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Name in full

JANUARY 22, 1969


Complete address on field P/Bag 38, Karoi; Rliodesia, Africa

Complete forwarding address

(after fall of 1969)

Stanley Anderson, 1521 Menlo Avenue, Napa, Cal ifornia

Name and address of Livinglink church or churches:





2659 First St.



7.rme>.. 9J-Lb68intP_ Calif, nity



Names and addresses of other sponsoring or endorsing churches:

LadopjS-. Christian Church

RtrPPt Walnut:-&. Elm,St.

Pify Ladoga


7nnp^l-795^kqtfl<-p_ Indiana city.



Please send along with this form copies of recommendations from churches which will encourage
other churches to support your missionary work. There are churches which will not allow a
visiting missionary to speak unless a church recommendation can be shown. Since it is impos
sible for any one person to know all Christians in the world, this recommendation by a respon
sible New Testament church is a vital help in persuading others of your worthiness and the value
of your mission. Mission Services stands ready to help you inform HORIZONS readers about
your church recommendations. Since the church is sending you to the mission field (Acts 13:1-3)
and will help provide the necessary needs on the field, naturally the church should share the
credit in your missionary ministry. One of the ways that the church can do this is to share their
conviction regarding your missionary ministry with others. Certainly, their words will help
convince others regarding the worthiness of your work. Please help MISSION SERVICES to

spread your news through HORIZONS, Packets and Slide library by sending your church recom
mendations as soon as possible. Thanks. Send what you have now, and the others later.
Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names and addresses here and enclose a copy of
each letter, thanks.)









w Personal letters were sent to the Central Africa Mission Board

at Kentucky Christian College.

I do not have copies.

Name and address of hometown newsp^pnr Cra^gordsvitle r.evue, Cra->;gordsvine. Indiana


Ladoga, Indiana)

Name and address of other papers which might carry stories of your work:
Napa Register

Thle Indianapolis News

"^-515 Second Street


CityJtopa___zone!^i!%tate, Calif.

Citjj' Indianapol l^onp_

State. Indiana


Place of PTRTTT New Uincliester

Day of




Ladoga Christian Church

Pity Ladoga





On an extra page please describe any details regarding conversion which you might care to



Date of marriage

Where married?

Who solemnized your wedding?

List children by full name giving place, day, month, and year of birth:
(If your children have been adopted, please indicate.)

Place of their birth

day, month, and year

Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did. Give approximate dates:



Carlisle Christian Church, Carlisle Kentucky, Secretary -Youth Director - June 1959 -Aug.1960
Bethany Christian Ch. 163'+ Minnesota St. Indianapolis Ind.
Sec-Youth Dir. Sept. 1960 -Aug
Napa Christian Ch, 2659 First St. Napa, Calif. Sec-Youth Dir. Sept, 1964

SCHOOLING (high school and later):

Name of school
Ladoga High School

Number of years


Ladoga, Indiana

Johnson Bible College

Degrees and date granted


Kiiaberlin Heights, Tenn.


B. A.

- May 1959

What things influenced you to become a missionary? What is your purpose? What do you hope
to accomplish on the mission field? Your own story in some detail might be influential in leading
others into fulltime service (Use an extra sheet if you need more space):

I have been interested in missions since age 13 when I became a Christian.

The main reason is because God said "Go into all the World".

Not everyone

Can go so I feel that,the Lord helping me, I must go. I love people and I
want to help them when and whereever I can not only in a physical way but
in a spiritural. way to know Christ,
My family has been in need of help in times past and it seemed that the

Christians were alx^ays to help and encourage,. It was through concerned

Christians that I was introduced to the Lord and so 1 am compelled to give ^ly
life to Him because he has done so much for me.

I want to help others to find the deep joy in Christ that I have found.
Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field:

Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?


Radio ministry.

Bible College Teacher



Public School Teacher^


MUSlC tCacher,

Radio followup__^._Christian Service Camp___ Linguistics.

Maintenance of mission pgnipmpnf


Office work_Z^_. Name other:

Hospital Secretary


Father's namfi anH hnms flHHrpRg- Walter R. Pickett

His ocenpfltinn


Tg he a Christian? yes

Zone _ State


What positions of leadership has he held in the local church?

fourteen years


He -.jaa the uhurch Janitor

Faithful attendance but held no actual leadership position

What Christian service does he now do?

Mother's full maiden name:

RtrPPt ooQ ^


->U'-h (Bugg) Pi-ke^t




Is she a Christian? YesJXNo.._ Her occupation if employed outside the home.

What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local churchy.

Faithful attendance

but held no actua"! leadership position




strp.t 1521 ManTo Ave.



Where attend ohnrnh?, First Christian Clmrch



Telephone: '"-"577

Rf-pppf- 2659 First Street

7.nnf^. 9!-55S Rf^tP California

What duties are performed by the forwarding agpntDoes the forwarding agent receive a galary?.

k serves on Missionary Coraniittee


Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only?.

In what form should funds be .cpnf9 Checks made, out to Central Africa Mission
If funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the field, please explain the details of how to
do it, so we can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire.
Use the remainder of this sheet or an additional sheet to supply other information which you think
might be helpful to the staff of MISSION SERVICES in preparing news stories about your ministry:



To do the many government records that are re.quired since we are an ap

proved government hospital. T'7e have to keep a record of each patient
that is admitted to the hospital and send this report each month to the
government. Not the nnmber of patients only, but how many days they
received treatment, We also have to tell them how many patients we treated
for certain diseases like Malaria, Measles, Bilharxla, Tuberculosis, etc,


To do all the correspondence that comes to the hospital from people

wanting work,


To keep financial records.

To write letters acknowledging gifts that we receive for the hospital

from U,S,A,


To do correspondence for Dr. Erickson. Ever hear of a Doctor in America

without a secretary?


To help with the 13 womens* groups that the Chidamoyo women sponsor.


The most important thing and that is to help all of us who work in the
hospital ministry to lead souls to Christ and to Salvation. Last year we
saw over 4,000 patients at Chidamoyo Hospital. IThat better opportunity
to witness for Christ can you find?

You^might ask who is doing all of this work now. Dr. Erickson, Mrs. Sue

Alice Erickson, R, N, and Madonna Burget, R, N, We do this on top of other

responsibilities that we have in caring for the medical needs of the patients.

Judy Is needed with a capital N, Won't you help her and us by contributing
toward her living link, service link and travel funds? With her added help all
of us can give more time to the most important part of our work and that is
telling people of our Saviour Jesus and pointing them the way to salvation. If
you can't give, pray that others will give.
Madonna Burget



Judith Loy Pickett was born April 23, 1936 to Mrs. Ruth Pickett and
the late Walter R, Pickett at New V/inchester, Indiana. Early in her child

hood, the family moved to Montgomery County near Ladoga Indiana where jshe
grew up and attended the Ladoga schools.

Soon after being immersed into

Christ at the age of 13, Judy became interested in Missions, the need for
more workers and the urgency to spread the G-ospel to all peoples.


interest rema-ined throughout high school, and while at Johnson Bible College
in Tennessee, she dedicated her life to the Mission Field. However, "the
doors" did not open for her particular qualifications until early in 1968
when Miss Madonna B urgett wrote extending an invitation for her to come

to the Chidamoyo Christian Hospital in Rhodesia as Hospital Secretary.

In j^ecember of 1968 Judy became a Missionary Recruit. The Elders of

First Christian Church in Na.pa, California, having given their full approval,
drafted a resolut5-on December 15, 1968 sending her forth, with their blessings,
as a Missionary,

The Ladoga Christian Church Elder's also endorse her for this

Although her talents...and experience in working with young people will

serve her well on the mission field, her primary responsibility will be that
of secretary at Chidamoyo Hospital. She holds a B achelor of Arts degree
from Johnson B ible College and has worked for 10 years in three churches
asGChurch Secretary and Youth Director.

Her needs on the field will be $200.00 Living Link and $300.00 "Service
Link" monthly. Her travel and shipping expense to the field will run between

$600.00 and $1,000.00. The Napa First Christian Church stepped out on faith
and pledged to supply her entire ipPOO.OO Living Link Support and the Church
at Ladoga Indiana has made a pledge of $30.00 per month on her Service Link.
Miss Pickett is pleased to announce that Mrs. Stanley Anderson, 1521
Menlo St., N apa, California will serve as her Forwarding Agent. All finarc ial
pledges and gifts should be sent to Mrs. Anderson.

Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
V '--J '

Napa, California
Permit No. 28


If. 945

Mission Services

Box 36B

Joliet, 111. 60434

December 1969
_pear Christian Friend^:

At the \riting of this newsletter, I have been in Rhodesia exactly one

month. Needless to say, it has been a month of many new experiences.

The trip via plane, with a stopover in Rio de Janeiro, was an interest
ing one, bat-tiring, and I was happy when we reached Johannesburg,
South Africa, and boarded the plane for the last lap of the trip to

We, Pat Kfinnev and myself, were met by Dr, Erickson, Nurse Madonna
Burget, Nurse Martha Raile, Mrs, Jerry Saith and Marilyn Richards,
Having known Madonna and Marilyn in the States, it was quite a reunion
for me.

Madonna and Pat drove the 200 miles to the Mission, but I flew out with
Dr. Erickson in the mission plane. So my first sight of my new home
was from the air and a very thrilling sight it was, I was caught up
by mixed emotions as we set doxvn on the airstrip so many miles from
all that had been familiar to me. We were welcomed very warmly by the
rest of the missionaries and by several Africans who came running from
their homes around the airstrip.
The following day I became officially the secretary of Chidamoyo
Uhr1stian"IIuaui La1, My main -duties -are doing monthly x^e'pui'ts' to the^govemment, the Hospital bookkeeping, dictation from the Doctor, and
then I am being trained to work in the drug room. This last duty is
one that is nuite different from anything I have done before and thus
is a great challenge to me.

The African staff at the Hospital are all Christians and speak English,
Thev delight, however, in making me greet them in Shona, They tell me
what to say and in this way I have learned several Shona words and


The Lord willing, I will study the language with a teacher

after the first of the year,

I am especiallv en.ioying the different religious services that I take

part in,

I am now giving morning devotions at the Hospital each Thurs

day morning for the in-patients at 7:30, and again in the out-patient
department at 8:30, Of course, I speak with the aid of an interpreter.

I enioy the singing especially and with a Shona songbook in hand, I

sing right along with the group. The only catch is, I don*t know what
I am singing unless it is an American tune that I recognize. Also I
am taking turns with Ifedonna and Pat in leading the Hospital staff in
Bible Study on Friday evenings. This, of course, is in English so is
a bit easier.

Pat and I each have started a new women*s group in two villages, who
have ,iust been waiting for us to arrive.

When Madonna leaves in Jan

uary, we will each take over one of her groups, making us each in charge
of two groups.

Then I have also been helping with the ladies who meet

each Thursdav et Chidamoyo. The new group which I have started is in

the village or area of Chivakanenyama, which is 28 miles from the mis

For their first nro.iect the ladies there have decided to make

aprons. I buy all the material, needles, thread and supplies for
them, and thev pay for what they use. Did you ever buy material for
40 aprons? Then at each meeting we have a time of wonderful fellow
ship as we study C-od^s word together through flannelgraph lessons,
ob.iect lessons and singing. The first time I met with the ladies at
Chivakanenyama I told them that I could not speak Shona and that they
would have to be patient xMith me until I learned to speak it. After
the meeting they came up to Miss Burget and told her that they were


3;oin' to teach me Shona real fast so -that I could talk to them Then
they proceeded to speak to me in Shona and make me repeat what they
said, and lau'^hed when I mlspronouncep their words. They are a fine
^roup of women and I know the Lord iij 9;oin^ to bless our work together,
It is an experience within itself .lust to drive the 28 miles on the
African bush roads. When one is not changing gears to go up or down
a hill, he is dod^in<3? hufi;e rocks or Its or crossing rocky river beds
with washed out bridges. Then also t tiere are the chickens, goats and
burros to contend with. They dart out from the bush in front of the
car and ,1ust dare you to hit them. I like it best when I am just a

passenger and can look around at the| Lovely scenery. It is actually

spring here in Rhodesia and the trees and grass are a beautiful green.
The hills are dotted by the villages of mud huts with their thatched
roofs. Some are very large villages, and some small.
Sometimes it is very hard for me to realize that I am in Africa, but
then as I lay in my bed at night and ! lear the distant beat of the drums
at a Duro (beer) party, the reality ii3 made clear. Then again as I
walk out on our veranda and come face to face with a cobra snake, and
as we drive along a bush road at nigh and come across a 9-foot I^thon
slowly making his way across the road I know that Africa is a reality.

Well, this is a very lengthy newsletter and I must close.

is so much to tell that it is hard to stop.

But there

Other newsletters will

follow, however. I just thank the Lcjrd that he has called me to carry
out his will in this place, and I pray for each one of you who have
been so generous with your prayers and support in my behalf.

|n Christian Love,

For our'work with the women*s groups, we could use*needles,

crochet-cotton, embroidery thread, pu j.lt squares, buttons, knitting
needles, knitting pattern books, and medium sized dress patterns (used
ones are OK). If any of your groups jCiare to send some of these things,
my information is that if a package y^ilue is kept under $10, we will

P. S.

not have to pay customs on it. Packa ges should be marked:

for resale. License No. 371-11." My address is Box 330, Karoi, Rhodesia,


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