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Brand Management

PG Year II Class of 2014-16

Instructor: Prof A R Mishra

Cabin No. 315
Email Id: ar.mishra@iilmgsm.ac.in
Extension: 692


Read the course outline carefully and raise any question that appears in your mind.
At the outset you must know that a good question requires as much preparation as a good answer does,
and we facilitate learning as much by raising questions as we do by providing answers.
Course Focus: What are we aiming at?

Brand management starts with a comprehensive knowledge of your brand. A brand represents
who your company is and what it stands for including brand elements like your name, logo, tag
line, merchandise, design, and any other feature that identifies your company and its products
and differentiates it from the other brands.
Brand management is the science of crafting and sustaining a brand. This means defining the
brand, positioning the brand, and delivering the brand value constantly. Branding creates
customer commitment to your business. A robust brand differentiates its products from the
competitors and gives your business a leg up on the others, allowing you to increase sales and
grow your business.
The objective of the course is to help you to understand:

Why do Brands matter We will dig deep and understand as to why brands are
important, what functions do they perform and why are they so valuable to marketers.
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Tools for measuring brand We will examine the brand equity concept and introduce
the customer based brand equity concept. Also understand the financial implications of
a brand for a firm.

How to build strong brands Discuss the concept of brand positioning and How to
integrate marketing communications to build a strong brand.

Impact of brand equity on product line and firm performance, evaluating opportunities
for extending brands, and repositioning existing brands

Strategies to manage brands over time How to reinforce and revitalise brands over
These topics are explored in a variety of brand contexts. The course uses a combination
of case analyses, projects and lectures, allowing students to develop their repertoire of
marketing decision skills.
Why should you do this course?

This course is an elective course in the PG second year and is absolutely essential for students
who want to study marketing as an area. Today we are surrounded by infinite brands in all
spheres of life. The top ten brands including Google, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Mercedes and
McDonalds, cover all areas of our lives: technology, transportation, food and drink. Hence,
substantial knowledge of brands and brand management is required not just for successful
launch of a start up but also for working for an established brand.
Why is this course different?

This course is very different and important since it acts as a capstone for the marketing
academic area as well as a bridge to the marketing profession. This course is different in the
sense that it focuses on branding and brand management and not studied in conjunction with
other related subjects such as marketing and advertising. The topics covered in this course are
very relevant to the real life scenario and also draw special attention to start ups as we are
living in the era of start ups.
Team Membership
There module has lots of activities as well as readings to be done in the class. Moreover, one of the
major components of assessment is a project presentation which is also a group component. The
readings and activities will be a mix of individual as well as group tasks. Hence, high level of team
membership is required in this module.

Module Pre-Requisites:
There is no pre-requisite to the module.
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Preparing for the class:

We as an institution believe that (a) peer learning has a very important role to play in determining
learning outcomes and (b) learning can best happen in the form of discussion/dialogue. Hence preparing
well for the class is critical.
This course outline details on the session plan and readings for each session in the following sections.
You are expected to go through the relevant materials/pre-readings provided in the course pack before
you reach the class room. Similarly, for sessions identified for group discussion of the case must precede
discussion of the same in the class room. Adequate preparation at an individual/group level will
determine the richness/quality of discussion we have and our learning from each session.
Module Overview:



What is a brand and why do they matter. Introduction

Keller, Chs 1

Brands and Brand Management. Case discussion Amul


How to identify and establish brand positioning and values,

Keller , Chs 2 & 3

Customer based brand equity and the CBBE model.

Tanishq: Positioning to capture Indian Womens

Choosing brand elements and designing marketing

Keller , Chs 4,5

programs to build brand equity , brand positioning and

brand audit

Brand Re-positioning: The Park Hotel, Revitalizing an

HBSP case

iconic Indian brand.


Integrating marketing communications

and designing

Keller , Chs 6,7

Case discussion Maggie 2 minute noodles. ICMR Case

Class discussion

marketing campaigns to build brand equity



Measuring Brand Equity

Keller, Chs 8

Case Discussion The Pepsi Refresh Project: A thirst for

HBSP case for evaluation


Incoporating digital media into branding strategies


Brand extensions, co-branding and brand architecture

Keller, Chs 11,12


Global Brands, Super brands, Private Labels and Generics

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Keller Ch 14, Ch 15 , video



HBSP Case ( for evaluation )


Branding in start ups

Articles from Forbes and



Branding in start ups






Skills required to be a successful Brand Manager

Talk from a placement



Emerging Issues in Branding

Assignments due Dates and Times

Assessment method


End Term Examination




Case Discussions:
Case Analysis will be done ib groups. Students will be allotted a case to study and they will be given
time to explain their major learnings from the case focusing on the key issues addressed in the case.
Books and References:
Strategic Brand Management by Kevin Lane Keller
David Aakar- Managing Brand Equity Free Press
Supplementary Text:
Philip Kotler, Readings in marketing management.
Subroto Sengupta, Brand positioning Strategies for competitive Advantage.
Kapferer Noel Jean (KNJ), Strategic Brand Management
Sengupta S., Brand Positioning
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Session Plan
Session 1 - What is a brand and why do they matter?
We will discuss the concept of brands and why are they so important for both consumers and firm. The
class will explore the important issues in planning, implementing and evaluating brand strategies and
discuss appropriate concepts, theories, models, and other tools to make better branding decisions.
Learning Outcome:
The first class will give the students an introduction to the concept of branding. They would be able to
answer the questions like what is a brand and why do brands matter? They would also learn the
challenges and opportunities in branding.
Video :
Art and Science of Branding
Reference Reading:
Chapter 1, Strategic Brand Management Kellers
Aaker, David Building strong brands
Case discussion - Amul
Two groups will analyse the growth of Amul brand and present answer to following questions:
1) Evaluate the growth of Amul brand
2) Before the introduction of Amul brand, most people considered milk and butter as commodities.
How did Amul brand these commodities and who were its initial competitors.
3) How did Amul brand differentiate itself?
4) How has the situation changed with respect to recent competition
Session 2 - How to identify and establish brand positioning and values, Customer based brand
equity and the CBBE model.

Learning Outcome:
After this session students will gain an insight on how Customer based brand equity is the differential
effect that brand knowledge has on consumer response to marketing of that brand. Also the students will
learn the principles of identifying and establishing brand positioning.

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Brand Planning
Absolut Vodka
Reference Reading:
Keller , Chs 2 & 3
Ries, Al & Laura (2004): The origin of brands, Harper Business

Tanishq Positioning to capture Indian Womens hearts.

Article discussion: http://www.123helpme.com/tanishq-positioning-to-capture-indian-womenshearts-view.asp?id=167603

Session 3 - Choosing brand elements and designing marketing programs to build brand equity ,
brand positioning and brand audit

Learning Outcome: This session will help students understand on how brand can be effectively
integrated into the marketing program to create brand equity. It will also help students understand on
how a marketer should select the various brand elements to enhance brand awareness.
Arcelor Mittal
Reference Reading:
Keller , Chs 4,5
Session 4
HBSP Case : Brand Re-positioning: The Park Hotel, Revitalizing an iconic Indian brand.
Session 5 - Integrating marketing communications to build brand equity
Marketing communications are the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind
consumers directly or indirectly about the brand they sell. In this session we will discuss the common
marketing communication options for the consumer market.

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Learning Outcome: At the end of the session, the students will have an understanding of the various
marketing communication channels which can be used to inform the consumers about a particular
Videos :
Reference Reading:
Keller Ch-6,7

Session 6
Case Maggie 2 minute noodles. ICMR Case study.
1) What are the mediums of marketing communication used by Maggi
2) Evaluate their print ads and TV commercial.
3) Evaluate the use of internet, specifically social media efforts in promoting Maggi
4) What were the sale and consumer promotion activities that have been used effectively?
Session 7 - Measuring brand equity
We take a detailed look at what consumers know and feel about and act toward brands and how
marketers can develop measurement procedures to assess how well their brands are doing.
Learning Outcome: Students will understand how brand equity or value gets created. How marketers
can trace the value creation process for their brands to better understand the financial impact of their
marketing expenditures and investments.
Videos :
Characteristics of successful brands 1
Reference Reading:
Keller, Chs 8,9 and 10
Aaker David A Managing Brand Equity
Session 8
Case - The Pepsi Refresh Project: A thirst for change. HBSP case.
Session 9 - Incorporating digital media into branding strategies
Learning Outcome: This session will help the students to understand how digital marketing and
various social media platforms can be used to brand a product or service.
Reference Reading:
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Branding in the digital Age : HBSP reading

Brand Digital: Simple ways top brands succeed in the Digital World by Allen P. Adamson
Session 10 - Brand extensions, co-branding and brand architecture
We will consider issues related to branding strategies and how to maximize branding equity across all
the different brands and products the firm might sell.
Learning Outcome: A key aspect of managing brand equity is the proper branding strategy. Students
will understand how they should develop a branding strategy for a firm and which brand elements can
be applied across the various products that the firm sells.
Reference Reading:
Keller, Chs 11,12
Session 11 - Global Brands
We will look into the brand management issues over regional, demographic and cultural market
segments. We will also consider the broader issues in developing a global brand strategy and look at the
some of the pros and cons of developing a standard global marketing program.
Learning Outcome: Students will understand the specific and strategic and tactical issues in building
global consumer based brand equity. They will also get an insight into the international issues of global
branding strategies
Reference Reading:
Keller, Chs 14 and 15
Video session
Session 12

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Session 13 - Branding in start up

Learning Outcome: This is the era of start ups and new businesses. The biggest challenge a start up in
India faces is branding itself with the budget and resource constraints. Hence, this module pays special
attention to the branding strategies that can be incorporated by the start ups. This session will be taught
with the help of the following articles:
Session 14
Branding in start -ups
Learning Outcome: This is the era of start ups and new businesses. The biggest challenge a start up in
India faces is branding itself with the budget and resource constraints. Hence, this module pays special
attention to the branding strategies that can be incorporated by the start ups. This session will be taught
with the help of the following articles:
Session 15 - Skills required to be a successful Brand Manager
Talk from a placement perspective.
6.16: Session 16
Emerging Issues in Branding
Format of Assessment
Assessment Plan
Details of Assessment : 20 marks

Case Analysis
End Term Examination


Case Discussions:
Case Analysis will be an individual component of assessment. Students will be allotted a case to study
and they will be given time to explain their major learnings from the case focussing on the key issues
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addressed in the case. The evaluation will be completed by the questions which will be asked by the
Attendance Policy - 75% attendance is necessary. In case of attendance is below 75% , the student will
not be considered for the project presentation.
Curriculum Map
Programme Learning Outcomes











L1: An understanding of organizations, their external context and their management.

L2: An awareness of current issues in business & management which is informed by research & practice
in the field.
L3: An understanding of appropriate techniques sufficient to allow investigation into relevant business
& management issues.
L4: The ability to acquire &analyze data and information.
L5: The ability to apply relevant knowledge to practical situation.
L6: The ability to work & lead effectively in a team based environment.
L7: An improvement in both oral & written communication skills.
L8: Be cognizant of the impact of their individual & corporate actions on society and recognize ethical
business practices.
L9: Be sensitive to the social economic and environmental responsibilities of business.
Teaching Map






T1: Lectures
T2: Seminars/Tutorials
T3: Projects & Presentation
T4: Case Discussion
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T5: Guest Lectures/Industrial Visits

T6: Lab Sessions



Brief Cases (HBSP)


6 short articles

Integrated Cases


Essential Readings

60 pages

Desired Readings

200 pages



Co- Teaching with other Area Faculty

Pre-Course Survey


Pre-Course Survey

PG Registration Number:

The objective of the survey is to familiarize the tutors with the expectations the students have
from the module.

1. How would you rate your competency in Spoken Business Communication ? (on a scale of 110, 1 been least and 10 been the highest)

2. When was the last time you studied Communication as a subject?

a. Class X
b. Class XII
c. Graduation
d. Any other

3. How many hours are you planning to spend on this course? (on a weekly basis)
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4. At the end of the module, you should be able to:

a. Be familiar with all the topics and terminology
b. Understand all the topics
c. Understand all the topics and be able to apply them
d. Develop mastery over the entire module

5. What are the most important things you hope to learn from this course? OR what skills are you
hoping to develop through this module?

6. What do you expect to gain from learning them?

7. How do you hope this course will benefit your professional work?

8. Do you have any specific questions you would like the tutor to cover?

9. What do you believe is the most important topic for us to study in this class?

10. Is there anything else you would like to share with the tutors?

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Post-Course Survey
PG Registration Number:

1. How many of the goals specified by you at the beginning of the module were satisfied after
the delivery of the module?

2. Do you recommend this course to others?

3. Do you recommend this course to be taught again, the same way?

4. If not, what changes do you propose to it?

a. Content,
b. Tutor,
c. Assessments,
d. Mode of teaching etc

5. Does the faculty have adequate expertise to teach this module?

6. If you were teaching this course, would you add/remove/change anything from the module?

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