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Spring 2010

Dwayne Haus, N.D.

Spring Newsletter.
Volume 4,Issue 1

Is Cheap Food Really Cheap?

The idea of getting something for free or at a reduced
price usually excites people,
the problem is when it comes
to food, the adage: there is
no such thing as a free
lunch, usually applies.
Cheap mass produced food
really isn't worth much when
you consider the health con-

The Farmers Market. A

place that you usually find
locally grown foods.

sequences, the actual taste

and the satisfaction that the
body receives. We will not
even discuss the fact that
most of the cheap foods are
nutrient deficient. If you consider what the actual cost of
producing a product on the
traditional farm versus the
factory farm, it is not a
level comparison. When we
consider 90+% of the socalled food available at the
grocery store is from mass
production facilities, and
most people do not visit the
local farm to obtain their
food, raise their own produce
or livestock, or belong to the
local CSA or visit the local
farmers market, we really
must break down the differ-

ences in the way things are

produced. When we look at
cheap foods, it usually
means you are getting low
quality, mass produced industrial processed something. Last time I looked, a
chicken nugget was actually
a piece of chicken, not an
extruded animal shaped
item as some of the so called
things are labeled for human
consumption. Cheap foods
are usually flavorless. A
good example is try a high
brix carrot and notice how
sweet it is then take a bit out
of a conventionally raised
carrot and notice that there
is no flavor. What most of
the cheap foods have in common is (Continued Page #3.)

Inside this issue:

A Little Bit.

Dietary no-nos.


Cheap food continued

Bisphenol A update

Special points of interest:

This information has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These products are not
intended to diagnose, treat, prevent

State College Office Relocating.

The State College Office will
be moving to a new location
as of 1 May 2010. The
Mount Nittany Institute of
Natural Health and Massage
School, will be closing its
doors this summer and we
have been forced to find another location to see our cli-

ents in Central Pennsylvania. With the objective of

finding a location that is accessible for everyone, The DStress Station at 111 Boal
Avenue, Boalsburg, PA.
16827 has graciously invited
us to use space in their facility. This location is on Busi-

ness Route 322/Route 45 at

the intersection of North
Church Street and Boal Avenue, one block from the 28th
Division Memorial Shrine at
The Pennsylvania Military
Museum. I look forward to
seeing you at this new location.

or cure disease. Check with your

health care professional before taking
any supplements.
Most of the supplements discussed in
this newsletter are either in stock in
the office or are available through
special order.
Office hours are by appointment only.
In home appointments are available
for some of our Pennsylvania clients.
Please call for details.

But a little bit wont hurt me, right?????????

Ask the members of the Manhattan
Project what a little bit was? 600 milligrams of mass was all that was needed
to wipe out ~140,000 people. Thats
correct 0.02 of an ounce of material. Is
that a little bit? 2/100th of an ounce of
Uranium 235 was all that was needed
to wipe Hiroshima off the map. So, how
much is a little bit? And if we look at
the device that was used on Nagasaki,
the actual amount of mass was less
than 1 gram of Plutonium 239. Again,
how much is a little bit?
Any idiot who thinks that a little bit of

this or a little bit of that

chart. Strychnine is considered to have
will not create health
an LD-50 of 16 mg/kg. Arsenic is 13.5
issue is only fooling
mg/kg. Mercury is 1 mg/kg. Dioxin is
themselves. So, you
0.020 mg/kg. Polonium-210 is 0.00001
say that you are not exmg/kg and Botulism is 0.000001 mg/kg.
posed to uranium or
So, how much really is a little bit. If
plutonium, well what
any one has seen the movie Super Size
about other substances
Me they know what eating at McDeath
such as Mercury, Lead,
for 30 days did to the
Aluminum, Arsenic,
health of the individual.
Sheep and Goat milk is an easCadmium, Fructose,
Yes, some of this is an
ily digestible form of a milk
Gluten, etc. To give an
extreme example, but
example of just how
the next time you think
much damage some
a little bit will not hurt
substances can create in the body, we
you, think about what damage a little
need to look at the LD-50 (Lethal Dose)
bit really causes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dietary no-nos.

Dont eat commercially processed


Avoid all refined sweeteners.

Avoid factory farmed eggs.

Avoid factory farmed meats.

Avoid canned, sprayed, waxed, bioengineered or irradiated fruits,

vegetables and meats.

Avoid artificial additives.

Eat whole and natural foods.

Eat fresh fruit and vegetables.

There are a multitude of choices available for the consumer when it comes to
foods. If you live in a rural area, most
family farms will be pleased to have
you as a consumer of their labor of love.
If you live in an area where a CSA
(Consumer Supported Agriculture) coop is available, the subscription
charged will provide you with a large
amount of locally grown food. If you are
having problems locating local foods,
give us a call for assistance.

What value do you put on your health?

Can you place an actual monetary figure
on your health? Have you ever ask a sick
person what they would give to be healthy
again? Therefore, what is your health
worth to you, and what are you doing to
stay healthy?
Using RBTI we can provide suggestions to
help you stay healthy.

Bacteria/Pathogens and Factory Farming

Having been raised on a family garden,
it is hard for me to imagine that +/-99%
of the meat, dairy, eggs and produce
today is factory farm produced. What is
the problem with factory farming, well,
if the lead article is not enough to convince you of an issue, how about E. coli.
With the overgrowth of factory farms,
the issues of manure disposal has become an issue. E. coli is transmitted

Page 2

by mammals, not botanicals, therefore,

all of the contamination comes from
some place the most obvious is from
the multitude of bacteria that thrives in
factory farm conditions. The manure
from these facilities are placed on factory farm fields, and the next thing we
have a vegetable recall. E.coli O157:H7
is not the only issue, how about a side
of Campylobacter or Salmonella? The

worst offenders of these pathogens is

poultry. The bacteria have been
found thriving in
kitchens and
slaughter houses
even with all of
the antibiotic use
A good source of
and disinfectants.
Hungry yet?

Dwayne Haus, N.D.

Spring Newsletter.

Cheap Food Continued from Page #1.

some form of adulterant. If the cheap
food has the correct combination of sugars, fats and salts it can fool the brain
as these items will fool the neural
pathways, but the metabolic pathways
are still missing the material they need
for proper cellular activity.
Lets take a look at the fact that the
processed foods really do not satisfy the
hunger craving. In most cases, they
actually stimulate the body by increasing insulin release to create more cravings. By increasing the insulin release
in the body, you are also increasing additional issues and setting your self up
for health care costs in the future.
How many times have you felt worse
from eating junk food, how many times
have you felt like you needed to sleep
after having a lunch consisting of
highly processed, highly refined socalled food? What cost is that on your
Cheap food or junk food may contain
excitotoxins that cause endocrine disruption, create migraine headaches,
increase diabetes, feed cancer cells, etc.
If you end up eating something that
increases your insulin levels, the next
meal you eat increases the possibility
that it will be more fattening than you
anticipated. Consider the amount of
obesity today. Consider the amount of
Type 2 Diabetes. Consider the amount
of nutrient deficient, cheap, factoryfarmed so-called foods?
Speaking of obesity, if we consider that
fructose was a relatively unknown food
additive prior to the 1970s, and if we
consider the amount of obesity increase,
the increase of the use of fructose in
processed foods, and the actual cost of
the food, is their a correlation? I think
so. I also think that there is a correlation between the amount of dis-ease
today and the decrease of mineral contents of the foods. This is observed
when we look at the mineral content of
foods on the farm in the 1950s as compared to today as well as the statistics
of dis-ease in the 1950s as compared to
today. Coincidence?
If we analyze the actual nutrients of the
Volume 4,Issue 1

cheap factory processed

foods, we will notice
that their really are
empty calories and not
a product that contains
high mineral content,
high amounts of natural occurring substances and high
amounts of flavor.

stopped importing
chickens from the
United States because
they are treated with
chlorine. Mass produced chickens are routinely abused and
treated with or fed hazardous chemicals. Arsenic is put in commerThe local harvest.
cial chicken feed to proNow lets take a look at
mote growth and add a
some of the weird
desirable color to the
cheap food products.
birds muscles. As most
Lets start with the product that is usuof you know, arsenic is a toxic heavy
ally referred to as cheese in a can. Have
metal and can cause bladder, lung,
you ever wondered how the consistency
skin, kidney and colon cancer in huand texture was obtained? Read the
mans. To help combat the illness crelabel, how about trisodium phosphate
ated by chickens from factory farms in
the stain removal chemical, or how
the slaughter house, chlorine is commuch of the canola oil would you like,
monly used on these birds to kill the
and twice as much salt as is normally
bacteria overgrowth.
in a cheese. Or how about Oreo Cookies. The filling is nothing more than
sugar infused Crisco, yum-yum. Think
about canned condensed soup, if you
read the label it states a serving is 1/2
"Learn all you can from everyone
of a cup, yet the container contains 1.5
you can, and then use common
cups. The sodium content per serving
sense!"--Dr. James Daily, Sr.
is 890 milligrams per serving. So, eat
the whole contents and receive 90% of
the suggested sodium daily intake?
One of my favorites is the product that
Kraft introduced a while back; Avocado
The problem is chlorine is the form of
Free Guacamole. First, to make Guacasodium hypochlorite is a known carcinomole at home is fairly easy, but, if you
gen. Once again, cheap food is not as
must buy it, purchasing something that
cheap as you think it is when you look
is labeled to be non existent as the item
at the fact you are not receiving real
is just weird. So, what was in Avocado
food, the cheap food is mostly a combifree Guacamole? How about modified
nation of oils, fillers and toxins. And if
food starch, coconut and soybean oil,
we address the fact that in a lot of cases
corn syrup and food coloring. Funny, I
the chemicals that the cheap food is
thought it was made with Avocados,
treated with or processed with or even
Sour Cream, and maybe some spices?
the animals are
So, how cheap is it to purchase these
fed or the crops
type of products? Are you really paying
are sprayed confor what you think you are paying for?
tains heavy metals, excitotoxins,
Still need more convincing that real
food is not cheap and what most people
and other toxins,
call food is not food? How about this.
the real question
Is this how your
When it comes to factory farming, the
health plan is
becomes how
production of chicken has to be one of
cheap is the cheap
the best examples of insanity. To drive
this point home, Russia recently
Page 3

P.O. Box 491,
State College, PA. 16804-0491.
301 Shiloh Road,
State College, PA. 16801
8362 Six Forks Road, Suite 204,
Raleigh, NC. 27615
62 West State Street, Suite 3
Doylestown, PA. 18901

814-933-8399, 267-935-9455 and
Email: haus@pa.net
Web Site:

Bisphenol A update.
In a previous issue, I discussed the issues and problems with Bisphenol A.
Since that newsletter, more research
has been published on the harm and
effects from this chemical. The most
recent study Dose Response of Maternal Exposure to Bisphenol A on the Development of Experimental Asthma in
Mouse Pups found that exposure to this
chemical increased the susceptibility of
their offspring to asthma. In the paper
presented at the annual meeting of the
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma
and Immunology the end of February, it
stated exposure to 10 micro g/ml of BPA
enhanced the allergic sensitizations and
bronchial inflammation and responsiveness in their pups. The reasoning for
this concern is that the amount the
mice were exposed to is the same dose
mimics the burden of chronic exposure

of humans including that of pregnant

women. Bisphenol A is extremely
prevalent in pre-packaged food containers and products as well as manufactured foods. This chemical is a known
endocrine disruptor, excitotoxins as
well. The biggest issue is that it has
been know, documented and studied as
a harmful substance to humans since
the 1930s. This substance has been
linked to issues such as cancers including breast/prostate/, obesity, thyroid
problems, neurological issues, neuroblastoma cell growth, sexual organ deformation, colon issues, behavioral issues in children, etc.
By using specific analysis's we can determine if you have been exposed to
this as well as other chemicals and suggest ways to decrease or eliminate the
problems they may be creating for you.

4, 4-dihydroxy-2,2-diphenylpropane
or more commonly referred to as
Bisphenol A.

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