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Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | LifeLong Love of Learning


lifelong Love Of Learning

Amor al aprendizaje de por vida











Founded 1969
T h e

E n g l i s h

C e n t r e

M u c h

M o r e

T h a n

E d u c a t i o n


E A R L Y Y E A R S , P R I M A R Y, S E C O N D A R Y, S I X T H F O R M

Colegio / SChool

Proyecto Educativo (pag 4-22)

Educational Project (pag 24-42)

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education


Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | LifeLong Love of Learning


Proyecto educativo

LifeLong Love of Learning

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

Proyecto Educativo El CEntro Ingls

El Proyecto Educativo es el marco general de referencia que vertebra un centro educativo, y lo hace realidad de
una manera organizada y culturalmente significativa, explicitando sus opciones y aspiraciones de una manera clara, comunicable y coherente. Para ello todos los componentes de la Comunidad Educativa del Colegio EL CENTRO
INGLS deben estudiar y profundizar en su tradicin y en su experiencia para sus expectativas de futuro. No debe
quedarse este documento en algo burocrtico, sino que debe ser un vehculo que sirva para conformar y perfeccionar la realidad educativa del Centro, en la conviccin de que los mayores beneficios se obtienen mientras se
dialoga, se interioriza y se proyecta.

El Centro Ingls es una Sociedad Limitada cuya Titularidad la ostenta la Administradora nica, Da. Linda Mary
Randell, con DNI 31.306.718.

auTORIzaCIN y auTONOma
El Centro, debidamente autorizado, imparte las enseanzas de Educacin Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria y Bachillerato, goza de plenas facultades acadmicas y la autonoma necesaria para establecer materias optativas, adaptar
los programas a las caractersticas del entorno sociocultural, desarrollar programas bilinges, generar proyectos
de intercambio cultural, experimentar nuevos mtodos de enseanza, adaptar los recursos facilitados por la tecnologa educativa actual, organizar actividades y servicios complementarios as como programar una amplia gama
de actividades culturales, complementarias y extraescolares. (LODE Art. 57; R.D. 23/77, art. 15 LOGSE Art. 59.)
Especialmente tenemos presente las disposiciones aparecidas en la L.O.E con fecha 20 de abril de 2006.

COmuNIdad EduCaTIva
El Centro se configura como Comunidad Educativa integrada por los siguientes estamentos: Titularidad, Direccin,
Claustro de Profesores y Personal no docente de Administracin y servicios, alumnos, padres de alumnos y todos
los relacionados en la consecucin de fines y objetivos del Centro.

Monarquas Espaola y Britnica

Much More Than Education

Idiomas Ingls y Espaol


LifeLong Love of Learning

Proyecto EducativoProyecto
| LifeLong
Love of Learning
El CEntro

Como fuentes de inspiracin para la elaboracin del P.E.C. puede acudirse a:
El Sistema Educativo Actual
Historia e Identidad de la Institucin, en este caso El Centro Ingls
Realidad socio-cultural del propio Centro
Establecer la lengua y la cultura inglesa como elemento vehicular en las enseanzas que se ofertan.

a. EL SISTEma EduCaTIvO aCTuaL

Cuando hablamos de Proyecto Educativo el enmarque en el sistema educativo vigente viene determinado por la
LOE y no slo es el ordenamiento legal que se puede encontrar en las publicaciones, sino tambin la concepcin
de la instruccin por la que opta, que conlleva un determinado tipo de estrategia de enseanza y aprendizaje. El
Sistema Educativo actual tiene como principios bsicos el desarrollo de las ocho competencias fundamentales,
aprendizaje significativo, el uso de las nuevas tecnologas, el bilingismo y la observacin permanente,
sobre todo en los primeros aos escolares.


Naturaleza y denominacin del Centro:
Se trata de un colegio privado homologado con nmero de Autorizacin Oficial 11-007341 para impartir Enseanza
Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria y Bachillerato, denominado Colegio EL CENTRO INGLS fundado en 1969.
Se encuentra ubicado en la Glorieta El Centro Ingls n 1 , cercano a la Urbanizacin de Vistahermosa y zonas
residenciales de Costa Oeste de El Puerto de Santa Mara (Cdiz).
De forma complementaria a la formacin reglada, se imparten cursos de idiomas; programas de intercambios,
estudios y cursos en el extranjero; Escuelas Deportivas y Escuela de Msica y Danza.


Los alumnos y sus familias proceden fundamentalmente de mbitos educativos, culturales y econmicos de nivel
medio-alto. Bsicamente sus ocupaciones son las de profesionales de libre ejercicio, empresarios y funcionariado
en general. El carcter confesional religioso es amplio con predominio de la religin catlica.

Much More Than Education

Las poblaciones de origen geogrfico son Conil y Chiclana de la Frontera, S.Fernando, Puerto Real, Cdiz, Jerez de
la Frontera, Sanlcar de Barrameda, Chipiona, Rota y El Puerto de Santa Mara.
Aceptamos, por razones lingsticas obvias, un buen nmero de alumnos extranjeros de distintas nacionalidades.


Desde sus orgenes, estuvo siempre como objetivo prioritario, conseguir una verdadera inmersin del alumno en
la lengua inglesa, hasta conseguir que fuese una autntica lengua vehicular para todos dentro y fuera del Centro.
Ese objetivo ha marcado y marca la trayectoria de la enseanza que se ofrece en EL CENTRO INGLS. Se mantiene
y cada ao se refuerza ms la importancia de este objetivo inicial mediante actos, actividades y eventos y con un
acercamiento al National Curriculum, cuantitativo en horas de docencia y sobre todo cualitativo en aspectos de


LifeLong Love of Learning


Somos un Colegio bilinge espaol-ingls. Aspiramos a ser plurilinge y no estamos actualmente muy lejos por la
dotacin que tenemos de lenguas como alemn y francs. Este es el proyecto, siempre deseado desde la Titularidad del Colegio. Ciertamente somos un Centro catalogado y autorizado por las autoridades de Espaa, pero al tener
la posibilidad de una autonoma, como Colegio Privado sin ningn tipo de concierto o subvencin estatal, nuestro
currculum puede enriquecerse de manera notable con todo lo que atractivo para el alumno y til para su insercin
social futura, utilizando las metodologas del National Curriculum.
En este sentido, progresivamente se ha ido dotando a cada Etapa de las horas y contenidos ms adecuados en las
que la lengua franca sea el ingls.

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

Por este motivo, era necesaria la coordinacin pedaggica para que los profesores nativos y bilinges del Centro canalizasen sus enseanzas metodolgicamente por el sistema del National Currculum. Este gran trabajo y esfuerzo continuo,
se viene potenciando desde los cursos 2008-2009 y 2009-2010, con excelentes resultados y mejores perspectivas.

Proyecto Educativo El CEntro Ingls

La combinacin de este modelo con el diseo curricular impartido en Lengua Espaola, implica adems un pacto
de mentalidades culturales diversas.
En Early Years, la dotacin horaria en ingls es casi el 90 por ciento.
En los aos de Educacin Primaria la dotacin horaria en ingls, sobrepasa el cincuenta por ciento y se promocionan continuamente actos y actividades donde se potencia la prctica oral y escrita del ingls como lengua franca
(actos navideos, Eisteddford, las asambleas semanales, obras de teatros, certmenes deportivos y culturales,
etc.).Igualmente se potencia, con resultados excelentes, exmenes externos de la Universidad de Cambridge, denominados Young Learners, de forma general. Estos exmenes se realizan todos los cursos escolares con los alumnos
de 2,4 y 6 de Educacin Primaria (son los Starters,Movers y Flyers respectivamente).
En la Enseanza Secundaria y Bachillerato, los objetivos ya no pueden estar encaminados a aprender ingls sino
a su correcto uso, dentro y fuera del aula. Se propician intercambios enriquecedores, se han incorporado materias
novedosas como opciones formadoras, igualmente se mantiene actos y actividades para un buen uso del ingls y
se exige la obtencin antes de finalizar los estudios en el Colegio de la obtencin de un ttulo externo de nivel B-2
segn el Marco Comn Europeo, denominado First Certificate.

Much More Than Education

Smbolo de Inglaterra

Smbolo de Gales

LifeLong Love of Learning

Proyecto EducativoProyecto
| LifeLong
Love of Learning
El CEntro

Elementos del
proyecto educativo
Los elementos del Proyecto Educativo suponen la articulacin de ese proyecto en:
a) Carcter Propio: Recoge la inspiracin peculiar de la tradicin educativa del Centro y de sus opciones pedaggicas y en l debe estar el germen del Proyecto Educativo: por un lado, lo que pretendemos y, por otro lado cmo,
estamos organizados.
B) finalidades Educativas: Debe ser una concrecin del carcter propio que pretendemos en cuanto a la relacin
con toda la Comunidad Educativa. (Como despus insistiremos, las finalidades relativas a los alumnos tendrn
continuidad en el Proyecto Curricular.)
C) Estructuras Organizativas: En ellas se concreta cmo estamos organizados para lograr: las Finalidades; Objetivos Finales; Niveles de Enseanza; Proyectos Curriculares. Tomando estos elementos constitutivos como referencia
fundamental, se articula en el Reglamento de Ordenacin y Funcionamiento (R.O.F.)


1. El Colegio EL CENTRO INGLS se inspira en su lema AMOR AL APRENDIZAJE DE POR VIDA, (que curiosamente
aparece ahora en la L.O.E. como objetivo fundamental de la enseanza en nuestro pas), con una gama plural de
aproximaciones al mundo para que sus alumnos crezcan en un mbito abierto, mltiple, que les sirva de entorno
para desarrollarse como personas. La ciencia y la cultura al servicio del crecimiento humano. Se expresa tambin
de una manera especial en nuestro himno escolar, que se entona en ocasiones solemnes, introducido siempre por
el gran Coro de Colegio.
2. El Colegio EL CENTRO INGLS es un centro laico, que manifiesta claramente su inters por transmitir los valores
del humanismo, y con una tendencia a la imparticin cada vez ms demandada por familias y alumnos de Religin
Es claro que la mayora de las familias de nuestros actuales alumnos son de religin Catlica y en general podramos definirlos como creyentes practicantes. Sera un error no reconocer este aspecto cultural.
Los actos religiosos de carcter confesional catlicos, indican que se respetar cualquier creencia, aunque hay una
mayoritaria como elemento cultural a la que el Centro presta la atencin requerida.

Much More Than Education

Por ello, el Colegio ofrece una educacin para hacer de sus alumnos personas y ciudadanos formados moralmente,
tolerantes, generosos y comprometidos con su entorno y sus tiempos. Fomenta en ellos una actitud de comprensin, de relacin entre todos los pueblos, fundada en el respeto a las distintas culturas, razas y creencias, en la
paz, la colaboracin, y solidaridad y a travs de los valores del Centro tambin: Generosidad, Sinceridad, Libertad,
Respeto, Honor, Honestidad, Amabilidad, Igualdad, Justicia y Constancia.
3. El Colegio realiza actualmente un conjunto de Campaas para concienciar a toda la Comunidad Educativa de la
necesidad de potenciar valores sociales que beneficien a todos. Campaas para mejorar continuamente las formas
de convivencia interna/externa. Otras son para difundir convenientemente rasgos propios de la cultura inglesa o de
intercambio con instituciones educativas de la Comunidad Europea. COMENIUS
En general, podran encuadrarse en dos grandes bloques:
a.- Campaas de SOLIdaRIdad
Se desarrollan con la participacin directa de familia, alumnos y personal del Centro. Coordina y se responsabiliza de su funcionamiento, el Departamento de Ciencias Sociales.

LifeLong Love of Learning

+ Hermanitas de los Pobres para su Residencia de ancianos en El Puerto de Santa Mara: La fecha es del 1 al 15
de diciembre y se recogen diversas aportaciones de las familias, a travs de los alumnos, fundamentalmente
artculos de higiene, limpieza, galletas, azcar y caf.
Se ha comenzado este ao una colaboracin de los alumnos de 4 de ESO en el servicio de comedor a los
ancianos los sbados. Coordina el Seminario de Religin Catlica.
Tenemos una presencia frecuente con los alumnos del Coro en las festividades litrgicas.
+ Con Madre Coraje, ONG de mbito provincial

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

Se realizan tres campaas:

Junio.- artculos escolares (lpices, gomas, cuadernos, libros, etc.).
Octubre.- Juguetes para las fiestas de Navidad.
Diciembre.- Latas de conservas.

Proyecto Educativo El CEntro Ingls

Tenemos iniciados contactos, a travs de Madre Coraje, con un colegio en Per para una interrelacin positiva
en diversas reas educativas y de formacin.
B.- Campaas de INTERCamBIO CuLTuRaL
Mediante el programa COMENIUS, se ha comenzado este segundo ao, intercambio de ideas con Colegios de
Irlanda, Pas de Gales y Repblica de Chequia.
El tema que sirve de conexin es La participacin de los alumnos en la vida del Centro que se ha debatido en
los Colegios visitados con las aportaciones realizadas por nuestros alumnos a travs del Consejo de Delegados
que se rene mensualmente. Tiene un representante por cada grupo desde 5 de EPO a 2 de Bachillerato.
4. Proporciona atencin psicopedaggica y la orientacin educativa y profesional y para ello realiza estudios psicopedaggicos de los alumnos que lo precisen a peticin de tutores, padres, etc.. y facilita la informacin necesaria
sobre las competencias de los mismos. Aconsejar a los alumnos con dificultades de aprendizaje las opciones ms
convenientes. Asimismo realizar, despus de un estudio riguroso, las capacidades y posibles orientaciones acerca
de sus estudios posteriores .
5. El Colegio desea alentar a la participacin activa de todos los componentes de la Comunidad Educativa y procura
potenciar el dilogo y la interaccin de todos los estamentos que son responsables directos de la accin educativa:
alumnos, padres, profesores y personal de administracin y servicios que buscan la formacin integral de sus alumnos.
6. El Colegio trabaja por la capacitacin personal de cada uno de sus alumnos para participar activamente en el
mundo laboral, la vida social, poltica y cultural de una sociedad democrtica y pluralista, contribuyendo al concepto
de universalidad que prepara a los alumnos para que lleguen a ser bilinges o trilinges (siendo este aspecto de
especial importancia en el Colegio) y estn siempre abiertos realmente a la comunicacin y entendimiento con
todas las culturas.
7. El trabajo diario, que vamos a denominar Saber aprender siempre (s.a.s), debe ser algo continuado y se encauza hacia la paulatina adquisicin por parte del nio y del adolescente de hbitos intelectuales y de trabajo e
investigacin, y del acercamiento de los alumnos al mundo de la cultura, la ciencia, el arte, la msica y el deporte.
El Colegio fomenta el desarrollo intelectual y psquico de los alumnos y su crecimiento fsico armnico.

Much More Than Education

8. El Colegio promueve una educacin que impulse el saber estar, a tener iniciativa, creatividad, espritu crtico y las correspondientes formas de tomar decisiones. Utiliza una metodologa activa, con un acercamiento
progresivo al uso de las nuevas tecnologas, de las que estn dotando las distintas dependencias, todo ello basado
en la experiencia, la prctica, la participacin y el trabajo del alumno para hacer suyas las enseanzas que se
9. Todo el profesorado, y el personal del Colegio, es consciente de la importancia de la tarea que realizan, trabajan
en equipo y se ocupan de cada uno de los alumnos del Colegio, ya que cada uno de ellos es distinto y tiene necesidades y peculiaridades concretas. Este seguimiento personal, se complementa con tareas, proyectos y experiencias
interdisciplinares. Estn altamente cualificados, personal y profesionalmente, para conseguir el correcto desarrollo
de las distintas COMPETENCIAS:

LifeLong Love of Learning

Proyecto EducativoProyecto
| LifeLong
Love of Learning
El CEntro

Definimos competencia como la capacidad de responder a demandas y tareas mediante una combinacin de
habilidades prcticas, conocimientos, motivacin, valores ticos, actitudes, emociones y otros componentes
sociales para lograr acciones eficaces para cada individuo.
Bsicamente son ocho las competencias que aplica la LOE:
Competencia en comunicacin lingstica
Competencia matemtica
Competencia en el conocimiento y la interaccin en el mundo fsico
Competencia en le tratamiento de la informacin y competencial digital
Competencia social y ciudadana
Competencia cultural y artstica
Competencia para aprender a aprender
Competencia para la autonoma e iniciativa personal.
Es decir el alumno tiene derecho a los aprendizajes bsicos para ser, vivir, convivir, trabajar y seguir aprendiendo a lo largo de la vida en la sociedad que le ha tocado. As conducen a los alumnos desde la Educacin Infantil
hasta la Universidad.
Especialmente significativo en El Centro Ingls es la preparacin paralela que se realiza para la presentacin
los exmenes externos oficiales, para ello gran nmero de profesores son nativos o totalmente bilinges para
la enseanza de los idiomas modernos.
10. Los padres de los alumnos, primeros educadores de sus hijos, han elegido, entre una pluralidad de opciones
educativas, la de nuestro Colegio. Esta eleccin debe generar en ellos una accin responsable hacia una autntica
coherencia con los valores en los que nos proponemos educar a sus hijos.
El Colegio EL CENTRO INGLS confa en ser un firme apoyo y ayuda para los padres, autnticos responsables de la
educacin de sus hijos, complementndoles en esa difcil tarea con compromiso que les implica diariamente.
11. Nuestra escuela pretende ser una gran familia en la que la confianza, la aceptacin mutua, el dilogo, el principio del esfuerzo compartido (p.e.c.) y la bsqueda de formas ms humanas y humanizantes de relacin se
constituyen en elementos connaturales al proceso educativo.
12. Ha sido el primer Colegio de Enseanza Privada, en Andaluca, en tener el Certificado de Calidad ISO 9001:
2000, recientemente renovado, y asimismo la UNE en ISO 14001:2004.

B. LaS fINaLIdadES EduCaTIvaS

Nuestros alumnos
1. Desarrollan su personalidad plenamente teniendo como base unos valores ticos y morales, distintivos claramente definitorios de su educacin.
2. Respetan los derechos fundamentales; son tolerantes y comprensivos con las actitudes ajenas.

Much More Than Education

3. Usan la libertad para una buena convivencia

4. Adquieren hbitos intelectuales, dentro de esquema bilinge, para obtener conocimientos cientficos, tcnicos,
humansticos y estticos.
Saben que el estudio es su trabajo y que han de hacerlo bien.
Saben que tienen una responsabilidad ante los dems: la sociedad, su familia, sus compaeros de colegio.
Saben que han de desarrollar igualmente el espritu crtico e indepedent thinking
5. Incrementarn de manera gradual su informacin sobre su futura ocupacin en la sociedad actual, buscando
una eleccin acertada, ya con un carcter ms definitivo.
6. Apoyarn y respaldarn con entusiasmo toda clase de actitudes positivas que favorezcan la mutua ayuda
y la solidaridad.
7. Aprenden a comunicarse en ingls como lengua vehicular y posteriormente potencian su aprendizaje en otros

LifeLong Love of Learning

Nuestros profesores
1. Estn identificados con el estilo educativo del propio Centro, que implica la aceptacin de su lnea pedaggica y
el compromiso de su accin educadora.
2. El ambiente de trabajo es de confianza y cordialidad, practicadas a travs del dilogo entre iguales.
3. Se sienten reconocidos y prestigiados en el mbito escolar y profesional.
4. Son atendidos en sus iniciativas, tanto de carcter pedaggico, profesional o en la produccin de documentacin
y materiales de innovacin didctica.

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

5. Procuran y fomentan el perfeccionismo profesional a travs de la formacin continua, de reciclaje y de investigacin.

Proyecto Educativo El CEntro Ingls

6. Los Departamentos Didcticos impulsan y promueven una eficaz y positiva poltica de Equipos Educativos en
la Enseanza Infantil y Primaria y Educacin Secundaria y Bachillerato, en colaboracin con los Subdirectores,
Vicedirectora y Directora Pedaggica del N.C., como los ncleos acadmicos fundamentales, desde donde deben
partir las mejoras y progresos pedaggicos del Colegio en beneficio del alumnado.
7. Su preparacin para la enseanza, con una metodologa activa de inmersin total, es muy eficaz y excelentemente valorada por los alumnos y sus familias.
8. Canalizan sus relaciones tutoriales en tiempo y forma con sus compaeros, alumnos y familias correspondientes.
9. Se sienten estimulados por la publicacin de cualquier proyecto docente, reflexin o idea que mejore nuestro
nivel interno y externo mediante la divulgacin ms adecuada.
10. Conocen, participan y aceptan el Reglamento de Organizacin y funcionamiento (ROf) que regula la vida
del Centro.
11. La figura del profesor-Tutor adquiere unas caractersticas fundamentales ya que es la personal que realiza un
control de la necesaria evolucin de los alumnos del grupo al que tutela, tanto en su vertiente acadmica como
actitudinal. Tiene la obligacin de tener informada a las familias a las que representa en el Colegio. La Accin
Tutorial se concibe como pieza clave en el engranaje colegial.
Las familias de nuestros alumnos
Consideramos a los padres como los primeros responsables en la educacin de los hijos y, por tanto, les reconocemos el papel de autnticos protagonistas del proceso educativo. En consecuencia, sern colaboradores indispensables en la actividad escolar del Centro en su conjunto. Por ello , deben ser informados del Proyecto Educativo de
EL CENTRO INGLS en sus aspectos fundamentales para que realicen una correcta eleccin del Centro, valorando
su Ideario y sus Finalidades Educativas.
Por ello, nuestras finalidades Educativas nos comprometen a:

Much More Than Education

Informarles inicialmente de los rasgos generales y especficos de la Etapa educativa de sus hijos.
Informarles por escrito de los aspectos ms pertinentes y adecuados en cada momento, para la mejor marcha
del Colegio.
Favorecer el conocimiento y comunicacin personal, en reuniones de tutoras personales, especialmente dedicadas a analizar la marcha del alumno. Asimismo en las tutoras grupales con otros padres para el anlisis
del grupo, conferencias, actos institucionales. Si no fuese posible personalmente, se har telefnicamente,
e-mail, agenda escolar u otra frmula adecuada.
Estimular y facilitar encuentros de la diversas familias en el Centro que favorezcan iniciativas, colaboraciones
y cuantas sugerencias redunden en una mejor organizacin del Centro y en su proyeccin hacia el mundo
Potenciar la participacin en frecuentes reuniones informativas y de trabajo a travs del blogs, creado recientemente para atender a cualquiera familia que lo demande.
El perfil que el Colegio EL CENTRO INGLS desea, muy prximo al actualmente existente, es el de una familia que,
conociendo los aspectos fundamentales y distintivos de este Centro, confan que la educacin que ellos estn marcando en casa, tenga una continuidad en el Colegio porque el Ideario de ste est prximo a su proyecto de vida.


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Love of Learning
El CEntro

Requerimos de ellos, el apoyo y el respeto necesario para nuestro trabajo de formacin y la independencia para la
organizacin general del Centro, la implantacin de unos diseos curriculares, adaptados con la debida exigencia,
para desarrollar un proceso de enseanza-aprendizaje bilinge con hijos/as, lo que implica su confianza en
nuestra lnea pedaggica planteada y definida por el Centro.
Le animamos a una participacin activa en todos los actos organizados por el Centro en los diferentes momentos
del curso con sus matices propios de las celebraciones o razones por las que se convoquen.
Le rogamos a que utilicen los cauces propuestos por el Colegio, para sus propuestas, reclamaciones, reconocimientos, felicitaciones o sugerencias que consideren oportunos con la seguridad que obtendrn una respuesta con
respeto y prontitud.
Nuestro personal no docente
Consideramos a este colectivo de nuestro Centro como un elemento ms y de gran importancia en la tarea educativa, y especialmente, en los aspectos de organizacin. Igualmente, todo el resto de la Comunidad Educativa valora
el servicio colaborador para los temas educativos que recibimos de este colectivo, imprescindible para la marcha
general del Colegio.
Podemos distinguir dentro de nuestro personal no-docente:
a) Un rea administrativa con diferentes responsabilidades y mbitos de trabajo
b) Una Secretara General que abarca los diferentes aspectos de atencin relacionados con los alumnos y sus
c) Un rea de servicios internos (como mantenimiento y materiales) y otra externa como limpieza, comedor y
d) Un Departamento de Informtica que afecta en su proyeccin y desarrollo, de una manera u otra, prcticamente a todo el personal del Centro.
e) Una Responsable de la Biblioteca donde se articulan distintas funciones.
f) Monitores y vigilantes de actividades diversas: comedor, recreos, autobuses, etc.
Existe una ampliacin de estas funciones en el ROF. Ttulo I Cap. V pg. 16 Art. 14 al 21
Por ello, nos comprometemos a:
1) Respetar su perfil profesional.
2) Propiciar su participacin activa en cuantos asuntos sean de inters comn.
3) Respetar y hacer respetar, mediante la justa valoracin y divulgacin de su trabajo, la dignidad que poseen
como profesionales que participan en la accin educativa.
4) Favorecer la comunicacin para que posean una adecuada informacin de cuantas decisiones, acuerdos e
incidencias se produzcan en el Centro.
5) Fomentar la formacin continua para su mejora profesional

El Colegio EL CENTRO INGLS plantea por ello un organigrama que permite el acercamiento personalizado
Much More Than Education

Titularidad y un delegado de la Titularidad

direccin Tcnica y una vicedirectora
Subdirecciones de E.I., E.P.O., E.S.O.
directora Pedaggica del National Curriculum, que marca la lnea pedaggica de las distintas asignaturas
impartidas totalmente en ingls en las distintas Etapas.
Profesores adscritos a la enseanza del National Cirrculum.
jefes de los departamentos didcticos, de Lengua castellana y Literatura; de Ciencias y Matemticas; de
Ciencias Sociales y de Idiomas Modernos, que marcan las directrices tcnicas de materias afines.


LifeLong Love of Learning

Profesores adscritos a cada departamento, segn su asignatura.

Profesores-Tutores, que son coordinados para una coherente y eficaz Accin Tutorial por los Subdirectores
correspondientes, para el control de la Convivencia en los distintos grupos de cada curso de los que se compone
el Colegio.

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

Los tutores, desarrollan su labor en diferentes niveles: tutora personal con los alumnos, tutoras de grupo, reuniones regulares con cada familia y reuniones trimestrales con todos los padres del grupo. Aunque la comunicacin
es fluida, los padres pueden solicitar la entrevista con el tutor cuando lo crean conveniente. El Colegio entiende que
una de las claves de la educacin de los escolares, est en la cooperacin y entendimiento entre padres y profesores para alcanzar el objetivo comn , que no es otro que el desarrollo integral de los alumnos.
[Una ampliacin de las funciones del profesor/tutor se encuentra desarrollada en el rof (ttulo I pgina 12)]
El departamento de Orientacin, para la especial atencin e informacin de aspectos especficos de su rea en
coordinacin con todos.

Proyecto Educativo El CEntro Ingls

El conjunto de todos los profesores, constituyen el Claustro de Profesores que mantienen varias sesiones anuales
Los Jefes de los Departamentos, junto con el Director Tcnico, Directora Pedaggica del Nacional Currculum y
la Vicedirectora, constituyen el Equipo Tcnico de Coordinacin Pedaggica (E.T.C.P.) que mantiene reuniones semanalmente para poner en comn el funcionamiento de la programacin, temporalizacin, evaluacin
continua(criterios y calificaciones) y seguimiento de todos los alumnos.
A ella acuden tambin en su fase final los Subdirectores de Etapas para recabar la informacin acadmica correspondientes a la Evaluacin Continua que a su vez ellos transmitirn a los Tutores. Podrn exponer a este Equipo sus
percepciones actitudinales referidas a alumnos y profesores que puedan estar perjudicando o beneficiando en el
quehacer diario que ellos conocen perfectamente.
Tambin podrn acceder los otros Jefes de los Departamentos no acadmicos si lo requiere la organizacin de
determinados actos, eventos y actividades cuando se produzcan modificaciones en la imparticin de las diferentes
[Una ampliacin explicativa de la extensin de la jornada escolar se encuentra en el rof (ttulo iii pginas 25/27)]

Much More Than Education

Smbolo de Europa
Smbolo de Sabidura



LifeLong Love of Learning

Proyecto EducativoProyecto
| LifeLong
Love of Learning
El CEntro

esenciales para una
pedagoga formativa
Estamos convencidos de que la tarea educativa es un proceso cuya influencia contina fuera de las aulas y nuestra
aportacin y trabajo supone una ayuda tan importante en el plano intelectual como en el desarrollo humano en
general de nuestros alumnos.


El Colegio es un buen ensayo social, por ello las normas que se arbitran han de ser pocas, claras y bien definidas
por los responsables y siempre adaptadas a las distintas Etapas educativas. Son de obligado cumplimiento para
todos los que participan en la vida cotidiana del Centro.


Es fundamental que exista una verdadera coordinacin en el planteamiento del desarrollo de las competencias bsicas y su necesaria consecucin y para ello es imprescindible , detectar las necesidades individuales y especiales
de manera adecuada y tratando de ser eficaces en el seguimiento y tratamiento exigido por las distintas situaciones
que se planteen. Siempre debe predominar el respeto hacia la libertad del desarrollo personal.


Todas las actividades, tanto Complementarias como Extraescolares, que se consideren positivas, han de ser
potenciadas siempre que ellas redunden en beneficio de los conocimientos que adquieran los alumnos y los procedimientos innovadores que se obtengan, para la mejor comprensin de la diversas materias que la proponen.
- El desarrollo del estudio de lenguas modernas.
- Intercambios con otros centros.
- Visitas a distintas instituciones, fbricas, auditorios, teatros, cines, etc.
- La formacin musical (clases, conciertos dentro y fuera del Centro, audiciones de de canto coral de los alumnos...).
- El desarrollo deportivo (oferta variada de Escuelas Deportivas y potenciacin de equipos competitivos; incorporaciones de nuevas especialidades dentro y fuera del Centro...).

Much More Than Education

- El buen uso de los sistemas informticos y todos aquellos aspectos de las nuevas tecnologas que constituyan
indicativos claros de la actual sociedad.
- La progresiva identificacin con las mascotas del Centro, su himno, actos conmemorativos anuales (como el
Nativity,Eisteddfod,etc.); diarios (como las Asambleas de cursos); peridicos( como la Houses o Food 4U,etc.) y
todos cuanto proyectos conecten la vida del Colegio a la cultura inglesa para su mejor comprensin.

El proyecto educativo del Colegio EL CENTRO INGLS ofrece una serie de atractivos que mejoran las expectativas
del aprendizaje de los alumnos.
En primer lugar, trabajar en grupos reducidos, aprender haciendo, utilizando gran cantidad de material y con
la participacin del alumnado de forma activa.


LifeLong Love of Learning

Es una enseanza ms costosa en trminos econmicos, pero tambin mucho ms efectiva. El sistema espaol ha
pecado durante mucho tiempo de ser excesivamente terico, aulas masificadas y poca participacin del educando.
El alumno que aprende en las aulas de EL CENTRO INGLS es un alumno capaz de sacar conclusiones, verificar y
hacer suyas las enseanzas que aprende. El trabajo es terico y prctico a la vez, grupal e individual, de anlisis y
de sntesis, nuevo y de repaso, en crecimiento y evolucin.
En esta forma de concebir la enseanza cada alumno es el centro de su propio trabajo, su punto de partida con sus
objetivos personales.

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

La filosofa de trabajo que el COLEGIO EL CENTRO INGLS quiere impartir es la de desarrollar una enseanza eminentemente prctica: los alumnos aprenden corrigiendo su inexperiencia o sus defectos, observando y apoyndose
en buenos profesionales.
Esta es una caracterstica clave en la concepcin de un centro bilinge espaol/ingls puesto que estamos ensamblando dos sistemas educativos de los que pretendemos escoger lo mejor de cada uno.

Proyecto Educativo El CEntro Ingls

Por ello, se emplear una metodologa activo-participativa, mediante la que los alumnos aprendern bsicamente
a travs de la interaccin con el profesor mediador del aprendizaje y de la realizacin constructivista de trabajos,
ejercicios y casos prcticos. Para ello cuenta con una alta dotacin horaria diaria de clases y aulas refuerzo/apoyo,
cuando sea necesario.
El Centro posee una excelente biblioteca, dotada convenientemente con libros de lecturas, diversas enciclopedias
y revistas especializadas, prensa diaria a nivel local y nacional. El servicio de prstamos se prolonga, para que los
alumnos puedan retirar libros durante unos das y llevarlos a sus domicilios. Continuamente se estn enriqueciendo
los fondos de lectura y consulta as como los que exigen las aplicaciones informticas ya que la biblioteca, dispone
de ordenadores instalados con conexin a internet para uso de los alumnos. Se potencia la lectura en francs,
alemn y especialmente en ingls, dada la excelente dotacin en libros y DVD.
El docente utilizar el mtodo de aprendizaje por descubrimiento para captar la atencin de los alumnos y evaluar
mediante el seguimiento de las actividades que de forma continua se planteen en clase, participando con inters y
procurando retomar diariamente el trabajo realizado anteriormente.


Desde hace unos aos, la Titularidad tiene el deseo, compartido por todo el personal del Centro, de realizar una
profunda ampliacin tanto en infraestructura como en formacin de las nuevas tecnologas aplicadas a la enseanza puesto que en el mbito de las comunicaciones internas, de cualquier departamento, podemos decir que se ha
avanzado hasta unos niveles excelentes.
Durante el curso 2008-2009 se pusieron las bases tcnicas para una progresiva implantacin en las aulas de las
tecnologas adecuadas. Comienza una mentalizacin para todos de que es necesario incorporar modelos diferentes
para el desarrollo de las distintas asignaturas y esto siempre vendr de la mano de nuevas tecnologas. Es as como
se surge la verdadera necesidad de una formacin.
Para el curso 2009-2010 fue espectacular la dotacin realizada en la mitad de todas las aulas, ms las dos salas
de Informtica.

Much More Than Education

Ha sido muy positivo el resultado obtenido porque, independientemente de la mejora didctica mostrada en los
distintos grupos y reas de trabajo, se ha intensificado una formacin externa e interna , querida y deseada tanto
por el personal docente como el no docente, ha propiciado que, con un nuevo esfuerzo econmico, la Titularidad
de EL CENTRO INGLS, complete prcticamente la dotacin conveniente de todas las aulas para el uso en ella de
las nuevas tecnologas.
Es encomiable de manera paralela, la investigacin y aplicaciones mltiples, que se hace continuamente desde el
Departamento de Informtica del Colegio. Las mejoras son evidentes en aspectos educativos, administrativos, de
relaciones con las familias, proveedores, etc. El avance nos hace estar en una alta consideracin cuando se nos
analiza y audita desde mbitos externos.
6. Para poder transmitir unos valores toda la Comunidad Educativa, tiene que estar plenamente convencida de que
con su consecucin nuestros alumnos, familias y personal del Centro, seremos mejores ciudadanos del mundo y
mejores personas. Por ello lo insertamos en una formacin integral, usando libros digitales (sin libro de texto) en



LifeLong Love of Learning

Proyecto EducativoProyecto
| LifeLong
Love of Learning
El CEntro

Much More Than Education

ingls en 5 y 6 EPO y en 1 y 2 ESO, y con clases de investigacin/informacin para 4, 5 y 6 EPO y 1, 2 y 3

ESO en Ciencias Sociales en ingls.
Entendemos por formacin integral aquella que contempla, dentro del Colegio, no slo la instruccin acadmica,
que sin duda constituye el elemento bsico y define el diseo curricular de un centro privado de nuestras caractersticas, adems debe aportar a los alumnos algo como:
formacin en valores
Sociales (ej. La solidaridad)
De grupo (ej. El compaerismo)
Individuales (ej. La cultura del esfuerzo)
Todos ellos sern expuestos, comentados y analizados, especialmente por sus respectivos tutores y Asambleas,
tomando como base los valores de la Institucin en la que se estn formando:
El imprescindible uso de la lengua inglesa (bilingismo) y su elementos culturales fundamentales. Asimismo es
necesario el conocimiento de al menos dos lenguas modernas europeas a nivel de usuario.
Una informacin avanzada de tcnicas de estudios que le permitan ascender en los niveles de aprendizaje hasta
la finalizacin de sus estudios universitarios y una informacin amplia y veraz de las salidas profesionales de
manera documentada y a travs de ejemplos concretos.
El correcto uso de las nuevas tecnologas, sobre todo en la investigacin para el uso de los programas adecuados,
en un progresivo conocimiento de las aplicaciones de las mismas en su vida futura, sea cual sea el nivel en el
que se encuentren.
El conocimiento de su cultura autctona y su amor hacia ella y todas sus manifestaciones expresadas de maneras diversas.
Poner a su disposicin diferentes disciplinas deportivas y una amplia gama de instrumentos y la msica coral,
para que en cualquiera de ambas actividades puedan descubrir sus habilidades.
Fomentar el espritu crtico y el anlisis riguroso de cualquier cuestin, con el respeto siempre como elemento
base de un dilogo eficaz.

Ciencias y Letras: espaola y w inglesa

Lema del centro: Amor al aprendizaje de por vida
Smbolo de la enseanza


LifeLong Love of Learning

Objetivo final:
la calidad de
nuestro Colegio
Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

La calidad del doble diseo curricular de nuestro Centro se mide por los recursos disponibles para crear una enseanza de calidad, atendiendo a la diversidad, y para ello se necesita:
1. Adecuada elaboracin didctica del Proyecto Curricular de Centro.
Proyecto Educativo El CEntro Ingls

2. Plan de refuerzos y apoyo. Asimismo se contempla en cada unidad didctica tambin actividades de ampliacin
y retroaccin
3. El Departamento de Orientacin presta atencin a los itinerarios del alumno y especialmente al finalizar las respectivas etapas con diferentes caractersticas.
4. Se ha establecido una variada oferta de materias optativas en la organizacin de itinerarios en Bachillerato que
se ajustan a la demanda social y profesional.
5. Suficiente informacin en TTI (Tcnicas de Trabajo Intelectual), en Orientacin vocacional y profesional para que
puedan elegir entre diversas opciones.
6. Especial atencin a los cursos finales de etapa con anlisis de el nivel alcanzado y concretando los contenidos
bsicos (mnimos) para iniciar sin lagunas la siguiente etapa.
Temporalizar esta evaluacin en el ltimo trimestre y planificar especiales medidas.
7. Hacer campaas especiales:
- Educacin Primaria: LECTURA EFICAZ (VELOCIDAD LECTORA+COMPRENSIN LECTORA) Se trata de conseguir la media de de una Lectura por curso de 2 a 5 de primaria, como punto de referencia para nuestro
centro en el futuro.
- Plan de Estudio Personal desde 5 de Educacin Primaria hasta 2 de Bachillerato.
- Medida de conceptos bsicos al finalizar la Etapa de E. Infantil y durante el primer trimestre de 1 de EPO
- Test de Lectoescritura en 1 de E. Primaria.
- Proyecto anual Storyline (escritura independiente durante toda la etapa educativa), 6 - 17 aos, ambos inclusive

Educacin Infantil (2- 5 aos)
Durante este periodo los nios y las nias son atendidos de forma familiar y afectiva, aunque sin olvidar en ningn
momento el desarrollo de su propia autonoma.
Much More Than Education

El aula de Actividades Mltiples est organizada por rincones, en los que los alumnos y alumnas disponen del
material adecuado para desarrollar su creatividad, hbitos, conocimientos y todo tipo de destrezas. El slogan es
Hands on hearts, proporcionando experiencias que estimulen el desarrollo personal de nuestros alumnos a
travs de la realizacin de actividades como el taller de informtica, el taller de la imaginacin, la msica, el teatro
y la danza. El objetivo es la formacin integral como base slida para el paso a la etapa de Primaria. En el aula se
ha buscado un ambiente ldico lleno de luz y color, donde el nio se encuentre cmodo, mediante el mobiliario ms
actual y adecuado.
A lo largo de toda esta etapa los alumnos y alumnas reciben las enseanzas en ingls impartidas por profesorado
nativo y bilinge en un horario ms amplio que el establecido por la normativa oficial, para lograr una verdadera




Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | LifeLong Love of Learning


inmersin en
en el
el aprendizaje.
aprendizaje. Se
Se contempla
contempla de
de manera
manera especial
especial el
el estudio
estudio de
de la
la fontica
fontica inglesa,
inglesa, imprescindible
imprescindible en
la fundamentacin.
Complementan su
su formacin,
formacin, bastante
bastante exigente,
exigente, con
con clases
clases de
de ::
*lectoescritura en
en espaol:
espaol: iniciamos
iniciamos aa nuestros
nuestros alumnos
alumnos al
al aprendizaje
aprendizaje de
de la
la lectura
lectura yy la
la escritura
escritura desde
desde los
primeros aos de forma natural, til y motivadora, y van adquiriendo recursos necesarios para una lectura comcomprensiva.
*informtica, msica,
msica, natacin,
natacin, movimiento
movimiento yy psicomotricidad
psicomotricidad en
en aulas
aulas asimismo
asimismo especializadas.
En el
el aula
aula de
de actividades
actividades mltiples
mltiples se
se realizan
realizan tambin
tambin actividades
actividades variadas:
variadas: cuentacuentos;
cuentacuentos; drama;
drama; aspectos
de matemticas mediante juegos de lgica; canciones y proyecciones. Creamos situciones en las cuales el
el alumno
puede interactuar con el ingls y ser el propio protagonista de su aprendizaje.
El servicio
servicio de
de comedor
comedor dispone
dispone de
de un
un horario
horario especfico
especfico para
para ellos,
ellos, yy zonas
zonas de
de recreo
recreo propias
propias yy adecuadas
adecuadas aa su
Las profesoras-Tutoras
profesoras-Tutoras evalan
evalan recogiendo
recogiendo la
la informacin
informacin por
por observacin
observacin de
de otros
otros profesionales
profesionales que
que imparten
enseanzas al grupo: los profesores de Espaol (3-4-5 aos), Msica, Psicomotricidad, Drama, Informtica yy Arte.
Partimos, aa principio
principio del
del curso,
curso, de
de una
una exploracin
exploracin inicial
inicial sobre
sobre la
la que
que analizaremos
analizaremos el
el desarrollo
desarrollo de
de las
las diferentes
capacidades y se propondr posteriormente medidas de refuerzo o adaptaciones curriculares en los casos necenecesarios.
sarios. Es
Es una
una evaluacin
evaluacin FORMATIVA,
sin carcter
carcter de
de promocin
promocin oo calificacin;
calificacin; tambin
tambin es
es reguladora,
reguladora, orientadora
yy autocorrectora.
autocorrectora. La
La observacin
observacin directa
directa yy sistemtica
sistemtica constituye
constituye la
la tcnica
tcnica principal
principal de
de nuestro
nuestro proceso
proceso de
evaluacin. Educamos en valores, favoreciendo al socializacin y el desarrollo o potenciando actividades que
permiten aa nuestros
nuestros alumnos
alumnos educarse
educarse en
en los
los valores
valores sociales.
Educacin Primaria
Primaria (6
(6 12
12 aos)
La etapa
etapa de
de Primaria
Primaria se
se compone
compone de
de tres
tres ciclos:
-- Primer
Primer ciclo:
ciclo: alumnos/as
alumnos/as de
de 6/8
6/8 aos.
-- Segundo
Segundo ciclo: alumnos/as de 8/10 aos.
-- Tercer
Tercer ciclo: alumnos/as de 10/12 aos.
En estos
estos ciclos
ciclos se
se pretende
pretende conseguir
conseguir el
el mximo
mximo desarrollo
desarrollo personal,
personal, acadmico
acadmico yy humano
humano de
de los
los alumnos
alumnos yy
alumnas. dado
dado que
que evolutivamente
evolutivamente es
es una
una Etapa
Etapa crucial
crucial en
en la
la formacin.
formacin. Igualmente
Igualmente deben
deben detectarse
detectarse posibles
deficiencias susceptibles de mejoras.
La estructuracin
estructuracin global
global de
de todas
todas las
las reas,
reas, est
est planteada
planteada contemplando
contemplando la
la gran
gran importancia
importancia del
del desarrollo
desarrollo inintegral
tegral del alumno, insistiendo en actividades interdisciplinares para el enriquecimiento del propio alumnado con
su participacin.
participacin. En
En todo
todo ello
ello hay
hay un
un objetivo
objetivo primordial,
primordial, el
el de
de alcanzar
alcanzar un
un desarrollo
desarrollo intelectual,
intelectual, fsico,
fsico, artstico,
cientfico, social, emocional y afectivo adecuados.
Para desarrollar
desarrollar este
este enfoque
enfoque se
se dispone
dispone de
de especialistas
especialistas altamente
altamente cualificados
cualificados en
en las
las reas
reas no
no impartidas
impartidas por
los profesores/tutores.
la inmersin
inmersin total
total en
en el
el ingls,
ingls, para
para esto
esto se
se dedica
Especialmente importante
importante es,
es, en
en esta
esta etapa,
etapa, continuar
continuar con
con la
aproximadamente la mitad del horario
horario total
total del
del alumno
alumno para
para la
la imparticin
imparticin de
de asignaturas
asignaturas del
del National
National Curriculum
Curriculum ,,
con profesores nativos expertos y con gran formacin: Geography, Art, P.E.,I.C.T, Music, Values, Science. Science.


Esta dedicacin
dedicacin permite
permite la
la presentacin
presentacin de
de todos
todos los
los alumnos
alumnos de
de 2,4
2,4 yy 6
6 aa las
las Pruebas
Pruebas de
de exmenes
exmenes externo
externo de
la Universidad de Cambridge, denominados Young Learnes (Starters,Movers y Flyers)
Adems se
se produce
produce ya
ya en
en esta
esta Etapa
Etapa de
de Primaria,
Primaria, la
la iniciacin
iniciacin progresiva
progresiva al
al estudio
estudio del
del francs
francs yy alemn
alemn en
en el
el 2
yy 3
3 Ciclo.
El horario
horario escolar
escolar est
est organizado
organizado en
en mdulos
mdulos ee incluye
incluye un
un tiempo
tiempo de
de lectura
lectura diaria
diaria con
con su
su profesor-Tutor.
profesor-Tutor. SemanalSemanalmente
mente dedican un da de este espacio a realizar una Asamblea con los compaeros de su Ciclo.
Se atiende
atiende individualmente
individualmente aa los
los alumnos
alumnos con
con necesidades
necesidades especiales
especiales de
de apoyo
apoyo por
por el
el Departamento
Departamento de
de OrientaOrientacin
cin Psicopedaggico del Colegio.


LifeLong Love of Learning

Ingls, Lengua y Matemticas cuentan con ms horas lectivas semanales que las que establece la normativa oficial
e igualmente cuentan con clases de refuerzos para evitar deficiencias que puedan surgir en estas materias.
En las Pruebas de Diagnstico, realizadas obligatoriamente durante el pasado curso 2009-2010, los alumnos de 4
de EPO, han conseguido unos excelentes resultados individuales y de grupo. Prepararemos especficamente para
las sucesivas convocatorias estas pruebas externas estatales con dedicacin por las referencias que nos puedan

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

Las espaciosas y luminosas aulas, estn dotadas de los materiales para el uso de las nuevas tecnologas, aspecto actualmente necesario para el desarrollo del nivel correspondiente y cuya implantacin, en gran parte de las
asignaturas, es muy alto. Los procedimientos utilizados requieren una gran formacin del profesorado pero los
resultados son muy motivadores en el proceso de enseanza/aprendizaje. Como complemento se les oferta a estos
alumnos, un amplio horario para el uso de la biblioteca.
Enseanza Secundaria Obligatoria (12 16 aos)

Proyecto Educativo El CEntro Ingls

La ESO comprende cuatro cursos. A diferencia de la E. Primaria, donde la mayora de las reas son impartidas por
un solo profesor-tutor, en ESO cada rea es impartida por un profesor especializado. En el Colegio, adems, algunas
reas (Informtica, Msica, Plstica, Tecnologa) tienen lugar en aulas asimismo especializadas. Los alumnos, con
ayuda de sus tutores, debern adaptarse a este modelo que les permitir profundizar en sus conocimientos y en su
madurez personal. Hemos de buscar el mximo desarrollo posible para cada estudiante.
En el Colegio se ha mejorado sensiblemente la dotacin horaria y los procedimientos metodolgicos en la enseanza de las lenguas extranjeras.
El ingls, continuando el proceso iniciado en E. Infantil y E. Primaria, y una vez superadas las Pruebas del PET,
debe encontrar posteriormente aqu una mayor profundizacin en la gramtica. Se mantiene una alta dotacin en
el horario de la asignatura de lengua inglesa y se han incorporado materias del National Currculum, como English
Business Studies, Literatura Inglesa, Design and Technology, P.E., I.C.T. a la vez que se desarrolla la comunicacin
en ingls, intentando mejorar la expresin.
Asimismo mantenemos como objetivo, la consecucin de ttulos externos como el First Certificate o Advanced.
Igualmente aspiramos a potenciar los conocimientos del francs para lo cual tambin ya se realizan exmenes
externos, como el DELF, donde la presencia voluntaria del alumnado, cada ao es mayor y los resultados, de estas
pruebas externas oficiales, excelentes. Igual se pretende hacer con el alemn para el curso prximo.
Consideramos como una finalidad prioritaria, para los tres primeros cursos de Secundaria, conseguir el dominio de
habilidades y conocimientos instrumentales que favorezcan una base adecuada para el aprendizaje ms temtico
y especficos y de contenidos cientficos ya diferenciados, que as se programan en un especial cuarto curso de la
Con objeto de atender de forma fiable las necesidades educativas de cada alumno, se desarrolla un complejo
sistema de apoyo que garantiza la atencin personalizada y seguimiento continuo en esta Etapa tan compleja de
la adolescencia.
Tambin dentro de la jornada lectiva, se organizan clases de tcnicas de estudio que buscan la aplicacin prctica
a las necesidades reales de los alumnos.
Adems, para atender necesidades educativas especiales se cuenta con un equipo formado por psiclogos, pedagogos y profesores de apoyo.

Much More Than Education

Bachillerato (16 18 aos)

La existencia de un Proyecto Educativo elaborado y discutido en comn por el Claustro y la estabilidad de un equipo
pedaggico con profesionales de gran experiencia, hacen posible la programacin y realizacin de un Bachillerato
con plenas garantas de xito.
Desde el principio de su historia el Colegio EL CENTRO INGLS ha considerado como una de sus prioridades, la
preparacin ptima de sus alumnos para el ingreso en la Universidad. Evidentemente la idea de un Bachillerato
slido en contenidos y metodologa tiene mucho que ver con ello.
El Colegio ofrece Pruebas de Orientacin durante el curso de 4 de ESO, para que los alumnos conozcan las distintas modalidades que se les ofrecen, en los cursos de 1Y 2 DE Bachillerato con una amplia gama de asignaturas optativas. Ello


LifeLong Love of Learning

Proyecto EducativoProyecto
| LifeLong
Love of Learning
El CEntro

supone un seguimiento continuo del alumno por parte de los Tutores y de los Departamentos Didcticos. Se le ofrecen
charlas de orientacin universitaria y visitas a Centros regionales y nacionales con diversas ofertas de estudios.
Puesto que la tarea de dominar conocimientos, no debe ser la nica finalidad de estos estudios, siempre hemos
propuesto otras metas que contribuyan a formar la personalidad de los alumnos : ayudarles a consolidar su madurez personal, para que sean responsables en su trabajo como estudiantes; favorecer su sensibilidad artstica y
literaria como fuentes de formacin; desarrollar sus habilidades en la exposicin oral y escrita; prepararles para
su inmediata insercin en una sociedad universitaria.
Contamos para ello con la cualificacin profesional de nuestro profesorado, que con el soporte de una buena
preparacin en nuevas tecnologas y la dedicacin de los tutores , con un horario adaptado a las necesidades del
curso. Los grupos, en las asignaturas que lo requieren, son reducidos y esto facilita y enriquece ms el trabajo.
Los alumnos reciben continua informacin sobre las ofertas universitarias tanto pblicas como privadas mediante
charlas, conferencias y visitas para su mejor conocimiento y el de sus familias.
Preparamos el nuevo modelo de la Selectividad y advertimos de su competitividad, ya que el Bachillerato actual est enfocado a
la bsqueda de una seguridad que lleve al alumno, con plenas garantas de xito, a las salidas profesionales que desee.
A partir del curso 2009-20010 hemos ampliado los itinerarios, con la creacin de reas de libre configuracin que
complementan su formacin y que dan respuestas a las diversas capacidades del alumno y a sus intereses profesionales de futuros estudios superiores.


El Proyecto Curricular del centro se deriva de las finalidades referentes a los alumnos y consta de:
-Proyectos Curriculares de la Educacin Infantil.
-Proyectos Curriculares de la Educacin Primaria.
-Proyectos Curriculares de la Educacin Secundaria.
Estas etapas son las que se cursan en el Centro. Su elaboracin pretende mejorar la calidad de la educacin a
travs de las siguientes estrategias bsicas:
A) Formar y consolidar equipos docentes que eliminen las estructuras de funcionamiento individualista y que
permitan una mayor coherencia entre todos los niveles y grupos.
B) Tomar decisiones a partir de la reflexin y la consolidacin de las propias prcticas.
C) Proponer, realizar y disear programas muy realistas.
Abordamos el Proyecto Curricular como un trabajo a largo plazo con sucesivas aproximaciones de elaboracin y
comprobacin, es decir, que a partir de las propuestas del documento del Diseo Curricular Base, y con las matizaciones y ampliaciones exigidas por las caractersticas peculiares del Centro, se irn formulando como hiptesis
unos Objetivos Generales de Etapas (que son interdisciplinares); de rea (que son disciplinares en cada etapa) y
de Ciclo, para ir consolidando dichas hiptesis con las oportunas comprobaciones.
Los pasos para formular el Proyecto Curricular se concretan en:
Los Objetivos de Etapa en la primera fase del Proyecto Curricular son de carcter interdisciplinar.

Much More Than Education

La ley aprobada, L.O.E. prescribe que los Centros elaboren unos Criterios que regulen la promocin de los alumnos
de un ciclo a otro o de un curso a otro segn las etapas. Se pretende as superar los defectos de la clsica repeticin
de curso que conclua en volver a hacer lo que ya se haba hecho. Un alumno que en proceso de aprendizaje ha
seguido un ritmo ms lento que sus compaeros o ha mostrado actitudes ms deficientes, lo que necesita es tener
las ayudas adecuadas para alcanzar los objetivos que siendo bsicos y esenciales , han quedado incompletos.
Esto puede conseguirse de dos maneras:
1) Promocionando al curso o ciclo siguiente.
2) Cursando un ao ms los mismos estudios


LifeLong Love of Learning

En ambos casos, los correspondientes Equipos Educativos, siguiendo las indicaciones de los Departamentos Didcticos, deben atender las medidas educativas complementarias encaminadas a contribuir a que el alumno alcance
los Objetivos Programados.
A partir de los datos sobre la consecucin de los Objetivos correspondientes y del juicio de valor emitido sobre ello,
y codificando todo ello en una calificacin, se propondr que el alumno promocione o no, teniendo en cuenta una
serie de criterios (Criterios de Promocin).

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

Los Criterios de Promocin son elaborados mediante la reflexin sobre los aspectos del proceso de enseanza
aprendizaje y que debe tenerse en cuenta a la hora de tomar estas decisiones. Aseguran la promocin de los
alumnos y estn vinculados a las dimensiones de una evaluacin formativa y continua que tiene siempre en consideracin, entre otros aspectos, las aptitudes de cada alumno, para ofrecerle una orientacin personalizada.
El desarrollo de la LOE que hace la Orden Ministerial para Infantil y Primaria y para E.S.O. y Bachillerato, proporciona
una serie de orientaciones sobre la evolucin en las distintas etapas que condicionan y deben ser recogidas en los
Criterios de Promocin de los alumnos para cada una de ellas. Esas orientaciones son las siguientes:

Proyecto Educativo El CEntro Ingls

- Educacin Infantil: Evaluacin global referida al conjunto de capacidades expresadas por los alumnos en los
Objetivos Generales. Estos Objetivos, adecuados al contexto socio-cultural del centro y a las caractersticas
propias del alumnado, sern referente de forma permanente en la evaluacin.
- Enseanza Primaria: Evaluacin global referida al conjunto de capacidades expresadas en los Objetivos Generales de la etapa y los criterios de evaluacin de las distintas reas. Estos objetivos y criterios, adecuados a
las caractersticas propias del alumnado y al contexto socio-cultural del centro sern el punto de inspiracin
permanente para la evaluacin.
- Enseanza Secundaria: Evaluacin continua e integradora, aunque diferenciada segn las reas o materia. El
carcter integrador de la evaluacin en la ESO exige tener en cuenta las capacidades generales establecidas
en la etapa a travs de los objetivos en las distintas reas o materia.
- Bachillerato: Valoracin de aprendizaje tomando como referencia inmediata los criterios de evaluacin que
se tengan establecidos para cada materia. Su nivel de cumplimiento deber ser medido en relacin con los
Objetivos Generales del Bachillerato.
En concreto, podemos ver que:
a) En la Enseanza Infantil la evaluacin ser adaptada a las caractersticas individuales del alumno sobre la
base de una observacin directa y sistemtica.
b) En la Enseanza Primaria sigue siendo global referida a los Objetivos Generales de la Etapa pero aadiendo
como referente los Criterios de Evaluacin de las distintas reas. El proceso ser continuo y formativo.
c) La Enseanza Secundaria Obligatoria deja de ser global para ser integradora, aunque diferenciada segn las
distintas reas o materias y se aclara que el carcter integrador exige tener en cuenta las capacidades establecidas
para la etapa, pero a travs de las distintas reas; ya no se evala la globalidad de los Objetivos Generales, sino los
Objetivos de cada rea, teniendo entonces stos una especial relevancia. El proceso ser continuo y formativo.
d) En el Bachillerato, la referencia inmediata para la evaluacin son los criterios de cada rea que marca el
programa de Acceso a la Universidad en fondo y forma muy especfica y a la deben ceirse los profesores,
aunque debern medirse en relacin con los Objetivos de la Etapa.

Much More Than Education

En resumen, existe una evolucin en el concepto de evaluacin que aparece como global, en primer lugar, para en
niveles posteriores tener en cuenta las reas y luego se convierte en una evaluacin integradora aunque est bien
diferenciada segn las reas y concluye en las ltimas etapas atendiendo solamente a las reas.
Se observa que en todas las etapas hay un denominador comn que debe atender a los objetivos generales de cada
etapa lo que permitir determinadas decisiones en casos especiales.
Existen normas legales que han de ser tenidas en cuenta a la hora de decidir la promocin o no de los alumnos al
ciclo siguiente:
De aqu se deben destacar las siguientes normas:
- Enseanza Primaria: Slo se podr repetir un curso en toda la etapa al final de cada uno de los ciclos.
- Enseanza Secundaria: Slo se podr repetir dos veces. Se ha de tener en cuenta que podrn recibir la promocin los alumnos que suspendan una o dos reas.


LifeLong Love of Learning

Proyecto EducativoProyecto
| LifeLong
Love of Learning
El CEntro

- Bachillerato: No se podr promocionar de Primero a Segundo cuando se tengan ms de dos materias con
evaluacin negativa. (**) Asimismo, deber repetir el Segundo curso todo alumno que al final del mismo tenga
tres asignaturas suspensas.
La tercera fase del proceso de concrecin y contextualizacin del Proyecto Curricular del Centro es formular los
Objetivos Generales de cada una de las reas de la etapa, de carcter disciplinar.
A partir de los Objetivos Generales que el Decreto Curricular Base asigna a cada rea se definen los Objetivos de
la Etapa propios del Centro.
(a) Identificar la concordancia entre los Objetivos del rea propuestos con el Diseo Curricular Base y los Objetivos de Etapa del Centro ya formulados en la fase anterior.
(b) Identificar los aspectos de los Objetivos de Etapa del Centro que no estn reflejados en los Objetivos asignados a las reas del Proyecto Curricular Base.
(c) Reformularlos para certificar posibles matizaciones.
(d) Agrupar y ordenar los Objetivos de rea para establecer prioridades entre ellos de acuerdo con los Objetivos
de Etapa del Centro.
e) Reforzar los conocimientos de ingls para los alumnos de nuevo ingreso en el Colegio.
En la programaciones anuales, programas de trabajo y de aula atenderemos a estos aspectos fundamentales:
- La seleccin de contenidos.
- Seleccin de capacidades.
- Formulacin de los Objetivos de Aprendizaje.
- Criterios de Evaluacin///recuperacin
- Metodologa
- Temporalizacin


Mencin especial supone la promocin en los casos de Infantil, Primaria y ESO de alumnos con Necesidades Educativas
Especiales (NEE), pues implica continuar en la etapa siguiente con la ACI establecida previamente, acotando el grado
de significatividad de las mismas de acuerdo con los contenidos de la enseanza de la etapa a la que promociona.
Es conveniente establecer algunas variables como, por ejemplo, el ciclo en que es ms conveniente repetir, segn
se pretenda como objetivo previo el dominio de tcnicas elementales que apareceran en el Primer Ciclo de Primaria
o esperar un mejor desarrollo de ciertas habilidades que permitan adaptarse mejor a diferentes situaciones. Lo normal es que las habilidades se adquieran en el Primer y Segundo Ciclo de Primaria. Tambin es habitual decidir en
esos Ciclos, los aprendizajes bsicos para cada ciclo, que constituyen los organizadores previos sin los cuales no
se puede avanzar en la secuencia de los contenidos establecidos para ese centro.

Much More Than Education

Determinar tambin, no slo los Criterios Generales sino algunos especficos para los alumnos con Necesidades
Educativas Especiales (NEE) que estn escolarizados.
Con estas orientaciones y la normativa legal, junto con factores como aptitudes, conducta, carcter, posibilidades reales de superar las dificultades, la posibilidad de adaptacin a otros grupos de alumnos de menor edad, las influencias
positivas o negativas que puedan ejercer en el grupo, etc., los profesores de nuestro Centro, deben elaborar unos
criterios que de alguna manera orienten y ayuden a tomar decisiones sobre aquellos alumnos que no hayan superado
positivamente la ltima sesin de evaluacin de cada curso. Esto es muy importante y realmente ayudara muchsimo
en todos los sentidos. Si se piensa que cada alumno, por su capacidad o forma de trabajar, no ser capaz de superar
con xito los objetivos previstos para una etapa en el tiempo fijado por la ley, habr que decidir en qu momento de la
misma sera conveniente que l repitiese. Todo ello habr de determinarse por escrito, dando unas pautas y criterios
que pueden ser muy rgidos, de forma que queden todos los cabos atados o, por lo contrario, pueden ser muy flexibles,
dejando al equipo de profesores la responsabilidad de decidir en cada caso sin normas concretas.
En todo este proceder es definitorio el plan marcado por el Departamento de Orientacin.

LifeLong Love of Learning

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

El OBJETIVO PRIMERO Y GENERAL es ser fiel a nuestro lema:

amOR aL aPRENdIzajE dE POR vIda

Proyecto Educativo El CEntro Ingls

Conseguir un Colegio con una enseanza bilinge que ofrezca adems

- Un ambiente agradable y personalista, positivo que permita formar a ciudadanos del mundo que trabajen por
la humanidad.
- Una educacin que impulse la iniciativa, la creatividad y la toma de decisiones
- Un programa diversificado y motivador llevado a cabo por un profesorado idneo y eficaz que manifiesta su
experiencia y dedicacin en el trabajo docente.
- Una preparacin para el acceso potencial a cualquier Universidad de Espaa y del extranjero.
- Una ratio profesor/alumno que permita la atencin individualizada y facilite el desarrollo de cada alumno.
- Una dedicacin constante a la transmisin de los valores positivos, regulados en las normas de convivencia
Honor, Honestidad, Sinceridad, Generosidad, Solidaridad, justicia,
Respeto, Libertad, amabilidad , Constancia e Igualdad.
- Especial dedicacin desde la Etapa Infantil y primer ciclo de Primaria a programas en espaol e ingls que
permitirn a los alumnos del Colegio El Centro Ingls integrarse profesionalmente en cualquier ambiente
- Una metodologa basada en la observacin directa, la experiencia, la prctica y el trabajo del alumno para
hacer suyas las enseanzas que se impartan. Asimismo valorar los conocimientos previos del alumno
- Un deseo de acceder al uso de nuevas tecnologas, que no son objeto de aprendizaje sino herramientas de
- Un lugar donde desarrollar y fomentar vocaciones por la msica, el deporte, el arte, la composicin literaria, etc.
- Un espacio de encuentro e intercambio para diferentes culturas y personas.
- Una educacin que promueva el amor a la Naturaleza, apoyada en una enseanza que cree hbitos de
conducta respetuosos con el medio ambiente apoyando as nuestra Certificacin en la Gestin del medioambiente.

Much More Than Education

- Unas instalaciones y servicios en primera lnea de calidad.



Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | LifeLong Love of Learning



Educational Project


LifeLong Love of Learning


Educational Project tHE EnglIsH CEntrE

The English Centre is a Limited Company whose Ownership is held by its Sole Director, Mrs Linda Mary Randell,
National Identity N 31.306.718.


The Centre is duly authorised to provide education at Infant, Primary, Secondary and Sixth form levels, with full
academic faculties and the independence required for providing optional courses, adapting the programmes to the
characteristics of the Centres social and cultural environment, implementing bilingual programmes, organising
cultural exchange projects, experimenting with new teaching methods, adopting didactic resources provided by
current technology, organising activities and complementary services, as well as for programming a wide range of
cultural, complementary and out-of-school activities. (Organic Law on the Right to Education, Art. 57; R.D. 23/77,
Art. 15; General Organic Law on the Education System, Art. 59). We take particular note of the provisions contained
in the Organic Law on Education dated April 20, 2006.


The Centre forms an Educational Community comprising the following components: Ownership, Management,
Teaching Staff, Non-Teaching Administration and service personnel, pupils, parents, and everyone concerned in
achieving the Centres aspirations and goals.

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

The Educational Project is the general reference framework which forms the backbone of an educational centre
and puts its operations into practice in an organised and culturally significant way by clearly, communicatively
and coherently setting out the institutions potential and aspirations. For this reason, all members of THE ENGLISH
CENTRES Educational Community should study it and gain an insight into the schools traditions and experience with
a view to perspectives for the future. This document should not be taken simply as another piece of bureaucracy, but
as a vehicle for shaping and perfecting the Centres educational reality in the conviction that the greatest benefits
are to be achieved through discussion, assimilation, and planning.

Much More Than Education

Spanish and British Monarchies

English and Spanish Languages




LifeLong Love of Learning

Proyecto EducativoEducational
| LifeLongCEntrE
Love of Learning
tHE EnglIsH

For sources of inspiration behind the Educational Community Project, the following can be referred to:
The Current Education System
The History and Identity of the institution, that is, in this case, The English Centre
The Centres individual socio-cultural circumstances.
Establishing the English language and culture as the vehicular language for the education provided.


As regards the Educational Project, the way in which it fits in with the education system currently in force is
determined by the Organic Law on Education. It is not solely concerned with the legal requirements to be found in
the relevant publications, however, but also with their chosen concept of education, which implies a certain type
of teaching and learning strategy. The current Education System has, as its underlying principles: development of
the eight basic competencies, significant learning, the use of new technologies, bilingualism and constant
observation, particularly during the pupils early years at school.


Nature and designation of the Centre:
This is a private school certified with Official Authorisation number 11-007341 to provide Infant, Primary, Secondary
and Sixth form Education, and is designated Colegio EL CENTRO INGLS, founded 1969.
It is located at Glorieta El Centro Ingls n 1, near to Urbanizacin Vistahermosa, and the residential areas of Costa
Oeste de El Puerto de Santa Mara (Cdiz).
As complements to the officially-regulated education, the school also provides language courses, exchange
programmes, studies and courses abroad, Sports Schools, and a Music and Dance School.


The pupils and their families come mainly from middle-to-high levels of educational, cultural, and economic
backgrounds. In the main, their occupations are those of free professionals, business people, and public servants in
general. Their range of religious faiths is wide, with a predominance of Roman Catholicism.

Much More Than Education

Pupils geographical provenance is mainly the towns and cities of Conil and Chiclana de la Frontera, San Fernando,
Puerto Real, Cdiz, Jerez de la Frontera, Sanlcar de Barrameda, Chipiona, Rota, and El Puerto de Santa Mara.
For obvious linguistic reasons, we accept a large number of foreign pupils of a variety of nationalities.

Since the school was founded, its priority has always been to achieve the pupils genuine immersion in the English
language and thus to make English the true vehicular language for everyone to use both inside and outside the
Centre. This objective has marked, and continues to mark, the pathway of the education provided in THE ENGLISH
CENTRE. The relevance of this initial objective is strengthened year on year through activities and events, and
through alignment with the National Curriculum, regarding both the number of classroom hours and, in particular,
the quality of education.

LifeLong Love of Learning


We are a bilingual Spanish-English school. We aspire to being multilingual, and are not very far from being so with
the current provision of languages such as German and French. That is our project, and the continual aspiration of
the schools ownership. It is true that our Centre is both classified and authorised by the Spanish authorities, but,
as we are a Private School with no state dependence or subsidy, we also enjoy the possibility of independence. Our
curriculum can therefore be greatly enriched, using National Curriculum methodology to provide all those aspects
that appeal to pupils and are useful for their future life in society.
To this end, we have progressively been providing each Stage with the most appropriate number of classroom
hours and contents, in which the vehicular language is English.

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

Consequently, it has been necessary to establish co-ordination on teaching so that our native and bilingual teachers
can channel their teaching methods through the National Curriculum system. This major and continued effort has
been gathering force since the 2008-9 and 2009-10 courses, providing excellent results and even better prospects
for the future.

Educational Project tHE EnglIsH CEntrE

What is more, the combination of the methodology outlined above with that of the curriculum provided in the
Spanish language results in a meeting and blending of diverse cultural ideologies.
At the Early Years stage the provision of English in class is almost 90%.
At Primary level the hourly provision of English comes to over 50%, and continually we hold events and activities
to promote the practice of spoken and written English as the vehicular language (Christmas events, Eisteddfod,
weekly assemblies, plays, sporting and cultural events, etc.) In addition, Cambridge Universitys external exams
called Young Learners are extensively promoted at the Centre, with excellent results. These exams are taken
every school year by pupils in 2nd, 4th and 6th of Prymary (they are, respectively, Starters, Movers, and Flyers).
At Secondary and Sixth Form level, the objectives can no longer simply be directed at learning English, but rather
at its proper usage, both inside and out of the classroom. Rewarding exchanges are promoted, new subjects are
incorporated as educational options and events and activities are held to promote correct usage of English. Before
finishing their studies at the School pupils are required to pass the external examination, called First Certificate, at
level B-2 according to the European Common Framework standards.

Much More Than Education

Symbol of England

Symbol of Wales



LifeLong Love of Learning

Proyecto EducativoEducational
| LifeLongCEntrE
Love of Learning
tHE EnglIsH

Components of the
educational project
The contents of the Educational Project provide an explanation regardine its:
a) Individual Character: This refers to the particular inspiration behind the Schools traditions in education and
different teaching methods. The source and inspiration of the Educational Project should be in the Individual
Character: on the one hand, what we are aiming at; and on the other, how we are organised.
B) Targets in Education: This should be a clarification of the individual character that we are aiming for as regards
the relationship with the entire Educational Community. (As we shall later repeat, objectives related to the pupils will
be continued in the Curricular Project.)
C) Organisational Structures: These set out how we are organised for achieving: the Targets, Final Objectives;
Teaching Levels; and Curricular Projects. By taking these features as a basic benchmark, compliance is made with
the legislation contained in the Ruling on Organisation and Functioning (R.O.F)


1. THE ENGLISH CENTRE takes inspiration from its motto A LIFELONG LOVE OF LEARNING - which, strangely
enough, now appears in the Organic Education Law as being a fundamental objective in teaching in Spain - with
a wide range of ways to focus on the world so that the schools children grow up in an open, diverse environment
which will serve as a good background for them to develop as people: science and culture at the service of human
development. This is also expressed in a very special way in our school anthem, which is sung on special occasions
and reproduced by our fine School Choir.
2. THE ENGLISH CENTRE is a secular school that clearly demonstrates its interest in teaching humanistic values,
but with a growing tendency towards Roman Catholicism, which is increasingly being requested by families and
It is clear that most of our pupils families are of the Roman Catholic faith and, in general terms, could be defined
as practising believers. It would be a mistake not to acknowledge this cultural aspect.
The existence of these Roman Catholic ceremonies demonstrates that the Centre respects all faiths, although we
do have a cultural minority to which due attention is paid.

Much More Than Education

In this way, the School provides its pupils with an education that will see them grow up to be tolerant, generous
citizens who are committed to the environment and the times in which we live. The School instils in them an
attitude of understanding and co-relationship between all peoples, founded on respect for different cultures, races
and faiths, on peace, cooperation and solidarity, and also based on the Centres values: Generosity, Truthfulness,
Freedom, Respect, Honour, Honesty, Kindness, Equality, Justice, and Consistency.
3. At present, the School is carrying out a number of campaigns to make the whole Educational Community aware
of the need to stimulate those social values that are of benefit to us all. There are campaigns aimed at continuous
improvement in our coexistence, both internally and externally. Other campaigns are aimed at raising awareness of
aspects of English culture, or of exchanges with E.C. educational institutions through our COMENIUS programme.
In general terms, the campaigns are divided into two main groups:
a .- Campaigns for SOLIdaRITy
These are run with the direct participation of families, pupils, and the Schools staff. The Department of Social
Sciences coordinates and organises the campaigns.

LifeLong Love of Learning

+ Sisters of the Poor for their old peoples Home at Puerto de Santa Mara: from 1st to 15th of December, when
donations from families are collected, through the pupils; mainly hygiene and cleaning articles, biscuits, sugar
and coffee.
This year, pupils from 4th year of secondary have started to help out at the homes dining-room on Saturdays.
This is organised by the Catholic Seminary.
Pupils belonging to the Choir often take part in religious festivities.
+ With Madre Coraje. This is a provincial NGO.

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

Three campaigns are carried out:

June: school articles (pencils, rubbers, exercise books, books, etc.)
October: toys for Christmas.
Educational Project tHE EnglIsH CEntrE

December: Canned food

Through the Madre Coraje NGO we have begun contacts with a school in Peru with the aim of establishing a
positive relationship in different branches of teaching and education.
B. - Campaigns for CuLTuRaL EXCHaNGE
Though the COMENIUS programme, we have started on the second year of exchange of ideas with schools in
Ireland, Wales, and the Czech Republic.
The connecting theme is Pupils participation in the Schools life, which has been discussed in the schools
visited, with contributions made by our pupils through the School councils, which meets monthly. It includes a
representative from each group from 5th of primary to 2nd year of Sixth form.
4. The school provides psycho-pedagogical care and educational and careers advice, and for this purpose carries
out psychological studies on those pupils that need them and provides information regarding the pupils aptitudes. It
gives advice to pupils with learning difficulties as to the best solutions. Likewise, after an in-depth study, it provides
advice on abilities and possible pathways towards further education.
5. The School seeks to encourage the active participation of all members of the Educational Community and aims
to foster dialogue and interaction between all the components that are directly responsible for education: pupils,
parents, teachers, administration and services staff, all of whom seek an integrated education for our pupils.
6. The School works towards providing each one of its pupils with the ability to actively participate in the world of
work, and in the social, political, and cultural life of a democratic and pluralist society. This contributes to the idea of
universality, which prepares pupils so that they can become bilingual or trilingual (with this point being particularly
important to the School) and for them to be truly open to communication and understanding with other cultures.
7. The daily work, which we shall call always Ready to Learn, should be a continual process leading towards the
child or teenagers gradual acquisition of intellectual, work and research habits, and interest in the world of culture,
science, arts, music, and sport. The School fosters its pupils intellectual and psychological development, alongside
harmonious physical development.

Much More Than Education

8. The School promotes an education that fosters savoir faire, having initiative, creativity, critical thinking, and
the correct ways to make decisions. It uses an active methodology, with progressive introduction to the use of the
latest technologies which each of the different departments provide. All of this is based on providing participation,
experience, and practice so that it all becomes part of the pupils own knowledge and education.
9. All the Schools teaching and non-teaching staff are aware of the importance of the work that they do. They
work as a team and take care of each and every one of the Schools pupils, aware that each one is different, with
individual needs and characteristics. This individual observation is backed up by interdisciplinary tasks, projects
and experiences. The staff are highly qualified, both in a professional and personal capacity, to achieve appropriate
development of the different COMPETENCIES:



LifeLong Love of Learning

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We define competence as the ability to respond to demands and tasks by means of a combination of practical
skills, knowledge, motivation, ethical values, attitudes, and other social components that result in each individual
taking appropriate action.
There are eight basic competences that the Organic Law on Education applies:
Competence in linguistic communication
Competence in mathematics
Competence regarding knowledge and interaction in the physical realm
Competence in IT, and digital competence
Competence regarding society and citizenship
Competence for culture and art
Competence for learning to learn
Competence in independence and personal initiative.
That is to say, the pupil is entitled to basic education to enable him/her to exist, live, coexist, work and continue
learning throughout life in the society in which s/he is immersed. These basic competencies take pupils right
from Infant Education through to University.
At The English Centre, the parallel education provided for preparing pupils for official, external examinations is
of particular significance, and consequently a large number of teachers are native speakers or totally bilingual,
for the teaching of modern languages.
10. The pupils parents - that is, the childrens primary educators - have chosen our School from a wide variety of
alternatives. This choice must result in them behaving responsibly towards maintaining a true consistency with the
values in which we intend to educate their children.
The ENGLISH CENTRE trusts in providing strong support and help for parents - the people truly responsible for their
childrens education - by complementing them in this difficult task with commitment, and by involving them on a
day-to day basis.
11. Our school aims to be a large family in which trust, mutual acceptance, dialogue, the principle of shared
effort, and the search for more human and humanitarian ways of relating to people are inherent features of the
educational process.
12. We are the first Private Education School in Andalusia to be awarded the Quality Certificate ISO 9001: 2000,
which has recently been renewed, as well as UNE ISO 14001:2004

Our pupils
1. Our pupils fully develop their personality based on certain ethical and moral values, which are features that
clearly define their education.
2. They respect fundamental rights, are tolerant and understanding as to others points of view.
3. They use their freedom to establish good relationships among themselves.

Much More Than Education

4. They acquire intellectual habits, within our bilingual system, to gain scientific, technical, humanistic and aesthetic
They are aware that their job is to study, and that they have to do it well.
They are aware that they have a responsibility to others: society, their families, their schoolmates.
They are aware that they must also develop a critical mind and independent thinking.
5. They will gradually build up information regarding their future occupation, in their quest to make the right choice
when the time arrives for a more definitive decision.
6. They will enthusiastically back and support all types of positive attitudes that foster mutual help and
7. They will learn to communicate in English as their vehicular language, and subsequently be encouraged to
learn other languages.

LifeLong Love of Learning

Our teachers
1. Our teachers are fully identified with the Centres own educational style, which implies acceptance of its
pedagogical model and commitment to its teaching procedures.
2. The atmosphere is one of trust and courtesy, with dialogue as between peers.
3. They feel acknowledged and esteemed within the educational and professional environment.
4. They are helped in their initiatives, in their teaching, in their careers, or in producing new teaching material.
5. They foster and promote the quest for excellence, through continuous professional development, retraining, and

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

Educational Project tHE EnglIsH CEntrE

6. The Teaching Departments foster and promote an efficient and positive policy of having Teaching Teams at Infant,
Primary, Secondary, and Bachillerato level, which, together with the Sub-Directors and Director of the National
Curriculum, form the fundamental academic groups which generate improvements and progress in teaching, to
the benefit of the pupils.
7. The teachers training for educating with active, total immersion methodology is extremely efficient and extremely
highly rated by pupils and their parents.
8. They share the contents of their tutorial sessions in due time and manner with their work colleagues, and
corresponding pupils and families.
9. They are enthusiastic about publishing pedagogical projects, thoughts and ideas that might enhance teaching
levels within the school, or its external prestige.
10. They know, agree with, and accept the Regulations on Organisation and functioning (R.O.f.) which regulate
how the Centre is run.
11. The figure of the Teacher-Tutor is of fundamental importance, as they are the staff who keep watch on the
evolution of the pupils in their groups, both as regards academic progress and regarding their attitude. It is their job
to keep their pupils parents informed. The Tutorial Action is considered a vital part of school operations.
Our pupils families
We see parents as having primary responsibility for their childrens education, and consequently we regard them
as real participants in the educational process. They are, therefore, essential cooperators in the Centres activities
as a whole. For this reason, they receive information on the main aspects of THE ENGLISH CENTREs Educational
Project so that they can make the correct decision when choosing the Centre by taking into account its ideology
and its Educational Objectives.
This means that we are bound by our Educational Targets to:
Initially inform parents as to the general and specific features of their childrens educational Stage.
Inform them in writing of relevant matters at all times, so that the Centre can function in the best possible
Encourage meetings between parents and tutors to analyse the pupils progress, and, likewise, group
meetings with the tutor along with other parents for group analysis, conferences and various school
functions. If it is not possible to arrange a personal meeting, this can be done by telephone, e-mail, by
making a note in the pupils student planner or by any other convenient method.
Much More Than Education

Encourage and facilitate meetings between the Schools different families, in order to foster initiatives
and cooperation and provide whatever suggestions they have on the best ways to run the School, and on
how it is projected to the world outside.
Boost participation in frequent informative and work-related contacts in our blogs, which were recently
created for any family who wants to use them.
The profile to which THE ENGLISH CENTRE aspires is very close to that which exists at the moment: it is that of
a family who, aware of the Centres fundamental characteristics, trusts that the education they give their child at
home will be continued at the School because they know that the Ideology there is very similar to their own way of life.


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From parents, we ask for appropriate support and respect regarding our teaching work and for independence as to
the Schools organisation in general, and regarding the curriculum - which is developed with due care - so that we
can operate a bilingual teaching-learning process with their sons and daughters. This implies that they must have
trust in the teaching systems and methods used and defined by The English Centre.
We would encourage you to take an active part in all events organised by the Centre throughout the year, in
accordance with the nature and reason for which they are being held.
We would ask you to use the channels suggested by the School for your proposals, complaints, acknowledgements,
congratulations, or for any suggestions that you may have, with the confidence that you will receive an attentive,
prompt reply.
Our non-teaching staff
We see this part of our Centres community as another very important component within the whole educational
process, particularly in matters relating to organisation. Likewise, the rest of the Educational Community values the
cooperation in teaching matters that we receive from this group. They are indispensable for ensuring the overall
functioning of the School.
We can divide our non-teaching staff in the following way:
a) An administrative branch, with different responsibilities and working in different fields.
b) A General Secretary Office covering different aspects of care regarding pupils and their parents
c) A branch for internal services (such as maintenance and material) and another for external services such as
cleaning, the dining-room and buses.
d) An IT Department, whose work and operations affect, in one way or another, practically all the Schools
e) A Supervisor of the Library, which has several different functions.
f) Monitors and overseers of diverse activities: dining-room, breaks, buses, etc.
Fuller explanations on these roles can be found in the R.O.F., Title I, Ch. V, p. 16, Articles 14 to 21.
Consequently, we undertake to:
1) Respect their job description.
2) Facilitate their active participation in all matters of common interest.
3) Respect, by appropriately valuing and commenting on their work, the positions that they hold as professionals
who contribute to teaching functions, and to ensure that others respect them.
4) Ensure they receive adequate information on decisions, agreements and relevant matters at the School.
5) Foster continuous development for their career fulfilment.


THE ENGLISH CENTRE is structured so as to allow a personalised approach.
The Owner and a representative of the Owner.

Much More Than Education

Technical management and a vice-director.

Sub-managements for Infants, Primary, and Secondary Education.
a pedagogical director for the National Curriculum, who sets out the teaching guidelines for subjects taught
entirely in English during the various Stages.
Teachers assigned to the teaching of the National Curriculum.
Heads of Teaching departments, of Spanish Language and Literature, of Science and Mathematics, of Social
Science and Modern Languages, who set out the technical guidelines for those subjects.
Teachers attached to each department, in accordance with the subjects they teach.


LifeLong Love of Learning

Teachers-Tutors, who are coordinated by their corresponding Sub-Directors, with the aim of achieving consistent
and effective Tutorial Action and for monitoring and ensuring harmonious relationships within the different year
groups comprised in the School.

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

The tutors carry out their tasks at different levels: individual tutorship with the pupils, group tutorships, regular
meetings with each pupils parents, and quarterly meetings with all the parents of the entire group. Although
communication between them is constant, parents can request a meeting with the tutor whenever they believe it to
be necessary. The School believes that one of the key factors in pupils education is cooperation and understanding
between parents and teachers; this is aimed at reaching the common goal - none other than the pupils integrated
[further details on the functions of the teacher-tutor are to be found in the r.o.f. (Title I, page 12)]

Educational Project tHE EnglIsH CEntrE

The Guidance department, for providing specific care and attention to specific aspects within their area, in
coordination with everyone.
All of these teachers together form the teaching team who hold regular meetings through the year.
The Heads of Department, together with the Technical Director, the Pedagogical Director for the National Curriculum
and the Vice-Director make up the Technical Team for Pedagogical Coordination, which holds a weekly meeting
to share information on how the programmes are progressing, on scheduling, continuous assessment (criteria and
marking), and observation of all the pupils.
At the later stages of the meeting the Stage Sub-Directors also attend, in order to receive information on the
Continuous Assessment process, which, in turn, they will pass on to the Tutors. They may also tell this Team about
their thoughts regarding the attitude of pupils and teachers that could be harming or benefiting the day-to-day
activities, of which they are very well informed.
Other Heads from non-academic departments may attend if it is necessary for organising certain events or activities
when there are changes in the teaching of the different subjects.
[further details concerning the length of the schoolday are given in the r.o.f. (Title III, pages, 25/27) ]

Much More Than Education

Symbol of Europe
Symbol of Wisdom



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tHE EnglIsH

Essential principles
for a formative
We are of the firm belief that the task of educating is a process whose influence continues outside the classroom
and that our day-to-day contribution and work provides our pupils with help which is of equal importance in the
intellectual aspect as it is for their general development as human beings.


School is a good rehearsal for society, and rules which are made have to be few, clear, and well-defined by the
people responsible, and they should always be adapted to the different educational Stages. All those who take part
in the Schools daily life must comply with them.


It is essential that there should be true coordination in the approach to development of the key competences and
their acquisition, and it is therefore vital to detect individual special needs as appropriate and to be effective in the
monitoring and treatment required in different situations that arise. Respect for freedom of personal development
must always predominate.


All those activities considered positive, both Complementary and extracurricular, must be encouraged provided that
they benefit the pupils knowledge and that pupils learn innovative processes in order to better understand their
school subjects.
- Development of modern language studies.
- Exchanges with other centres.
- Visits to different places: factories, auditoriums, theatres, cinemas, etc.
- Schooling in music (classes, concerts in and out of the Centre, auditions of choral singing given by the pupils...)
- Sporting development (a varied range of Sports Schools, and fostering competitive teams; incorporating new
specialities inside and outside the Centre...)

Much More Than Education

- Correct use of IT systems and all those aspects of the new technologies which are clearly representative of
present-day life.
- The pupils gradual feeling of identification with the Centres mascots, its anthem, annual commemorative events
(such as Nativity, Eisteddfod, etc.); daily events (such as yeargroup Assemblies); newspapers (such as Houses, or
Food4U, etc.) and all those projects that connect life at the School with British culture and lead towards a better
understanding of it.

THE ENGLISH CENTRES educational project offers a series of attractive features that improve pupils prospects in
In the first place, by working in small groups, by learning by doing, by using a large number of aids, and by
the whole class actively participating.


LifeLong Love of Learning

It is an education that is more expensive in financial terms, but is far more effective. The Spanish education system
has for many years made the mistake of being too theoretical, with large classes and insufficient participation
on the part of the pupils. Pupils who learn in THE ENGLISH CENTREs classrooms are pupils capable of drawing
conclusions, of reviewing and assimilating the tuition that they are receiving. The tasks are theoretical and practical
at the same time, done both in groups and individually, involving analysis and synthesis, new and old, growing and
In this approach to education, each pupil is the centre of his or her own work, has his or her own starting point and
his or her own personal goals.

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

The working philosophy that THE ENGLISH CENTRE SCHOOL wishes to instil is that of providing an education that
is eminently practical: the pupils learn by correcting their inexperience and mistakes, by observing and by being
helped by good teachers.

Educational Project tHE EnglIsH CEntrE

That is a key feature in the conception of a bilingual Spanish/English school, as we are fitting together two educational
systems from which we aim to pick the best points of each.
Consequently, we shall use an active-participative methodology through which students basically learn through
interaction with the teacher/learning mediator, and through constructive work, exercises, and practical cases. To this
end, we provide a high number of daily classroom hours and remedial/support classes whenever necessary.
The School has an excellent library, which is equipped with reading books, encyclopaedias, specialised magazines
and daily national and local newspapers. The lending service is extended, enabling pupils to take books out and take
them home for a few days. The librarys stocks are constantly being enriched with reading and reference books as
well as items required for IT, as the library is equipped with PCs connected to the Internet for pupils to use. Reading
in French, German and particularly English is encouraged, given the librarys excellent stock of books and DVDs.
Teachers will use the learning by discovery method to hold the pupils attention, making assessments by continuous
monitoring of the activities carried out in class, taking active interest in class pursuits and making sure that each
day they take up the lessons from where they previously left off.


For several years the Ownership has had an interest, shared by all of the Centres staff, in greatly expanding the
use of new technologies as applied to teaching, both in infrastructure and in form, and in the area of internal
communications, across all departments, it must be said that excellent progress has been made.
During the 2008-2009 school year, the technical basis was laid for a progressive introduction of suitable technology
into the classrooms. A process of mental preparation began for everyone, given the fact that it was necessary to
bring in new methods for development of the different school subjects, and that this would be brought about by new
technologies. It was in this way that a real need for training appeared.
For the 2009-2010 school year, the provision of equipment was truly spectacular across half of the classrooms, as
well as in two IT rooms.
The result has been very positive as, apart from the learning improvements shown in different groups and work
areas, it has given a boost to both internal and external training, in which both the teaching and non-teaching staff
had so much interest, and has meant that with a fresh financial outlay the Ownership has now practically completed
the full installation of IT for all classrooms.

Much More Than Education

At the same time, the work that the Schools IT Department carries out on research and multiple applications is
worthy of praise. The improvements are remarkable in educational and administrative aspects, in relations with
families, with suppliers, etc. This progress means that we are held in very high esteem externally.
To be able to transmit values, all of the Educational Community must be fully convinced that by acquiring them,
our pupils, families, and staff will be better world citizens and better people. Consequently we teach them in an
integrated way, using digital books (without a text book) in English at EPO level 5 and 6, and at ESO level
1 and 2, and with research/information classes for EPO levels 4, 5, and 6, and ESO levels 1, 2, and 3 in Social
Sciences in English.



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Much More Than Education

By integrated education, we refer to that which covers not only academic teaching which, undoubtedly forms the
main component and dictates the curricular design of a private school of our type but also one that gives pupils
things such as:
an Education in values
Social awareness (e.g. Solidarity)
Group values (e.g. Companionship)
Individuals (e.g. The culture of effort)
All of these aspects will be stated, discussed and analysed, particularly by their respective tutors and Assemblies,
taking as a starting point the values of the Institution in which the pupils are being educated:
It is essential to use the English language (bilingualism) and its fundamental cultural components. Likewise it is
necessary to know at least two modern European languages at user level.
Up-to-date information on study techniques which allows the pupil to move onwards and upwards through to the
end of a university degree course, and full and correct information regarding career options, provided in a documented fashion and by means of actual examples.
The correct use of new technologies, particularly in research for the use of appropriate programmes, with progressive learning of how to manage new technology applications for the pupils future life, whatever the level they
are at now.
Knowledge of and love for their native culture, in all of its manifestations.
Make different sports disciplines and a wide range of musical instruments and choral singing available, so that in
both of these fields sport and music pupils can discover their skills.
Foster critical thinking and in-depth analysis on any matter, always with respect as the basis of efficient dialogue.

Science and Letters: - Spanish and w - English

The school motto: Lifelong Love of Learning
The Symbol of Teaching


LifeLong Love of Learning

Final objetive:
the quality of
our school
Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

The quality of our Schools double-curriculum design depends on the resources available for providing quality
teaching whilst bearing in mind the corresponding diversity, and to this end the following are required:
Educational Project tHE EnglIsH CEntrE

1. Appropriate elaboration of the Schools Curricular Project.

2. A support and assistance plan. Likewise, in each teaching unit, challenging question and answer sessions are
3. The Guidance Department takes care of the pupils daily schedules, in particular when they change to Stages
with different characteristics.
4. A wide range of optional subjects have been included in the Sixth forms timetables, which is in line with social
and professional demand.
5. Sufficient information on TTI in careers guidance, to enable students to choose between different options.
6. Particular attention to the final years of each education stage, with analysis carried out as to the level each student has reached and setting out the minimum requirements so that the next stage can be begun without the
existence of gaps.
Schedule this assessment for the last term and plan for special measures.
7. Carrying out special campaigns:
- Primary Education: EFFECTIVE READING (READING SPEED + READING COMPREHENSION). The aim is to achieve an average of one Reading book per course from Primary level 2 to 5, as a future reference tool for our
- Personal Study Plan from Primary level 5 to Sixth form level 2.
- Assessment of basic concepts on finishing Infant Education Stage, and during the first term of EPO level 1.
- Reading/writing test in Primary level 1.
- Annual project, Storyline, in 5 years to 17 years. (Independent writing during the entirety of this educational

Infant Education (2-5 years of age)
Throughout this period the children are cared for in a familial and affectionate way, but always bearing in mind
development of the childs own independence.
Much More Than Education

The classroom for Multiple Activities is arranged into corners, in which the boys and girls have material available
to develop their creativity, habits, knowledge, and all kinds of skills. The slogan is Hands on Hearts, providing
experiences which stimulate our pupils individual development through activities such as the IT workshop, the imagination workshop, music, theatre, and dancing. The objective is integrative education as a solid basis with which
to move on to the Primary stage. The classrooms design seeks to create a playful ambience, full of light and colour,
where the child feels comfortable and which is equipped with the most modern and suitable furniture.
Throughout this stage the girls and boys are taught in English by native and bilingual teachers within a timetable which
is more extensive than that established by official rulings, with the aim of achieving real immersion in the learning of
English. In particular, the study of English phonetics is covered, as this is indispensable right from the start.



Project INGLS
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The children complement their learning, which is quite demanding, with classes of:
* Reading/writing in Spanish: we start our pupils off learning to read and write from an early age in a natural, efficient
and motivating way, and they make progress by acquiring the resources necessary for reading comprehension.
* IT, music, swimming, and movement and motor skills, in classrooms that are also specialised.
In the multi-activity Classroom the children also perform a variety of activities: storytelling; drama; mathematical
aspects through logic games; songs and films. We create situations in which the pupil can interact in English and
be the true protagonist of their own learning.
The dining-room service has a timetable specifically for these children, with its own play area of a type appropriate
for children of their age.
The teachers/tutors make assessments of the pupils by gathering information from other teachers who teach the
group: the Spanish teachers (at 3-4-5 years of age), and teachers for Music, Motor Skills, Drama, IT and Art.
At the beginning of the course, we start off with an initial review of the pupil in which we shall analyse the development
of different abilities. Support measures or curriculum adjustments will subsequently be proposed for cases in which
they are needed. It is purely a FORMATIVE assessment, with no aspects concerning marks or changing class levels.
It is also a regulating, guidance, and self-correction assessment. direct and systematic observation of the child
is the principal technique used in making our assessments. We give an education in values, fostering socialisation
and development, or by encouraging activities that allow our pupils to educate themselves in social values.
Primary Education (6 to 12 years of age)
The Primary Stage comprises three cycles:
- First cycle: pupils from 6 to 8 years old.
- Second cycle: pupils from 8 to 10 years old.
- Third cycle: pupils from 10 to 12 years old.
In these cycles, the aim is to achieve the childrens maximum personal, academic, and humanistic development, as
this is a crucial stage in their education. At the same time, any possible weakness capable of improvement must
be detected.
The overall structuring of all these areas is designed by taking into account the great importance of the pupils
integrative development, and by insisting on participation in interdisciplinary activities that are of great benefit
to the pupils. In all of this there is one priority and objective: for the child to attain sufficient intellectual, physical,
artistic, social, emotional and affective development.
To put this approach into practice, the school has highly-qualified specialists in those subjects which are not
covered by the teachers/tutors.
particularly important
important to
At this stage it is particularly
to continue
continue with
with total
total immersion
schedule isis taken
pupils daily schedule
teachers: Geography,
Art, P.E.,
and Science..
Art, P.E., I.C.T.,
This enables all pupils in Primary levels 2, 4 and 6 to take Cambridge Universitys external examinations, called
Young Learners (Starters, Movers, and Flyers).

Much More Than Education

In addition, at this Primary stage, a progressive initiation into the study of German and French is made, in the 2 nd
and 3rd Cycles.
The school schedule is arranged into modules and includes daily reading time with the pupils teacher/tutor. Once
per week, they use this time to attend an Assembly with schoolmates belonging to the same Cycle.
Pupils with special support needs are attended to individually by the Schools Psycho-pedagogical Guidance


LifeLong Love of Learning

English, Spanish Language and Mathematics all have more weekly classroom hours than the minimum number
required by legislation, and at the same time they are backed by support classes so as to deal with any weaknesses
that may appear as regards these subjects.
In the Diagnostic Tests, necessarily carried out during the previous course, 2009-2010, the pupils of EPO level 4
have achieved excellent results, both individually and as a group. We shall work hard to specifically prepare pupils
for subsequent sittings of these external state exams because of the references that they can give us.

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

Our spacious, bright classrooms are equipped for the use of new technologies, which are nowadays necessary for
teaching at an appropriate level. The degree of use of these technologies, in a large number of subjects, is very
high. The procedures employed require the teaching staff to be well-trained in their use, but the results produced
in teaching/learning are very encouraging. As a complement to this, pupils are allowed a generous timetable for
using the library.
Educational Project tHE EnglIsH CEntrE

Compulsory Secondary Education (E.S.O., 12-16 years of age)

The Secondary stage covers four courses. Unlike Primary Education, where the majority of subjects are taught by
a single teacher/tutor, in Secondary each subject is given by a specialist teacher. At the School, furthermore, some
subjects (IT, Music, Art, and Technology) are taught in specialised classrooms. The pupils, with the help of their
tutors, have to adapt to this system which will help them gain a deeper insight into both the subjects and their own
maturity. We must strive to achieve the highest development possible for each pupil.
Regarding the teaching of foreign languages, the Schools total number of classroom hours has been increased and
methodology for teaching foreign languages has been improved.
As for English, continuing on with the learning process initiated in Infant and Primary Education, and once through
the PET exams, it is here in Secondary that classes must have more focus on grammar. The number of total
classroom hours of subjects in English stays high, with contents from the National Curriculum such as English
Business Studies, English Literature, Design and Technology, P.E., and I.C.T. being incorporated, and at the same
time oral communication skills are further developed to improve fluency.
Furthermore, one of our objectives here is for pupils to pass external exams in English such as Cambridge Universitys
First Certificate or Advanced. Likewise, we aim to boost pupils skills in French, in which they can also take external
exams such as DELF. Every year we have a larger number of pupils taking DELF and our results from these official
external exams are excellent. This next school year we aim to do the same for German.
For the three first courses in Secondary one of our priorities is for pupils to master skills in musical instruments
and so set a suitable basis for the special fourth Secondary grade, which is more theoretic and specific, with
differentiated scientific contents.
In order to attend reliably to each pupils educational needs, a detailed system of support is in place to ensure
individual care and continuous monitoring of the pupils during this difficult stage of adolescence.
Furthermore, classes on study skills are also held during school hours, with the aim of providing practical solutions
for the pupils real needs.
A team of psychologists, pedagogues and support teachers is in place to attend to pupils with special educational
Sixth form (16-18 years of age)

Much More Than Education

The provision of an Educational Project elaborated and decided upon in common by the teaching staff, together with
a pedagogical team comprising professionals with great experience, enables us to provide education for Sixth form
offering full guarantees of success.
Right from its foundation, one of THE ENGLISH CENTREs priorities has been to provide its pupils with the best
preparation possible for going to university. Obviously, having a solid Sixth form syllabus is very important in this aspect.
The School offers Guidance Tests during the 4th grade of Secondary so that pupils can learn about the different
subjects possible in Sixth form grades 1 and 2, with a wide range of optional subjects available. This involves
constant monitoring of the pupil on the part of the Tutors and the Pedagogical Departments. Students are offered
guidance talks on university and visits to regional and national institutions offering a varied range of studies.


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As the task of acquiring knowledge should not be the only purpose of these studies, we have always set other targets
which contribute to forming a pupils personality: helping them to consolidate their maturity so that they become
responsible in their work as students; nurturing pupils artistic and literary sensibility as inspiration for educational
development; developing their skills in oral and written expression; fully preparing them for university life.
For all of these things, we can rely on the professional competence of our teaching staff, together with the support of
good training in new technologies and the dedication of the tutors, and a daily schedule adapted to the year groups
needs. Class groups, in those subjects that require it, are small, which makes work easier and more efficient.
Students constantly receive information on offers from both state and private universities - at talks, conferences,
and visits - so that they and their parents are kept well informed.
We prepared for the new type of Selectividad exam and we noted its challenges, as the present-day Sixth form
course focuses on reaching the certainty that pupils will be successful in whatever career pathways they choose.
For the 2009-2010 school year, we extended the school timetable by adding subjects that complement students
education and respond to their different abilities and interests in future higher studies.


The Schools Curricular Project is based on objectives regarding our pupils and comprises:
-Curricular Projects for Infant Education.
-Curricular Projects for Primary Education.
-Curricular Projects for Secondary Education.
These are the stages that are covered by the Centre. The elaboration of the projects is aimed at improving the
quality of education by means of the following basic strategies:
A) By forming and consolidating teaching teams which eliminate individualised working systems and allow
greater cohesion between all levels and groups.
B) By taking decisions after due consideration and consolidation of the practices.
C) By proposing, designing, and elaborating very realistic programmes.
We approach the Curricular Project as a long-term task, with successive reviews regarding its elaboration and
revision; that is to say, from the proposals in the Basic Curricular Design, and with the fine-tuning and extensions
necessary for the Schools particular characteristics, a number of General Objectives by Stage (interdisciplinary)
and by Subject (which are disciplinary in each stage) will progressively be formulated as theories and proposals.
These will later be checked and consolidated appropriately.
The steps for formulating the Curricular Project are based on:
The Stage Objectives in the first part of the Curricular Project are interdisciplinary.
The Organic Law on Education establishes that schools must lay out criteria that regulate the passing of pupils from
one course to the next, and in accordance with the stage in question. The aim is to overcome the traditional problem
of pupils being forced to do the same course for a second time, which means that they have to re-do everything
that they have already done. Any pupil who has followed the course at a slower pace than his or her classmates, or
has had a poorer attitude to studying, needs appropriate help to reach the basic and essential objectives that have
not been reached.
This can be done in two ways:
1) By simply passing the pupil on to the next course year.
2) By making the pupil repeat the same course.
In both cases, the corresponding Educational Teams, following guidance from the Pedagogical Departments, must
take complementary steps aimed at helping the pupil to achieve the Programmed Objectives.
From data on the pupils performance as regards the corresponding Objectives and from the verdict reached on the
performance, which will be expressed as a grade or mark, it will be proposed that the pupil does, or does not, pass

LifeLong Love of Learning

on to the next course by taking into account a series of criteria.

The Criteria for promotion to the next year group are decided on after careful consideration of all aspects of the
teaching-learning process and the criteria must be taken into account when making these decisions. They regulate
the passing of pupils from one course to the next, and they are linked to the standards of formative and continuous
assessment which always take into account, among other things, the aptitudes of each pupil, with the aim of
providing individualised guidance.

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education

The changes in the Organic Law on Education, made by the Ministerial Order for Infant, Primary, Secondary and
Sixth form, provide guidelines on pupils progress through the different stages. They set conditions on the Criteria for
promotion to the next year group and they must be contained within them. They refer to pupils in all stages. These
guidelines are as follows:
- Infant Education: Overall assessment of the complete set of abilities shown by pupils corresponding to the
General Objectives. These Objectives, adapted to the schools socio-cultural context and the general characteristics of its pupils as a whole, must be the assessments essential benchmark.

Educational Project tHE EnglIsH CEntrE

- Primary Education: Overall assessment in relation to the complete set of abilities shown in the General Objectives of the corresponding Stage and the assessment criteria for each subject. These objectives and criteria,
adapted to the characteristics of the pupils as a whole and to the socio-cultural context of the school, must be
the inspiration behind the assessment.
- Secondary Education: Continuous, integrative assessment, though it will be differentiated according to the different subjects. The integrated nature of Secondary education assessments requires that the general abilities
established for this stage by the different subjects objectives must be taken into account
- Sixth form: Assessment of progress by taking as the primary reference the assessment criteria that are provided for each subject. The level of compliance must be calculated in relation to the General Objectives for
Sixth form.
In particular, we can see that:
a) In Infant Education, the assessment will be adapted to the pupils individual characteristics based on direct
and systematic observation.
b) In Primary Education, the assessment is still done overall, as regards the General Objectives of the Stage,
but adds the Assessment Criteria as a reference tool for the different subjects.
c) The Compulsory Secondary Education (E.S.O.) is not overall assessment but integrative, although it is differentiated according to the different subjects, and, to clarify, this integrative nature requires that the abilities laid down
for this stage must be taken into account, but through each different subject. That is to say that assessment is
no longer made of the overall General Objectives, but rather of the Objectives of each subject, which means these
latter objectives now have particular relevance. This process will be continuous and formative.
d) In Sixth form education, the primary benchmark for assessment is the criteria for each subject established
by the Access to University programme, in its shape and very specific form. It must be adhered to by the teachers, although calculation will have to be made in relation to the Stage Objectives.
To sum up, there is an evolution in the concept of assessment. It starts off as an overall assessment, but later, at
higher levels, takes the different subjects into account. Later still, it becomes an integrative assessment - though
differentiated according to subjects - and it ends in the final stages by referring only to subjects.

Much More Than Education

It can be seen that in all stages there is a common denominator of attending to the general objectives of each stage,
which will enable certain decisions to be made in special cases.
There are legislative rules that have to be borne in mind when deciding whether pupils can pass on to the next cycle
or not.
Of these rules, the following must be emphasised:
- Primary Education: A child can only repeat one course in the entire stage, at the end of each of the cycles.
- Secondary Education: A child can only repeat courses twice. It must be borne in mind that pupils who fail in
only one or two subjects can pass on to the next course.



LifeLong Love of Learning

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tHE EnglIsH

- Sixth form Education: A pupil cannot pass from First Level to Second Level having failed more than two
subjects. (**) Furthermore, the Second Level course must be repeated by any pupil who finishes with three
subjects failed.
The third phase in the process of deciding on and laying down the Schools Curricular Project is formulating the
General Objectives for each subject in the stage, i.e. of a disciplinary nature.
The Schools own Stage Objectives are decided by taking into account the General Objectives which the Basic
Curriculum Decree assigns to each school subject.
(a) Identify points of agreement between the proposed Subject Objectives within the Basic Curricular
Design and the Schools Stage Objectives, formulated in the previous phase.
(b) Identify the aspects of the Schools Stage Objectives which are not contemplated in the Objectives
assigned to the subjects in the Basic Curricular Project.
(c) Reformulate them so as to make possible refinements.
(d) Group together and put into order the Subject Objectives to establish priorities between them in
accordance with the Schools Stage Objectives.
(e) Boost the knowledge of English of all new pupils that join the School.
In annual programmes, work and classroom programmes, we shall attend to the following fundamental aspects:
- Choice of course content.
- Selection of ability levels.
- Formulation of Learning Objectives.
- Criteria for Assessment/Re-assessment.
- Methodology.
- Scheduling.


Regarding Infant, Primary, and Secondary level, it is necessary to mention the specific case of pupils with Special
Educational Needs in relation to promotion to the next year group, because this implies carrying on to the next stage
with the Adapted Curriculum (ACI) as determined previously, and reviewing the degree of significance of the needs
in accordance with the contents of the stage to which the child is passing.
It is advisable to establish some conditions such as, for example, the cycle in which it is best to repeat courses,
depending on whether the priority is for the child to master the elementary skills that appear in the Primary First
Cycle, or to wait for more development of certain skills which will enable the child to adapt better to certain
circumstances. The normal situation is that the skills are acquired in Primary First and Second Cycles. It is also
usual during those Cycles to make the decisions on each cycles basic learning points, which are made out by the
previous organisers and without which it is impossible to move forward in the sequence of contents established for
the school.

Much More Than Education

It is also necessary to determine not only the General Criteria, but also some specific points for those pupils with
Special Educational Needs (SEN) who attend school.
Taking into account these guidelines and the legislation, together with factors such as aptitudes, behaviour,
character, the real possibilities of overcoming the difficulties, the possibility of adaptation to groups of younger
pupils, the positive or negative influence that the child could have on the group, etc., our Schools teachers must
set out criteria which in some way gives guidance and helps in making decisions on those pupils that have failed
to pass the final assessment of each course. This is very important, and would help very much in all aspects. If
it is thought that a pupil, either because of their level of ability or their method of studying, will not be able to
successfully reach the objectives laid down for a stage within the time established by the law, it will have to be
decided which part of the stage it would be best for him or her to repeat. All of this will have to be set out in writing,
with recommendations and criteria which can be either very rigid, in such a way that everything is cut and dried,
or, on the other hand, very flexible, leaving the teaching team with the responsibility of deciding in cases that give
no definitive recommendations.
All of this procedure is defined by the plan set out by the Guidance Department.

LifeLong Love of Learning

| Much| More
Than Education

THE PRIMARY AND GENERAL OBJECTIVE is to be loyal to our motto:

Educational Project tHE EnglIsH CEntrE


To create a School which provides bilingual education, but which also offers:
- A pleasant, positive and personal atmosphere, creating citizens of the world who work for the good of humanity.
- An education that encourages initiative, creativity, and decision-taking.
- A diversified and motivational programme carried out by an efficient and suitable group of teaching staff who
demonstrate their experience and dedication to teaching.
- Preparation for potential access to any university in Spain or the world.
- A teacher/pupil ratio that allows individual attention and favours the development of each pupil.
- Constant dedication to the transmission of positive values, regulated by the rules of coexistence:
Honour, Honesty, Truthfulness, Generosity, Solidarity, justice, Respect,
freedom, Kindness, Consistency, and Equality.
- Special attention from the Infant Stage and the First Cycle of Primary Education to study programmes in Spanish and in English which will allow The English Centres pupils to take up their careers in any international
- Methodology based on direct observation of the pupils, together with their experiences, practice, and work,
enabling them to fully take on board the education provided; at the same time, the pupils previously acquired
knowledge is taken into account.
- Desire to access new technologies, which are not the object of learning, but working tools.
- A place to develop and encourage vocations for music, sport, art, literary composition, etc.
- A place for meeting and exchange with different cultures and people.

Much More Than Education

- An education that fosters a love of Nature, backed by an education that creates behavioural habits that are
respectful of the environment, thus showing support for our Certificate in Environmental Management.
- The finest quality facilities and services.




Proyecto educativo

Proyecto Educativo EL CENTRO INGLS | Much More Than Education


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