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15th February 2016

Anan Capal Ampaso

BS Psychology
Humans are very unpredictable and cunning in so many ways, just like the octopi
utilizing their ink by squirting it along a jet steam of water to momentarily conceal
themselves against their marauders. Our likenesses with other animals are undeniable, but
our similarity with the octopi Animalia is exclusively promising. They possess almost
similar way of thinking as we do. The cunning way of releasing black ink with an
intention of scuttling away to another direction is just one out of many tricky similarities
we have with them, let alone our desperate determination of surviving in our own
different and dangerous worlds.

Self-preservation is keeping yourself alive, either physically or psychologically. In
the field of Psychology, it is recognized that part of the deepest essence of human nature
are the self-preservation, aggression, and the impulse to attain pleasure and avoid pain.
Octopus however, possesses the same independent instincts. Leading to a logic that
octopi somehow obtained a bit of the essences of human nature even though they are not
physically humans. Inasmuch as humans learn martial arts and different skills with the

purpose of self-preservation, octopi are likewise capable of making use of their entire
physique in operation if their natural survival instinct is summoned by the instances.

Octopus is an invertebrate cephalopods that has been found out to exhibit a
number of human-like understanding when their survival is in a situation where it is at
stake. While other animals has their claws and teeth to protect themselves from their
strong nemesis, octopus likewise have different techniques to exhibit their survival
measures. The most popularly known technique is their squirting of black ink cloud in the
water to hide themselves from their predators, however to some octopi, they use it as a
decoy to fool the clever attackers, like sharks who are predicted to blindly charge into the
black ink knowing that their prey is merely concealing itself.
Octopi and other cephalopods also boast their remarkable ability to instantly
change the color and texture of their skin to match their surroundings, be it rocks, sand or
coral, and thereby avoid being seen by their potential predators. They owe this capability
to the chemicals inside their skin called chromatophores, thousands of cells that contain
five different pigments -- brown, black, red, orange and yellow. To some vicious octopi,
their skin pigments become red to alarm their attackers that they are being aggressive and
are ready to assault as well.

Another subtle defense mechanism they possess is their ability to regenerate.

Because they lack skeletons, they can also sacrifice a limb in order to free themselves
from a predator. In some cases, the limb will regenerate, just like any other species of
skinks and lizards.

College of Social Science and Humanities

Mindanao State Univeristy
Marawi City
February 15, 2016

Mrs. Ma Luisa Rosas Colina

University Professor
English Department

Dear Maam:
After meeting you I realized how worthwhile it must be to teach students the way you do.
Youve been very energetic and full of charisma. You always inspire us to live our lives
freely, but constrained with right moralities. Never have I met a person who compliments
and adores our god given nature like you do. Thank you for the vast inspiration youve
given us during our previous enjoyable classes, and I wish you will keep on inspiring us
all the more in the future.
I am grateful to have been taught by such an admirable person.

Sincerely yours,
Anan Capal Ampaso

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