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Apostles Lutheran School

Miss Schleusener
January 4, 2010

Jesus Time:
The Tabernacle
We see that God directed Moses to build a place of worship and that God wants us to
worship with Him regularly.

Psalm 122:1 I rejoiced (was happy) with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of
the LORD.”
The Day of Atonement
We see how God taught the people of Israel about the day of Atonement, a day where He
showed them that only He can forgive sins and make us At One with Him.

I John 1:7 “The blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.”

Writing Math
Writing Process
Begin sentences with a capital letter. End with a • Estimate collections of objects
punctuation mark . ! or ?. Write with a space • Count by 1’s and 2’s
between each word. • Write 1-10
Independent Writing • Id dimes
Write h words. • Review pennies and nickels
Write about what they like to _____. • Create an ABB pattern with sound
Group Writing and movement
Write asking and telling sentences.
• Count dimes to 50 cents

• Sharing ideas, listening to others sh

• •

Social Studies/Science
R: This week we will make rockets blast off.
Look at animals and similarities and differences.

Music and Movement
Shared Literature: Raccoons and Ripe
Corn Songs for the singing in church at the
end of February and March
Letter: r
Music Theory: treble and bass clefs,
Concept: Setting, Plot Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington,
Scott Joplin –African American Musicians
Spanish Songs:
Vocabulary: corn, stalks, rows, kernels

Rhyme: fun, r…, best, r…., row, g…,

away, d… Finish the rhyming word duo.

What is different? I have a red boat.

I have a red coat.

Listen for the location of ___: r

Red, Mary, start, ride, roller, Rita,
Calendar of Events
January 4-8, 2010
Monday- Return the folder.

Tuesday-Full Day All children attend

Return the folder

Wednesday- Return the folder

8:45 Women’s Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall

Thursday-All Day

Friday – Chapel
Return folder

January 4-Evaluation of concepts learned in Reading and Math

January 15-Quarter Ends
Collaberation Day Dismiss at Noon
January 18-No School, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 22-Social Studies Open House 6:00 – 8:00 P.M.
February 5-Collaberation Day Dismiss at Noon
February 6-Kindergarten Screening for the new K1 and K2
February 12-Midterm Progress Reports
Feb. 15-19 No School President’s day, Northern CA/NVTeacher’s Conference
February 22-26 Spirit Week
February 28 K1, K2 sing at 11:15
Meet in the Kindergarten Classroom, Parents drop children off in the classroom at 11:50 and parents
wait outside of the classroom until practice is over
March 8-12 Open House 8:00 A.M. – 1 P.M. for prospective parents
March 19 Arbor Day
March 24- K1, K2 sing at 5 P.M. arrive at 4:40 to practice

Trace a number on your child’s back. Have them write that number on paper or in play
doh/paint/ other.
Count by 2’s.
When you count, what number follows 3? 5? 1? 8?

When reading the stories below, replace a name with your child’s name. It makes it more
meaningful to them.
Terry brought 2 Star Wars characters to Mark’s house. Mark had 5. How many characters did
they have together?

Five birds were sitting on a branch. One flew away. How many were left?

Review the sight words but, is, can, my, an, at, am, big, is, a, like, in, the, I.
Write a sentence using is. Topic can be about who is funny, fast, drawing, reading, or other.
He is_______________. She is____________________.
I am_________________.
Review a story from the past.

Play a game. The focus is on taking turns, waiting patiently, staying focused, encouraging those
who lost, and praising those who won. Last year, last December some of us played a game called
Left, Right, Center. It was easily learned and everyone was very encouraging.

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