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PHP Program Source Code (22/02/2010)

echo "<P>This is a test using the first tag type.</P>";

echo "<P>This is a test using the second tag type.</P>";

<script language="php">
echo "<P>This is a test using the third tag type.</P>";

<TITLE>My First PHP Script</TITLE>

echo "<P><em>Hello World! I'm using PHP!</em></P>";

<TITLE>Trying For Another Error</TITLE>
echo "<P>I am trying to produce an error</P>"
echo "<P>Was I successful?</p>";

<TITLE>Trying For Another Error</TITLE>

echo "<P>I am trying to produce an error</P>";
echo "<P>Was I successful?</p>";

<TITLE>Trying For Another Error</TITLE>

echo "<P>I think this is really "cool"!</p>";


<TITLE>Trying For Another Error</TITLE>

echo "<P>I think this is really \"cool\"!</p>";

<TITLE>Code Comments</TITLE>

<!-- This is an HTML comment. -->


// This is a simple PHP comment.

/* This is a C-style, multi-line comment. You can make this as

long as you'd like. */

# Used to shells? Use this kind of comment.


<TITLE>Printing Variables</TITLE>

$intVar = "9554215464";
$floatVar = "1542.2232235";
$stringVar = "This is a string.";

echo "<P>integer: $intVar</p>";

echo "<P>float: $floatVar</p>";
echo "<P>string: $stringVar</p>";

<? phpinfo(); ?>

define("MYCONSTANT","This is a test of defining constants.");

echo "<br>This file is ".__FILE__;

echo "<br>This is line number ".__LINE__;

echo "<br>I am using ".PHP_VERSION;

echo "<br>This test is being run on ".PHP_OS;

(assignscript.php )
<TITLE>Using Assignment Operators</TITLE>

$origVar = 100;
echo "<P>Original value is $origVar</p>";

$origVar += 25;
echo "<P>Added a value, now it's $origVar</p>";

$origVar -= 12;
echo "<P>Subtracted a value, now it's $origVar</p>";

$origVar .= " chickens";

echo "<P>Final answer: $origVar</p>";

<TITLE>Using Arithmetic Operators</TITLE>

$a = 85;
$b = 24;
echo "<P>Original value of \$a is $a and \$b is $b</p>";
$c = $a + $b;
echo "<P>Added \$a and \$b and got $c</p>";

$c = $a - $b;
echo "<P>Subtracted \$b from \$a and got $c</p>";

$c = $a * $b;
echo "<P>Multiplied \$a and \$b and got $c</p>";

$c = $a / $b;
echo "<P>Divided \$a by \$b and got $c</p>";

$c = $a % $b;
echo "<P>The modulus of \$a and \$b is $c</p>";


<TITLE>Using Comparison Operators</TITLE>

$a = 21;
$b = 15;
echo "<P>Original value of \$a is $a and \$b is $b</p>";

if ($a == $b) {
echo "<P>TEST 1: \$a equals \$b</p>";
} else {
echo "<P>TEST 1: \$a is not equal to \$b</p>";

if ($a != $b) {
echo "<P>TEST 2: \$a is not equal to \$b</p>";
} else {
echo "<P>TEST 2: \$a is equal to \$b</p>";

if ($a > $b) {

echo "<P>TEST 3: \$a is greater than \$b</p>";
} else {
echo "<P>TEST 3: \$a is not greater than \$b</p>";

if ($a < $b) {

echo "<P>TEST 4: \$a is less than \$b</p>";
} else {
echo "<P>TEST 4: \$a is not less than \$b</p>";

if ($a >= $b) {

echo "<P>TEST 5: \$a is greater than or equal to \$b</p>";
} else {
echo "<P>TEST 5: \$a is not greater than or equal to \$b</p>";

if ($a <= $b) {

echo "<P>TEST 6: \$a is less than or equal to \$b</p>";
} else {
echo "<P>TEST 6: \$a is not less than or equal to \$b</p>";

<TITLE>Using Logical Operators</TITLE>

$degrees = "95";
$hot = "yes";

if (($degrees > 100) || ($hot == "yes")) {

echo "<P>TEST 1: It's <strong>really</strong> hot!</p>";
} else {
echo "<P>TEST 1:It's bearable.</p>";

if (($degrees > 100) && ($hot == "yes")) {

echo "<P>TEST 2: It's <strong>really</strong> hot!</p>";
} else {
echo "<P> TEST 2: It's bearable.</p>";


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