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6 !981


Central Africa Mieeion
Box 92 - Sinoia

Zimbabwe, Africa
Forwarding Agents:

Mrs. Fay Bockhahn

Financial Agent

P. 0. Box 27^6


Napa, Calif. 9^558

Mr. & Mrs. A1 Lyons
Public Relations Agent

P. 0. Box 2746

Napa, California 9455^


Dear Christian Friends:

It is time that I give you a bit of information on the situation here in Zimbabwe at

present, and also let you know of some of the future plans concerning the Lord's work.

We have had one of the heaviest rainfalls in several years and are a bit water-logged
at this time. The farmers have been most thankful for the rain, but are now hoping for a
few days of sunshine to ensure that the crops will mature without water damage. Most of
the rivers are full and in several areas have suffered serious flooding. Fortunately the
dams have held, but we have had several radio broadcasts warning of the possible failing
of one or another, and it caused much concern.

The situation here continues to be of concern to all of us.

Although we are enjoying

much more freedom of movement and there has been no curtailment of our work for the Lord,
we watch the newsmedia with anxiety from day to day. Feelings between the two main factions
in the country are still not good, and from time to time a tiny spark sets off a conflict
between, them.

As you know many of the former "freedom frighters" are based together in camps await
ing their inclusion into the national army. Tempers run hot and occasionally get out of


Just last week there was a bitter contact between two forces in a camp near

Bulawayo and many people were injured and killed.

The town of Bulawayo is a large town

and it literally came to a standstill for a whole day, with everyone under curfew.


to this incident, the two factions have been separated and moved to cunps further from


and all seems to be calm at this writing.

Our Prime Minister has pledged a

very hard line on all dissidents and we pray that this is not just talk and that he will
be able to carry out his program.
Our African Evangelists have been able to visit all of the areas where we formerly
had churches before the war, and they have, on the most part, returned with good reports.
In several aureas they found Christians already holding church services in their homes.
A few weeks ago, some of the men made a trip out beyond Chidamoyo across the Sanyati

river some 160 miles from Sinoia.

They returned with glowing reports of 90 baptisms.


praise the Lord for the victories won, and we covet your prayers for these new Christians
that in the face of their difficulties they will continue to grow in their faith.
Two of our Evangelists have returned to their homes at Chidamoyo and are working more

closely with the churches there. The Kwachenera family moved back to the Mission and Mr.
Kv/achenera is helping to oversee the rebuilding of the hospital. The government finally
assumed the financial burden of rebuilding

work started in earnest in January.

Dr. Gloria Cobb made a trip out there last week to check on the progress.

The staff

houses have been repaired, the hospital walls were up, and most of the wards are now
under a roof again. Work is also scheduled to stsirt on the Missionary houses and get them
back in a livable condition.

We have no Immediate plans for reopening the hospital, due to insufficient medical
staff, but a clinic may be opening soon. Too, with the unrest still in the country we must
take all pre-caution before our Missionaries again take up residence in the bush, as just
recently two missionaries from England were brutally killed by dissidents.
Please pray for Dr. Cobb in the many decisions she has to make regarding this much
needed work at Chidaunoyo. Also pray for more laborers for the field. Several have in
dicated their desire to return to Zimbabwe, but have made no definite committment as yet.



Non-Profit Organiz.





Napa, Calif. 9^558

Mission Services
Box 177

Kemnton, Ind. ii60li9

Now for son^ personal news. As I write th|:^ le^er there remains just 11 weeks ba
sements to be made. Perhaps 11 weeks sounds
ast. Mr. Dale Marshall, with whom I work at

fore my furlough, with much work and many arr

like a lot of time, but believe me it travels

present, has encouraged me not to make any firm

return to Zimbabwe. With the uncertainty of

committments as to what I will do when I

t|ie country and also of the many works reopen-

ing, there are many things to consider.

The need for a secretary is great in many of the areas. Sister Madonna Burget is returning to Zimbabwe in July and is opening the hospital and nurses school in Mashoko. She
has expressed her need of a secretary there.
In January the Rhodesia Christian College began a program v/ith three full time resident
students and fourteen part time evening students. As the work grows here the need for workers will be evident.

With plans for reopening Chidamoyo at a later date, they too will have needs for a


And, of course, Mr Marshall desperjately needs the help I can provide in his

work with the evangelist who go out into the bush.

I ask for your prayers that I may be guideid in making the right decision in the Lord's

I will be arriving in the States on Wednesday, I4ay 13th, at Indianapolis, Indiana. I

plan to remain in the mid-west until after the North American Christian Convention in July,
after which I will travel west and spend some
the West Coast.


or six months visiting the churches on

If you desire for me to come to your church for speaking, please contact

my forwarding agents and suggest a date you wofiId like for~rae~td~visl.t with you. At this^~
time my itinerary schedules my visit in the mid-west from May 13th thru July 15th. I am
I will be
already booked for the first week of June, but therwise my schedule is open.
on the west coast the last week of July thru th e end of November or first part of December.
Please contact ray forwarding agents for dates or for more specific details or for any
other information you might need. Their addres6 is; Mr. & Mrs. A1 Lyons, 706 S. Minahen,

Napa, California, 9^558. They are arranging th e

schedule and will confirm the dates with


In closing, I would like to egress my sincere

appreciation to each and every one of

years. It has not been easy, but
you for your prayerful support during these paip
way He upholds us in times of
the Lord has provided and we never cease to won
your prayers. Due to the
trial. Now, more than ever, the Lord's work in
lost, we only know that
seeds that have already been planted, we canno
if we persevere, then the Lord will bless the w ork.
In His service,

Yes, we would like for Miss Judy Pickett to sp^eak to our congregation about the Lord's
work in Zimbabwe:
First choice of date;
Second choice of date:

(note date in your area)

V/e would like for Miss Judy to cpeal^; at:

Vacation Bible School (available full time) ...

Youth Camps

( "




Missionary Societies - liadies Groups

Prayer Meetings
Other ............


?06 S. Minahen, Napa, Cglif. 9^358


'Therefore go and make disciples

of all nations,.."

Matthew 28:19

Miss Judy Pickett, a native of Indiana, has been

associated with Centra) Africa Mission since I968.
Arriving In Rhodesia In November I969, she became the

Secretary/Bookkeeper for Chldamoyo Christian Hospital.

Other activities outside her hospital work Included
working with village women's clubs, Sunday school ,
organizing a preschool , along with several Bible studies

In July 1978, because of the escalation of the

war in Rhodesia, It became necessary for the mission
aries to leave the mission. The hospital operated as
a cl inic only until January 1979, when it was closed
completely. Just one month later the hospital was
destroyed by fire.

When they left the mission, most of the mission

aries settled In SInola, 120 miles away. Mr. Dale
Marshall and Mr. Ivan Martin of the SInola Christian

Mission received them gladly.

When Judy first moved to Sinoia she ran the Bible

book store that had been started by Zlden Nutt and was
operated by the mission.

For several reasons It was

wise and best to sell the shop about six months later.

At that time Judy readily accepted new responsibil ities

and shared In the work load of Brother Dale Marshal l .

Judy carried out secretarial duties faithful ly through

out the rest of her term of service. During that time
she helped develop Sunday school materials, reorganized
the tape l ibrary, compiled a new tape catalog, made up
a new chorus book and worked on several such projects.
This was over and above her normal secretarial duties.

Judy carried out the work of the cassette tape

ministry and taught a Sunday afternoon Sunday school
class at Lomagundi Primary School (made up of colored

and Indian children). She also taught a high school

class every Wednesday evening at mid-week service at
the English speaking congregation. She helped at a
high school age youth camp and assisted with a D.V.B.S.
program In Sal isbury. Judy often stepped Into Mr. and
Mrs. Marshal l 's shoes when circumstances required It:

teaching scripture classes at the Junior high and high

schools, entertaining guests, paying evangel ist's sal
aries, and many other tasks.

Rhodesia has now become Zimbabwe under a new

black government. It is a very difficult situation
when doors have reopened, because finances and missionwith the
work. The Sinoia missionaries are now working
eight full-time African evangel ists, trying to cover

7^'"9atlons in an area that reaches more

than 500 miles east and west and over 250 miles north

and south, travel ing by road. The need is great.

The opportunities are available today, but may be
gone tomorrow.

In a letter from Brother Dale Marshal l he says;

It Judy is led of the Lord to return to Zimbabwe,

we appeal to you in the greatest possible way to give
her the support she needs to make this possible.
"Judy has wisely left the future in the Lord's

hands^as far as her work here is concerned. Selfishly

we desperately need her and want her to return to the
work in our area. However, we felt It best to advise
her to leave the doors open and see where the Lord can

use her l ife in Zimbabwe at the time she returns, the

Lord wi11 ing.

^ Judy has fit in wel l , whether it has been with

African people, colored people, Indian people or

European people. She is loved and appreciated by all

and has been will ing to fit in wherever needed, a
qual ity not possessed by all missionaries. Judy has
always been a credit to the Lord she serves and a
great co-worker in His work."

in April
I90Z, and covets your prayers on behalf
of herself

and the work being done there. While home on furlough

she may be contacted through her forwarding agents in
Napa, Cal i forma:

Mrs. Fay Bockhahn


Mr. and Mrs. Ai Lyons

P. 0. Box 27^6

Napa, Cal ifornia 9^558

. f^'^ancial gifts should be made out to Central

Africa Mission and sent to Mrs. Bockhahn at the above

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