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Group main rules:
-Swearing is prohibited
-Racism is prohibited
-Hate speech is prohibited
-Bias against a gender is prohibited
-Dating is prohibited
-Personal attack is prohibited
-Unauthorized links are prohibited
-Spam is prohibited
-Rude behavior is prohibited
-Asking for money is prohibited
-Swearing: Cussing each other out has no place in our community. Attempts to disguise bad
language or bypass the language filters will not be tolerated.
Consequence: You will be exiled.
-Racism: Racism is a product of the complex interaction in a given society of a racebased worldview with prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination.
Consequence: You will be exiled.
-Hate speech: Speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such as
gender, ethnic origin, religion, race, disability, or sexual orientation.
Consequence: You will be exiled.
-Bias against a gender: Gender discrimination is prejudice or discrimination based on a
person's sex or gender.
Consequence: You will be exiled.
-Dating: Dating is a part of the human mating process whereby two people meet socially
for companionship, beyond the level of friendship, or with the aim of each assessing the other's
suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or marriage.
Consequence: You will be exiled.

-Personal attack: Making of an abusive remark on or relating to somebody's person instead of

providing evidence when examining another person's claims or comments.
Consequence: You will be exiled.

-Unauthorized links: Links from other sites, games, places.

Consequence: You will be exiled.
-Spam: Spam means saying the same thing over and over or saying something incomprehensible.
Consequence: You will be exiled.
-Rude behavior: Rudeness is a display of disrespect by not complying with the social
norms or etiquette of a group or culture. Examples: Get out, dumb idea, no support, no, just
Consequence: You will be ranked down.
-Asking for money.
Consequence: You will be exiled.

How to report rule violation:

Send Personal Message (PM) to HR:
Message: -what rule was violated (from the list above)
-Player Username.
-Date and Time.
-If that was in game, Name of Game (Place).
-Image, Video or any other proof of rule violation (not needed).
Meet with HR if he is online and report him directly.

HR are members of the group in the following ranks:

-Tactical Director
-Sci-Tech Director
-Field Director

Main Regulations:
-You must follow orders from your superior.
-You must not kill without permission.
-If you need to go say: GTG and leave the game.
-Do not follow HR in other games/places unless you have to report violation.
-You can be kicked from game/place without warning.
-On trainings you need to wear uniform.
-You do not have to wear uniform in other games, only in shield places and missions.
-If you see Admin Abuse (AA) report it to Director of Shield.

-Orders: Orders are directions from your superior what you need to follow.
-If you do not have permission to kill other player, do not shoot. Of you shoot you will be punished.
-If you have to go, do not bother other with that (like when you are in training), just say GTG and
leave, without calling HR to tell him to you have to go.
-Do not follow HR in other games/places without their permission. (Other games-games what do not
belong to shield groups)
-You can be kicked from game/place, which means to you should not be there in that moment.
-On trainings you must wear uniform, if you dont have uniform do not ask for money to buy it. In
that case to you cannot buy one, you will get one when you enter the training game/place.
-You do not have liability to wear uniform in other games/places (games/places what do not belong
to shield groups), in the case of mission on other place, you must wear it. If mission is undercover
then you must wear what mission leader say to wear.
-If you see Admin Abuse report it immediately to Director if Shield (use form for rule violation

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