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El renacer del Aguila

Cuando te entregas a Cristo te conviertes en aguila los que esperan en Jehova como las
aguilas: "Los muchachos se fatigan y se cansan, los jvenes flaquean y caen; pero los
que esperan a Jehov tendrn nuevas fuerzas; levantarn alas como las guilas;
corrern, y no se cansarn; caminarn, y no se fatigarn." (Isaas 40.30-31)
Alas de aguila
De 8 pies con las que pueden volar a mas de 65 millas y elevarse hasta a 10,000 pies y
Alcanzan las 200 millas por hora de picada logrando el impacto de una bala.
El poder de soar y alcanzar tus metas mas altas. Puede recorrer hasta 100 millas en
un dia buscando alimento: te esfuerzas y luchas por lo que quieres aunque tengas que
recorrer largas distancias no te atemorizas ni desmayas hasta que logras lo que buscas.
Antes de El solo sobreviviamos y nos conformabamos solo lo que se nos ponia por
delante o fue nuestra suerte.
Colossians 3: 1-2, "If you then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are
above. Set your affection on things above."
Ephesians 2:6, "He hath made us sit (soar?) together in heavenly places in Christ
Las aguilas fueron creadas para volar, si tocan el suelo es solo por unos momentos.
Los que son aguilas pertenecen al cielo y si tocan lo terrenal es solo por mientras.

Elevarte por encima de tus problemas y Escapar de tus enemigos : cuando los
cuervos la atacan no se pone al tu por tu con ellos sino que comienza a elevarse hasta que
llega tan alto que su enemigo comienza a ahogarse y desiste. Cuando el enemigo te
ataque no te pongas a su nivel elevate a los lugares celestiales en alabanza y adoracion y
ah Dios pondra a tus enemigos por estrado de tus pies.
Avanzar a mayor velocidad
Caerle a tu presa a 200 por hora
En la velocidad no se cansa y puede permanecer estatica sin problemas. Se les ha
visto volar contra el viento sin esfuerzo en medio de un huracan. Se pueden mantener casi
sin avanzar al acecho de lo que buscan y no tienen mayores problemas.
Tienes la capacidad de aguantar el ajetreo de los logros y el trabajo al igual que la
paciencia en medio de la larga espera de lo que Dios te ha prometido permaneciendo si es
necesario en el mismo lugar o avanzando muy lentamente sin desesperarte. Ha cosas en
Dios que llegan muy rapido otras que se tienen que esperar por mucho tiempo como
Abraham y las 10 virgenes. En todo el te ha dado la capacidad de avanzar sin cansarte y
esperar sin desesperarte los que esperan en Jehova. Se dice que los que esperan
desesperan, pero el que espera en Jehova no se fatigan.
Se mantiene fiel a su companero hasta la muerte, solo tienen una pareja y no la cambian a menos que muera: Tienes
la capacidad de ser fiel y permanecer firme en lo que te propones. Puedes soportar y amar a aquellos que puedan no ser
muy amables.

Puede levantar mas de su propio peso hasta un becerro: tienes la capacidad de

aguantar, sostener y aun levantar a otros.
Su belleza y perfeccion es un proceso: la cabeza y cola del aguila calba no se tornan blancas sino hasta
el 4to o 5to ano.
Vision telescopica: a 10,000 pies o 2 milla de altura puede ver un conejo en la selva y

caerle a 200 millas por hora y en cuestion de segundos el animal no sabe ni que le
pego cuando ya esta en el pico y garras del aguila.
Los aguilas tenemos vision prolongada, vemos lo que Dios tiene para nosotros
aunque este muy lejos de nosotros. Cuando es el tiempo de tomarlo nos da la fuerza
para aprobechar la oportunidad.

Vision termica: es el unico animal que puede ver directamente al sol debido a una tela
que tiene en sus ojos como parpados especiales. Cuando su enemigo #1 el condor mas
grande que el le ataca no vuela a la derecha ni al nido ni a papa, vuela directamente hacia
el sol. Cuando el enemigo trata de seguirla es segado por los rayos del sol y pierde el
rumbo y desiste la persecucion. "Someteos, pues, a Dios; resistid al diablo, y huir de
vosotros. Acercaos a Dios, y l se acercar a vosotros. Pecadores, limpiad las manos; y
vosotros los de doble nimo, purificad vuestros corazones." (Santiago 4.7-8)
Nosotros somos los unicos que podemos ver a Dios (limpios de Corazon), cuando el
enemigo nos ataca todo lo que tenemos que hacer es ir al Sol de Justicia y el enemigo no
puede tocarnos mientras estemos cerca de el.
Fuerza extraordinaria: la figura es de un levantador de pesas. Pecho saltado
acinturada, muslos poderos. Algunas aguilas pueden matar hasta un antilope de 50
lbs, 35 lbs mas que su peso promedio.
A diferencia de otros animals, las aguilas manejan muy bien las tormentas. Mientras
que los animales buscan esconderse y refugiarse cuando biene la tormenta, el aguila
enfrenta la tormenta retandola y la atrabieza por el medio con la cabeza viendo hacia
donde vio por ultima vez el sol. Podemos con circunstancias mas poderosas que
nosotros. Tnemos la capacidad de enfrentar y destruir cosas aun mas pesadas que
Dieta Organica: el secreto del aguila es que cuida mucho lo que le sirve de
alimento. No comen nada que ya este muerto y mucho menos que este
descompuesto. Los aguilas ya no nos atrae lo muerto y descompuesto del mundo,
buscamos lo que es puro, limpio, y de buen nombre. Filtramos lo que vemos oimos y
compartimos, entendemos que todo es licito pero no todo combiene.

Vuelan solas, no en parvada como los zopilotes o las gallinas que agusto se duermen una
junto a la otra: No van a donde van todos, piensan diferente, la mayoria piensan en lo
mismo una y otra vez. Los mismos 1000 pensamientos son repasados y repetidos por el
95 % de la humanidad que va a donde los demas van sin considerar ni cuestionar porque.
El aguila aunque valla sin nadie mejor solo que mal acompanado, se atrebe a pensar
diferente, si algo no se ha hecho no cree que sea porque no se puede hacer sino porque
nadie lo ha logrado ahun. Curiosamente el 90 % de la riqueza radica en el 5% de la
poblasion la que piensa diferente. La gente que es aguila no canta y ve lo que todos
cantan y ovacionan, lo analizan y argumentan el contenido y la intencion detrs de ello. A

donde va los guajolotes (vicente)? A donde va la gente, la gente canta y acepta cosas en el
peor de los casos nociba y destructiva, el mejor de los casos estupidas y sin sentido, las
aguilas se apartan de quien no sea como ellos y vuele a su misma altura.
El que se junta con sabios sabio sera
Se aparean en el aire: Las aguilas le hacen el amor solo a un aguila que tenga la agilidad
de hacerlo a su nivel. Con esto se asegura que no se mete con una gallina o guajolote. El
que es aguila selecciona muy bien las personas con que intima.
Las malas companias corrompen
El sabio ve el peligo y huye
Los dos participan en el cuidado de los hijos: toman turnos para ir a cazar y mientras
que uno va el otro se queda y luego invierten el orden.
The majestic eagle. With its powerful and graceful wings, it can soar through the sky and
cause traffic to stop on the side of a road for anything but modest picture. It is a symbol of
power, strength, and thievery. Surprised? Youll be interested to know that there are many
things that you might not know about the eagle.

See all 8 photos

The Bald Eagle

by Nikographer on Flickr

by Hard-Rain on Flickr

Young Bald Eagle by Nikographer on Flickr

The Bald Eagle (Welcome Books)
Amazon Price: $2.21
List Price: $4.95

Bald Eagle
Amazon Price: $0.01
List Price: $6.95

The Bald Eagle (Pull Ahead Books)

Amazon Price: $4.10
List Price: $6.95

The Illustrated Bald Eagle: The Ultimate Reference Guide for Bird Lovers, Woodcarvers, and Artists (The Denny
Rogers Visual Reference series)
Amazon Price: $15.91
List Price: $24.95

The Bald Eagle: Haunts and Habits of a Wilderness Monarch

Amazon Price: $10.03
List Price: $16.95

Just Eagles
Amazon Price: $26.39
List Price: $29.50

The Bald Eagle (True Books)

Amazon Price: $3.71
List Price: $6.95

The Bald Eagle

Lets first begin with the most well-known and recognized Bald eagle. I use quotations
around bald for a very good reason. Get a close up of the bird and you realize it is anything
but bald. The white crown (cap) that it wears shines in the sunlight and lets everyone know
that it is the Bald Eagle. When Europeans first come to North America and saw this creature,
the word bald meant to them white. Thus giving us our Bald Eagle. It reminded them of
their sea eagles back home.
The bald eagle is native only to North America and not found anywhere else in the world. Of
the estimated 70,000 that currently fly our skies, half of them reside in Alaska. The bald
eagle prefers to be near bodies of water since fish is their primary and preferred food source.
Alaska is known for its large coastline and for having few people. This fits our feathered
friends life just fine. The more people, the less animals and territory for the eagle. That is
why over the years since the European invasion the numbers of bald eagles declined so

In the early twentieth century, it began to be noticed how less often the eagle was being
spotted flying high above over our lakes and rivers. After numerous studies it was discovered
that there were just a few thousand left to cover the entire are of Canada, America, and
Mexico. That is not leaving much chance of spotting an eagle. Which does lead to why we
are so fascinated when we do see one. In 1967 our bald was placed on the endangered list.
Now, it was protected. At that time there were about 500 mating pairs known to researchers.
In just a few years in 1995 it was placed at threatened status. Then in 2007 it was removed
from the endangered list. It was still protected but researchers could see huge results. From
500 mating pairs to about 5,000 in just a few decades. That is progress.
Protection continues under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940 which prohibits
not only killing of the birds, but any kind of contact with them including even possessing a
fallen feather. Unfortunately, many foolish people were climbing into nests and harassing the
birds which interfered with their survival. The only exceptions to this act were given to the
Native Americans but only if their culture had already used eagles in many of their customs
and ceremonies. They are still not allowed to kill but they can possess the feathers and the
talons for ceremonial purposes only. If the Native Americans respected this stewardship of
the eagles like their ancestors did, there would be no harassing of the bird since deep
respect and honor of nature accompanied their traditions.
The eagle has proven itself to be resilient. They can live up to 30 years in the wild and they
mate for life. They are dedicated to their mate. But if tragedy should strike, they know that
they need to keep on so another mate is chosen without hesitation.
The males and females pretty much look identical. But the females get the upper-hand by
being about 25% larger than their mates. I guess we dont have to wonder who does the
dishes in that household. When they go out on their own, they choose trees high up in the
sky that can support a lot of weight. This is not because they eat a lot of fish, but because
they like to make home roomy as the years go by. When a home chosen and constructed,
there is no thoughts of moving on up, so to speak. They use the same next year after year. If
man or nature removes their tree, another one in the same neighborhood is chosen. The
nests can weigh as much as 2 tons (yes, I said tons) and be 9 feet wide. The depths of
these nests with years of additions can get as high as 15 feet. Some have been documented
to be even deeper.
Once a home is chosen, a mate is looked for. The mating of the eagles can be awesome to
watch and at the same time frightful. They begin their courtship up in the sky with their talons
outstretched. I might as well stop trying to describe their intricate mating and let a master tell
The Dalliance of the Eagles

Skirting the river road, (my forenoon walk, my rest,)

Skyward in air a sudden muffled sound, the dalliance of the eagles,
The rushing amorous contact high in space together,
The clinching interlocking claws, a living, fierce, gyrating wheel,
Four beating wings, two beaks, a swirling mass tight grappling,
In tumbling turning clustering loops, straight downward falling,
Till o'er the river pois'd, the twain yet one, a moment's lull,
A motionless still balance in the air, then parting, talons loosing,
Upward again on slow-firm pinions slanting, their separate divorce flight,
She hers, he his, pursuing.
by Walt Whitman
After 35 days, the result is of young eagles to carry on their legacy. When the little ones
break out of their shells both parents share in the raising of the young. They take turns going
out and hunting for food while the other one stays to guard the next from would be predators.
The young could be rather surprising to behold at first because they lack the renown white
head. They are brown with a little white on their bodies, but not until they reach sexual
maturity at age 5 do they show their bald side.
At full maturity they can be 3 feet tall with a wingspan of around eight feet. The body weight
averages 13 pounds but some have been documented to be bigger. The northern eagles
tend to be larger than their southern relatives. The immense size and their ferocious looks
have laid the foundation for many of the myths that have spread about eagles. When we
moved to Northern Wisconsin, I was amazed at the number of eagles that I could see sitting
in my own yard or just driving to the store. I had a huge laugh (and kicked myself for not
having a camera) when I drove by a lake to see the guys ice fishing. A few yards away was
an extremely large eagle waiting to see what they brought up. Now the bird would not have
attacked them for the fish but Im sure he was hoping they would drop it. Overall, eagles
prefer to avoid people and therefore build their homes away from them if possible and rarely
hunt near large amounts of human activity. All of our neighbors and relatives have warned us
about letting our cats or our dog. The eagles will take them away is were not careful. Sorry
to burst everyones bubble but the odds are pretty slim that that will happen. The maximum
amount of cargo an eagle can carry is 4 or 5 pounds and that is only if it acquired it at full
speed. The distance it would be able to go would be short. To drop down and pick up prey,
the eagle chooses animals less than 2 pounds so that they can lift easier and make it to their

nest. The conclusion would be that most house pets would be safe from the mighty eagle.
They prefer fish or carrion (already dead meat) to going around kidnapping pets.
I mentioned at the beginning of all this about them being thieves. Eagles are part of the
raptor family which includes hawks, vultures, falcons, and owls. They are hunters, but at
times they tend to be a little lazy and crooked. It is not uncommon for an eagle to sit in high
reaches of the trees around a large body of water and watch as other birds swoop down
attempting to catch an unsuspecting fish. As soon as one does, the eagle grins slightly and
pushing forcefully into the air aiming at the successful hunter. With a few bumps and sharp
talons, the eagle makes off with the prize leaving the other defeated and hungry. They wont
let the young of other birds in their 15 mile territory pass by either which is why you might
see a few black birds chasing the massive eagle away from their nests.
In 1782 the bald eagle was chosen to be the national bird of the new country of the United
States of America. It was chosen for its majestic and solid stance. It was regal. It was strong.
And according to Benjamin Franklin and others it was a thief and should not even be
considered to represent the country. He wanted the noble turkey who was honorable, smart,
and beautiful to be the emblem. Thanksgiving Day would be a little different today if Franklin
won the day. Instead it is the bald eagle that is on the official emblem of the United States.
Bald Eagles can have a wingspan of up to 8 feet and can weigh as much as 15 pounds.
The Bald Eagle has a lifespan of approximately 25 years in the wild but may live 40 years or more in captivity.
The Bald Eagle can lift as much as four pounds.

The Harpy Eagle is the largest of the eagles weighing 20 pounds or more.
The habitat of the Harpy Eagle is Central and South American rainforests where it preys on birds and mammals such as monkeys.
The Bald Eagle reaches sexual maturity between the ages of 4 to 6 years.
The Bateleur Eagle may cover 100 miles or more a day in search of food.
Golden Eagles are covered with feathers all the way to their toes whereas the Bald Eagle has no feathers on its feet.
The Bald Eagle has a bony protrusion over the eyes to protect from the glare of the sun.
Chicks usually begin to fly at about 3 months of age.
Bald Eagles can be found in every state except Hawaii.
Eagles have been known to steal food from other birds.
The Bald Eagle stands approximately 3 feet.
Females lay 1 to 3 eggs annually during spring. The incubation period is approximately 35 days.
Benjamin Franklin recommended the Wild Turkey for the national symbol rather than the Bald Eagle.
The Bald Eagle represents freedom.
The Bald Eagle is also referred to as the American Eagle.
Fish is the favorite food of Bald Eagles.

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