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Prolog Source Code

Prior to beginning the design of the rules, you should study a sample expert sys
tem for diagnosing car problems in order to define rules for diagnosing the appl
iance described by the user manual you have been given in class.
Here are some instructions for running the sample expert system:
Download the expert shell (see also below): exshell.pl
Download the knowledge base containing the rules, and save it in the same folder
as the expert shell (see also below): cars.pl
To run SWI-Prolog in Windows, start 'plwin.exe' or double-click the Prolog file
in Explorer. Load the expert system shell and the cars knowledge base by typing:
?- consult(exshell).
?- consult(cars).
Ignore warnings about 'Singleton variables'. For further information go to Prolo
g Resources).
Start the program:
?- solve.
The program will ask you questions. Eventually the program succeeds (it comes up
with a recommendation, prints a justification for this recommendation, and then
prints 'Yes') or fails (cannot make a recommendation). If the program cannot ma
ke a recommendation, that means either the car is not broken, or the knowledge b
ase does not have the information needed to diagnose the problem.
The Cars Database
% This is the sample automotive diagnostic knowledge base for use
% with the EXSHELL expert system shell.
% When running it, be sure to load it with the file containing
% To start it, give PROLOG the goal:
% solve.
% Knowledge Base for simple automotive diagnostic expert system.
% Top level goal, starts search.
rule((fix(Advice) :(bad_component(X),fix(X, Advice))), 100).
% rules to infer bad component of the failed system:
rule((bad_component(starter) :(bad_system(starter_system),lights(come_on))),50).
rule((bad_component(battery) :(bad_system(starter_system),not(lights(come_on)))),90).
rule((bad_component(timing) :(bad_system(ignition_system), not(tuned_recently))),80).
rule((bad_component(plugs) :(bad_system(ignition_system),plugs(dirty))),90).
rule((bad_component(ignition_wires) :(bad_system(ignition_system),
not(plugs(dirty)), tuned_recently)),80).
% Rules to infer system that failed.
rule((bad_system(starter_system) :(not(car_starts), not(turns_over))),90).
rule((bad_system(ignition_system) :(not(car_starts), turns_over,gas_in_carb)),80).
rule((bad_system(ignition_system) :(runs(rough),gas_in_carb)),80).
rule((bad_system(ignition_system) :(car_starts, runs(dies),gas_in_carb)),60).
% Rules to make reccommendation for repairs.
rule(fix(starter, 'replace starter'),100).

rule(fix(battery, 'replace or recharge battery'),100).

rule(fix(timing, 'get the timing adjusted'),100).
rule(fix(plugs, 'replace spark plugs'),100).
rule(fix(ignition_wires, 'check ignition wires'),100).
% askable descriptions
The Expert Shell Database
% This is exshell.pl, an expert-system shell, written in Prolog. It is a
% slight modification of the code at
% http://www.cs.appstate.edu/~blk/cs4440/java/rule-prolog/exshell
%The diagnosis is initiated by the goal 'solve'.
solve :- solve(fix(X),CF), nl.
solve :- retractall(know(_,_)),
write('There is insufficient knowledge to make a diagnosis'),
% The notation "solve/2" means "solve with 2 arguments".
% solve/2 succeeds with
% argument 1 bound to a goal proven true using the current knowledge base
% argument 2 bound to the confidence in that goal.
% solve/2 calls solve/4 with appropriate arguments. After solve/4 has completed
% it writes the conclusions and prints a trace.
solve(Goal, CF) :retractall(known(_,_)),
solve(Goal, CF, [], 20), % use 20 as the threshold for pruning rules
write(Goal), write(' was concluded with certainty '), write(CF), nl,nl,
build_proof(Goal, _, Proof),nl,
write('The proof is '),nl,nl,
write_proof(Proof, 0), nl,nl.
%solve/4 succeeds with
% argument 1 bound to a goal proven true using the current knowledge base
% argument 2 bound to the confidence in that goal.
% argument 3 bound to the current rule stack
% argument 4 bound to the threshold for pruning rules.
%solve/4 is the heart of exshell. In this version, I have gone back to the
% simpler version. It still has problems with negation, but I think that
% this is more a result of problems with the semantics of Stanford Certainty
% factors than a bug in the program.
% The pruning threshold will vary between 20 and -20, depending whether,
% we are trying to prove the current goal true or false.
% solve/4 handles conjunctive predicates, rules, user queries and negation.
% If a predicate cannot be solved using rules, it will call it as a PROLOG predi
% Case 1: truth value of goal is already known
solve(Goal, CF, _, Threshold) :known(Goal, CF),!,
above_threshold(CF, Threshold).
% Case 2: negated goal
solve( not(Goal), CF, Rules, Threshold) :- !,

invert_threshold(Threshold, New_threshold),
solve(Goal, CF_goal, Rules, New_threshold),
negate_cf(CF_goal, CF).
% Case 3: conjunctive goals
solve((Goal_1,Goal_2), CF, Rules, Threshold) :- !,
solve(Goal_1, CF_1, Rules, Threshold),
above_threshold(CF_1, Threshold),
solve(Goal_2, CF_2, Rules, Threshold),
above_threshold(CF_2, Threshold),
and_cf(CF_1, CF_2, CF).
%Case 4: backchain on a rule in knowledge base
solve(Goal, CF, Rules, Threshold) :rule((Goal :- (Premise)), CF_rule),
solve(Premise, CF_premise,
[rule((Goal :- Premise), CF_rule)|Rules], Threshold),
rule_cf(CF_rule, CF_premise, CF),
above_threshold(CF, Threshold).
%Case 5: fact assertion in knowledge base
solve(Goal, CF, _, Threshold) :rule(Goal, CF),
above_threshold(CF, Threshold).
% Case 6: ask user
solve(Goal, CF, Rules, Threshold) :askable(Goal),
askuser(Goal, CF, Rules),!,
assert(known(Goal, CF)),
above_threshold(CF, Threshold).
% Case 7A: All else fails, see if goal can be solved in prolog.
% solve(Goal, 100, _, _) :% call(Goal).
% Certainty factor predicates. Currently, these implement a variation of
% the MYCIN certainty factor algebra.
% The certainty algebra may be changed by modifying these predicates.
% negate_cf/2
% argument 1 is a certainty factor
% argument 2 is the negation of that certainty factor
negate_cf(CF, Negated_CF) :Negated_CF is -1 * CF.
% and_cf/3
% arguments 1 & 2 are certainty factors of conjoined predicates
% argument 3 is the certainty factor of the conjunction
and_cf(A, B, A) :- A =< B.
and_cf(A, B, B) :- B < A.
% argument 1 is the confidence factor given with a rule
% argument 2 is the confidence inferred for the premise
% argument 3 is the confidence inferred for the conclusion
rule_cf(CF_rule, CF_premise, CF) :CF is CF_rule * CF_premise/100.
% argument 1 is a certainty factor
% argument 2 is a threshold for pruning
% If the threshold, T, is positive, assume we are trying to prove the goal
% true. Succeed if CF >= T.
% If T is negative, assume we are trying to prove the goal
% false. Succeed if CF <= T.
above_threshold(CF, T) :T >= 0, CF >= T.

above_threshold(CF, T) :T < 0, CF =< T.

% argument 1 is a threshold
% argument 2 is that threshold inverted to account for a negated goal.
% If we are trying to prove not(p), then we want to prove p false.
% Consequently, we should prune proofs of p if they cannot prove it
% false. This is the role of threshold inversion.
invert_threshold(Threshold, New_threshold) :New_threshold is -1 * Threshold.
% Predicates to handle user interactions. As is typical, these
% constitute the greatest bulk of the program.
% askuser/3
% argument 1 is a goal whose truth is to be asked of the user.
% argument 2 is the confidence the user has in that goal
% argument 3 is the current rule stack (used for why queries).
% askuser prints the query, followed by a set of instructions.
% it reads the response and calls respond/4 to handle that response
askuser(Goal, CF, Rules) :nl,write('Is it true that '), write(Goal), nl,
write('? '),
respond(Answer,Goal, CF, Rules).
% argument 1 is the user response
% argument 2 is the goal presented to the user
% argument 3 is the CF obtained for that goal
% argument 4 is the current rule stack (used for why queries).
% The basic scheme of respond/4 is to examine the response and return
% the certainty for the goal if possible.
% If the response is a why query, how query, etc., it processes the query
% and then calls askuser to re prompt the user.
% Case 1: user enters a valid confidence factor.
respond(CF, _, CF, _) :number(CF),
CF =< 100, CF >= -100.
% Case 2: user enters 'n' for no. Return a confidence factor of -1.0
respond(n, _, -100, _).
% Case 3: user enters 'y' for yes. Return a confidence factor of 1.0
respond(y, _, 100, _).
% Case 4: user enters a pattern that matches the goal. This is useful if
% the goal has variables that need to be bound.
respond(Goal, Goal, CF, _) :write('Enter confidence in answer'), nl,
% Case 5: user enters a why query
respond(why, Goal, CF, [Rule|Rules]) :write_rule(Rule),
askuser(Goal, CF, Rules).
respond(why, Goal, CF, []) :write('Back to top of rule stack.'),
askuser(Goal, CF, []).
% Case 6: User enters a how query. Build and print a proof
respond(how(X), Goal, CF, Rules) :-

build_proof(X, CF_X, Proof),!,

write(X), write(' was concluded with certainty '), write(CF_X), nl,nl,
write('The proof is '),nl,nl,
write_proof(Proof, 0), nl,nl,
askuser(Goal, CF, Rules).
% User enters how query, could not build proof
respond(how(X), Goal, CF, Rules):write('The truth of '), write(X), nl,
write('is not yet known.'), nl,
askuser(Goal, CF, Rules).
% Case 7: User asks for the rules that conclude a certain predicate
respond(rule(X), _, _, _) :write('The following rules conclude about '), write(X),nl,nl,
rule((X :- Premise), CF),
write(rule((X :- Premise), CF)), nl,
respond(rule(_),Goal, CF, Rules) :askuser(Goal, CF, Rules).
% Case 8: User asks for help.
respond(help, Goal, CF, Rules) :print_instructions,
askuser(Goal, CF, Rules).
%Case 9: User wants to stop running the program.
respond(halt,_, _, _) :- write(' Thanks for using the diagnosis system.'),
nl, nl, abort.
%Case 10: Unrecognized input
respond(_, Goal,CF, Rules) :write('Unrecognized response.'),nl,
askuser(Goal, CF, Rules).
% argument 1 is the goal being traced.
% argument 2 is the CF of that goal
% argument 3 is the proof tree
% build_proof does not do threshold pruning, so it can show
% the proof for even goals that would not succeed.
build_proof(Goal, CF, ((Goal,CF) :- given)) :known(Goal, CF),!.
build_proof(not(Goal), CF, not(Proof)) :- !,
build_proof(Goal, CF_goal, Proof),
negate_cf(CF_goal, CF).
build_proof((Goal_1, Goal_2), CF, (Proof_1, Proof_2)) :- !,
build_proof(Goal_1, CF_1, Proof_1),
build_proof(Goal_2, CF_2, Proof_2),
and_cf(CF_1, CF_2, CF).
build_proof(Goal, CF, ((Goal,CF) :- Proof)) :rule((Goal :- (Premise)), CF_rule),
build_proof(Premise, CF_premise, Proof),
rule_cf(CF_rule, CF_premise, CF).
build_proof(Goal, CF, ((Goal, CF):- fact)) :rule(Goal, CF).
% build_proof(Goal, 1, ((Goal, 1):- call)) :% call(Goal).
% write_proof/2
% argument 1 is a portion of a proof tree
% argument 2 is the depth of that portion (for indentation)
% writes out a proof tree in a readable format
write_proof(((Goal,CF) :- given), Level) :indent(Level),

write(Goal), write(' CF= '), write(CF),

write(' was given by the user'), nl,!.
write_proof(((Goal, CF):- fact), Level) :indent(Level),
write(Goal), write(' CF= '), write(CF),
write(' was a fact in the knowledge base'), nl,!.
write_proof(((Goal, CF):- call), Level) :indent(Level),
write(Goal), write(' CF= '), write(CF),
write(' was proven by a call to prolog'), nl,!.
write_proof(((Goal,CF) :- Proof), Level) :indent(Level),
write(Goal), write(' CF= '), write(CF), write(' :-'), nl,
New_level is Level + 1,
write_proof(Proof, New_level),!.
write_proof(not(Proof), Level) :indent(Level),
New_level is Level + 1,
write_proof(Proof, New_level),!.
write_proof((Proof_1, Proof_2), Level) :write_proof(Proof_1, Level),
write_proof(Proof_2, Level),!.
% indent/1
% argument 1 is the number of units to indent
indent(I) :write('
I_new is I - 1,
% Prints all options for user responses
print_instructions :nl,
write('Hello. Please answer my questions with one of the following:'),
"y.", which means "yes" (confidence value 100).'), nl,
"n.", which means "no" (confidence value -100).'), nl,
A number followed by a period. The number, which should be'), nl,
between -100 and 100, is your confidence in the truth of the query.'
), nl,
"why." to get an explanation of why I ask this question.'),nl,
"how(X)." to find out how confident I am in concluding X,'),nl,
and how I reached that conclusion.'),nl,
"rule(X)." to display all rules that conclude about X.'),nl,
"halt." to terminate consultation.'),nl,
"help." to print this message.'), nl.
% write_rule/1
% argument 1 is a rule specification
% writes out the rule in a readable format
write_rule(rule((Goal :- (Premise)), CF)) :write(Goal), write('if'), nl,
write('CF = '), write(CF), nl.
write_rule(rule(Goal, CF)) :write(Goal),nl,
write('CF = '), write(CF), nl.
% write_premise
% argument 1 is a rule premise
% writes it in a readable format.

write_premise((Premise_1, Premise_2)) :!, write_premise(Premise_1),

write_premise(not(Premise)) :!, write('
'), write(not),write(' '), write(Premise),nl.
write_premise(Premise) :write('
'), write(Premise),nl.
% Utility Predicates.
retractall(X) :- retract(X), fail.
retractall(X) :- retract((X:-Y)), fail.

Intelligent systems, particularly expert systems for diagnosis and treatment,

have been developed for use in a range of medical contexts:
medical practitioners - hospital doctors, nurses, GP s, consultants, A & E depts,
operating theatre, but also nursing home staff, sometimes parents, patients them
basic tasks - diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, monitoring
People in the medical field have difficult decisions to make and have certain ch
allenges to face:
they may have to decide who gets treated first and who gets sent home - the "tri
age" situation
GP's have to decide whether to visit a patient or leave them until surgery
their knowledge may be out of date
decision makers in emergency situations may not have access to test results befo
re having to decide on treatment
they may have fallen into "diagnostic habits"
they typically have limited time to read journals or go to conferences
they may have no experience of a particular rare condition and therefore not rec
ognise it or not know how to deal with it
the specialists whom an a doctor might like to consult may be in different part
of country or world
a treatment may cost so much they hesitate to suggest it
they may be unsure about their diagnosis and want to check it with someone more
they may be under time pressure
they may not be aware of modern drugs, drug interactions, guidelines on drug usa
ge, contra-indications
MYCIN: medical diagnosis using production rules
MYCIN was the first well known medical expert system developed by Shortliffe at
Stanford University to help doctors, not expert in antimicrobial drugs, prescrib
e such drugs for blood infections. MYCIN has three sub-systems:
Consultation system
Explanation System
Rule Acquisition system
Basic medical tasks when prescribing drugs for blood infections:
is the patient suffering from an infection? (BUT bacteria occur normally; and sa
mples can be contaminated)
what s the organism?
which drugs are appropriate? (some drugs too toxic for safe use; no single anitb
iotic is generally effective)

which one(s) to select?

lab tests - quickly for morphology, staining characteristics; later (24-48 hrs)
for full identification; later still (1 - 2 days for sensitivity to antimicrobia
l agents)
To consider when prescribing treatment:
possible type of microbe
age, weight and sex of patient
kidney function
likely effectiveness of antimicrobial agents
oral, intravenous, intramuscular administration
Problems that occur with drug prescription
non-expert doctors don t go through this process - prescribe habitual choice
overprescription (e.g. for viral illnesses) estimated at time at 10-20 times nec
wastes money
can make for resistant strains of organisms
1. Mycin s Consultation System
- works out possible organisms and suggests treatments
Rule base
rules stored as premise -action pairs
premises are conjunctions and disjunctions of conditions
conditions normally evaluate to True or False, with some certainty factor on the
evidence. Rules also have certainty factors. Combined to form new certainty fac
certainty factor - degree of belief attached to information
actions are either conclusions (e.g. microbe is type X) or instruction (e.g. rem
ove drug from list of possibles)
Example rule (in doctorese, pseudo-LISP):
1) the stain of the organism is gramneg and
2) the morphology of the organism is rod and
3) the aerobicity of the organism is aerobic
there is strongly suggestive evidence (0.8) that the class of the organism is en
Static and dynamic data structures
Static data structures
These store medical knowledge not suitable for storage as inferential rules: inc
ludes lists of organisms, knowledge tables with features of bacteria types, list
sof parameters
Parameters = features of patients, bacterial cultures, drugs
Parameters can be Y/N (e.g. FEBRILE), single value (e.g. IDENTITY - if it s salmon
ella it can t be another organism as well) or multi-value (e.g. INFECT - patient c
an have more than one infection)

Parameter properties
EXPECT range of possible values
PROMPT English sentence to elicit reponse
LABDATA can be known for certain from Lab data
LOOKAHEAD lists rules mentioning the parameter in their premise (e.g. a rule mig
ht need to know whether or not a patient is febrile)
UPDATED-BY lists rules mentioning the parameter in their action (i.e. they may d
raw a conclusion about the value of the parameter, such as the IDENTITY paramete
Dynamic data structures store information about the evolving case - the patient
details, possible diagnoses, rules consulted:
Example piece of dynamic data:
To evaluate the premise of the rule mentioned above:
from following data
MORPH = (ROD 0.8) (COCCUS 0.2)
AIR = (AEROBIC 0.6) (FACUL 0.4)
Total value of whole expression is lowest certainty value = 0.6
Conclusion is therefore:
(CONCLUDE ORGANISM-1 is enterobacteriaceae 0.48 ( = 0.6 (CF of premise) x 0.8 (C
F of rule))
(In disjunctive premise, total value of whole expression is highest certainty va
Control structure
MYCIN first attempts to create a "patient context" containing information about
the case, then tries to compile a list of therapies for the context.
It uses a backward chaining mechanism, reasoning back friom the goals it want st
o prove to the data it has, rather than vice versa. The overall goal is "compile
a list of therapies".
Questions can be prompted by the invocation of rules, to find out necessary data
, to avoid unnecessary questions.
2. The Explanation System
MYCIN can answer questions about HOW a conclusion was reached and WHY a question

was asked, either after a consultation or while it is going on.

It does this by manipulating its record of the rules it invoked, the goal it was
trying to achieve, the information it was trying to discover.
Can also answer general questions (e.g. what would you prescribe for organism X?
) by consulting its static data structures.
3. The Rule Acquisition System
Experts can enter new rules or edit existing rules. The system automatically add
s the new rule to the LOOKAHEAD list for all parameters mentioned in its premise
, and to the UPDATED-BY list of all paramters mentioned in its action.
Evaluation of MYCIN
Initial evaluation: five experts agreed with 72% of its recommendations over 15
In later experiment, MYCIN s performance was rated against senior and on-senior do
Faculty 1
Faculty 2
Fellow 48
Faculty 3
Actual therapy 46
Faculty 4
Faculty 5
Student 24
A Typical Consultation Session
1. Patient Information
1) Patient s name
2) Age
34 years
3) Sex
6) Please enter results of pending cultures in table:
CSF 1234 30.1 YES
10) Do you suspect PT538 may have an infection at a site from which you have not

obtained specimens?
15) Has PT538 recently had objective evidence of abnormal neurologic signs (e.g.
seizures, coma) documented by physician?
The CSF culture will be considered to be associated with meningitis.
17) Does PT538 have an abnormal chest x-ray?
18) Has PT538 been exposed to any contagious diseases recently?
27) Please enter CSF findings in table:
WBC %PMN Protein CSFglucose Periph-glucose
100 99 280 5 UNKNOWN
35) Is meningitis a hospital-acquired infection?
39) is PT538 a burns patient?
I have found evidence (RULE545 RULE557)that treatment should cover for e-coli ca
using meningitis
I have found evidence (RULE545 RULE557 RULE578)that treatment should cover for p
seudomaonas aeruginosa causing meningitis
I have found evidence (RULE545 RULE557 RULE578)that treatment should cover for K
lebsiella pneumoniae causing meningitis
I have found evidence (RULE507)that treatment should cover for Diplococcus-pneum
oniae causing meningitis
It is important to cover for the following infection(s) and associated organism(
<item 1>e-coli
<item 2>pseudomaonas aeruginosa
<item 3>Klebsiella pneumoniae

<item 4>Diplococcus-pneumoniae
41) Does PT538 have a clinically significant allergic reaction to any antimicrob
ial agent?
43) PT538 s weight in kilograms:
Recommendation 1
My preferred therapy is as follows:
In order to cover for items <1 2 3 4>
give the following in combination:
Dose 3.5g q4h IV
Dose 119 mg q8h IV
Since high concentration of penicilllins can inactivate aminoglycosides do not m
ix these two antibiotics in the same IV bottle.
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