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IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME)

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Email: editoriijme@ipasj.org
ISSN 2321-6441

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer

and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Graphene
Oxide/Water Nanofluid in a Circular Tube
Mohamed Salem 1, 2, Magdy A. Bassily, Tarek A. Meakhail, Shuichi TORII

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Energy Engineering, Aswan University, Egypt

Department of Mechanical System Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Technology,
Kumamoto University, 2-39-1 Kurokami, Kumamoto, 860-8555 Japan

The forced convective heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of Graphene oxide/water nanofluids flowing inside a
horizontal circular tube were experimentally investigated. The heat transfer and the pressure drop within the flowing
nanofluids were measured and compared with the corresponding data for base fluid (pure water). Graphene oxide (GO)
nanoparticles were synthesized by the modified Hummers method. GO particles dispersed in pure water are used as the working
fluid. Consideration is given to the effect of the inclusion of nanoparticles on heat transfer enhancement, thermal conductivity,
viscosity, and pressure loss in the turbulent flow. Four volume fractions of 0.05%, 0.10%, 0.15% and 0.20% are tested for
GO/water nanofluids. The Reynolds number is ranged from 3000 to 10000. It is found from the study that (i) heat transfer
enhancement is caused by suspending nanoparticles and becomes more pronounced with an increase in the particle volume
fraction, (ii) the nanofluids have substantially higher value of Nusselt number than the same liquids without nanoparticles and
the Nusselt number of nanofluids increase in accordance with an increase of the Reynolds number, (iii) the nanofluids showed
an increased heat transfer coefficient with respect to that of pure water on a constant Reynolds number, (iv) the viscosity and
thermal conductivity of Graphene oxide nanofluid increase in accordance with an increase of the volume fraction, (v) the
change in viscosity and friction factor due to the addition of the nanoparticles increased the pressure drop and pumping power.

Keywords: Graphene oxide, Nanofluid, Volume Fraction, Heat Transfer, Pressure drop

Fluids, such as water, ethylene glycol and engine oil have poor heat transfer performance and therefore high
compactness and effectiveness of heat transfer systems are necessary to achieve the required heat transfer. Solid
particles have thermal conductivities higher than fluids by one to three orders of magnitude. By intuition, one expects
that thermal conductivities of particle-fluid mixtures are higher than those of pure fluids, as pointed out by Maxwell
[1]. Earlier studies used suspensions of millimeter or micrometer sized particles, which although showed some
enhancement, experienced problems such as poor suspension stability and channel clogging, extra pressure drop and
erosion [2, 3]. Modern technology makes it possible to produce particles less than 100 nm in diameter for suspending in
conventional fluids such as water, engine oil, and ethylene glycol. This new class of fluids is referred to as
nanofluids, whose term is first named and used by Choi [4]. Eastman et al. [5] proved that oxide nanoparticles such
as Al2O3 and CuO have excellent dispersion properties in the conventional fluids (water, oil, and ethylene glycol) and
form suspensions. Also, the thermal conductivity of nanofluid increased with volume fraction. Torii S. and Yang W. [6]
studied the convective heat transfer behavior of aqueous suspensions of nanodiamond particles flowing through a
horizontal tube heated under a constant heat flux condition. They concluded that the enhancement of convective heat
transfer depended on the Reynolds number and the nanodiamond concentration. Teng T. et al. [7] examined the effect
of particle size, temperature and weight fraction on the thermal conductivity ratio, and concluded that the weight
fraction and temperature carry a proportional relationship with the thermal conductivity ratio and shrinkage of particle
size enhance the thermal conductivity ratio of nanofluid. Hajjar Z. et al. [8] presented study the effects of graphene
oxide concentration and temperature on the thermal conductivity. The measurements indicated that GO nanofluids
have substantially higher thermal conductivities than the base fluid. Williams W. et al. [9] investigated experimentally
the turbulent convective heat transfer and pressure loss of Alumina/water and Zirconia/water nanoparticle colloids
(nanofluids) in horizontal tubes with various flow rates, temperatures, heat fluxes (up to ~190 kW/m2), and particle
concentrations. Ko G. et al. [10] reported an experimental study on the pressure drop of nanofluids containing carbon
nanotubes in a horizontal tube with different concentrations. Karimzadehkhouei M. et al. [11] investigated
experimentally the friction factor, pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics of water based nanofluids with TiO2

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

Page 12

IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME)

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

Web Site: http://www.ipasj.org/IIJME/IIJME.htm

Email: editoriijme@ipasj.org
ISSN 2321-6441

and Al2O3 nanoparticles of various mass fractions in horizontal smooth hypodermic microtubes. Cuenca R. et al. [12]
proposed that the change in viscosity due to the addition of the nanoparticles was found to play an important role as it
significantly increases the pressure drop. Heris S. et al. [13] presented study convective heat transfer heat transfer
through square cross-section duct under constant heat flux in laminar flow, a square cross section duct has the
advantage of lower pressure drop, but it has a lower heat exchange rate than that of a circular duct.
The aim of the present paper is to study the turbulent flow convective heat transfer of graphene oxide/water (GO/water)
nanofluid under constant heat flux condition and different nanoparticles concentrations. Also, present the effect of GO
nanoparticles concentration on the pressure drop and pumping power. Shear stress variation for different shear rates is


2.1 Materials and Nanofluids
Graphene oxide (GO) prepared from natural graphite (purchased from Wako pure chemical industries, Japan) by a
modified Hummers method [14]. 5g graphite powder was stirred for 60 min. with 2.5g sodium nitrate (NaNO3) and
115 ml concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4), and then 15g potassium permanganate (KMnO4) was added gradually
under stirring at 0oC (ice bath). After stirring at 0oC for 40 min., the mixture was stirring at 35 oC (water bath) for 60
min.. At room temperature 230 ml of distilled water was added gradually, and rapid stirring was restarted to prevent
effervescing (30 min.). Next, the mixture was stirred for 30 min. under 95 oC (oil bath), 400 ml and 50 ml of 30%
H2O2 was added to the mixture with continuously stirring for I hr. if the synthesized succeed the color change to
yellow color. 100 mL 5% HCl was added in succession. After the solution was layered, the deposition was centrifuged,
and washed repeatedly with distilled water to remove impurities and to improve pH value, and finally it was dried at
50C then re-dispersed into water. The extra acid in the resulting mixture was washed (ultrasonic washing machine)
with deionized water and was removed by centrifugation. A suspension of GO nanoparticles was obtained at a
concentration of 1 mg/mL with the aid of sonicating for three hour in deionized water. The supernatant collected by
using dropper.
A two steps method was used to prepare the graphene oxide nanofluids [15]. Graphene oxide nanoparticles were
dispersed in pure water. The mixture was sonicated by using an ultrasonic washing machine (Tokyo, Fu-22H). Four
volume fractions was prepared for graphene oxide nanofluids 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.15% and 0.2% with different pH values
6.38, 4.95, 5.97 and 5.62 respectively (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Graphene Oxide nanofluids. a) 0.05 vol. %, b) 0.1 vol. %, c) 0.15 vol. % and d) 0.2 vol. %
2.2 Experimental Apparatus
Figure 2 shows schematic of the experimental apparatus used to measure the convective heat transfer and pressure drop
characteristics of GO/water nanofluids flowing in a horizontal circular tube.
It consisted of a flow loop, a heat unit, a cooling part, and a measuring and control unit. The flow loop included a
pump, a digital flow meter, a collection tank and a test section. A straight stainless tube with 2000 mm length, 3.96
mm inner diameter, and 0.17 mm thickness was used as the test section. The whole test section is heated with the aid of
the Joule heating method through an electrode linked to a direct current power supply. The power supply is adjustable.
The test tube is surrounded by a thick thermal insulation material to obtain a constant heat flux condition along the test
section. The twelve K-type thermocouples, which are welded on the outer surface of the test tube at axial position of
150 mm from the inlet of the test section to measure the local wall temperature along the heated surface of the tube, and

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

Page 13

IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME)

Web Site: http://www.ipasj.org/IIJME/IIJME.htm
Email: editoriijme@ipasj.org
ISSN 2321-6441

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

the other thermocouples are inserted into the flow at the inlet and outlet of the test section to measure the bulk
temperature of working fluid. In addition, the inlet and outlet was connected with a differential pressure instrument to
measure the pressure drop at test section. In the heat transfer experiments, the temperature readings from the fourteen
thermocouples are recorded by a data logger system with a personal computer.

Figure 2 Experimental Apparatus


3.1 Thermal conductivity
Thermal conductivity is one of the most effective parameters which have significant effect on enhancement of heat
transfer coefficient. The effective thermal conductivity of nanofluids is measured with the aid of a KD2 thermal
property meter (Labcell Ltd, UK), which is based on the transient hot wire method. Here the thermal conductivity of the
nanofluids and base liquid (pure water) are measured at 298 K.
For reference, the prediction which is obtained by the Hamilton and Crosser equation [16] (H-C equation) is
superimposed in the Figure 3 as straight lines. This equation is a classical formula to predict thermal conductivity of
solid-liquid mixture.

k nf

k p (n 1)k f (n 1)(k p k f )


k p (n 1)k f (k p k f )
H-C model
Measured value









Volume Fraction [vol. %]

Figure 3 Thermal conductivity versus volume fraction

where kf is the thermal conductivity of the base fluid, kp is the thermal conductivity of solid particles, knf is the thermal
conductivity of nanofluid, is the volume fraction of particles and n is the shape factor. and n are defined by

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

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IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME)

Web Site: http://www.ipasj.org/IIJME/IIJME.htm
Email: editoriijme@ipasj.org
ISSN 2321-6441

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

V f Vs



where is the sphericity defined as the ratio of the surface area of a sphere with a volume equal to that of the particle
to surface area of the particle. =1 is assumed in the present study because the nanoparticles like a sphere.
The effective thermal conductivity increases with increasing the volume fraction and the measured thermal conductivity
of nanofluids are much higher than that of prediction. This is probably because these traditional models dont account
for various parameters like particle size, Brownian motion, nanolayering and effect of nanoparticles clustering, which
are important to nanoparticles in nanofluids [17].
3.2 Viscosity of nanofluids
The viscosity of nanofluids is an important parameter for characterizing the suitability of the nanofluids for heat
transfer applications. The viscosity of GO/water nanofluids is measured with the use of a rotary viscometer
0.2% vol.

0.15% vol.

Shear Stress (N/m2)

0.1% vol.
0.05% vol.









Shear Rate (1/s)

Figure 4 Shear stress of GO/water nanofluids as function of shear rate


0.2% vol.


0.15% vol.
0.1% vol.

viscosity (mpa.s)

0.05% vol.












Figure 5 Viscosity versus concentration at various temperatures and constant shear rates
Figure 4 shows the measured shear stress of the prepared GO/water nanofluids versus shear rate with measurement
temperature 298 K at various concentrations. At given shear rate, the shear stress of nanofluids increase with

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

Page 15

IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME)

Web Site: http://www.ipasj.org/IIJME/IIJME.htm
Email: editoriijme@ipasj.org
ISSN 2321-6441

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

increasing GO concentration. Interestingly, the shear stress for both GO/water nanofluids and pure water increases as
shear rate increase.
The temperature is the main effective parameter on viscosity of nanofluids. The viscosity of all GO/water nanofluids
decreases with temperature increases for at constant shear rate as shown in Figure 5. It is seen that GO/water have
higher viscosity than that of the pure water.
3.3 Convective heat transfer
The heat transfer performance of the flowing nanofluids was defined in terms of the following convective heat transfer
coefficient (h) and Nusselt number (Nu):

h( x)

Tw ( x) T f ( x)

Nu ( x )


h( x ) D
k nf


where x represents axial distance from the entrance of test section, q is the heat flux, Tw is the measured wall
temperature , Tf is the fluid temperature , D is the tube diameter, and knf is the nanofluids thermal conductivity. The
fluid temperature in the test section was estimated by the following energy balance:

T f ( x ) Tin

qS ( x)
( C pUA)


where Cp is the heat capacity, A and S are the cross sectional area and perimeter of test tube, respectively, and Tin is the
fluid temperature at the inlet.
Four volumetric concentrations are tested of graphene oxide nanofluids, 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.15%, and 0.2% are tested in
the present study. The Reynolds number is ranged from 3000 to 10000. Figure 6 shows the effect of GO concentration
on the local heat transfer coefficient at various axial distances from the entrance of the test section at two Reynolds
numbers (Re = 3000 and Re = 6000). The figures clearly show that the use of GO nanofluids significantly improved the
convective heat transfer coefficient at the same Reynolds number along the axial distance of the tube, and the increase
is more considerable at high volume concentrations. At beginning of the test section for both Reynolds numbers, the
heat transfer coefficient decreased with axial distance due to the effect of entrance region. The results show negligible
variations in the convective heat transfer coefficient data along the axial direction under the fully developed condition
of the turbulent region.
Figure 7 shows the effect of nanoparticles concentration on Nusselt number (Nu) at various Reynolds numbers. The
following Gnielinski equation [18] in the turbulent flow is superimposed as a solid line for reference,


( f / 8)(Re 1000) Pr
1.07 12.7 f / 8 Pr 2 / 3 1


Where (Pr) is the Prandtl numbers and f is the friction factor for a fully developed turbulent flow depends on (Re) and
is calculated by Colebrook, predicted by equation (8).

f 1.82 log10 (Re) 1.64


Very good agreement was achieved for experimental results for pure water compared with the prediction Gnielinski
equation for turbulent flow. Figure 7 depicts the enhancement of Nusselt number with reference to base fluid (pure
water). It can be seen that the heat transfer enhancement increases with increasing Reynolds number. This trend
becomes larger with an increase in graphene oxide nanoparticles concentration.

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

Page 16

IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME)

Web Site: http://www.ipasj.org/IIJME/IIJME.htm
Email: editoriijme@ipasj.org
ISSN 2321-6441

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016


Heat Transfer Coefficient

(a) Re = 3000

0.05% vol.
0.1% vol.
0.15% vol.
0.2% vol.









Axial Distance (cm)

Heat Transfer Coefficient


(b) Re = 6000


0.05% vol.
0.2% vol.

0.1% vol.

0.15% vol.






Axial Distance (cm)

Figure 6 Effect of nanoparticles concentration on heat transfer coefficient at various axial distances

0.2% vol.


0.15% vol.
0.1% vol.


0.05% vol.


Pure Water
Gnielinski model








Figure 7 Effect of volume fraction on heat transfer performance

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

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IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME)

Web Site: http://www.ipasj.org/IIJME/IIJME.htm
Email: editoriijme@ipasj.org
ISSN 2321-6441

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016


Enhancement of Nu,%











Volume fraction [vol.%]

Figure 8 Enhancement of Nusselt number for different GO concentrations

The particles Brownian motion, the thermo-physical properties (viscosity and thermal conductivity), and the specific
surface area of nanoparticles were strongly affected in the convective heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number [19].
Therefore, the higher concentration and Reynolds number increased the value of the Nusselt number. The enhanced
heat convective performance of the GO nanofluid resulted from the higher thermal conductivity of the nanofluid and
the disordered movement of the GO nanoparticles [19].
Previous studies claimed that the reasons for the heat transfer enhancement of the nanofluids included the mixing
effects of the particles near the wall, particle migration, particle shape and rearrangement, the Brownian motion of the
particles, the thermal conductivity enhancement, a reduction of the boundary layer thickness, and a delay in the
boundary layer development [20, 21].
Figure 8 shows the enhancement of Nusselt number versus the volume fraction of the GO nanofluids at different
Reynolds numbers. As can be seen, the largest enhancement of Nu which was 29%, 96%, 140%, and 181% for 0.05%,
0.1%, 0.15%, and 0.2vol.%, respectively, at Re=3000. Additionally, the enhancement increased with increase in
particles concentration.
3.4 Pressure drop experiment
3.4.1 Pressure drop and friction factor
In order to apply nanofluids in industrial applications, nanofluid pressure must be evaluated besides the heat transfer
performance. The experimental results show that the pressure drop and the friction factor depend on graphene oxide
concentration and flow rate (Figure 9). For reference, the pressure drop for base fluid which is predicted by equation
(9), is superimposed as solid line.

p f

l U 2
D 2


where ( l ) and ( D ) are the length and diameter of test tube, respectively, ( ) is the fluid density, and ( U ) is the fluid
velocity. The friction coefficient of pipe ( f ) is given by the Blasius equation,

f 0.3164 Re0.25


Figure 9 (a) and (b) shows good agreement exists between experimental data and theoretical model for pure water, the
experimental results show that the pressure drop and friction factor depend on the graphene oxide particles
concentration and flow rate. The pressure loss of the nanofluids is slightly increased compared with that of the pure
fluid, because an increase in the friction loss is caused by suspension of nanoparticles in the pure fluid. Note that no
substantial discrepancy for pressure loss appears in different nanofluids concentration. The pressure drop increases with
an increase in flow rate. Comparing with pure water, the pressure drop of nanofluid increases by 0.96-6.7%, 1.4-8.5%,
5.8-17.7%, and 9.6-26.4% for the volume fractions of 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.15%, and 0.2%, respectively.

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

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IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME)

Web Site: http://www.ipasj.org/IIJME/IIJME.htm
Email: editoriijme@ipasj.org
ISSN 2321-6441

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

The increased pressure drop and friction factor appear based on the viscous drag effects of the GNP nanofluids. This
expression could be validated from equation (9), wherein the friction factor as a function of the pressure drop was
primarily influenced by the density gradient of the GO nanofluids that resulted from an increase in the GO nanoparticle
concentrations [19, 22].
0.2% vol.
0.15% vol.
0.1% vol.
0.05% vol.
Exp. DW
Calculated Value


P [Kpa ]






Flow rate [L/min.]

(a) Pressure drop

0.2% v0l.


0.15% vol.

Friction factor

0.1% vol.


Exp. DW
Calculated Value






Flow rate [L/min.]

(b) Friction factor

Figure 9 (a) Pressure drop and (b) Friction factor of nanofluids as function of flow rate.
3.4.2 Thermal performance factor
The thermal performance factor of GO nanofluid can be used to evaluate the usefulness of nanofluids to apply in
thermal systems. A higher thermal performance factor implies the greater usefulness [23]. The thermal performance
factor () is defined by equation (11).

Nu f

1/ 3

f nf



where (Nunf ) and (Nuf ) are Nusselt number of nanofluid and base fluid, respectively, ( fnf ) and ( ff ) are frection factor
of nanofluid and base fluid, respectively.

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

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IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME)

Web Site: http://www.ipasj.org/IIJME/IIJME.htm
Email: editoriijme@ipasj.org
ISSN 2321-6441

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

The thermal performance factor is shown in figure 10 for different Reynolds number and volume fractions. The thermal
performance factor increases as the GO nanoparticles concentration increases. The largest thermal performance which
was 1.28, 1.93, 2.28, and 2.6 for 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.15%, and 0.2 vol.%, respectively, at Re=3000.

Thermal performance Factor ()


0.05% vol.

0.1% vol.

0.15% vol.

0.2% vol.








Figure 10 Nanofluids thermal performance at different Reynolds number

3.4.3 Pumping Power
Viscosity and density are important parameters can be affected in pumping power. The expression for the pumping
power could be introduced by equation (12) [22, 23].

W nf






where ( ) is the pump power, ( ) is the viscosity, and ( ) is the density.

Figure 11 shows that the relative pumping power increases linearly with the GO nanoparticle concentration. Increases
the viscosity of nanofluid due to increase nanofluid concentration caused increases in the pumping power.

Relative pumping power







Concentration (vol.%)

Figure 11 Effect of GO nanoparticles concentrations on the pumping power

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

Page 20

IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME)

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

Web Site: http://www.ipasj.org/IIJME/IIJME.htm

Email: editoriijme@ipasj.org
ISSN 2321-6441

Present study has been performed to investigate the effect of graphene oxide (GO) nanofluids on the pressure drop and
turbulent heat transfer characteristics inside a horizontal circular tube over a wide variety of Reynolds numbers and
nanoparticle volume fractions. All experiments were carried out in the constant heat flux at tube wall conditions. The
required graphene oxide nanoparticles were synthesized via the modified Hummer method. The effective results are
summarized as follows.

Significant enhancement of thermal conductivity due to suspension of GO nanoparticles in base fluid (pure
water). The measured thermal conductivity of nanofluids was much higher than of prediction.
The relative viscosity and shear stress of nanofluids increases with an increase in concentration of nanoparticles,
and the viscosity decreases with an increase in temperature.
GO/water nanofluids increases the convective heat transfer coefficient than that of the base fluid under the same
Reynolds number.
The Nusselt numbers (Nu) were in good agreement with Gnielinski correlation. The Nusselt number increasing
both the Reynolds number and volume fraction.
The pressure drop and friction factor showed good agreement with the theoretical model for pure water. Adding
nanoparticles to the base fluid can increase the friction factor and pressure drop.
The pumping power was strongly dependent on the viscosity and pressure drop. So, it increased by increasing
the volume concentration.

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Page 21

IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME)

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

Web Site: http://www.ipasj.org/IIJME/IIJME.htm

Email: editoriijme@ipasj.org
ISSN 2321-6441

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Mohamed Mahmoud Salem was born on June 13, 1985 in Sohag, Egypt. Salem successfully completed
B.Sc. and MS (Masters) degree in Mechanical Engineering from Aswan University, Egypt, in 2007 and
2012 respectively. Now he research student at Department of Advanced Mechanical System Engineering,
Kumamoto University, Japan. His research interest is heat transfer enhancement of Graphene oxide
nanofluid. He is an ASSISTANT PROFESSOR in the Department of Mechanical Power Engineering,
Faculty of Energy Engineering, Aswan University, Aswan, Egypt.

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016

Page 22

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