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2016 EVENT:
The Template Sacred Geometry Ceremonies
The Key to Personal Freedom: Unlocking Your Poten:al
The solu8on is not found at the level of the problem
The Template Ceremonies - via the permanent reconnec3on of Human bio-circuitry - ac3vate healing at the base level.
The circuitry reconnec3on deals with forgiveness, addic8on, fear, guilt, shame, anger and grief. Through a>ending the
ceremonies, many people have overcome physical, mental and emo3onal issues that seemed insurmountable.

The science of transcendence: YOU are the solu8on you've been wai8ng for
The key to unlocking your poten3al is the permanent reconnec8on of circuitry and the resurrec3on of the original
gene3c code embedded in the Human matrix. The Template Model reveals the rela3onship between the geometries of
light, the circuitry and the endocrine system, DNA ac8va8on and the morphogene3c energy eld.

From vic8m to creator: Awakening your fearless self

Due to the disconnec3on of circuitry, the endocrine system is in atrophy. This is crea3ng physical, mental and emo3onal
diseases, including: thyroid disorders, hormonal imbalances, adrenal toxicity, anxiety and depression. The
reconnec3on of circuitry reinstates the endocrine system's original life-enforcing func3on. This creates an altered body
chemistry that is resonant with our original Human blueprint.
A dynamic process of healing - on all levels - is set in mo8on.

What's involved in a Template Ceremony?

Your Template Ambassador Karlos, will be uent in outlining the higher physics of crea8on. Each ceremony reconnects a
series of circuits within the Human "bio-computer" and returns these energe8c connec8ons to their natural state -
PERMANENTLY. The permanent reconnec3on of
circuitry is achieved through coded ceremony,
which includes the following alchemical
Sacred Geometry: The Language of Light
The Elements of Crea8on: Water, Air, Earth, Ether
& Stellar Radiance

The Template Sacred Geometry Ceremonies 1 - 5

Date: 12th- 15th March 2016 (ceremonies must be
experienced in sequence, not necessarily all at once)
Time: 10am - 5.30pm (please arrive 20 mins prior)
Loca8on: Lafew Beach House Holloways Beach
For more informa3on & to book your place:
Karlos: templatekarlos@hotmail.com / 0421 440 128 or
Lafew Teahouse & Kombucha Bar: 33 Sheridan St Cairns
e: lafew.k@gmail.com / 0475 762 838

Bookings Essen8al

FREE Intro Presenta8on To The Template

Wed 17th Feb @Lafew 6.45pm (see b h>ps://


Spoken Sonic Codes: The resonant Harmonics of


How do I know my circuits have been

When a circuit is tested through kinesiology or muscle
tes8ng, the renewed strength that is experienced in
the test-point is an indica3on on the physical level of
the change that has taken place on ALL levels.
Have you ever asked yourself: "What part can I play in
shi?ing the present global situa:on?"
As we witness the accelera3on of deteriora3on within the
social, poli3cal and economic world structures, it is all too
easy to feel fearful, disenchanted and powerless. What is
called for is an understanding that we are not here to
repair the degenera3ve phase of this age, but to harness
the powerful energies which create the space for personal
and planetary transforma8on.

We invite you to begin your Journey Home

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