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Eight steps to a powerful life :: Intention to Manifestation

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March 2015

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By Sanjiv Ranjan

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Sanjiv Ranjan embarks on a journey from intention to manifestation that will help you achieve your hearts


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You are what your deepest desire is. As your desire is, so is your intention. As your intention is, so is your will. As your will is, so is


your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny.

The Brihidaranayaka Upanishad
An intention is a directed impulse of consciousness that contains the seed form of that
which you aim to create. Like real seeds, intentions cant grow if you hold on to them.
Only when you release your intentions into the fertile depths of your consciousness can
they grow and flourish. Unfortunately, unconsciousness is the default setting for most of
us. Consciousness has to become a habit, for it to manifest powerful experiences in your
What is consciousness? It is an active state of being where one is aware of the moment,
ones desires, ones actions and ones thoughts. On the other hand, unconsciousness is a
passive state of being where one is


Trapped in the past/future


Unaware of the present moment


Unaware of ones thoughts, actions, desires and beliefs.

Let us now see and experience the two states firsthand so that you know the difference between them.

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Sit quietly for a few minutes.

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Close your eyes and focus on your breath.


Focus on the incoming breath and bring it to your awareness.


Likewise focus on the outgoing breath.

Set an alarm for 10 minutes
You can do it now.
Understanding the exercise
What did you notice?
Initially for a few moments you were aware of your breath but very soon you lost awareness of it. Your mind drifted off



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into a daisy chain of thoughts, thoughts which were random, unorganized, and unrelated.
The time spent in awareness of your breath was consciousness. The time spent in aimless wandering of your mind was
Now give a ratio to the time spent in the two states.
You will notice that the time spent in consciousness was only a fraction of the time spent in unconsciousness.
This is the fundamental reason why manifestation of an experience/reality is not so easy for even those who fervently
preach that you have a free will, that you have the power to choose your experiences, and that you can create your own
But with a step-by-step process you can easily learn how to manifest realities that you want in your life. With strong intent
and, of course, practice. Remember, anything which is practiced enough, becomes practical. So lets go on an easy





and, of course, practice. Remember, anything which is practiced enough, becomes practical. So lets go on an easy
enjoyable eight-step journey into the world of intentions and manifestations.
The first step
Manifestation of an experience is a function of intention woven into
In other words you need to have a strong intent and you have to be
If you have a strong intent but are trapped in the default unconscious
setting that most people are in, manifestation will be random, chaotic or
delayed. Your inner contradictions will overrule your intent, and manifest
as circumstances which will challenge you heavily and deplete your joy.
So from now onwards you just have to be careful of two things
(1) Have a strong intent
Write it down. When you write an intent, you write it in positive words as a want. For eg. I want more money. I want to be
You do not write : I dont want to be poor. I do not want to have scarcity of money.
The focus has to shift from what you dont want to what you want.
(2) Practise consciousness
Several times in the day, remind yourself to become conscious. Focus on your breath.
Lie down in a comfortable position on your bed.
Bring your focus onto your breathing. This collects your scattered energy.
Breathe consciously for a few seconds and then slowly bring your intent into your awareness.
Think of it as having manifested. How would you be feeling in that moment? Feel it intensely, allow your emotions to flow.
Give the moment of manifestation a visual image in your mind. For eg, if it is promotion you wanted, then see yourself
feeling happy and energised in your new position. Say a small prayer of gratitude to the Universe for manifesting your
intent. Hold these images and thoughts for as long as possible.
The second step

Distillation of thoughts: The DOT Technique

The next step towards manifestation of your intention is to distil your random thoughts. Thoughts which are aligned
towards a common outcome are said to be coherent. They have much more energy than thoughts which are
contradicting each other. Manifestation requires energy.
Thoughts which are random, which focus upon negative outcomes, deplete your vital brain energy. They are a waste of
precious time and energy. How can we alter random thoughts and get used to coherent thinking? By being aware of
them. You cant fight random thoughts but by being aware of them, they slowly disappear.
The process through which we nurture thoughts which facilitate manifestation is known as the DOT Technique, distilling
of thoughts.
But before you distil your thoughts, it is important to review and distil your intent in the context of what you really want.
DOT Exercise 1
Go back to Lesson 1 where you have noted your intent. Read it carefully. Is it what you really want?
For eg, you may have written I want a promotion.
Is it a promotion you want? Or more money? An increment? More authority? More responsibility, less accountability?
Think about what it is that you actually want and pen down your distilled intent.
The more clarity you have about what you want, the easier it is to manifest.
DOT Exercise 2
This exercise will train you to have coherent thoughts, thoughts which amplify the energy of your mind instead of





depleting it. Because in the end, manifestation is energy work. It is subtle energy which will precipitate the gross events
that you desire.
The subtle world is a sensitive world where everything matters. You cannot afford to have contradictions/conflicts. You
have to harness your mind and harnessing the mind is like harnessing a bunch of wild monkeys running amok. It is not
difficult, though; it simply needs practice.
So now think about your intent and the desired outcome.
Let your thoughts run loose for about 15 minutes. After 15 minutes write down as many thoughts about your intent and
outcome as it is possible for you to remember.
Look at what you have written till now. You will notice that there are several themes in your thought process. There is very
little coherence. Some thoughts may be cancelling each other, some may be doubtful or fearful in essence, some may
negate your intent, while some are full of hope.
The main point is that the energy of your thoughts is scattered.
Look at the list and start the distillation process. Strike off the thoughts which are negative in intent or which lower your
energy. Keep only the thoughts which lead to the desired outcome.
Decide that from now on, you will be vigilant. That you will be conscious. Thoughts which do not lead to the outcome will
be regularly filtered. All you need to do is to be aware. Awareness, on its own, will distil your thoughts.
For eg, if you want a promotion, there is no point in thinking of all the reasons why it cant happen. There is no point in
thinking whether you deserve it or not.
Focus on wanting the promotion and look for all the possible ways it can happen. Slowly, coherent thinking will become a
Consciousness will become a habit. Be patient and gentle with yourself.
You are honing a very powerful faculty. Once it is honed, the fruits are rich.
The Third Step
Sleeping with the intent
Of all the hours during the day, the half hour before you go to sleep is the
most vital. It is also the time when our thoughts are most random. We
ponder over the various things that happened during the day. We think
about tomorrow, we have conversations in our head with the people we
have met.
But sleep time is when you need to be aware of your intent the most. You
have to carry it with you into sleep, because your conscious mind will
turn your intent over to your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind
is the bigger, more powerful mind. It has huge resources available to it.
Sleep time is also where your consciousness moves out of your body, at times. It has access to the subtle astral world,
where manifestation is easier. If you have your intent in place while you drift into sleep then your subconscious mind
works on it. At times, it can give you very vital clues through your dreams. At times you wake up with a powerful solution
that seems to come from out of the box. All inventors have benefitted from this.
The fourth step
The next important step is waking up to your intent
On most days, we wake up in a hurry with no time to languish in bed. Immediately, the days tasks, the people we will be
meeting, pending work, incomplete sleep, everything takes over all at once, overwhelming us, leaving us with no time to
hold on to a sweet dream, a sweet moment, a tender thought
We scramble to work with our scattered energy hanging in the void between our thoughts.
You can alter this. It is not a compulsion to wake up like this. This is just a habit that can be altered and enhanced to a
more life-nurturing one.
Waking up to your intent exercise
Today in the morning when you wake up, dont rush out of bed. Give yourself a few minutes. Become aware of yourself.
Become aware of your surroundings.
Become aware of the various sounds around you. You are now in a tremendous present moment awareness.
Now take this energy to your intent. Become aware of your intent, think of it as having manifested. Feel gratitude for its





Now take this energy to your intent. Become aware of your intent, think of it as having manifested. Feel gratitude for its

manifestation. Feel joy as you get out of bed. If any negative or depleting thoughts arise then just become aware of them.
Remind yourself that they are not necessary.
Rise out of bed and start your day.
Start your day with this powerful meditation which will align you with the Supreme Intelligence which created the
universe, which created life.
Meditate to manifest
This guided meditation is one of the most powerful tools for human
empowerment that you may ever come across.
It nurtures and trains your mind in the art of being conscious. Being
conscious is having an awareness of the present moment. The present
moment is the magical matrix where you align with the universal energy
that created this world. You align with its supreme intelligence.
The now is where new ideas are born, new lives created, where miracles are waiting for you to claim them.
Make yourself comfortable. You can sit or lie down. Now consciously look at five objects in the room. If you are looking at
the fan, become aware that you are looking at the fan. You can even say to yourself; I am looking at a fan.
Now shift your attention and awareness to the second object. Look with awareness. Your entire focus is on looking.
(Pause 2 seconds)
Now shift your focus to the third object in the same way.
(Pause 2 seconds)
Now shift your focus to the fourth object in the same way.
(Pause for 2 seconds)
Now shift your focus to the fifth object in the same way
(Pause for 2 seconds)
Now close your eyes. And from looking, take your awareness to listening. Listen carefully, with awareness of the various
sounds around you.
Pick out at least five sounds from your surroundings. Pick them one by one from the most obvious to the least. With each
new sound say to yourself
I am listening to the sound of . Name of the sound
(Pause for about 15 seconds)
Now shift your focus from listening to breathing. Become aware of your in breath. Each time you breathe in, say to
yourself. I am aware that I am breathing in. Feel the air enter your nostrils.
Now become aware of your out breath. Say to yourself that I am breathing out. Feel the air moving out of your nostrils.
Continue to breathe in and out, with full awareness.
You are in complete present moment awareness. It is affecting your mind and body powerfully.
Your mind is being born again.
You are aligning with and creating the personality which will manifest your intent. You are recreating yourself in a
powerful new avatar.
You are open and receptive to Divine intervention.
Now consciously think of your intent. Think of it as having manifested. Use visuals, sounds and feelings to make your
imagination intense.
(Pause for 30 seconds 1 minute)
Now feel grateful for the manifestation. Ask that it happen in the good of all, in a spirit of benevolence.
Now once again focus on your breathing. Become aware of your breathing.
You may feel a difference in the way your brain feels because you are emitting coherent brain waves.
Feel the energy in your brain, become aware of it.





Feel the energy in your brain, become aware of it.

And now with complete awareness, slowly open your eyes.
Notice the ingoing and outgoing breath.
Dont worry if you forget. Keep practising, keep repeating. Slowly you can extend consciousness of breath to your
surroundings. You can listen consciously to the various sounds around you by being completely, totally available to
You can look consciously, hear consciously, and eat consciously. Each time you are in awareness focus on your intent.
Make this a habit for the rest of your life.
Did you notice that when you are conscious, you are actually observing intently? You have separated from your
thoughts/surroundings/sounds, and you are observing. The more you observe, the more you align with the intelligence
within you.
(1) The more you observe, the more you can manifest
(2) The moment will gift you manifestation opportunities
The fifth step
Know your fantasies, know your reality
Fantasies are an integral part of the human experience. Most day-dreaming is an escape into an inner world to divert
oneself from the realities of the outer world.
Your fantasies/day dreams can influence your life. That is why it is very important to be aware of them. You need to create
with awareness so that you do not create a painful situation for yourself.
You may wonder why anyone would fantasise about something that would lead to sorrow?
The answer to this question is the reason why people love to watch a tragedy, or why Shakespeare wrote so many tragic
plays. In an unreal medium such as a book, movie, play or fantasy, tragedy is very dramatic. It is glamorous and enticing. It
makes you feel like a hero/heroine.
For instance, one of my clients was in a huge financial mess. During his sessions, he was asked about his favourite
fantasies. To his own surprise he revealed that he loved fantasising about tragic situations. He would conjure up images
of relatives sympathising with him, pitying him, or the children not being able to go to school. In fact, he would get so
emotionally involved with the fantasy that he would actually cry. Even though consciously he wanted wealth,
subconsciously he was enjoying and indulging in tragedy.
On becoming aware of this, he stopped and very soon his financial situation started improving.
If you are indulging in a fantasy, stop and ask yourself would I like to experience this in reality? Think of all the
possibilities associated with your fantasy. Are you ready to face them in real life?
If the answer is yes, then by all means go ahead and fantasise, it would help in manifestation.


But if the answer is no, then weed out such fantasies from the creative matrix of your thoughts. Make a solemn resolution
Ask the Experts
to be aware of such fantasies. Awareness Home
will eliminate
them once
you ask
yourself theSeekers
I like to



experience this? Choose fantasies which support your intent. Remember that your inner contradictions play themselves out
powerfully in fantasies. Contradictions in your inner world manifest as chaos in your outer world.
The Sixth Step
Be spontaneous to make intentions work
The reason why most people are not able to manifest experiences and create what they desire is because they have
forgotten how to be spontaneous. They have too many preconceived notions about how things happen and why they
cannot happen.
Eventually, they ruminate over why things cannot happen, so much so that they end up believing that what they want
cannot happen.
For effortless manifestation you need to drop all conventional notions, all preconceived ideas about how things happen
or dont happen. You have to do this because you are dealing directly with the energy that has created this universe.
The power of this energy is limitless. Its ingenuity is mind-boggling. You just have to look around you, notice the diversity
of creation to understand that this power does not have any limits. And because it does not have any old ideas of creation
lingering constantly, the universal mind is constantly creating something new.





Anything is possible for this energy. The ways are infinite and beyond your comprehension. You have to operate from a
child-like trust that you will receive because you asked. You dont have to burden yourself with ways and means.
Just be aware. Be spontaneous. The opportunities will reveal themselves to you. And when the opportunity presents itself,
take it with open arms. One step will take you to the next, and so on and so forth, till you reach your goal.
You have to flow like a river. A river does not plan its journey to the sea. It simply flows. When a bend arrives, it turns.
When the path becomes sheer, it drops; it keep turning and flowing and ultimately reaches the sea.
You have to trust the unknown, the unseen, and know that doors will open where you can see only walls right now. You
simply have to wait for the door to open. When it opens, walk through. Dont waste your energy wondering where the
door will open or when it will open or where it will lead. Just be aware. Be vigilant, know that it has to open. And when it
opens, walk through it to the next step.
When you are spontaneous, you give God a chance to help you with his limitless intelligence.
The Seventh Step
Forget time, get what you want
While you are waiting for an intention to manifest, time can actually become a big stressor. Especially if your intent is
something which is very close to your heart. The more you want something, the more difficult it becomes to wait for it.
To battle the distress created by time, it is very important to understand that unlike the way it is in our minds, time, in a
universal context, is nonlinear.
In our minds, time is a linear entity due to which we have created clocks and calendars. But nature does not follow linear
time. In nature, you will find cycles which recur, you will find seasons. In nature, everything happens at its own pace.
When you plant a seed, you cannot get restless for its fruit right from that moment onwards.
All you can do is plant a seed and nurture it with love. Ensure that the soil stays moist and then a moment will come when
the seeds will begin to grow. They will get enough strength to push upwards against the weight of the soil, and burst into
the open, hungry for air, and a bit of the sky.
Feel joy, and celebrate their germination instead of agonising about when they will bear fruit.
Celebrate every leaf, every growing inch, every tender twig, and the moment when from green it turns brown. Celebrate
every bud, every flower, every turn that the branches take, secure in the knowing that when the season comes, when the
moment comes, it will bear fruit.
Think of the fruit with patience and love instead of restlessness and angst. Your angst cannot make it grow faster, but
your love can. When you hold an intent you have sown the seed. Now all you need to do is to wait with love in your heart,
protect the soil, give it water and nutrients.
Do it day after day, moment by moment. Never stop loving your intent or watering it and nurturing it whenever action is
required. And then one day, the season will come, the tree will bear fruit, and you will reap the sweetness of what you
have sown.
So forget time, forget reason, and with love in your heart, wait for the season.
The Eighth Step
Expand yourself to manifest your intent
Allow yourself to grow. Stop clinging to a personality. The universe functions through resonance. When your thoughts,
words, actions, beliefs come into resonance with what you wish to manifest, you tease it out of the quantum space where
it exists as a potential and turn it into something which is real, which you can see, feel and experience.
This is how all dreams turn into reality. This is how inventions are made, new things and phenomena discovered. The
process is always an internal one.
But for manifestation to happen, the personality that you cling to can at times become a deterrent.
For eg: If you want to experience the thrill of diving from the sky, but deep down in your mind there is a fear of heights,
you will never bring yourself to the moment where life will give you a chance to take the plunge.
To manifest the thrill of sky-diving, you must be willing to let go of the fear; of the personality.
When you let go of that personality you break the shackles of your personal limitations. The miracle of manifestation is
not out there, lurking in some obscure corner of the universe, waiting for you to find it. The miracle is within you. It lies in
your willingness to grow, to expand, to stop clinging to what your mind perceives as limitations and allow existence to
show you the infinite possibilities that reside within you. Lets understand this with another example because it is very
important to understand this.





You want a promotion. But you have a personality which shies away from responsibility or is afraid of making decisions.
But a promotion would involve more responsibility and important decision making. So effectively, your current
personality is not in resonance with a promotion. That is why the promotion is not happening.
So what is the solution?
How do you come into resonance with what you wish to manifest? You cannot become a fearless decision maker
overnight. You cant suddenly start welcoming more responsibilities. So what is the solution?
The first thing you have to do is to tell
I can stop clinging to my current
It is not the only way I know how to
Within me reside infinite possibilities. I
allow myself to grow. I allow myself to
evolve and expand.
Most of all, I allow my current personality
to drop and I allow the birth of a new self,
one which is in complete resonance with
my intent, with the experience I wish to
Note :- The above exercise is one of the most important personal growth exercises that you will ever attempt.
So now think of what you wish to manifest.
What are your perceived limitations?
Do the exercise as it is written in the earlier paragraphs.
Remember one of the best ways to let go of old limiting personalities is to be conscious of your thoughts. Each time you
find yourself ruminating on old limited ways and beliefs, come into the moment by focussing on your breath.
The moment is magical. It always cuts cords with the past and gives birth to new miracles within you.
The final lesson
The eight steps that you have taken have been an intense inquiry into
your inner world. It is possible that by now you are far more aware of
your thought process and what takes place in the world of the invisible
conversations you have with yourself.
Awareness leads to consciousness. The doors of consciousness are
beginning to open. You are leaving the habit of unconsciousness behind.
Unconsciousness is what creates misery in a life. The peak of
consciousness is self-realisation, the point where you come into a
knowing of who you are, of your inherently divine legacy, and your power to create. In the form that you were conceived
by the Creator you are immeasurably powerful. But with power comes responsibility. Be careful of what you intend, of
what you wish to manifest.
It should always be in the spirit of the good for all. When you intend in a spirit of goodness you protect yourself, you gift
yourself meaningful life experiences.
And no matter what, remember to be grateful to life, for every small miracle or mercy that it bestows upon you.
Remember to love life. Love the sun, the stars, the moon, the sky, your mother earth, her birds, her animals, her people,
her rivers, her mountains, her breeze, love everything that is around you. Because when you Love with an intense joy the
wonder of creation, you align with the one who has created the universe. And remember that practice make a man
perfect. For anything to be practical, it has to be practised. So practice the eight steps regularly, not just to reach the
destination you want in life but also to write the destiny you want.
Slowly, there will come a day when you will let yourself free from all bondage to human misery and know the true depth,
the fullest extent of the way life loves you.
About the author

A mystic healer,Sanjiv Ranjan is the author of Seven Mystical Laws of Self-healing and the founder of the All India Institute





A mystic healer,Sanjiv Ranjan is the author of Seven Mystical Laws of Self-healing and the founder of the All India Institute
of Mind-body Medicine.

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