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A pair of jumper cables walks into a bar.

Bartender says: Ill serve you, but dont s

tart anything. Matthew Norwood
A dhcp packet walks into a bar and asks for a beer. Bartender says , here, but Ill
need that back in an hour! @brandoncarroll:
An LSA Type 6 packet walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a drink. The ba
rtender ignores him. @someclown
An LSA Type 2 packet walks into a bar and asks for a beer. Bartender says here, bu
t dont leave the area with it. @someclown
ICMP packet walks into a bar from warehouse and announces no more beer @fsmonteneg
Sometimes I feel like a multicast packet. Ask 10 differenet people how to get so
mewhere and get 10 different answers. @jodylemoine
An RTP packet walks into a bar through the wrong entrance. The barman says Youre n
ot getting any special treatment @xchewtoyx
A multicast packet walks into a bar and leaves by four different exits at the sa
me time @xchewtoyx

Knock Knock whos there? Denial of Service Attack Den? Sn(kRzIhAw]BoKaoOv0liZPhl~Fa

eaLp|ExleT @MattGordonSmith
A BGP Update walks into a CRS-1. He walks back out with a corrupt optional trans
itive attribute. @xchewtoyx
A DNS packet walks into a liquor store where do I find beer ABC?. Clerk: aisle 4,
top row on the right. @fsmontenegro
An IPv6 packet walks into a bar. Nobody talks to him. @fsmontenegro
A tcp packet walks in to a bar and says I want a beer, barman says you want a beer?
and tcp packet says yes, a beer @stevie_chambers
Dhcp pkt stands on a dark street and shouts does anyone have a beer!? A bartender
of a nearby bar says sure come on in, lets see the menu. You can have this beer.
Patron says can I have this beer? Bartender Aye. But I will need the glass back..er
unless you still want it! anonymous
A Network Engineers tell a joke in a full bar. One man laughs. They start talkin
g about NX-OS and have a blast. @icemarkom
Q. How do you catch an Ether Bunny.
A. With an Ethernet!!
Q. What did the OSPF router say to the other OSPF router ?
A. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello.
Five routers walk into a bar. Who gets the car keys? The Designated Router. @sco
DNS is the root of all problems @jimbofx

Five routers walk into a bar. Who gets the car keys? The Designated Router.
An ARP request goes to McDonalds and asks for a Big MAC
Q. What did the OSPF router say to the other OSPF router? Hello. Hello. Hello. H
ello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello
I heard a great one about IPSEC, but you wouldnt get it its an inside joke.
The problem with UDP jokes: I dont get half of them.
TCP must be religious Why? Because it all starts with a SYN
Telling a lot of bluetooth jokes will reduce the bandwidth of your WiFi jokes.
Serial jokes must be told bit by bit.
If you have experienced an ICMP joke, ping me.
The worst thing about broadcast storm jokes is that everyones already heard them
a hundred times.
IP packet with TTL=1 arrives at bar. Bartender: Sorry, cant let you leaveand you do
nt get any beer either

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