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1- Most common cause of GERD is haital hernia.

2- Most common symptom of GERD is heartburn.

3- Most common symptom of achalasia is dysphagia.
4- Most common esophageal cancer is squamous cell cancer.
5- Most common symptom (1st symptom ) of esophageal cancer is dysphagia.
6- Most common cause of peptic ulcer is helicobacter pylori.
7- Most common complication of peptic ulcer is gastric intestinal bleeding
( melena )
8- Most common emergent complication of peptic ulcer ( that need surgery ) is
9- Most common site of gastric ulcer is lesser curvature ( incisura angularis )
10- Most common site of duodenal ulcer is pulp of duodenum ( 1st part of
duodenum )
11- Most common site of gstrinoma is pancreas
12- 2nd Most common site of gastrinoma is duodenum.
13- Most sensitive diagnosis of peptic ulcer that induced helicobacter pylori is
stool antigen test
14- The best drug of peptic ulcer that induced NSAID is misoprastol.
15- Most common symptom of gastric cancer in stage 3 is weight loss .
16- Most common risk factor for gastric cancer is helicobacter pylori.
17- Most common site for metastasis of gastric cancer is liver
18- Most common site for GI lymphoma is stomach
19- Most common gastric cancer is adenocarcinoma .
20- Most common hernia is inguinal hernia .
21- Most common inguinal hernia is indirect inguinal hernia.
22- Most common inguinal hernia in male is small bowel .

23- Most common inguinal hernia in female is ovarian and fallopian tubes
24- Most common hernia causes strangulate is femoral hernia.
25- Most common nerve injured during repair surgery of inguinal hernia is
ileoinguinal nerve.
26- 1st site of jaundice is under the tongue .
27- Most common type of gallstone is mixed gallstone
28- 2nd Most common type of gallstone is cholesterol gallstone.
29- Most common artery injured during cholecystectomy is Rt hepatic artery
30- Most common bacteria that causes ascending cholangitis is E.coli .
31- Most common cause of acute pancreatitis is gallstone .
32- Most common complication of acute pancreatitis is pseudocyst.
33- Most common indication for surgery in acute pancreatitis is pseudocyst
34- Most common cause of death in acute pancreatitis is infection and sepsis .
35- Most sensitive diagnosis for cholelithasis ( gallstone ) is abdominal
ultrasound .
36- Most sensitive diagnosis for choledocholithasis is MRCP .
37- Most common site of volvulus is sigmoid .
38- 2nd Most common site of volvulus is cecum .
39- Most common area that rupture in large bowel obstruction is cecum.
40- Most common site of appendix is retrocecal .
41- 2nd Most common site of appendix is retroileal .
42- 3d Most common site of appendix is pelvic
43- Most common complication of appendtsits is wound infection . ????
44- Most common area that have lymph nodes in abdomen is ileum .
45- Most common site affected in acute mesenteric ischemia is splenic flexure .
46- Most common cause of massive painless lower GI bleeding is diverticulosis
47- Most common site of diverticulosis is sigmoid .

48- Most common cause for surgery in cronhs disease is small bowl obstruction
15 mi

What is Ballance's sign? Constant dullness to percussion in the left flank/LUQ

Resonance to percussion in the right flank
---------------------------------------------------------------What is Bergman's Triad? Fat Emboli Syndrome
1. Mental Status Changes
2. Petechiae
3. Dyspnea
---------------------------------------------------------------What is Fox's sign? Ecchymosis of the inguinal ligament seen with retroperitoneal bleeding
---------------------------------------------------------------What is Kehr's sign? Severe left shoulder pain seen in patients with splenic rupture
---------------------------------------------------------------When do you see Reynold's Pentad? Suppurative cholangitis
---------------------------------------------------------------What is Charcot's triad? Fever
Right Upper Quadrant pain
---------------------------------------------------------------What is Rovsing's Sign? Palpation of the left lower quadrant resulting in pain in the right lower
---------------------------------------------------------------What is blind loop syndrome? Bacterial overgroth of intestine caused by stasis
---------------------------------------------------------------What is Budd-Chiari Syndrome? Thrombosis of the hepatic veins
---------------------------------------------------------------Where do Mallory-Weiss tears happen? At the GE junction
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common indication for surgery with Crohn's Disease? SBO
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common type of melanoma? Superficial spreading
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common type of breast cancer? Infiltrating ductal
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common site of breast cancer? Upper outer quadrant
---------------------------------------------------------------Vessel involved in a bleeding duodenal ulcer? Gastroduodenal
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common cause of common bile duct obstruction? Choledocholithiasis

What is the most common cause of cholangitis? Bile duct obstruction resulting from
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common cause of pancreatitis? EtOH . Gall stons
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common bacteria in stool? Bacteroides fragilis
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common cause of SBO in adults in the US? adhesions
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common cause of SBO in children? Hernias
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common cause of emergency abdominal surgery in the united states?
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common site of GI Cardinoids? Appendix
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common AXR finding with SBO? Air fluid levels
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common electrolyte deficiency causing ileus? Hypokalemia
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common site of distant metastasis of sarcoma? lungs
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common cause of shock in a surgical patient? Hypovolemia
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common cause of esophageal perforation? Iatrogenic
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common position of anal fissure? posterior
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common cause of large bowel obstruction? Colon cancer
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common type of colonic volvulus? Sigmoid volvulus
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common cause of fever <48 hours post-op? Atelectasis
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common chest x-ray finding with traumatic thoracic aorta injury? Widened
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common abdominal organ injured in blunt abdominal trauma? Liver
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common abdominal organ injured in penetrating abdominal trauma? Small
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common benign tumor of the liver? Hemangioma
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common malignancy of the liver? Mets

What is the most common pneumonia in the ICU? Gram-negative bacteria

---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common cause of epidural hematoma injury? Middle meningeal artery injury
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common cause of lower GI bleeding? Upper GI Bleeding
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common hernia? Inguinal (right > left)
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common cancer in females? Lung
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common cancer in males? Prostate
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common cause of free peritoneal air? Perforated PUD
---------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common site of colon cancer hematogenous mets? Liver

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