
της υπόγειο Shambhala, θιβετιανή Lamas
πω Giant εσωτερικός-κατοίκους γη (Anunnaki / Aryans) αρχικά κατοικούσαν
στην αρκτική περιοχή της Γης και ήταν το τελευταίο εναπομείναν επιζώντες
κατακλυσμό του «Λευκου Νησίου» καλύτερα γνωστό ως Υπερβορεία-Thule.
Παραθέτοντας ένα απόσπασμα από τον Jean-Nazime et εκκρίνει Claude
Frere για socites (1974) απόκρυφα ερευνητής Joscelyn Goodwin,
προβλέπει τα εξής:
Από Exhibit 2) Joscelyn Goodwin (Arktos: The Polar Μύθος © 1993)
«Μετά τον κατακλυσμό προβλεφθεί ότι το Λευκό Νησί ή Υπερβορεία ηταν
ακατοίκητος, ίσως ... οι κάτοικοι μετανάστευσαν στην περιοχή που τώρα
καλύπτονται από την έρημο Γκόμπι και ίδρυσε εκεί ένα νέο εδρα την
Agartha. Άνθρωποι φλοκωτά από όλες τις κατευθύνσεις σε αυτό το "κέντρο
του κόσμου», το οποίο απολαμβάνουν 2000 χρόνια λαμπρό πολιτισμό. Στη
συνέχεια, μια άλλη καταστροφή συνέβη, άγνωστη αιτία της: η επιφάνεια της
περιοχής καταστράφηκε, αλλά επέζησε η Agartha η υπόγεια. Προς τα εκεί η
μεγάλη κίνηση ταξίδεψε Frere-αναφέρει Πυθαγόρας [και] Απολλώνιος
Τύανα ... για την παραλαβή εντολών από το
κυρίαρχοι του κόσμου. Οι άνθρωποι Aryan
μεταναστεύσει [υπόγεια?]
Σε δύο κατευθύνσεις: η μία πήγε βόρεια και δυτικά,
ελπίζοντας να επιστρέψουν στην πατρίδα τους
υπερβόρειος [Ultima Thule] και να κατακτήσει χάσει
εδάφη τους.
Μια δεύτερη ομάδα πήγε νότια, στα Ιμαλάια, και
ίδρυσε ένα άλλο μυστικό κέντρο τους σε
υπόγειες σπηλιές [Shambhala] ... "Σελίδα 80.
"Η ομαδα του Thule ήταν πεπεισμένοι ότι οι εν λόγω
[υπόγεια] επιζώντες ήταν Aryans, τα μέλη της
αρχικής [Anunnaki] φυλή από την οποία είχε όλη την ανθρωπότητα
ανηρτημένες υπήρχαν εκεί..." Page 198.
Ένας άλλος υποστηρικτής της Aryans και Agarthian θρύλος ήταν Louis
Jacolliot (1837-1890) και ήταν αυτός που συνήψε τη Aryans αρχικά ήταν
«Brahmins» της αρχαίας Ινδίας. Πεποιθήσεων Jacolliot ήταν μη αμφιβολία
που εγκρίθηκε από το Thulists. Ωστόσο, σε σχέση με την υπερβόρειος
κατακλυσμό, ήταν Yves Saint-ο οποίος μίλησε για κυκλικές πόλο-
μετατοπίσεις που προέρχονται από Aryan / σοφία Brahmanical.
Ιανουάριο του 1897 στο Saint-Yves διαρρέουν αυτό τρομάζοντας
αποκάλυψη, με τη μορφή μιας επιστολής που αντιστοιχεί στο γαλλικό όνομα
του μαθητή Papus, αναφέροντας ότι ο πλανήτης Γη περνά μέσα από μια
«τέταρτη» μετακίνηση προς το παρόν άγνωστη στην επιστήμη. Βλέπε
Από Exhibit 2) Joscelyn Goodwin (Arktos: The Polar Μύθος)
"... Το πέρασμα στην οποία εξηγεί [από μια χριστιανική άποψη] οι αλλαγές
της γης αξίζει να διαβαστεί σε πλήρη:
«Το 11.500 χρόνια από τα οποία μιλάτε είναι το αποτέλεσμα ενός
υπολογισμού για την Brahminical αστρονομικό κύκλους. Και, μετά τον κύκλο
ενδιαφερομένων, θαλάσσιας Ευρώπης, ΟΠΩΣ ΜΑΣ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΝΑ ΓΝΩΡΙΖΕΤΕ
γεωγράφους, θα έχουν την ίδια τύχη με [Ultima Thule και] Ατλαντίς
περίπου δώδεκα αιώνες από τώρα. Το δίκαιο του εν λόγω κύκλου είναι
συμφυής με το γεγονός ότι ένα τέταρτο της επίγειας ΚΙΝΗΣΗΣ, ακόμα
άγνωστες στους επιστήμονες. Το γεγονός, και του δικαίου, είναι συνέπεια
μιας κύριος πνευματική της ευεργεσίας και της γενικής τάξης, παραβιάζονται
από την ηλικία για την ηλικία από τη διαστροφή της δεσπόζουσας αγώνες.
Η αρχή αυτή, στην θεία φύση του, τείνει να διατηρήσει ή να αποκαταστήσει
τη Γη σε ισορροπία, δηλαδή με άξονα που συμπίπτει με εκείνη των
ουρανών, και ως εκ τούτου, κατά την κανονική βιολογική κατάσταση του
"Τώρα, η απόκλιση στην ανθρώπινη ουσία που επέφερε ότι από το σύνολο
του πλανητικού ουσία-ολόκληρου του πλανήτη: την ταχεία κινητοποίηση του
μαγνητικού μεσημβρινού σε λίγο κύκλους, τελειώνει με ένα κύκλο των
δεκαοκτώ ετών? Την κλίση των Πολων (τρίτος μεγάλος -κίνηση κλίμακας)?
και, τέλος, την ανατροπή πολικές και κριτική αναθεώρηση, CAIN
ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΣΤΟ Land of Nod, προκάλεσαν τη σύνοδο κορυφής από ζενίθ
στο ναδίρ της, του? με μια λέξη, ταφή BENEATH THE SEAS ΤΗΣ ασεβής
ΑΓΩΝΑΣ ΚΑΙ ήπειρο. Κρατήστε τον εαυτό σας, Αγαπητέ Κύριε, τα φοβερα
αυτά μυστικά του αρχαίου πανεπιστημίου του Πατριαρχικού Ναού, ένα
τρομερό μυστικό μεταξύ πολλών άλλων, επίσης, γνωστό ότι οι
Προφήτες και μαθητές του Κυρίου μας Ιησού Χριστού. Περισσότερο
από ποτέ, η αλήθεια πρέπει να τηρούνται από το βέβηλο δεν είναι
μόνο για την αγάπη της αλήθειας, αλλά και από φιλανθρωπίας προς
εκείνους που θα το βεβηλώνω. "Page 213.

Αυτό το καταπληκτικό πέρασμα από Saint-Yves δίνει δελεαστικες ενδείξεις

μιάς υπόγειας «ασεβους φυλής" που θάφτηκε λόγω κατακλυσμική πόλο
βάρδια. Μια μυστική ακόμη και ο Ιησούς Χριστός ο ίδιος γνώριζε. Καθ
'όλη χαρτιά μου έχω υποστήριξε ο μόνος τρόπος για έναν πόλο
αλλαγή μπορεί να συμβεί είναι από το πέρασμα του σχεδόν από
πλανητικό οργανισμό όπως Nibiru. Το πρώτο αιώνα Ρωμαϊκή
Φιλόσοφος Lucius Annaeus Seneca επίσης υπαινίχθηκε ενός πόλου
στροφής: Βλ. κατωτέρω:
«Θα 'ρθει καιρός στα μετέπειτα χρόνια, όταν η Ωκεανό θα απολύω τις ζώνες
των πραγμάτων, όταν η ανυπολόγιστη Γη θα βρίσκεται ανοιχτό, όταν οι
ναυτικοί θα ανακαλύψετε νέες χώρες, και [Τελευταία]" Thule "δεν θα είναι
πλέον το απώτατο σημείο μεταξύ των εδαφών . "-
Απόσπασμα από τη" Μήδεια του Σενέκα "


Exhibit 22) Dusty Sklar (Θεών και κτηνών: Οι Ναζί και
η εμφανής © 1977)

"... [Baron von Rudolf] Sebottendorff [Grand Master

του Thule καταθέσει και ιδρυτής πίσω στο 1918] είχε
αγάπης-μίσους με ... Freemasons. Ήταν το πρότυπο
για τις περισσότερες μυστικές οργανώσεις. "Το παλιό Μασονία», είπε, "ήταν
ένας κτηνοτρόφος από τα μυστικά που είχε μάθει από την Αρία [/ Anunnaki]
σοφία και από την αλχημιστών ..." σελίδες 28-29.

Η αναφορά ανωτέρω προτείνει την Εταιρεία της Θούλης πολύ πιθανόν θα

μπορούσε να αποκτήσει αρχαία χειρόγραφα από μια πλούσια κληρονομιά
των Αλχημιστων, ακριβώς πόσα χειρόγραφα ανακαλύφθηκαν δεν μπορει να
μαντέψει κανείς. Στο Thule Εταιρεία έλαβε το όνομά τους (προφέρεται
Toolay) από μυθολογικά ξηράς που ονομάζεται «Υπερβορεία», που υπήρχε
πέρα από το Βόρειο Πόλο. Σύμφωνα με Thulists, Ultima Thule, ήταν το
σπίτι του υπερβόρειος / Άρια φυλή και ήταν Rudolf von Sebottendorff ο
οποίος ήταν υπεύθυνος για την έναρξη αυτής απόκρυφα πίστη στην καρδιά
της Γερμανίας. Από την αρχή, Thulists ενδιαφέρονταν πολύ στην
Ισλανδία είναι ένας διερευνηθεί διεξοδικά. Γιατί; Λοιπόν, σύμφωνα με
Pytheas, το διάσημο ελληνικό πλοηγός από τον 4ο αιώνα π.Χ., Thule ήταν
έξι ημέρες ταξίδι βόρεια θάλασσα της Βρετανίας, ώστε οι Γερμανοί συναχθεί
Ισλανδία έπρεπε να είναι η θέση της σύγχρονης «Thule." Ωστόσο, αυτό που
βρίσκω πιο ενδιαφέρον είναι το γεγονός ότι πίστευε στην ύπαρξη του άλλου
»νησιού δίδυμο» ξηράς παρόμοια με την Ισλανδία που βρίσκεται στην
αντίθετη πλευρά της Γροιλανδίας
»πέρα από το βόρειο-πόλο».
-Σε άλλα-λόγια, η Εταιρεία της
Θούλης σκέψης όταν
αποκαλύφθηκε ενδείξεις στην
Ισλανδία αυτό θα άνοιξη-σκάφους
τους στην ξηράς που είχαν τελικά
την αναζήτηση-η αρχική πατρίδα
του Άρια φυλή, Ultima Thule.
Μήπως είναι κατάλοιπο της ξηράς
Ultima Thule εξακολουθούν να
υπάρχουν σήμερα; Παρέχονται
παρακάτω δύο άρθρα περιοδικών
για την υποστήριξη αυτής.
Πρόκειται για μεγάλη διάρκεια, αλλά πιστεύω ότι είναι nessacary για τον
αναγνώστη να ενημερώνεται με πληροφορίες ως προς το γιατί αυτό το νησί
πατρίδα είναι τόσο σημαντικό, το οποίο θα φανεί πιο πέρα, στις χαρτί.

«Undiscovered νησί ανοικτά των ακτών της Αλάσκας»

 "Σε [Γερμανικά] Παρουσίαση των πολικών περιοχών, που δημοσιεύθηκε σε
Gotha έντεκα χρόνια πριν, η γη έχει καταδειχθεί ως υπάρχουσες βόρεια-
βορειοανατολικά από το σημείο Barrow, το βορειότερο σημείο της
Αλάσκας ... δεν έχω καταφέρει να επιτύχει αυτή την γη που αναφέρεται σε
οποιοδήποτε άλλο χάρτη, δεν έχω βρει καμία δήλωση που δημοσιεύθηκε το
σεβασμό ... " "... Το γεγονός ότι υπάρχει ένα ανεξερεύνητο ή μάλλον
Unvisited γης κάπου ανατολικά και βόρεια του σημείου Barrow είναι ένα
θέμα κοινού μιλήσουμε μεταξύ των φαλαινοθήρες που επισκέπτονται κάθε
χρόνο την περιοχή. Captain John Keenan, της Τροίας, Νέα Υόρκη, ο
πλοίαρχος του φαλαινοθηρίας Stamboul φλοιού, των New Bedford αναφέρει
ότι ο ίδιος και όλοι το πλήρωμά του που είδε, ενώ σε φαλαινοθηρία ταξίδι
κάποια στιγμή κατά τη διάρκεια των δεκαοκτώ [] εβδομήντα. Οι Εσκιμώοι
έχουν παραδόσεις αυτής της γης και από μια επίσκεψη σε αυτήν από τους
πατέρες "εδώ και πολύ καιρό." "Η γνωστά γεγονότα σέβεται αυτό το
υποθετικό (ή θα πρέπει να πούμε πραγματικά;) της γης είναι ... όλα τα
αδημοσίευτα. Είναι ως εκ τούτου φαίνεται να μου επιθυμητό να τεθούν αυτά
τα λίγα στοιχεία για την εγγραφή, και ότι δεν έχει θέση ήταν πιο κατάλληλη
από το περιοδικό μιας κοινωνίας που διατίθενται για την αύξηση και τη
διάδοση των γεωγραφικών γνώσεων. " «Τα γεγονότα έχουν όλα έρχονται σε
μένα μέσα από παλιά φίλος μου Captain Herendeen του ΕΚ, ο οποίος, μετά
από αίτησή μου, έχει γράψει ο λογαριασμός στον οποίο οι παρατηρήσεις
αυτές προορίζονται μόνο ως εισαγωγή. Captain Herendeen, ένας ντόπιος
Woods Holl, Μασαχουσέτη, υπήρξε για πολλά χρόνια ασχολούνται με τη
φαλαινοθηρία, που έχουν εισέλθει στην Αρκτική για την επίτευξη των
φαλαινών ήδη από το 1850 ... " "Από τους αυτόχθονες και μέσω του
Καπετάν Keenan [circled στην εικόνα] του φαλαινοθηρικού στόλου, έχει
λάβει τις ακόλουθες πληροφορίες, τις οποίες είχε την καλοσύνη να
αναγράφεται για το National Geographic Society. Ζητώ να προτείνω τη
σκοπιμότητα της καλώντας το λίγο-πολύ γνωστή γης Keenan ISLAND ...."
[Βλέπε ΣΧΗΜΑ 27] "Μεταξύ των πολλών παραδόσεων του σημείου Barrow
Εσκιμώος το ακόλουθο κείμενο δεν είναι δεν γεωγραφικό ενδιαφέρον:
Δεδομένου ότι δεν έχει λογαριασμό που τηρείται από τους της παρέλευσης
του χρόνου, είναι αδύνατον να
καθοριστεί μια ημερομηνία σε όλες
τις συνδεδεμένες με την ιστορία
τους πριν από την ζωή του τους Ο
πατέρας ή ο παππούς. Απλή
απάντηση τους σε οποιαδήποτε
ερώτηση σχετικά με την ημερομηνία
αυτών των περιστατικών είναι
πάντα η ίδια, "eidr« rnee "(εδώ και
πολύ καιρό). Η ιστορία μας είναι το
εξής: Ένας Εσκιμώος ήταν έξω σε
ένα κυνήγι φαλαινών με umiak και το πλήρωμά του (τον Απρίλιο ή τον

"Venturing πολύ μακρύτερα από τους συντρόφους τους και να καλύπτονται

από πάγους, είχαν παρασυρθεί προς τα βόρεια και ανατολικά από το
πακέτο που διακινούνται μέχρι επιτέλους να ήρθε σε οπτική επαφή με
παράξενη χώρα ..." «Αυτές οι ιστορίες, από οποιονδήποτε και αν αφορούν,
φαίνεται να μαρτυρούν σε ένα σημείο, δηλαδή, της γης κάπου προς τα
βόρεια και ανατολικά του σημείου Barrow, το οποίο θεωρήθηκε από
ορισμένους από αυτούς τους ανθρώπους υπό αυτές τις συνθήκες της
κακουχίες, ταλαιπωρίες και απώλεια της ζωής να έχουν σταθερές
περίπτωση στο μυαλό τους και έχουν σχέση με τον πατέρα σε γιο ίσως για
πολλές γενεές. Είναι λένε συχνά ότι οι ιθαγενείς διαχείμασης μεταξύ
Harrison και Camden κόλποι δει ΓΗ ΣΤΟ ΒΟΡΕΙΟ στο φωτεινό, ΗΜΕΡΕΣ
CLEAR της άνοιξης. "
"Το χειμώνα του 1886-'87, Uzharlu, μια επιχειρηματική Εσκιμώος των
Ootkeavie, ήταν πολύ ανήσυχος για μένα να πάρω λίγο καπετάνιο να του το
επόμενο καλοκαίρι, με την οικογένεια, κανό και η στολή του, στα
βορειοανατολικά όσον αφορά το πλοίο πήγε, και στη συνέχεια θα
προσπαθήσει να βρει αυτό το μυστηριώδη χώρα του οποίο είχε ακούσει
τόσα πολλά? αλλά κανείς δεν φρόντισε να ασχοληθείτε με αυτό το
παράτολμος εξερευνητής Εσκιμώος. Τόσο σίγουροι ήταν αυτός ο
άνθρωπος με την αλήθεια αυτών των εκθέσεων ότι ήταν πρόθυμος να
πλεύσει μακριά στο άγνωστο, όπως και μια άλλη Columbus, σε αναζήτηση
ενός ESKIMO PARADISE. "Το χειμώνα του 1887 πολλά από τα πιο έξυπνα
του ακρωτηρίου Smyth Εσκιμώων ήρθε σε εμένα για το σούρουπο από το
βράδυ της 15 Φλεβάρη και ανέφερε ότι τρεις άνδρες περίεργο είχε έρθει
επάνω από τα νοτιοδυτικά κατά μήκος της ακτής πάγο, και φάνηκε πολύ
κουρασμένος, αλλά στις προσεχείς απέναντι από το χωριό (η οποία δεν θα
μπορούσε να θεωρηθεί από τους ταξιδιώτες πριν), που αναπτύσσεται με
ταχείς ρυθμούς τους, γύρισε απότομα off-shore, και εξαφανίστηκε στον
πάγο-πακέτο. Ήταν ακριβώς όπως ο ήλιος έδυε και οι ξένοι μπορεί να δει
σαφώς, αλλά δεν είχαν μέχρι να πάρει τα ακατέργαστα πάγο έκανε να
συμβεί σε αυτούς τους ανθρώπους στέκεται στην όχθη του ότι αυτές οι τρεις
ξένοι περιηγητές ήταν πράγματι? Και το περισσότερο που μίλησαν the θέμα
κατά τη διάρκεια των πιο υπέροχο φαινόταν ότι κάθε κουρασμένος κυνηγός
πρέπει να περάσει το χωριό τους δεν στάση για ξεκούραση και
αναζωογόνηση. Ήταν προφανές ότι στράφηκαν μακριά στο φόβο όταν είδε
το χωριό και τους ανθρώπους στέκεται στην τράπεζα. Ποιος θα μπορούσε
να είναι αυτοί οι άντρες που γύρισε μακριά από το φιλόξενο χωριό τους,
όπου τα τρόφιμα και μια θερμή υποδοχή τους περίμενε; Οι αιτιολογημένη
ότι κάθε άνθρωπος στην ακτή από το σημείο προς σημείο Hope Barrow
ήταν γνωστή σε όλους τους άλλους, και ήξερε ότι θα ήταν ευπρόσδεκτη για
την τροφή και στέγη. Όσο περισσότερο που μίλησαν, ο ξένος φαινόταν,
μέχρι είχε εξαχθεί το συμπέρασμα ότι πρόκειται για "inutumuktua," (LOST
άτομα) και φυσικά σπίτι τους, πρέπει να την μυστηριώδη χώρα της
παράδοσής τους πατέρες ». Ως απόδειξη αυτού του είπαν οι τρεις άνδρες
που φορούσαν λευκή ενδυμασία, η οποία πιθανότατα κατασκευάζονται από
λευκό δερμάτων αρκούδας, ενώ οι Εσκιμώοι της ακτής καφέ φορούν ρούχα
κατασκευασμένα από δέρματα ταράνδων ...."
"... Από τις γνώσεις μου για την Εσκιμώων, είμαι βέβαιος ότι δεν γνωρίζει
κάποιος θα έχει περάσει ένα χωριό δεν σταματήσει. Ήταν κοντά το βράδυ,
αλλά αυτοί οι άνδρες σε εμφανές συναγερμός απενεργοποιήσει ακτή στη
συσκευασία πάγο και ποτέ δεν είχαν δει ξανά ... "
"... Η μόνη έκθεση της γης έχουν δει από πολιτισμένο άνθρωπο σε αυτό το
περιβάλλον έγινε από Captain John Keenan, της Τροίας, Νέα Υόρκη, στα
εβδομήντα. Ήταν κατά τη στιγμή στην εντολή της φαλαινοθηρίας φλοιό
Stamboul, της New Bedford. Captain Keenan είπε ότι μετά τη λήψη πολλών
φαλαινών ο καιρός έγινε πάχους, και στάθηκε στα βόρεια με εύκολη πανί,
και συμμετείχε δραστήρια στην προσπάθειά τους έξω και πρόσδεσης κάτω
του δείγματος ελαίου. Όταν η ομίχλη CLEARED OFF, οικόπεδο είχε σαφώς
προκύπτει από βορρά από τον ίδιο και όλοι οι άνδρες του πληρώματος του?
Αλλά, καθώς δεν ήταν σε ένα ταξίδι ανακάλυψης και δεν υπήρχαν οι
φάλαινες στην όραση, ήταν υποχρεωμένος να δώσει την εντολή να κρατήσει
μακριά από το νότο προς αναζήτηση τους. Η επιτυχία του ταξιδιού του,
εξαρτάται από τη διατήρηση των φαλαινών »."Το γεγονός αυτό συζητήθηκε
πολλές φορές μεταξύ των whalemen σχετικά με την επιστροφή του στόλου
προς Σαν Φρανσίσκο το φθινόπωρο. Η θέση του καπετάνιου του πλοίου
Keenan κατά τη γη φορά παρατηρήθηκε και πέρασε από το μυαλό μου,
εκτός από το ότι ήταν μεταξύ Harrison και Camden όρμους. Μια επιστολή
προς Captain Keenan από το συγγραφέα, τον Φεβρουάριο, ζητώντας
περισσότερες συγκεκριμένες πληροφορίες ως προς την ημερομηνία και τη
θέση του πλοίου του και άλλα σημεία ενδιαφέροντος, παρέλειψε να τον
βλέπουν και επιστράφηκε. "[END]
Γενικά AW Greely (ένας από τους 33 ιδρυτές της National Geographic
Society) και άλλες παρατηρήσεις στο άρθρο και φάνηκε να εκπλήσσεται της
αναφοράς του κ. Μπέικερ στο γερμανικό χάρτη από το 1882 με ένδειξη
ξηράς βορρά-βορρά προς ανατολάς από το Point Barrow, Alaska.
Έκπληκτος γιατί Greely δεν έχουν πρόσβαση σε αυτή τη συγκεκριμένη
γερμανική χάρτη. Αυτό είναι σημαντικό διότι, όπως και εγώ, ήταν μάλλον
σκέφτεται πώς οι Γερμανοί αποκτήσει τις πληροφορίες αυτές και γιατί έχουν
τόσο ενδιαφέρονται για ένα νησί της ξηράς σε αυτήν την περιοχή; Κατά τη
γνώμη μου, υπάρχει μια σύνδεση εδώ μεταξύ της γερμανικής χαρτί Gotha
που αναφέρθηκαν από τον κ. Baker και την διαρκή αναζήτηση για τους
Γερμανούς αρχαία κληρονομιά μιας
Aryan πατρίδας.
Exhibit 24) Sumner Ν. ανθίσει,
Editor (Popular Science Μηνιαίο
περιοδικό © Δεκέμβριο του 1923) το
άρθρο με τίτλο: Μπορεί η ZR-1
Ανακαλύψτε μια Polar Paradise; «...
Στο κέντρο της άγνωστη περιοχή
του Polar Θάλασσας μπορεί να
ανακαλύψει μια τεράστια [νησί]
θερμαίνεται από υπόγεια πυρκαγιές,
και κατοικείται από τους απογόνους των τελευταίων της νορβηγικής
αποικίας της Γροιλανδίας!
Έτσι άγρια είναι η ιδέα που να φορολογεί τις πιο εύπιστος φαντασία.
Ωστόσο, ενθαρρύνεται έντονα και δεν υποστηρίζεται μόνο από την ιστορία
και την παράδοση, αλλά από την αναζήτηση δοκιμή της επιστημονικής
ανάλυσης. Μάρτυρας τα εκπληκτικά γεγονότα:
"Εντός των ορίων της Πολικής Θάλασσας απλώνεται η μεγαλύτερη
ανεξερεύνητη έκταση στην επιφάνεια του πλανήτη: 1.000.000 τετραγωνικά
χιλιόμετρα στα οποία δεν έχει κανένα ανθρώπινο μάτι
κοίταξε! ... Οι περισσότεροι από αυτό το τεράστιο
άγριας φύσης έγκειται στην Αλάσκα πλευρά του
Πόλου. Την ευρωπαϊκή πλευρά βρίσκεται η Ισλανδία,
σε σημείο που αντιστοιχεί περίπου στο κέντρο της
άγνωστης περιοχής απέναντι, πέρα από την κορυφή
του κόσμου. Το γεγονός αυτό είναι σημαντικό. Οι
εμπειρογνώμονες είναι σχεδόν ομόφωνη
συμφωνία ότι μια νέα Αρκτική γη θα βρεθεί από
το ZR-1. Ο γιατρός Χάρης, η παλιρροϊκή
εμπειρογνωμόνων στην Ουάσιγκτον, DC, εδώ και
πολύ καιρό δήλωσε ότι τα στοιχεία που είχε
εκπονηθεί από την πολική όλα τα ωκεάνια ρεύματα
τον έπεισε ότι η ύπαρξη μιας μεγάλης μάζας γης κοντά
στον Βόρειο Πόλο είναι αδιαμφισβήτητη. "

"Θα βρεθουν οι προγόνοι της χαμένης αποικίας των

Οι Βίκινγκ που μυστηριωδώς εξαφανιστηκαν από τη Γροιλανδία αιώνες
πριν να βρεθεί ένας κατοικούσαν ατμού θερμαινόμενο πολική Eskimo
χρώματα σε ζωντανή παράδοση όσον αφορά την White Men σμήνη ξαφνικά
βόρεια σε μια χώρα των θαυμάτων του ιθαγενείς καιρό ήταν εδώ - τη γη των
ατελείωτες καλοκαίρι, πλούσια σε βλάστηση και το παιχνίδι. "
"Προσθέστε σε αυτό το φάσμα των γεωλόγων προσκομίσει αποδεικτικά
στοιχεία βάσει των καταπληκτική ηφαιστειακή δραστηριότητα κατά μήκος
μια καλά καθορισμένη γραμμή που οδηγεί μέχρι το Βόρειο Ειρηνικό, μέσα
από το ιαπωνικό αρχιπέλαγος, και το φλογερό Aleutians, και έπειτα προς
τον Πόλο. Αυτή η σεισμική άξονα απεικονίζονται στον πλανήτη σχεδόν
άγνωστη διασχίζει την περιοχή του Πολικου Ωκεανού. Περαιτέρω, ήταν
αυτής της γραμμής περιστρέφεται κατά 180 μοίρες, θα αφής Ισλανδία, ένα
από τα πιο έντονα ηφαιστειακές σημεία του πλανήτη. Ένα άλλο σημαντικό
γεγονός. "
"Ακόμα περισσότερο: Δεν έχει πολλά χρόνια, σε ένα ιδιαίτερα ανοιχτό
εποχή, η αμερικανική φαλαινοθηρικό, Captain Keenan, ανέφερε ότι είδε μια
γη βορειοανατολικά του σημείου Barrow. Peary, από το Cape Thomas
Hubbard, βλέποντες μακρινό κορυφές βορειοδυτικά. Τέτοια στοιχεία είναι
αναμφισβήτητη. Το νέο [νησί], φαίνεται ήδη στο χέρι μας! ... "
Τώρα για την πιθανή τους κατοίκους της. Ο "Έρικ ο Ερυθρός ανακάλυψε
τη Γροιλανδία στο 985 μ.Χ. Ο επανέφερε λαμπερή ιστορίες του χορτώδους
φιόρδ, ολόκληρες ημέρες ηλιόλουστα, παιχνίδι μολυσμένο λόφους, πάγος-
τηγάνια στενάζουν υπό το βάρος της λίπος φώκιας, κόλποι γεμάτος με
ψάρια." "Dark ηλικίες πέρασε, Φύση φυλής και πάλι στους άνδρες η
βούληση για την αναζήτηση κόσμο της για τη γνώση και για τον πλούτο.
Γροιλανδία ανακαλύφθηκε πάλι. Hans Egede δημιούργησε το πρώτο
σύγχρονο οικισμό υπάρχει το 1721. Αλλά η ζοφερή έκθεση που έκανε
ήταν τραγικό απίστευτο: «Η νορβηγική αποικία, 10.000 άτομα - ίσως
100.000 - είχαν, σε έναν άνθρωπο, μυστηριωδώς εξαφανιστεί!
"Το μεγαλύτερο αίνιγμα στην ιστορία του κόσμου», έχει ζητήσει - η
μπλέκοντας μυστήριο της χαμένης αποικίας Σκανδιναβική. Πού
πήγαν; Σε περίπτωση που δεν πάνε είναι ένα θέμα πιο εύκολα
απάντηση. Να μην θάλασσα σε πλοία, για την είχαν, αλλά ένα ή δύο?
και της Γροιλανδίας, που βρίσκεται πάνω από το δέντρο-γραμμή, δεν
τους έδωσε την ξυλεία για την κατασκευή περισσότερων. Δεν
σκοτώθηκε από Εσκιμώοι, για Εσκιμώοι είναι τα πιο φιλειρηνικές άνθρωποι
στον κόσμο, δεν γνωρίζει την τέχνη της πόλεμο. Δεν έχει, όπως η Ευρώπη,
που καταλαμβάνεται από μερικές γεννητικά τρόμος των απαίσιο
παθογένειας, για τα μικρόβια δεν ευδοκιμούν στις πολικές περιοχές. "
"Τι λοιπόν; Εξετάστε την παράδοση Εσκιμώων: Είναι χρώματα σε έντονο
όρους Λευκή Άνδρες
σμήνη ξαφνικά βόρεια
μέχρι θαυμάτων τους
αυτόχθονες καιρό ήταν
εδώ. Εξαιτίας των
κακών πνευμάτων,
Εσκιμώος δεν είχε ποτέ
τολμήσει αυτό το
μονοπάτι. " «Με τα
μάτια μου έχω δει στη
Γροιλανδία το
ερειπωμένο πέτρινα
σπίτια του έχασε
νορβηγική αποικία»,
γράφει ο Διοικητής
Green. "Με Donald B.
MacMillan έχω
προσπαθήσει να
επιτύχει την πολική [νησί], που πιστεύεται ότι βρίσκεται στο Πολικό Βόρεια
Θάλασσα του Καναδά. "
"Ως αρκτική εξερευνητής του με την ευρεία εμπειρία, Διοικητής Πράσινη -
τώρα βοήθεια για να Ναύαρχος Ουίλιαμς, πρόεδρος της Ναυτική Σχολή
Πολέμου στο Newport, RI - προέβη σε εξαντλητική μελέτη του
συναρπαστικές δυνατότητες της ανακάλυψης που γράφει. Μετά την
αποφοίτησή του από τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Ναυτική Ακαδημία στην
Αννάπολη, έγινε μέλος του Crocker ΓΗ Αρκτική Expedition [βλ. ΣΧΗΜΑ 27-
GJ] ως μηχανικός και φυσικός το 1913. Πέρασε 3 ½ χρόνια στις πολικές
περιοχές. Την άνοιξη του 1914, με MacMillan και δύο Εσκιμώοι, που
sledged περισσότερα από 1.000 μίλια σε όλη Ellesmere Γη και έξω στον
Πολικό Θάλασσα στην αναζήτηση της γης που παλιρροϊκό
εμπειρογνώμονες επιμένουν πρέπει να βρίσκεται σε αυτόν εκατομμύρια
τετραγωνικά μίλια της ανεξερεύνητη περιοχή. Θα διερευνηθούν επίσης ένα
άγνωστο μέρος του ομόσπονδου Axel Heiberg του. "

Lieut.-Cmdr. Fitzhugh Green, U.S.N.. [εμφανίζεται εδώ] από μια

φωτογραφία που λαμβάνονται στην Αρκτική.

... Δεν είναι IDLE DREAM, ΛΕΕΙ COMMANDER ΠΡΑΣΙΝΟ, να θεωρεί ότι η
Ισλανδία Α ΓΕΩΓΡΑΦΙΚΗ MATE στην αντίθετη πλευρά του πόλου - μια
πολική [ΝΗΣΙ] του ήπιου κλίματος, και πλούσια βλάστηση θερμαίνεται ΤΟ
ΧΡΟΝΟ ΑΠΟ ιαματικές πηγές και geysers."

"... Αυτή η γη, το εξερευνητής πιστεύει, μπορεί να είναι σχετικά με το

μέγεθος της Πενσυλβανίας, και μπορεί να περιβάλλεται από έναν ευγενή
ηφαιστειακή οροσειρά θαφτεί στο αιώνιο πάγο και χιόνι. Πίσω από ένα
πέπλο ομίχλης μπορεί να βρίσκεται ένα εύφορο οροπέδιο όπου
θερμότητας, από θερμές πηγές, geysers και βράζει πισίνες αψηφά το κρύο.
Την εικονογράφηση δείχνει τις πιθανές κατοικίες των σύγχρονων απογόνων
μιας εξαφανίστηκε αγώνα της Norsemen. "
"Picture την τρομερή κατάσταση κατά την οποία η έρημη Norsemen στη
Γροιλανδία βρέθηκαν: Δεν διέξοδο για τις συναλλαγές τους. Δεν πηγή
εφοδιασμού για τη μικρή αλλά απαραίτητη πολυτέλειες της ζωής. Δεν έχουν
πρόσβαση σε φίλους και τις οικογένειες πίσω στο σπίτι. " "Μια γενιά - δύο,
ίσως - και της σκασίλα του λαχτάρα? Δυστυχία goading τους νεότερους
άνδρες να ταξιδέψουν προς βορρά. Ίσως μια διαδρομή προς νότια εδάφη
θέσει αυτόν τον τρόπο. Ξαφνικά σαν βόμβα διαλείμματα από το
κουρασμένο αποικία την υπέροχη είδηση: "Έχουμε διαπιστώσει μια πολική
παράδεισο! Sunshine! Παιχνίδι! Grass! Εύκολη βορρά Ένα ταξίδι
φεγγαριού! Ένα σύντομο για το θαλάσσιο πάγο! Έλα!"
"Τι είχαν να περιμένουν; Ένα αιώνα είχε περάσει από την τελευταία πλοίο
απέπλευσε. Ο τελευταίος άνθρωπος που είχε δει ένα πραγματικό νορβηγική
είχε πεθάνει. Πατρίδα, αλλά ήταν ένας μύθος. Έτσι "συσκευάζονται και,
τραγουδώντας τραγούδια, απομακρύνθηκε," η μητρική θρύλος το θέτει,
"ξαφνικά στο βορρά." Που δεν επέστρεψε ποτέ. Το γεγονός αυτό δεν είναι
καθόλου περίεργο, αν αυτό που πιστεύουμε ότι είναι αλήθεια - ότι βρήκαν τη
γη του γάλακτος και μελιού στο κέντρο του συστήματος των πολικών
συσκευασίας. Και είναι απόλυτα λογικό να υποθέσουμε ότι οι απόγονοί τους
θα βρεθεί εκεί το επόμενο καλοκαίρι από την πηδαλιοχούμενα ZR-1, στη
δραματική απομόνωση. "

"Αυτός ο χάρτης παρουσιάζει την προτεινόμενη transpolar αεροπορικό

δρομολόγιο του ZR-1 από την Αλάσκα στη Νορβηγία. Κοπή την απόσταση
σε ευρωπαϊκές και ασιατικές πρωτεύουσες από 11.000 σε 5.000 μιλίων,
αυτή τη διαδρομή θα περάσει από ό, τι μπορεί να γεωλόγοι πιστεύουν ότι
είναι μια ανεξερεύνητη πολική [νησί] στην αντίθετη πλευρά του Πόλου από
την Ισλανδία. Η curving διακεκομμένη γραμμή δείχνει την πιθανή οδό της
Πεντηκοστής "έχασε Norsemen" μπορεί να ακολουθήσει σε αυτό το
φανταστούν αρκτικές θαυμάτων. "
"Δεν είναι η κερδοσκοπία των άγριων απιθανότητα στην εικόνα μια πολική
παράδεισος, όπως και κάποιοι Τιτάν σμαράγδι κατά τον καθορισμό
αλάβαστρο του. Στο Disco, τη Γροιλανδία, ορχιδέες προθέρμανση από
φυσικές θερμές πηγές άνθησης έξω από τις πόρτες με την πικρή ανήλια
χειμερινούς μήνες! Σταθμίζοντας προσεκτικά όλα τα διαθέσιμα στοιχεία,
μπορούμε να ρυθμίσετε την περιοχή της νέας γης σε περίπου 50.000
τετραγωνικών μιλίων, ή περίπου το μέγεθος της κατάστασης της
Πενσυλβανίας. Περίμετρος της είναι bulwarked από ένα σεισμό
παραμορφώσεις οροσειρά θαφτεί στο αιώνιο πάγο και χιόνι, και η εκτροφή
10.000 πόδια στον ουρανό. Συστροφή φιόρδ διεισδύσει στην ragged πάγο-
ροζιασμένος ακτή ... "
"... Δεν άγριοι είναι οι απόγονοι των εξαφανίστηκε COLONY. Πράγματι, θα
πρέπει να είναι λάθος αν δεν είναι πολύ πριν από τη δική αυτάρεσκο εαυτό
μας στον πολιτισμό, τη μάθηση, deportment, κοινωνική και φινέτσα. Έχουν
αξιοποιηθεί φυσικής ενέργειας σε ένα εκπληκτικό βαθμό. Γνωρίζουν τις
αλήθειες της άλλους κόσμους. Πού έχουν κατακτηθεί ΤΑ ΜΥΣΤΙΚΑ ΤΗΣ
ΥΓΕΙΑΣ. Αυτή η εκπληκτική δήλωση του διοικητή Πράσινη προϋποθέτει τη
Χαμένη Αποικία είναι πολύ πριν από τη δική μας κοινωνία, "Γνωρίζουν την
αλήθεια για άλλους κόσμους." Μήπως αυτό περιλαμβάνει τη γνώση του
ηλιακού συστήματος και ένα υπόγειο κόσμο; Thulean αποχρώσεις δαχτυλίδι
δυνατά και καθαρά στην τολμηρή δήλωση Green.
"Η ZR-1 μπορούν να ξεφύγουν από τις αρχές Ιουνίου. Ο καιρός είναι ήρεμος
τότε? Η ημερήσια θερμοκρασία λίγο πάνω από το σημείο πήξης. Μετά το
6000-της πτήσης μίλια από Lakehurst στο σημείο Barrow, από την οποία
αυτή τελικά θα απογειωθεί, πρέπει να υπάρξει μια περίοδος της τελικής
ιπποκόμος? Ενδεχομένως δίκη ή δύο από τα icefields. Και από το τέταρτο
του Ιουλίου, 1924, θα πρέπει να γνωρίζουν την απάντηση σε αυτό το πιο
συναρπαστικό των γεωγραφικών conundrums όλων ανθρώπου. Μήπως μια
πολική παράδεισος υπάρχουν; Και, αν ναι, οι εξαφανίστηκε Norsemen εκεί;
Δική σύνταξη ... "Διοικητής Green, που δείχνει μια τομή της αρκτικής ...
[νησί] - μία ορεινή, εύφορο οροπέδιο, με ατμό θερμαίνεται από θερμά
λουτρά, geysers και βρασμού πισίνες και rimmed από μια ηφαιστειακή
οροσειρά. Πίσω από αυτό το εμπόδιο υψώνεται ένα πέπλο ατμό. "[ΤΕΛ]
Μετά την απόκτηση των δύο άρθρα περιοδικών, κοίταξα πολλές χάρτες
χάρτες της Αρκτικής και να δούμε αν ένα άλλο νησί πράγματι υπάρχει στην
βορειότερα της Point Barrow, Alaska. Μια μάταιη αναζήτηση ακολούθησε
φυσικά και ήταν έτοιμος να παραιτηθεί όταν, χαμηλό-και-ιδού, θα βρίσκεται
ένα "άγνωστο νησί" σε ένα χάρτη στην υψηλή αρκτικές ότι δεν έπρεπε να
είναι εκεί! Η σαρωμένη εικόνα ανωτέρω έχει ληφθεί από «Readers Digest
- Άτλας © 1990 (Έκθεση για τον κόσμο" 25) και όπως μπορείτε να δείτε ένα
νησί υπάρχει σχεδόν spot-on για να όπου διοικητής Πράσινη προβλεφθεί ότι
θα ήταν! Έχω προσθέσει λεζάντες στο αρχικό χάρτη (στη σελίδα 46 της
Atlas) αναφέρει τις θέσεις της Ισλανδίας και το άγνωστο νησί. Η ξηράς είναι
πολύ μικρότερη από Πενσυλβάνια Πράσινη του μεγέθους ξηράς, δεν-το
λιγότερο-, το νησί υπάρχει και όσο είμαι ανησυχεί πολύ φυσική και πολύ
Αρκτική εξερευνητής Captain MacMillan, αναφέρει Πράσινη στο άρθρο 1923
το περιοδικό
ήταν επίσης
ότι αυτή η
Αρκτική νησί
Μεταγλωττίζονται Crocker Land, αυτός με σοβαρά προβλήματα όρασης
είναι πολλές φορές κατά τη διάρκεια της εκστρατείας του 1914. Τι
απογοήτευση MacMillan και αν ήταν το γεγονός ότι σε σαφείς ηλιόλουστες
μέρες παρέλειψε να τηρήσει, ωστόσο, από την ίδια πλεονεκτικό σημείο και
με τις ίδιες καιρικές συνθήκες, το νησί μαγικά εμφανίστηκε στην άκρη του
ορίζοντα. Αυτό μπορεί να σημαίνει μόνο ένα πράγμα:
Exhibit 26) Ιαν
Πλανήτες ©

"... Crocker Γη
έπρεπε να
είναι μια
χίμαιρα. Θα
την αλλαγή κατά τη διάρκεια της ημέρας καθώς ο ήλιος μετακινείται ... όπως
MacMillan προσέγγισε, βρήκε [Crocker Land] υποχωρεί.





NIBIRU and link the UFO

"The Dark Sun"

My research shows we are dealing

with not one but two unknown
celestial bodies. That's right, two
mysterious objects lurking on the
outer fringes of our solar system
consisting of «The Dark Sun
'(Marduk) and Nibiru (better known
as Planet X or Destroyer).
Interconnected living in a mini solar
system of their own orbit around the
Sun, also, Nibiru just so happens to
be the outermost planet in orbit around itself, Dark Sun.
May play an important role in recording the existence of planets sisters, yes,
these graphical images can be an effective way to pass the secret
knowledge from generation to generation, but you know what you want. A
great example of this comes from Andy LLOYD'S website:
Andy photographed this amazing picture (right) of the Zodiac in Chartres
Cathedral in France, clearly showing a binary companion of the Sun-Dark
Sun now! As it turns Ultima Thule has its own symbol of Dark Star and it will
show the reader the nature of this symbol for further paper.


Dark Sun POINT SYMBOL AT «103»


In the fourth part of this series, my research and run the possibility of a UFO
base in the far north. Polar has a secret base in fact exist in uncharted
island in the Canadian high Arctic? A secret hideout is Ultima «Thule» the
elite of the world to meet and make their plans? Well, to answer these
questions one must look a strange book titled Gotzen geren Thule, written
by Wilhelm Landig and published in Hanover in 1971. The novel reveals
basically the Canadian polar hiding place, a very ambitious and
encyclopedic work, to be sure, which supports Landig categorically that the
novel is' a fiction full of facts "and from what I've uncovered independently
tend to agree .

  From Exhibit 2) Joscelyn Goodwin (Arktos: The Polar Myth © 1993)

"... Gotzen tells the story of two German airmen with names ... Recke
Reimer ... and ... who are sent near the end of the Second World War, a
secret base, which is established and more remote [northern] area of Arctic
Canada. The existence of this polar base "section 103" is known only
Western governments, but even more for Germany. It is a large
underground complex with all the advantages nothing more than a
technology still operating in Europe. Fetched supplies mainly from the
United States, where sympathizers in positions of influence have to care
Thulean interests ... [T] ... international group described as a contribution to
a major conference in the temple-like the assembly hall of section 103: lama
from Tibet, Japanese, Chinese and American officers, Indians, a Black
Ethiopian, Arabs, Persians, an officer Brazillian, Venezuelan, a Siamese,
and a Mexican Indian .... All have wore national costumes for the occasion,
and many of them make speeches identification of national ideals with those
of Thule. "To carry all those sent to the Arctic in early 1945 could be
presented insuperable problems, if it was for advanced technology ... Travel
to and from the base is from V7 [Vril 7]: a vertical takeoff aircraft shaped ball
with a glass dome, surrounded by a ring of rotating blades. We gather, and
there is every reason, outside the novel, believing it to have ... Originals of
these V7 built in German and Czech factories ... "[We face the Vril Flying
Disc further on the letter-GJ]. Pages 63-64." ... Thuleans [Landig of] ... know
"esoteric a global center or place of positive moral forces. It's true Ultima
Thule, is not only the Aryan peoples, but also the entire world." Only a few
know its location but not far away ... the polar base section 103. Other
groups are in contact with [the inner heart-land] with telepathy. The ancient
Egyptians knew as the northern mountains, On? The Tibetans call it Ri-rap-
hlumpo. [Or White Island'-GJ] Page 65 "... Section 103 states independent
and invincible, and substitutes for the German markings on [Vril powered
flying saucer in] his own aircraft symbol of THE BLACK SUN: a disk not just
black, but much darker RED, like congealed blood ... »Page 64.
Landig continues to write that blue and gold banner of the Aryans will one
day fly again in this Arctic Refuge and Black Sun (symbol point 103) will
eventually turn to silver.


So what's all the controversy with the Black Sun anyway? I suppose the
main reason is that Hitler and the Nazis believed the Black Sun was a giant
ball of so-called «materia prima», who lived in the center of the Earth. Also,
he believed that a mysterious form of energy called «Vril» radiated out from
the Black Sun is not only that, the Company Vril (an offshoot of the Thule
Society) believed that Aryans were the actual biological ancestors of the
Black Sun! It is possible that the Black Sun and the Dark Star is one of
them? Other researchers dispel this notion, however, that this, my research
strongly suggests this is the reality. The Black Sun is a natural hidden ball
does not reside in the center of the Earth, but somewhere else-in the depths
of our solar system! Here are some points to support my argument
For starters, Black Sun symbol Landig the point 103 is exactly the same
color of brown dwarf-red blood. Secondly, the Black Sun, according to many
is hidden, or cloaked. This is also consistent with a brown dwarf because
most people can only be observed through an infrared telescope. Internal
Researcher Peter Moon also indicates a secret from Sun's book The Black
Sun © 1997, Moon wrote:

"Amon Ra was known as the Egyptian sun god, but SECRET counterpart,
Mon, was the name of HIDDEN Sun is known across the opening worlds as
Black Sun." Page 236. Thirdly, said the interior earth-worship of the
inhabitants of the Black Sun My research tells me it actually happens but I
believe the underground people really pay tribute to the return-perihelion.
And Fourth: As just mentioned, the Vril Society believed the Aryans are the
ancestors of Black Sun Nibiru In my paper "and the online UFO - Part Four,"
emphasized the connection between the Aryan race, the Anunnaki Sitsin.
Therefore, with this in mind, I recommend the Anunnaki are actually the
ancestors of Black Sun-Dark Star us. Some have even dubbed Anunnakian
homeworld binary companion orbiting our "Aryan Planet." The Black Sun's
battle continues today, because researchers generally agree that Sun is a
bad Why is this the case? Well, again the most obvious reason is that Hitler
believed the use of "energy Vril» comes from the Black Sun will use it to rule
the world. However, my answer to this question comes from an unlikely
source, is nothing more than a scientist Carl Sagan himself. See below:


 "... I think [it]: The sun has a DARK SISTER brother sun a dark world. Long
ago, even before great grandmother's time, the two suns danced together in
the sky. But the dark was jealous that her sister was so bright, and anger,
that we blasted for not love, and loosed comets from the world. A terrible
winter came, and darkness fell and bitter cold, and lost nearly every thing
living. After several seasons, the Bright returned to his sister's children, and
it was warm and light again, and life renewed. But DARK SISTER is not
dead. It is only in hiding. One day I will come back and his entourage
Demon Sun will attack again-GJ ... "Page 304.
A remarkable passage from Sagan, I must confess. Interpreted as pure
speculation by the scientific community, of course, but I think Sagan was to
give us a hint as to what might be familiar from other, more obscure esoteric
sources. One such source is the Bible Kolbrin. Apparently this book has
been closely guarded in private Masonic family for some time and just last
year, Marshall, Masters of Yowusa.com made this amazing manuscript
available to the general public. Originally called Coel the book, "this
particular version has found its way to Glastonbury Abby England around
1180 AD and is basically a collection of individual-six manuscripts from
ancient Egypt. I assure DARK Carl Sagan, his sister is referred to Kolbrin.
See below: Exhibit 29) Marshall Masters (The world Kolbrin Your Books
First Edition, Book of Creation © 2005)
CRT: 4:5 "Then came the day when all things became still and
apprehensive, for God caused a sign to the sky, so that men should know
the Earth will suffer, and the place was a star STRANGE . [Sun of the Magi,
Nibiru in module and the Lemurian Connection Part Two'-GJ]
CRT: 4:6 "THE STAR grew and waxed a great brightness and was
awesome to see. He put FORTH ANTENNA AND SANG, IN unlike any
other ever. So men, seeing this, said among themselves," Surely, this is the
God appears in the sky above us. "STAR It was not God, although directed
by His design, but the people had the wisdom to understand.
CRT: 4:7 "Then God manifested himself in the sky, his voice was the
development of lightning and was dressed in smoke and fire. Yperthira He
carried in his hand and held his breath, falling upon the earth, brought forth
brimstone and charcoal . "Matty was a black void and his mouth an abyss
containing the winds of destruction. The encircled the whole of heaven,
therefore on TOP OF A BLACK ROBE decorated with stars. It hit at this
point to offer what I believe is an excellent example of a hidden brown dwarf
wearing a black robe. The picture below is a model of Epsilon Aurigae
binary system. William R. Corliss, provides as follows: Exhibit 30) William R.
Corliss (Stars, Galaxies, Cosmos - A List of Astronomical Anomalies ©
"Aurigae Epsilon is one of the brightest variable stars in the sky ... [It] seems
to be dark companion has a mass almost as large as the Lord Sun, or 12 to
14 Sun. Why do not shine so massive in the center of the mystery ".
"Recently, satellite and terrestrial observers identified Hera in fact
postulated dark object in the infrared. To account for the eclipse data, the
object must be 9 AU time ... The great mass of dark subject that means
something MASSIVE well be somewhere in the cloud of "[black cloak-GJ]
held together gravitationally. Whatever it is, does not produce as much
energy-in fact only 1% of what a star of 16 solar masses should to produce.
Now, the core of the mystery Epsilon Aurigea is what could be the dark
object Eclipse Pages 90-91
It is a brown dwarf lurking in the center of this black cloud? I say yes! And
according to the text Kolbrin support our Sun has a very similar partner.
When reached perihelion black cloak is shed to reveal the true identity of
our second Sun. Exhibit 29) Marshall Masters (The world Kolbrin Your
Books First Edition) Continued ...
CRT: 4:8 "Such was the likeness and manifestation of God in those days.
Commendation was Awesome, the awesome voice of rage, the sun and the
moon hid in fear and there was a heavy darkness over the face of the
Earth .
PSRT: 4.9 "God passed through the spaces of heaven above with a
powerful roar and a loud trumpeting. Then came the grim dead silence and
BLACK RED LIT TWILIGHT destiny. Large fires and smoke rose from the
ground and men gasped for air. The land rent was split up and swept clean
by strong bombing of water. A hole opened in the center of the earth, water,
and was sunk beneath the seas. "
CRT: 4:10 "The mountains of East and West had broken up and stood in
the midst of the waters raged around. The south slope and he sank [This
passage describes" rapid mountain building. "Nibiru in" and Lemurian Part
Link Four'-GJ]
CRT: 4:11 "Then again the tumult and clamor stopped and all was silent. In
the quiet stillness madness broke out among the men, frenzy and shouting
filled the air. They were each other in senseless bloodshed blind; did not
spare women or child, not knowing what they did. ran unseeing, dashing
themselves for disaster. who took refuge in caves and buried, and taking
refuge in trees, were hung. There was rape, murder and violence of every
kind. "

CRT: 4:12 "The flood waters swept back and cleared the land was clean.
Rain beat down relentlessly, and there were high winds. The growing waters
overwhelmed the earth and humans, livestock and gardens and all his
works has ceased to exist.
CRT: 4:13 "Some of those saved upon the mountainsides and the flotsam,
but it was spread apart over the face of the earth. They fought for survival in
the land of the clown. In coldness survivors in caves and sheltered. "
CRT: 4:14 "Land of the LITTLE PEOPLE and the Land of the GIANTS ... the
Lands of the East and West were all inundated. The Mountain Land and the
Lands of the south, where gold and great beasts were not covered the
waters. " [South America-Nibiru in the "underground connection and Part
CRT: 4:15 "The men were furious and in despair. Rejected the New God
behind all things for which they had seen and known of the event. She was
less than the children in those days and not could know that God had struck
the Earth to understand and not deliberately, for the sake of man and
correct his ways. "Another example of the Dark Sun of our brothers is the
1608 European Woodcut (shown at right) . Communication dark sun sister.
This amazing performance from Cartari Vincenzo Le archives de gli dei
Padua depicts two suns! Sagan certainly also did not know that the word
disaster comes from the Latin DIS »and« astrum »means« EVIL STAR.
"According to researcher Michael Hoffman an evil or" Satan's Sun "refers to
Albert Pike Morals and Dogma, also known as the" Eye of Set "or« Blazing
Star. " See below:
Exhibit 31) Michael A. Hoffman II (secret societies and psychological war ©
"In ... eighth grade is Albert Pike's Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the focus
of worship is the "hot star" symbolized by the pentagon, and identifies Pike
[what they claim is Red] Sirius as a "great builder" or "Great Architect" of
Freemasonry. "
"The symbol (or, alchemically, Sigil) armed enforcement of the Code of
Hammurabi, which was the law of the empire of Babylon, the successor to
the Sumerians, it was the five-pointed star, or pentagram ... This star also
happens to is the symbol of the armed enforcement of the laws of modern
America ... "" The Red Sirius is the emblem of power and submission
hidden secret in an invisible empire. [The Anunnaki;-GJ] "The Order of the
STAR ... so is the number of eye closure, THE SUN BEHIND THE SUN ...
STAR is the [Red] Sirius ... The Red Sirius is the power behind the sun ...
Work is ... the rediscovery of the Sumerian tradition ... his heart ... magical
significance for the present revival of magic ... key provided by the
Sumerian tradition, which included the worship of Shaitan, the astronomical
vehicle which was The Red Sirius "pages 29 -30. For me, no matter Sagan
and Hoffman out Earth-Dark Nemesis our sister. ( For a more in-depth
account of The Red Sirius, see the website Andy LLOYD'S, «Nibiru and the
Red Sirius abnormality). On the other hand, associates Albert Pike Red
Sirius (the Blazing Star) as liberty and freedom. Written : Exhibit 32) Albert
Pike (Morals and Dogma © 1871) "... In The Red Sirius led [the Magi] is that
same Blazing Star, the image of the above will find in all initiations. In
Alchemists is the sign of the Quintessence? In Magists, the Grand Arcanum;
In Kabalists, the Sacred Pentagram ... "Page 842. [Could the Pentagon in
Washington really symbolized after Blazing Star; I can only speculate-GJ]"
Initially, [the Blazing Star] represented [Red] Sirius or the Dog-Star, the
forerunner of flooding Nile; God ANUBIS ... then became the image of
HORUS ... [The Winged Sun Disc. See the image on the right-GJ] ... was
sacred and powerful signal or character of the Magi, the Pentalpha, and is
the major symbol of liberty and freedom, shining with a constant radiation
within weltering details of good and evil of Revolutions ... »Page 15. An
interesting excerpt says Blazing Star made a good and bad revolutions. It
means heavenly revolutions? Wonder. Never-the less-duality incredibly Star
portraying good and evil shines through loud and clear here.

DISORDER Earth magnetic poles

Getting back to the Thule society for a while, the papers give us clues about
what happened on Earth during a fly by Dark Sister attitude. Joscelyn
Goodwin is an interesting excerpt from a book mentioned by title, El Ultimo
Avatara © 1984 written by a member of the Thule Miguel Serrano, who was
a former Ambassador of Chile to India, Yugoslavia and Austria:
From Exhibit 2) Joscelyn Goodwin (Arktos: The Polar Myth © 1993)
"Then came the catastrophe. It puts Genesis 6,4" sons of God came to the
daughters of men, and brought their children. "The Hyperboreans made the
mistake of mixing their blood together with the [Demiurge are creatures of
Yahweh], and this sin of racial mixture, Paradise Lost. The physical cause of
the fall of the moon ... [Planetoid orbiting dark sister;-GJ], as a result of
which the north and south pole changed position, and Hyperborea became
invisible again. Before the flood, some had already Hyperboreans refuge in
the South Pole ... A group of exiles founded a great civilization in the Gobi
desert, then a fertile place. "Henceforth, the world became a battleground
between the Demiurge and Hyperboreans the latter always in danger of
diluting their blood. "There is nothing more mysterious than blood.
Paracelsus is a condensation of light. I believe that the Aryan, Hyperborean
blood is that, but the light of the Golden Sun [Sol], not a galactic Sun
[galactic center], but the light of the BLACK SUN [dark our sister;-GJ] ...
"Page 71. This is a remarkable statement because it implies Serrano
Hyperboreans connected to another Sun, not ours, but the Black Sun This is
logical because the northernmost also associated with surviving a pole-shift
for me is obvious escorts Black the Sun, including Planet X (Nibiru), is the
impetus for the change point. (See «Nibiru and the Lemurian Connection
fourth place.)" Another aspect of the [polar] reversal is the work of Kenneth
Grant, dedicated in praise of the god Set, or Shaitan, or Satan [above-GJ].
"Shaitan," says the magic Revival (1972), "God is in the South, but votaries
of [God's devotees in the South] North face when is invoked. "This explains
the fact that" entering Capricorn, the zodiacal house of Shaitan ... The sun
turns north ... Grant also hints at a natural reversal and continues: "There
was a time when the South had the lead and was the main station POLE
STAR." Later he says that Set [Red Sirius-GJ] "was the Lord of (South)
Pole, first born of seven sons, or stars, by the Northern constellation of
Typhon, the Great Bear. When primitive man moved northward from
Equatoria, the Star of Set in the South sank below the horizon and should
be "dropped". "Page 136.
A great quote from Kenneth Grant, to be sure, making the link the star of
SET is the lord of the South Pole. Marshall Masters and Yowusa report that
the group is now a telescope being built in Antarctica. Why? To get a first
hand view of the Star (Set is the Dark Star) impending return of Nibiru,
which leads to the end! Could the "elite" really trying to make its return? I
can only speculate.
VRIL-power for next

Secret Society researcher Jan Van Helsing informs us that the Nazi party
initials SS, in fact represents Schwarze Sonne which means «Black Sun» in
German. This means there was a coded secret relationship with the Black
Sun where SS runes appear. -In other-words, the Nazis were trying to
magically invoke the hidden power of Black Sun itself.
According to conspiracy researcher Terry Melanson, Albert Pike once said
that "there is naturally a more powerful force through this one man who
could hold himself from it, and you must know how to direct, could
revolutionize and change the face of the world. "Pike further developed in
this more" strong force "with the source. See below:

From Exhibit 32) Albert Pike (Morals and Dogma © 1871)

"[The sun, moon and] ... Blazing Star or HORUS ... form [a] large equilateral
triangle, the center of which is omnific letter of Kabalah, a recommendation
which is said to be made. "Page 14.
"... Our French site Brethren [the] Yod letter to the center of the Blazing
Star. And the old lectures, ancient English Brethren said to us," The Blazing
Star of Fame at our center, indicating that the great luminary, the [second]
Sun, which illuminates the earth ... which is also called the same lectures,
an emblem of wisdom ... and therefore, the Blazing Star has been regarded
as an emblem of omniscience, or the All-seeing eye, which in Egypt Begins
was the emblem of Osiris, the Creator. The Yod in the center, has the
meaning kabalistic divine power [or divine power-GJ] ... "Pages 15-16.

Divine Power "This, to maintain known to the ancients and could be used in
various ways. A force so powerful it was able to make objects weightless.
An electromagnetic force German scientists were able to recover with the
help of an unknown underground struggle. The Vril Society led the way in
this effort by members of the 1942 built a series of anti-gravity flying disks.
Terry Melanson provides an interesting account of what Vril society was all
about. See below: Exhibit 33) Terry Melanson from conspiracyarchive.com
(«The Vril Society, the Luminous Lodge and the implementation of the Great
Work.") The Vril Society or Luminous Lodge combined the political ideals of
the Order of the Illuminati with Hindu mysticism, Theosophy and Cabbala ...
Vril Society presented the idea of an underground matriarchal, socialist
utopia ruled by superior beings who had mastered the mysterious energy
called the Vril Force. "" This secret society was founded, literally, Bulwer
Lytton's novel is Coming Race (1871). [See Nibiru and the ground
connection part first-GJ] The book describes a race of men physically long
before our own. They have power over and above the things that made
them almost godlike. For moment they are in hiding. It is said to live in
caves [tunnels] to the Center of the Earth. will soon emerge to reign over us.
"" In Lytton The Coming Race, the underground people use the Vril power to
operate and govern the world (Some children armed with Vril-powered rods
are able to say one race extermination of over 22 million threatening
barbarians). Served by robots and can fly for Vril-powered wings, the
vegetarian Vril-ya [race] is - in their own recognition - racially and culturally
superior to everyone else on Earth, above or below ground .. . "... The force
is called Chi, Ojas, Vril ... Regular Forces and Orgone ... This is the power
of the Nazis and occult inner circle were so desperately trying to
peleftherosoun the world, for which the Vril Society had apparently groomed
Hitler. The emergence of the "Great Work" issued by the ideologues of the
secret societies of all time. About Vril latched in a very old archetype already
in mind ALCHIMISTES and magicians [See Part I-GJ], which was only
reinterpreted by Lytton, in light of the age of the revival of faeces and
scientific progress. "The idea of mutation and transformation into a higher
form of a" god-man "envisioned by the Vril-ya, in Bulwer-Lytton The Coming
Race. Lytton, himself, was a movement Rodostafroi and was well versed in
the arcane-esoteric philosophies (and of course the greatest progress in the
sciences of his time). "Through his romantic works of fiction he expressed
the conviction that there [underground] has superhuman beings ...» (J.
Bergier) [Morning of Magicians © 1964] "... Presumably the Vril Society in
touch with [underground] "Secret Chiefs" or Vril-ya themselves, and secretly
began working with a number of German scientists in the late 20. "As early
as 1936 Hitler was sending groups "Spelunkers" in caves and mines
throughout Europe looking for Vril-ya. Nazi was also investigated
extensively the Antarctic during the years 1937-38. In search of a famous
hole in the South Pole was clearly a success ... It was here that some say
they came in contact with the "Unknown Superman" who lived in the famous
"Rainbow City" [The city code name base 211 which will further deal-GJ]. "In
presenting the controversial UFO Secrets of the Third Reich, Vladimir
Terziski make connections between [inner-earth] alien beings and such
German secret societies such as Tempelhoff, the Thule, the Vril, and the
Black Sun Terziski says an alien [internal land] combat instructor "secrets
started working with some German scholars in the late 1920s in
underground bases and began to introduce the concepts of philosophical,
cultural, and technological progress." (The Rainbow Conspiracy, p .62 )
[page 49 in my version-GJ] "With the help of the alien [/ groundwater]
intelligence, Terziski postulates, the Nazis mastered antigravity space flight,
established space stations, made the trip in time ... At the same time,
[resident] aliens "spread their ideas Mephistophelean" in the wider German
population through the Thule and Vril Societies. "" Terziski maintains that
antigravity research began in Germany in 1920 with the first hybrid
antigravity circular craft, the RFZ-1, built by the Vril society. 1942-43 in a
series of antigravity machines [including Vril-7 design, see above-right-GJ]
culminated in the giant 350-foot long, cigar-shaped ... space station, built in
old Zeppelin hangars near Berlin by E4, the part of the research and
development of SS ... "[The 350-foot long cigar-shaped craft, support,
photographed by contactee George Adamski back to the 1950s. See image,
top right-GJ]
"Indeed, if the Vril-Ya there the Nazis actually proved more contact with
race, then we could assume that this antigravity PROPULSION worked
ANTARCTIC BASE 211 & Rudolf Hess
Mentioned in my last Nazis are not only used in northern Arctic explored
Antarctica and extensive. Yes, indeed, the Thule Society was actively
pursuing a quarry "in the north and was that society was Vril hell-bent on
seeking the famous" pit "in the South. Belief system in a subterranean race
living inside the Earth peaked with Hitler to get a place in Antarctica,
according to researcher David Hatcher Childress writes:
Exhibit 34) David Hatcher Childress (Lost Continents & the Hollow Earth ©

"... In 1938, Hitler ... sent expedition commanded by Captain Alfred Richter
to the [Antarctic] coast of southern South Africa. Two seaplanes were
launched daily from the deck of the carrier Schwabenland for three weeks.
They had orders to fly back and forth across the territory which Norwegian
explorers had named Queen Maud Land. The Germans then made a more
thorough study of these areas, finding vast areas which were free of ice. "
"The Germans renamed this area of Antarctica ..." Neuschwabenland "and
argued in the Third Reich. German ships and U-boats continued to operate
in the South Atlantic Ocean ... the entire Second World War, often
transporting personnel or supplies. Then, in March 1945, shortly before the
end of the war, two German submarines, U-530 and U-977, left port in the
Baltic Sea. "[In Hanover only magazine issue from May 1978 entitled
Brisant, the article], supported that the U-530 and U-977 took with them
members of research teams flying disc, the last of the most vital
components saucer, the notes and drawings on the disc, and plans for a
huge underground complexes and living accommodation model after
underground factories hausen mountains Harz ... "Page 267. "The
possibility exists that the UFO was indeed derived from the Antarctic in the
late '40s and early '50s ... The Germans had developed a revolutionary
saucer shaped air at the end of the war and have moved their factories to
Antarctica ... "Page 269.

Other rumors persist Antarctic Base. Canadian historian Ernst Zundel Nazis
published a little-known newsletter called Samisdat in 1975 (?) And
information through an interesting script called The Lightning and the Sun
by Savitri Devi. Devi was a "guru" from India joining the roots of Naziism to
the pyramid in Egypt and Pharaoh Akhn-Aton and "ancient worship of the
Sun." (Worship of the Second Sun;) Samisdat also published two books
called UFO, Nazi Secret Weapon? by Mattern-Friedrich and Secret Nazi r
missions by Christof Friedrich. Exhibit 35) Mattern & Friedrich (of UFO: Nazi
Secret Weapon; © 1975 Samisdat Ltd, Toronto, Canada)
"From Argentina ... they [the Nazis] established a base plate in a region of
Antarctica known as the" New Swabia, first claimed by the Nazi army in
1937 ... "
Blue Fire - The Lost Secrets of Nazi Technology
"[The installation of Dish: codenamed] Base 211 was now the recipient of
the projects and resources ... done in Europe, uranium and blueprints for
machines can be enriched to weapons grade material or, at best, the create
fuel for power production reactors; more important - the history - drawings,
models and working tools for the construction of the first generation of flying
discs; movies and footage from the first original album in flight, in support of
pilot testing and engineering evacuated based on their anoikdomisi these
projects from the projects; new radars and electronic devices of any kind.
"Whatever the basis for working prior to 1945 were now either scrapped or
join in the project record - so I had to get attention from the point. In away in
Antarctica, the colonists had never promised to surrender - and to avenge
the fall of the Reich's dream. The arrival of the project drive offers the best
hope to do just that. "... In his book The Murder of Rudolf Hess, Hugh
Thomas raises doubts about the man who was locked up in Spandau prison
in Berlin megaloo both time and provide enough convincing evidence that
the percentage held there was not the real Hess, but a crook . However, if
this were to happen - and the evidence is pretty amazing - it was not
executed at Nuremberg, and many of his contemporaries were, or just
released as a harmless stooge before his death there in 1981? Other
Characters served long sentences, as Albert Speer, a political figure would
undoubtedly be a more brutal war record by Deputy Fuhrer Hess, who, after
all absconded to Britain in 1941, before the war had taken a more serious
turn for the worse. Why such a large proposal has been suggested that
Hess was somehow related to BASE 211 ... he actually escaped Hess in
1941 based on 211 itself, while using a true dual with instructions to fly to
Scotland and then take the brunt of ridicule and long imprisonment if so,
Hess will have virtually disappeared to oversee the development of fourth
Reich in the southern hemisphere. "Whatever is true, no doubt ... Base 211
is an extremely powerful and a ... are all part of the wider picture. Along with
the complex history of secret societies, [and] the overall story of the
evolution of disks flying in Germany will be even easier to accept when you
look at the history ... "Pages 48-49. It should be noted that Rudolf Hess had
a lasting relationship with Karl Haushofer, who, according to researchers
Louis Pauwels, a member of the Vril society. Haushofer, like others in the
secret society believed in the existence of an underground race living inside
the Earth. The 1979 campaign Hartmann found within 211 base itself, a
legend is none other than mentor Rudolf Hess. See below: Exhibit 37) Jerry
E. Smith & George Piccard (Secrets of the Holy Lance © 2005)
"At this point there is a small obelisk on a measure to a level which marks
the spot. [The inclusion of Hitler in the Treasure Base 211-GJ] There is an
inscription which reads:" There are actually more things in heaven and
"Earth man has dreamed of (Beyond this point is Agharta)" - Haushofer,
A strange twist to the whole story of Rudolf Hess from researcher Peter
Moon. Wrote the following: Exhibit 34) David Hatcher Childress (Lost
Continents & the Hollow Earth © 1999)
"... In 1938, Hitler ... sent expedition commanded by Captain Alfred Richter
to the [Antarctic] coast of southern South Africa. Two seaplanes were
launched daily from the deck of the carrier Schwabenland for three weeks.
They had orders to fly back and forth across the territory which Norwegian
explorers had named Queen Maud Land. The Germans then made a more
thorough study of these areas, finding vast areas which were free of ice.
"The Germans renamed this area of Antarctica ..." Neuschwabenland "and
argued in the Third Reich. German ships and U-boats continued to operate
in the South Atlantic Ocean ... throughout World War II, often transporting
personnel or supplies. Subsequently in March 1945, shortly before the war,
two German submarines, U-530 and U-977, left port in the Baltic Sea.
"[According to Hanover only magazine issue from May 1978 entitled Brisant,
the article], argued that the U-530 and U-977 took with them members of
research teams flying disc, the latter more vital components saucer, the
notes and drawings for the saucer, and plans for a huge underground
complexes and standard of living accommodation at the underground
factories of Nordhausen in the Harz ... mountains "Page 267.« The
possibility exists that the UFO was indeed derived from the Antarctic in the
late '40s and early '50s ... the Germans had developed a revolutionary
saucer shaped air at the end of the war and had moved their plants in
Antarctica ... " Page 269.Alles rumors persist Antarctic Base. Canadian
historian Ernst Zundel Nazis published a little-known newsletter called
Samisdat in 1975 (?) And information through an interesting script called
The Lightning and the Sun by Savitri Devi. Devi was a "guru" from India
joining the roots of Naziism to the pyramid in Egypt and Pharaoh Akhn-Aton
and "ancient worship of the Sun." (Worship of the Second Sun;) Samisdat
also published two books called UFO, Nazi Secret Weapon? by Mattern-
Friedrich and Secret Nazi Polar missions by Christof Friedrich. Exhibit 35)
Mattern & Friedrich (of UFO: Nazi Secret Weapon; © 1975 Samisdat Ltd,
Toronto, Canada)

"From Argentina ... they [the Nazis] established a base plate in a region of
Antarctica known as the" New Swabia, first claimed by the Nazi army in
1937 ... "Exhibit 36) Gary Hyland (Blue Fire - The Lost Secrets of Nazi
Technology © 2001)
"[The installation of Dish: codenamed] Base 211 was now the recipient of
the projects and resources ... done in Europe, uranium and blueprints for
machines can be enriched to weapons grade material or, at best, the create
fuel for power production reactors; more important - the history - drawings,
models and working tools for the construction of the first generation of flying
discs; movies and footage from the first original album in flight, in support of
pilot testing and engineering evacuated based on their own reconstruction
projects from those plans; new radars and electronic devices of any kind.
"Whatever the basis for working prior to 1945 were now either scrapped or
join in the project record - so I had to get attention from the point. In away in
Antarctica, the colonists had never promised to surrender - and to avenge
the fall of the Reich's dream. The arrival of the project drive offers the best
hope to do just that. "... In his book The Murder of Rudolf Hess, Hugh
Thomas raises doubts about the man who was locked up in Spandau prison
in Berlin so long and to provide sufficiently convincing evidence that the
percentage held there was not the real Hess, but a crook . However, if this
were to happen - and the evidence is pretty amazing - it was not executed
at Nuremberg, and many of his contemporaries were, or just released as a
harmless stooge before his death there in 1981? Other Characters served
long sentences, as Albert Speer, a political figure would undoubtedly be a
more brutal war record by Deputy Fuhrer Hess, who, after all absconded to
Britain in 1941, before the war had taken a more serious turn for the worse.
Why such a large proposal has been suggested that Hess was somehow
related to BASE 211 ... he actually escaped Hess in 1941 based on 211
itself, while using a true dual with instructions to fly to Scotland and then
take the brunt of ridicule and long imprisonment if so, Hess will have
virtually disappeared to oversee the development of fourth Reich in the
southern hemisphere. "
"Whatever is true, no doubt ... Base 211 is an extremely powerful and a ...
are all part of the wider picture. Along with the complex history of secret
societies, [and] the overall story of the evolution of disks flying in Germany
will be even easier to accept when you look at the history ... "Pages 48-49.

It should be noted that Rudolf Hess had a lasting relationship with Karl
Haushofer, who, according to researchers Louis Pauwels, a member of the
Vril society. Haushofer, like others in the secret society believed in the
existence of an underground race living inside the Earth. The 1979
campaign Hartmann found within 211 base itself, a legend is none other
than mentor Rudolf Hess. See below:
Exhibit 37) Jerry E. Smith & George Piccard (Secrets of the Holy Lance ©
"At this point there is a small obelisk on a measure to a level which marks
the spot. [The inclusion of Hitler in the Treasure Base 211-GJ] There is an
inscription which reads:" There are actually more things in heaven and
"Earth man has dreamed of (Beyond this point is Agharta)" - Haushofer,
1943. "page 32.

A strange twist to the whole story of Rudolf Hess from researcher Peter
Moon. Wrote the following: "Ewen Cameron [a psychiatrist who worked in
Allan memorial institute in Montreal, Canada] was a close personal friend of
Allen Dulles, the first director of the CIA, who worked closely with him.
Dulles Cameron also sent to" consider "Rudolf Hess before the Nuremberg
trials. It is a well documented fact that Hess went blank during the test and
do not even remember a close friend, Dr. Karl Haushofer. Some people
have speculated that a double has been added Hess .. . We all know with
certainty is that it was pretty funny business on Hess and Cameron was in
the middle. "Peter Moon continues by saying that he came into contact with
a woman named" Anna ", who is the mother was related to examiner Rudolf
Hess. Moon continues .... "... Anna ... told an interesting story about online
Ewen Cameron to Rudolf Hess. Ewen was known to be very gleeful when
he talked about the state of Hess. Anna told me laugh and snicker and say"
that when it all started. "This behavior is remarkable because, according to
historical references, Ewen never smiled. He was known for keeping cold
stone looks and intimidating countenance." According to what Ewen, Hess
was extremely dedicated member of the brotherhood, much more than
Hitler. Hess left Hitler's Germany in 1941 for Scotland to meet someone and
engage in a magical ritual. This included travel time and Ewen boasted that
if they were successful. The control group was waiting for an Aria PLANET,
known as MARDUK [?], For [performance and] come into this resonant orbit
of Mars ... [The invocation of the return;-GJ] Ewen talked enough about that,
but much of it remains a mystery .. "." Allies allegedly sent by Ewen
Cameron in Nuremberg in an official capacity to say whether Hess was
healthy or insane. Allen Dulles brought be voiced concern that Hess was
incarcerated real Hess. Anna does not have full details on all this. She said
Ewen knew what was ahead of his time. Hess had to be "replaced", but the
whole affair was about a year. The real Hess was sent to another time ...
Although these statements sound rather fantastic, this is the first information
I heard or read about Ewen Cameron of confidential information who knew
him closely ... Pages 48-50 Yes, I have to admit, these statements are
rather fantastic sound and difficult to accept. Did Rudolf Hess actually
escape into a world of aria-homeworld Anunnaki; Or Hess has opened
communication lines with the Aryans off the planet or inside the Earth? may
Hess could be used for 211 Base all? You be the judge. However, as we all
know, the truth is really weird and strange. In their book Secrets of the Holy
researchers Lance Jerry E. Smith and George Piccard provide information
showing Base 211 has long since been abandoned. What caused the
abandonment? and when the technologies that drive the Nazis »up;
Operation Admiral Byrd seems to« Highjump »was decisive for the fate of
the 211 Base: "A little known effort to forever end the Nazi threat was a
Naval military expedition led by Admiral Richard Byrd to Antarctica in
1946/47. Byrd of the military campaign was named a High Jump "and
consists of" 4700 military personnel, six helicopters, six Martin PBM flying
ships, two seaplane tenders, fifteen other vessels, ships of thirteen U.S.
Navy support and an aircraft carrier; The USS Philippine Sea '... Admiral
Byrd was leading a U.S. Naval Expedition to find and eliminate the Nazi elite
who escaped the bases that were created or "invented" during the
campaign Schwabenland. "Page 122-123.
Secret Society researcher Jan Van Helsing informs us that the Nazi party
initials SS, in fact represents Schwarze Sonne which means «Black Sun» in
German. This means there was a coded secret relationship with the Black
Sun where SS runes appear. -In other-words, the Nazis were trying to
magically invoke the hidden power of Black Sun itself. According to
conspiracy researcher Terry Melanson, Albert Pike once said that "there is
naturally a more powerful force through this one man who could hold
himself from it, and you must know how to direct, could revolutionize and
change the face of the world. "Pike further developed in this more" strong
force "with the source. See below Secret Society researcher Jan Van
Helsing informs us that the Nazi party initials SS, in fact represents
Schwarze Sonne which means «Black Sun» in German. This means there
was a coded secret relationship with the Black Sun where SS runes appear.
-In other-words, the Nazis were trying to magically invoke the hidden power
of Black Sun itself. According to conspiracy researcher Terry Melanson,
Albert Pike once said that "there is naturally a more powerful force through
this one man who could hold himself from it, and you must know how to
direct, could revolutionize and change the face of the world. "Pike further
developed in this more" strong force "with the source. See below:
From Exhibit 32) Albert Pike (Morals and Dogma © 1871)
"[The sun, moon and] ... Blazing Star or HORUS ... form [a] large equilateral
triangle, the center of which is omnific letter of Kabalah, a recommendation
which is said to be made. "Page 14.
"... Our French site Brethren [the] Yod letter to the center of the Blazing
Star. And the old lectures, ancient English Brethren said to us," The Blazing
Star of Fame at our center, indicating that the great luminary, the [second]
Sun, which illuminates the earth ... which is also called the same lectures,
an emblem of wisdom ... and therefore, the Blazing Star has been regarded
as an emblem of omniscience, or the All-seeing eye, which in Egypt Begins
was the emblem of Osiris, the Creator. The Yod in the center, has the
meaning kabalistic divine power [or divine power-GJ] ... "Pages 15-16.
Divine Power "This, to maintain known to the ancients and could be used in
various ways. A force so powerful it was able to make objects weightless.
An electromagnetic force German scientists were able to recover with the
help of an unknown underground struggle. The Vril Society led the way in
this effort by members of the 1942 built a series of anti-gravity flying disks.
Terry Melanson provides an interesting account of what Vril society was all
about. See below: Report 33) Terry Melanson conspiracyarchive.com by the
(«Vril Society, the Luminous Lodge and the implementation of the Great
"The Vril Society or Luminous Lodge combined the political ideals of the
Order of the Illuminati with Hindu mysticism, Theosophy and Cabbala ... Vril
Society presented the idea of an underground matriarchal, socialist utopia
ruled by superior beings who had mastered the mysterious energy called
the Vril Force. "This secret society was founded, literally, Bulwer Lytton's
novel is Coming Race (1871). [See Nibiru and the ground connection part
first-GJ] The book describes a race of men physically long before the ours.
They have power over and above the things that made them almost godlike.
For the moment they are in hiding. It is said to live in caves [tunnels] to the
Center of the Earth. will soon emerge to reign over us. "
"In Lytton The Coming Race, the underground people use the Vril power to
operate and govern the world (some children armed with Vril-powered rods
are able to say one race extermination of over 22 million threatening
barbarians). Served by robots and can fly for Vril-powered wings, the
vegetarian Vril-ya [race] is - in their own recognition - racially and culturally
superior to everyone else on Earth, above or below ground .. . "
"... The force is called Chi, Ojas, Vril ... Regular Forces and Orgone ... This
is the power of the Nazis and occult inner circle were so desperately trying
to free the world, which had Vril Society apparently groomed Hitler. The
emergence of the "Great Work" issued by the ideologues of the secret
societies of all time. Vril Company latched in a very old archetype already in
mind ALCHIMISTES and magicians [See Part I-GJ], the which were only
reinterpreted by Lytton, in light of the age of faeces revival and scientific
progress. "
"The idea of mutation and transformation into a higher form of a" god-man
"envisioned by the Vril-ya, in Bulwer-Lytton The Coming Race. Lytton,
himself, was a movement Rodostafroi and was well versed in esoteric
-esoteric philosophies (and of course the greatest progress in the sciences
of his time). "Through his romantic works of fiction he expressed the
conviction that there [underground] has superhuman beings ...» (J. Bergier)
[Morning of Magicians © 1964]
"... Presumably the Vril Society in touch with [underground]" Secret Chiefs
"or Vril-ya themselves, and secretly began working with a number of
German scientists in the late 20."
"Already in 1936 Hitler was sending teams of" Spelunkers "in caves and
mines throughout Europe looking for Vril-ya. Nazi Antarctica was also
investigated extensively during the years 1937-38. In search of famous hole
in the South Pole was clearly a success ... It was here that some say they
came in contact with the "Unknown Superman" who lived in the famous
"Rainbow City" [The city code name base 211 which will deal further with-
"In presenting the controversial UFO Secrets of the Third Reich, Vladimir
Terziski make connections between [inner-earth] alien beings and such
German secret societies such as Tempelhoff, the Thule, the Vril, and the
Black Sun Terziski says an alien [internal land] combat instructor "secrets
started working with some German scholars in the late 1920s in
underground bases and began to introduce the concepts of philosophical,
cultural, and technological progress." (The Rainbow Conspiracy, p .62 )
[page 49 in my version. "With the help of the alien [/ groundwater]
intelligence, Terziski postulates, the Nazis mastered antigravity space flight,
established space stations, made the trip in time ... the same time, the
[resident] aliens" spread their ideas Mephistophelean 'in the wider German
population through the Thule and Vril Societies. "
"Terziski maintains that antigravity research began in Germany in 1920 with
the first hybrid antigravity circular craft, the RFZ-1, built by the Vril society.
1942-43 in a series of antigravity machines [including Vril-7 design, see
above -right-GJ] culminated in the giant 350-foot long, cigar-shaped space
station ..., built in old Zeppelin hangars near Berlin by E4, the part of the
research and development of SS ... "[ The 350-foot long cigar-shaped craft,
support, photographed by contactee George Adamski back to the 1950s.
See picture, top right-GJ]
"Indeed, if the Vril-Ya there the Nazis actually proved more contact with
race, then we could assume that this antigravity PROPULSION worked
ANTARCTIC BASE 211 & Rudolf Hess
Mentioned in my last Nazis are not only used in northern Arctic explored
Antarctica and extensive. Yes, indeed, the Thule Society was actively
pursuing a quarry "in the north and was that society was Vril hell-bent on
seeking the famous" pit "in the South. Belief system in a subterranean race
living inside the Earth peaked with Hitler to get a place in Antarctica,
according to researcher David Hatcher Childress writes the following:
Exhibit 34) David Hatcher Childress (Lost Continents & the Hollow Earth ©
"... In 1938, Hitler ... sent expedition commanded by Captain Alfred Richter
to the [Antarctic] coast of southern South Africa. Two seaplanes were
launched daily from the deck of the carrier Schwabenland for three weeks.
They had orders to fly back and forth across the territory which Norwegian
explorers had named Queen Maud Land. The Germans then made a more
thorough study of these areas, finding vast areas which were free of ice.
"The Germans renamed this area of Antarctica ..." Neuschwabenland "and
argued in the Third Reich. German ships and U-boats continued to operate
in the South Atlantic Ocean ... throughout World War II, often transporting
personnel or supplies. Subsequently in March 1945, shortly before the war,
two German submarines, U-530 and U-977, left port in the Baltic Sea. "
"[According to Hanover only magazine issue from May 1978 entitled Brisant,
the article], argued that the U-530 and U-977 took with them members of
research teams flying disc, the last of the most vital disc components, the
notes and drawings for the saucer, and plans for a huge underground
complexes accommodation and living standard after the underground
factories of Nordhausen in the mountains Harz ... "Page 267.
"The possibility exists that the UFO was indeed derived from the Antarctic in
the late '40s and early '50s ... The Germans had developed a revolutionary
saucer shaped air at the end of the war and have moved their factories to
Antarctica ... "Page 269.
Other rumors persist Antarctic Base. Canadian historian Ernst Zundel Nazis
published a little-known newsletter called Samisdat in 1975 (?) And
information through an interesting script called The Lightning and the Sun
by Savitri Devi.
Devi was a "guru" from India joining the roots of Naziism to the pyramid in
Egypt and Pharaoh Akhn-Aton and "ancient worship of the Sun." (Worship
of the Second Sun;) Samisdat also published two books called UFO, Nazi
Secret Weapon? by Mattern-Friedrich and Secret Nazi Polar missions by
Christof Friedrich.
Exhibit 35) Mattern & Friedrich (of UFO: Nazi Secret Weapon? © 1975
Samisdat Ltd, Toronto, Canada)
"From Argentina ... they [the Nazis] established a base plate in a region of
Antarctica known as the" New Swabia, first claimed by the Nazi army in
1937 ... "
Exhibit 36) Gary Hyland (Blue Fire - The Lost Secrets of Nazi Technology ©
"[The installation of Dish: codename] Base 211 was now the recipient of the
projects and resources ... done in Europe, uranium and blueprints for
machines can be enriched to weapons grade material or, at best, fuel
creating power reactors; more important - the history - plans, working
models and tools for the construction of the first generation of flying discs;
movies and footage from the first original album in flight, in support of the
pilot test and engineers were evacuated to the base of their own
reconstruction projects from those plans; new radars and electronic devices
of any kind.
"Whatever is the basis for working prior to 1945 were now either scrapped
or join the project drive - so I had to get attention from the point. To remove
the Antarctic, the colonists had never promised to surrender - and avenge
the fall of the Reich's dream. The arrival of the project drive offers the best
hope of doing just that. "
"... In his book The Murder of Rudolf Hess, Hugh Thomas raises doubts
about the man who was locked up in Spandau prison in Berlin so long and
to provide sufficiently convincing evidence that the percentage held there
was not the real Hess but a crook. But if they did - and the evidence is pretty
amazing - it was not executed at Nuremberg, and many of his
contemporaries were, or just released as a harmless stooge before his
death there 1981; Other Characters served long sentences, as Albert
Speer, a political figure would undoubtedly be a more brutal war record by
Deputy Fuhrer Hess, who, after all absconded to Britain in 1941, before the
war had taken a more serious turn for the worse. Why such a large proposal
has been suggested that Hess was somehow related to BASE 211 ... he
actually escaped Hess in 1941 based on 211 itself, whilst using a true dual
with instructions to fly to Scotland and then take the brunt of ridicule and the
lengthy imprisonment if so, Hess will have virtually disappeared to oversee
the development of fourth Reich in the southern hemisphere. "
"Whatever is true, no doubt ... Base 211 is an extremely powerful and a ...
are all part of the wider picture. Along with the complex history of secret
societies, [and] the overall story of the evolution of disks flying in Germany
will be even easier to accept when you look at the history ... "Pages 48-49.
It should be noted that Rudolf Hess had a lasting relationship with Karl
Haushofer, who, according to researchers Louis Pauwels, a member of the
Vril society. Haushofer, like others in the secret society believed in the
existence of an underground race living inside the Earth. The 1979
campaign Hartmann found within 211 base itself, a legend is none other
than mentor Rudolf Hess. See below: Figure 37) Jerry E. Smith & George
Piccard (Secrets of the Holy Lance © 2005) "Here is a small obelisk on a
measure to a level which marks the spot. [The inclusion of Hitler in the
Treasure Base 211-GJ] There is an inscription which reads: "There are
actually more things in heaven and" earth man has dreamed of (Beyond this
point is Agharta) "- Haushofer, 1943." page 32.
A strange twist to the whole story of Rudolf Hess from researcher Peter
Moon. Writes: Report 38) Peter Moon (The Black Sun © 1997)
"Ewen Cameron a psychiatrist who worked on the monument Allan Institute
in Montreal, Canada was a close personal friend of Allen Dulles, the first
director of the CIA, who worked closely with him. Dulles Cameron also sent
to" investigate "Rudolf Hess before Nuremberg trials. It is a well
documented fact that Hess went blank during the test and do not even
remember a close friend, Dr. Karl Haushofer. Some people have speculated
that added a double for Hess ... All we know for sure is that there was
enough funny business on Hess and Cameron was in the middle of it. "
Peter Moon continues by saying that he came into contact with a woman
named "Anna", who is the mother was related to examiner Rudolf Hess.
Moon continues .... "... Anna ... told an interesting story about online Ewen
Cameron to Rudolf Hess. Ewen was known to be very gleeful when he
talked about the state of Hess. Anna told me laugh and snicker and say"
that when it all started. "This behavior is remarkable because, according to
historical references, Ewen never smiled. He was known for keeping cold
stone looks and intimidating countenance." According to what Ewen, Hess
was extremely dedicated member of the brotherhood, much more than
Hitler. Hess left Hitler's Germany in 1941 for Scotland to meet someone and
engage in a magical ritual. This included travel time and Ewen boasted that
if they were successful. The control group was waiting Aria is a PLANET,
known as MARDUK, to [recovery and] come into this resonant orbit of
Mars ... [The invocation of the return;] Ewen talked enough about that, but
much remains a mystery ... "" Allies are supposed to send Ewen Cameron
at Nuremberg in an official capacity to say whether Hess was healthy or
insane. Allen Dulles reportedly expressed concern that Hess was
imprisoned the real Hess. Anna does not have full details on all this. She
said Ewen knew what was ahead of his time. Hess had to be "replaced", but
the whole affair was about a year. The real Hess was sent to another time ...
Although these statements sound rather fantastic, this is the first information
I heard or read about Ewen Cameron of confidential information who knew
him closely ... Pages 48-50 Yes, I have to admit, these statements are
probably sound fantastic and difficult to accept. Did Rudolf Hess actually
escape into a world of aria-homeworld Anunnaki; Or Hess has opened
communication lines with the Aryans off the planet or inside the Earth? may
Hess could use 211 Base for all these? You can judge. However, as we all
know, the truth is really weird and strange.
In their book Secrets of the Holy researchers Lance Jerry E. Smith and
George Piccard provide information showing Base 211 has long since been
abandoned. What caused the abandonment? And when the technologies
that drive the Nazis »up; Operation Admiral Byrd seems to« Highjump »was
decisive for the fate of Base 211: Exhibit 39) Michael E. Salla (Exopolitics ©
"A little known effort to forever end the Nazi threat was a Naval military
expedition led by Admiral Richard Byrd to Antarctica in 1946/47. Byrd of the
military campaign was named a High Jump" and consists of "4700 military
personnel, six helicopters, six Martin PBM flying ships, two seaplane
tenders, fifteen other vessels, ships of thirteen U.S. Navy support and an
aircraft carrier; The USS Philippine Sea "... Admiral Byrd was leading a U.S.
Naval Expedition to search for and the elimination of the Nazi elite who
escaped the bases created or "invented" during the campaign
Schwabenland. "Page 122-123

 As I understand my friends, in ancient times to check the ground Agkartha
the civilized world, even when there are city-states created two opposing
forces. Athens and Sparta. Sparta mean Laos demons.
When later in model needs renewal invented Christianity against pagan.
And to limit the power of the epirois split into Orthodox and Catholic.
Then went to another partition with the invention of koumounismou where
koumounismos = atheism which hampers the power of the church. It came
out of the model so koumounismo destroying capitalism and leaves the full
development and
invent a new enemy like terrorism, in whose name xanaviazei people.
But after many experiments, after so many emperors slaughterers
canonization in history, after so many prostitutes Queens, pets were made
resistant to poisons, such as Rasputin .... We believe a no nothing ... and
it's time to dominate and belly land .... Funk you
During the research for parapoisi history from the king Oleg reach the
discovery of the existence of a further planet in our solar system known in
the mythologies of many nations with names such as Nibiru, Planet X, The
Destroyer, Nemesis, Wormwood. Some believe that this object, which is
spoken in many fabulous books, is a simple planet in regular elliptical orbit.
There is another lomos and bolder idea. The planet known as Nibiru comes
twin orbit around the Sun Sun to a very great distance, is a brown dwarf, the
size is several times the mass of Jupiter and is often called a Dark Star.

Planet Dark Star is the cause of many of the effects in our solar system. It
explains a wealth of anomalies in the outer solar system, particularly in the
area Kuiper. The scientific evidence is pretty solid. This far-distant object
was capable of causing considerable damage in the past, and perhaps will
once again cause a global catastrophe in the mellon.Pistefo Dark Star plays
an important role in our history because this object emits heat, and a little
glimmer . Warms and develops its own planetary system. This system is
capable of supporting life on our doorstep right-secular. This is what makes
the Dark Star Theory so important for anyone who study ancient mysteries.
Creates a local dark star system where visitors to our planet came from the
distant past, where, somehow, we may have come from too. These ideas of
secular visitors from Nibiru from the writings of Zekaria Sitsin, but find
credibility through the Dark Star Theory. This sub-brown dwarf is part of a
much bigger picture - one of them a completely new model.

The Nibiru, the legendary name of Anunnaki, is a tiny "star" in an eccentric

orbit around the Sun. Nibiru is a terrestrial planet moving through the frozen
outer limits of the solar system, but rather a failed star known as a brown
dwarf with troops of the moons, at least one of which is the life-support.
Although extremely light on the type of distance we are here, this brown
dwarf has been detected indirectly by two independent astronomers, the Dr
Murray (1) and Dr Matese (2), using data from long period comets. They are
charged with traveling in a big circle around the sun, but there is nothing in
the papers suggesting an elliptical orbit. "Since the concept of real orbital
motion is unknown, we adopt an inclination of I = 90 + / -5 degrees on
normal orbit and for simplicity of discussion we consider a circular orbit.
Observed distribution along the great circle could due to the eccentricity of
the orbit .... Unfortunately, the initial energy measurements are quite
inaccurate due to uncertainty in the observation can not use this analysis in
light of its implications. The great circle proposed, which is polar in the
galactic plane, is an "unstable equilibrium configuration. Under the action of
galactic tides, such an orbit would be subject to schedule ... That is, under
the action of galactic tides ... which will pass relatively close to the global
zone every few hundred Myr, comparable to the time a strong field in the
cloud triggers star Oort to put random orbital parameters significantly affect
the orbit of our planet. The Hills (1985) has determined that the objects of
mass <10Mj (Jupiter masses), it would not hurt planetary orbits, even if they
had gone through the planetary system. "But this is MANY TIMES BIGGER
This instability is an important factor. While it is possible that the great circle
that Murray and Matese suggest whatever is final, is also very likely that this
volatility has brought the planet through the solar system, perhaps not so
long ago. Thus, the orbit is affected by other planets. ... In other words, the
orbital configuration as it currently is elliptical and unstable.
The Earth is like a billiard balls TO THE TRACK OF THE DEFINED
The Matese says a body mass Multiple Zeus may have an elliptical or
parabolic, orbit around the sun, and that could pass through the central,
planetary solar system do not affect the orbits of other planets some extent
to the fundamental. In fact, he considers the condition that the sub-brown
dwarf will enter the global area periodically during the event in orbital
variability is known as «oscultation». The idea that Nibiru exists at all is
therefore not as far fetched as it initially predicted. Also, the size can be as
small as 10 Jupiters did not cause permanent damage to the relatively
stable structure of the solar system, even when entering the global zone "...
The assumption that the clustering 40.000 planitoeidon due to a distant
unknown planet considered. Aphelion positions are therefore plotted for all
1st class comets with distances between 30.000 and 50.000 AU. The
resulting distribution of seats is not accidental. They are all within 40
degrees from the ecliptic, but especially those between 0 and 180 degrees
longitude show a logical approach to the necessary curve, as expected if
their orbits were arrested in their present form in the presence of unknown
distant object orbiting the Sun at an angle to the ecliptic. "The proposed
slope Murray , 30 + / -7 degrees to the ecliptic, with a retrograde orbit is
exactly the path of the 12th Planet, as discussed by Zekaria Sitsin the 12th
Planet's books (3) «Genesis Revisited» (4)
The Sitsin report on Nibiru, as described by Babylonian astronomers from
"R. Campbell Thompson of the Reports of the Magicians and Astronomers
of Nineveh and Babylon": 'When the train passes the planet Jupiter to the
west, there will be years of residence in safety ... When the station of Jupiter
the Planet increases in brightness and the Zodiac of Cancer will be Nibiru,
Akkad will overflow with plenty. "

In February 2000 my debate Dark Star Theory, I predicted that Nibiru

perihelion will occur in the Duat, the portion of the sky dominated by Sirius
and Orion, which is so important to ancient Egyptians. The above text from
the Book of Job, if understood to describe the passage of a celestial body,
indicating a shift from the northern celestial hemisphere (the Great Bear),
dropping the Duat in the southern hemisphere Celestial, then moves behind
the ecliptic in Taurus and Aries. The biblical text says that the move is back
in Sagittarius, but Nibiru would have disappeared from sight long before
If the dark star fell in the southern hemisphere sky visible during the
movement through the heavens, then it is obvious that it should be located
in the Northern Hemisphere sky at aphelion. So Sagittarius may not be the
position of the dark star, but only the general direction taken as
disappeared. In fact, it will be found north of this constellation, opposite the
perihelion point of Sirius in the southern hemisphere sky. This is probably
around the constellations of Aquila and serpens.O Murray discusses the
current location of the proposed giant planet / brown dwarf in these terms:
"This puts the object in the ecliptic longitude 314 + / -14 degrees, and
inclination derived earlier places it at ecliptic latitude 28 + / -7 degrees, and
RA 20h 35m, Dec 5 degrees at this time. Assuming that the undiscovered
object exists, there remains considerable uncertainty as to the position. "
RA 20h 35m, Dec 5 degrees is on the border of the large constellation
Aquila, the Eagle. Well, technically this place is the small constellation of
Delphinus, but given the margin of error with pisimanthike by Murray, Aquila
serves as a reasonable approach.
This seems to coincide with the biblical passage very well. Sitsin effort to
raise the perihelion of Nibiru in the constellation Cancer, and aphelion in
Sagittarius is incorrect. If these endpoints of an elliptical orbit was actually
located in the ecliptic, then the whole path should be in the ecliptic plane, as
opposed to the request for an inclination of 30 degrees. So, some thoughts
on Sitsin this seems misleading. Aquila seems to sit rather better with the
texts cited above, Cancer marking the point where Nibiru cuts the ecliptic in
the middle of the journey, and so might indicate when Nibiru becomes
visible for the first time.
Therefore, the whole track seems so: Aquila (aphelion), Great Bear, Cancer,
Canis Major and Orion (perihelion), Aries Taurus, and then back in the
direction of Sagittarius. The importance of perihelion occurred in the area of
the sky between Sirius and Orion should not be underestimated. This is the
sacred Duat and leads us into mythological territory. Therefore, it seems
absurd to look for ways where Nibiru is over, the skies could be used to
explain these myths. It is also important to try to locate the last passage of
Nibiru, knowing that the brightest spot occurs in the Duat. This idea is all
important when trying to date the Messianic Star and the Flood

The appearance of Nibiru

Searching for data showing the latest appearance of Nibiru in our airspace,
we need to bear in mind the description of this celestial entity in our minds.
Sumerian accounts of the great celestial battle between Nibiru and the
forerunner of the Earth, the watery monster Tiamat, clearly showing its
identity as a fiery Hulk:
"In front of him put the Lightning, with incredible fire filled his body; then
made a net to enfold Tiamat therein ... An awesome halo his head was
It was wrapped in terrible fear and a cloak. "
This description of Nibiru by the Sumerians seem to have later culminating
in the biblical Book of Job, although it is apparent that tell us about Nibiru. It
is clear that they have changed the original text to suit the monotheistic
doctrine of the Jewish establishment of the Bible. However, while it is
evident between these Sumerian text about Nibiru and the "sea monster"
"Sniffing throwing flashes of light;
 His eyes are like rays of dawn.
Lamps burning in front of his mouth, and sparks of fire leap. The smoke
goes in front of the nostrils by boiling pot or cauldron. Breath sets coals
ablaze, and flames go forth from his mouth ... "Job 41: 18-21 Note that this
entity is no longer the winner of the battle in the Hebrew version, but now
the creature was defeated by God. This is consistent with their view that this
entity is different from Satan, who represents the ancient pagan religious
meaning of the Messianic Dragon. But the Mesopotamian view, the winner
was the Lord, and losers "monster" was the watery Tiamat, the global
forerunner of the Earth. But this description of the terrible brown dwarf
displayed the same text to describe the celestial celestial goes above
What is clear is that this is not a normal world. It seems to be surrounded by
energy nets dressed lightning and flames, and pictures that described his
appearance before the effects of one of the moons of Tiamat, excluding
those petitions as explosions.
It is clear descriptions of actual events in the appearance of Nibiru, though
possibly in a excited state. If you consider the crown can be seen around
the sun during total eclipse, you can begin to understand the meaning of
these verses.
This is a fiery brilliance of the entity which is not big enough for us to
horizontal discharge in normal viewing. In other words, a brown dwarf. This
brown dwarf has seven moons, poetically referred to as "wind" in texts
(Sumerian literal meaning: "Those who are on the side"): "He sent the winds
were created by
seven of them in mid Tiamat where (on earth) have increased ... The Sitsin
goes on to describe the extremely damaging effects on Tiamat close
passage of Nibiru. Note that Tiamat must be much larger than the planet
Earth, which is understandable, since the texts have been constituted by the
splitting of Tiamat in half. So Nibiru should, in turn, is much larger than
Tiamat entity to cause the kind of destruction described:
"Since the two planets and their satellites hosts came close enough to
Nibiru" scan the inside of Tiamat "and" understand the status of Kingu,
"(soon to become the Moon) Nibiru attacked Tiamat with the" clean "to"
wrap the "shooting in the old world huge bolts of electricity (" divine
Yperthira). Tiamat "was filled with brilliance" - slow, warm, "more and
expand." Wide gaps opened in the crust, perhaps emitting steam and
volcanic lava in a widening of the slot of Nibiru pushing one of the major
satellites, named "Evil Wind". It broke "the belly of Tiamat, across its
internal, splitting her heart." (4). He wants to say that enormous
electromagnetic force created the hollow earth;;
In this case, note the issue of size! To have the kind of global destructive
force unleashed Nibiru does not really come into contact with Tiamat, we
are looking at global scale of gas giant proportions at least. Added
descriptions of lightning and folders section crown in a mini-sun, or dark
star. What is absolutely clear is that this monstrous size planet is not an
earth-type of world. If it were, then the size in comparison with Tiamat would
be like the moon than the Earth. Nobody could lead to serious that a body
the size of the moon will destroy the Earth at a nearby passageway by
which did not even touch.
The Nibiru should be very significantly higher than the Tiamat, which in turn
was proportionally greater than the Earth. And how Sitsin conclude that
Nibiru is a terrestrial size? Just because the concept is crucial in trying to
prove that humanoid beings living on Nibiru. In my opinion, this was a wrong
decision. If "alien" creatures to be found, living in one or more of the moons
of Nibiru. The study reveals the world of home-Annunaki 7th (inside) Moon
Utu (Nibiru).
Thus, the Sumerian texts, we can conclude that Nibiru is one mammoth size
fiery planet that has characteristics.
 He has seven moons that are visible to observers on Earth. In other words,
is better than Gallilean moons of Jupiter, which can be seen through
binoculars. This means one or more of the following things;
Are greater than Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, are lit by both the Sun
and the fiery light of Nibiru, and / or see if Nibiru is closer to us than Jupiter.
It is clear that the appearance of Nibiru and seven moons is a dramatic and
exciting event in the sky
We envision a situation where the appearance might have been lost, very
lost as many ancient religions was ready to return, with devotees much
more aware of the stars than most of us today.
There is also the possibility that Nibiru brings with it a sequence of small
comets trailing in the Solar System it is not unreasonable to assume that
some comets would swing within the Solar System, crawling with the rapid
movement of the brown dwarf as it moves and enters the Solar System
when the sky around Nibiru can be filled with comets, adding a halo effect,
perhaps even giving the brown dwarf a "tail." Each small planetary body that
is permanently in orbit Nibiru will not eject tails of comets farther away and
the explanation for this is that the heat of brown dwarf would be the same,
to drive off the volatile gases that create the effect of comet tail. Nibiru
could, for example, has a great sequence of asteroids or tiny moons orbiting
it, but they will not ektinazan gas as it entered the solar system other than
they did when the asteroid is in the area between Jupiter and Mars ..
Nevertheless, small planetary bodies that are permanently in the vicinity of a
brown dwarf will inevitably lose their ice which means melting the ice of the
polar shift magnetic poles, a possible explosion of the nuclear reactor of the
world, if not opened huge cracks of Marine will aporofisoun tons of water,
which will psyxoun again. The gravitational pull of Nibiru will not cause an
epidemic invasion of normal comets in our solar system, and this could
account for periodic environmental disasters on Earth.
The Sitsin refers to a pyrinoi body in heaven; A "burning dragon" or
"monstrous demon from the celestial deep, and identifies as a flaming
comet associated with Nibiru As a comet moving through space could
actually be on fire, burning in the absence of air Earth, I think the description
could describe better Nibiru.
Having the Nibiru near the Sun will present enormous increase in
temperature is the circle surrounding Heat will not Nibiru, but will be swept
back by the solar wind, which is shown as having a pair of flaming wings in
front of the sun
Until now, astronomers believed something as small as a brown dwarf could
not remain lovitos from death in a fiery furnace star another star. "We
discovered a small failed star called a brown dwarf lying next to another star
called a white dwarf and the two are orbiting each other in a tiny orbit of two
hours," Dr Matt Burleigh, one of the authors of the paper and astronomer at
the University of Leicester, United Kingdom, told the BBC.
"We found something 55 times more massive than Jupiter that has survived
being swallowed by a red giant; can something smaller, like a well-known
extrasolar planet to survive?"
Discovery of the Nearest L Dwarf: The slightest physical objects in Visual
known beyond the wavelengths of solar system
"The purpose of CTIOPI is to discover and characterize overlooked stars
and brown dwarfs near the Sun. Objects tested by measuring their positions
(and hunting), brightnesses and colors, and by taking spectroscopic
fingerprints to examine atmospheric composition. The estimated "missing"
population of solar neighborhood members is expected to consist primarily
of very low mass stars with spectral type M (known as red dwarfs), and
objects of spectral types L (as NO 0255 - 4700) and T, many of which are
actually brown dwarfs with little mass to start long-term thermonuclear
reactions. objects shine feebly, glowing only because of energy leaking out
of the gravity of their formation, many billions of years ago. "(2)

Brown Dwarf Pair found in interstellar space. "... Although they have similar
masses to many of the giant planets discovered beyond our solar system
(the largest weighing in at 14 times the mass of Jupiter and the other is
about seven times), it is assumed to be true or planets. "We resist the
temptation to call it a double planet 'because this pair probably not the way
that planets in our solar system did," said co-researcher Valentin Ivanov of
the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Santiago, Chile. The two
objects have similar spectra and colors, indicating that formed at the same
time about one million years. They are separated by approximately six times
the distance between the Sun and Pluto, and can be found in Ofiouchos
stars in region about 400 light years away

There are many brown dwarfs in the galaxy, it is possible as many as the
stars. Some are in orbit around stars mother, others move freely through
interstellar space. It is difficult for astronomers to work under what
circumstances such a variety of these failed stars are formed. New
computer simulations of the new systems interact Star gave us a possible
solution; That in the chaos of conflicting proto-planetary disks, brown dwarfs
occur with their own planetary systems! One can see how the huge variety
of brown dwarfs observed in nature could result from such cataclysmic
events. If its own star system, we, for example, the sun may have been born
in a stellar nursery near another star. As the planets formed, the two
systems could be rubbed against one another, to extract pieces of the whole
disk in the outer solar system or interstellar space. This may explain the
abnormal form of the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt at the edge of the solar system
and how a brown dwarf could have become lodged in the deep abyss of the
solar system in the first place. Nature of interest in terms of ancient
mythology, too ....

Dark Star "Planemos" by PLANEFO, error, deception

Astronomers have now accepted that the planet-like objects floating alone
through space carry with them material that could make other planets or
moons, something like miniature versions of our solar system. What exactly
to call any of these objects and systems is still in the air, though. But
whatever the result astronomers are calling Dark Stars (and I still think this
is the best name), the fact is that there are. A real plan for a system of Dark
Star has been observed in interstellar space (5). Some astronomers want to
call objects like these "planemos". It is very attractive, but is it?

It is clear to anyone reading the papers by Drs Murray and Matese that the
path described by the giant planet in the Oort cloud was nearly circular, and
at a great distance from the Sun (1.2). When corresponding via email with
these two astronomers, have made clear to me that this is a major obstacle
to the assimilation of the body each one of them describe as that described
by Sitsin There is little need for either of them to explore these issues, so
that's where the matter ends for them. But I think I have sufficiently shown
the correlation between Nibiru and giant planets, especially as described by
Dr Murray, to try to find an explanation for the difference. I think I found the
reason and the evidence that comes from one of the core academic
documentary relies Matese. The data of this book is essential for
understanding what had happened between the disruption of millions of
comets in years, used to describe a c-orbit the giant planet, and to present
eccentric orbit.
If I am correct, this would have significant consequences for the 12th Planet.
Here are the results of computer simulations of a Nibiru-body type, and the
consequences of that institution for the solar system. It is unusual for me to
focus mainly on paper the way, but I suspect the reader will soon discover
why I have done.

The Computer Simulator of the Los Alamos

Well before Murray and Matese examined the evidence for a massive body
of cloud Oort, JG Hills was investigating the possible presence of an even
larger entity at the edge of the influence of the sun. This body was known as
"Nemesis", a black dwarf star or a low-star mass to 90,000 AU. Remains
hypothetical and would certainly be much more massive than what we
already know.
The Hills ran computer simulations at Los Alamos National Laboratory
System 3 bodies, consisting of a Sun and Jupiter-like pair Planet, which
took place in the interaction with a huge body, either imported from
interstellar space, or concerned a quiet corner of comet clouds the sun (5).
Findings are particularly relevant for our discussion, focusing as in the
scenario described by Sitsin. Hills makes a conscious knowledge of this, of
course, for all intents and purposes, seemed to describe low-mass stars and
brown dwarfs, rather than smaller institutions, making it one step removed
from the conventional debate 12th Planet. At that time, analysis of Sitsin
Nibiru was a lot smaller than a brown dwarf body. However, it seems very
likely that Nibiru is actually a failed star, not a planet in the conventional
sense, and now we must consider the findings under the new light. One of
the first signs Hills that creates an institution, the kind of distance is
proposed for Nemesis is likely to be concerned in an orbit that brings the
universe, solar system, the action of passing stars. In the mathematical
models indicate that this potential effect is likely to happen if the massive
body is 20,000 AU (short distance from Matese estimate of 20,000 AU for
the mass of the planet): "... There is a significant chance Nemesis

What Hills says that the orbit of a body that is about 20,000 AU away from
the Sun is essentially unstable, a point noted in passing by Matese (2).
Oscultations Matese then discussed "by such an orbit, but it is clear of
paper that Hill has something more drastic in mind. As Hills says, is "Oort
cloud objects in deeply by the passing stars. We can assume therefore that
the findings of Murray and Matese, from the beginning of the comet travels
million years, continue to describe the trajectory of body mass to date. Not
only that, but data on the movements of comets' is a fragmented picture.
This shows a trend that points to the presence of this huge organization, but
we do not show the current position of the body. If it had, we would have
already been found, surely? There are approaches that involved here, and a
relatively recent disruption of the orbit Nibiru would lie outside the criteria for
keeping the data, two researchers worked with. It could also explain why he
has defied detection of these documents came out in 1999, despite the
findings other brown dwarf.
Drs. Murray and Matese describe Nibiru passage through the Oort cloud
over several million years, and have undertaken the continuation of the
slow, circular motion. After this case, have questioned a reference to the
ancient mythology of the 12th planet, as described by Sitsin (3,4). Even Hills
suggests that the trajectories describing the massive body is unstable and
subject to radical change when affected by a passing star. It seems to me
that this can happen when the sun passed from Sirius millions of years ago
that the huge importance of the type A stars Sirius A was sufficient to drag
Nibiru in the global system, and change its orbit into a highly elongated
ellipse. Unless the Sirius system, then giant molecular clouds in Orion
Conclusion 1
 The circular orbits described by Murray and Matese are unstable and
subject to disruption, like comets. In this case, may seem too unbelievable, I
would like to explore the results of computer simulations Hills »in some
depth. This can be somewhat dry discussion, but bear with me: The Hills
recognizes the overall circularity of the orbits of the known solar planets,
and concludes that the elements of each body, who spent the solar system
could not exceed 20 Jupiter masses to "Since the change in the
eccentricities is proportional to the mass invasion Mi, any invasion of items
from the Oort cloud masses less than about 0.02M * = 20 Jupiter masses
could not produce a noticeable effect on the orbits of the planets. "(5)
This provides an upper limit on the size of the body, excluding Nemesis, an
alleged black dwarf the extreme limit of the solar system as an interloper.
Other parts of the paper, place a limit of 10 Jupiter masses in an invasion by
the cloud Oort, but it remains consistent with the finding brown dwarf: The
body is described by Murray and Matese is a planet, or brown dwarf, only
few Jupiter masses. Such a body will not radically alter the overall circularity
of the orbits of the planets of the solar, if not involved conflict. This is crucial
because it shows that a brown dwarf could be passed within the planetary
orbits are not unduly influence them.
The brown dwarf masses below 10 Jupiter could have regularly gone
through the planetary solar system and the known planets will still appear as
they do today
So if Nibiru, was disturbed by the circular orbit of the cloud Oort, can now
have an aphelion distance of less than 10% of values determined by Murray
and Matese. That distance is an order of magnitude less Nibiru to cross a
very elongated elliptical orbit at around 3600 years without being ejected
from the solar system. This was another major obstacle, since Dr. Murray
The Hills describes a series of simulation results, which are consistent with
relatively stable temporarily bound triple systems are, after raids in a
massive Oort cloud planetary body in the system. This provides a
theoretical model for changing the orbit Nibiru, allowing us to incorporate the
brown dwarf conclusion on the theory of the 12th Planet.
This theoretical work that supports a bridge between the 12th planet of
Sitsin and evidence for a brown dwarf in the cloud Oort.
Yes, the brown dwarf actually deletes a slow, circular orbit at the time of
comets was uncomfortable, but in the meantime has the same concern in a
radically different path. Described by the Sumerians. Impossible? The Hills
do not seem to think so. I have evidence for that? Yes, I think I do, that the
change in its orbit Nibiru, returning to the planetary system after many,
many millions of years caused our climate to change. The evidence is in our
geological records, and includes the puzzling emergence of long-period ice
ages. Again, the basis for this conclusion is in this pioneering paper by Hills,
and will explore this idea in depth in a later posting. This has to do with
binding effects "of the planets, and how the orbital radii are affected by the
new orbit is achieved with the intruder. I suspect that this simbiotic
relationship between Earth and Nibiru the Sumerians is what is meant by
the phrase "Heaven-Earth", and why the ancient world as a store for exact
calculation of the calendar.

4 Conclusion
The trajectory and the global environment affected by the new eccentric
orbit through a dynamic interplay of global 'binding activities, and the same
geological record shows us the return of Nibiru from the Oort Cloud. The
Hills describes these new triple systems (for our studies, the Sun, Jupiter
and a brown dwarf Nibiru) as temporary. There seems to be unstable as
well, and I suggest orbit Nibiru is once again changing over time, rot and
lose energy. The Nibiru will return again in the outer cloud Oort, and this
model can prove that Nibiru was oscillating orbit for as long as it is in our
solar system. This is what oscultation the term as used by Matese. Hills, just
shows how a highly eccentric orbit for the object Oort cloud might result
from such a track change. I suspect that the long period of ice that occurs
when Nibiru is a temporary eccentric elliptical orbit brings the planet solar
system. When describing a slow circular orbit near the Earth, then we have
a warmer climate, often for hundreds of millions of years. Increase of
electromagnetic radiation and all the attendant.
This also means they will live like kings the poor have the good of all
Moreover, the unusually rapid end of the glacier, we set lasted only 4 million
years, shows that the orbit Nibiru is already altering and stretching of bonds
and that «Heaven-Earth is slowly deteriorating. In turn this explains why
orbit Nibiru has lengthened (3760BC to 25AD = 3784 years), and why
ancient accounts describe the calendar year, as we have a little more lost
days (Thoth in (7)). As the orbit of Nibiru is lengthening, and begins a
gradual return to a slow circle in the cloud Oort, our earnings trajectory
binding energy, orbital radius of our contracts, and the climate warms
mas.Trochia Conclusion 5 Nibiru is now stretching and climate We then
warming again This change would also indicate why the Anunnaki left the
world today. As Nibiru orbit has decayed, their chances look Nibiru moving
within the orbit of Jupiter in decline over the next perihelion. You may not
want to miss a chance to get back home again!
So why this stretch of track has happened to everyone? Suspect that the
same celestial event which brought about the cataclysm changed unstable
13-14,000 years 'temporary' Nibiru orbit enough to change again the link
between the Sun and Nibiru. This could be a close pass by Jupiter, for
example, perturbing the elliptic orbit, and to create a big enough fuss to the
Sun-Jupiter magnetosphere interaction to ensure the Earth-changes
involved. You should find this in depth later.

Stable planetary systems that Massive had the suspicion that "failed stars,
or brown dwarf could be in the middle of stable planetary systems. With the
argument that the gravitational effect of these massive bodies in the
planetary system will cause other planets to become unstable and begin
careering around. A discovery by a team of Marcy on a star system about
123 light years away brought into question. The system, called poetic
HD168443, contains a giant planet that is 17 times the mass of Jupiter.
Normally astronomers would classify it is a brown dwarf, but very close to
this body is the star, brought the case in question (8). To make the tour of
the stars involved in relatively close orbit, the agency should be formed by
accretion of gas, but is much longer than this model should allow: "This is
one of the most exciting discoveries yet, "said Douglas NC Lin, a planetary
formation expert from the University of California at Santa Cruz, who is not a
member of the Marcy. "This discovery has significant theoretical
implications." Although the planetary object is 17 times more massive than
Jupiter, Lin said, "are likely formed in the same way that Jupiter formed in
our solar system." Planets are believed to form by gravitational attraction of
the gas and dust a cloud around a growing star. But planets do too much
can destabilize a planetary system. HD168443 Butler said the system is
"very stable" (9).

To complicate matters further, another huge planet, this time 7 times as

massive as Jupiter, lies in a circular orbit within the orbit of the first.
However, the overall system is described as "very stable". This system will
send back many astronomers to draw in an effort to understand how these
planets formed and how to enjoy such stable orbits closer to the star host.
This example suffices to show that giant planets like these, which defy
classification may surprise astronomers. Similarly, a massive planet orbiting
the Sun need not have negative consequences for the rest of the system
that many will take temporary. Au is the last word seems to bear out Hills

Through the course of this website, you should examine the current status
quo, the solar system and how the tenth planet could fit in the known
context. It will present the arguments offered by scientists on the Kuiper Belt
Objects, and how their orbits may be an indication of the presence of a vast
unexplored body between comets. We question why Alan Alford was
skeptical about the existence of such a Nibiru-tenth planet. Finally, we
discuss the strange behavior of the spacecraft Pioneer, and how this
unexpected anomaly may force astrophysicists to rethink the physical
properties of the solar system.

The hunt for planets outside our solar system (known as "extra-solar"
planets) provides a database of global increase in behaviors that will allow
scientists to construct new models for how the solar system formed. Few
expect the current view will last for long. Already, many of the new planets
exhibit unexpected behavior suggests that our planetary system is not
required to provide the model for the entire galaxy.
Research conducted by Geoffrey Marcy, showed that planets circling a star
can be locked into orbits. A second planet discovered around the star Gliese
876, a small M-type-star 15 light years from Earth, was in orbit of the star in
half the time it took previously discovered planet to do so:
The "The resonances found in our solar system. Neptune and Pluto is
locked in a 3:2 resonance, where Neptune orbits the Sun three times for
every two circuits from Pluto. In addition, three of the largest moons of
Jupiter - Io, Europa, Ganymede, and - the planet's orbit in a 4:2:1
resonance. The resonance between the two [extra-solar] planets in orbit is
the most exciting discoveries of planet detection until now, "said Jack
Lissauer, a global dynamicist at the Ames NASA Research Center.
"Questions relating to immigration and global gravitational influence is still
far unsolved," Lissauer said. "(1)

This last point is important for our research on the issue of Planet X.
Arguments against the existence of Planet X, according to current standards
of appearance and development of the solar system, you might be right. "I
do not know how they could have gotten to this provision," said Marcy.
"These two planets seem to move in harmony," said Fisher. "It's like two
harmonic notes on a stringed instrument."
This type of echo pattern applies to the Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOS)? Small
celestial bodies in orbit at an extended area beyond Neptune. Theo
Kermandis, an engineer interested in the existence of Planet X, has recently
proposed to study the orbits of known KBOS to see if resonant patterns may
indicate the presence of Nibiru inside or outside the belt Kuiper (3). He also
provided some data and analysis suggested that the agency discovered that
one can actually interact with some of the KBOS, but that trend seems to be
well within the parameters usually proposed for Nibiru. He wondered
whether a clearer picture will emerge over time as the database increased
KBOS, perhaps leading to the discovery of another planet in the solar
system. Theo summarized his approach:
a) The measurement of KBO could be too low to get meaningful results, but
the trends in the data could be distinguished.
b) Asteroids cluster around specific resonances avoiding more ... because it
is dynamically stable.
c) The dynamically unstable resonances may be a more acurate indicator
for projecting possible relationship between orbit, because these notches on
the diagram is well defined (also known as Kirkwood gaps). Given that the
fixed or semi-stable orbits are shown as broad peaks.
"There is a very dynamic structure in the distribution of objects in the belt
Kuiper. As your friend pointed out, there are certain values of semimajor
axis in the region beyond which there appear to be concentrations or
absences of objects. Indeed, they are often called mean motion resonances
. Here are resonances with Neptune. These occur when the orbital period of
a body associated with that of another institution in the rate of integers "The
coordination is important because the repeated impact of the world can
stabilize or destabilize the orbit of a small body." (4)

In 2000 a team from Harvard discovered a strange object's orbit which could
not be explained by invoking the influence of Neptune. The discovery of
Kuiper Belt Object '2000 CR105 «reignited the debate about the presence
of a huge body perturbing small celestial bodies beyond Neptune and Pluto.
Has orbital period of 3300 years, not particularly different from 3600 years of
Nibiru, and is very eccentric, its properties are so remarkable that the big
questions about the structure and configuration of the outer limit of the solar
"... It is now clear that 2000 CR105 has a highly eccentric orbit that
stretches about 400 au - More than 10 times Pluto's average distance from
the Sun and much larger than the area of any object known Kuiper. But
even more dynamicists incomprehensible to the perihelion distance of the
course. In 44,5 au (6,7 δισεκατομμύρια kilometers), is far beyond the
perturbing influence of Neptune, the severity of which was flung countless
others referred to more distant fringes of the solar system. So how did 2000
CR105 reach stranded out there? The orbit of 2000 CR105 is dynamically
chaotic .... Perhaps the Kuiper belt formed by many institutions of global
scale in its midst, which have caused chaos orbital before heaved
themselves out of the area. Neptune or she might have ventured farther
before settling in this course. And though the meaning is very doubtful, a
massive perturber can still awaits discovery beyond known boundary the
Kuiper belt of. Matthew Holman notes that a body the size of Mars 200 au
away could easily have escaped detection until now. "(6)



The Kuiper Belt is classic to extend out to about 200AU (7). Thus, an
elliptical orbit that extends 400AU places '2000 CR105 »between Kuiper
Disc and the Oort Cloud (which starts about 2000AU away, according to
theorists). If this had been normal "track one" in 400AU will circle the sun
every 8000 years or so, even actual elliptical orbit, achieving a rotation
around the sun in less than half the time. By itself, this has important
implications for the likely path of Nibiru. Based on the precedent of this
eccentric orbit, we in turn may extend the distance of the aphelion Nibiru,
perhaps to the interior ceiling of Oort Cloud. The ancients were not opposed
to the idea that there was a natural harmony in the workplace in the sky.
Pythagoras, for example, believed that there was a dynamic harmony "in
the universe, and that the constant motion of the planets and the stars
created a metaphysical" music "that was spotted by those with a secret
understanding of the universe (10). I'm not ready to suggest that might be
described scientifically this belief, but the idea of celestial harmony at work
is interesting nonetheless. Perhaps, then, is a force at work in celestial
mechanics that creates harmony between the "celestial sphere" that
scientists have not discovered yet. But why would not they? Because,
simply, the data from our solar system does not support directly the idea of
a universal chord among the worlds. The planets just do not behave like
But we now know they can do elsewhere. Perhaps our solar system is the
exception rather than the rule. Where more than double / triple star system
planet discovered that exhibit the same kind of coordination, as found in the
planetary system Gliese 876, then the understanding of the influence of
planets to another should be reviewed. I think this could be a distinct
possibility. In fact, I would go so far as to say that I would foresee such an
outcome. You see, I think this is not a harmonious chord in the solar system
as it should be because the solar system has recently been disturbed. The
natural harmony or coordination among most of the planets of the solar
system no longer exists. Over time, I suspect that the response would again
be achieved, but the chaos of the current relevant "in the model of planetary
orbits around the sun indicates the presence of another planet
To explain the proper alignment of the planets in the solar system,
astrophysicists have traditionally argued that the planets formed in this
orbital compositions, obeying 'right law "Bode goes by". This is partly due to
the fact that we have planets flying around our ears, as you might think if
things had begun more chaotic in the past. In other words, the accepted
physical models based on Newton's laws, that the planets will go to a
specific orbit indefinitely, if not immediately very worried by another
planetary body. But the effect of resonance requires a self-regulating
principle at work that would change the planetary orbits over time, as
aligned with each other. Therefore, if resonance turned out to be a common
feature of planetary systems, we could no longer assume a schedule for the
early solar system based on today's show. Is this so surprising? Formed a
ring of debris around the planet and subsequently led to the creation of our
over-sized satellite. NASA scientists studying data obtained from the Apollo
missions found similarities between the mineral compositions of the Earth
and Moon, which could be likened to a conflict that occurred after the
formation of the internal iron core of the Earth:
Analysis of data from the Lunar Prospector spacecraft NASA has confirmed
that the Moon has a small core, supporting the idea that most of the Moon
was ripped away from the early Earth when an object the size of Mars
collided with Earth "The solar system was the subject of intense barrage of
debris 3.9 billion years ago, shortly after its initial creation. The Earth has
"thousands of giant impacts, many much larger than that which killed the
dinosaurs. The cataclysmic attack that produced "continent-sized craters
and liberated enough heat to vaporise the Earth's oceans, and this fact is
known to scientists as" late, great bombardment '(13).
Given the obvious violence attributed to the early solar system, it seems
unlikely that a smooth distrbution planets were at the time, especially if the
moon was actually formed by a collision between Earth and Mars a "size" of
the body. These events reflect those described by Zekaria Sitsin in his book
"The Twelfth Planet» (14), as is apparent from Sumerian and Babylonian
creation myths cataclysmic as the Enuma Elish. Despite the violence of the
early solar system, the current picture is relatively calm. The planets may
not be resonating with one another, as do around Gliese 876, but not to
crash into one another, either. One way to have emerged from the chaos.
The Earth could not be derived from an ancient collision between Nibiru and
Tiamat (16). In simple words, Earth's orbit would still be behind the scene of
the collision of the asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. (Sitsin Alford
and supported both at the time of Nibiru returned periodically to the asteroid
belt during the perihelion passage. Sitsin still do, of course).
A great conflict must change the path it changes the dynamics of the planet.
The old and new paths should have a common point at the meeting. Thus, a
conflict that can not get the planet from one circle to another, because such
orbits are not common. "It appears to face a killer blow to the idea that
Planet X could be the source of ancient myths of creation. (In fact, Alford
completely changed his mind about the origin of mythology, the assumption
of Van Flandern of" Explosive Planet Case "instead). But Van Flandern
arguments are not watertight.
The primordial battle between Nibiru and Tiamat occurred, leads us to
believe, not long after the formation of the solar system. So there is no
fundamental difference between this event and similar cataclysmic cosmic
collisions that can occur when the solar system first formed. Van Flandern's
arguments based on the theory that the solar system was not violent place,
at least as regards the conflicts between the planets: Since Earth's orbit was
almost perfectly circular, Van Flandern so completely ruled out the
possibility that the earth itself was Badly destructive conflict. In fact, there
was absolutely no indication that any of the existing planets of the solar
system have their orbits changed in this way. (16) However, we see that the
earth was actually the subject of intense barrage of 3.9 billion years ago,
one that is inexplicable in terms of normal solar system at the time, and that
the moon itself may be derived from the terrestrial impact with another
planet. Certainly such would disturb the Earth's orbit?. In turn, the global
binding effects of the known planets changed from the previous posts in this
equilibrium excited state. Since the orbits expanded in response to
significantly enhance the track's Dark Star, the climate of the planets cool.
Our planet into a new ice age, moving a little farther from the Sun, Mars and
also moved to larger glaciers. Perhaps this explains why scientists find
evidence the movement of water across the surface of Mars just 10 million
years ago, or a situation that is far from consistent with the current climate
on Mars I would say that I am not suggesting that the existence of the rest
of the world needs X a new set of physical laws. It could be there anyway.
But what is interesting is how they have found not only young players, and
planets, to coordinate among themselves.
A purely Newtonian physics does not seem to anticipate this type of activity,
although clearly allows for this, and it reminds me of the historical
development of understanding of the individual. Ordinary people could be
explained by the application of Newtonian laws, but the greater the
complexity, the more problems arose. Eventually, laws were introduced for
quantum mechanics, and could not explain only the simplest cases
Newtonian physics could also be dealt with, but quantum mechanics
allowed chemists to understand the physics of larger atoms and molecules.
Could it be the same as astrophysics are there more layers of evidence that
invites us to change the way we think about the celestial mechanics? There
may be reason to think so. "The conundrum is the Pioneer 10 seems to be
slowing faster than it should. Astronomers have detected an anomaly, like
Pioneer 10 was to get an extra pull from the sun that can not be explained.
Nobody is sure what to blame. A fuel leaking from the friction of gas in
space, radiation from batteries and gravity of the spacecraft by an unknown
asteroid are all excluded. Pioneer 11, launched in 1973, is also slowing
down at about the same rate. The Ulysses probe, launched in 1990, is
affected. It also signals from the Galileo, now orbiting Jupiter, may also
show the same result. Scientists are far from suggesting that Newton's law
of gravity should be reviewed. But the same result seems strange in four
space probes make you think ... "I was attracted initially to this anomaly for
the same reason that fascinated scientist of NASA John Anderson (Pioneer
10 Principal Investigator for Celestial Mechanics); That is the probability that
the result may be indicative of the presence of an undiscovered planiti.I
trend of global warming that our planet has experienced in recent years 10-
15,000 could also be due to further changes in the dynamic path of the Dark
Star. Orbit may have become bound less stringent, in turn pulling the world
a little closer to the Sun, causing the earth changes that have occurred
around 13,000 years ago. This will also support the conclusion that I
reached that Nibiru has an orbit today around 3750 years, it is 3600 years.
On the grounds that the Solar System was really quite different to a
significant extent with an additional interior world, you might be able to
develop a kind of autonomous scenario explains many things. "We are
heading towards a truly new regime where our solar system is not a static
dynamic place from day Further exploration of the solar system, particularly
in the asteroid belt, can produce new data to put all the pieces together.
One wonders what Scientists will make future data, if proven that many
asteroids were created by terrestrial rock 3.9 billion years ago?
But the underground cities of Mongolia, The caves of Kiev and Chernigov
Mongols Iceland if only we show clear displacement of people from Asian
territories as possible north to escape the heat of the Earth. The
underground Agkartha contributes to this theory. So the occultist texts are
nothing more than instructions for disclosing what the current governmental
form in fact, propaganda machine, and provide guidance to survive in times
of purple. What is certain is that surviving areas where there is plenty of

Really where did all the water of the Earth;

The Earth is relatively close to the sun and water, the volatile properties,
should have been expelled by the authorities within the solar system before
the Earth formed. Therefore, the Earth should really be a very dry planet
contrast is all the water is so vital for the biosphere of this planet, where it
comes from?
The prevailing theory until recently was the idea that the oceans have been
deposited by comets that affect the newly created Earth from this bombing
occurred more than one billion years (and may also help explain how life
appeared on Earth as early in the geo-history) . The problem is that the
isotopic ratio of surface water and comet ice is very different. Comets
analyzed thus far contain relatively large amounts of deuterium, but this
isotopic form of water is rare on Earth. If it is known that the composition of
the comet's ice is representative of the solar system comets in general, then
very little of the water on Earth can be attributed to the effect of comet After
the formation of Earth. Taking this into account, it seems that only half of the
world's oceans could have been deposited by impacting comets. Earth is
rich in many other volatiles, and these data (mostly noble gases) are not
made in meteorites. Topping comet water storage with water-rich asteroids
would not explain the relative abundance of these other volatile chemicals.
For example, recent studies by scientists at the University of Arizona The
ceiling for the deposition of volatiles from the period after the formation of
the Earth is a meager 15% of these new findings caused planetary
scientists one big headache. Perhaps the Earth was formed by a multitude
of planets' embryos, some of which comes closer to Jupiter from Earth,
allowing the creation of indigenous volatiles; Maybe the rocks that formed
the early Earth vast quantities of water trapped within them, preventing
volatiles from being systematically removed from the inner accretion disk?
Place your bets now! "

The solution is that the Earth is a rich mixture of volatile compounds

including water, because our planet originally formed much farther from the
sun. The theory of embryos "in French Allessandro Morbidello (4). It
suggests that the Earth was formed by the combination of Moon-sized
embryos from different chaotic orbits in the primordial solar system. Volatile
carriers "will have formed about 4 astronomical units; Four times farther
from the sun than Earth, but still within the orbit of the giant Jupiter. Notes,
however, that the water carrier flying from 4 AU would have been geo-
chemically unique in the solar system. Rather like the Earth itself, then?
Data on the isotope composition of water inside the solar system clearly
indicates that the Earth was formed about 4 astronomical units away from
the sun. This of course suits "not" the standard model for the evolution of
the solar system. However, the evidence pointing to this direction, that
scientists should review the standard model.
If the Earth was once four times farther from the sun than it is today, then
we must explain how he managed to find in today's very close to the Sun.
One way would indict within the solar system from an initial orbit much
closer to that of Jupiter.
A model for action already exists in the form '12th Planet »Case Zekaria
Sitsin (5). After translation and interpretation of ancient Sumerian cuneiform
texts, this scholar has suggested that the earliest Mesopotamian myths
which describe the solar system at a high degree of accuracy, but with
some added features. Interpretation of myth in an astronomical context
proposed for Sitsin an unexplored world that exists between the comet, one
that was not an original member of the solar system, but an interloper
wandering in the inter-stellar space that was involved in the global zone.
He met a watery world about 4 astronomical units, and a great "celestial
battle took place between these planets 'Gods'. The result was a maneuver
of this Water World, «Tiamat», within the solar system, which became the
Earth. The invasion, «Nibiru», emerged in an eccentric orbit beyond the
known planets, where it remains to be discovered again this day. This is
controversial material, of course. But water Conundrum has just taken is
highly consistent with this hypothesis. Not wanting to rely too heavily on that
old conservative "razor razor, seems to have a simple solution to a difficult

The Origin of the Earth

However, the isotopic evidence of ice on the comet will also ask one of their
own claims Sitsin the question. Suggests that the debris from the impact of
the primordial Earth and Nibiru, and / or one or two of the moons were
scattered in the solar system, which is the asteroid belt, and comets.
Perhaps the formation of the asteroid may have happened that way, but not
komiti.Oi oceans of the Earth could not have come entirely from comets.
Thus, unlike the solar system comets could have formed over the oceans of
the primordial Earth. Had then the isotope comet ice is consistent with that
of Earth. Current theories about the formation of the Moon focuses on a
massive collision between early Earth and Mars-sized body, scattering
debris in orbit around the Earth, which eventually merged to form Luna (6).
The lack of a large iron core in the Moon shows that the impact took place
after its iron core of the earth had already gravitated to the center of the
planet (7). It is understandable that the rest of the scattered wreckage of the
early Earth formed the asteroid belt, as proposed Sitsin, and this possibility
is readily testable by further scientific study of the composition of asteroids
in the belt between Mars and Jupiter. This could happen when the Moon
was formed, whether as a result of the impact upon the recovery of Earth

The primitive Earth has been struck from the planet early in the life of the
solar system

If this assumption is correct, then the primitive Earth must have been a very
important planet really like that big an impact on both caused the asteroid
belt and the Moon (but clearly not the Comets). Such a massive terrestrial
planet could be made directly onto an enormous amount of volatile
substances during the initial distance of 4 astronomical units. Likewise, it
was so absurd that the larger primordial Earth would have hosted such a
massive satellite, such as our moon, a point noted Sitsin in describing the
relationship between the Sumerian Tiamat and «Kingu».

If the Moon was launched following a collision between early Earth and
Mars-sized body, then how would that correspond to the "celestial battle" as
described in Babylon «Enuma Elish»; The picture is complicated by the
scientific discovery of the Slowly, very bombardment "by the Earth / Moon
system 3.9 billion years ago (8). Was it the Celestial battle described by the
ancient Mesopotamians?
Perhaps the very early Earth (Tiamat) was cracked open from the original
Mars-sized body, which is the Moon (Kingu).
The Tiamat was a vast watery world with a new and powerful moon. And
that could have left the solar system is not disturbed by an intruder.
The Nibiru, a wandering giant planet or brown dwarf low (9.10) entered the
planetary zone, bringing with it a ready possibility of comets and moons.
The latter action may have been the "slow, very bombing" that took place
3.9 billion years ago, when thousands of outstanding killer bombarded our

Tremendous weight Nibiru, dynamic and non-orbiting body Tiamat worries

and caused the fall towards the sun, attaining new irregular orbit. Over
billions of years, resulting shepherded Earth from the Sun and Jupiter in a
more stable orbit, becoming the rather strange world we live in with more
size moon and excessive moisture. Nibiru was also captured by the Sun,
but still loosely bound and, even erratic, a situation that prevents the known
planets of the harmonization of coordination.


If the Earth should be almost full and if it is so close to the sun, then it is
quite possible that the Earth is indeed a special place. No action over a
global attacker huge dimensions (and I think that Nibiru is less than a sub-
brown dwarf), the Earth would be much colder than it is now. More like
«Snowball Earth". The life depends on liquid water ... to the current
biodiversity on our planet have arisen if the Earth was still at 4 AU; no
If a new configuration of the planet is near a star, like Earth to the Sun, so
the heat is sufficient liquidity to keep the water later in the story, they are
exactly the same conditions should preclude the inclusion of water in world
in the first place. The presence of abundant liquid water to cool the planet is
a paradox, because heat and water do not seem to engage in earthly form
the planets. Therefore, this paradox will be found today on Earth has been
resolved either by examining the possibility that Earth has moved
significantly closer to the sun from its foundation, either by re how planets
Whatever caused our world to have so much water so close to the sun may
be unusual, perhaps unique. Abundance Earth's liquid water may be very
rare if the action of a planet attacker must explain maneuver in a more
internal orbit. (To say that some of the extra-solar planets found so far have
strange orbits;
Especially the gas giants miracle around parent stars, within walking
distance (11). Why was the component of natural gas was not blown away
by the star before the planet was formed; Does this mean that planetary
orbits can change dramatically, possibly as a result of outside intervention?
But if the acquisition of the land of abundant water is really an anomaly that
the local heat generated by the Sun in its creation, then you should be
looking for life on the star system whose primary fires is so hot. After all, the
range of stellar characteristics do not start with your own Sun.
Red, or dare I say even brown dwarfs have not formed the same water-
purging enthusiasm, as we have our yellow star. I wonder if this means that
we must turn our attention to the less bright members of the heavenly
Even those who remain hidden altogether. These relatively cool stars might
be able to form a watery worlds around them more easily, and bombard
them with less harmful radiation to boot. SETI may have searched in the
wrong place all this time.

Water Worlds

The concept of "migration" of the planets is increasingly accepted as of late.

Not so long ago that Tom van Flandern strongly criticized '12th Planet
Zekaria Sitsin for Theory "on the basis that the Earth could not have
migrated within the solar system from the asteroid belt. Van Flandern has
argued that the Earth's orbit should still be highly elliptical if it did, and the
trend should continue to cross through the asteroid belt. These arguments
were sufficient to swing Alan Alford away from the idea of having a large
volume of Planet X

But science has advanced in recent years, and are generally more open to
new possibilities for Planet X (13). This is partly because of discoveries
about its own outer solar system, but also because the data accumulated in
extra-solar planets. Many of these "exoplanets" have irregular orbits. Some
of them are orbiting stars at very small distances, and is known as «Hot
Jupiters". These strange planets are very close to their stars to have formed
where they are now (according to existing theoretical models of formation
the planet, anyway), so the concept of migration is increasingly done to help
planetary scientists sleep at night. If such a model can be widely applied
elsewhere, it certainly could have happened in Our solar system is too
much? possibly even the Earth? The science writer Andrew Pike recently
described a potential new class of planets that sound remarkably similar to
Tiamat, as described by Sitsin. This category of planets called "Water
Worlds», are still theoretical, but it looks like a very interesting development
for those interested in converting Tiamat on Earth:
"Alain Leger of the Institut d'Astrophysics spatiale, France, proposed a new
class of exoplanet called« Water World ". As people will completely covered
in water not land masses. It has twice the diameter and about six times the
mass of the earth orbital distances from their host star about the same as
the Earth (1 AU). It has a metal (probably iron) core about 4,000 kilometers,
surrounded by rocky mantle 3500kn thick, and covered with a thick layer of
ice covered 5000 km from the liquid ocean 100 km deep.

 "Finally, the planet would have gas to keep the atmosphere moist surface
to prevent evaporation into space. Water Worlds will begin life in a similar
way to Uranus and Neptune in our solar system. However, these
exosystems could then switch in the warmer inner regions heating up as
they go.

 "Immigration is likely to be commonplace in exoplanetary systems. Explains

many features observed there, in particular how the Hot Jupiters formed.
These waters Worlds is still in the realm of speculation, but there are many
reasons to believe that there may be detection could be closer than we
think. If one of these waters Worlds pass in front of a Sun-like star, cause
weakness in the light of the star of one in a thousand parts which are within
the scope of planned projects, such as Eddington and Kepler detection
tasks [ to expand the search for extra-solar planets]. There are so many
who do not understand about the formation of planetary systems. This can
be only one of myriad possibilities, but the early introduction to scientific
speculation is an indication of potential. If the water Worlds found that there
then will provide a huge lift for the theories of Sitsin. Because of these may
have formed between Mars and Jupiter, and through interaction with Nibiru,
emigrated to the sun 3.9 billion years ago, with the loss of significant
quantities of water to the solar system. The result, as they say, is history.
History of Earth!


In the years that I have described how an ecosystem may occur on a moon
orbiting a brown dwarf small, light emissions are minimal. It can be argued
easily that the conditions on the moon is warm enough for liquid water, but
some have offered a counter argument that it is still insufficient, there will be
light for photosynthesis to take place in the outer solar system. As a light
should come from Nibiru, an old and small sub-brown dwarf: a group of
failed stars for which we have little knowledge. Astronomers questioned
whether the players can even emit light, but there seems to be a good
opportunity to do so through chemical reactions in real outer layers of the
atmosphere. This would lead to "burning" of light rather than constant
brightness. This is like an argument for emitting deep-sea fish in the oceans.
Before the discovery would not expect «Angler Fish» at the bottom of our
oceans. Nibiru is the planetary equivalent of a red neon angler fish? Is the
system moon is illuminated by this little oasis of red light in the deep abyss
of the outer solar system? I think it is. So this will be sufficient for
photosynthesis to take place out there can see the facts on his own planet
to answer this question, particularly in the ice of Antarctica. The scientist
Chris McKay has studied the ecosystems that depend on the dimmest of
light emerging through the ice to cause photosynthesis: Only 2 percent of
sunlight made through the ice and reaches the cyanobacteria, but this is
quite bright enough for to support photosynthesis. To McKay, in fact, the
ability of some photosynthetic organisms to survive in dim light carries an
important lesson for exobiology "There are plants photosynthesis to light
levels equivalent to live a hundred astronomical units," says ... [which] will
be extended over than twice in the most distant planet from the sun, Pluto.
Therefore, McKay believes there is reason to believe that some planets of
our Sun, or similarly placed bodies around Sun-like stars is very lit vaguely
to support photosynthetic life. "(When you add in the temperature increase
and the local effect of lighting Dark Star Nibiru, then conditions moons
would be more favorable for the emergence of complex ecosystems in the
outer solar system. Play.

Equatorial Sea on Mars; Confirmed!

Regular readers of the site you'll hear too much about Dr. John Murray all
these years; How earth scientist at the Open University based in Milton
Keynes, England. One of his interests are astronomy, and that was during a
teacher raised the idea of a brown dwarf in a large circular orbit the Sun in
1999. It is hard at work again this time because of his participation in the
Mars Express mission of ESA. Geological knowledge has been tested with
these images Floes ice in the equatorial region on Mars (16,17).
A press release from University College London (UCL), confirmed the
discovery, after the recent presentation to ESA scientists at a conference in
Holland. The camera imaging of Mars Express seems to have captured
frozen sea just 5 million years, then covered by volcanic dust, which prevent
the sublimation of ice from the cold, thin atmosphere of Mars. The BBC in
the news this morning, highlighting the additional findings of methane gas in
the same general area. The combination of a deep body of water and
methane gas is strongly indicative of life currently existing on the surface of
The beach itself is about the size of the North Sea off the east coast of the
United Kingdom, and has an average depth of about 150 feet. Located in
the area of Mars known as Elysium, 5 degrees north of the equator. The
press release says that when water levels sunk in Martian ice package
seems to be based on islands, and thickness of ice formed in the crater.
The flat surface of the planet in the study area indicates that `` most of the
ice is still there.''Ice on Mars is not stable because of low atmospheric
pressure on the planet. While cold water would normally sublime - or
change directly from one state to vapor - the planet's surface, the frozen sea
is protected by the coating process with dust and ashes, added the
university (17)

This seems to be very good evidence for the existence of life on Mars.
Paradoxically, this information does not headlines, as the discovery of the
controversial meteorite ALH1004 did. ESA might have slightly less value to
the media by NASA; Even so, this is a real coup for the European Space
Agency recently been available delighted at the incredible success of the
Huygens probe descent on Titan introduces. Because the sea is relatively
young in geological terms, Dr Murray suggests that this finding implies the
presence of other pockets of liquid water on Mars in the history of Mars. "I
waited glaciologists be cautious about our interpretation," he said, "But
when I showed the pictures to an expert in sea ice, was firmly convinced."
The confirmation of the presence of liquid water on Mars is just what we all
expect. We should accelerate research on the life of the red planet and
further out in the Solar System.

On July 4, 2005, NASA celebrated American Independence Day in style. It

would send a space probe called Deep Impact in a run-of-the-mill short
period comet called Tempel 1. As the probe approached, fell a smaller
sensor, about the size of a washing machine, in the course of the upcoming
comet. These effects are not only created a huge fireworks display on the
monitor telescopes, but also promised to give astronomers a rare glimpse
inside a comet. Over a month later, still waiting for the results of the
spectrographs taken from various research groups associated with the
project. It seems that we have a few more months to wait yet. One wonders
Recently, the author and journalist Linda Moulton Howe published an
interview with Dr. Michael Carey Lisse, a professor of Physics at the
University of Maryland, a member of the Deep Impact Science Team (18).
Was to attend 9th International Asteroids, Comets and Meteora conference
in Brazil, and together some of the material was ready to present there. He
explained that the scientific work was still ongoing, dependent as it was
during the calibration of Spectrographic data. But preliminary results were
so exciting, and also rather puzzling.
It turns out that comet Tempel 1, which consists mainly of water ice, in each
rock, an element found on Earth. It also contains carbonates, indicating rock
similar to limestone.
If limestone can be a model in an environment of comet, then the
consequences are that the semi-rugged interior of Tempel 1, the first formed
in a planetary embryo, though not part of the full scale large planet. This
comet appears to have been once part of something much bigger than itself.
Keen-eyed readers will recall a moment ago that Professor Lisse said that
all the elements found in rocks on Earth are present in this comet. Is this
coincidence? What happens here?

Lee Covino, a New Yorker who has just edited a new book, I very excited
about the Deep Impact data (or the lack so far). He thinks there's something
strange about this news blackout, because the data should be there almost
immediately. Instead, scientists sit on it, and plan to release gradually
through astronomy and astrophysics journals. This seems to run contrary to
current media-friendly science, when NASA catapults every trace of the
news media as it becomes available. One would have thought that Deep
Impact was in friendly piece of science that will command world attention.
So why the caution shown by NASA scientists on occasion? There is
something about the data that makes them uncomfortable?

Well, what if the comet Tempel 1 is essentially a large piece of rock slurry
Earth? What if the composition of elements and isotopes that matches his
own planet? How on Earth could explain that one of the scientists? Comet
Tempel 1 comet is a short-range model, suggesting that its composition
could be shared with other comets. Not everything can be frozen rocks
originally from Earth, can they?

They Sitsin it is correct. If the primordial Earth was a forerunner of a larger,

watery version of our world, and was hit by a massive planetary object, then
pieces of the early Earth could have been sent spinning through the Solar
System. Earth, then migrated inward, as we discussed above. Not only that,
but such a theory would explain the lack of iron the comet Tempel 1. Iron
making up the Earth tends to sink to the core, which means that a strike
surface would send a disproportionate amount of iron-poor rocks in space.
Therefore, the resulting comets would not iron. But we have plenty of ice
water, and it shows comet.

If the isotopic ratio of water blasted from Tempel 1 from Deep Impact is the
same as the Earth, then Zekaria Sitsin have good reasons to host your own
party fireworks. The data show that comets resulted from a massive strike
planet Earth early in the history of the solar system.

Some commentators are deeply suspicious of how the Deep Impact data is
moved. Richard Hoagland pulls no punches in his assessment of the
situation. Has shown that the alleged difficulties in obtaining spectra, citing
Dr. Lisse, contradicted early press releases from the group Deep Impact
(19). These seem to indicate that everything went very well immediately
after the onset of impact, and that the vast spectra taken conscientiously by
scientific groups involved in the project. This is what Dr. Lisse says now,
though. He claims that the average mother board was not aligned properly.
It remains unclear whether this discrepancy could be explained, or how
reliable data will be publicly in the coming months. Richard Hoagland smells
a rat and I can definitely see the motivation behind this, if proved correct.

More details have emerged in September for some of the unusual

compounds found in Tempel 1:

"There are also surprise ingredients, such as clay and chemicals in

seashells called carbonates. These compounds were unexpected because
they are deemed to require liquid water. "How clay and carbonates form in
frozen comets?" Asked Lisse. "We don know, but their presence may imply
that the primordial solar system was well mixed together, allowing material
near the Sun where water is wet, frozen material from out by Uranus and
Neptune, to be included in the same body. "

Also found chemicals never seen before in comets, such as iron bearing
compounds and aromatic hydrocarbons, found in barbecue pits and
automobile exhaust on Earth. The silicates spotted by Spitzer are
crystallized grains even smaller than sand, like crushed gems. One of these
silicates is a mineral called olivine, found on the glimmering shores of
Hawaii's Green Sands Beach. (20)

Whether all terrestrial organisms in the solar system have similar

components and chemical compounds, or Tempel 1 really sounds like a
chip of the old block; Earth! Scientists working on the project wonder if
Tempel 1 is truly representative of the typical solar system comets,
however, (21). Indeed, they go further, suggesting that there may be no
such thing as features "a comet" at all. Tempel 1, which originate from the
Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt, have common characteristics with other comets are
from the same region. Perhaps this shows that the natural environment in
remote Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt was once much more complex than
previously thought, which is an interesting revelation in itself.

This comet may cause more questions than answers.

Water on the Moon - the implications (September 2009)

NASA data on the composition of moon rock for the last 40 years is very
consistent. The non-polar regions of the moon is dry, dehydrated, dead.
Until yesterday. The NASA announced that data from the Indian
Chandrayaan-1 orbitor lunar indicates that there is an abundance of water in
the Moon - even in areas exposed to sunlight. 750 parts per million ton of
lunar rock would bring about a liter (22). Useful for future missions.

But how on earth did NASA get this wrong for the last 40 years? The Apollo
astronauts brought back lunar rocks piled in, many of which were analyzed
for water. Traces were found at that time, NASA, but argued that "most of
the boxes containing samples of lunar leak which led scientists to carry
traces of water were derived from the Land of the air entered the container.
750ppm is not a trace. And what about the boxes that had leaked and what
the composition of water in them?

Then there are the probes NASA in the late 1990s, which deliberately to
discover water on the moon. They found water ice in deep polar craters. But
Clementine, especially Prospector, which constituted spectrometers capable
of detecting water across the surface. How can we lose? Certainly should
not! Here are the guidelines for sending Prospector spectrometers for:

"Lunar Prospector (LP), which began on January 6, 1998, contains a

comprehensive suite of three spectrometers. A-Gamma Ray Spectrometer
(GRS) and a neutron Spectrometer (NS) provide global maps of the major
and trace elemental composition of lunar surface, with particular emphasis
in research on polar water-ice deposits, resulting in abundance ... H global
elemental mapping populations from the LP GRS NS will impose significant
new constraints on the bulk composition of the lunar crust on the
composition variations during the lunar surface and on the availability of
funds, including lunar polar ice water (23) [emphasis added]

The opposite map shows data from Prospector 1998 (24), which has not yet
been sufficiently evaluated in more than ten years, according to the website
PDS (25). Equatorial map shows that a fairly detailed, high resolution
surface took place. So - to raise the question: Why is the Indian data (and
other aspects Deep Impact, we learn) so radically different? How is it that 40
years of scientific opinion on the lunar soil and rock composition has been
reversed so dramatically? God just pee on the moon? Or is there something
fundamentally wrong with the data that NASA has become common over
the last 40 years? The news of the BBC to discover heard that NASA
scientists were "very skeptical" about the Indian held on first, simply
because this total had previously overturned the convictions on the water on
the Moon It is incomprehensible that two U.S. probes sent to all research
the moon just a decade ago could have led to the wrong data - wrong data
that is consistent with the scientific view on the composition of lunar rocks
dating from the 1960s. It is believe that during the last decade, Indians have
made a leap forward in technology over and beyond NASA and the U.S.
Department of Defense (controlled Clementine); I think not.
Although puzzling aspect of this story, there are other implications for the
discovery. The water is common throughout the solar system, it seems.
According to the theories of planetary formation in the early solar system,
inner worlds tend to have a veneer of water driven away by the strong solar
wind of the new live Sun This is why Mercury and Venus is dry, but because
the moon supposed to be dehydrated nuts. However, it is now clear that the
Moon is not that at all dry. If the Moon was formed from an early collision
between early Earth and Mars-sized planet, as is currently permitted, then
why the Moon is the water? Should be driven out long ago. NASA claims
that the water "comes and goes" with the long lunar day - and is therefore
part of a continuous chemical process triggered by sunlight. We have
returned to the great enigma of water is dominant in my book «The Dark
Star» (27). Isotopic studies of the solar system, water is needed to
understand the point of origin of any objects carrying water, such as
changes with distance from the Sun, approx. The situation is complicated by
collisions with comets bringing water from the outer solar system.
After the destruction of Atlantis from the Celtic forces resort to Agkartha
atlases (Ergenekon), the underground city in Tibet. The lower layer of
Atlanta resorts in Africa (black). And make these constructs underground
From Agkartha leaving combatants to form the basis of a draft touranika
sexes. It has already preceded the colonization of America by the Indians
(through Siberia, Alaska)
First strategic objective of Asia Minor, center tellourikis energy (see also
underground cities Cappadocia)


Cappadocia is famous for its unique landscape. Christianity had great
significance for the city, the 2nd century AD. communities were formed first
in the 4th century AD. Christianity became the state religion. Built hundreds
of Churches were founded in caves with luxury ceiling paintings. From the
6th to the 18th century we can now observe all the variants of this style and
we can watch how he changed with the centuries of painting. Other
attractions are the underground cities and Derinkuyu Kaymakli, the valley
Ihlara pottery town of Avanos, and the monastery of Bektasi Hacibektas. But
when the planet appeared NIbiru louzontas the country with the warmth of
the people began to build underground cities and moving north. A Failure to
water that was necessarily all of them were hunters. Just so justified the
move Mongolian and Tatar hordes until Iceland
Göreme Valley

The valley of Göreme is a lot of churches Spilio-one of the most famous

places of Cappadocia. Most churches established after the occupation of
the 11th century. In the Byzantine era, the Göreme (formerly the crust) was
the metropolis and was only village monks. We see the church Claus since
the row of images, Elmali Kilise showing a scene of baptism of Christ, an
unusual painting of Saint Barbara, the Yilanli Kilise which took its name from
a picture of a snake. The most important church in Göreme is Karanlik
Kilise. The church had a hidden entrance, so it was Skotina and thus
preserved the glow of the frescos. This mural painting in the 11th century
show dust the life of Christ and the Evangelists. The Tokali Kilise, the
largest church in Cappadocia was founded in the 10th century. The oldest
part of the church teaches us the story of Christ and Baptist John. In the
main room is the beautiful ceiling paintings of the era of anthiseos. There
are other ruins of monasteries and many churches in the valley of Göreme,
but are too numerous to mention them all here.

Valley Soganli

The valley is Soganli Göreme after the second major center for monks. The
ceiling paintings of churches originating from the 9th to 13th century. Total
found so far 150 churches from which some buried. The major churches are
Karabas Kilise founded in 1060-1061 and St. Barbara, founded in early 11th

The underground city Derinkuyu

The underground city reached the age of Phrygians and expanded upon by
the Byzantines. The underground city served at room retreat in the event of
hostile attack. Up to 80 m deep tunnel supplied the city with fresh air. Wells
and storage gave the possibility of a longer stay. Derinkuyu is the largest
underground city in Cappadocia, and was discovered in 1963. In Derinkuyu
can go down 11 floors to the bottom floors but have not yet dug. So far
Derinkuyu has a surface of 1500 m ², but assumes that only ¼ of the entire
facility. The town was connected with other underground city average
kilometers of tunnels. We estimate Derinkuyu was able to give people 3000-
50000 action.

 Valley Ihlara

The valley Ihlara is a beautiful gorge and offers non-site churches also a
great nature. Walking along the shore of the river Melendiz Suyu, seen by
us and pistachio trees. A special attraction is the Kokar Kilise in the dappled
ceiling paintings such as the very old church and Egri Tas Yilanli Kilise
established in the 11th century are very different in style to those of other

Valley Zelve

The valley Zelve configure one of the most fantastic survey of Cappadocia.
The valley was inhabited by Zelve 1953. Until the 20th century Christians
living with Muslims. In 1967 it was transformed into a museum. There are
houses skalitses, galleries, churches and pigeon. The specificity of the
churches is that the ceiling paintings originate from the era before the row of
icons. Schematics were rare and came from the rejection of Iconolatry.
Special attention deserves the church Üzümlü with absolute ceiling
paintings from the 8th and 9th century.
Pottery town of Avanos
The Avanos located on the shore of the river Kizilirmak, who was very
average sediment Pylos glory and prosperity of the city. The Kizilirmak River
is the longest and most important waterway in Turkey. From the ancient
pottery making here and now there are about 100 pottery. We can follow the
piloplastes their work, Ms. will definitely want to keep a souvenir.

Monastery Hacibektas
In Proskinitari Hacibektas is the parent monastery Bektasi-Derwische. The
Haci Bektas Veli was born in 1248 in Chorasan and studied philosophy,
physics, literature and theology. He founded the Bektasi decorations and
the main monastery. Ottoman era, the monastery was very influential. The
Bektasi vary widely from orthodox Islam. Women are isonoma States and
does not need the cover with a veil. A ritual consists of bread, wine and
cheese. The proliferation of the people has become the main means of
songs and poems.
 Underground cities, troglodyte, the mysterious Cappadocia my home
The following article is the m.blanco

The word comes from the Persian Katpatouka which means "land of
beautiful horses.

In Cappadocia the vilayet of Konya is also the Naples (Nevsehir) Neapolis

was established "kaza" was founded in the 18th century by Damat Ibrahim
pasa.ekklisiastika Kaisarias.Akoma fell in the metropolis today the Greek
district of Naples is maintained as a tourist axiotheatoOi Greeks who lived
there spoke a Turkish dialect of ancient Greek words and write in the Greek
alphabet. They are descendants of the empire of Nice and the Sultanate of
Iconium (Byzantine and Ottoman Seljuk opponents mixed with Christian
refugees from easternmost provinces) northwest of Naples is the Aravisos
later was named Gul-Shehir (rosy) The customs of the area was Greek a
plethora of customs and traditions attached to the daily lives of residents th
Cappadocia almost all of the events. Most of them are religious in nature
because of the intense religious feelings that diakateiche the Cappadocian.
Few traditions are exochristianika to mention the removal of evil spirits and
demons. We recorded the manners and customs and synthesized modular
along with watching the time were performed.
The Christmas said the Cappadocian Little Easter. On the eve of December
24 began preparations, slaughtered chickens or older animals that share
more families. In all the homemade yeast cakes with flour, milk, eggs, sugar
and butter. The women went to the stables where they lit candles in their
cribs animal thymiatizan.
The night before, beating the midnight bell of the church. If there were no
bells or bells used even by teams led by ierodromous kandilanafti crossing
the village from end to end and eidopoiousan believers it is time the church
beating their doors. The men wore festive and women embroidered
costumes from felt. Go all the neighbors together and see were holding
torches in the dark. The Liturgy finish before dawn and turned in their
homes embrace the smaller hands of the biggest and wished "Christ is
born", "True arises," Happy Birthday "etc.
Laid the table, the Christmas that included soup and trachana giouvarlakia.
Necessarily have to be on the table that day and "hands" of chopped wheat
pilaf that had boiled in broth from bones. The food that was given to Mary
and to eat when they were mothers.
It was dawn, and most fell back to sleep. All the days from Christmas until
the celebrated St. Basil, gathered in homes entertained by dancing men
separately and individually. women, on rooftops, the roofs were flat, small
squares if the weather permitting .. On the evening of New Year's Eve the
children go home and say carols groups, usually six boys scattered in each
village. Three children from each group climbed the roof of the houses and
the skylight (petze) kept in a rope lights of their own design and let it
descend into the house. Up and down in the room of the house lights and
singing the hymn of St. Basil "With the earth, almost certainly went out the
sounds you ..." and many times at the end add-on: Good evening to
evening, you can make of any given market that does not give , make a girl,
and this morning as crooked. At the same time the other three children had
got into the house to get the gifts to offer, eggs, oatmeal, butter, nuts. And
its Turkish homes went children to psaloun carols children ate together in a
house. That night was the adoration of many carved chapels of St. Basil and
the 40 Martyrs. The streets lit with candles of pilgrims came and went were
wonderful spectacle. believed that at midnight on New Year opens the sky.
If the night before born child would be lucky. If they were boys, give them
the baptism the name Claus. dawn New Year's women ran to the tap water
to bring Santa Claus' knife . Fill each of the pitcher and then kept under
running water with a small bag of coins to run through water to increase the
number of currencies. There was particular concern for the luncheon at
noon New Year. On the table should have chicken stuffed with bulgur,
pomegranate on the stick and the small candles lit, in a pan with nuts and
candles lit, standing in mesi.To had a bad thing to lend or give alms on the
day of New Year would be leaving the crop, Bereketis the house. forty days,
then after the New Year many people used to go to the chapel of Santa
Claus to light the candle and pray to help them. A tradition attributes the
introduction of the cake inventiveness of St. Basil. Sometimes a very tough
governor approached in Cappadocia Caesarea in a bad mood. He wanted
to torture Christians. Then Basil asked to provide currency or jewelry that
had everyone, and to accompany the reception of the prince. The governor
seeing the treasures dazzled but for reasons We do not know who did not
take the offer. St. relieved but was faced with an impasse, because they do
not remember who owned each object. But He found the solution. He
ordered as many pies as were the coins, jewels, and placed in each one .
Then the distributed to the faithful.
According to legend, everyone was in the pie of what was donated. So they
say he was born the custom of the cake to cut on the day or the day before
the New Year.

Carols by Mista
Principle principle principle Carols And good times

Birds laloun

Thus the cheroneia kraznei bn)

Ai Vasilim good pair lameis

Kallon afentim good thus twice blessed)

Have you aletir dou chi

Dipped in gold

And you gynitsi asimokamomeno


You and your vouditsia

Panagia Poulitsas

Kalantos afentim well blessed Chi (twice)

nounakam listen listen

if tsisei Ciano TSIMAS

gypsei du fener us

Fotis our generation

Fotis our generation to God to Foti.

Halloween in Mista celebrated with dances and disguises. The children

were masquerades. Rarely are dressed great. They had two Sundays Kyriat
carnival called 'chi kreisi Cheese Cherry eg meat and cheese. The first ate
meat, the second egg and cheese. When the Net dawn Monday in the
houses, the walls have drawings of camels with flour, had been on a good
thing. If children want to eat meat in the period of Lent being bullied by the
phrase: "Pope sharp, the ears to. When was engaged to house her fiance's
relatives gathered and ate together. Those who were once married children
went and ate together at the family home. Ate meat, eggs, pies, galatopites,
pastries, and noodles, danced and apokrefan. Last ate an egg. The children
were playing that day tzartzout the seesaw, as we saw in chapter Lipids
"piled up one on each mikrogeitonia and played" a myterefontas tzartzout,
scraping the sharp.
The weeks of Carnival in Anakoy were two of creatine only ate meat and
casein ate only pasta, cheese, eggs, fish and not meat.
Two Sundays of the carnival, young, single men, never women, were
masquerades. Wearing vraka, taking drum from the Turks and the small
cups, was nyfades, black, pretending pregnant, have to rise, screamed and
people laughed. The second night of carnival, the kinship families gathered
and ate together, eating the last one hard-boiled egg. Great week, fast and
went to church every day. M. Wednesday stopped the work of the fields. On
Holy Thursday painted red eggs kremmydofloudes the evening went to
church one egg for each family member.
Mista took in a bag where they put their eggs for family members and one
more for the poor. Also let brioche, honey, butter, yogurt, milk, and the bun
of the Gospel (bread with red eggs on) on the stall and took the
Resurrection. In the Communication had a Candelabrum for twelve large
candles and when the priest said one to one of the Gospels, each gospel
went off and a candle. The candles stayed the cut and handing the priest
and people were used as amulets. Also for taking amulet piece from the
sheet of Christ. Many sick slept overnight in the church to heal. In fact Mista
ill Turks came from nearby villages Karatli, Zanzama, sat in front of the
sanctuary before the twelve gospels to get well. Other old again, standing
near pagkari and watched the operation. Housewives lochoumia yeast, nuts
to them, milk and butter, pears, bagels round or woven. On cross recessed
or have made with yeast. Day of mourning was more Good Friday.
Everything was closed, they considered a great sin to catch one hammer or
nail that day. Women decorate the Epitaph of ghee, hyacinths and sesame
seeds (they were at the time). All worshiping the epitaph, and passed three
times down to is old. In the evening the teacher with the children read the
epitaph wail, singing the praise after perieferan the Epitaph of devoutness in
the streets holding candles lit, singing the "Lord have mercy." In Mista, and
recover Gkelveri perieferan the only epitaph in the church yard for fear of
the Turks.
On Saturday was the day of the dead. Go to cemeteries, lit candles and oil
lamps and made memorial. In Axos, the day of Easter was a great
celebration of the dead. In Tsarikli Nigdi turned and Resurrection Cemetery,
where the women were crying. In Mista at the end of Lent came the lads
every night and gathered wood, straw, fuel stored by singing and whistling
until Holy Thursday. Saturday night they gathered in the square and lit the
corner fotia.Mazefontan around and laughing, shouting, until it hit the bell for
the Resurrection. Symbolized the fire had been lit and warmed by the
Apostles when they interrogated the Christo.To Saturday men older animals
slaughtered and the women they made pies with flour, butter, sugar or
honey. Midnight ringing the bell for the operation. All the good they were
going to church. Once the priest said "Christ is Risen" Clink egg and ate.
With the fast egg opened and closed the egg. After the Mass of the
Resurrection took what they had left the church and went to the "holy light"
at home. Lit the candle and ate soup, meat, rice, cheese, pies, kaimaki.Tin
day of resurrection in the early afternoon was the Liturgy of the Second
Resurrection. After the praise came for the procession. They used the key
points of the village and wandered around the church where we read the
Gospels in seven languages. After the second resurrection began dancing
and celebrations that lasted throughout the week of Easter. In many places
celebrations were the countryside and racing, wrestling, street and was
lithariou.Megali celebration of St. George on April 23, guide and protector of
travelers and their animals. In Gkelveri the guild of farmers did operate in
the church of St. Gregory. In Kenatala feast which was embellished the
image of St. George with swords that brought the poor farmers from their
fields .. After descending to the gardens of the village slaughtered lambs,
roasting, fun, games City have Christians and Turks and beds were piled up
in the trees and moving. Sivrichisar celebrated in the chapel carved St.
George, offering different offerings of the faithful and especially kaikana ie
sfougato with honey. Slaughtered kourbani engaged and accept gifts from
the father in law and villagers. In San honored and Turks, separate from
Christians. The region of Cappadocia is characterized by the particular
geomorphology of the areas covered with conical peaks of porous rock. The
rocky peaks sometimes have a "simple" pyramidal shape and sometimes
otherworldly forming complexes fed the popular imagination. The
composition of the rocks, reaching a height of up to 80 feet, giving the
possibility to create enclosed by exploiting the cave openings and the
carving of soft rock. Thus formed whole underground dwellings accounting
for fugitives were also settlements that have houses in the rock entirely or
partially While in many cases through the spaces formed remarkable carved
churches and chapels in Cappadocia region, there are 36 underground
cities, many since they are usually 8 to 9 floors underground. The most
famous of which is a tourist destination is Kaymakli. The Ozluce and
Mazikoy touring explored as well. Continuously discovered new
underground cities in 1940 were only 10 known These components are not
known when miracles are built and surprisingly poious.Echoun ventilation
and water that still would be difficult to manufacture. Some of them are
inhabited by simera.Diathetoun stables, wineries, food stores and
cemeteries to the underground city of Malakopi believed reaches 20 floors
so far, excavations have reached the 12th floor of the area from the time of
the Hittites has received hundreds of raids all sorts of barbarians are inside
the underground city inhabitants did not became apparent and escaped the
slaughter and pillage.

The second objective of Constantinople (see Ottoman texts on the occult

history of the city). The Turan gain access to the geomagnetic (tellourikous)
maps (see Piri Reis).

Μνημείο Βασιλική Δεξαμενή (Yerebatan Sarnici)


Walk down the stairs leading underground Istanbul we feel that we get to a
national unknown world hidden in the shadows ... The Basilica Cistern, now
known as Yerebatan Saray
The Basilica Cistern, now known as Yerebatan Saray («underground
palace") is the largest surviving underground cistern in Istanbul. The cistern
is located on First Hill, southwest of St. Sophia, the current area
Sultanahmet (Fig. 9). The cistern, measuring approximately 141 × 66.5 m in
plan, covered by vaults made of bricks, which are based on 336 columns,
some of 8m and a capacity of 78,000 m3.1 The water collected in the
cistern runs from 20 With elongated km pipeline from ydatapothiki the forest
of Belgrade, near the Black Sea.
Built originally beneath the Stoa Basilica, which has survived longer, rebuilt
in the reign of Justinian (527-565) after the Nika riots, in 532, when it took its
current morfi.2 The cistern was used for the needs water of the Grand
Palace, the surrounding buildings and palaces, and the public, especially
during the summer months. The Procopius, an official historian of the
Emperor Justinian, says a pipeline to bring fresh water cistern, but that the
cistern and stocked for the summer excess water during the other seasons
(apovallomenois Now the περιουσίᾳ by Tash other movement per hour
ydasin). 3 This latter Gearbox TAKES clear picture of the actual quality of
such water, intended for drinking and use in bathrooms.
The Basilica Cistern was closed and, apparently, was forgotten in the late
Byzantine period; 4 rediscovered in 1545 by the French humanist and
antiquary Pierre Gilles, also known as Petrus Gyllius.5 The Gilles, who
arrived in town to gather literary sources and material remains to investigate
the antiquities of Istanbul, he learned that the locals were taking water and
fish burst in a miraculous way, throwing buckets of underground houses
tous.6 stories led by Gilles to explore the neighborhood until they gained
access a house in the basement where he discovered a forgotten container,
and recognized the Basilica Cistern imperial. At the time, even cistern filled
from an ancient line that collected water from the forest of Belgrade and the
local wells during the winter mines.7 The cistern, which was later supplied
with water the Topkapi Saray, was the only ancient tank remained in service
The restoration prosfata.8 up from the 18th until the mid 20th century, was
extremely important for maintaining the cistern. The cistern was restored in
1985, added wooden walkways visit, and since 1987 is open to the public.
Today, the Basilica Cistern is one of the greatest and oldest public spaces
in the city.
2. Architecture and design
The symmetry and grandeur of design and the complexity of the Basilica
Cistern hydromechanics is unique. Impressive 336 columns arranged in 28
rows by 12.9 at a distance of 4 meters of each other (from center to center
point), showing the conquest of multiplication based on a basic architectural
unit (Fig. 1). The tholodomia was also exemplary. The vaults are
manufactured not by Roman mortar, but by single rows of bricks, aligned
transverse to the axis of the dome and stuck in a very thick slurry (Fig. 2).
This type of amazingly light tholodomias later developed and used in other
public buildings and churches, such as domes and imitholia of Hagia Sophia
and folded domes of St. Sergius and Vakchou.10 It is therefore evident that
the use of the square area as the basic unit and tholodomia with brick
Basilica Cistern played an important role in establishing a rule for the
imperial kathidrymata Late Antiquity and early Byzantium to Constantinople.

As underground utility construction, which was under a large public building,

the Royal Lodge, the very Basilica Cistern was not destined to appear. This
may explain why more Byzantine water tank is made of spolia - columns,
capitals and blocks from the ruins of old buildings. However, some parts of
the Basilica Cistern are notable for their sculptural decoration, which excites
the imagination of the viewer and raises many questions, not only for
decorative arts in the city before the 6th century, but also the choice of
manufacturers when they built up this huge imperial cistern. On the
northeast corner of the Basilica Cistern, two of the pillars that stand on a
foundation of classical period, is supported by solid blocks which are carved
two colossal gorgoneia, one of them upside down and placed the other side,
probably deliberately ( Fig 3, 4 and 5) .11 The center relies on a column
cistern decorated with teardrop motif (Fig. 6).
The origin of these complex pillars and trunk of the columns can not be
verified. Clearly originating from the ruins of old monumental buildings;
probably some of them come from the tax of Theodosius, the current
Bayazid Square (Beyazit Meydani). The columns of the two colossal
gorgoneia could come from a nymphaeum a kind of Roman monumental
fountain which was in town, maybe even the big Nymphaeum person who
was Theodosius, at the end of the aqueduct known as the trunk of Ouali.12
column with decorative teardrop pattern resembles the monumental
columns that made up the four clusters of the triumphal arch of the 4th
century by the Value of Theodosius, whose impressive ruins still survive in
the area (see figure 7) .13 The obvious similarity the columns with
decorative teardrop pattern on Basilica Cistern and the triumphal arch of
Theodosius suggests that difficult to interpret "drops" in the Basilica Cistern
give a stylized cypress trunk. The Arch of Theodosius has been associated
with the classic iconography of triumph, in which the club of Hercules was
supposed to be made of cypress wood. The traces of the fingers of
Hercules around the club is still visible in the ruins of the monumental arch
of Theodosius (see figure 8) .14 Nevertheless, it remains unclear whether
the manufacturers deliberately used a column resembling cypress wood and
linked in the imagination the mighty Hercules, for supporting the central part
of the impressive building of the Basilica Cistern.

1. Çeçen, K., İstanbul'un Vakif Sularindan Halkali Sulari (Istanbul 1991),

summary in English on pages 15-18. Müller-Wiener, W., Bildlexikon zur
Topographie Istanbuls (Tübingen 1977), p. 283-285. Forchheimer, P., -
Strzygowski, J., Die Byzantinischen Wasserbehälter von Konstantinopel
(Wien 1893), p. 54-55.
2. Prokopios, On buildings, I. xi. 10-15, edited by J. Haury - G. Wirth,
Procopii Caesariensis opera omnia 4: De aedificiis libri VI (Leipzig 1964).
3. Prokopios, On buildings, I. xi. 10-15, edited by J. Haury - G. Wirth,
Procopii Caesariensis opera omnia 4: De aedificiis libri VI (Leipzig 1964).
4. Müller-Wiener, W., Bildlexikon zur Topographie Istanbuls, (Tübingen
1977), p. 283-285.
5. Pierre Gilles, The Antiquities of Constantinople, trans. Ball, J. (New York
6. Pierre Gilles, The Antiquities of Constantinople, trans. Ball, J. (New York
21988), p. 111-112.
7. Pierre Gilles, The Antiquities of Constantinople, trans. Ball, J. (New York
21988), p. 111-112.
8. Yerasimos, S., Constantinople. Istanbul's Historical Heritage (Richmond,
VA 22007), p. 59-60.
9. The 60 by 336 columns in the southwest corner entoichistikan the 19th
century. Forchheimer, P., - Strzygowski, J., Die Byzantinischen
Wasserbehälter von Konstantinopel (Wien 1893), p. 54-55.
10. Krautheimer, R., (with S. Ćurčić), Early Christian and Byzantine
Architecture (New Haven - London 41986), p. 226.
11. Freely, J., John Freely's Istanbul (London 2005), p. 70-71.
12. Notitia urbis Constantinopolitanae, eds O. Seeck, Notitia Dignitatum
(1875; epanekd. Frankfurt 1962), p. 245. Moreover, Papias wrote eight
gorgoneia (Medusa head) were transferred to Istanbul from the Temple of
Artemis at Ephesus. Four of them were in the Taurus Tax (Tax Theodosius)
and four others at a later time decorating Halki Gate, sites located both near
the Basilica Cistern. See Cameron, A. - Herrin, J. (Eds), Constantinople in
the early eighth century: the Parastaseis syntomoi chronikai (Leiden 1984),
44a, 78. We also know that Justinian gorgoneia moved from Ephesus in the
6th century, though the sources appear to indicate them it was probably
made of brass. For more information, see: Basset, S., The Urban Image of
Late Antique Constantinople (Cambridge 2004), p. 186, with references to
textual sources. However, the dating of the above gorgoneion, their number
and their location in Istanbul have not been determined.
13. Restored as a triumphal arch with three openings, based on four pillars
stands the Arch of Theodosius I (c. 390) is the only surviving free arch in
Istanbul. Johnson, M., - Loerke, W., "Arch, monumental" in Kazhdan, A.
(Ed.), Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium 1 (New York-Oxford 1991), p. 152;
Krautheimer, R., (with S. Ćurčić), Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
(New Haven - London 41986), p. 70 ; Müller-Wiener, W., Bildlexikon zur
Topographie Istanbuls (Tübingen 1977), p. 258-265, fig 295-298.
What attracts us to this amazing city is what makes us feel when we are
there, like a warm embrace of mother?
That justified two peoples, Greeks and Turks, derive from this pride, pride in
which the Turks, while adding the arrogance of the conqueror and
sovereign, while the Greeks inevitably mourning the loss and amputation, it
helps answer is that these feelings, although very real, I dare say that more
of us than hide reveal the soul of the city. Show that we remain with an eye
on us, not in it, and that therefore we are going the wrong way.
There is neither the Bible nor the Sulaimaniya Wisdom or any other property
of the glorious brilliant Byzantinism or of our glorious othomanismou them -
that you reveal the inner city.
Entities of Armenians, Jews, and the Levantine and so many others, formed
a worldwide brochure which he was entitled to say no 'is mine, "is entirely
my own, no lie.
Already, the axis is moved, until you apply the inverse perspective, that of
Byzantine icons: the beginning and the ending was no longer the same city,
my eyes no longer had any meaning, and I could simply be there. The
walkthrough neighborhoods and further the study of history-in other words,
the knowledge of the area and knowledge of years, helped to deepen
understanding. Already, however, although still xekleva few minutes to
admire from afar the Hagia Sophia, I even found the ideal point in a shade
close to Galata, while the erstwhile "small steps", from where it appeared
without the attendant of minarets , bathed in light, the United Church of
Christ, the actual moments of pleasure, the real moments of profound social
and communion with the mystery of the city, were the cathodes in the
slums, with special preference beyond the milk with the addition (which
shocked The contrast between the current misery and sizes of yesterday)
as well as the maze of alley Scola, below and behind Tarlampasi Agios
Konstantinos to Ntolap Dere and Yeni Shehir where the hazy winter days
drowns in heavy smell of charcoal. During one such stroll among dirty,
scaled, damp walls, walking on the dirty pavement, I remember my
emotions when in the dusk, which added to the soul-blues, turning his head
by accident, my eyes fell upon a Greek inscription: "Macedonia", and
beneath the date "1912".

Seemingly contradictory. In reality, the painful longing of modern Greece is,

and embrace each person as a whole and touches the very depths of my
soul. Passing so effortlessly into an existential and a global level. That, and
not the imperial greatness, our own or immaterial, which makes Istanbul is
by far the monadikotati City. The essence of the so is the reverse of the
imperial antifengismatos, which Greeks and Turks rightly admires so much,
and summarizes the concepts of "mortality" and "damage". The City is flesh,
and therefore fragile, vulnerable, contemptible, constantly exhausted and
simultaneously is indomitable and undying, and through the perpetual
decay, where the furnace is melted and melted millions of anonymous and
invisible beings, and where the traces of cultures that succeeded each other
forming an almost consubstantial, but perpetually rotating state acrobats
precariously on the verge of deterioration, tilted increasingly in the West,
without ever zenith-born, germinate, spring up and develop new forms of
life, as fragile as ephemeral, equally silent and humble with those that
preceded it. And then, shocked, can only worship and wills himself to vanish
inside him dance. It is not accidental therefore of central importance held by
the City to the apocalyptic texts in both the medieval Greeks and the
Ottomans, and other, even very modern, and I mean, for example, certain
passages from books of Orhan Pamuk (as l. example, that the dramatic
description of the Bosphorus river, from where they retire the boat, or
dream-delirium in the mysterious underground Galata, which survives a
dream underground city-mirror), which surprised no one recognizes the
same vein underground , poetic and apocalyptic, which nurtured the
Byzantine "ancestral" or mystic revelation of Constantinople St. Andrew him
by Christ uproar. It is not accidental presence of so many cemeteries, the
limits of the history of enclosure and within the urban fabric, and also no
coincidence that almost only in buildings that won this year are the temples
of God ... For long periods in the history of the town was a huge ereipionas
almost incomprehensible for the settlers In later (7th - 9th, 14th to 15th), but
even in periods of prosperity, large sections of lying still in ruins as a result
of destructive fires ravage entire neighborhoods ... The city burnt at least
once in every century!
"There ..." writes the poet Nikos Engonopoulos to "pianoforte of silence," as
the houses are all kamomena by fire, residents living in fire / burn
continuously and constantly reborn from the ashes of their unchanged as
the bird Phoenix ...». This is precisely the mystery of the inner city, like
every sacrament is not given in the all, is the frustration felt by both those
who visit full of Byzantine, imperial prejudices and the western browsers
consistently indicate in their travel narratives and descriptions of the
contrast between the superb panoraaama unfolding before them, and
approaching from the sea, and the image of decay and the chaotic disarray
facing only disembark. Come to expect a city like those from which they
come and not a city that is a realistic summary and omotato symbol of
human existence ... Thus, in addition, the securities inherited from history,
this is another reason for why the Bishop / Patriarch of the city that can only
be called Universal! City, therefore, belongs the glory and integer value. The
Fall of Constantinople was the result of the siege of the Byzantine capital,
which Emperor Constantine XI Palaeologus, the Ottoman army led by
Sultan Mehmed II. On April 12 the bombardment began with the guns,
which continued almost uninterruptedly throughout the period of siege. The
Byzantines could not use their own guns, which were also much lower than
the Turkish, which had been placed on the walls to help against the
besiegers, but quickly realized that every shot the same cause cracks in the
walls. But the defense held the first weeks with success. On April 18,
successfully repelled the first coordinated assault Turkish and Byzantine
morale now very high. The Byzantines were able to cut out the underground
tunnels from where the Turks tried to pass beneath the walls. Although the
attacks were more in number, the Byzantines repulsed several times
causing their terrible loss. Nea Moni

Following the steep road that leads to the center of the island to the west of
the capital between forests and spring running water, we arrive at the
monastery complex of the Holy New Abbey. At the point with excellent
views between western and eastern coast of Asia Minor and 15 km from the
city. It is the most important of the monasteries and monuments of
international importance. Considered masterpiece of artistry and is valued
"as equals ye protistais oikodomais seven wonders. Built up in Mt Provateio
middle of the formation of island-shaped X by Constantine the Gladiator.
Another over the monastery built in tellurium current of mystical guidance
According to the Tradition anigerthike point where the sacred image of the
Virgin Mary was found by the three hermits Nikita, John and Joseph
unburned burned into the myrtle. The event coincided with the exile of
Constantine Monomachos Lesvos. Will the Lady Gladiator but was to return
as emperor in Constantinople this vision revealed to the monks, whom he
urged to go to Mytilene and to communicate to Constantine. (Pol'y thick tale
you guys made us the church of Virgin Mary is holy person Bush and
Obama at the time, AISCHOS the suckers who were the people, enjoy and
then). The exiled emperor was delighted with the prediction of the monks
and promised to show gratitude to build to the point of finding the image
grand temple for the Queen of Heaven, as is their wish. (Of course, Mary is
not merely the pools of blood that poured in like a gladiator on the throne
again to continue the killings Really these assholes the monks massacred;)
In order to be sure, but the monks and have the opportunity to remind the
Gladiator promise, called and took with them the imperial edict ring
achievements.The prophecy fulfilled the three monks, when after the death
of Michael Paphlagonians and Michael Kalafatis the throne of Byzantium in
1042 was Life, which was withdrawn from exile the duel and legally married
to formally proclaimed emperor. When the monks learned the fact traveled
to Istanbul and requested the emperor, showing him the ring buoy, keeping
its promise. (One who anointed the church now had to open the vault and to
pay) Constantine complied with the generous promises. Even offered to
monks to wander the rule and to choose any plan they wish church, except
that the Holy Wisdom of God. In one version of the hermits chose the plan
of the temple of the Holy Apostles, a masterpiece of art, built in the reign of
Justinian in 6th AD century. According to data architecture, the Catholic
New Monastery was built with standard Church of Saints Sergius and
Bacchus in Istanbul, without known reasons, not performance of the original
desire of the Catholic gestured, hatched building began at the end of 1042
or early 1043 and lasted for twelve years with royal mercenaries and costs
"of the king still more green. Gladiator not only was covering all expenses
for the construction of the monastery, but sent the rule in Chios, a leading
architect, whose name is not mentioned anywhere and valuable material,
what possessed the finest empire whole monastic complex in New
monastery, situated in a pine ravine Provateiou conditions in irregular
trapezoidal shape with a view to the sea. Consists of numerous buildings of
the Catholic, the Bank, the Cistern, the Tower, Kampanareio, the library, the
cells, a triple and two churches, St. Panteleimon and the Holy Cross.
Clear picture of the entire monastery complex have the description and the
design of the Russian monk and icon painter Basil Barsky, who visited five
times since Chios, described and designed the monastery at six-month stay
in this 1705.
In the center of the buildings is the Cathedral, which is dedicated to the
Assumption. (And under the catholic church is no gold deposits but do not
say it out loud) The architectural type is Helladic, octagonal (again to the
octagons secret locations creature temples that mark resources valuable
metalefmaton) and is the top model so-called island-type octagonal temple,
known only in Chios and Cyprus. (The vein of gold runs see Cyprus,
Rhodes, Samos, Chios Lesvos, Thassos and turn left at Pangaion Hills, and
learned the secret of this Announaki;) The support of dome is octagonal,
and the nave remains square and simple without external supports. In the
square of the floor plan will join the three-and vaulted sanctuary and the two
The access to the Cathedral was the main entrance, located on the north
side, through cobbled courtyard with cells around and between two rows of
cypresses form a procession. Today, the original entrance to the Catholic
there. Destroyed in the early 18th century, when the current reached a new
entrance, which is small and silver and gives the impression that leads to
utility room.
Here's a long, narrow corridor of the bottleneck, which has three gates and
was built after the entire building, to cover the space between the bell tower
and church. In this space now kept in showcases sacred objects and
objects, especially the 11th century.
At the end of the bottleneck refers to the arched part of the Royal Gate,
which once was considered an external input, based on two monolithic
jambs, particularly highlighted by the fibrillation of the porphyry. The gate
has a serious mission. Perspective of the architect was to monitor the portal
passing through the central axis of the monument to the four-sided marble
gates of the stent to the center of the middle arch of the sanctuary, where
through the window of St. trilobed Step Christian faces the building is
"coming from the East Divine Light. "
The exonarthex based on three domes, which are decorated like a royal
crowns the roof. The lateral wings of exonarthex form niches and give the
cross-shaped building. Before the disaster of 1822 the interior walls halfway
hidden by purple plates, while the waist was a fan art Byzantine frescoes.
Dim sample of the illustrations is today northern dome tent with the Second
Coming. The floor of the outer narthex is paved in marble, which is
maintained in good condition. A cluster of colored marble, with five lovely
monoliths, of which four are colorful and one a black-dominates the floor,
directly under the central dome. The group probably represents the miracle
of bread and called five or Omfialion Pentaomfalon. Unfortunately, only one
of the five monoliths preserved undamaged. The outer narthex was still a
small shrine, the bottle, where the relic of bearing Fathers Nikita, John and
Joseph. The massacre of 1822 destroyed the Holy Larnaca. Only one
survived Kara, which is kept in a pouch in the nave and is unknown to the
St. poion Fathers belongs.
In the exonarthex Barsky was luxurious and it's still the main temple. The
rectangular Esonarthika shows the importance of internal and mosaic
marble revetment. The main entrance is decorated with white marble. From
porfyrochroma marbles, of which few survive today, was decorated and the
floor. The walls are decorated with mosaic art famous compositions, the
most important image of Master Jesus, painted above the grand gate of the
church. The roof consists Esonarthika shallow dome, which has the shape
of the wheel and terrain by two cylindrical sections that extend left and right
wheel. The current supremacy of the Almighty Esonarthika replace the lost
with the dome and edoryforeito massive twelve angels and twelve portraits
of the Apostles. In the eight arches removed around the dome at the center
of which once dominated the Virgin is painted soldiers Saints: Theodore
Stratelates, Sergius, Bacchus, Efstratios, Auxentios, Eugene, Mardarios and
Orestes. The lateral arches depicting compositions of Dodekaorton as the
Resurrection of Lazarus, the basin in two stages, the preparation and the
sink, the Betrayal, unique mosaic art, the Ascension, where only the chorus
of the Apostles is preserved and Pentecost the Apostles . Illustrated also
sacred forms of saints, prophets and ascetics. The nave is square. Attracts
immediate attention the dome, which, although later (1900), it lacks art from
the original, destroyed by the earthquake of 1881. existence of(Earthquake
zone metals in the subsoil) a little above the base of the dome began and
reached nearly to the ground thirty-two total fine marble columns, divided
into two conjugations. The interior of the church was divided into three
zones, the zone of the dome, which was decorated and the floor with
colored marbles, the zone of the sockets, which ended eight sockets and
the area of the walls. On the side apses apsidal triangles, keeping the
dome, history mosaic compositions, starting from the east with the
Annunciation, the Nativity, the temple, the Baptism, the Transfiguration, the
Crucifixion and the Descent into Hell.
The slide presentations are circular and the viewer's eye moves from
sunlight, the twilight of the West and antifengismata candles and
chandeliers, to reach deep within the monastery, as in the present art the
Divine Drama.
In his moments of passion, as in Mirofores and the Crucifixion, the black
piece that dominates the dress scenes with grief, expressing the grief of the
whole universe, while the joyful gold becomes the instrument was given to
the glittering delight " in heaven and on earth. "
Particularly noticeable is the scene of the Baptism, where Jordan comes
from the head of Jesus. The composition of the Descent into Hell, Christ
stands with extreme example above the gates of the underworld and
retrieve the old Adam. The shocking fact requires wild facial features,
attributable to a wonderful dark color, passion and violence are
indispensable to between death and life struggle. In the performance has
been stressed especially the triumphant life of Jesus in the freedom
movement, the natural fanning of His garment and the color of Victory in the
Divine form. The temple that separated the Holy Step from the main church
in Byzantine architecture was quite delicate marble structure. The current
temple is a late classicist work. Its composition is quite complex, with
Corinthian pillars, which rest on a solid marble top on tall pedestals and
decorated with marble and chrysomena coatings. Mount Step has three
apses. The center has three semi-circular, illuminated by a trilobed window.
The central dome and the location of the burn myrtle is the altar, which was
formerly located in the wonderful art of St. pix. Mount Step was decorated
with wonderful marble revetment and elegant mosaic images. Particularly
noticeable is the mosaic depicting the Archangels Gabriel and Michael in
the two side apses. Caused by the overwhelming impression situated in the
central sanctuary Platytera Full deitiki to stop without her baby.
Unfortunately the face and survived. The purple dress with a beautiful and
wonderful chrysokondylia aspects Maforiou are masterpieces of art. The
mosaics of Nea Moni Catholic represent the type of strict Byzantine art, and
unparalleled value. Here, the artist combined the early Renaissance art,
which came from the Hellenized areas of Asia hieratic Byzantine art and
created a monumental painting and Byzantine mosaic of Macedonians
dynasty. The pebbles used are small and polyhedral, to reflect the light,
made of natural stone or glass. The procedure is more personal, reveal the
internal nature of the craftsman usually anonymous and sharp and trying
vigorously to express the spiritual style of the depicted persons. So colorful
mosaics with uneven surface also contribute, as well as receive sunlight or
candlelight, the viewer participates in the religious drama depicting the
scenes. Around the Catholic monks of the cells formed an interior wall. They
were rectangular shaped parellilepipedo were joined together and had a
basement, ground and one floor. The ground was mostly auxiliary rooms of
the monks. The ground floor front rooms covered with domes and wooden
floors with tiled roofs, stairs lead to a built generally on the upper floor
served as lavyrinthoeideis ypotholoi pathways for communication between
cells. The cluster of cells was able to house as eight hundred monks. On the
western edge of the monastery and away from measures enenninta
Catholic was located by the Tower, used as a last amyntirio where the
monks occupy the Monastery. This is a tall, two-storey rectangular building,
built on the highest point of the region. Where was security on the island
were housed there, the Treasury and the Monastery Library. The current
remains of the Tower of Genoese years. The Bank restaurant in Munich
rectangle box and floor is built, housed in a cylindrical arch. Inside is a built
fifteen meters long table, decorated with colored marble. On the long sides
of the bank are continuing seats, while the tight end in two semicircles. Near
the arch was built separately by the Bank of Abbot. Noticeable is that the
thickness of the bank built a platform there conchoid openings intended for
the placement of individual monks utensils (forks, knives, spoons) This
elegant Cistern located northwest of the church. It is a cistern, built of white
marble was used for collecting rain water. It was the store of water for the
monks in wartime. Its length is eighteen meters and width of twelve.
Covered with a vaulted roof, which is based on small domes and dome
every two rows of columns. YOU AND CURRENTS ON TELOURIKON
Passage, WIZARD AM;; The facade is decorated with ceramic decoration
and resembles the Cistern of St. Sophia in Istanbul. The Turks at the time of
slavery called the underground palace and is a unique monument. It is
considered the oldest of the neamonitika buildings. Near the Cathedral is a
small port Kampanareiou or bell tower, which is square-shaped building with
three floors. Rooftop brought arched openings, one on each side, where
four bells hung towards the four cardinal points. In Kampanareio there were
two large clocks, one to measure the twenty-four hours of imeronyktiou and
another twelve twelve p.m.. Their sound, which sounded far away, beating
up the largest bell. The amount of Kampanareiou reached the height of the
Catholic and had molyvoskepasto dome with an iron cross. The Buoy
Monastery, now only a small part of the domed portico, saved, on the north
entrance of Esonarthika. The building of the school show that the building
was used for the protection of the input at all from the weather, but for open
space and restroom concentrations for several people. The oral tradition is
preserved that were here before the financial transactions of the monastery.
The name Simantaras buoys or even shows a use that the arches of
hanging wooden or metal bells with which governed the monastic life in the
years of Turkish rule.
The Triple was in place of the current hostel in the north eastern section of
the Catholic and served as a reception hall.
Near the current entrance to the monastery stands the Chapel of the Holy
Cross. At the point where previously there was a pillar in the cell sidirofrakto
pylori (guard).


The next targets control Vienna
There was always a myth that under the Vienna is a great city, from where
the crosses a river. When even a citizen of the town was dying, they put a
coin in the mouth as consideration for the transfer of the land of the living to
the land of the Dead. But this "Land of the Dead" was just below the sill of
the inhabitants of Vienna! Vast galleries, underground river, huge rooms,
ancient plants, tombs of emperors ... are just some of the elements of the
underground Vienna! This small article is written not only to talk about Flor
Vienna, but to emphasize the difference in attitude of authorities in the
Austrian capital in Greece ... Why a corresponding legend, but very
charming, alive to Athens! Transfer centuries by word of mouth, through the
old families of the city and also talks about an ancient network of tunnels
that run throughout Athens Covering huge distances. Ancient underground
cemeteries, endless corridors, tombs of eminent persons. The Davelis was
one of those who knew the secrets of this dark world and used to escape.
The rebels in the civil war did the same ...
But from time to time by the underground scene is coming to Athens, as
recently with the opening of the galleries of the Subway. Thus, unsuspecting
Athenian read that "In the eastern corner of the National Cay, was artificial
pit long stays Troy, who measured the depth of up to 500 (!) Measures but
not within the bottom pistike !»... At the University of yarn mechanical
excavation of an ancient portico fell, whose collapse drifted For that great
with the pavement with one stand together! "But Athens, and many other
Greek cities ...- had no luck in Vienna .. . narrow-minded "competent" in fear
and efthynofovoi people with short-sighted vision of the "interest" not only
have banned access to this underground world, not only to destroy, but-
much worse-the slander as nonexistent, and thus Delete from the Greek
psyche, which kept the dance live for centuries! And worse! ally in this
unholy work, the "charge" you have six narrow-minded "researchers",
because that does not enter the galleries, as now deketies PA were
obstructed and destroyed UT-ie proclaiming "valid" that there have not!
But Athens is underground! It would be unnatural not to exist, since almost
every major city in the world (which is really inexplicable) has the ground
"reflection" of! It lacked the "city of cities?" But let us turn formation in
Vienna ...
The underground (but not unknown and forbidden for citizens) Vienna

The Romans were the ones who highlighted the importance of gaiostratigiki
Vintompona (SS ancient name of Vienna). When the troops arrived at
Tiberius this small city then, the Emperor ekri NE that have fortified the city
with large and heavy walls to protect against future attacks of Bavaria. And
so it happened: From 15 BC began during repairs, underground and
surface-to TE leiopoiithikan by the emperor Trajan a few years later. It is
said however that even the Romans found it and ekme talleftikan old
arcades. These walls have withstood the attacks of four hundred years, until
abandoned to its fate for many years and years have lost their value. One of
them was already under heavy damage bladders and thus to be built was
destroyed by the material of new buildings and roads lithostrotoi, while the
remainder with peirachthike For that not to many chronia.Sta medieval
times, the underground tunnels were used as shelters victimization new but
the Jews. It is said that during the riot, Jews stikan closed in some
underground tunnel and an invitation to Rabbi, aftopyrpolithikan. This
explains the catacombs and the dead who until today anakalyptontai.I oldest
synagogue destruction of the city dates back to 1420 and is affiliated with
most victims of the Jews during the medieval persecution.
After several centuries of continued expansion of the city, few people knew
that underneath their homes and laminar stone streets, a large network by
Gearbox channels and galleries spread out in the depths, apominaria of
homes, camps and roads of the Romans.
In the mid-13th century Vienna began sheltering for fear of want ing to the
Ottomans, were built monster Stu towers and walls, which included manner
throughout the city. Following the successful repulse of the Ottomans in the
first polior Kia in 1529, the rulers of the city began a major effort to exploit
the ancient underground city for protection by a new desire epekeimeni
importance of the Ottomans. Which and did not take long to start in 1683,
just a few years after the rebuilt Constantinople - fortification works in


Vienna, Austria
Following long-standing international contacts, the Creativ Biiro will organize
an international symposium versatile. On one side will present information
and initiatives in other cities, and the other will be presented a special
program with cultural and artistic creations online. Entries contributors:
* The Dietmar Arnold, head of the "Underworld" of Berlin and editor of the
homonymous book specialist refuges involvement in several documentaries.

* The Professor Eku Wand, media designer and Elke Reinhuber, media
artist: Graduates of the academy of dramatic arts Braunschweig. Will
contribute to 10 students to navigate the "underworld" to prepare a live
'game / Location: Vienna. The Eku Wand is a publisher of CD-Rom «Berlin
im Untergrund-Potsdamer Platz».
* The Thomas Lindermayer, Director of the documentary «Subterra
Incognita», will be presented justice to the "underworld" of Italy (Naples,
Rome, Perugia, Palermo, Fuller, etc.).
In addition, starting in the spring of 2006, an online game called "The Third
Man", based in Vienna, designed for German-speaking countries and will
last 3 months. The prize of the game is that tickets for the first dance to
"Underworld," which will be held annually commencing in 2007.
The TM is already cooperating with the main organizer of the symposium,
Peter Ryborz, and will soon announce a very exciting tournaments and
For more information and participation in the look of the site is subject lation
"Vienna: www.unterwelt.at / kongress.
(Watch how many cities in Europe have underground tunnels ...)

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

The Turks began the siege and, as is known, this time pioneered in their
attacks: Eska Van underground which in the end they made a space the
size of a single room, filled with explosives and the trigger. Had indeed
reached a sufficient case TE along the galleries, which are said to have
stood up to the basements of the palace!
There followed a long period when use of underground Vienna have
minimum stoi. Until the 19th century, virtually ignored the existence of the
gallery, where then the industrial revolution created the first victims: People,
poor terms without work and without hope for a better Mel onment, fled
underground. There he created the household, without bothering anyone
Hus, while at the same time just ahead of the cosmopolitan Viennese
glentousan their lives to the sound of the waltz. So by the time the tunnels of
the city began to take life, even in this way.
Another image from the underground world of tunnels and underground
gave monster stia cellars, preserved today in excellent condition. The ideal
temperature and humidity help to maintain excellent wines and sects, while
the quality of the beer produced was very good. So it was strange picture,
especially men from lower social classes, to descend to the underground in
Vienna to meet friends and drink with them in pubs operating there.
But the authorities decided to ekme talleftoun vast galleries. In 1875 finished
the work in the GF-mail the Austrian empire, which enabled the sending of
letters in the tallikous rolls, which the roar of a system of divine "firing", "Taxi
defan 'in all corners of the city cover the ptontas needs of all residents. The
length of the pipe through which "ran" the postal drums arrived in 1913, the
82 km!

From the middle of the difficult decade of the '30s, the city authorities were
trying to tell people to flee in the galleries where war vom vardismou the
city. When the Nazis katela Van city, imprisoned the Jews in your galleries.
At the same time the other side of the underground city, the authorities had
set up accommodation for people while they made luxury hotels constructed
underground in luxurious rooms for wealthy clients.

The galleries now

For several years, a group of young xeki Faroe one attempts to highlight the
rich and interesting history of the underground rom λης, «Unterwelt» as they
say in German. So far over one hundred thousand people have visited and
guided the endless paths of underground Vienna! Many do kymanter been
featured in television Gearbox Networks worldwide and older in 1948 was
filmed there and the film "The Third Man" with Orson Welles.
Together with the Vienna underground continually emerging, however, is
currently construed Dai promotion efforts such as geion galleries and other
world cities such as Berlin and New York. Indeed, for this purpose from 18
to 20 November will be held in Vienna in the First World sio concentrated on
"Cities under Cities, which are expected to participate on the stamens,
researchers and visitors from around the world!
In Greece, when we build on cultural and tourist these treasures of our
country? When there will be a mayor with imagination and Ali dune sense of
public interest in Athens, Patras, Gythio in Thebes? ... You get the zone of
the everlasting spirit, where authority and power have geometry and
chemistry of paradoxes and laws, which hold only the grandparents, the
quasi-intellectual students of dew and thieves of the hidden knowledge ...
In these places, the emphasis has placed a "heavy" name in world history of
science, especially physics and mathematics, which moves narrations and
refers to strange mysteries and achievements. Is that of Isaac Newton
(Isaac Newton).

During the time that Newton was breathing oxygen in this state of being we
call the earth's life was on January 4, 1643 (or others on December 25,
1642) to 20 March 1727.85 years is filled, during which much time spent in
deep and thorough study of the texts of the Ancient Greek Natural
Philosophy. In particular, he studied and acquired vast literature relating to
any translation of ancient Greek texts on issues dealing with the elements of
the material, the alchemical knowledge and encrypted descriptions of
Aristotle, the Neoplatonikon, Latin and Arabic alchemists of Rodostafrikon
texts -which actually was still tapping the Platonic-Aristotelian alchemical
and medical knowledge, and the texts of all major alchemists that followed
the coming centuries, such as Paracelsus.

This was not the study of knowledge, but study, by acquired knowledge,
restoration of ancient arts apokekrymmenon producing materials for the
"chemical" methods in favor of this Lordship of the King of Great Britain! For
this reason Newton had been appointed for life as the head of the Royal
Mint ...

And if it sounds weird, Newton was the last great alchemist obvious. The
last great magician, says a famous for this work, the John Meynard Keynes
in 1946 on the occasion of ceremonies marking the anniversary of the
hundred years since the birth of Neftona.Nai, the famous J. M. Keynes, the
founder of a prominent economic theory of the 20th century, Keynesianism!
Newton also refers to the last clear successor alchemical tradition of
centuries, during which the flow of numerous texts and cryptogram, relating
to methodologies and knowledge production of precious metals, notably
gold and silver collected by Newton himself. Newton also left an enormous
scientific work behind a fairly large body of scientific fields such as
mathematics and physics. But 6,500,000 words from this project involving
alchemy, which he served and studied for over 40 years!
Immediately after the death of Newton, all assets, manuscripts and library,
were obtained by the sole of his niece, Catherine Barton, wife of J. Conduitt.
Then passed into the hands of their daughter, Cathrine, which was married
to J. Wallop. Because his father Wallop echristhi Earl of Portsmouth,
became known as family Portshmuth, which remained in all the manuscripts
and the library in Newton for the next 150 chronia.Kata the 19th century, Sir
David Brewster studied all this material and in 1855 issued the first
biography of Newton. The shock to Brewster was great when he discovered
the huge amount of alchemical information contained within this material,
noting that 80% of library related to Newton's alchemy! He was very honest
biographer, but also hard ... politically correct and therefore faced a huge
problem to mention the activities of Newton's alchemical, but the big names
Robert Boyle (16274691) and John Locke (16324704), modern, messmate
and associates of the Newton-tion projects in the crown of world- economic
power of the British Empire. So we separated alchemy to that were the
"large" and in that employees were "humble and charlatans" for profit. Even
specifically mentions that Newton, Locke and Boyle, alchemy practiced with
pure purpose, which was the development of epistimis and facilitating
learning for the benefit of society ... In the dark periods of power perverted
British monarchy through OTA dirty and dark alleys a permanently darkened
by smog and humidity soaked in London, in a home away from prying eyes,
where the chimney smokes constantly and never goes out, a man who
never liked female company and never worshiped other than the male, talks
endlessly about the effects of persistent, recurrent and thoroughness of
testing. It means that Newton's experiments on revived after centuries of
oblivion, the occult art of alchemy, producing gold, silver and other metals,
and mysterious substances.
The Newton's assistant, Dr. HumphreyNewton in letters sent after the death
of Newton, the inheritor J. Conduitt, said: "I often sat up in the morning
Especially for six weeks in spring and six in autumn, it all came from the
laboratory, because the weeks were most likely to perform the most occult
experiments. Apparently "something" would have known about the
equinoxes, the global rules and their impact on the etheric action on the
matter .. But big part of his research time was still spent on the
alchimeia.Irthe So the era at the turn of the year and the 5th Earl of
Portsmouth surrendered in 1872, the entire library and its hands copies of
Newton after 150 years, honorary, University of Cambridge, where Newton
was a professor. The institution then set the entire cataloging committee
that ergou.I committee ended its work in sixteen years in 1888 and the 5th
Earl of Portsmouth, taking account of the outcome of the cataloging, left the
University of Cambridge, those of the manuscripts and books were identified
and judged as scientifically, among which included all those on the Mint and
the occult and mysterious calculations and currency exchange rates and
other chrysou.Ta, alchemical, theological, historical and occultist content
remained in the family Portsmuth. All this material, the cataloging of the
Committee of Cambridge was estimated at 6,500,000 words, the family
remained until 1936, when it was collected in the well known auction house
in London, Sotheby's, to enter the lists auction ... Here The systematic
Newton's alchemical in the action was incredible. Recorded and brought
back to light all the main gold-bearing cleaning methods, argyroforon and
other essential minerals he had learned from the writings of Aristotle and
proceeded to the alchemical production of gold, silver other precious metals
in the same way as did Alexander the Great 2000 years before, the laptop
had a mint in all his campaigns, to produce gold and pay the endless armies
of dragging him.
Of course, the teacher of Aristotle had taught all the technical ...
Studied, decoding, learned and experienced in depth all the alchemical
techniques of cold fusion, and the so-called transmutation. Result of
systematic and scientific methodological work of endless years of
alchemical action of Newton are all known today methods of chemical
treatment, substances and mixtures, and all machines and devices
institutions for the implementation of chemical experiments.
And all through everything the Greeks had primary responsibility to know
and be creative! But the Greeks now learn science than elsewhere, because
in 2000 many years' saving their souls "and dealing with higher things than
knowledge and science, such as the afterlife and kokkalakia various
saints ...
Words such as amalgam, distillation, evaporation, funnel and many others
refer to the chemical processes found in abundance within Newton's
notebooks and letters exchanged with R. Boyle, to death that the 1691.Ston
INDEX CHEMICUS, the broader all of alchemical manuscripts, Newton
recording procedures methodologies, reagents and substances in an area
of more than 100 pages, including approximately 900 entries and over 5000
despite references alchemical nature in any book, ancient or later
manuscripts, writers and scholars of alchemy. And all with complete order
and coherence. To systematically in this converging views of independent
researchers and academic scholars from around the alchemical work of
Newton, show the direction of encapsulated and easily accessible
knowledge on processes and substances, "those" who make direct
application, but and have encryption codes. All of these researchers speak
bluntly about the "invisible"-in the sense of a hermetically closed-cycle those
producing gold and other precious metals for the government and His
Majesty the king of Britain ... Everyone else was (and by relevant law ...)
banned from anything associated with a production of gold or other precious
metals! Law suggested that other great alchemist and the original mentor
rather alchemy of Newton, Robert Boyle, and implemented during the reign
of Henry the 4th, the title 1689.O law was "On non-proliferation of Gold" and
is accessible by anyone who wants look in the archives of the British Empire
.. Take care that the law speaks of "proliferation" which means: do not apply
alchemy to increase (!) gold may have, it will be prosecuted! Indeed, Boyle
himself had previously, in 1661, released a book as long and revealing title:
The sceptic alchemist or chemico-physical doubts & paradoxes, testing the
spagyristic principles (free translation: The skeptical alchemist or
physicochemical doubts and paradoxes tasting the early Spageirias) to
mock and slander those who were involved in alchemy amateur or "humble
purpose! Awesome this title is the change in stagyristic spagyristic, make no
reference to the ex Stagira Aristotle art! ...
The alchemical work of Newton in many places were closely tied to parallel
studies and extensive work around theological issues such as work on the
biblical analysis on Daniel and the eschatological forecasts. Also learned
Hebrew, being a student at Cambridge, and studied in depth Kampala, while
written tests for occult and alchemical properties of «Emerald Tamblet»
(smaragdine Table) Mercury in Trismegistou ...
The great looking all-time quest for the "philosopher's stone" was for the
purpose of Newton's life! Only "the world learned about the Newton, not
those of the activities, but his scientific work in physics and mathematics!
Something that was more acceptable to humans of that era of absolute
feudalism. By a strange coincidence, the same apply to today's man ...
The John Meynard Keynes, was second after the Brewster has accepted
that a strong shock through the endless study of handwriting to "come" in
his hands, concerning the alchemical secret life of Isaac Newton. He writes,
"The Newton was the first great century of Reason. He was the last of the
magicians, a great mind which looked at the visible and intellectual world
with the same look as the founders looked to our civilization 10,000 years
ago" ! Yes, you read correctly: 10,000 years ago! This says J. M. Keynes,
the founder of modern pre-globalized economy. where do we draw the
certainty of this knowledge, this student of Newton's manuscripts? If
someone else said the same thing in any country, that civilization began
10,000 years ago, will fall upon all the media to eat him, while the scientific
establishment will afaimaxei.Otan but says Keynes, the only people who
can hear and know and is written only in studies and books anyway it is very
difficult for the ordinary seeker to find ...!
Continues Keynes: «Why did you call the wizard? Because faced with the
entire universe and that includes the form of a puzzle, a secret, which can
be revealed by simply pure reflection on the hard facts and data that our
God has thrown here and there, to activate a treasure hunt in philosophical
Home Fellowships.

Many fans would have to get here. Not only admits that he got the
information wanted by Newton's manuscripts, but acknowledges that such
information is only available within the known and sororities exairetees!
Masons, Rodostafroi, Templar and a whole lot of other fraternities,
organized strictly within the formal orders of their advertising by itself
Keynes-a selectively-as indeed the only sources for the pursuit of
knowledge! The Keynes, however, found his own "gold" in the scientific
manuscripts of Newton. The awesome mathematical mind of Isaac Newton,
had prepared all the models and calculation procedures for cutting, placing,
testing, storage and fungibility of the English pound golden on behalf of an
entire empire. Not only had the dress all this not to be visible only by a few,
"A General Theory of Employment Interest and Money" and to erect
economic antianthropino the western system of economic management,
ourovoro this system. For the corresponding eastern, Mordechai saw
Charles (Karl Marx), directly from Jewish sources of London which has also
been studied and created ...

He recorded all his thoughts on the book Quaestiones Quaedam

Philosophicae, where in the foreword stated: "Plato is my friend, Aristotle is
my friend but my best friend is the truth!"
When the king wished to appoint a Benedictine monk at the University of
Cambridge without examination and established oaths, Newton wrote to the
Deputy: "You brave and steady to the Laws and will not fail!
As it may, in 1669 he left Cambridge and became the head of the Royal
Mint, though, and based in Cambridge resigned in 1701. Although Newton
was now immensely rich, has experienced her office as a mere recognition
of scientific achievements. Instead, worked hard and managed to cope with
economic shocks and to take measures against counterfeiting. In 1703 he
was elected president of the Royal Society and remained in that position
until his death. Knight was named by Queen Anne, in 1705, and was the
first scientist to be honored as much for the work tou.Par all this in the last
years of his life was not so easily characterized by intense conflict with the
Laimpnitz on who had discovered the Calculus-analysis. She died, full days
on March 20, 1727.

In 1970, farmer David Hudson, to his estate in Arizona, found in mines of

the last century that the earth was strange recommendation. After 10 years
of research and cost several thousand dollars, demonstrated through a
series of patented experiments that the soil that contained the white gold or
else the monoatomic gold, white powder of the alchemists! This gold is
soluble in water and other liquids potentized and alchemical and this form is
for drinking, with dramatic up incredible results for the benefit of human
health! If indeed the process "through appropriate methods" becomes
known to the coveted gold metallic ... Many references of Aristotle in this
white powder, and many reports and alchemical engravings of the later
centuries, describing seemingly inde xigites laboratory processes related
the white white ousia.I this substance and its production has been and
remains the ultimate secret of alchemy, old and modern. For the same time
alchemists seeking knowledge and access to polydiastatikes ethereal
realities of "everlasting fire" of Heraclitus, the white powder to be dissolved
to drink in a simple or potentized water will permeate the whole "being", is
the ticket state of consciousness and spiritual emancipation, which
knowledge is revealed at each level effortlessly and clearly than ever as the
intrinsic and on to the man!
For the famous "merchants of Nations", this white powder along with the
other, also white powder ...) is the weapon to control the economies and
peoples through the controlled production of gold, the market for
inexpensive consciences, people and groups mechanisms that will sustain
then trisathlia pseudo-universal power.
Newton, during the turbulent dimiourgikotatis and scientific life, attempted to
discover the basic structures of cosmic matter and through the alchemy
sought to find relationships that govern the forces and particles that form all
matter is composed. The pursuit of this and the results of the same secured
a royal life for study and research, as I wanted. In the state, Great Britain,
secured the 'knowledge' and 'tools' for world domination! The world is not
investigating and looking for science, the science of science, a path and a
method, not necessarily unique and necessary, but talented. In so far as of
the wisdom of our forefathers Greek nor right ...
Isaac Newton and the Order of Zion

Few of his biographers have noted that Newton

was from a noble Scottish family, regardless of whether they had fallen
from birth. This is precisely the origin but could be
led many researchers to a more "suspicious
after-life. After a difficult childhood but good studies, although some years,
Newton was able to be admitted to the Company, where he met Robert
Boyle, an important scientist of the time and Master of the Order of Sion. In
this Order, or infamous Priory of Sion, as a main objective and has been the
lifelong care of the Holy Blood, the blood that Jesus Christ is supposed to
have passed the physical descendants through his relationship with Maria
Magdalini.Piso But the 'obvious' cause of the existence of many hidden
secrets, many of which relate to the policy - the main concern of maintaining
the power and the further spread of Merovingianis dynasty. Although
skeptics criticize the theoretical foundation for the undeniable, however, the
existence of the Order, it is interesting that many researchers have shown
that most current leaders of our world-either elected or estemenoi-are all
distantly related, as indeed there is a lineage that ruled the world!
On the other hand, many of the secrets of the Order relating to alchemy and
well-hidden secrets to indicate that between the Grand Master of the abbot
of Zion is the Da Vinci, Victor Hugo, Claude Debussy and ... Anyway, since
the knowledge of Newton to Boyle, the course was the first flash. Became
director of the Royal Mint in order to improve the quality of gold, while a few
years later became head of the Royal Society. Nowadays it has been known
by many scholars that Isaac Newton was a Grand Master of the Order of
Sion from 1691 until his death in 1727. Boyle succeeded, while another
important scientist of the era, Charles Radcliffe was the one who succeeded
There is no evidence for a possible connection with the TOU Newton
Eleftherotektonismo.Kanena file named as State Lodge has not occurred.
Nevertheless it is known that a smmmeteiche imimasoniki organization,
group of Spolntingk gentlewoman, in association with the well known
metaphysical poet Alexander Pooup.Sta writings, however, may come
across several references to issues of concern to the Freemasonry that
time. So, you consider more important than Noah Moses one of the most
important work related to development of the monarchy since ancient times.
In Chronology of ancient kingdoms amended sees Judaism as a holy
teaching that holds the deepest secrets and divine knowledge is lost. On the
other texts appear deeply influenced by the teachings of Hermes of
Trismegistou, and Pythagoras. Especially in the latter, Newton believes that
the perception of Pythagoras music of the spheres is an early transfer of the
law of gravity. Of course, as the scientific position, the theological point of
view was heretical in relation to the prevailing dogma. It was battle-albeit
implicitly, opposed to the idea of the Trinity, wondered about the divinity of
Jesus and was suspicious towards the New Testament, because he
believed that the Gospels were differentiated in the 5th century. Influenced
by several views of the Gnostic view that Jesus was God on the outcome of
his presence on Earth, not by nature. This view was expressed by
Sosinianous, a condition which gave great light on the origin of the aria.
Besides, he considered himself to Aryan ...
At the same time, showed great sympathy to Kamisardous (Camisards) or
the Seven Prophets were, in a sense, then the Net. So clean, and the heirs
of God Rousas that Knowledge plays a greater role by faith. Shortly before
his death asked his friends to burn a large quantity of manuscripts and
notes, which to date remains unknown content. There are many cases could
be made for those notes, but the only certainty is that an insight that will
remain forever hidden.
Ancient alchemical practices: Bread and Gold.
The occult tradition of the fabulous wealth of the Knights of alchemical
transmutation of base metals into gold indicate that the region of
and Sinai, there were some very bakeries and evidence that the gods
(obviously Anounaki Sumerian-Babylonians) were capable of producing
gold monoatomiki but also oktatomiki up! At least two of these bakeries
have been identified, one near St. Catherine in Sinai and the other in
Mesopotamia, near the ancient city of Lagos.
Gold is a factor of eight people. The indications are that proanthropines
tribes of the earth have the expertise to build a monoatomic gold! In shaped
like a white powder. What exactly did the gods of the Sumerians: diet
Rousas gold out of which the parts. The legend says that during the
process, manufactures a white powder that were thrown in when he fired
bread and ate. The bread they were conical and the Gods, the Sumerian
kings ate and eginonto shining and bright. (You can remember the bright
battalion of Lucifer, the bearer of the light ...) The preparation of this bread
the shining gods acquired super natural powers and abilities. Could still
carry an automatic trip to the space-time or a change in reality is made, or
menhirs spatiotemporal chronir. Here lies the secret of "good" and "bad",
but several investigations alchemist for gold.
If humans eat such bread cone with scraps of gold as flour, meal to lose his
soul? You agree to become a powerful chronomenir without a soul, which
means that the "increase your people will stop at the fourth division, the
third is now ... Of course it will never arrive at the 5th, 6th and 7th
dimension, known as the deification of anthropou.Oi Knights Templar who
held much of the ancient knowledge seems Sum-border searching and
Babylonian records to create this special bread from gold to fire sthoun.

Much of the symbolism of the rosette, which is actually an octagon and is

found in all the churches of the Middle Ages, we find at Notre Dame in Paris
and the cathedral of Amiens, in castles and churches in the area of Rennes-
le Sato refers to octagon polyatomic element of gold. All the ancient temples
in Mesopotamia as the equivalent of Solymou, son of Set in Jerusalem was
full of octagons, most of them in yellow-gold. The octagon and the number
eight encrypt the eight atoms of gold, which is not monoatomic element, as
claimed by conventional science, but consisting of eight atoma.O rosette
has eight spokes, and those atoms of gold. All the temples were built by
initiatory orders are in many ways rosettes. Rosettes, and even golden,
even have the vestments of Orthodox priests ...
List of cave monasteries
• Armenia
o Geghard cave monastery / fortress
• Bulgaria
o Aladzha Monastery
o Albotin Monastery
o Rock-hewn Churches of Ivanovo
o Basarbovo Monastery
o Monasteries of Provadia
• France
o Abbey of Saint-Roman (Abbaye de Saint-Roman), Beaucaire, Gard [1]
• Georgia
o David Gareja monastery complex
o Vardzia cave city and monastery,
o Vanis Kvabebi cave monastery / fortress, Javakheti Plateau
• Hungary
o Gellért Hill Cave chapels and monastery, Budapest.
• Serbia
o Blagoveštenje
o Crna Reka
o Pećinska
o Gornjak
o Kađenica
o Savina
o Monastery of St. Peter
o Churches of Kovilje Monastery
• Russia
o Pskov Cave Monastery, Pskov Oblast
o Monastery of the Caves, Nizhny Novgorod
o Divnogorye and Saviour Convent, Voronezh Oblast
• Thailand
o Tiger Cave Monastery (Wat Tam Sua), Krabi
o Wat Tham Khan, Sakon Nakhon province
• Turkey
o Cappadocia cave monasteries
• Ukraine
o Assumption Cave Monastery and St. Clement Monastery, Inkerman,
o Kiev Pechersk Lavra and Eletsky Monastery
o Assumption Cave Monastery in Zymne near Volodymyr-Volynskyi
o Bakota Cave Monstary in Bakota near Kamianets-Podilskyi

Tellurium and Ukraine (Chernobyl / absinthe).

Twice the Celts Druids managed to keep the Vienna center of telluric
currents of Europe.
Similarly, the march to Ukraine fails, despite the efforts of the grand vizier
and other secret Sokollou direct guidance from the Agkartha.
In a second, check the Celts and the edge of the Aryans Agkartha Persians
and Indians (to the prevalence of new agkarthianis army of Tamerlane) and
managed to dominate and in the Americas; on the other hand, the guide
Agkartha touranous Hazara in exioudaismo. As the Eskenazim Touranoi
now trying to control the tellurium centers in Vienna and Ukraine within
Caves Bakota
Bakota first mentioned in the Chronicle Hypatian the year 1240. [1] When
the city was inhabited, the city was part of Kievan Rus until the mid 12th
century when it became part of Halych-Volhynian Kingdom. [6] During the
13th century, Bakota served as the political and administrative center of the
Transnistrian altitude (Ponyzzia), which was in part his time Halych-
Volhynia. [3] The period also indicates the rule Koriatovych dynasty over the
region in 1362.
Bakota now rocks in BakoteIstoriya Bakota ended in 1981, when during the
construction of hydroelectric Novodnestrovskaya population was expelled to
neighboring towns and the city completely flooded with nero.Sto 1996, the
collapse of the upper rocks of the White Mountains has destroyed most of
caves and tombs with murals and frescoes 11-13 centuries. Only a part of
the remains and burial of the monks cells, little remains of the church of St.
Michael and abandoned orchards.
Today Bakota conventionally known spots along the bank of the Dniester,
which is situated beside the ruins of the monastery. According to
meteorologists in this area is kind of a unique micro-climate - the average
annual amount of heat per 1 m equivalent to Yalta and the rocks and forests
protect the coast from northern air currents Dniester

Zymne Monastery
 The Monastery Uspensky Svyatogorsky (in English, the church on Mount
Athos) is Stavropegic Ukrainian Orthodox cave monastery, located on top of
Mount Athos, rising above the shy luh River near the village Zymne, five
kilometers south of Volodymyr-Volynskyi , Volyn Oblast, Ukraine The origin
of the monastery is uncertain, but a monastic legend attributes the
foundation to Vladimir the Great, who allegedly built two churches and the
winter palace, which the village got its name. Argued that the first hegumen
of Kiev Pechersk Lavra, where he died on his way from Tsargrad in Kiev in
the 11th century. The monastery was first documents in 1458. [1] remained
in the hands of the Greek Orthodox Church until 1698, when he took the
Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Within several decades, the monastic
community ceased to exist, but the cathedral was revived as a Russian
Orthodox parish in 1857. In 1893, the monastery was refounded as a
Russian Orthodox convent, which was dismantled by the Soviet annexation
of the Volynia 1939. The monastery was revived during the German
occupation, is reduced to a parish church in 1945, again and again in 1990
and became stauropegic status in 1996.
Entering the monastery Inside the monastery has a rectangular plan,
articulated by defensive walls with towers, built in the 15th and 16th
centuries. Each wall is punctured by a wide arc from the 17th century. A
tower around the southern wall was built on top of a tower in 1898-99. The
style of this neo-Muscovite building is out of harmony with the scenic beauty
of the other towers. The four pillars Cathedral Assumption was built with
funds provided by Prince Fyodor Chartoryisky, who also donated two fine
monastery bells, one of which is now on exhibit for the monastery. The
cathedral was completed and inaugurated in 1495, when the Gothic
influence in the region was still huge. It was modernized for the first time in
1550 and then went through many reconstructions, in accordance with the
prevailing ideology of the period. The Uniates dissolved flanking towers in
1724, and reshape the front of the then Polish contemporary fashion. The
Russians got tried to renovate the building in the Russian Revival style, but
the church was destroyed during the First World War and then rebuilt by the
Poles in the 1930s. Roof was destroyed again during the Second World War
and replaced by five golden domes helmet recently. The oldest building of
the complex is a miniature church Trinity (1465-75), a stone copy of the
wooden churches of Volynia. Located on the mountainside to the south of
the cathedral, outside the walls of the monastery. There is also the bank of
the 16th century church dedicated to St. Juliana, the oldest church bank in
the country. Between Trinity Church and the cathedral lies the entrance to
the caves formed by joining two parallel runways in the middle. The cave
church dedicated to St. Barlaam. Saint Josaphat preach Christianity. 12th
century Greek manuscripts Born unknown Died 4th century in India
Pilgrimage in the Roman Catholic Church Eastern Orthodox Church of Saint
Josaphat 27 Noem.Varlaam and became Christians is a version of the
history of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. [1] During the Middle
Ages the two were treated as holy Christian to the logbook of the Greek
Orthodox on 26 August in the Roman martyrology in the Western Church as
"Barlaam and Josaphat" on the date of November 27. According to legend,
King Abenner or Avenier India persecuted the Christian Church in space,
founded by the Apostle Thomas. When astrologers predicted that his son
will one day become a Christian, Abenner was the young prince Josaphat
isolated from external contacts. While in prison, the Josaphat converted to
Christianity. Josaphat kept his faith even in the face of anger and
persuasion of his father. Eventually Abenner surrendered his throne to
Josaphat, and retired to the desert to become a hermit. Josaphat himself
later resigned and went to isolation of the old teacher Barlaam. Remember,
exile or DEATH. My friends are all watching the emperors to whom hatch
conspiracy dethronement automatically become Christians while before
either did not want to hear about Christianity. Very convenient. And
politically undesirable and Christian together. to fire abroad, Ust convent for
cur. I will add five mastigoumenous Raspoustin had enough sex to be. great
discovery monasticism Monk you jump in too much as you want carouser
who says and the people
Cave Emine-Bair-Hosar cave Emine-Bair-Hosar located in the mountains
Chatyr-Dag in the Crimea peninsula, near the village of Marmara. Cave
Emine-Bair-Hosar located 900 m north of the famous marble caves. Until
recently, the entrance was a form of horizontal wells. In 1994, for the benefit
of tourists here built a 12 meter-long slope of the tunnel, and in 1999
opened a road to the top rooms. Surprise trip paths stalactites, stalagmites,
columns, which resemble palm trees, wall compositions, such as grapes, an
underground lake with crystal clear waters ... It is open to the public 6
rooms. The main hall of the cave is a natural aquifer that reaches the
surface. Sunlight falling on the wall well, crystal clear water flowing from the
chamber. Cave Emine-Bair-Hosar is mine, which contains the remains of
fossil vertebrates. Besides, there is the museum room. The name translates
as cave Emine - oak, Bair - a mountain. The total length of cave is 1460 m,
depth 120 meters .. The capital of Crimea is Simferopol. The oldest
inhabitants of the peninsula strain Tauro. The northern part of Crimea by the
end of the 4th century AD Skythy inhabited. In the southern part of Crimea
is in the 7th century BC Greeks settled. The combination of the Greek
settlements came from the 5th century BC Bosporské Kingdom and up to 4
century AD In the Middle Ages was part of Crimea Byzanské Janované
kingdom and have established several settlements. In the 15th century
based Crimean Chan, who in 1475 was part of the Ottoman Empire. The
end of the 18th century, Catherine the Great added to the Crimea to the
Russian Empire. After the Soviet Union was part of the peninsula in
Ukraine. In Crimea there are many cultural monuments and beautiful nature.
Marble Cave is located in the mountains Chatyr-Dag in the Crimean
peninsula near the village of Marmara. Plateau has many karst cavity, which
help to alleviate "month" view. The cave was opened in 1987. Since 1992 is
99,341,646 for the International Union of caves and is equipped with the five
most beautiful caves in the world. The entrance is at an altitude of 920 m
above sea level. Marble Cave depth of 60 meters in length equipped with
excursions above 1 km and the total length of explored passages over 2 km.
Adventure begins with a 'Stories Gallery "decorated with stalactites and
stalagmites. The path leads deep inside the cave has many natichni forms
that resemble fairy-story characters: Elephant and mammoth, Santa Claus,
The Frog Princess ... Hard to believe say that these shapes are created by
nature, and not masterly hands of the sculptor. In many galleries you can
see the marble caves of stone waterfalls, Cascades Gurov of lakes, cave
pearls, "heliktytovi flowers and more. Entering the cave by car or bus, walk,
turn the 17-km of road Simferopol - Yalta, near the village of Zarechnoye the
facility for the village of Marmara. Marble Cave offers a tour lasting an
average of 1 hour. The temperature in each season is 9 ° C

Uspensky Cave Monastery

Coordinates: 44 ° 44'40 .75 "N 33 ° 54'35 .60" E / 44,7446528 ° N

33,909889 ° E / 44,7446528? 33.909889
Uspensky Cave Monastery Assumption of MonasteryThe Caves located in
Crimea, Ukraine, near Bakhchisaray. It is a cave monastery carved from a
vracho.I date of the founding of the monastery ground, although local monks
claim to have originated from the 8th century but was abandoned when
Byzantium lost its hold on the region. Current monastic establishment dates
from the 15th aiona.To 1921 the monastery was closed by the Soviet
government. After the Soviet Union and the independence of Ukraine, the
monastery was reopened to the public

Ukraine: Monastic complex Lavra of the Caves

The Lavra of the Caves in Kiev located on the southern edge of Kiev, is built
on two hills on the right bank of the Dnieper river.
The church of the Lavra of the Caves was built by craftsmen from
Constantinople in 1073 until 1089 and was dedicated to the Assumption.
During the 17th century because of rosotourikon conflict, the monastery
receives devastating attacks by the Turks. The tsar to protect it fortifies the
earthen mounds initially and then with a stone wall and pyrgous.Megali fire
erupted in 1718 destroying the printing press, the church and the greater
part of the monastery. Through the ashes of monks digging up the
miraculous image of Our Lady which had suffered only minor damage. The
news of the rescue image joyful Peter the Great, who granted the
The abbey was dissolved violently after the October Revolution of 1917. In
1941 the monastery was plundered by German troops, who removed
important Byzantine and post-Byzantine treasures. The ledger of the
Assumption was destroyed and rebuilt again.
In recent years, the once-Pecherskaya peridoxi Kiev Lavra monks began

Kiev Pechersk Lavra monastery

Coordinates: 50 ° 26'3 "N 30 ° 33'33" E / 50,43417 ° N 30,55917 ° E /
50,43417? 30.55917
Kiev: Saint-Sophia Cathedral and Monastic related buildings, Kiev-Pechersk
State Party Ukraine
Kiev Pechersk Lavra (Ukrainian: Києво-Печерська лавра, Kyievo-
Pechers'ka Lavra), also known as the Kiev Monastery of the Caves, is a
historic Orthodox Christian monastery in Kiev, Ukraine. Since its foundation
as the cave monastery in 1015 the Lavra has been a prominent center of
Eastern Orthodoxy in Eastern Europe. Along with Saint-Sophia Cathedral, is
inscribed as world heritage by UNESCO. Named one of the seven wonders
of Ukraine on August 21, 2007, on a poll of experts and the Internet
community. Currently, the jurisdiction over the Ukrainian Orthodox Church
as the site of the monastery, the head of the Church and the residence of
the leader, Metropolitan Volodymyr
The word means pechera cave. Laura The word used to describe high-
ranking monasteries (male) monks of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Consequently, the name of the monastery is also reflected in Kiev Cave
Monastery, Kiev Caves Monastery or

Kiev Monastery of the Caves (на печерах).

According to the first time in the early 11th century, Antony, a Greek
Orthodox monk from the monastery on Mount Athos Esphigmenon,
originally Liubech Principality of Chernihiv, returned to Rus »and settled in
Kiev as a missionary of monastic tradition to Kievan Rus . He chose a cave
in the mountains Berestov that ignores the Dnieper River and a community
of students rapidly increased. Prince Iziaslav I of Kiev ceded the whole
mountain with Antonite monks founded a monastery built by architects from
Constantinople. Up close view of the Great Lavra Belltower with four levels
of 2005. The Near Caves of Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Sketch by the Dutch artist
Abraham van Westerveldt made in 1651. [Edit] Buildings and structures
Kiev Pechersk Lavra contains numerous architectural monuments, ranging
from towers to cathedrals to underground cave systems and the strong
walls of stone. The main attractions of the Lavra include the Great Lavra
Belltower, the remarkable feature of the skyline of Kiev, and the Assumption
Cathedral, destroyed during the Second World War, and completely
reconstructed in recent years. Other churches and cathedrals of the Laura
include: the Refectory Church Church of All Saints, Church of Christ in
Berestove, the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross, Holy Trinity Church,
the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, the Church of Conception of
St. Anna Church and Life Giving Spring. The Lavra also contains many
other structures, such as the Monastery of St. Nicholas, Kiev Theological
Academy and Seminary, and Debosquette Wall.
The Great Lavra Belltower is one of the most notable features of the horizon
Kiev and the main attractions of the Lavra. It was the highest independent
tower at the time of construction of 1731-1745, and was designed by the
architect Johann Gottfried Schädel. It's a classic style building consists of
grades, up from a gilded dome. Overall height is 96.5 meters.
The Gate Church of the Trinity at the top of Mount Gates, which houses the
entrance to the monastery. According to one legend, this church was
founded by Prince Chernihiv Sviatoslav. It is built atop an ancient stone
temple used to stand in place.
Side view of the Church of Christ in Berestove seen with bell tower,
designed by architect Andrei Melenskyi the classic style.The Church of
Christ in Berestove located north of Kiev Pechersk Lavra. It was built in the
village Berestove in the late 11th century during the reign of Prince
Volodymyr Gladiator. He later served as the mausoleum of the dynasty
Gladiator, which also includes Yuri Dolgoruki, the founder of Moscow.
However, it is outside the walls of the Lavra, the church of Christ in
Berestove part of Kiev Pechersk Lavra complex. Caves, Near Caves
Incorrupt relics of St. Ilya Muromets Kiev Pechersk LavraThe caves of Kiev
Pechersk Lavra is an extraordinarily complex system of underground
corridors, narrow (about 1-1 ½ feet wide and 2-2 ½ feet tall), along with
numerous living quarters and underground chapels. In 1051, Reverend
Anthony was installed in an old cave in one of the mountains surrounding
the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. The cave was probably increased, with many
additions, including corridors and a church, and now what we know as the
Far Caves. In 1057, Anthony moved to a cave in Upper Lavra, now called
Foreign travelers in the 16-17th century wrote that the catacombs of the
Lavra stretched for hundreds of miles, reaching Moscow and Novgorod, [3],
which was probably bring to the attention of Kiev Pechersk Lavra in the
Have been buried there by the
Muromets graveIlya Pyotr Stolypin - in caves (around 11-12 century)
Nestor the chronicler - Middle Cave (ca. 1114)
Saint Kuksha - the Near Caves (about 1114)
Alipy of Caves - Middle Cave (ca. 1114)
Agapetus in Pechersk - the Near Caves (about 11 century)
Oleg son Volodymyr Gladiator II - Church of Christ in Berestove (about 12
Daughter Eufemia of Kiev Vladimir Gladiator - Church of Christ in Berestove
Yuri Dolgoruki - Church of Christ in Berestove (1157)
Skirgaila - regent Grand Duke of Lithuania (1397)
Vasily Kochubey - near the Refectory Church (1708)
Ivan Iskra - near the Refectory Church (1708)
Pyotr Stolypin - near the Refectory Church (1911)
During the Soviet era, were the mummified bodies of saints which define the
caves at the back due to the breach of the religion. However, after the fall of
the Soviet Union, the bodies are covered with a cloth and today remains in
the same situation. Kiev Pechersk Lavra is also one of the largest museums
of Ukraine in Kiev. The exposition is the real Upper (Near Caves) and Down
(Far Caves) Laura territories that houses many architectural relics of the
past. Gathering in churches and caves include objects made of precious
metal, prints, portraits higher clergy and church hierarchy of rare
photographs. The main exposition includes articles from the 16th to early
20th century, including chalices, crosses, and textiles from 16-19th century
needlework and embroidery of Ukrainian masters. The rest of the collection
consists of pieces of Printing House and Lavra Lavra of Icon Painting
Workshop. [4] The museum also offers tours of the catacombs, which
contain mummified remains of saints and relics to Orthodox.

Around the early 20th century Agkartha decides to dismantle the Ottoman
Empire (keeping the energy Asia Minor) and stimulates the Russian
Revolution (see Mongolian features of Lenin), thus controlling the most (by
promoting managers from the Soviet republics of Central Asia ) Ukraine.
[Not a random location kosmodromiou Soviet cosmodrome in Kazakhstan
The Agkartha preparing to clash with Celtic Europe for the final held in
Vienna. The Druids cause Anslous to prevent this development thus
strengthening their defense lines. When it appears that touranokratoumeni
Soviet Union is too strong, the Druids guide the phoney war England and
Germany and have time to include Vienna in early Celtic block.
Towards the end of the century the Chernobyl Agkartha directed to the Celts
believe that the Ukrainian checkpoint of telluric currents destroyed. Then
dissolve the Soviet Union holding the corridor touraniko Agkarthas-Istanbul
(former Soviet republics of Central Asia). In the early 21st century Agkartha
guide the economic crisis causing the election of Obama agkarthianou (see
above for blacks).
To complement the role of Iceland (volcanoes in the center of the world =
access Agkartha / financial crisis), the role of China and penetrates it in
Africa ()

But if we look with eyes and honest research on the evolution of human
history, we see that the only roads which were selected or who was allowed
in a planned way to walk the humanity to reach today is just the streets.
Systems traffic data and behavior are required. Prohibited any waivers and
options mistake or shortcut. The example of Newton's teacher participation
and planning of such trips, are now known. We can learn from it, to
overcome, to cancel it and we hover over the permitted routes and looking
diapleontas open seas of knowledge with a limit of nowhere and the
Aristotelian view. They do?
To see some POSITIONS cave monasteries to see what else hides a
deeply religious figure. This is a monastic or other activities that simply do
not need theates to see the achievements of the monks THESE AREAS.
Please turn page

As I see my friends and monasteries are built EXACTLY on top of two X and
Y AXES WHERE satellites today are discovering the gold-bearing ore in the
world. As the monks were aware of it;
Why vyzantinos aftokratoras showed interest in Chios and Lesvos;
Lesvos is why the most radioactive iammatika waters throughout Europe;

The monastery of Geghard (Armenian: 猿 榨 詹 铡 謤 栅, meaning spear) is
a unique architectural construction in the Kotayk province of Armenia, which
is carved partly from the adjacent mountain, surrounded by cliffs. It is
referred to as World Heritage by UNESCO.

While the main church was built in 1215, the band monastery founded in the
4th century by Gregory the Illuminator at a holy spring in a cave. The
monastery had been so named originally Ayrivank, meaning "Monastery of
the Cave". The name commonly used in the monastery today, Geghard, or
better Geghardavank ( 猿 榨 詹 铡 謤 栅 铡 站 铡 斩 謩 ), meaning "the
Monastery of the Spear," from the spear that wounded Jesus at the
Crucifixion supposedly brought to Armenia by the Apostle Judas, called
here Thaddeus, and stored among many other artifacts. Now appearing in
the treasury Echmiadzin.

The spectacular towering cliffs around the monastery is part of the gorge of
the river Azat, and included, along with the monastery in the list of World
Cultural Heritage Site. Some of the churches within the monastery complex
is entirely carved from rock cliffs, others are little more than caves, while
others are elaborate structures, with two walled architectural complex parts
and rooms deep inside the rock. The combination, along with many
engraved and independent khachkars is a unique spectacle is one of the
most popular tourist destinations in Armenia. Most visitors Geghard also
choose to visit the nearby temple Garni, a Parthenon-like structure is still
down the river Azat. Visiting two locations in one trip is so common that
often reported in harmony Garni-Geghard


David Gareja (Georgian: დავითგარეჯის სამონასტრო კომპლექსი,
Davit'garejis samonastro komplek'si? Azerbaijan: Keşiş Dağ) is a rock-hewn
Georgian Orthodox monastery complex located in the Kakheti region of
eastern Georgia, on the half-desert slopes of Mount Gareja, approximately
60-70 km southeast of the capital of Georgia Tbilisi. The site includes
hundreds of cells, churches, chapels, refectories and residential areas from
the hollow rock.
Part of the complex is also Agstafa rayon of Azerbaijan and has therefore
been the subject of a border dispute between Georgia and Azerbaijan
authorities. [1] The area is also home to protected species and evidence of
some of the oldest human dwellings in the area. The band was founded in
the 6th century by David (David St. Garejeli), one of the thirteen Assyrian
monks who came to this country at the same time. Dodo students and
extend the original Luciane Lavra and established two other monasteries
known as the Dodo RKA (literally, "the horn of the Dodo") and
Natlismtsemeli ("the Baptist"). The monastery has been further developed
under the guidance of the 9th century Georgia St. Hilarion. monastery was
highly patronized by the Georgian royal and noble families. The 12th
century Georgian King Dimitri I, the author of the famous Georgian religious
hymn Thou Art a Vineyard, David Gareja even chose the place of restraint;
Having abdicated. Despite the harsh environment, the monastery was an
important center of religious and cultural activity for many centuries; In some
periods, the monasteries owned extensive farmland and many villages. [2]
The revival of painting coincides with the general evolution of life on David
monasteries Gareja. The high artistic capacity of David Gareja murals made
an integral part of world treasure. From the late 11th to early 13th century,
economic and cultural development of David Gareja reached its highest
stage , reflecting the general prosperity of the medieval Kingdom of
Georgia. New monasteries Udabno, Bertubani Chichkhituri built and the old
was expanded and reorganized.
  The caves of Gareja With the fall of the Georgian monarchy, the
monastery suffered a long period of decline and destruction by the army
Mongol (1265), but later restored by the Georgian kings. We survived the
Persian attack of 1615, when the monks were slaughtered and unique
manuscripts of important works of Georgian art destroyed in order to
resurrect Onopre Machutadze, appointed Father Superior David Gareja in
1690. After the brutal Bolshevik takeover of Georgia in 1921, the monastery
was closed and remained uninhabited. During the Soviet war in Afghanistan
from its territory of the monastery was used as a field training for the Soviet
military that caused damage to the single cycle of frescoes in the
monastery. In 1987, a group of students in Georgia under the leadership of
Dato Turashvili young writer began a series of protests. Despite the fact that
the Soviet defense ministry officials finally agreed to move a military firing
range of the monastery, the bombing began again in October 1988, which
led to widespread public outcry. After about 10,000 Georgians
demonstrated in the streets of Tbilisi and a group of students began a
hunger strike in the monastery, removed the army base after all. [3]
After the restoration of Georgian independence in 1991, life in the
monastery David Gareja reborn. However, in 1996, the Georgian defense
ministry resumed military exercises in the region, resulting in renewed
protests. In May 1997, hundreds of NGO activists Agriculture set up their
tents in the middle of the army firing range and block the military
maneuvers. The staff of the army finally bowed to public pressure and
banned the exercises monastery remains active today and serves as a
popular destination for tourism and pilgrimage. [Edit] Georgia-Azerbaijan
border dispute Map showing the location of David Gareja in Kakheti region
on the border with Azerbaijan. Because the complex is partly in the territory
of Azerbaijan proper, has been the subject of a border dispute between the
two countries with ongoing talks in 1991. [5] as Georgian monks at the
monastery, "see the difference as a result of Soviet scheming to undermine
relations between Christian and Muslim Azeris Georgians." [1] Giorgi
Manjgaladze, Deputy Foreign Minister of Georgia suggested that Georgia
will are willing to exchange other way for the rest of David Gareja because
of historical and cultural importance for Georgians. [1] Baku deplores the
land swap because of its strategic military importance of David Gareja. [6]
"There is no room for territorial exchange. There are no negotiations on this
issue," said deputy foreign minister of Azerbaijan Khalaf Khalafov in
November last year. [1]
In April 2007, Khalafov said at a press conference that was "out of the
question" for Azerbaijan to "abandon its claims on the border, including
David Gareja. [1] He made it a controversial statement that the Monastery
"was home to the Caucasian Albanians, who are believed to be the first
inhabitants of Azerbaijan. [7] This prompted a response from the Georgian
Foreign Minister Gela Bezhuashvili. «It is quite clear to me why my
colleague from these comments," he told reporters in Tbilisi. "Lessons of
history is absolutely incomprehensible. This should be read in world history.
"Albanian theory is also supported by some historians of Azerbaijan firmly
against any transfer part of their territory in Georgia. [7]" The monastery was
in Georgia only in the 12th century, "said Ishmael Umudlu, an Azerbaijani
journalist and historian." Both before and after this period, the area was part
of a state in which Azerbaijan is a successor. "[6] Georgian art historian
Dimitri Tumanishvili rejected this request and said the group "includes the
work of Georgian masters." There are signs everywhere Georgian dating
from the sixth century, "he said," There are traces of another culture there.
After that, I do not need further evidence. "[6]" The idea that this monastery
was founded by the Albanians of the Caucasus is just absurd, "said Zaza
Datunashvili, a monk from David Gareja. "Perhaps, as saying that the
Georgians built the Great Wall of China." Georgian President Mikhail
Saakashvili downplayed the controversy and said that "this can be resolved
in a friendly debate." [5] However, Giga Bukia, a member of the Georgian
parliament with the right-wing opposition declared that "Georgia will never,
under any circumstances, so this land" and also accused the government to
soften its position on the band to secure financial assistance from
Azerbaijan. [5] "Azerbaijan has absolutely no historical rights to this land,"
he said. "And what is that reason is a strategic location? Planning to go to
war with Georgia?
In recent comments, Azeri officials confirmed that Azerbaijan "is open to
implementation of joint projects with Georgia for the rehabilitation of the
complex." [1], however, reports that the band could be a "common tourist
zone" caused resentment from the Georgian public. Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia
II of All Georgia said that "the monastery was a holy temple to be borne
entirely on Georgian territory. " [5] A number of fresh rounds of "border
demarcation" talks held recently between the Azerbaijani and Georgian
authorities (in Tbilisi and then in Baku).

The Cave City Vardzia
 (41 ° 22'31 "N 43 ° 15'27" E / 41,37528 ° N 43,2575 ° A / 41,37528?
43.2575Coordinates: 41 ° 22'31 "N 43 ° 15'27" E / 41 , 37528 ° N 43,2575 °
N / 41.37528; 43.2575, Georgian ვარძია) is a cave monastery dug into the
side of the mountain Erusheli South Georgia near Aspindza. Founded by
Queen Tamar in 1185.

The monastery was built as protection from the Mongols. and consisted of
over six thousand apartments in thirteen complex history. The city included
a church, a throne room, and a complex irrigation system watering terraced
plots. The only access to the complex was through some well-hidden tunnel
near the river Mtkvari.

An earthquake in Samtskhe destroyed about two thirds of the city in 1283,

giving the caves overlooking the outside and the collapse of the irrigation
system. The church was reinforced and an externally visible bell tower
added during the reign of Becca Jakheli the thirteenth century. Persians
commanded by Shah Tahmasp I raided the monastery in 1551, capturing all
the important images and effectively ending the life of the church.

Vardzia now

View Vardzia and the valley of the River Kura (Mtkvari) below.
Mural of Queen Tamar in Vardzia, it founded.In Vardzia modern days is a
major tourist attraction in Samtskhe-Javakheti region of Georgia. The site is
maintained by a small group of monks and visitors for a small fee.
Marshrutkas go to Vardzia daily from the town of Akhaltsikhe.
About three hundred apartments and rooms are still visited and some of the
old tunnels irrigation pipes bring more drinking water.
Vanis Kvabebi

Caves (English Vani) is a cave monastery Samtskhe-Javakheti region of

Georgia near the town Aspindza the most famous cave city Vardzia. The
complex dates from the 8th century and consist of a defensive wall was built
in 1204 and a maze of tunnels that run at different levels on the side of the
The Cave City of Vardzia (41 ° 22'31 "N 43 ° 15'27" E41.37528 ° N 43.2575
° ECoordinates: 41 ° 22'31 "N 43 ° 15'27" E41.37528 ° N 43.2575 ° E,
Georgian ვარძია) is a cave monastery dug into the side of the Erusheli
mountain in southern Georgia near Aspindza. It was founded by Queen
Tamar in 1185.
The monastery was constructed as protection from the Mongols. and
consisted of over six thousand apartments in a thirteen story complex. The
city included a church, a throne room, and a complex irrigation system
watering terraced farmlands. The only access to the complex was through
some well hidden tunnels near the Mtkvari river.
An earthquake in Samtskhe destroyed approximately two thirds of the city in
1283, exposing the caves to outside view and collapsing the irrigation
The church was reinforced and an externally visible bell tower added during
the reign of Beka Jakheli in the thirteenth century.
I understand now that the facade of ORTHODOXIS CHRISTIANIKIS
Understand that the new political order is invalid format will do the same
happened to koumounismo;



But in any chess match The pawn may reverse the KING

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