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Osclass 3.6.

1 2016-02-04
------------------------ Fixed an issue with image rotation
- Fixed the upgrade available message not being displayed
- Fixed some minor details
Osclass 3.6.0 2016-01-21
------------------------ Fixed SQL injection vulnerability thanks to High-Tech Bridge Security Research
Lab ( https://www.htbridge.com/ )
- Fixed some minor details
- Improvements in the market area
Osclass 3.5.9 2015-10-16
------------------------ Fixed typo
- Fixed some URLs
Osclass 3.5.8 2015-10-14
------------------------ Fixed several vulnerabilities thanks to HP Fortify Open Review ( https://hpfod
.com/open-source-review-project )
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Osclass 3.5.6 2015-03-26
------------------------ Fix typo
Osclass 3.5.5 2015-03-23
------------------------ Fix typo on SQL query
Osclass 3.5.4 2015-03-23
------------------------ Fixed two critical vulnerabilities thanks to Pedro Worcel ( http://www.securit
y-assessment.com/ )
Osclass 3.5.3 2014-12-15
------------------------ Checking for updates is now down in background
- Typo fix
Osclass 3.5.2 2014-11-23
------------------------ Fixed wrong market endpoint in upgrade-funcs
Osclass 3.5.1 2014-11-18
------------------------ Manage Users , added reset filter
- Fixed issue at search page with gallery format and premium ads
- Bender theme - Parent category link are clickable
- Bender theme is now upgradable via market
Osclass 3.5.0 2014-11-13
------------------------ Higher limit for custom fields values.

Bug fixed, Manage locations, slugs not being generated

Added filter theme_url, change theme urls as you want
Add customizable class for pagination.
Added styles to Expired ads at Manage listings page.
Date format improvements at Manage users/listings page.
Fixed issues with Premium.php helper.
Ad management as a settings of Bender theme.
Connect / Disconnect from market.osclass.org
Market section, now show paid plugins and themes
My purchases (market page) download your paid plugins or themes
Market section, added search filters.
Several minor bugs fixed.
Several issues with Bender theme fixed.

Osclass 3.4.3 2014-09-30

------------------------ Fixed four critical vulnerabilities thanks to Egidio Romano ( http://karmainse
curity.com/ )
- Fixed some issues with the thousand separator in prices
- Fixed some issues with search urls creating a redirection loop
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Osclass 3.4.2 2014-09-10
------------------------ Fixed two vulnerabilities thanks to Robert & Onur from http://www.netsparker.c
- Fixed some issues with the cache
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Osclass 3.4.1 2014-08-04
------------------------ Fixed some compatibility issues with PHP 5.2
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Osclass 3.4.0 2014-08-04
------------------------ Extensible cache support (memcache, APC,...)
- User based subdomains
- Emails filters with more variables added
- Some sql optimizations (categories, users, premium)
- UI fixes and improvements in admin
- Imagemagick issues fixed
- Child theme support
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Osclass 3.3.2 2014-04-08
------------------------ Changed license of Osclass to Apache License, Version 2.0, you could get a cop
y here http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Osclass 3.3.2 2013-12-17
------------------------ Fixed issue #1239
- Improved a little upgrade process and warning
Osclass 3.3.1 2013-12-16
------------------------ Fixed blurred watermark text
- Fixed black background on images
- Fixed error that makes impossible to install languages via market

Osclass 3.3 2013-12-10

------------------------ Subdomains improved
- Ajax upload of photos, with preview
- Improved image handling, no more mess with background color
- Passwords more secure (use of Bcrypt + individual salt isntead of SHA1)
- Updated HTML Purifier to 4.5.0
- Release notes added when upgrading from previous version
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Osclass 3.2 2013-XX-XX
------------------------ Expiration date for a listing (till now you can do that only for the whole cat
- Advertising by regions (region1.osclass.org/region2.osclass.org)
- Custom searchable fields (you will be able to personalize more searches)
- Bender responsive theme as default theme
- Akismet for listings (added akismet filter to new listings)
- Expiration notice (emails to the users reminding them about the expiration dat
e of each listing)
- Added search filter to manage users
- Sending email to new admins created from oc-admin
- Manage users minor improvements (row colorsStatus , Link to public user profil
- Added ability to display a custom maintenance page (per theme. Create a mainte
nance.php file in the theme folder)
- Updated JQuery to 1.8
- New routes for plugins
- Override email from and email name from
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Osclass 3.1.2 2012-05-07
------------------------ CSRF errors now show a flash message instead of a blank page
- Csrf error ajax, return json with error message
- Memory peak usage in osc_update_location_stats fixed
- Issues using Imagick instead of GD when uploading images fixedsi si
- XSS vulnerability in search page fixed
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Osclass 3.1.1 2012-03-20
------------------------ Fixed breadcrumd in public profile
- Showing correct description in public profile
- SEO fixes: meta description, correct HTTP headers in search results and listin
g detail page
- Don't override from email address when using SMTP
- Problem with custom field url
- Bug with reCAPTCHA in mobile browsers
- Bug fixes related to upgrade
- Bug fixes related to CSRF
- Minor bug fixes
Osclass 3.1 2012-02-26
---------------------- Better market: you can now download languages from the admin
- User ban system
- Templates for static pages + better customization of pages
- Manage email alerts

Security improvements: CSRF in the forms

Easier installation process
Preview of the email templates + legend in the sidebar
Enqueue styles and javascripts urls
Remove several cities/regions at the same time
Upgrade Osclass via CLI
Minor bug fixes

Osclass 3.0.2 2012-10-22

------------------------ Use email from SMTP Settings if it's defined
- Implode categories in search url parameter
- If the submenu is too big in oc-admin now it can be scrollable
- Javascript validation when changing the user email
- Search a listing by email even if the listing is from a non-registered user
- Search users by email in manage users
- Javascript error in countrID selector
- Enhancement: Show total views from osc_item_views helper
- Bug: _whereIn method in DBCommandClass
- Bug: javascript error in manage custom fields
- Bug: Do not select by default the country in the filters of manage listings
- Bug: Show "Showing X to X of X results" if there is only one page in oc-admin
Osclass 3.0.1 2012-08-13
------------------------ Bug: changed from ENT_COMPACT to ENT_COMPAT
- Bug: Edit comment in oc-admin
- Bug: Use image magic uploading images
- Bug: Showing correctly the urls in RSS
- Bug: Correct subject in alert emails
- Bug: Typo mistake in manage media
- Bug: category slugs only accept alphanumeric
- Bug: emails sent from email contact instead of osclass@domain.tld
- Bug: http_chunked_decode was being redeclared
- [ Modern theme ] Removed a duplicated id
Osclass 3.0 2012-07-12
---------------------- Added a toolbar at the header of the oc-admin
- New sidebar menu in the admin. Now it s easier to add menus and submenus with help
- Listing and user statistics in the dashboard
- New oc-admin design
- Manage reported listings
- Manage comments added hidden comments
- Two types of administrator users: super admin and moderator (only access to ma
nage items and statistics)
- More hooks and filters added in the oc-admin: help message, title, manage list
ings, etc.
- Help boxes in the oc-admin
- Browse/Download/Update plugins and themes from the market
- Manually check plugin & theme updates in General settings
- Added pagination on manage plugins
- Canonical urls (when is needed) in the search pages
- Improved meta titles and meta descriptions
- Meta keywords
- Footer urls in the search listing
- Redirect 301 from the old listing url when the listing title has been changed
- Nofollow attribute in the pagination

- Breadcrumbs using rich snippets

- Changed HTML structure of the Pagination Class
- Exclude bot requests in the statistics
- Improved filters, now can accept more than one argument, but only the first ar
gument will be returned
- Improved HTTP requests, implemented fsockopen instead of libcurl when curls is
not installed
- Minor bug fixes from previous versiones
- Fixed some typo mistakes
- [ Modern theme ] Disable Osclass footer
- [ Modern theme ] Improved H1s and titles
- [ Modern theme ] Default logo
Osclass 2.4.1 2012-05-22
------------------------ Fixed creation of search pagination url
- Watermark image should be a PNG
- Fixed bug in item > settings
- Show the correct values in the footer of datatables
- Upgrade is fixed when you came from versions with the country in multiple lang
- Use osc_esc_js in javascript localization
- Add currency button is clickable now
- Fixed javascript error in custom fields
- Corrected multiple typos in strings
Osclass 2.4.0 2012-05-02
------------------------ Admin layout redesign
- Better performance in search queries
- Install Osclass in your language
- Customize permalinks
- Recalculate category and location stats
- New alert system. Now the alerts are saved in a JSON format
- Two more options in custom fields: url and checkbox
- AJAX in plugins
- Internationalization of date and time strings
- Throw Exceptions while installing a plugin and show the error message
- Bug fixed: generate images from original and not normal
- Fixed some minor bugs
- [ Modern theme ] Some enhancements in search filters: nicer checkbox and show
the region of the city in the city filter
- [ Modern theme ] New flash messages design
Osclass 2.3.7 2012-04-11
------------------------ Changed blog feed url
- Fixed a js bug with quote marks in manage comments
- Pagination bug in manage media
- Added osc_resource_preview_url helper
- Don't show duplicated items when "pics only" filter is selected in search
Osclass 2.3.6 2012-03-05
------------------------ PHP Warning in user profile when the description was empty
- Added missing helper: osc_reset_resources
- Contact publisher is working OK now
- Database errors during the installation are caught correctly. Now if you don't
set well the database configuration, it warns you
- Fixed redirect after wrong reCAPTCHA code after posting an item

- We've removed PHP warnings from HTMLPurifier library

- Default currency is selected in item forms
- We've added more checks in image deletion
Osclass 2.3.5 2012-01-16
------------------------ Escape quotes in attr values of input tags using a new helper: osc_esc_html
- PHP Warning if the user doesn't have a description in his profile
- PHP Warning in Search model
- Modified behavior in add/edit form of custom fields
- Style of radio buttons in custom fields
- JS error in add/edit page in oc-admin
- XSS vulnerabilities in search page
- SQL injections in search page and AJAX request in oc-admin (need to be logged
as an admin)
Osclass 2.3.4 2012-01-03
------------------------ Deleting all admins bug fixed
- Multiple installs bug fixed
- Feeds url using permalinks
- SQL error using picture only items bug fixed
- Some hooks were added on admin
- SQL optimized a little more
Osclass 2.3.3 2011-12-17
------------------------ Removed upgrade and upgrade-plugins files
- Minor fix when editing the comments in oc-admin
- Minor fix in the installation process if the config.php file exists
Osclass 2.3.2 2011-12-13
---------------------- Delete images when editing an item from oc-admin
- Change type of the column s_what in t_item_description
- Modified in the upgrade the type of s_what column in t_item_description
Osclass 2.3.1 2011-12-02
---------------------- Redirect to last page after logging in works with permalinks too
- Reconnect to database when getting serialize object for Alerts
- Don't load public user profile if it doesn't exist
- Decrease category stats works fine now
- Don't send admin notification when admin create a user
- Clear "Mark as" option in oc-admin
Osclass 2.3 2011-11-24
---------------------- New DAO (Database Access Object)
- Debug options to show or log queries and errors
- Added an option to enable/disable plugins. So, you won't lose the information
of this plugin
- User is redirected to last visited page when he/she logs in
- New notifications: e-mail to the admin when a new user is registered, e-mail t
o the publisher when a new comment is added
- Profile page for users in the front-end
- Full text search engine for searches
- Static pages can be ordered now
- New type of custom fields: select and radio button
- Improved price format, now you can set: number of decimals, decimals separator

and thousands separator

- [Modern theme] Profile page for users
- [Modern theme] Explanatory messages when contact form is not showed
Osclass 2.2.3 2011-09-26
------------------------ Bug fix: with plugins in Windows environments
- Fixed an error when installing a new plugin if some plugin has been removed fr
om the plugin directory
- Bug fix: when user modifies the location in edit item
- Bug fix: we're not using filter_var function any more
- Bug fix: manage item doesn't crack if category name is not set
- Bug fix: notify admin of new items works in all the cases now
- Bug fix: check blank parameters in forgot-password-post, user-change-password
and contact form
- Bug fix: mailserver setting in oc-admin works fine in different environments
- Pagination Class: now can be inherited
- Fixed some minor Notice errors
Osclass 2.2.2 2011-08-25
------------------------ Now attr [type|src|charset|defer] of script html tag are not removed in widget
- Fixed some AJAX issues related to locations
- If some file theme don't exists, we take the file from gui folder
- Minor fix in sanitize item url
- Created a define for DEMO purposes
- Modified how admin password is set during the installation
- Multi-byte characters in watermarks
- Removed mysql NOW() parameter from everywhere, now the insert/update dates sho
uld be the system dates
- Fixed some minor issues with locations when add/edit new items
- osc_static_page_mod_date function take the correct value now
- Custom pages shouldn't allow as internal name the file names
- Fixed alert subscription
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Fixed some PHP Warnings
- [Modern theme] Logo image is not converted now
- [Modern theme] Some minor style changes
Osclass 2.2.1 2011-08-04
------------------------ Fixed: show recaptcha in edit item if it's configured
- Fixed: if you have another table_prefix, it show the latest items + items in t
he search list
Osclass 2.2 2011-08-01
---------------------- New layout and more filters in manage items
- Added custom fields (for items)
- Watermark on pictures
- Helpers for Rewrite::get_location and Rewrite::get_section
- Premium ads (see paypal plugin)
- Plurals in translations
- Improved inputs related to locations
- Improved error page in the front theme
- Worlwide option is disabled in the installation
- Permalinks with Chinese an Arabic characters works
- All known bugs have been fixed fixed

Osclass 2.1.1 2011-06-22

---------------------- Filter of title and description is not too restrictive now
- Fixed a warning message when there aren't categories
- Fixed error checkdnsrr in windows
- We don't show price filters or any field related with prices when it is disabl
Osclass 2.1 2011-06-14
---------------------- Help messages if you don't pass the requirements in the installer
- Ping search engines in the installation
- Change password at the end of the installation
- Limit amount of items per user in a set time
- Limit the number of photos that the user can add in an item
- Statistics module: new users, new items...
- Skip admin validation if the user has more than a defined number of items/comm
- Improved category management: you can reorder, edit, delete, disable in the sa
me page
- Upload a logo to the header
- Disable adding new items in root categories
- Fill automatically the fields in case that something goes wrong
- Delete photos of items via ajax
- Improved pagination in search page
- Added maintenance mode (in case you want to disable the website to the users)
- Email verification on alerts
- Disable contact item for non-registered users
- Fancybox in modern theme
- Improved expiration features
- Some bugs fixed
Osclass 2.0.3 2011-05-05
------------------------ Price is showed fine when there're more than one language enabled
- Locale Class renamed
- STRICT Standars error in Category Class fixed
- STRICT Standars error in Search Class fixed
- Configure in Manage plugins appears even if the folder is a soft-link
- [Modern theme] Input select in user dashboard has jquery.uniform style
- Create mb_substr function if not exists
- NOTICE error when users send an item to a friend
- Upload images in IIS Servers
- [Modern theme] Sidebar in main page shows now only regions fo the active items
- [Modern theme] CSS category drop down improvements so the hierarchy of subcate
gories are visible.
Osclass 2.0.2 2011-04-20
------------------------ RSS fixed, now works fine if you write sFeed=rss or sFedD= in the search url.
- In the item detail page, now the num views is the sum of all the days.
- file_get_contents replaced for curl. Added a library that emulates curl if it'
s not installed.
- Fixed NOTICE error when a user updates the profile.
- Update process improved for future versions.
Osclass 2.0.1 2011-04-12
------------------------ Country displays correctly even if there are multiple languages installed.
- City autocomplete works in search sidebar

Fixed forgot password in oc-admin

Recaptcha works fine in recover password
Fixed helper of format_price. Now it takes from s_currency_format in languages
Specify more the errors in installation process
If a user change the e-mail, it also changes now in the alert system
Prefill categories select with a default string instead of the first category

Osclass 2.0 2011-04-06

--------------------------- Added several helpers to
- Remember me is working in admin and user login.
- Fixed RSS.
- Fixed a lot of flash messages.
- If ZipArchive is not compiled, now we use an external lib: pclzip.
- Pre-fill comment form.
- Improved photos validation through mime.
- Auto-login after a user has validated an account.
- Improved comment moderation.
- Plugins/themes can be translated.
- Permalinks: most links are user-friendly now.
- New user dashboard.
- Registered users can delete here own comments.
- Recaptcha added to: comments, recover password, item contact.
- Several small bugs fixed.
Osclass 2.0 RC 2011-02-23
--------------------------- New structure based on Classes
- Helpers: now there are a lot of functions that help the developer to modify th
e themes easily
- Added a test that add fake content
- New class to get external params (get, post, cookies, request)
- New e-mails added in the installer
- Translation uses a singleton
- There are three files in languages: core.po, messages.po (for flash_messages),
Osclass 1.2 delta 2011-01-12
---------------------------- New whole system of permalinks
- Improved user profiles
- ImageResize Class improved
- Minor bugs fixed
Osclass 1.2 beta 2010-12-14
--------------------------- Users can register without confirmation
- Small changes in installer
Osclass 1.2 alpha 2010-12-07
---------------------------- Add alerts system (users could subscribe to search results, and we'll be notif
ied in case there're new ads)
- Several small bugs fixed
Osclass 1.1 2010-11-29
---------------------- Add item from backoffice
- User can not be contacted if the item is expired
- Feed plugin

Banner management plugin

JSON works even if is not loaded with php (using a JSON class)
Indelible pages are not shown
Sort categories by position (this position is set in oc-admin)
Search and pagination bugs fixed
Mail bugs fixed
Small bugs fixed

Osclass 1.1 RC 2010-11-22

------------------------- Fixed installation and locations (in oc-admin) problems. Now, even though allo
w_url_fopen is disabled, it works well.
- Now if you activate a new language and you haven't translated categories yet,
it shows in other language that is available.
- SMTP is working well now.
- Added default currency feature
- Small bugs fixed

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