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Everyone Says That This Guy Is An Anarchist.

AnarchiPhilus, However, Says That

He Is A Proponent Of True Freedom As Seen In Nature. In Part I Of His Journal
He Introduces His Philosophy And Presuppositions

Cover Picture: Prometheus, According To Greek Mythology, The God Who Stole
The Secret Of Fire From Gods And Made It Available To Man, For Which He Was
Punished Forever By The Gods
Technical Details

Title of The Book: The Journal Of AnarchiPhilus -- I

Edition: 1st 2007

Copyright: 2007, Dr. Anand Philip

You are free to use this work under Creative Commons

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Chapter I
Let Freedom Reign
Freedom is something to be cherished by all. Indeed it is definitely cherished
by the enlightened. That is why children experiment with boundaries set by
parents, and that is why individuals stretch the boundaries when the Law is
not looking at them. Since the yearning for freedom is such an inherent part of
our very being, I AnarchiPhilus, want to see a world where true freedom
reigns. For this to happen, one should know what true freedom is and also
how it needs to be ushered in.

Most people define freedom as 'freedom within boundaries' where the

boundaries are established by legal, parental, or ecclesiastical authority.
Unfortunately, this is not freedom at all. This is tyranny of institutions, and it
looks like freedom only to those who have been conditioned all their lives
about the supremacy of institutions -- to which every person needs to yield.
However, if a person needs to yield to any institution without his own will and
pleasure, and if he is not free for excursion beyond the boundaries set by it,
then it is nothing except tyranny. What looks like freedom can be called true
freedom only if it is granted without any kind of control. There should be no
external limits, no externally imposed boundaries, and there should be no
external controlling authorities. Even a person's so-called 'conscience' should
not control his life and behavior because ultimately this entity called
conscience is only an extension of his memory that has been imprinted upon,
and tainted by, the incessant teachings of parents, the church, and various
social institutions -- the very purpose of which institutions is to control and
regulate -- the opposite of freedom. Since -- once imprinted -- memory cannot
be undone, obviously the 'conscience' of a person will keep him imprisoned
him all his life. Thus unless a method be devised to either rewrite conscience,
or to wipe it out, it should not be allowed to dictate anything related to what is
right or what is wrong.

Freedom shall reign only when each person has the opportunity to choose
what he wants to think, see, and do, without being hindered by any external or
internal force. What one likes to do and what one wants to do should be the
only criterion that any person should ever have to face. He should never be
judged by any other criterion, and he should have the full freedom to do what
he wants to. The present society does not allow even a semblance of this
freedom, and every lover of progress needs to work hard to change this
situation. The first thing to do towards this is to oppose anything and
everything that is organized.

The humans have made much progress in the world of ideas as well in the
matter of in implementing those ides. The results can be seen in the form of
increasing awareness about the concept of freedom. The results can also be
seen in the way the humans have conquered nature, the way medicine has
prolonged longevity, and the way industrialization has resulted in making
manufactured good cheap and affordable. However, it is a grave error to
believe that all this is the result of organization. This is a false thinking. This
lie has bee repeated so many times that everyone thinks that this is the
gospel truth. Actually organized behavior is the greatest enemy of progress.
This is because progress is natural and inevitable, and anything done to what
is natural only destroys it, even if the has the appearance of progress and
growth. In fact, the whole cosmos is the product of blind chance. From the first
cosmic egg that produced the big cosmic bang to the latest human to be
awarded a Nobel prize are all the product of chance, and not control.

The entire Universe is the result of blind chance. There was no control, no
blueprint, no dictator to tell the primeval elements what to do and what not to
do. Nobody dictated rules and regulations to the mesons and baryons. They
found their own way through real freedom and the result is untold beauty. To
appreciate the uncaused beauty of Nature, one needs only to listen to Jesus,
a great observer and teacher. He said that the ordinary grass, which is here
today and which is not tomorrow, is more beautiful and grand than Emperor
Solomon was in all his glory. Remember, the glory of the emperor was made
by man whereas the glory of even the tiniest blade of grass is the result of
randomness -- which is ultimate freedom. Greatness comes by leaving the
cosmos free, not by controlling it. Freedom always causes a system to evolve
into the direction of greatness. It is this freedom that made the Universe grow
into a perfectly knitted ecosystem. It is proved beyond doubt the fact there
was no problem on the earth, for example, till man started harvesting the
inanimate and animate things according to his plan in an organized manner.
The result is and all kind of ecological imbalance, not progress. Species are
becoming extinct, raw materials and minerals are becoming depleted, and
there is panic everywhere. This never happened as long as the earth was left
to its own freedom. Organization means control, and control always brings
chaos in the ultimate reckoning. Man’s attempt to control and regulate has
only destroyed order, beauty, abundance, and security.

Organized man is not able to bring progress. He brings only destruction. Thus
all this development one sees in the human society is not the result of
organized or controlled manipulation of nature, but it is development IN SPITE
OF human control and dictatorship. Such is the general direction of the
Cosmos. A system truly free should mimic the blind evolutionary and free
development of the Universe. Thus the first thing one should do to bring true
freedom is to fight against all systems, movements, and institutions that
control in the name of science, progress, industry, law, order, and stability.
The greatest enemy of freedom and growth is everything that tries to organize
or regulate. Regulation means control, and control means kept within limits,
and that in turn means suppression.

The greatest force on this earth for control and the consequent slavery is
organized religion. In today's world these institutions are Christianity, other
religions, and the so-called human culture or cultural values.

Christianity is the first enemy of freedom today because though it is

decreasing numerically in the West, unfortunately it is multiplying in the East.
As a result, the Western value-system which gave rise to western oppression
to freedom is now being exported to the East. It took centuries for thinkers in
the west to loosen the control of Christianity and the Christian work ethic, but
the sheer numbers of the Eastern adherents threatens to undo all of it, nay
even surpass it due to the sheer strength of their numbers. Thus several
things need to be done to ensure that Christianity in the East is nurtured in
principles of evolutionary freedom, a system from Nature in which nobody
decides what is right and what is wrong. True freedom brings fitness in such a
system, and the fittest shall survive. Witness the way this has happened in
German theological seminaries where not even a trace of the oppressive
nature of the Western Christianity remains today. Each theologian there is
free to invent the meaning of religion unto himself, and is not constrained by
anyone including his own conscience.

Religion in general tends to control, which means it is an oppressive and

manipulative force. It limits freedom. This is very true of Christianity.
However, some of the Oriental religions differ much from Christianity in this
manner. They reject the idea of absolutes and they promote toleration for all
viewpoints. They do not condemn any viewpoint, howsoever opposed it might
be to their own religion and values. Thus in spite of the general oppressive
nature of religion, the Oriental religions do have some value for lovers of
freedom, and properly educating their thinkers and promoting such thinkers
worldwide can result in a great boon for true freedom.

Culture -- whatever one means by this word -- is another oppressive force

because each 'culture' tends to become rigid and manipulative with the
passage of time, howsoever free it might have been to start with.

Religion, especially Christianity, and culture need to be abolished. Then only

will freedom shall be able to reign. However, nobody should be under the
impression that they -- or that anyone for that matter -- would ever be able to
abolish religion and culture. The way Christianity has revived itself countless
times in the last two millennia is only one indication that religion cannot be
abolished. On the contrary, it can only be made unnecessary and useless,
which is as good as abolished. However, any violent method to abolish it will
only revive it, and with each such revival the adherents and their theology will
only become stronger. The rise of militant Islam, the revival of Zionism, and
the revival of philosophical Hinduism (which has in turned only strengthened
the ritualistic Hinduism) all in the twentieth century are good examples of the
dormant power of religion as soon as the scalpel is used to eliminate it. The
way Protestant Reformation unleashed the most enslaving social change
through modern missionary movement is another example. Never try to
eliminate religion by suppression, for that will only cause it to bounce back
with revenge – causing a terrible setback to freedom.

On the other hand, what happened with Christianity in Europe in 1800s

onwards, and in USA in the 1900s is a good example of my treatise that
religion will lose its power only if it is made unnecessary. This took place in
two steps in Europe. God was exorcised from theology in their Seminaries in
the first stage. Soon European Christianity followed suite and expelled God
from it. It was neither might nor power -- to use the words from the Bible -- but
the spirit of Humanism that first made the Bible irrelevant and then did the
same to Christianity. The first step is now upon USA. Most of the so-called
Evangelicals have already exorcised God from their theology. If these
ignorant evangelicals are encouraged to continue doing this, Christianity will
soon become irrelevant in USA also -- assuming the Humanists do not get too
enthusiastic against the Christians.

How To Make Religion Irrelevant

Religion can be made a non-entity in many ways, the most important one
being through affluence. Human history furnishes ample proof that it is always
the so-called middle-classes that are most tyrannical. The poorer ones have
lesser laws to suppress people, while the richer classes always see to it that
money provides them the cover needed for freedom from laws. In other
words, if affluence increases, freedom automatically increases because
people are no longer afraid of religion or society. They can even hire those
who make laws to speak their language. What is more, it is seen that
affluence also makes people to look down upon all kinds of restrictions,
stipulations, and conventions that are imposed by religion and society. Thus
lovers of human freedom should join forces with all movements such as
industrialization, privatization, free market economy, etc. that increase the
personal material affluence of people. They should encourage people to seek
the highest level of academic, financial, and social attainment.

They should also persuade people to realize that the more they earn and save
during the peak of their earning, the more free they will be when their income
dwindles. They will not need children, family, or God for help in their old age.
They can freely buy anything from nursing care up to cryogenic burial if they
save enough. That will be true freedom. Even the oppressive figure in the
Bible known as God -- who is nothing more than the collective ego of
organized religion -- accepts the fact that affluence can make organized
religion irrelevant, and the control of religious hierarchy (personified as God)
can slip away. This is often mentioned in religious books and an interesting
statement is found in Deuteronomy 8:11 onwards in the Bible. We read in
Deuteronomy 8:11 to 14, "Make certain that you do not forget the LORD your
God; do not fail to obey any of his laws that I am giving you today. When you
have all you want to eat and have built good houses to live in and when your
cattle and sheep, your silver and gold, and all your other possessions have
increased, be sure that you do not become proud and forget the LORD your
God who rescued you from Egypt, where you were slaves.” This is all the
more an indication of why affluence should increase for humans to enjoy true
freedom – where neither God, nor religion are needed.

Another thing to do is to promote the present-day humanistic education. This

system of education is based upon a rejection of God. God is nothing but the
personified form of the collective restrictions created by religion. While this is
only an image of a person, such image is sufficient to place great restrictions
on human freedom because man is greatly impressed and influenced by
images and symbols. Witness a driver on a highway. He comes across
numerous road-signs. Though these signs are only symbols and though they
cannot arrest him, for him these signs carry much weight -- as though a real
policeman were asking them to comply. Thus symbols do have great power to
influence, and therefore, imprison people within boundaries – specially if they
have been conditioned to respect and obey these non-personal symbols.
This is the reason why the God-symbol needs to be done away with, and the
humanistic education has greatly been successful in doing so first in Europe
and then the Northern America. However these two countries contain only a
small portion of the total human population of the earth, thus the task of
brining in freedom through humanistic education is not yet close to the goal.
Worse, there is a remnant of die-hard Bible believers in the US who prevent
the erasure of the God-symbol from memory. They exploit all the available
media to their advantage and their guerilla tactics at keeping religion alive has
been remarkably successful. Their home-schooling movement has wrecked
havoc for freedom from religion and values. Their influence needs to be
eliminated, not by fight, but through infiltrating their ranks and file. For
example many anti-cult groups in the USA are now controlled by the very
cults whom they once fought. Infiltration and sabotage is the best method.
Fighting against them works only like pruning a plant.

Please do read my Postscript on the next page before you close this chapter.
Postscript To Chapter I

About My Name

My name AnarchiPhilus confuses many into thinking that I advocate anarchy.

Not at all. First, I only advocate freedom from all kinds of laws and all kinds of
restrictions, not anarchy. We see such freedom in the evolutionary process
where nobody directs anything. Nature just evolves into the best possible
direction. The same thing would happen if all the laws were abandoned.

Second, my original name is EnArchePhilus. It comes from En Arche (in the

beginning was) Phileo Sophia (love for wisdom). However, my enemies
propagated the idea that my name AnarchiPhilus comes from Anarchy Philos
(lover of anarchy). Unfortunately, this is the fate of people who fight for

Some have pointed out that my birth-certificate clearly says that my name is
Anarchy Philos, and not En Arche PhiloSophia but then that exactly is my
point. In my system, “what is” does not matter. On the contrary, what “ought to
be” is the only thing that matters. That is freedom. Since I want my name to
be a derivate of En Arche Phios Sophia (in the beginning was love of
wisdom), what want is the truth. Even the past needs to be denied and
redefined or rewritten if it deviates from my aspirations.

So my friends, I am not an anarchist. I am a lover of freedom. I call for the

abolition of laws -- all laws. Just as the Universe evolved from the cosmic egg
without the imposition of external or internal laws, and just as the fittest (in
using freedom) survived on the earth, we need to make the human society
totally free for upward evolution. Let everyone use the freedom, and let the
fittest in using this freedom survive and evolve to higher levels of human

For Total Freedom

Chapter 2
Will It Not Lead To Anarchy
There is a common misconception that the world is a good place and that
there is order in the world because of rules, regulations, and controls. A look
at the world in its entirety, however, will tell you that this is a totally false view
based upon some superficial observations from the present life on the earth.

The earth is only a tiny part of the Milky Way galaxy, which in turn is only a
tiny part of the known Universe. When one observes this mega system, it is
obvious that the order and harmony seen at present is not the result of any
kind of rules, regulations, or controls imposed externally or internally. On the
contrary, this order and harmony is the final result of freedom.

Today everyone, except those who still live with a stone-age mind, knows that
the fine order, complexity, and balance seen in the Universe is the result of
sheer blind chance -- another name for total freedom -- not constrained by
any kind force, convention, or entity. Sure, it took billions of years for chance
to reach the present stage, but scientists tell us that blind chance created an
equilibrium in a time span much less than these billions -- where we
accidentally happen to live. It looks so long to us because we happen to live
so long after a precise balance was established in the Universe. The fine
ecological balance seen today where the inanimate and the animate world
perfectly balance each other is another example of what blind chance is
capable of producing. It all happened freely and without any intervention from
a higher law or force. Man has only been able to destroy this fine eco-balance
through all his organized activities, and his control has not made an iota of
change in the ecology for good. The same is the situation in human society, I
dare say. Abandon the controls, and all will be well.

When all laws and controls are abolished, and when every person is
guaranteed total freedom -- not less than that of anyone else -- no harm will
ever be done to anyone. People might be tempted to think that this would
result in chaos and total breakdown of the human society. There are two
errors in this thinking. First, these people assume that a rigidly controlled
society represents a peaceful and ordered society. There is no proof for it. I
am equally free to assume that a totally free society moves into a direction
that I should call truly ordered. It is a conflict of definitions, and my definition
has as much claim to acceptance as much the definition of these people who
have enslaved the human society through rules and regulations.

Second, when total freedom is guaranteed, and when there is none to

interfere, those who understand immediately rise to great heights. They might
be able to acquire great political or business empires, great financial or other
fortunes. This is the reward from Nature itself for those who are tuned to it. On
the other hand, those who are less perceptive of the newfound freedom, and
those who do not understand the implications of the change, might be
incapacitated for some time. This is not because of freedom, but because
they are less adapted to use freedom due to their past which has etched
principles of social, mental, and religious slavery on their minds. This might
create an appearance of chaos for some time, but not forever. There is
nothing to worry about it. It is a chaotic surge more like the Big Bang, which
happened once and then subsided. Every system takes some time to attain
equilibrium. Even a rigidly controlled social system takes time to reach what
its proponents call an optimum state, thus nobody should find fault if the
freedom-based system also takes a bit of time to reach the optimum balance.
Obviously us the advocates of freedom are not advocating any more teething
trouble -- a very apt figure of speech -- than the advocates of rigid control do.

As soon as those incapacitated by their lack of insight understand the

implications, benefits, and privileges of freedom, they are totally free to
reclaim it. In fact this is the way things should be in a free society. Nothing
should be imposed upon anyone, not even wisdom. Imposed wisdom is not
true knowledge at all, but only slavery to the thoughts of someone else. In a
free system each person should discover for himself all that matters, and
should reclaim and mould the system according to it. Look at the way I
reclaimed the etymology of my name. The original derivation of my name is
from Anarchy Philos (lover of anarchy), but it is my freedom to redefine
anything that pertains to my life -- especially if something casts me in bad
light. That is why I rewrote the ancestry of my name. That is my freedom, not
hindered by past realities. Thus as soon a person discovers the full
implications and privileges of freedom, they can reclaim all what he has lost
so far. What is more, he can now go on to the real heights which he can attain
in a free system.

In other words, every system shows signs of restlessness and chaos when it
is implemented. Thus one should not worry about it, not should it be held
against a system even if there is some teething trouble. This is what we see in
Nature, which is our ultimate guide and from which we learn everything of
value. Nature (with a capital N) is our final guide. It ought to be, because from
the Big Bang up to the evolution of the most advanced Homo Sapiens Nature
depended only upon Blind Chance to bring upon development, balance and
equilibrium. There was no police, no legal system, and no external or internal
laws to do it. There was only blind chance which created order, beauty, and a
fine ecological balance. The same will happen if the human society is left to
itself, totally free and without any restraint, oppression, law, courts or police.

People might say that in the animal kingdom the strong eat the weak, and that
the same thing will happen in the human society if everyone is left free.
However, there is a fallacy in this argument. The strong animals are able to
eat the weak ones only because the weak ones do not recognize and use
their freedom. If they realize that they have every freedom to unite against the
brute strength of the stronger animals, they would then stand as a single force
to oppose the stronger ones and even defeat them. It all depends upon who
has recognized the value and implications of freedom.

The Bible, though it is nothing except a disjoint collection of myths and human
aspirations, does provide some insights here and there. For example, it
envisages a period (often called the Millennium) where the animals and
humans shall be at peace with each other. This is exactly what I am trying to
say. Allow the evolutionary freedom to work. Restrict none and nothing, do
away with all restraints, and eventually a time will come when all men will be
at peace with each other, and also man will be in total harmony with the earth,
the animals, and even the plant kingdom.

This also is a place to remind all freedom-fighters that even a mythological

library like the Bible is useful for us at times for promotion of freedom. We
should realize that this book enjoys great influence upon countless millions.
Thus if we pick and choose portions that suit our goal and philosophy, then
we can influence Bible-believers more quickly. What is more, with Biblical
illiteracy increasing among the so-called evangelical Christians, Bible will
become our greatest weapon to dismantle the dictatorial power which
Christianity has enjoyed for centuries after the Protestant Reformation.

Coming back to our main point, freedom will never result in chaos. On the
contrary, just as any system creates an initial chaos, freedom might also show
some teething trouble. But Nature (with a capital T) is our witness that blind
chance with its absolute freedom is the greatest creative force. We should
strive for nothing less than that. What is more, if there is chaos let there be
chaos. This is created by Nature, and for us it is true freedom.

For True Freedom


Everyone Says That This Guy Is An Anarchist. AnarchiPhilus, However, Says That
He Is A Proponent Of True Freedom As Seen In Nature. In Part I Of His Journal
He Introduces His Philosophy And Presuppositions. Read The Rest Of His Journal
In Part 2 Onwards To Get An In-depth View Of His Philosophy. You Can Get Them
From www.Free-CDs.Org
About The Author

Johnson C. Philip, ThD, PhD (Physics), DSc (Alt Medicine), DNYS, is the senior-
most Christian apologist in India. He has authored more than 50 books and 2500
articles, now available in more than 6 languages. He is the founder of world’s
largest distance education school in apologetics (Trinity School of Apologetics)
and is also the Chancellor of Scofield Graduate School of Theology in USA. You
can contact him at drjcp@TrinityTheology.org

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