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Headteachers Report to Governing Body

March 2016
Key Information
Ages 4 to 11 Number on Roll 228
Total on roll Preschool to Year 6 = 303
Nursery to Year 6 = 260
Reception to Year 6 = 206
Free School Meals 72 (35%)
Pupil Premium 105 (51%)
Attendance 94.4%
Unauthorised attendance 1.1%
Nursery Year 6

Mirpuri Pakistani
Other Pakistani
Any Other Asian Background
Black African
Black Caribbean
Any Other Mixed Background
White and Asian
Any Other Ethnic Group
White British
Traveller of Irish Heritage
Any Other White Background
Gypsy / Roma
Information Not Yet Obtained

No. of Pupils

English as an Addition Language 114 pupils (55%)

(Reception to Year 6)

Exclusions in the Autumn Term

Fixed Period
Lunchtime exclusions

Leadership and Management Centre

Leaders focus on consistently improving outcomes for all pupils, but have held pupils
progress meetings solely for the purpose of ensuring that outcomes for disadvantaged
pupils is improving with sensible use of the Pupil Premium grant and that provision is
appropriate in all classes.
The Governors have recently carried out a questionnaire to ascertain the views of the
The challenge by Governors was incorporated into the Phonic Screening audit by Bradford
where a Governor attended the meeting with the East One Lead Headteacher and East
One School Improvement Partner. The outcome was positive with good teaching and the
phonics leader praised for her knowledge and professionalism. A second Governor
attended the Childrens Centre Annual Conversation with Bradford to participate in the
self-evaluation by the Centre of its core purpose with good outcomes as deemed still to
be a Good Childrens Centre.
The curriculum continues to be broad and balanced with staff and Leadership Team
comprehending the need to constantly consider the whole needs of the child as well as
academic skill learning in the classroom; for example The Noisy Toys and the Loud and
Proud assemblies and workshop this week and the learning to ride a bike in year one.
Pupils spiritual development continues with a Buddhist Faith day with the continuing
support of understanding British Values through the house day session.
Equality of opportunity and diversity of the school population is key to success of a
cohesive school vision.
because I matter now and in the future
We really care and want our children to be successful in all aspects of life, in order to be
confident, independent, collaborative and resilient learners in the ever changing society
of today.
at school, at home and in the community

A Governor and staff attended the Public Forum focussing on Children on the Edge; where
Anne Longfield OBE, Childrens Commissioner, Gani Martins, Interim Assistant Director and
the Deputy Head from Bingley Grammar. As a team we felt we support children and their
families but must keep in mind that everyone works within the remit of the school and
Childrens Centre.

Safeguarding is effective with policy and practice updated as Government changes need

Safeguarding Meetings
Review meeting for FA Keira, Caroline & Saima
Diabetic Nurse care plan for TA Lynn, Sarah B, Fakra & Michaela
Year 6 heights and weights school nurse
Ghazala Sharif to observe year 1 child
Educational Psychologist to meet Keira x2
David to observe Reception child
Keira to meet Jane Leatherdale

LAC review in the lounge Carol

Keira & Sarah to meet school nurse & behaviour support
Nicky Hughes to see year 4 child
PEP meeting in the lounge Carol
Keira & Sara at JACC meeting @ St Lukes Hospital

The yearly safeguarding training sessions will be attended by all staff next week.
Safer Internet Day incorporated two assemblies and an open invitation to parents to
ensure that home devices are safe for children to use.
Professional development continues to support the rigorous and professional development
through staff meetings on a weekly basis.

Staff meetings
Grammar Susan
Classroom environment year 1 6
ICT/IPAD training Nicolas
Bug Club twilight
Maths Scrutiny shared meeting with Holybrook

Staff work effectively to promote the theme for the Lets Celebrate Assembly which
really support our children to be highly effective learners in all life skills

Lets Celebrate Assemblies

Having a strong work ethic motivation
Being well disciplined confidence
Setting myself important tasks independence
Making and following a plan

The East One Partnership is at present inviting speakers re: Multi Academy Trusts which
is interesting to hear the variety of options available to schools.
The school council have carried out their usual health and safety walks with the addition
of a spelling learning walk this half term.
The leadership team meet is a variety of combinations to ensure a cohesive approach
within the ethos of the school.

Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Through a phonic audit by the LA teaching by Year One teachers and teaching assistants
was observed, good questioning with a variety of activities and both thinking time and
pace of learning was a positive outcome
A recent scrutiny of phonics planning across the school showed a consistency of approach
with good activities and strategies to fill gaps
A February half term homework was given with excellent results of participation and
fabulous ideas. The mathematical designed board games had good instructions, pleased
winners and games joyfully played with their friends
Teachers embed timetables into mathematics lessons, across the curriculum and with
parents so that children are very excited to win the new wrist bands when having learnt
age appropriate times tables.

The recent consultation day enabled parents to see childrens books, discuss progress and
health and well-being with teachers and fill in parent voice questionnaires with a governor
to further embed good relationships with the school.
Parents continue to attend the Mosaic course, Family Links and Time for Teens to support
their understanding of the life skills of their children.
Parents have visited early years for an opportunity to speak with key workers and their
child about the childs learning journal.

Talking Families
If you managed a football team what would it be called and who would be your star player?
What is your favourite thing to do with your family?
What do you think the moon is made out of?
What do you think is in space?
What do you think is the best thing about being an adult?

The speech and language therapist (1 day per week) has met with all teachers, teaching
assistants leading on the Well Com and usual groups to further develop language and
communication throughout the school.
The Deputy and Computing Leader have attended the bmoble conference to ensure that
we stay at the forefront of computing in school.
Teachers plan visits and visitors very effectively, making use of practical learning to
impact on gaining knowledge and maths and English skills.

Trips and Visitors

Fire Brigade to visit nursery / reception AM and PM
Nursery & Reception to see Were going on a bear hunt at St Georges hall
Year 4 trip to Industrial Museum Victorian classroom
Year 4 science visit to Media Museum
Class 4 Gudwhara visit
Year 5 to Industrial Museum transport gallery
Year 5 positive lifestyle centre drug awareness
Class 5 St Georges Hall Primary music live
5 Year 6 children to city library to meet author Katy Parker
Mark from the Army to see year 6

Early Years staff, along with the deputy and maths leader, attended a maths twilight with
the consultant Rachel Jacobs looking at using and applying maths skills. Alongside good
teaching ideas the Early Years staff have specifically looked at how number can be
incorporated into all areas of provision.
World Book Day was highly successful with all children designing t-shirts with the front
of the t-shirt having the design of their favourite book on it and the back having the
accompanying blurb or key phrase/words from the text. The staff t-shirts were
particularly stunning and creative.
The new leader of science has attended the science co-ordinators training and has begun
to carry out the leadership role.
Primary music live has been attended by the choir and year 5 where the Bradford Youth
Orchestra played. Fagley children are now keen to learn woodwind and brass instruments
so the acquisition of a 6,000 music grant will support KS2 children learning instruments.
Wednesday assemblies continue to broaden the breadth of knowledge offered to our

Wednesday Assemblies
International Womens Day
Year 2 curriculum assembly

The sports events enhance the sport curriculum with good competitions between the

Sports Events
Year 4 dance, 10 Fagley children and other schools
Bradford East 1 Dance Project 2016 at Hanson
U11 Tag Rugby at Hanson x2
Lets get physical in the Hall (weekly)
Fagley Fitness (local walk)
Year 3 Gymnastics festival
Year 4 Golf Bradford Winter Games
U11 Badminton at Hanson x2w
Cross Country event
Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare

Seven teaching assistants attended a conference Play 4 emotional, social and wellbeing
where they learnt theoretical facts about the brain through to activities to use in the
classroom and for outdoor play.
The Inclusion Manager has worked hard to share our good practice with Holybrook
Primary on two occasions.
The weekly safeguarding theme continues to be shared with children, staff and families.

Weekly Safeguarding Theme

Safety in School
Internet safety
Water safety
Bike safety
Who to speak to if you are worried

Twelve year 6 children and 9 parents are continuing with the Mosaic course which the
parents leave with an accreditation on the tenth week where families attend Leeds
Trinity for the graduation.
Attendance meetings have been held with the inclusion manager and administrator to
ensure that attendance continues to rise.
A visit to the local church to celebrate Easter is at present being prepared by the RE
leader, year 6 children and music leader to further develop the spiritual development of
children enabling them to be thoughtful, caring and active in school and in the wider

Outcomes for Pupils

The Local Authority moderation meeting for Early Years was attended by the
headteacher, deputy, Early Years Leader and reception teacher to meet the moderators
for the school and hear up to date messages from the Local Authority.

An inspection of Phonics from the Authority recognised both good practice and progress
that children are making.
A performance by children who have drumming lessons was held with attainment and
progress prizes awarded to children for maths in each class.
An inspirational and informative presentation by an ex-army parent was delivered to
children in year 6.

Chris Parfitt

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