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Tell a Child Tell the World. Reach Up, Reach Out, Reach Across (2010-2015)
Chapter 4
Jesus said, Go and make
disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit, and teaching
them to obey everything I have
commanded you. Matthew
28:19, 20.
Tell a Child, Tell the World
Tell the World has been the
broad vision, a bold challenge undertaken by the Seventh-day Adventist Church this past
quinquennium, 2005-2010. The ultimate goal of Tell the World is to provide every person on earth with
the chance to know Jesus Christ.
For the Childrens Ministries Department, our slogan for this initiative is Tell a Child, Tell the World.
This means telling every child about the wonderful love of Jesus and that He wants them to accept His

love so as to experience the joy of salvation. The gospel message is offered not only to adults, but
also to children. We believe that when you tell one child about the good news, pretty soon the childs
friends, family, school, and community will know about the good news. He or she cant wait to share.
So the challenge for us is to Tell a Child at home, at school, on the streets, or in organized programs.
Jesus needs us to be busy at this task of making disciples of all children regardless of race, language,
socioeconomic status, or religion. There is work for us to do.
Tell a Child, Tell the
Reach Up, Reach
Out, Reach Across
For this quinquennium
2010-2015, the Tell
the World initiative
has expanded to
increase other
aspects of spiritual
growth in the life of
the members through
Reach Up, Reach
Out, Reach Across. We believe that if all children are helped to Reach Up to God in daily prayer and
study of Gods Word, Reach Out to witness for Jesus and serve others, and Reach Across to others
in fellowship, they will grow as disciples of Jesus. We want every child to be a disciple of Jesus.
I. REACH UP to God through Bible study, prayer and reading of the Spirit of Prophecy writings results
in revival and faithfulness; returning a faithful tithe and supporting local and mission offerings; and
being involved in the witness of the church.
Teachers and parents can encourage children to spend time in studying the Bible, their Sabbath School
lesson and praying by first setting good examples themselves. For the younger children, parents can
read Bible stories together with them and pray together daily. For the older children, provide them with
their own Bibles and Sabbath School lessons, and also provide them with the childrens version of
Ellen G. Whites books to read (Michael Ask Why; Step by).
Childrens leaders can also nurture this personal devotional lifestyle through the organization of
stewardship camps, mission camps, and other activities to involve children in growing their love for
Jesus. Children also need further Bible studies beyond the GraceLink Sabbath School lessons. Weekly
Bible studies can be organized in the form of small groups at church or it can be done by parents with
their children in the home, or as a program at church. Resources that can be used are:
Christ Wise Discipleship Guide, by Troy Fitzgerald.
Day by Day with Jesus Bible Reading GuideGC Childrens Ministries.
God Loves Me 28 Waysby Charles Mills and Linda Koh (2005).
Bible Adventures for Young Readersby Charles Mills (2013).
Making Jesus my Best FriendReview and Herald Publishing Association.
Michael Ask Why (childrens Great Controversy)by Sally Dillon.
Prayer Calendar and Journalby Karen Holford & Linda Koh (2014).
777 Prayer CardsGC Childrens Ministries.
Step by Step (childrens Steps to Christ)by Jerry Thomas.
What We Believeby Jerry Thomas.
II. REACH OUT to others as a friendly church that puts Christs mission first, invites all children to
fellowship, and makes a difference daily in the community.

Childrens leaders, teachers, and parents can involve children in service to others in the community so
they can put what they have learned into practice. Organizing monthly or regular service projects to get
children involved in helping the poor, encouraging and comforting the needy and elderly provide them
the opportunity to develop love, concern, and compassion for those around them. Leaders can
collaborate with ADRA for a special community project that children can participate.
Reaching out also includes challenging each child to witness and win their friends to Jesus. This
involves teaching children how to share Jesus with their friends and family members, using simple
devices like the Wordless Book, Flipper Flapper, Salvation Bag, and Sharing Jesus Bookmarks can
yield good results. Challenge each child to reach out to at least one friend for Jesus.
Children with the special gifts of preaching can be trained to preach and hold evangelistic meetings.
They can participate in winning other children through public evangelism and visitation. Children who
have the gift for intercessory prayer can be trained to be prayer warriors or leaders in leading childrens
prayer groups at camp meetings, childrens programs, and evangelistic meetings.
Besides teaching our children to reach out to witness for Jesus, we also need to reach children in the
community. Organizing community programs like Health EXPO for kids, radio and television programs
on health can be effective avenues to reach them. Resources that can be helpful are:
CELEBRATIONS! Healthy Inside Out!Shawna Vyhmeister and Sonia Cana (2014).
Healthy Inside & Out Radio Spots (26) by Charles Mills (2013).
Jesus in My Heart Radio Spots (26)by Charles Mills (2013).
Stewardville Childrens Church by AdventSource (2014)
The Investigative Station VBS Review & Herald
III. REACH ACROSS the barriers that threaten to divide us as a family and endeavoring to disciple,
nurture, and involve every child in the life and mission of the church.
It is Gods plan that parents be the primary teachers of their children (Deuteronomy 6). The church
should not take over this important responsibility, but instead provide opportunity and training to equip
parents on how they can be more effective spiritual leaders at home. Parents need to recognize that
sending children off to Sabbath School or Adventurers Club once a week is not sufficient. They need to
walk and talk and pray alongside their children as they disciple them to be followers of Jesus. The
church can set up Kids in Discipleship program to teach parents to disciple their children.
Children and teens will stay in the church if we involve them in the life of the faith community. Leaders
and teachers need to work with pastors in the churches to involve them in the worship service,
assisting with singing, testimony sharing, teaching, and preaching. Older children can help with running
the PA system, or be greeters on Sabbath morning. Celebrate Childrens Sabbath so that children are
given an opportunity to use their gifts and talents for Jesus. Provide resources using media to nurture
the children. Resources that can be used are:
Childrens Sabbath packageNAD Childrens Ministries.
Footprints for Parents (Kids in Discipleship)by Don MacLafferty.
Footprints for KidsDon MacLafferty.
The Creation Case DVDby Richard Aguilera (2014).
There is much we need to do to help our children Reach Up to God on a daily basis, Reach Out to
others, and Reach Across to disciple and nurture them into strong followers of Jesus. But with the
power of the Holy Spirit we can succeed. Together we can Tell a Child, Tell the World: Reach Up,
Reach Out, Reach Across! Make every child a disciple of Jesus.


Jumlah penduduk Kampung Napitas dianggarkan seramai 570 orang yang majoritinya
berbangsa Kadazan Dusun dan beragama Kristian, manakala yang selebihnya didiami
oleh suku kaum Bajau yang beragama Islam.

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