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Living together with Christ

Opening prayer: Almighty God, Our Heavenly Father, we thank you for this day that you have given us. We thank you
for all the love that has been given to us, for the love of family and friends, and above all for your love poured out upon us
in every moment of our lives. May you forgive our sins and all our wrongdoings. May you give us the will and courage to
face our sins and avoid them, following the example of Christ in every step. Please guide us in our everyday lives, in our
studies, and social relationships so that we may become better individuals of the society ultimately serving God our
Father. This we ask in Jesus' name, our provider and savior, Amen.
Biblical Reading: Colossians 3:1-4
Reflection: Basing from our reflection on the biblical text, the message is that we must not focus on material things
Sharing of life experienced related
Prayers of the Faithful: Let us lift to the Lord our needs, for Jesus said: ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall
find, knock and it shall be opened, for every prayer let us respond: Lord hear Our Prayer
1. We pray for the Holy Catholic Church, for Francis our pope, Carlito our bishop, and for all bishops, priests,
deacons, and laymen and women, we pray to the Lord: Lord Hear Our Prayer
2. We pray for the leaders of the nations, that they would promote life, peace, and justice, and work together for the
common good, we pray to the Lord: Lord Hear Our Prayer
3. We pray for our local community and its needs: that we would act as witnesses to the love and mercy of Christ as
we love our neighbors as ourselves, we pray to the Lord: Lord Hear Our Prayer
4. We pray for our parish community and its needs: that we would open ourselves to the transforming message of the
gospel and heed the call of Christ to serve him and one another, we pray to the Lord: Lord Hear Our Prayer
5. We pray for those who are sick, suffering, or homeless, and for the poor and unemployed, we pray to the Lord:
Lord Hear Our Prayer
6. We pray for all those who have died, we pray to the Lord: Lord Hear Our Prayer
7. We pray for our own needs and personal intentions, that we now recall in our hearts [pause for 10 seconds], we
pray to the Lord: Lord Hear Our Prayer
All: Grant us all our said and unsaid petitions according to your will through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Closing Song: One More Gift
Refrain :
If theres one more gift
Id ask of you,
Lord it would be peace here on earth
as gentle as your childrens laughter
All around, all around
Verse 1:
Your people have grown weary
Of living in confusion
When will we realize

That neither heaven is at peace

When we will live not in peace
Verse 2:
Grant me serenity within
For the confusions around
Are mere reflections..
Of whats within..
Whats within in me?

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