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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.

Vol. 96, pp. 7604–7609, June 1999

The early Upper Paleolithic human skeleton from the Abrigo do

Lagar Velho (Portugal) and modern human emergence in Iberia
(Neandertalsymandibleypostcraniaydentitionyradiocarbon dating)

*Instituto Português do Património Arquitectónico, Divisão de Conservação e Restauro, Palácio da Ajuda, 1400-206 Lisbon, Portugal; †Department of
Anthropology, 13-15 Henry Marshall Tory Building, University of Alberta, Edmonton T6G 2H4, AB, Canada; ‡Sociedade Torrejana de Espeleologia e
Arqueologia, Quinta da Lezı́ria, 2350 Torres Novas, Portugal; §Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit, Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art,
University of Oxford, 6 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3QJ, England; ¶Department of Anthropology, Campus Box 1114, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130;
Unité Mixte de Recherche 5809 du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie, Université de Bordeaux I, 33405 Talence, France;
††Centrum voor Isotopen Onderzoek, Faculteit der Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG Groningen, The
Netherlands; and ‡‡Instituto Português de Arqueologia, Avenida da India 136, 1300 Lisbon, Portugal

Contributed by Erik Trinkaus, April 26, 1999

ABSTRACT The discovery of an early Upper Paleolithic Even though both the late Middle Paleolithic and early
human burial at the Abrigo do Lagar Velho, Portugal, has Upper Paleolithic are increasingly well known and chronolog-
provided evidence of early modern humans from southern ically situated south of the ‘‘Ebro Frontier’’ (4, 6, 9), diagnostic
Iberia. The remains, the largely complete skeleton of a '4- human remains associated with early Upper Paleolithic indus-
year-old child buried with pierced shell and red ochre, is dated tries in this region have been elusive. The discovery of a largely
to ca. 24,500 years B.P. The cranium, mandible, dentition, and intact early Upper Paleolithic child’s burial at the Abrigo do
postcrania present a mosaic of European early modern human Lagar Velho in Portugal therefore adds significantly to our
and Neandertal features. The temporal bone has an interme- knowledge of the biology and burial practices of the earliest
diate-sized juxtamastoid eminence. The mandibular mentum Iberian modern humans and sheds light on the nature of the
osseum and the dental size and proportions, supported by transition from Neandertals to their successors in one of the
mandibular ramal features, radial tuberosity orientation, and last archaic human frontiers.
diaphyseal curvature, as well as the pubic proportions align
the skeleton with early modern humans. Body proportions,
ref lected in femorotibial lengths and diaphyseal robusticity THE ABRIGO DO LAGAR VELHO
plus tibial condylar displacement, as well as mandibular The archeological site consists of deposits within horizontal
symphyseal retreat and thoracohumeral muscle insertions, fissures and along the current base of a limestone cliff on the
align the skeleton with the Neandertals. This morphological south side of the Lapedo Valley near Leiria, central western
mosaic indicates admixture between regional Neandertals and Portugal (lat 39° 459 250 N, long 8° 439 580 W). The site was
early modern humans dispersing into southern Iberia. It damaged by earth removal in 1992, exposing an Upper Paleo-
establishes the complexities of the Late Pleistocene emergence lithic sequence and coming within a few centimeters of the
of modern humans and refutes strict replacement models of burial along the base of the cliff. On November 28, 1998, the
modern human origins. site was discovered by J.M. and P.S., who also found the left
hand and forearm bones of the child in a burrow. The following
During the past decade it has become apparent that the human week C.D. and J.Z. confirmed the presence of Paleolithic
biological and cultural evolutionary transitions between late deposits and a human burial. A salvage excavation directed by
archaic (Neandertal) and early modern humans and between J.Z. ensued from December 12 to January 7, 1999, in the
the Middle and Upper Paleolithic occurred relatively late framework of which the burial was excavated by C.D. Paleon-
throughout most of Iberia (1–4). It is now certain that the tological analysis by C.D. and E.T. commenced on January 4,
Middle Paleolithic of most of Iberia south of the Pyrenees 1999.
lasted until about 30,000 years B.P., perhaps as late as 28,000 The child’s skeleton, Lagar Velho 1 (Fig. 1), was on its back
years B.P., and that the initial stages of the Upper Paleolithic parallel to the cliff base, with the head to the east and left side
known to have occurred further north (the Châtelperronian against the cliff. The cranium and mandible were damaged by
and the early Aurignacian) were never present in this region. earth removal, but the preservation of the left temporal bone
Moreover, human paleontological evidence from Zafarraya in and mandible indicates that the head had tilted toward the cliff
southeastern Spain indicates that late Middle Paleolithic tech- face. The collapse and folding in situ of the right ribs suggest
nology from this region was the product of Neandertal pop- that the thorax was similarly tilted. The pelvis was horizontal,
ulations (5). This evidence has led to hypotheses as to why
and the feet were plantar-flexed and crossed. The skeleton and
Middle Paleolithic Neandertals endured in the cul-de-sac of
the containing sediment are heavily stained with red ochre, but
Iberia between 5,000 and 10,000 years after they had been
the alteration of the sediment stopped at the outer border of
replaced (by whatever historical processes) elsewhere in Eu-
the skeleton, suggesting a wrap around the body. Vertically
rope (4, 6, 7). The ‘‘Ebro Frontier’’ model (3, 6–8) suggests
oriented animal bones and stones outlined the ochre-stained
that the basin of the Ebro river of northern Spain represented
a biogeographical and ecological barrier to the diffusion of the sediments; radiocarbon dating of one such bone yielded a
Upper Paleolithic innovations developed by late Neandertal result that is consistent with the hypothesis that these represent
populations to the north (the Châtelperronian) and, subse- intentional burial features and not a natural disposition of
quently, to the dispersal of the first modern human groups in deposit components caused by digging a burial pit.
western Europe.
A Commentary on this article begins on page 7117.
**To whom reprint requests should be addressed. e-mail: trinkaus@
PNAS is available online at www.pnas.org. artsci.wustl.edu.

Anthropology: Duarte et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 (1999) 7605

vertebral column [23,920 6 220 years B.P. (OxA-8422)] im-

mediately overlying the legs. The burial therefore occurred
between 24,000 and 25,000 years B.P. and probably between
24,500 and 25,000 years B.P.


The remains are those of a juvenile (Figs. 1 & 2). All of the
deciduous teeth (right di2 to left dm2 plus left dc1 and dm2)
have apically closed roots, indicating a median minimum age
of '3.0 years. The I2 is almost at Crc; the C1 is 'C3y4; the P4
is 'Cco; the M1 and M1 are 'R1y4; and the M2 is 'Coc
(nomenclature established by Moorrees et al.; ref. 14). The
levels of calcification for the latter four teeth provide median
ages (maleyfemale) of 3.4y3.5, 3.9y3.9, 4.9y4.8, and 4.9y4.5
years, by using Euro-American standards (15). The average
estimate is 4.2 years postnatal, and the probable range is
3.5–5.0 years.
The more complete right femur has an intermetaphyseal
length of 198 mm plus proximal and distal epiphyseal thick-
nesses of 10.0 mm and 13.3 mm, respectively. Adding these and
rounding up because of the absence of the epiphyseal cartilages
provides an interepiphyseal length of '225 mm. Estimates
from the ratios of 4- to 18-year-old modern Euro-American
mean femoral lengths (16) predict adult femoral lengths of
'450 mm (male) and '410 mm (female). These values are
below the means for adult European earlier Upper Paleolithic
males (478.0 6 21.4 mm; n 5 13) and females (427.3 6 19.0
mm; n 5 9) but within their ranges of variation; the values are
close to the means for Neandertal males (443.3 6 18.7 mm; n 5
11) and females (400.3 6 14.2 mm; n 5 3).

FIG. 1. Lagar Velho 1 in situ, with damaged skull and left forearm
elements already removed. Materials and Methods. This preliminary assessment of
Lagar Velho 1 is concerned with its morphological affinities to
The only diagnostic archeological item in the burial was a northwestern Old World late archaic humans (Neandertals)
pierced Littorina obtusata shell found near the cervical verte- versus early modern humans. The latter sample consists pre-
brae; it is identical to those from Level Jb of the nearby site of dominantly of Aurignacian and Gravettian remains between
Gruta do Caldeirão (Tomar) dated to 26,020 6 320 years B.P. 20,000 and 30,000 years B.P. Given the dearth of earlier Upper
(OxA-5542; ref. 6). Similar burials with pierced shells andyor Paleolithic juvenile human remains, the comparisons also
teeth and a covering of ochre are known particularly from the involve Near Eastern Middle Paleolithic (Qafzeh-Skhul) early
Gravettian of Europe, especially from Britain (Paviland), Italy modern humans. Recent human comparative data are in-
(Arene Candide, Barma Grande, Caviglione, Ostuni), and the cluded as appropriate, the samples deriving from temperate
Czech Republic (Brno, Dolnı́ Věstonice; refs. 10–12). European and North American samples (17–19). The relative
The uppermost 2–3 m of the shelter’s fill were largely positions of the fossil specimens in the postcranial propor-
removed and current ground level represents the surface of an tional assessments are based on distributions of raw residuals
estimated 3- to 4-m sequence of early Upper and possibly from the reduced major axis lines for the recent human
Middle Paleolithic strata. A '60-cm thick hanging remnant is samples and are expressed as z scores.
preserved within a fissure running along the back wall of the
shelter and contains a Proto-Solutrean (level 6) through
Middle Solutrean (level 9) sequence. In Portugal, assemblages
with diagnostic laurel-leaf point fragments date to ca. 20,000–
20,500 years B.P., and the Proto-Solutrean dates to ca. 21,500
years B.P. (6, 13). Radiocarbon dating of charcoal from level
9 yielded a date of 20,200 6 180 years B.P. (OxA-8419), and
samples of charcoal from level 6 yielded results of 21,180 6 240
years B.P. (OxA-8420) and 21,380 6 810 years B.P. (Sac-1561);
a stratigraphically less reliable level 6 sample yielded 22,180 6
180 years B.P. (OxA-8418).
The position of the burial, '2.5 m below the Proto-
Solutrean remnant, as well as its archeological resemblances to
Gravettian burials elsewhere, suggests an age several millennia
earlier. This inference is supported by accelerator mass spec-
trometry radiocarbon dating of charcoal [24,860 6 200 years
B.P. (GrA-13310)] and Cervus elaphus remains [24,660 6 260 FIG. 2. Lingual view of the mandible and dentition, showing the
years B.P. (OxA-8421) and 24,520 6 240 years B.P. (OxA- degrees of dental development, the symphyseal retreat, and the
8423)] directly associated with the burial and of a vertebra prominent right tuberculum laterale. (Black bar and white bar 5 1 cm
from a semiarticulated section of a Oryctolagus cuniculus each.)
7606 Anthropology: Duarte et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 (1999)

more in their anterior-to-posterior dental proportions than in

absolute dental dimensions (26), and the relative I2 versus M1
breadths of Lagar Velho 1 fall with the early modern humans
and separate from the Neandertals.
The Postcranial Remains. At least one of each of the major
long bones was preserved in the appendicular skeleton of
Lagar Velho 1, with only the radius lacking a complete
intermetaphyseal length (Fig. 4). The intermetaphyseal max-
imum lengths (left side for all but the femur) are, for the
humerus, 143 mm; for the ulna, 122.5 mm; for the femur, 198
mm; and for the tibia, 155 mm. The clavicles are not sufficiently
preserved to provide lengths, and major portions of the pelvis
The right femur has a neck-shaft angle of '128°. This value
is similar to the values of juvenile (Roc de Marsal 1, 130°; La
Ferrassie 6, 132°) and early adolescent (Teshik-Tash 1, 128°)
FIG. 3. Anterior view of the mandibular symphysis showing the Neandertals and the juvenile Skhul 1 early modern human
development of the mentum osseum. Symphyseal height 5 24.7 mm. (131°). Neck-shaft angles decrease with normal locomotor
loading during development (27), such that (based on a recent
The Temporal Bone. The mastoid region in the left temporal Native American sample; ref. 28) it should decrease '2%
bone is preserved with little damage. It has a clear juxtama- between the juvenile and adult years. The predicted adult value
stoid eminence, which extends to the same level as the mastoid for Lagar Velho 1 (125°) is similar to the values of Neandertals
process tip. The relative sizes of these two processes is inter- (121.0° 6 4.7; n 5 9) and earlier Upper Paleolithic Europeans
mediate between Neandertal juveniles with their larger jux- (118.8° 6 6.0; n 5 13) but below the Qafzeh-Skhul values
tamastoid eminences (20) and early modern humans with their (133.2° 6 2.6; n 5 6). The right femur has a metaphyseal
more projecting mastoid processes (21, 22). bicondylar angle (29) of 8°. The greater medial distal epiph-
The Mandible. The anterior mandibular symphysis has the yseal thickness (13.3 mm versus 12.7 mm) suggests that the
full development of a mentum osseum (Fig. 3). There is a very articular bicondylar angle was slightly higher. These values are
prominent tuber symphyseos with an exceptionally protruding attained by recent humans at about 4–5 years of age (29). This
tuberculum laterale on each side. These combine to create a pattern is echoed in the proximal tibial metaphyseal orienta-
deeply excavated incisura mandibulae anterior. The midline of tion; the medial metaphyseal retroversion angle (12°) is close
the tuber symphyseos extends superiorly toward the alveoli. By to articular angles of mature Neandertal (15.0° 6 2.2; n 5 5)
any criteria, this symphyseal configuration is a prominent and earlier Upper Paleolithic (15.8° 6 5.3; n 5 8) tibiae.
development of a ‘‘chin,’’ clearly distinct from the modest These angles indicate that locomotor loading levels were
development of these elements in similarly aged Neandertals similar to those of European Late Pleistocene hominids and
(19, 23) and pronounced even for a developmentally compa- nonurban recent humans (29, 30). In combination with the
rable modern human (21, 24). apparent absence of pathological lesions on the dental and leg
This anterior symphyseal configuration is combined with a remains, these angles imply normal and active locomotor
posterior retreat of the anterior symphysis, indicated by an behavior for Lagar Velho 1 in the context of little or no
anterior symphyseal angle (of the alveolar plane to the infra- systemic developmental stress. As a result, it is possible to
dentale–pogonion line) of 89°. It is close to the mean for early consider other proportions of its lower limbs as reflections of
juvenile Neandertals (90.3° 6 4.4°; n 5 7) and below that of normal skeletal morphology.
similarly aged recent humans (101.5° 6 4.7°; n 5 15; ref. 18). Early and recent modern humans are largely distinct from
The corpus and ramus have a modest planum alveolare, a archaic humans in the relative mediolateral shortness of their
mental foramen below the dm1, an open (V shaped) mandib- pubic bones (31), and this contrast appears early in develop-
ular foramen, a symmetrical mandibular incisure, and an ment (18). A comparison of pubic (acetabulosymphyseal)
absence of a superior medial pterygoid tubercle (despite breadth to femoral length shows a regular pattern of devel-
rugosity for the medial pterygoid muscle). These features opment (r2 5 0.857) with the La Ferrassie 6 Neandertal falling
either align the specimen with recent humans or do not significantly above the recent human distribution (Table 2).
discriminate between the two groups (25). The Lagar Velho 1 pubic length is within the recent human
The Dentition. The deciduous dental remains have no distribution but is still relatively high for a modern human.
macroscopic pathological alterations and minimal incisor at- Neandertals and European early modern humans contrast in
trition. The first molar crown diameters (Table 1) are similar the length of the tibia relative to the femur (32). Moreover,
to those of Neandertals and early modern humans, who are not differences in this ecogeographically patterned body propor-
significantly different in these dimensions. The I2 breadth tion (in which the Neandertals are hyperarctic and the earlier
shows a gradual decrease from Neandertals to Qafzeh-Skhul Upper Paleolithic humans subtropical) appear early in devel-
humans to earlier Upper Paleolithic humans to recent Euro- opment among recent humans (33, 34) and Neandertals (18,
peans, and Lagar Velho 1 falls between the means of the last 35–37) and remain stable over multiple millennia (32). Tibial
two samples. Late archaic and early modern humans differ metaphyseal length versus femoral diaphyseal intermetaphy-

Table 1. Comparative permanent dental metrics

Sample I2 breadth, mm M1 length, mm M1 breadth, mm M1 length, mm M1 breadth, mm
Lagar Velho 1 (6.6)* 10.5 11.8 12.0 10.9
Neandertals 7.8 6 0.4 [27] 11.2 6 0.7 [26] 12.0 6 0.8 [26] 11.4 6 0.7 [44] 10.9 6 0.5 [44]
Qafzeh-Skhul 7.2 6 0.6 [8] 11.3 6 0.6 [13] 12.2 6 0.7 [13] 11.7 6 0.8 [8] 11.4 6 0.6 [9]
Early Upper Paleolithic 6.9 6 0.5 [22] 10.8 6 0.8 [29] 12.1 6 0.8 [29] 11.5 6 0.8 [35] 11.0 6 0.9 [38]
Recent Europeans 6.3 6 0.4[106] 10.0 6 0.6[104] 11.3 6 0.5[104] 10.7 6 0.6[106] 10.3 6 0.5[106]
Data are shown as means 6 SD [n].
*Includes estimated additional crown formation, as is indicated by the parentheses.
Anthropology: Duarte et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 (1999) 7607

diaphyseal hypertrophy reflects in large part developmental

trajectories (44), it is expected that immature Neandertals and
early modern humans had similar femoral and tibial diaphyseal
hypertrophy once body proportions were incorporated into the
analysis. In other words, any significant differences in diaph-
yseal hypertrophy should primarily reflect contrasts in body
proportions (relative trunk size for the femur and relative
trunk size plus leg segment proportions for the tibia) and only
secondarily differences in lower limb robusticity.
In the comparison of femoral midshaft circumference to
length (Fig. 5), Lagar Velho 1 and the three Neandertal
specimens (La Ferrassie 6, Roc de Marsal 1, and Teshik-Tash
1) fall significantly above the recent human distribution (Table
2). The Qafzeh-Skhul early modern humans are more modest
in their positions. In the tibial comparison (Fig. 5), the early
modern Skhul 1 is in the middle of the recent human distri-
bution (reflecting the competing effects of linear body pro-
portions and Pleistocene Homo hypertrophy), and La Fer-
rassie 6 is well above the recent human distribution (reflecting
the combination of hypertrophy and hyperarctic body propor-
tions). Lagar Velho 1 is beyond the Neandertal specimen,
clearly separate from the recent humans. Therefore, either
Lagar Velho 1 had exceptionally robust femora and tibiae, or
more likely, it shared the hyperarctic trunk and lower limb
proportions of the Neandertals.
The tibial plateau is dorsally displaced 20 mm from the
midcondyles to the anterior tibial tuberosity, a pattern seen
among the Neandertals and associated with increasing the
quadriceps femoris moment arm to compensate for elevated
body-mass to leg-length proportions (45). This pattern further
supports the inference of elevated relative trunk mass in Lagar
Velho 1.
FIG. 4. Anterior view of the long bones. (Black and white bars 5
1 cm each.)
The left humerus has clear diaphyseal torsion and a prom-
inent ridge along the pectoralis major insertion leading up to
seal length provides a tight linear fit between the variables for the anterior greater tubercle. There is rugosity for the pecto-
the age range ('2–8 years) in a cool-temperate modern human ralis major attachment, and the ridge creates a marked inter-
sample (r2 5 0.983), with Skhul 1 falling above the line and tubercular sulcus and an anterolateral to posteromedial elon-
both La Ferrassie 6 and Lagar Velho 1 falling significantly gation of the diaphyseal cross section. This proximal humeral
below the recent humans (Table 2). Given the hyperarctic diaphyseal morphology implies hypertrophy of the thoracohu-
meral musculature, a pattern seen in Neandertals but usually
versus tropical proportions of Neandertal versus Qafzeh-Skhul
little developed among early modern humans (39, 46).
adult remains (38), the separation of the La Ferrassie and
The radius has an interosseus crest in line with the dorsal
Skhul specimens is expected. However, the low position of
third of radial tuberosity. The resultant anteromedial position
Lagar Velho 1 is unexpected, given the relatively long tibiae of of the radial tuberosity contrasts with the directly medial
all known European earlier Upper Paleolithic humans (32). position of most Neandertals, such that the orientation found
These contrasts in adult limb-segment proportions are com- here is present in 26.9% of Neandertals (n 5 13) but in 100%
bined with the Neandertals having very broad trunks and the of European earlier Upper Paleolithic humans (n 5 23; refs.
Qafzeh-Skhul and European earlier Upper Paleolithic trunks 47, 48). At the same time, the radius has little lateral curvature,
being quite slender (32, 38). As a result of the contrasting body characteristic of early modern human radii but unlike most
masses (and hence baseline weight-bearing loads) relative to mature and immature Neandertal radii (46, 49).
femoral and especially tibial lengths, Neandertals seem to have
robust leg diaphyses, whereas these early modern humans
seem gracile (39). The apparent differences in structural DISCUSSION
hypertrophy, however, disappear once body proportions are These morphological considerations provide a mixed impres-
taken into account (40–43). Consequently, given that mature sion of the Lagar Velho 1 juvenile early Upper Paleolithic
Table 2. z scores based on raw residuals from the reduced major axis line of the recent human cool-temperate sample for immature Lagar
Velho 1, Neandertal, and Qafzeh-Skhul early modern human femora and tibiae
z Scores
Sample Public breadthyfemur length Tibiayfemur length Femur circumferenceylength Tibia circumferenceylength
Lagar Velho 1 1.247 22.044 2.815 2.582
La Ferrassie 6 2.119 22.415 2.501 2.402
Roc de Marsal 1 — — 2.032 —
Teshik-Tash 1 — — 2.643 —
Early modern humans
Qafzeh 10 — — 1.646 —
Skhul 1 — 0.493 1.148 0.037
A z score . 1.95 indicates that P , 0.05.
7608 Anthropology: Duarte et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 (1999)

measured directly or inferred from femoral and tibial diaph-

yseal scaling (32, 42, 43). The more moderate oxygen-isotope
stage 3 climate of southern Iberia versus the climate known for
southwestern France or central Europe makes it unlikely that
the inferred cold-adapted body proportions of Lagar Velho 1
were the product of regional climatic selection. They can only
indicate affinities to the Neandertals.
Although some of these features are developmentally plas-
tic, the mandibular and dental patterns as well as the ecogeo-
graphically related body proportions seem to be resistant to
environmental perturbations and to be evolutionarily stable
over at least the millennia of concern. They are therefore
appropriate markers for assessing the ancestry of Lagar
Velho 1.
There are two logical explanations for the morphological
mosaic seen in Lagar Velho 1. It could represent the ancestral
(plesiomorphous) pattern for Late Pleistocene European hu-
mans, or it could be the result of admixture between European
late archaic and early modern humans. The first explanation
can be rejected by the presence of a uniquely derived (auta-
pomorphous) feature of modern humans, its mentum osseum
development, supported by its chronological position after the
presence of both Neandertals and early modern humans in
The morphological mosaic of the Lagar Velho 1 child
therefore indicates admixture between early modern humans
spreading through Iberia and local Neandertal populations.
Such morphological mosaics, with character states distinctive
to each parental group (directional dominance), plus inter-
mediate (additive) or divergent (overdominance or under-
dominance) configurations, characterize hybrids between sub-
species, species, and genera of primates and carnivores (51–
55). It is not known whether any one mosaic pattern would be
expected, given specified ancestral morphological patterns,
nor is it known how stable the pattern is likely to have been
over time. However, the mosaic seen in Lagar Velho 1
conforms to the known patterns of hybridization.
Moreover, the dating of the burial to several millennia after
the probable period of transition from Neandertal to early
FIG. 5. Midshaft circumference versus femoral intermetaphyseal modern human in southern Iberia (28,000–30,000 years B.P.),
diaphyseal length (Upper) and versus tibial intermetaphyseal length and hence the persistence of a morphological mosaic for that
(Lower). Black hexagon, Lagar Velho 1; gray pentagons, European time period, indicates that this child was not the result of a rare
Neandertals; gray squares, Qafzeh-Skhul humans; open triangles, Neandertalyearly modern interbreeding but the descendant of
cool-temperate recent humans. extensively admixed populations. There does not seem to be a
better means of explaining why, in spite of sharing a similar
human skeleton relative to northwestern Old World Neander-
material culture and identical burial practices with the Gravet-
tals and early modern humans. It is buried in a distinctively
tian elsewhere in Europe, Lagar Velho 1 is anatomically so
early Upper Paleolithic pattern, but its morphology is a mosaic distinct.
of Neandertal and early modern human features. The presence of such admixture supports the hypothesis (56,
The temporal juxtamastoid eminence development is inter- 57) of variable admixture between early modern humans
mediate between these two groups. The mandibular mentum dispersing into Europe and local Neandertal populations. It
osseum and dental proportions align it completely with the runs counter to the interpretation (58, 59) that, in western
early modern humans. This alignment is supported by man- Europe, this transition involved the extinction without descent
dibular ramal discrete traits, orientation of the radial tuber- of the Neandertals and their complete replacement by dis-
osity, radial curvature, and relative pubic breadth. The fem- persing early modern humans with more elaborate technolog-
orotibial length proportions and lower limb hypertrophy (fem- ical and sociocultural systems.
oral and tibial diaphyseal robusticity and tibial condylar The broader implications of this finding are multiple. First,
posterior displacement) indicate hyperarctic Neandertal body it means that the degree of abruptness in sociocultural and
proportions distinct from those of European earlier Upper technological complexes around the time of the transition from
Paleolithic humans. In addition, the mandibular symphysis the Middle to Upper Paleolithic need say little about the
retreats at an archaic angle, and the thoracohumeral muscle degree of human biological population continuity. Second, the
insertions are most similar to those of the Neandertals. geographical location and temporal position of the transition
The body proportions of Iberian Neandertals are not known, need not constrain the degree to which there was admixture
but all European Neandertals, including the Châtelperronian between local archaic and early modern human populations.
St. Césaire 1, have hyperarctic body proportions (41, 50). It is Third, it is inappropriate to apply a species distinction with
therefore likely that the Iberian Neandertals either had similar strict implications of reproductive isolation to the Neandertals
body proportions or, given the more temperate glacial climate versus early modern humans. And fourth, hypotheses (60–63)
of coastal southern Iberia (6), had less extreme cold-adapted that full population replacement of late archaic humans by
proportions. All of the European earlier Upper Paleolithic early modern humans took place everywhere outside of the
human remains have subtropical body proportions, whether (presumably African) core area of modern humans can be
Anthropology: Duarte et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 (1999) 7609

rejected. It is therefore necessary to go beyond the categorical 18. Tompkins, R. L. & Trinkaus, E. (1987) Am. J. Phys. Anthropol.
models that have been used commonly to characterize the late 73, 233–239.
archaic to early modern human and the Middle to Upper 19. Mallegni, F. & Trinkaus, E. (1997) J. Hum. Evol. 33, 651–668.
20. Tillier, A. M. (1987) in Préhistoire de Poitou-Charentes, ed.
Paleolithic transitions and to recognize the complex regional,
Vandermeersch, B. (Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scien-
temporal, human biological, and cultural processes as well as tifiques, Paris), pp. 201–206.
historical trajectories that took place. 21. Matiegka, J. (1934) Homo Předmostensis, Fosilnı́ Človĕk z Před-
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of human remains in their care and to the L. S. B. Leakey, National 42. Trinkaus, E., Stringer, C. B., Ruff, C. B., Hennessy, R. J.,
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