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Romans 1:1-2:5

1:1-5 PAUL

An apostle is called by Jesus; a chosen, authoritative messenger. Apostolic message=gospel of God (1) concerning
His Son (3), our Lord (4). This good news was promised in the Old Testament (2-3) and declared in the resurrection
(4). Through Jesus we have grace and apostolic distribution of that grace (5). We benefit from God’s gift of
apostleship and the gospel every time we are taught the Bible.

1:6-16 ROME

Paul did not plant or water this church (13), but he is obligated to it (14). Paul’s calling is primarily to the Gentiles,
not to his Jewish brothers. God wants glory in the sophisticated (Greeks) and unsophisticated (barbarians) corners
of His creation. He wants people from all over, not simply strategic ports and lands.

Romans are shiny Gentiles, a central culture of the world (8). This does not mean that God needed some Greek
jewels among His people to make Himself look better--He is actually in the business of shaming the "wise" with the
foolish (cf. 1 Corinthians 1:26-31). These Roman believers have to be willing to look silly or weak to their peers if
they are unashamed like Paul (16) in a gospel that includes the Incarnation of God, total depravity of all human
beings, the death of God on a cross, the resurrection of a man-God, and the resurrection of men, for starters. We
can find ourselves looking weak among the barbarians of our culture by refusing to join in with dirty jokes at a
construction site, or we may look foolish to the wise by exhibiting faith in Christ in an unbelieving university
classroom. Paul does have a vision to bring the gospel to the world through the help of the Roman church (15:24).

Paul is eager for these Christians to get some heavy doses of the gospel (15) in which they have believed (8) and
are now called to live in (cf. 6:4; 12:1), as well as to see its world-wide, all-time implications.

1:16-17 GOSPEL

Good news. In the gospel (“it”) the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith. Faith is the instrument,
the vehicle, the medium of the revelation of the gospel and God’s righteousness (NIV: “by faith from first to last”).
(cf. Habakkuk 2:4)

1:18-32 (GOOD NEWS A.)

God’s wrath is revealed against human sin.

They worship created things rather than the Creator. They trample on His glory. They are Adam; all humanity.

How they are gave up to their lusts (24), passions (26), and debased mind (28).

God made them male and female, in the image of God (Gen. 1:27). When our knowledge of God is suppressed
(18), dishonored (21), and exchanged (23), so goes our sexual identity.
Romans 1:1-2:5

The terribleness of sins (29-31) we treat as less than death-worthy, and give approval to those who
practice them. But they know, somehow, they are breaking God’s decree (32).

2:1-3 “They” are some real stinkers (1:18-32), good thing we’re not like… crap.

2:4-5 The self-righteous is the worst of these sinners. Hard heart=hating others without hating your own sin.


We look at sin and we see wrath (1:18-32), but we also look to see God’s kindness and mercy (2:4), because we’re
the bad guys. Paul won’t let us forget that it will be faith, not our righteousness, that will obtain our salvation in
God’s righteousness (1:16-17).

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