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Plugin name: ArchonGangs
This plugin is a gangs plugin, designed around the concept of having teams for p
This plugin should include the following:
- Prefix variable in chat such as {GANGNAME} that will work with essentials.
The {GANGNAME} must include a format in the plugins config.yml such as "&c[%Gang
Name%&c]" that is configurable with color codes as well as format codes.
- A prefix above the players head, in the name tag (in a separate row), that wil
l show display the gang name + format defined in the config.
- Gang names must have all symbols blocked apart from 0-9 and A-Z + 'underscore'
- configurable max gang name length.
- gang accumulative kill counter / death counter and kdr statistic per gang.
- /gang create {GangName} - will display a public message in game on gang creati
on, configurable (language.yml).
- /gang leave - forces the player to leave their current gang, and will display
a message to the user ONLY - if not currently in a gang will display a configura
ble chat message (language.yml).
- /gang disband ({gangname}-admin rights) - Removes all member for the gang and
deletes it from the data base, eg "gangs.db". - if gang not specified, the gang
the player is in will be disbanded.
- /gang invite {playername} - will send an invitation to the specified player to
allow them to join the gang.
- /gang join {GangName}/{PlayerName} - will allow the specified player to join t
he gang only if they have been invited.
- /gang promote {playername} - promotes the specified user in gang from whatever
rank they are, to the next rank gang. ie [Recruit] [Mod] [Admin] [Leader], the
highest being leader.
- /gang demote {playername} - demotes the specified user in the gang from whatev
er rank they are, to the next rank below them. ^ - if a player is [admin] he can
promote up to the group [mod], if the player is [leader] he can promote up to t
he group [admin]
- /gang list - list all gangs, displaying 5 entries per page. - Gangs should be
ordered by amount of players in that gang online at the time. [recruit] [mod] [a
dmin] [leader] can all use this command.
- /gang name/tag ({gang} - admin rights) {NewGangName} - changes the current gan
g name to the on specified, only [admin] + [leader] can use this command.
- /gang kick {username} ({gangname} - admin rights) - kicks the specified user f
rom the gang. [recruit] cannot kick, [mod] can only kick recruits, [admin] can k
ick mods and recruits, [leader] can kick anyone.
- /gang open - Bypasses /gang invite {playername} and anyone can join while the
gang status is set to "open".
- /gang close - opposite of above.
- /gang info {gangname} - shows info about specified gang, if no gang specified,
shows own current gangs info, if not in gang displayers language.yml message. this command shows info about the gang, such as gang total kills, gang kdr (kil
l death ratio) and gang deaths.
- /gang ally {gangname} - creates an allieship with the specified gang - you can
not hurt allies - every time you try to hurt someone there's a custom message. gang tag above head will be color: &d - interchangeable in language.yml
- /gang enemy {gangname} - creates an enemy status - gang tag above head will be
color:&c - interchangeable in language.yml
- /gang neutral {gangname} - sets the gang status in relation to the specified g
ang as neutral - gang tag above head is color:&b - interchangeable in language.y

- /gang help - shows all commands with a description - must be fully editable in
- /gang reload - Admin rights only - reloads the config.yml, language.yml, and g
Additional requests:
%gangkills% variable that will work with "EZRanksLite" plugin scoreboard
%gangonline% - variable that will work with "EZRanksLite" pugin scoreboard - wil
l display how many of your gang members are online.
%gangKdr% - variable that will work with "EZranksLite" plugin scoreboard - will
display your current gangs kdr
%gang% - varibale that will work with "EZRanksLite" plugin scoreboard - will dis
play your gang name.
Additional information / explanations:
- "Admin rights" - referring to server administrators - ie admin could type /gan
g disband test, and it would disband that specified gang.
- /gang info, should also list what gangs that specified gang are allies with, a
nd enemies with.
- gang info should be saved once every 1 minute ie - allies, enemies, gangs, gan
g tags, gang members, etc.
(For potential glitch reasons I would prefer to have every command specific to a
certain permission aswell as a group.
- archongangs.general.create
- archongangs.general.leave
- archongangs.general.disband
- archongangs.general.invite
- archongangs.general.join
- archongangs.general.promote
- archongangs.general.demote
- archongangs.general.list
- archongangs.general.name
- archongangs.general.kick
- archongangs.general.open
- archongangs.general.close
- archongangs.general.info
- archongangs.general.ally
- archongangs.general.enemy
- archongangs.general.neutral
- archongangs.general.help


- archongangs.general.*
- archongangs.admin.*
NOTE: I have undoubtedly missed points, and will want to have more features incl
uded as they come to mind.
Edit, extras:
- /g as an alias for /gang

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