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My Teacher , My Barbers

Peterson A. Oropa

Why do Teacher's Need to be Barber's These Days and give School Boy haircuts?

In simple terms it could be because

Parents do not adhere to school rules
and Discipline their Children.
Parents shocked that their boy was
given a drastic haircut by a teacher
from his secondary school. Yet had
they done their job as parents and
disciplined their son by taking him to
a Barber Shop at least once every
three or so weeks, teachers would not
have to act like a 'barber'.
Getting your son or daughter a
haircut to adhere to school rules does

not usually cause and scar any boy or

girl psychologically
This is not as humiliating as having it
cut by teacher or prefect in-front of
classmates coz our hair was too long
and in breach of school regulations.
This was so terrible that these
students had to rush to a barber the
same day and have it it fixed right
after the school day had ended. In
fact, even if the boys' or girls' hair
weren't even touching his or her
eyebrows!!! but not perfectly neat
and cut to school regulations at all

times, same treatment was dished out

to all students.
School Day Haircut Regulations are an
integral part of the training for
discipline, it conditions a student to
conform with society's standard of
what's presentable and what's not.
Short hair also means showing a clean
image which translates to better
public image for the school as it
doesn't show unkempt students who
look like hippys, disco girls and or
they smoke weed and therefore
reflects badly on the school and or the
school administrator's ability to
discipline their students
Strict regulations on students
grooming are compulsory for all
students who attend public schools.
The hairstyle of students is also given
attention by schools . Schools do not
allow students to color their hair. For
boys, there is usually a maximum
length of hair allowed, for example,
the hair must be a few centimeters
above the collar, and no sideburns are

Girls should have haircut too , to be


For girls with long hair, their hair must

be properly tied up, often into a
ponytail or worn in a short bob or
cropped cut. Some schools dictate the
color and type of hair accessories that
can be used. Some prohibit even girls
from having long hair. Wearing make
up in school is prohibited.
Schools across Malaysia, Philippines,
Thailand, United Kingdom, and many
other countries usually enforce their
school uniform and grooming code
thoroughly, with regular checks by
teachers and prefects. Students who
fail to comply may be warned, given
demerit points, or publicly punished at
school assembly or sent home from
school after being escorted to the
school barber.
The induction haircut has both
practical and psychological purposes.
Originally, one of the reasons for the
induction haircut was to reduce the
chances of disease among closely
quartered recruits from different
geographical areas (with varying
immunities), such as head lice.
However, the haircut also has the
psychological purpose of stripping
recruits of their individuality and

promoting the "team" mentality

desirable in a platoon of military
recruits similarly at school the school
boy school girl all hear to learn one
team spirit. Although the term
"induction cut" is generally used to
refer to male military haircuts, females
also endure a form of an induction
haircut, in that their hair is very often
nowadays cut to chin-length.

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