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Worksheet 1 - the Communication Process

Question 1
Read the following scenario and respond to the questions that follow:
Sandras youth group has asked her to give them a presentation on her recent stint as a
volunteer worker on the childrens ward of the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital in
Kingstown. She will make the presentation this Friday evening at the groups weekly
meeting, which takes place in a concrete hut near the Cane End playing field in
Marriaqua. The playing field is being used on this date by the Emmanuel High School
Mesopotamia, for their annual fair and dance.
(a) What factors must Sandra consider when coming up with her presentation?
(b) Draw a graphic representation of Sandras communication process.
Question 2
Using T to represent true and F to represent false, respond to the following statements:
(a) The receiver of a message is responsible for its conceptualisation. __
(b) The communication process is incomplete unless feedback is given to the sender. __
(c) The first major advance in mass communication was the invention of Gutenbergs
press. _
(d) Human beings are the only animals that communicate. __
(e) Communication apprehension refers to any instance of nervousness or shyness while
communicating. __
(f) Communication is inevitable. __
(g) Feedback can also be called interference or noise. __
(h) Audio/visual aids facilitate communication. __
(i) When delivering a presentation it is always best to be casual. __
(j) Internal noise refers to physical sounds that may distract an audience. __
Question 3
What are the three most important aspects of the communication process?

Why are these three things so important?

Question 4
Based on your reading, list five settings where communication regularly takes place, and
briefly explain each setting.
Question 5
Using examples, explain how improving your communication skills will benefit your
academic life.
The following reading will assist you to ansewer.
Zeuschner, Raymond. Communicating Today, Pearson Education, Inc., 2003. Chapters
1 & 2.
Various authors, CAPE Self Study and Distance Learning for Communication Studies,
CAPE 2004. Study guides 1 & 2
Labels: assessment, process, worksheet
Mrs John's Groups (7,8,12 & 16) - work during her absence Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th
October 2007
I will be absent from school on Monday 8th October and Tuesday 9th October.
Work for Monday's class
Please continue the work on creative writing by considering poetry. Also make sure that you
have ready to hand in on WEDNESDAY 10th October the introduction to your portfolio.
Read the poem by Roger McGough, Let me die a young man's death by following this link
Please look at the following questions either together or singly.

1. Identify any analogies, metaphors or similes used by the poet

2. How does the poet use rhyme and rhythm in the poem
3. What is your opinion of the poem? Why?
4. Why do you think the poet wrote the poem?
Make notes and be prepared to discuss in the next writing class.
Read Chapter 35 of Writing in English: A coursebook for Caribbean Students (SimmonsMcDonald et al). You may also find the information on this site of interest.
Work for Tuesday
Please continue our work on Verbal Communication.
Before you attempt this exercise please read
Chapter 6 of Communicating Today (Zeuschener) especially page 99 (Speaking and Writing)

Section 1 (Chapters 1 to 3) especially p 29 to 31 (differences between speech and writing)

and Chapter 2 of Writing in English: a course book for Caribbean Students (SimmonsMcDonald et al)

1. Consider some of the differences between speaking and writing indentified by the
authors of Communicating Today and Writing in English. Make a list of the
characteristics they note for both speech and writing.
2. Read the two passages below. One is speech and one is writing.
3. Indentify the characteristics of speech compared with writing in the two passages. Use
your notes you made for activity 1 to help you.

This should be prepared for the class on Wednesday 10th October. Please prepare in a
form that can be submitted.
Passage 1
One of the things that happen to people who get the Nobel Prize is that they get a lot of
media attention. Many interviews. So many that I begin to feel now that I have lost the
capacity for spontaneous thought. In need the questions. So I thought I would begin like
the old fashioned comedian. The man to whom things happen on the way to the studio.
Well then. Something happened to me on the way to Stockholm. The strap of wrist
watch broke. And for some surreal moments I found myself looking at my watch on the
floor of the plane. This is no metaphor. Here is the strapless watch. What did it mean?
What was the awful symbolism? The fact is all through Nobel week I was to be without
my wrist watch.
Source: Sir VS Naipuals speech at the Nobel Banquet, December 10
2001 http://www.nobelprize.org/

Passage 2
V. S. Naipaul is a literary circumnavigator, only ever really at home in himself, in his
inimitable voice. Singularly unaffected by literary fashion and models he has wrought
existing genres into a style of his own, in which the customary distinctions between
fiction and non-fiction are of subordinate importance.Naipauls literary domain has
extended far beyond the West Indian island of Trinidad, his first subject, and now
encompasses India, Africa, America from south to north, the Islamic countries of Asia
and, not least, England. Naipaul is Conrads heir as the annalist of the destinies of
empires in the moral sense: what they do to human beings. His authority as a narrator is
grounded in his memory of what others have forgotten, the history of the vanquished.
Source: Press release from http://www.nobelprize.org/

Labels: announcements, group 12, group 16, group 7, group 8, Mrs John's groups
ommunications forms and contexts : Verbal and Non-verbal Communication
Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication
In general, human beings communicate using two main forms: verbal
communication and non-verbal communication.
Verbal communication, simply put, is any form of communication that uses words in order
to convey meaning or transmit messages. Essentially, verbal communication is either speech or
writing. There are four main skills that human beings put into practice when engaging in verbal
communication: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Any verbal communication involves at
least two of these skills.
Language is the one thing that all four verbal communication skills have in common; it is a
specifically human form of communication that uses symbols to represent ideas and concepts.
Later on in the course, we will look more closely at the concept of language, its uses and
Non-Verbal Communication is the form of communication that does not involve the use of
speech or writing. In effect, non-verbal communication is the use of voice, space, objects,
movement, time and the five senses to convey meanings that without using words. Because the
types of non-verbal communication focus on physical actions and manipulations to convey
meaning, they are often referred to as communicative behaviours.
Communicative behaviours comprise the following:
Vocalics refers to the use of voice in communicating messages. This does not include actual
words, but modulations in tone of voice, rate of speech, pitch and non-verbal utterances.
Because vocalics is often used in conjunction with speech communication (i.e. verbal), it is
often referred to as paralanguage.

Proxemics is the use of space to communicate. Standing close to someone may indicate that
you like her; likewise, changing seat during an exam may indicate that you suspect your
neighbour of cheating or some sort of discomfort.
Artifacts are objects that convey some sort of message about you. These include clothes,
jewellery, home decorations, book bags etc.
Movement incorporates several movements of the body eye contact, facial expressions,
posture and gestures all communicate information. Failing to meet eye contact when speaking to
a parent may indicate nervousness, shame or the possibility of untruthfulness; sitting straight in
a chair could indicate attentiveness.
Chronemics refers to the use of time. By being early for class you show respect for the teacher
and fellow classmates; similarly, a teacher who arrives consistently late for class is exhibiting a
lack of respect for her students and profession.
The five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell) are also used in non-verbal
communication. For example, a normally good cook who over-salts a dish for her cheating
spouse may be using taste to indicate her unhappiness or displeasure.
There are also six functions of non-verbal communication. That is, we use non-verbal
communication for six main reasons:
i. Substituting is where we use non-verbal communication instead of, or to replace verbal
communication. Waving goodbye instead of saying it out loud is one example of this.
ii. We also use non-verbal communication to reinforce or complement our verbal
communication. Pounding your hand onto a table when arguing may reinforce whatever point
youre making.
iii. The regulating function of non-verbal communication is used mostly in conversation to
control the flow of messages. Raising your hand to answer or ask a question in class helps to

regulate the communication going on in the room.

iv. Sometimes we use non-verbal communication to contradict our verbal communication. The
most common example of this is using vocalic sarcasm when you say one thing, but your tone
of voice says the opposite.
v. We often manage impressions through the use of non-verbal communication. The way we
dress, for example, often coincides with the impression we want others to have of us.
vi. Finally, we use non-verbal communication to establishrelationships. The wearing of a
wedding band is a non-verbal indication that the person is married.
More on Context
As stated earlier, the context of communication is its environment.Context is particularly
important in choosing the types of verbal and non-verbal communication we use every day. A
doctor does not wear short pants and slippers at the clinic; this would be inappropriate. A
lawyer may choose to speak in simple language to a client while using more complex language to
a colleague. A hip-hop star covers himself in bling and speaks a version of English that is not
standard when addressing his fans. All of these are examples how communication context
influences form of communication.
* When deciding on which form of communication to use, always ask yourself this:
* Who am I communicating with?
* What is the attitude of my audience?
* Where is this communication act taking place?
Usually, communication contexts occur along a scale from formal toinformal. Formal
contexts require certain types of communication and communicative behaviours; informal
contexts require others. A conversation between employer and employee, for example, is not the
same as one between friends, even if the subject matter under discussion is the same.
Basically, a formal situation is one where behaviour is dictated by social norms and patterns,

and an informal situation is one where there are no constraints on behaviour and

Zeuschner, Raymond. Communicating Today, Pearson Education, Inc., 2003. Chapters 5 & 6.
for Worksheet 2

Labels: context, formal, informal, listening, module 3, nonverbal,process, reading, speaking, verbal, writing
Worksheet 2 - Non-verbal and verbal communication
1. For each of the communication acts below, state which type of verbal or non-verbal
communication is being displayed, and what message is being communicated:
(a) Michael leans in close to his girlfriend when her ex-boyfriend walks by.
(b) Dr. Foster arrives one hour late to his appointment with a housewife.
(c) Kelly wears a green suit to work the day before elections.
(d) Jason carries around a gold-plated lighter on his key ring.
(e) Kiesha slumps at her desk during a long lecture.
(f) Sally-Ann sends a typed e-card to her friend, Felicia on her birthday.
(g) Jermaine shouts at his sister to get her attention.
(h) Jenny maintains eye contact with her grandmother when admitting that she doesnt smoke.
(i) The beauty pageant contestant stuttered when answering her question.
(j) The Queen of England waved at her subjects.
2. Kevin has an important interview today; he is meeting with a prospective employer, British
American Insurance.
(a) How should Kevin dress?
(b) What type of language should Kevin use?

(c) What dictates Kevins speech and communicative behaviours?

3. Match the word to the definition:
a. Chronemics
d. Proxemics
e. The senses
f. Vocalics
i.The use of space to convey messages.
ii.The use of gestures, eye contact, posture and facial expressions to convey messages.
iii. The use of time to transmit information.
iv. Manipulating voice to convey messages.
v. Using objects to communicate.
vi. Using sight, sound, touch, smell and taste to transmit information.
4. Give three examples from your own life that illustrate the ways in which communicative
behaviours may enhance verbal communication. Remember to state HOW the non-verbal
enhances the verbal.
5. Give an original example of each of the six functions of non-verbal communication.

Labels: assessment, worksheet

A Closer look at Verbal Communication
As we saw earlier, there are two main ways in which human beings communicate verbally, that
is, through speech and writing. Reading, writing, speaking and listening are the four ways in
which we use this verbal communication. Each of these is a skill, and effective use of each is

necessary for communication to take place.

This handbook is presented in a written format. However until it is read and interpreted by an
audience (you, the student) no communication has taken place. Further to this, the entire
process is incomplete unless some feedback, in the form of the weekly worksheets, is provided.
Thus, the process of communication in this instance may look something like this:

Essentially, for communication to take place, both writing and reading skills must be employed.
Similarly, speech communication does not end with speaking. For communication to effectively
take place, the receiver/audience must employ listening skills.
It is important, then, for us to be able to not only write and speak effectively, but also to read
and listen effectively.

Zeuschner, Raymond. Communicating Today, Chapters 3, 5 & 6, Pearson Education, Inc., 2003.
Simmons-McDonald, Hazel et al. Writing in English: A Course Book For Caribbean Students,
Section 1, Ian Randle Publishers, 1997.
For completion of Worksheet 3

Labels: elements, listening, module 1, module

3, process, reading,speaking, verbal, writing
orksheet 3 - Verbal Communication
1. In your own words, define the following terms:
(a) writing
(b) reading
(c) speaking
(d) listening
2. Which of the four verbal communication skills are needed for each of the following scenarios?
Say how the skills are used in each scenario.
(a) A an oral exam
(b) A listening comprehension exercise
(c) Reading a Bible passage in church
(d) Participating in an online chat room discussion
(e) Helping your uncle construct a table that came in a pre-packaged box
3. List and explain each of the four contexts for listening.
4. Based on your reading, which is more important: reading and writing or speaking and

Labels: assessment, listening, module 1, module

3, reading, speaking,verbal, worksheet, writing
Language - its origins and characteristics
Many animal and even plant species are said to communicate with each other. Humans are not
unique in this capability. However, human language is unique in being a symbolic
communication system that is learned instead of biologically inherited.

Symbols are sounds or things which have meaning given to them by the users. Originally, the
meaning is arbitrarily assigned. For instance, the English word "dog" does not in any way
physically resemble the animal it stands for. All symbols have a material form but the meaning
can not be discovered by mere sensory examination of their forms. They are abstractions.
A major advantage of human language being a learned symbolic communication system is that it
is infinitely flexible. Meanings can be changed and new symbols created. This is evidenced by
the fact that new words are invented daily and the meaning of old ones change.
Languages evolve in response to changing historical and social conditions. Some language
transformations typically occur in a generation or less. For instance, the slang words used by
your parents were very likely different from those that you use today. You also probably are
familiar with many technical terms, such as "text messaging" and "high definition TV", that were
not in general use even a decade ago.
* Additional reading: Writing in English Chapters 1-2

Labels: characteristics, language, module 2

P O S T E D B Y M I Z J O H N AT 6 : 0 8 A M

Language variety
All human societies use language. Some societies use just one and are said to be monolingual.
Most societies use more than one language. Such societies are bilingual, trilingual or even
multilingual. Sometimes individuals within a society might be bilingual or multilingual. There is
a difference between a society that is bilingual and an individual who is bilingual. In bilingual
societies such as Canada, provision is sometimes made for equal treatment for speakers of either
language. Road signs and other public use of language are often presented in both languages.
The bilingual individual usually has to make a choice of language depending on her audience.
Usually the history of a language is the history of the people who speak it. The Caribbean
provides good examples of this. It is a complex linguistic area. The original inhabitants spoke,
and in places like Guyana and Suriname still speak, a range of indigenous languages brought to

the region many hundred years ago. These languages are mainly the Arawaccan or Cariban
language groups but there are also speakers of Warrau.
The official languages of the Caribbean are local or regional forms of European languages such
as Spanish, French, Dutch and English. In the special case of Haiti, the French-lexicon Creole
language, called Haitian, is also regarded as an official language along with French.
It must be remembered that many of the Europeans who came to the Caribbean territories were
themselves speakers of non standard dialects of English.
(Required reading: Writing in English Chapters 1-4).
Worksheet 4 - Language
Worksheet 4a True or False?
1. Language is the human ability to use certain forms for thinking, speaking, enjoyment and
aesthetic pleasure.
2. Language is common to all living things.
3. A language is used by a particular community.
4. Language is acquired at birth.
5. The rules for one language always apply to another.
6. An infant will speak as a native tongue whatever language it is exposed to during the first few
weeks of life.
7. The stages of acquisition of language in Spanish children and Chinese children are the same.
8. English is a prestigious language because it is inherently superior to other languages.
9. Language is centered in the brain.
10. Intelligence is measurable independent of language and culture.

Worksheet 4b.
a). What is language?

b). What are the main reasons for this complexity?

c). Would you agree that the Europeans all spoke the same dialects of their language?
d). What evidence does the passage provide to support your answer to (c) above?
e). From which continent do the majority of official languages of the Caribbean come?
f). What languages did the Europeans encounter when they came to the Caribbean region?
g) Why does the writer of the passage in Language Variety refer to the Caribbean as a complex
linguistic area?
h). Identify the official language in all territories of the Caribbean.
i). Identify the popular languages of St Lucia, Jamaica, Bonaire, Haiti and Saint Vincent and the
j). Give five examples of the linguistic features of Creole languages.

Sections 1 and 2 of Writing in English (Chapters 1 - 7)
Chapters 1 and 2 of West Indians and their Languages
CAPE Study Guides 8, 9 and 10

Labels: assessment, caribbean

language, characteristics, language,speaking, verbal, worksheet
Language: dialects and registers
Language is systematic or rule governed. Although this is true, it is also true that there is often
variation in the actual use of any language. All users of the same language do not necessarily use
it in the same way. Often the same speaker may use the same language in different ways

depending on a number of factors.

A dialect is a variant of a language. If it is associated with a geographically isolated speech
community, it is referred to as a regional dialect. However, if it is spoken by a speech community
that is merely socially isolated, it is called a social dialect. These latter dialects are mostly based
on class, ethnicity, gender, age, and particular social situations. Black English (or Ebonics) in
the United States is an example of a social dialect.
Code switching: People may quickly switch back and forth between dialects, depending on the
person they are talking to at the time. This pattern is referred to as diglossia or "code switching."
Code-switching is a term in linguistics referring to alternation between two or
morelanguages, dialects, or language registers in the course of discoursebetween people who
have more than one language in common. Sometimes the switch lasts only for a few sentences,
or even for a single phrase.
More broadly defined, code-switching occurs when people alter their speech and behavior so as
to fit into different social situations. The most common changes involve vocabulary, levels of
casualness or formality, types of clothing, and facial and hand gestures.
Dis ting called language is real funny
We does use it for all kinda ting you see
Sometimes it fancy and sometimes it free
And in did Caribbean is a real potpourri
When it fancy we it formal and real la de da
When it free we does call it vernacular
Each country down here have it own language flavour
But they each have a standard that they must master.

Labels: caribbean language, dialect, language, module 2, register,variety

Worksheet 5

Look at the poem:

Dis ting called language is real funny
We does use it for all kinda ting you see
Sometimes it fancy and sometimes it free
And in did Caribbean is a real potpourri
When it fancy we it formal and real la de da
When it free we does call it vernacular
Each country down here have it own language flavour
But they each have a standard that they must master.

1. The author refers to using language for all kinda ting (line 2). State THREE different
purposes of language.
2. Suggest TWO situations when one might use what the author refers to as fancy language
(line 5).
3. Suggest TWO situations when one might use what the author refers to as free language (line
4. Americans and British speakers may be said to be using different dialects of the same
(a) What are some noticeable differences between them?
(b) In this context explain what is referred to as accent.
5. Identify FOUR instances where Creole influenced vernacular is used in the poem.
6. Suggest one reason for the demise of the Garifuna language in St Vincent.
7. Identify ways in which the same language used by different speakers may vary.

8. What are the possible causes for the development of varieties of any language?
9. Write a short definition for the linguistic term register.
10. Explain the process by which one dialect emerges as the Standard.
For each of the examples that follow, explain why these speakers of the same language did not
seem [ :0)] to understand the meaning that was being transferred:
The Judge said to the defendant, "I thought I told you I never wanted to see you in here again."
"Your Honor," the criminal said, "that's what I tried to tell the police, but they wouldn't listen."

A policeman stops a lady and asks for her license. He says "Lady, it says here that you should be
wearing glasses."
The woman answered "Well, I have contacts."
The policeman replied "I don't care who you know! You're getting a ticket!"

Labels: caribbean language, creole, dialect, language, module 2,worksheet

Language: registers
An acrolect is a register of a spoken language that is considered formal and high-style.
The term mesolect refers to a register or range of registers of spokenlanguage whose character
falls somewhere between the prestige of theacrolect and the informality of the basilect.

Mesolectic speech, where it is distinguished from acrolectic speech, is often the most widely
spoken form of a language, generally being used by lower and lower-middle classes. Within the
context of Creole languages, mesolects only appear in instances of a post-Creole speech
continuum wherein speakers code-switch between various mesolectal levels within the
continuum depending on context.
In linguistics, a basilect is a dialect of speech that has diverged so far from the standard language
that in essence it has become a differentlanguage. A basilect represents the opposite end of the
scale of linguistic formality from an acrolect. In certain speech communities, acontinuum exists
between speakers of a Creole language and a relatedstandard language. Basilects typically differ
from the standard language in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar, and can often develop
into different languages.
(Additional reading: West Indians and their language Chapters 1-4 )
Worksheet 6
1. According to Roberts, which two territories are linguistically notorious?

2. Which English speaking Caribbean country has fewest Creole features?

3. When a Jamaican Creole speaker says, All the ceiling she paint all is used to mean

4. The feature wi used after sentences as a tag can be attributed to influence from which

5. According to Roberts which territories use the wi tag?

6. Which country does not use does to indicate habitual?

7. What linguistic difficulty does this traditional joke in Jamaica illustrate? The indignant
schoolmaster reprimanding his pupil with, hemphasise your haiches, you hignorant hass.

8. A feature prominent in Barbadian speech is strong retroflexionwhat does this mean? Give
an example.

9. When a Grenadian or Trinidadian uses it have as in the following example: It have a man in
town. What does it have mean?

10. To signal future St Kitts speech has both gon and an . What do the following express
(a) He an go town fi you
(b) A gon do om soon.

11. Translate the following English Creole statements to standard

Di two pikni dem a fight.

Dis a fi mi buk.
Tantie bex causen say mi tan too long a maakit.
Im tek tik lik di gyrl inna she head.
12. Write down three different ways in which non standard speakers of English in the Caribbean
might say, The boys went to a party.

Labels: caribbean language, creole, module 2, worksheet

Worksheet 7 - Gathering and Processing Data
Question 1
You are carrying out research into savings institutions in St Vincent & the Grenadines.
Identify which of the following are primary and which are secondary sources of information.
Explain why for each source.
(a) www.firstcaribbean.com
(b) Your own interview with the manager of GECU
(c) A report by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank on Savings in St Vincent from their website
without a date.
(d) Statistics from the Governments Annual Financial Statement on the Economy on Credit
Union business for 2004.
(d) The results of a survey using questionnaires carried out by a PhD student for his thesis on
The growth of credit unions in St Vincent submitted in 2006
(d) A text book entitled Caribbean Economics published in 1997.
(e) An advertisement for Millennium Offshore Banks Supergrowth Bond which compares its
rate of interest to other savings institutions in St Vincent in last weeks local newspaper

Question 2
Evaluate 3 of the references above in Question 2 for reliability and validity. Make sure you
evaluate both source of the data and the data itself.
Question 3
Evaluate the credibility ONE of the following websites.

Question 4
The Principal wishes to research whether changing to an Associate Degree from the current A
level / CAPE programme would be successful.
(a) What 3 different methods of research could he use to gather data on which to base his
decision? State the method in detail and the source from which the data would be gathered for
each method.
(b) What factors might affect reliability and validity of one of the methods you chose. What
could be done to minimise the effects of the factors you have identified.
(c) The Community College has 830 students of which 700 are female and 130 are male. Discuss
the effect of sample size and demographic representation (include all the factors) if the Principal
wishes to ensure a reliable and valid sample of the students.

(d) The Principals is in favour of changing to an Associate Degree. How might this cause bias in
interpretation of the data?
Question 5
The following questions are from a survey into herbal medicine. Comment on the effectiveness
of each question in generating reliable and valid data
1. Do you use alternative medicine?
2. Is herbal medicine a good or a bad thing?
3. Which of the following ways have you obtained herbal medicine / have you used
herbal remedies
(a) prescribed by a health professional e.g. registered nurse or doctor
(b) herbal remedies suggested by other health practitioners e.g. bush doctor, herbalist
(c) over the counter herbal remedies purchased at a pharmacy
(d) herbal remedies from your own garden/collected by you
(e) any other method of obtaining herbal remedies (Please give details)
4 (a) Have you used herbal medicine Yes / No / Not sure
(b) What illnesses have you taken herbal medicine to relieve?

Question 5
You are carrying out research into attitudes towards recreational use of cannabis.
Other than questions to elicit demographic information suggest 4 questions two open and two
closed in the sequence they would appear in the questionnaire to generate data.
Literary devices commonly used in Paper 1A (Listening comprehension)

The two widely differing elements are contrasted using a common value to convey further
information about one or both elements. The differences between them often intensify either
their positive or negative qualities. They frequently will be opposites. E.g the warmth of the
Caribbean with the cold of a New York Winter (comparison point temperature). Contrasts also
can be metaphorical.
Irony is the contrast between what is expected or what appears to be and what actually is. For
example A clumsy ballet dancer.
Verbal Irony (sarcasm is the tone of voice/writing)
The contrast between what is said and what is actually meant. E.g He did an excellent job of
making a mess.
Irony of Situation
This refers to a happening that is the opposite of what is expected or intended. E.g. The wedding
of a son causes a marital breakdown for the parents.
Compares by stating the element is the item of comparison e.g. The lawyers claws were out and
he would not stop until they drew blood,
Extends a metaphor to compare a situation or particularly to explain a complex item by using a
familiar item to structure the explanation. E.g. Exam preparation is like baking a cake all the
ingredients must be used and preparations thorough before baking. Firstly the ingredients:
study which is lightened with periods of recreation, physical health, managing stress. (The
analogy would continue for several paragraphs even)
SIMILE (note spelling well)
Compares using the like, as, resembles, looked as though etc. e.g. His exam worries even after

the event were as if a rat was gnawing at his brain.

Compares non-human, inanimate elements OR abstract concepts to using HUMAN qualities e.g.
The building stared down at him daring him to enter OR Justice is never kindly but it is
ruthlessly fair. If the qualities are not human then the comparison is a metaphor e.g. A beast of a
Gives animals human characteristics e.g. The fox spoke to the cubs and then strolled away with a
dancing step.
Uses familiar classical, biblical or other well know cultural references . E.g. Anasi-like cunning

Exaggerates qualities of an element or an overstatement (sometimes for comedic effect). E.g. I
could eat my shoes Im so hungry.

Uses repetition of either words, phrases or even a whole sentence. E.g What if I dont make it,
what if I cant pass, what if I fail


Alliteration similar consonant sounds
Assonance similar vowel sounds
Onomatopoeia - the word sounds like the sound

A search of the internet will bring up many more complex and obscure devices.
P O S T E D B Y M I Z J O H N AT 1 0 : 1 2 P M

CAPE Syllabus Module 1 - Gathering and Processing Information

Module 1 Gathering and Processing Information
General objectives
1. use the structures of English correctly as well as with a degree of elegance
2. Evaluate examples of written and spoken communication, including arguments, taking in to
consideration the form and content of the communication and the context in which it is
presented and constructed.
3. Apply comprehension skills of analysis and critical evaluation to a wide range of oral and
written material.
4. Demonstrate organising competencies in oral and written communication.
Specific Objectives
1. Speak and write with control of grammar, vocabulary, mechanics and conventions of English
2. indentify the characteristic formats, organizational features and modes of expression of
different genres and types of writing and speech;
3. evaluation the appropriateness of data collection methods, including the use of the internet
4. apply any of the six different levels of comprehension to spoken or written material
5. write continuous prose and note form summaries of specific types of spoken and written
6. evaluate the effect of source, context, medium or channel on the reliability and validity of
7. gather information about current issues
8. evaluate information about current issues
9. present in appropriate oral form the evaluation of (8);
10. create a portfolio of oral and written work

1. Structural competencies
a. Grammar
b. Usage
c. Word choice
d. Spelling
e. Punctuation
f. Pronunciation
g. Enunciation
h. Correcting errors and mistakes, revising and editing drafts
2. Levels of comprehension
a. Understanding levels: literal, interpretive, analytical, application, synthesis, evaluative
b. Understanding modes, genres and types of speech and writing, with specific attention to
organisation and language used
c. Levels of comprehension to different modes, genres and types of speech and writing
i. Expository (for example definitions, technical writing)
ii. Literary (for example prose fiction, poetry, drama)
iii. Argumentative
a. Forms (deduction, induction, analogy, authority)
b. Fallacies (such as non sequitur, unproved assertion
c. Evaluating arguments
3. Study and summary skills
a. General study skills
i. Preparing to study (understanding mental, emotional and physical connections, scheduling
and controlling distractions)
ii. Defining and distinguishing between reading and listening
iii. Setting purposes for reading (surveying, skimming and scanning)
iv. Setting purposes for listening (general, specific)
v. Understanding factors which affect reading and listening comprehension

b. Summary skills
i. Note taking and note making
ii. Distinguishing between main and subsidiary ideas
iii. Understanding logical linkages between ideas
iv. Formulating topic sentences and linking them to subsidiary ideas
v. Sequencing
vi. Condensing
vii. Writing outlines
viii. Writing continuous prose summaries
ix. Editing drafts (peer evaluation and self evaluation)
P O S T E D B Y M I Z J O H N AT 8 : 5 9 P M

T H U R S D A Y, M A R C H 1 3 , 2 0 0 8

Summary of requirements for Expository Presentation

The expository presentation should conform to the following requirements
An 8 minute presentation on the same theme as your reflective portfolio
It will have 6 elements
- An introduction with a thesis statement
- A rationale in which you explain why you chose your theme
- A discussion of issues (a factual presentation)
- An evaluation of the reliability and validity of two sources of data used in your presentation
- A report on the challenges you faced while researching the presentation.
- A conclusion
You cannot read from a full script
You can use notes in bullet point/ key words form (apart from details of references and
The notes should cover no more than 8 small index cards (or paper the size of index cards)

You can use visual aids but they are not a requirement
You should wear school uniform which conforms strictly to the dress code for the examination
You can find a more detailed explanation of the expository presentationhere

Labels: exposition, presentation, SBA

P O S T E D B Y M I Z J O H N AT 1 0 : 4 7 A M

W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 0 5 , 2 0 0 8

Research using the internet

The internet is a big old place and you can get very lost. When looking for factual information
library sites and other tools which help control the search and make it more likely to be
academic information are useful ways to do this.
Below are a list of links which will help you find more relevant information
A good starting place
http://www.libraryspot.com/ (it is an American site but has many good international resources)
1. http://www.libraryspot.com/encyclopedias.htm
2. http://www.wikipedia.org/
3. http://www.ipl.org/
General search engines
4. http://www.google.com/
5. http://www.google.co.vc/
6. http://www.yahoo.com/
7. Meta-search engines (searches search engines)

8. http://www.metacrawler.com/
Find subject directories for a specific field (academic)
9. http://www.lii.org/
10. http://infomine.ucr.edu/
11. http://www.academicinfo.net/
General directories
1.7. http://www.google.com/dirhp%208
13. http://dir.yahoo.com/
Other directories which might help
Google books and Google Scholar
14. Searches specialised data bases or the invisible web as not all websites are listed
15. http://www.searchability.com/
Finding journals and other publications
http://www.e-journals.org/ (some are pay services listed)
http://www.doaj.org/ (free journals)
General ideas for Caribbean
16. http://www.caribbeannetnews.com/
17. http://www.cavehill.uwi.edu/bnccde/info.htm

Labels: presentation, research, SBA

P O S T E D B Y M I Z J O H N AT 6 : 3 0 A M

The expository presentation for CAPE Communication Studies Internal Assessment

What it is NOT
It is NOT a presentation of any of your reflective pieces

It is NOT a persuasive speech although you may express an opinion in the conclusion
It is NOT submitted in writing
It is NOT an essay on legs. You should not read from a script
So what is it then?
The presentation has two distinct parts
* A FACTUAL presentation on an aspect of your portfolio theme
* A presentation about your research including an evaluation of two sources of information used
to prepare your factual presentation.
It will have all the following 6 elements present
1. An introduction (statement of topic)
In the introduction you will give a brief explanation of topic/ theme and a preview (with a thesis
statement) of what you are going to cover.
For example.
"My theme is Returning Migrants to St Vincent. Returning migrants or returnees are a group
within the population of St Vincent who have spent a significant time away from the island and
have then returned to permanently settle again. Returning migrants often are retired from their
previous occupation which they pursued in a more developed country such as the United States,
Canada or Great Britain or they have been working in another Caribbean state. According to
statistics from the Customs Department given to me by Mrs B Chalres in an interview 4361
people claimed the concession for returning residents in 2005.Returning migrants experience 5
phases of adjuststment when returning which can be termed as culture shock."
would look like this
Theme ; Returning Migrants to St Vincent.
a group within the population of St Vincent

a significant time away from the island

returned to permanently settle
retired from their previous occupation (the United States, Canada or Great Britain) OR
working in another Caribbean state.
Customs Department (Mrs B Charles) 4361 people claimed the concession for returning
residents in 2005.
Returning migrants experience 5 phases of adjustmentwhen returning which can be termed as
culture shock.
2. A rationale
In the rationale you need to explain why you picked the theme and it can form part of the
introduction. In the rationale you should mention any personal interests, current academic links
and future career plans which influenced your decision to choose the theme
For example I chose the theme returning migrants to St Vincent and specifically to focus on
culture shock because I am a wife of a returning migrant. I have a BSc honours in Sociology and
the concept of culture shock is part of socio-cultural studies carried out by Kavelo Oberg 1958.
In the future I will be submitting my Masters thesis on this specific issue.
3. Discussion of issues
The discussion of issues is the factual presentation about the theme and its narrowed focus
based on the thesis statement. Remember this will be about 3 minutes or so it is not long.
It should have a distinct organisational pattern and you should aim for one of the expository
structures such as cause and effect, process analysis, analysis by division, classification etc (See
Writing in English)

It should also be referenced and include any research findings. You will also need to give a
conclusion to your factual presentation as a sort of sub conclusion dont wait until the end
Here is an example of a possible outline for my example presentation (not all of it). It uses the
organisational pattern of process analysis Remember you cannot read from a script!
Culture shock 5 phases
Honeymoon, rejection/ regression, conformist, assimilation, reverse culture shock
Centre for Overseas Travel the tourist phase
Questionnaire (300 returning migrants) 78% not feel tourist 82% elated
Oberg frustration etc
Questionnaire 50% wanted to return after 3 months,
Reasons, poor service, backward attitude, nothing to do, boring
Interview Dr Sheridan Mental health presentations tend to be in 1st 4 months of return.

4. Challenges of research
You need to discuss what difficulties you faced in preparing your factual presentation. If you did
not have any difficulties then just explain why.
For example (in note form)
Questionnaires time consuming, identifying sample,
Other sources - no central data on returnees, newspaper articles useful
Academic research not on St Vincent
5. Evaluation of two sources
For this aspect of the presentation you need to discuss your research. The two sources need not

necessarily be given as a reference in the presentation but they should be relevant. You should
try to select two different types of data source e.g. a newpaper article and an interview. You may
want to very briefly summarise all your sources before evaluating two for reliability and validity.
Please see other parts of the blog for information on reliablity and validity.
For example (in note form)
Secondary sources:
academic text books and journals,
local and international newspapers and magazines,
web sites: international public organisations e.g. Peace Corps
general sites e.g. Wikipedia
Primary sources
interviews of experts in St Vincent
questionnaire of returning migrants.
Questionnaire of returning migrants
Reliable: primary data source, research method suited to collecting data for social research
Valid: Problem with sample size as total population of RMs unknown
Problem with generalisation as differences between UK, US and other RMs more research
Overall reliable and reasonably valid
The Experience of Return Migration: A Caribbean Perspective, Joan Phillips and Reliable Denis
Conway, Ashgate Press, London 2005
Author expert Phd Social Anthrop. Specialised Caribbean writer Canada
Publisher: reputable, specialst academic main interest Social research
Valid Recently published Problem no reference to St Vincent
Overall general but very reliable and valid source
6. Conclusion
The conclusion should be slightly different to the internal summary conclusion in your
discussion of issues. At this stage you can express a personal view or put forward a possible

For example (in note form)

Returning migrants
YES culture shock
3 ways
NO assimilation
Programme promote overseas, keep in touch,
Information - government

See my other post about the reseach using the internet for idea. Make sure that you are aware of
the requirements for acceptable notes during the exam and be familiar with the marks scheme it is not only content that is marked but also presentation skills.

Labels: assessment, exposition, module 1 research, presentation,reliability, SBA, validity

P O S T E D B Y M I Z J O H N AT 6 : 1 5 A M

W E D N E S D A Y, J A N U A R Y 0 9 , 2 0 0 8

Worksheet 7 - Gathering and Processing Data

Question 1
You are carrying out research into savings institutions in St Vincent & the Grenadines.
Identify which of the following are primary and which are secondary sources of information.
Explain why for each source.
(a) www.firstcaribbean.com

(b) Your own interview with the manager of GECU

(c) A report by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank on Savings in St Vincent from their website
without a date.
(d) Statistics from the Governments Annual Financial Statement on the Economy on Credit
Union business for 2004.
(d) The results of a survey using questionnaires carried out by a PhD student for his thesis on
The growth of credit unions in St Vincent submitted in 2006
(d) A text book entitled Caribbean Economics published in 1997.
(e) An advertisement for Millennium Offshore Banks Supergrowth Bond which compares its
rate of interest to other savings institutions in St Vincent in last weeks local newspaper

Question 2
Evaluate 3 of the references above in Question 2 for reliability and validity. Make sure you
evaluate both source of the data and the data itself.
Question 3
Evaluate the credibility ONE of the following websites.


Question 4
The Principal wishes to research whether changing to an Associate Degree from the current A
level / CAPE programme would be successful.
(a) What 3 different methods of research could he use to gather data on which to base his
decision? State the method in detail and the source from which the data would be gathered for
each method.
(b) What factors might affect reliability and validity of one of the methods you chose. What
could be done to minimise the effects of the factors you have identified.
(c) The Community College has 830 students of which 700 are female and 130 are male. Discuss
the effect of sample size and demographic representation (include all the factors) if the Principal
wishes to ensure a reliable and valid sample of the students.
(d) The Principals is in favour of changing to an Associate Degree. How might this cause bias in
interpretation of the data?
Question 5
The following questions are from a survey into herbal medicine. Comment on the effectiveness
of each question in generating reliable and valid data
1. Do you use alternative medicine?
2. Is herbal medicine a good or a bad thing?
3. Which of the following ways have you obtained herbal medicine / have you used
herbal remedies
(a) prescribed by a health professional e.g. registered nurse or doctor
(b) herbal remedies suggested by other health practitioners e.g. bush doctor, herbalist
(c) over the counter herbal remedies purchased at a pharmacy

(d) herbal remedies from your own garden/collected by you

(e) any other method of obtaining herbal remedies (Please give details)
4 (a) Have you used herbal medicine Yes / No / Not sure
(b) What illnesses have you taken herbal medicine to relieve?

Question 5
You are carrying out research into attitudes towards recreational use of cannabis.
Other than questions to elicit demographic information suggest 4 questions two open and two
closed in the sequence they would appear in the questionnaire to generate data.
P O S T E D B Y M I Z J O H N AT 7 : 3 6 A M

Gathering data in research - an evaluation of reliability and validity

Primary and secondary data sources
A research instrument can gather data from either a primary or secondary source
Primary sources
Primary sources are original materials on which other research is based. They are not
interpreted or evaluated. Examples of primary sources are data gathered by a questionnaire,
statistics of population from the Government census or a first report of a research experiment
and its finding
Secondary sources
Secondary sources are less easily defined than primary sources. Secondary sources interpret and
analyse primary sources examples might be text books, or journals which review others work.
Sometimes is it always easy to distinguish primary from secondary sources. A newspaper article
is a primary source if it reports events, but a secondary source if it analyses and comments on
those events.

Evaluating Reliability and Validity

In evaluating sources there are two elements reliability and validity. For a data source to be
accurate and credible high levels of reliability and validity is the aim. Both elements are equal in
importance in judging the accuracy and credibility of a source.

Reliability Can the source provide the data?

For a source to be reliable we must evaluate the ability of the source to provide the information.
We are looking at the question Is it likely that this source can provide this data?
The issue is therefore authority. To evaluate authority we can look at several aspects of the data
Author - Is the author an expert in the field? What qualifications do they have? For example an
article on a website about HIV+ written by medical doctor might have more authority than one
written by some one without qualification.
Professional standards. Does the author have certain professional standards? The
example of a doctor immediately comes to mind. Similarly academic writers who are published
in academic journals or books have to conform to standards and have their work checked by
other academics. Journalists mostly operate within a professional approach especially large
international newspapers such as the New York Times or the Guardian (UK)Authority can mean
Publisher Is the publisher reputable? Academic publishers need to maintain their reputation
for accurate factual information so they also have editors to ensure a high standard. Other
publishers such as newspapers, magazines etc need to avoid legal action for libel (telling lies
about someone) so also should be careful to print the truth.
Organisation or Institution If the data is from an organisation, for example the United
Nations, we need to evaluate their reputation and their role or responsibilities. For example

statistics on the economy from the East Caribbean Central Bank would come from a highly
reliable source as the bank use the statistics to conduct the very important business of issuing
bank notes and controlling the money supply in the region.
Research method Could the research method chosen generate the data necessary? For
example in researching teen pregnancy would carrying out an interview of an expert generate
the data needed or would questionnaires of teens be a better choice.

Validity Is the data true?

A source could have high levels of reliability. For example, academic research published in an
academic journal by the leading expert in the field however the data may have a low level of
validity in that it might be very out of date. Equally it may be possible that a source might not be
considered highly reliable for example an intenet site which does not have the name of the
author, organisation who maintains the site etc however the data is still true or valid.
In evaluating validity we need to look at accuracy and bias.
To evaluate accuracy we can look at several aspects of the data
Currency When was the data published or gathered? Could the information be out of date?
For example statistics on rates of HIV+ infection will need to be up to date to be accurate.
Relevance Does the information relate to the circumstances you are applying it to? For
example, will research carried out in the United States apply to the Caribbean?
Data collection Was the data collected by reliable methods? Was it accurately recorded?
Sample size Was the sample size large enough for generalisation to be accurate? For
example if a newspaper article has only interviewed one person in a large crowd can we assume
that all the points of view are represented? Similarly with social research the sample size is vital

to judging whether the data is representative of the population as a whole.

Replicable Do other sources have similar information? Would another similar piece of
research have the same result? This is particularly relevant to sources such as the internet which
lack references.
To evaluate bias we can look at:
Representation Does the sample include all the variables within the population such as age,
gender, social class, religion, education level which might affect response? Even with a large
sample if the sample is not representative then bias in the data will occur.
Cultural bias Has the data been collected by someone of the same or a different culture. For
example, an Western researcher may misinterpret a non-Western culture and be biased due to
racism or other factors. Similarly when researching within ones own culture, being subject to the
same values and beliefs as the subjects may cause one not to question certain responses. For
example when evaluating religious or other beliefs.
Political bias Is the data being presented from either a right wing or a left wing perspective.
The conservative agenda (e.g. free market economics, personal liberty above all other rights and
fundamental religious views) will differ from the liberal agenda (e.g. some control of the market
for social gain, social control for the good of society, religious tolerance for different views).
Social bias Aspects such as gender, race, age and social class may affect the presentation of
data. For example a womens perspective on sexual equality may differ from a mans views.
Faulty research methods Even the best academic researchers can make mistakes and
inexperienced researchers such as a student may have issues with poorly designed and executed
questionnaires and interviews. Mistakes within the research method inadvertently cause bias.
This is why academic research is reviewed by several other academics to evaluate the
methodology and avoid bias in the conclusions or faulty conclusions.
Aim of the source in presenting the data The reason for the data being presented will

have an effect on bias. For example a Government might present certain statistics on economic
performance if they are favourable and might avoid others. Whilst the data is valid, there might
still be bias in that other relevant information is not present. If the sources aim is persuasive
again there may be bias. For example commercial sites wishing to sell products.

Labels: module 1 research, presentation, reliability, SBA, validity

P O S T E D B Y M I Z J O H N AT 7 : 2 0 A M

The Research Process

The research process is systematic and has several stages
(a) Selection of topic
The general area for research will be determined by either academic consideration (e.g. to
further knowledge on one particular area) or by a specific need for information (e.g. to make a
decision on services for example whether to implement an associate degree)
(b) Research question
The research question is the narrowing of focus from a topic. For example the topic Associate
Degrees at Community College may have a research question The impact of implementation
Associate Degrees at Community College.
(c) Thesis
It may be at this stage a thesis will be proposed or it may be that some preliminary data
gathering will take place before the thesis. For our example our thesis which we are seeking to
either prove or disprove will be Fewer students will take an Associate Degree compared with
the current student numbers taking the A level programme.
(d) Designing the research instrument
A research instrument is the way in which data (the facts) is gathered. It may be that research
will be carried out solely through reviewing others research (library / book review) or combined
with data gathering through research instruments such as surveys, experiments or observations.
When designing the research instrument, the focus will be the goal of the research question and
the thesis.

(e) Gathering data

The research will use the various instruments to collect information about the topic.
(f) Recording data
Accurate recording of data is central to research both primary and secondary research can be
biased by incorrect recording.
(g) Analysing and evaluation of the data
The data will be assessed against the thesis as well as other conclusions being sought for the
research question. It may be that the research might show fewer students would take the A level
programme however other data gathered might show that more students who previously would
not have taken the A level programme would take the Associate degree
(h) Presentation of results
The research question is used to provide a framework for presenting the findings.
(i) Review of results
In many instances the research process and results are reviewed by either the researchers peers
or in an academic evaluation process.

Labels: module 1 research, process, SBA

P O S T E D B Y M I Z J O H N AT 7 : 1 5 A M

M O N D A Y, D E C E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 0 7

A Checklist for the Portfolio - the Reflective and Analytical elements

Reflective written portfolio 20 of 60 marks
The portfolio will contain

(a) Cover sheet with name, candidate number, centre/centre number (150019) and teacher's

(b) Introduction to theme and reasons (personal, academic or other) for choosing the theme.
(c) Two pieces of reflective (creative) writing of 2 of the 3 genres - poetry, short story or other
prose form or drama.
These pieces should have literary non-factual content (although your purpose may be to educate
through this medium). One of these piece can be taped or videoed but the tape for video must be
between 3 to 5 minute long.
(d) With EACH piece, a rationale for the piece of writing which includes inspiration, purpose in
writing, intended audience and situation the audience will receive the writing (e.g. in an
anthology, newspaper etc)
(e) Conclusion. In the conclusion the student should reflect on his/her process in writing and
his/her opinions.
f) Bibliography
Analytical part of the portfolio 20 out of 60 marks.
Analysis of one your reflective pieces or a published piece of creative writing on the same theme.
The analysis will include: '
* register (formality, tone, word choice etc),
* dialectal variation (standard, non-standards),
* attitudes to language (what does the choice of language convey to the reader about the
character, what do other characters think of the choices of lanaguage or what do certain
language types symbolise in societies),

* communicative behaviours shown in the story e.g. use of non-verbal communication

Word limits for written portfolio

The word limits are 1200 words for the reflective portfolio and 350 words for the analytical
piece. You will be penalised by 2 marks if both the pieces together exceed 1700 words.
While we have no definite guidance on how to proceed with word count, we are assuming that
words have to be over 2 letters to be counted.
With regard to taped or videoed submissions, the script must conform to the word limit and
should be submitted along with the tape.

Labels: assessment, portfolio, SBA

P O S T E D B Y M I Z J O H N AT 9 : 3 6 A M

M O N D A Y, N O V E M B E R 0 5 , 2 0 0 7

Worksheet 6
1. According to Roberts, which two territories are linguistically notorious?

2. Which English speaking Caribbean country has fewest Creole features?

3. When a Jamaican Creole speaker says, All the ceiling she paint all is used to mean

4. The feature wi used after sentences as a tag can be attributed to influence from which

5. According to Roberts which territories use the wi tag?

6. Which country does not use does to indicate habitual?

7. What linguistic difficulty does this traditional joke in Jamaica illustrate? The indignant
schoolmaster reprimanding his pupil with, hemphasise your haiches, you hignorant hass.

8. A feature prominent in Barbadian speech is strong retroflexionwhat does this mean? Give
an example.

9. When a Grenadian or Trinidadian uses it have as in the following example: It have a man in
town. What does it have mean?

10. To signal future St Kitts speech has both gon and an . What do the following express
(a) He an go town fi you
(b) A gon do om soon.

11. Translate the following English Creole statements to standard

Di two pikni dem a fight.

Dis a fi mi buk.
Tantie bex causen say mi tan too long a maakit.
Im tek tik lik di gyrl inna she head.
12. Write down three different ways in which non standard speakers of English in the Caribbean
might say, The boys went to a party.

Labels: caribbean language, creole, module 2, worksheet

P O S T E D B Y M I Z J O H N AT 6 : 4 6 A M

Language: registers
An acrolect is a register of a spoken language that is considered formal and high-style.
The term mesolect refers to a register or range of registers of spokenlanguage whose character
falls somewhere between the prestige of theacrolect and the informality of the basilect.
Mesolectic speech, where it is distinguished from acrolectic speech, is often the most widely
spoken form of a language, generally being used by lower and lower-middle classes. Within the
context of Creole languages, mesolects only appear in instances of a post-Creole speech
continuum wherein speakers code-switch between various mesolectal levels within the
continuum depending on context.
In linguistics, a basilect is a dialect of speech that has diverged so far from the standard language
that in essence it has become a differentlanguage. A basilect represents the opposite end of the
scale of linguistic formality from an acrolect. In certain speech communities, acontinuum exists
between speakers of a Creole language and a relatedstandard language. Basilects typically differ
from the standard language in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar, and can often develop
into different languages.
(Additional reading: West Indians and their language Chapters 1-4 )

P O S T E D B Y M I Z J O H N AT 6 : 4 4 A M

Worksheet 5
Look at the poem:
Dis ting called language is real funny
We does use it for all kinda ting you see
Sometimes it fancy and sometimes it free
And in did Caribbean is a real potpourri
When it fancy we it formal and real la de da
When it free we does call it vernacular
Each country down here have it own language flavour
But they each have a standard that they must master.

1. The author refers to using language for all kinda ting (line 2). State THREE different
purposes of language.
2. Suggest TWO situations when one might use what the author refers to as fancy language
(line 5).
3. Suggest TWO situations when one might use what the author refers to as free language (line
4. Americans and British speakers may be said to be using different dialects of the same
(a) What are some noticeable differences between them?
(b) In this context explain what is referred to as accent.
5. Identify FOUR instances where Creole influenced vernacular is used in the poem.
6. Suggest one reason for the demise of the Garifuna language in St Vincent.

7. Identify ways in which the same language used by different speakers may vary.
8. What are the possible causes for the development of varieties of any language?
9. Write a short definition for the linguistic term register.
10. Explain the process by which one dialect emerges as the Standard.
For each of the examples that follow, explain why these speakers of the same language did not
seem [ :0)] to understand the meaning that was being transferred:
The Judge said to the defendant, "I thought I told you I never wanted to see you in here again."
"Your Honor," the criminal said, "that's what I tried to tell the police, but they wouldn't listen."

A policeman stops a lady and asks for her license. He says "Lady, it says here that you should be
wearing glasses."
The woman answered "Well, I have contacts."
The policeman replied "I don't care who you know! You're getting a ticket!"

Labels: caribbean language, creole, dialect, language, module 2,worksheet

P O S T E D B Y M I Z J O H N AT 6 : 3 3 A M

Language: dialects and registers

Language is systematic or rule governed. Although this is true, it is also true that there is often
variation in the actual use of any language. All users of the same language do not necessarily use
it in the same way. Often the same speaker may use the same language in different ways
depending on a number of factors.
A dialect is a variant of a language. If it is associated with a geographically isolated speech
community, it is referred to as a regional dialect. However, if it is spoken by a speech community
that is merely socially isolated, it is called a social dialect. These latter dialects are mostly based
on class, ethnicity, gender, age, and particular social situations. Black English (or Ebonics) in
the United States is an example of a social dialect.
Code switching: People may quickly switch back and forth between dialects, depending on the
person they are talking to at the time. This pattern is referred to as diglossia or "code switching."
Code-switching is a term in linguistics referring to alternation between two or
morelanguages, dialects, or language registers in the course of discoursebetween people who
have more than one language in common. Sometimes the switch lasts only for a few sentences,
or even for a single phrase.
More broadly defined, code-switching occurs when people alter their speech and behavior so as
to fit into different social situations. The most common changes involve vocabulary, levels of
casualness or formality, types of clothing, and facial and hand gestures.
Dis ting called language is real funny
We does use it for all kinda ting you see
Sometimes it fancy and sometimes it free
And in did Caribbean is a real potpourri
When it fancy we it formal and real la de da
When it free we does call it vernacular
Each country down here have it own language flavour
But they each have a standard that they must master.

Labels: caribbean language, dialect, language, module 2, register,variety

P O S T E D B Y M I Z J O H N AT 6 : 2 8 A M

Worksheet 4 - Language
Worksheet 4a True or False?
1. Language is the human ability to use certain forms for thinking, speaking, enjoyment and
aesthetic pleasure.
2. Language is common to all living things.
3. A language is used by a particular community.
4. Language is acquired at birth.
5. The rules for one language always apply to another.
6. An infant will speak as a native tongue whatever language it is exposed to during the first few
weeks of life.
7. The stages of acquisition of language in Spanish children and Chinese children are the same.
8. English is a prestigious language because it is inherently superior to other languages.
9. Language is centered in the brain.
10. Intelligence is measurable independent of language and culture.

Worksheet 4b.
a). What is language?
b). What are the main reasons for this complexity?
c). Would you agree that the Europeans all spoke the same dialects of their language?
d). What evidence does the passage provide to support your answer to (c) above?
e). From which continent do the majority of official languages of the Caribbean come?
f). What languages did the Europeans encounter when they came to the Caribbean region?
g) Why does the writer of the passage in Language Variety refer to the Caribbean as a complex
linguistic area?

h). Identify the official language in all territories of the Caribbean.

i). Identify the popular languages of St Lucia, Jamaica, Bonaire, Haiti and Saint Vincent and the
j). Give five examples of the linguistic features of Creole languages.

Sections 1 and 2 of Writing in English (Chapters 1 - 7)
Chapters 1 and 2 of West Indians and their Languages
CAPE Study Guides 8, 9 and 10

Labels: assessment, caribbean

language, characteristics, language,speaking, verbal, worksheet
P O S T E D B Y M I Z J O H N AT 6 : 1 7 A M

Language variety
All human societies use language. Some societies use just one and are said to be monolingual.
Most societies use more than one language. Such societies are bilingual, trilingual or even
multilingual. Sometimes individuals within a society might be bilingual or multilingual. There is
a difference between a society that is bilingual and an individual who is bilingual. In bilingual
societies such as Canada, provision is sometimes made for equal treatment for speakers of either
language. Road signs and other public use of language are often presented in both languages.
The bilingual individual usually has to make a choice of language depending on her audience.
Usually the history of a language is the history of the people who speak it. The Caribbean
provides good examples of this. It is a complex linguistic area. The original inhabitants spoke,
and in places like Guyana and Suriname still speak, a range of indigenous languages brought to
the region many hundred years ago. These languages are mainly the Arawaccan or Cariban
language groups but there are also speakers of Warrau.

The official languages of the Caribbean are local or regional forms of European languages such
as Spanish, French, Dutch and English. In the special case of Haiti, the French-lexicon Creole
language, called Haitian, is also regarded as an official language along with French.
It must be remembered that many of the Europeans who came to the Caribbean territories were
themselves speakers of non standard dialects of English.
(Required reading: Writing in English Chapters 1-4).

Labels: caribbean language, language, module 2, variety

P O S T E D B Y M I Z J O H N AT 6 : 1 4 A M

Language - its origins and characteristics

Many animal and even plant species are said to communicate with each other. Humans are not
unique in this capability. However, human language is unique in being a symbolic
communication system that is learned instead of biologically inherited.
Symbols are sounds or things which have meaning given to them by the users. Originally, the
meaning is arbitrarily assigned. For instance, the English word "dog" does not in any way
physically resemble the animal it stands for. All symbols have a material form but the meaning
can not be discovered by mere sensory examination of their forms. They are abstractions.
A major advantage of human language being a learned symbolic communication system is that it
is infinitely flexible. Meanings can be changed and new symbols created. This is evidenced by
the fact that new words are invented daily and the meaning of old ones change.
Languages evolve in response to changing historical and social conditions. Some language
transformations typically occur in a generation or less. For instance, the slang words used by
your parents were very likely different from those that you use today. You also probably are
familiar with many technical terms, such as "text messaging" and "high definition TV", that were
not in general use even a decade ago.
* Additional reading: Writing in English Chapters 1-2

Labels: characteristics, language, module 2

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