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hemingway: projects his personality as the central to his works; he is so autobiographical;

he uses the objective technique, the narrator is only an eyewitness, does not present the
inner life, being interested only in what he can see, like a camera.; he wants the reader to
get inside the hero's world of emotions.
Historical and cultural point of view la hemingway :
American Modernism covered a wide variety of topics including race relations, gender roles,
and sexuality. It reached its peak in America in the 1920s up to the 1940s. Celebrated
Modernists include Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest
Hemingway and William Faulkner, and while largely regarded as a romantic poet, Walt
Whitman is sometimes regarded as a pioneer of the modernist era in America. The loss of
self and need for self-definition is a main characteristic of the era. Workers faded into the
background of city life, unnoticed cogs within a machine yearning for self definition.
American modernists echoed the mid-19th-century focus on the attempt to "buid a self" - a
theme well illustrated by the classic modernist work The Great Gatsby. Race relations
between blacks and whites, the gap between what was expected of each of the two and
what the actual facts were, or, better said, prejudice in the society of the time are themes
dealt with in most of the modernist American literature, whether we speak about prose
(Jean Toomer, Zora Neale Hurston, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway), or about drama
(Eugene O'Neill). In other words, such stereotypes as the lack of education, the poor use of
the English language and their portrayal in a dangerous light are not dealt away with, on the
contrary, they are still present during the modernist period, as far as literature is concerned.
Madness and its manifestations in the human being seems to be another favorite theme of
American modernist writers. The modernist period also brought changes to the portrayal of
gender roles and especially to women's role in society. It is an era under the sign of
emancipation and change in society, issues which reflect themselves in the literature of the
period, as well. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, for example, deals with such topics as
gender interaction in a mundane society.
tu tre sa stii contextul, ca e la fel aproape la toate si cateva caracteristici, sau inveti si tu 23 short stories (care inseamna nuvela) si daca iti pik dai exemple de motive si simboluri de

Am o nelamurire si va rog sa ma ajutati ca intotdeauna le incurc: care este diferenta intre cleft si
pseudo-cleft sentences? Forma este foarte asemanatoare...

a single clause can be divided into two separate clauses: John bought an old car last week=
it was John who bought an old car last week, sau it was an old car that john bought, sau it
was last week that john bought an old car....depending on what we want to emphasize
pseudo clef are introduced by an WH- word and it functions(the entire clause) as the subject
of the whole sentence: What John bought was an old car!
acest cleft it este diferit de introductory it!


As industrialization grew, so did alienation. The two greatest novelists of the periodMark
Twain and Henry Jamesresponded differently. Twain looked South and West into the heart
of rural and frontier America for his defining myth; James looked back at Europe in order to
assess the nature of newly cosmopolitan Americans.
Ernest Hemingway said that all of American literature comes from one great book, Twains
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
For Twain and other American writers of the late 19th century, realism was not merely a
literary technique: It was a way of speaking truth and exploding worn-out conventions. Thus
it was profoundly liberating and potentially at odds with society. The most well-known
example is his story of Huck Finn, a poor boy who decides to follow the voice of his
conscience and help a Negro slave escape to freedom, even though Huck thinks this means
that he will be damned to hell for breaking the law.
Twains masterpiece, which appeared in 1884, is set in the Mississippi River village of St.
Petersburg. The son of an alcoholic bum, Huck has just been adopted by a respectable
family when his father, in a drunken stupor, threatens to kill him. Fearing for his life, Huck
escapes, feigning his own death. He is joined in his escape by another outcast, the slave
Jim, whose owner, Miss Watson, is thinking of selling him down the river to the harsher
slavery of the deep South. Huck and Jim float on a raft down the majestic Mississippi, but
are sunk by a steamboat, separated, and later reunited. They go through many comical and
dangerous shore adventures that show the variety, generosity, and sometimes cruel
irrationality of society. In the end, it is discovered that Miss Watson had already freed Jim,
and a respectable family is taking care of the wild boy Huck. But Huck grows impatient with
civilized society and plans to escape to the territoriesIndian lands.
The ending gives the reader another version of the classic American purity myth: the open
road leading to the pristine wilderness, away from the morally corrupting influences of
civilization.(KATHRYN VANSPANCKEREN: U.S. Literature in Brief)

eu am invatat si cateva caracteristici ale realismului:

- describes reality in comprehensive detail
- characters are more important than the events and action
- characters are related to each other, to the nature, to their class or even to their own past
- diction is natural, not poetic
- class is important (usually describes the middle class)
- the events are plausible
si cateva influente: France - Gustave Flaubert, Guy de Mauppassant
Russia - Anton Chekhov
England - George Eliot
United States - William Dean Howells and Mark Twain
Anglo - American - Henry James

The Transcendentalist movement, embodied by essayists Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry
David Thoreau, was a reaction against 18th century Rationalism, and closely linked to the
Romantic movement. It is closely associated with Concord, Massachusetts, a town near
Boston, where Emerson, Thoreau, and a group of other writers lived.

In general, Transcendentalism was a liberal philosophy favoring nature over formal religious
structure, individual insight over dogma, and humane instinct over social convention.
American Transcendental Romantics pushed radical individualism to the extreme. American
writersthen or later often saw themselves as lonely explorers outside societyand
convention. The American herolike Herman Melvilles Captain Ahab, or Mark Twains Huck
Finntypically faced risk, or even certain destruction, in the pursuit of metaphysical selfdiscovery. For the Romantic American writer, nothing was a given. Literary and social
conventions, far from being helpful, were dangerous. There was tremendous pressure to
discover an authentic literary form, content, and voice.
WALT WHITMAN was a part-time carpenter and man of the people, whose brilliant,
innovative work expressed the countrys democratic spirit. Whitman was largely self-taught;
he left school at the age of 11 to go to work, missing the sort of traditional education that
made most American authors respectful imitators of the English. His Leaves of Grass
(1855), which he rewrote and revised throughout his life, contains Song of Myself, the
most stunningly original poem ever written by an American.
EMILY DICKINSON is, in a sense, a link between her era and the literary sensitivities of the
20th century. A radical individualist, she was born and spent her life in Amherst,
Massachusetts, a small village. She never married, and she led an unconventional life that
was outwardly uneventful but was full of inner intensity. She loved nature and found deep
inspiration in the birds, animals, plants, and changing seasons of the New England
countryside. Dickinson spent the latter part of her life as a recluse, due to an extremely
sensitive psyche and possibly to make time for writing.
Dickinsons terse, frequently imagistic style is even more modern and innovative than
Whitmans. She sometimes shows a terrifying existential awareness. Her clean, clear,
chiseled poems, rediscovered in the 1950s, are some of the most fascinating and
challenging in American literature.
la Transcendentalism i-am inclus doar pe Whitman si pe Dickinson

Emma, am observat ca tu vorbesti prea mult despre autori la perioada respectiva....eu am

invatat caracteristicile perioadei, cateva influente si ce s-a mai intamplat atunci dpdv politic.

Transcendentalist writers belived in social reform and peace= perfect Utopia

- simplicity and individuality are two keys of life
- a movement against materialism
- importance of Nature== the reflection of the Devine Soul= the source of truth and
- every individual is capable of discovering this higher truth through INTUITION

un model de text related task (activitate pe baza textului)

L-am gasit si eu pe net. L-a facut cineva care a luat nota mare.
(i) la obiective - ceva de genul sa le dai posibilitatea de a veni in contact cu texte autentice
din lit. engleza

- le oferi posibilitatea de a-si imbunatati receptive and productive skills ( si aici am

enumerat : reading for general understanding , reading for detailed information , writing a
narration in the 1st person)
Estimated time: 20 minutes
(ii) Stages:
a. Pre-reading activities:
- prof le face un scurt sumar al romanului din care provine textul prezinta personajele
principale insistand asupra celor 2 din text: Septimul si Rezia
Ii intreaba daca au mai citit vreun roman despre viata dupa razboi ca in cazul lui Septimus
- elevii asculta si raspund la intrebari.
Rolul profesorului - controlor
b. while reading activities:
- elevii citesc textul(silent reading avand in vedere ca sunt avansati um se specifica in
cerinta, se descurca sa citeasca singuri)
- prof le da un set de intrebari si aici am compus niste intrebari pe baza textului ca sa verific
reading for detaliled information
Ceva de genul - cum a reactionat Septimus?
- a mai incercat Septimus sa se sinucida?
Am scris cam 5 intrebari dar nu le mai tin minte.
- elevii raspund la intrebari
- urmeaza alt set de intrebari.Ceva de genul - cum se simte Rezia?
- are prieteni carora sa le impartaseasca gandurile ei?
-ce ati face in locul ei?
Nu mai stiu sigur ce-am scris...tot vreo 5 intrebari
- elevii raspund la intrebari
Rolul prof : organizator si prompter (ii mai ajuta cu cuvinte si expresii)
c. Post reading activities:
- elevii scriu o pagina din jurnalul Reziei dupa plimbarea din acea zi prin parc (pt a exersa
naratiunea la persoana I)

si banuiesc ca incepem direct cu pre-reading (sau listening), nu mai scriem the description of the
class, recent work, possible problems,type of lesson, lead-in ....tot ce scriem la inceputul unui plan de

Daca ti se cere o activitate care se mai numeste text related task, scriem la inceput toate
alea cu clasa, unit, , fara warm up, lead-in. aici scriem in mare DESCRIPTION OF PREVIOUS
ACTIVITIES ca sa isi poata da seama prof corector despre cum ai proceda la clasa. Apoi
activitatea asta pre/while/post, follow up si dai si homework assignment. Nu cred ca strica
daca sunt acolo. Si daca cere mai multe cerinta, adaugam, gen cum a fost anul trecut, cum
monitorizeaza prof. elevii.
Ioana,cat despre ce ai spus mai sus - nu exista un plan de lectie batut in cuie. Sunt m multe
modele. scanning sau skimming sunt tehnici de lucru pe reading (scanning - scoti additional
information despre ceva si skimming - the main idea of a text)

Diferenta dintre un plan de lectie si text related task e ca planul de lectie are m multe
acitivitati (reading, speaking, writing, in functie de nivelul elevilor si tipul de lectie ca sa iti
permita timpul) iar la text related task NUMAI O ACTIVITATE pe care o imparti in 3 stages pre-writing, while-writing si post-writing (sau alt skill.)

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Activity 1 = Pre-reading
Estimated time: 10 min.
Aims: - to arouse Ss' interest in talking about fairy-tales
- to stimulate the Ss' imagination
Techniques: brainstorming, writing
Interactions: T-Ss, Ss-T
The T. writes on the BB the word 'fairy-tales' and asks the Ss to come to the BB in order to
write any word they know related to the written word (characters, description, names of
places, etc.). The Ss write on the BB the words they know and the T. corrects their
mistakes, if any.

Activity 2 = While-reading
Estimated time: 15 min.
Aims: - to introduce the new vocabulary
- to develop the summarizing skills
Techniques: summarizing, reading, writing
Interactions: T-Ss, Ss-T, group-work
The Ss. are asked to work in groups and write down, in one sentence, the main idea of the
excerpt given by the T. The best variant is written on the BB.
Then, the Ss. take turns and read the text aloud; the new words are discussed and written
Activity 3 = After-reading
Estimated time: 15 min.
Aims: - to assess comprehension questions
- to use Indirect Speech
Techniques: summarizing, role-play
Interactions: T-Ss, Ss-T
The Ss. are asked to tick the correct sentences, according to the information of the text.
Then, the Ss. are asked to role-play a given dialogue and then to change it into Indirect
Activity 4 = Follow-up
Estimated time: 5 min.
Interactions: individual work

Assigning homework: the Ss have to choose a contemporary story (some news, eventually)
and to re-write it in the manner of Lewis Carroll. They may use fantastic characters instead
of reMie mi se pare foarte ok activitatea, poate timingul e cam mare la fiecare stage. Si as
mai adauga feedback daca se cere sau si daca nu se cere, sa fie complet activity-ul al

DATE: 23rd of October 2009.
LEVEL: Super Advanced
COURSE BOOK: Prospects
LESSON: High Drama
TIME: 50

COMPOSITION 30 students aged 17-18

GENERAL DESCRIPTION they do not show an interest concerning literature, but they
may be stimulated if they get in the position of arguing on different subjects.
Sometimes they lack enthusiasm in the beginning so they need to be encouraged
that something interesting is going to happen.

ASSUMPTION They are familiar with discussion upon literature texts but they
discourage themselves if the vocabulary is unknown. They have certain grammar

Reading: for general, specific, detailed information
Writing: argumentative essay using a certain title or quote
Listening: for detailed, general information, for gist
Speaking: about their hobbies and their lives, discussions starting from certain
quotes, (brainstorming)


To introduce a famous piece of literature

To develop the students reading and speaking skills
To get the students express thoughts and exchange personal opinions
To introduce new vocabulary

Students will be able to use new words in sentences of their own
Students will be able to use their knowledge of the English Language to read a
literary text
Students will be able use English in order to express their thoughts and feelings
concerning a certain subject
Students will be able to argue their points of view and support their positions with

SKILLS INVOLVED: reading, listening, speaking, writing

INTERACTION: T-S, S-S, Group Work, Whole class work, Individual work.
MATERIALS, AIDS: course book,.
EVALUATION: continuous through observation and analysis of answers


ACTIVITY 1: warm up
AIM To get Ss attention
PROCEDURE T greets Ss and asks them different questions as How are you? T
checks the attendance , the homework
TECHNIQUE discussion
TEACHER ROLE controller

ACTIVITY 2: pre- reading

To activate the Ss personal experiences
To involve them and motivate them to participate in the activity
To personalize the topic and make it plausible
To activate Ss knowledge of the language
To raise expectations
To create emotional involvement
To prepare reading

T asks the Ss to comment upon the first quotation of the lesson. They are
encouraged to express their opinion
TECHNIQUE discussion .
CLASS MANAGEMENT whole class activity.
TEACHER ROLE controller, organizer, participant
SKILLS listening, speaking,
MATERIAL course book

ACTIVITY 3: reading

To develop loud reading
To promote global reading for understanding
To introduce new vocabulary in the context
To encourage the Ss to infer the meaning of unknown items in the context

To develop summarizing skills

To verify expectations
To keep the Ss interested in the subject

T asks the Ss to read the text. Ss find out the meaning of unknown words. They also
have to solve certain vocabulary exercises.
TECHNIQUE reading aloud, comprehension questions, writing
CLASS MANAGEMENT whole class activity,
TEACHER ROLE controller,
SKILLS listening, reading speaking,
MATERIAL course book

ACTIVITY 4: post- reading listening

To develop listening skills on the topic
T asks the Ss to listen the message on the tape
They are asked certain questions about the listened fragment
TECHNIQUE comprehension questions, speaking
CLASS MANAGEMENT whole class activity,
TEACHER ROLE controller, organizer
SKILLS listening, speaking, writing
MATERIAL course book

ACTIVITY5: writing
To practice writing skills
T asks the Ss to solve ex. 5 page 17 . they write the sentences on their
notebooks. .Teacher may need to explain some aspects of this task.
TECHNIQUE, writing
CLASS MANAGEMENT whole class activity
TEACHER ROLE controller,
SKILLS reading , writing
MATERIAL course book

Follow up activity- write an opinion essay: The essence of drama is conflict

Teacher explains clearly what the Ss must do.
Time: 2
dar ati vazut ca in Harmer, la teaching receptive skills sunt niste pasi:
1. lead-in
2. T. directs comprehension task
3. Ss. listen / read for the task
4. T. directs feedback
5. T. directs text-related task
poate ar trebui sa tinem cont si de acesti pasi....

Ca sa fie activititate trebuie sa fie de max 20 de min.

Alt model de text related task. Eu asa as face:
Description of previous activities: The T and the Ss. have discussed about the features of
the Renaissance literature. T. presented some biographical items about Shakespeare

Activity: Reading for specific meaning

Objective: to practice scanning technique
- to identify other characteristics of Renaissance literature
Procedure: T. offers Ss handouts. Ss have to scan the given text (a text taken from Fields of
Vision - Longman Publishing House about Reanissance literature) in order to identify the
characteristics of Renaissance literature. The Ss read silently using scanning technique and
perform the given task. Then the T listents to their answers and asks the following questions
in orde to do feed-back:
1. What other characteristics have you found?
2. Which of them do you think are the most important to remember?
Technique: discussion, scanning
Interaction: T-S, S-T, S-S
Class management: pair work
Teacher's role: organiser, assesor
Time: 15minutes
Skills: reading, speaking (complementary skill)

eu nu va inteleg . S-a tot discutat de acest task related text. Din punctul meu de vedere,
este foarte simplu . Acest task ( in relatie cu textul studiat ) se comporta ca orice activitate,
dupa modelul lui Harmer : Engage,instruct, Initiate, feedback. Text related task is a follow
up activity , a role play or a debate or the sutuding of a grammatical issue.
Cel putin eu asa am facut si am luat punctaj maxim la metodica ( cel putin dupa calculul
meu ).

eu asa am inteles un task related text. Deoarece acesta apare la finalul unei activitati, dupa
ce s-a prezentat un text din Huck, de exemplu si s-a inteles mesajul, se poate merge mai
departe cu urmatoarea activitate :
Previous activity : the reading of a text from Huck
Activity : to speak about the value of friendship
Aim : to use the new vocabulary;
Time : 10-15 min;
Interaction : T-Ss; Ss-Ss
Procedure :
-T ask sts to think about their best friend and to choose 5 of the main qualities a friend
should have
-SS work in pairs and choose at least 5 of the words;they present their choice to the class
-T write on the BB 5 of the most discussed words and provide synonyms
-T explaind the words in sentences
Follow-up activity : homework assignment : to make a short composition about not to judge
a book by its cover...

pai si unde e engage, instruct, initiate , feedback?

Dupa modelul tau as face astfel si cred ca suna bine. Voi ce ziceti?

Previous Activity: The T presented some characteristics of Renaissance literature, The Ss

practiced scanning and skimming on a given text, Ss identified other features. Ss studied
Romeo and Juliet and T presented the features of drama.
Text related task: An interview to Shakespeare
engage: T. asks Ss if they have ever taken an interview to anyone and what was the topic
about? Ss answer.
Instruct: T. explains the Ss the text related task. The Ss have to devise in groups of 5 an
interview taken to Shakespeare. Each group has a theme and needs to formulate only 3
questions.(the themes are- about family, about career, about drama, about theatre and
about the future of his plays)
Initiate: the Ss write their interview. The Ss read their interview
Feedback: The T. corrects the mistakes orally and gives remarks on their work.
Homework assignment: Ss have to write an essay with the title "Unbelievable. I met
Shakespeare in my dream...."
Time: 15 min
Class management: pairwork
Interaction: S-T, T-S, S-S
skills: speaking, writing
Technique: discussion
Teacher's role: organiser, assesor, resource

Dragilor, la subiectul 2. Teorii ale nvrii aplicarea lor la nvarea unei limbi strine eu
am doar informatia de mai jos.
Types of Learning Associated with the CLT Approach: Interactive Learning: Learner-centered
Learning: Cooperative Learning: Content-based Learning: Task-based Learning.
Facem referire si la
* Behaviorism
* Cognitivism
* Constructivism
* Design-Based
* Humanism?

Tipuri de activitati la ce se refera totusi? E o formulare atat de vaga.

Incerc eu...la tipuri de activitati......ceva schematic...

- individual activities
- groupwork / pairwork activities

- connected to productive skills (writing and speaking)

- connected to receptive skills (listening and reading)
- communicative activities (information gap, problem solving, role ply, discussion, debate)
- non-communicative activities (mechanical drills, meaningful drills si guided dialogues)

Tipuri de activitati
Types of Learning Associated with the CLT Approach

Interactive Learning:
This concept goes right to the heart of communication itself, stressing the dual roles
of "receiver" and "sender" in any communicative situation. Interaction creates the
"negotiation between interlocutors" which in turn produces meaning (semantics).
The concept of interactive learning necessarily entails that there will be a lot of pair
and group work in the classroom, as well as genuine language input from the "real
world" for meaningful communication.

Learner-centered Learning:
This kind of instruction involves the giving over of some "power" in the language
learning process to the learners themselves. It also strives to allow for personal
creativity and input from the students, as well as taking into account their learning
needs and objectives.

Cooperative Learning:
This concept stresses the "team" like nature of the classroom and emphasizes
cooperation as opposed to competition. Students share information and help, and
achieve their learning goals as a group.

Content-based Learning:
This kind of learning joins language learning to content/subject matter and engages
them both concurrently. Language is seen as a tool or medium for aquiring
knowledge about other things, instantly proving its usefulness. An important factor
in this kind of learning is that the content itself determines what language items
need to be mastered, not the other way around. When students study math or

science using English as the medium, they are more intrinsically motivated to learn
more of the language.

Task-based Learning:
This concept equates the idea of a "learning task" to a language learning technique
in itself. This could be a problem solving activity or a project, but the task has a
clear objective, appropriate content, a working/application procedure, and a set
range of outcomes.

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