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Clinical and cellular effects of hypothermia, acidosis

and coagulopathy in major injury
K. Thorsen1 , K. G. Ringdal3,4 , K. Strand2 , E. Sreide2,5 , J. Hagemo3 and K. Sreide1,5
Departments of 1 Surgery and 2 Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Stavanger University Hospital, Stavanger, 3 Department of Research, Norwegian Air
Ambulance Foundation, Drbak, 4 Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, and 5 Department of Surgical Sciences,
University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Correspondence to: Associate Professor K. Sreide, Department of Surgery, Stavanger University Hospital, PO Box 8100, N-4068 Stavanger, Norway
(e-mail: ksoreide@mac.com)

Background: Hypothermia, acidosis and coagulopathy have long been considered critical combinations

after severe injury. The aim of this review was to give a clinical update on this triad in severely injured
Methods: A non-systematic literature search on hypothermia, acidosis and coagulopathy after major
injury was undertaken, with a focus on clinical data from the past 5 years.
Results: Hypothermia (less than 35 C) is reported in 16133 per cent of injured patients. The
occurrence of acidosis is difficult to estimate, but usually follows other physiological disturbances.
Trauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC) has both endogenous and exogenous components. Endogenous
acute traumatic coagulopathy is associated with shock and hypoperfusion. Exogenous effects of dilution
from fluid resuscitation and consumption through bleeding and loss of coagulation factors further
add to TIC. TIC is present in 1034 per cent of injured patients, depending on injury severity,
acidosis, hypothermia and hypoperfusion. More expedient detection of coagulopathy is needed.
Thromboelastography may be a useful point-of-care measurement. Management of TIC is controversial,
with conflicting reports on blood component therapy in terms of both outcome and ratios of blood
products to other fluids, particularly in the context of civilian trauma.
Conclusion: The triad of hypothermia, acidosis and coagulopathy after severe trauma appears to be
fairly rare but does carry a poor prognosis. Future research should define modes of early detection and
targeted therapy.
Paper accepted 10 February 2011
Published online 20 April 2011 in Wiley Online Library (www.bjs.co.uk). DOI: 10.1002/bjs.7497


Injury is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide, particularly in young people1 . A main cause of
death in the rst hours after trauma is bleeding. Up
to 25 per cent of all fatalities of trauma are caused by
uncontrolled haemorrhage2 6 . Unrecognized hypoperfusion from bleeding injuries has consequences for the subsequent development of respiratory and multiorgan failure.
The objective assessment of pending or established
hypovolaemic shock is difcult. Hypotension does not
always mean hypovolaemia and hypoperfusion of tissues.
For example, hypotension as a consequence of general
anaesthesia or spinal cord injury is not associated with
hypoperfusion. Hypotension as a predictor of hypo 2011 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd
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perfusion is believed to start at a higher systolic blood

pressure (SBP) of 110 mmHg7 than the limit of less
than 90 mmHg often used to dene shock8 . Less than
half of all shocked patients are identied using SBP as
the sole determinant of hypoperfusion, and associated
traumatic brain injury further hampers the use of SBP as
a determinant of major haemorrhage or hypoperfusion9 .
Changes in vital signs with volume loss used by the
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS ), such as
stages I to IV for shock, have been challenged for their
clinical relevance8 . SBP, pulse and respiratory rate have
been investigated in large cohorts of patients10 , with
ndings indicating that real life does not mirror textbook descriptions of shock. SBP is notoriously difcult
British Journal of Surgery 2011; 98: 894907

Hypothermia, acidosis and coagulopathy in major injury

to monitor and reproduce by non-invasive standards.

Automated measurements often overestimate the actual
blood pressure for those with true hypotension (as
assessed by manual measurements)11 . Recognizing the
dynamic situation of trauma resuscitation, even a single
drop in SBP is found to be detrimental in otherwise
stable patients, with associated increases in morbidity
and mortality12 .
Uncontrolled bleeding injuries are thought to induce
a lethal triad of trauma. This triad, consisting of
hypothermia, acidosis and coagulopathy, is a detrimental
prognostic factor for the traumatized patient. The
implementation of damage control principles, during
resuscitation and surgery, has enabled better control
of these effects of trauma previously associated with
high mortality rates13 16 . A newer and more complex
understanding of the mechanisms of hypothermia, acidosis
and coagulopathy, however, has evolved in recent years
(Fig. 1). This review provides an update of the current
clinical understanding of hypothermia, acidosis and
coagulopathy related to major trauma.

A PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science and Embase

search was made using the search words hypothermia,



acidosis, coagulopathy, exsanguination, bleeding and

lethal triad combined with trauma and injury. The
study was planned by the rst and last authors, who
performed the initial literature search and manuscript
draft. Further search, content revision and discussion until
agreement were performed by all authors. All authors
searched both electronically and in bibliographies of
retrieved articles to identify further studies of interest.
Articles or studies published over the past 5 years (January
2005 and December 2010 inclusive) with a clinical focus
relating to civilian trauma were given priority for inclusion.
Data from military experience or experimental studies
were included where data from civilian trauma were

Post-traumatic hypothermia is either spontaneous when

caused by the accident or insult per se (such as exposure or
bleeding), or therapeutic. Distinguishing between the two
types of hypothermia is important because of the different
mechanisms and effects involved. Clinical experience
from cardiac arrest survivors has revealed substantially
better outcomes in patients with therapeutically induced
hypothermia compared with those who have spontaneous
(accidental) hypothermia after resuscitation17 .

Tissue injury


Loss of





Acute traumatic

Cellular responses
Molecular pathways



Consumption of
clot factors


Pre-existing disease
Drugs and medications

Fig. 1


Complex effects leading to trauma-induced coagulopathy

2011 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd

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British Journal of Surgery 2011; 98: 894907


K. Thorsen, K. G. Ringdal, K. Strand, E. Sreide, J. Hagemo and K. Sreide

Potential benets from hypothermia in patients with

major trauma have been claimed using arguments drawn
from elective surgery18 , cellular effects in experimental
studies19 , or extrapolation of the positive neurological
effects of clinically induced hypothermia used in cardiac
arrest19 23 . Recent ndings in traumatic brain injury
indicate that hypothermia may have protective effects in
some patients24 . In contrast to the effects and expanding
role seen in cardiac arrest survivors20,21,25 , the induction
of therapeutic hypothermia after major injury remains
experimental19,22 . The following sections will therefore
deal with spontaneous hypothermia.

Definition and classification

Post-traumatic hypothermia is generally considered to
be present in patients with a body core temperature
below 35 C26 28 . No uniform denition or classication
of hypothermia exists. Various cut-off values have
been proposed19,22,28 31 , although most studies refer to
hypothermia as less than 35 or 36 C26,32 . According
to the ATLS
denition, hypothermia is dened as
a core body temperature below 35 C (95 F). In the
absence of concomitant traumatic injury (also called
accidental hypothermia), hypothermia is classied as
mild (3532 C or 95896 F), moderate (3230 C or
89686 F) or severe (below 30 C or 86 F). In injured
patients hypothermia should be considered to be any core
temperature below 36 C (968 F), and severe hypothermia
is any temperature below 32 C (896 F).
Hypothermia after injury is induced by either environmental exposure31 , the infusion of cold uids, or as a sideeffect of anaesthetic drugs affecting thermoregulation28,29 .
In civilian trauma, the effects of body/cavity exposure33 ,
development of hypovolaemia and the infusion of cold
uids are the most important factors contributing to temperature loss.

Accurately estimating the true occurrence of hypothermia
in trauma patients is difcult because of inconsistent
documentation of core body temperature34 37 , variable
accuracy in measurements and inconsistent use of cut-off
levels for dening hypothermia.
Large retrospective studies indicate hypothermia on
admission in 16133 per cent of patients35,36,38 40 . A
large study from Pennsylvania identied 5 per cent of
38 520 trauma patients with hypothermia (dened as below
35 C)36 . A study of over 700 000 trauma patients in the
National Trauma Databank in the USA found hypothermia
2011 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd
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of less than 35 C in 16 per cent and temperatures

below 32 C in only 802 patients (01 per cent)35 . Another
study from the same databank of 38 550 patients aged
1855 years found 85 per cent to have hypothermia on
admission39 . These data underscore that hypothermia is
not common in trauma patients overall.

Pathophysiological effects
Mild heat loss is usually well tolerated, with compensatory
pathophysiological changes to maintain temperature
homeostasis29 . Responses to mild hypothermia include
increased muscle tone and shivering, as well as metabolic
increases from the release of catecholamines and thyroxine.
Below 32 C, cardiac conduction disturbances become
apparent; atrial brillation is seen in about half of all
patients with a core temperature below 30 C. Serious
abnormal cardiac rhythms start to occur below about
28 C28,29 . At core temperatures lower than 28 C, the
respiratory rate dramatically decreases and myocardial
contractility is depressed. Slowing of the heart and
supraventricular arrhythmias may give way to ventricular
brillation and asystole18,30,41,42 . Hypothermia decreases
the enzymatic activity of clotting factors and impairs
platelet function. In addition, hypothermia inhibits
brinogen synthesis19,43 . Anaerobic metabolism results
in reduced adenosine 5 -triphosphate (ATP) synthesis,
leading to decreased hydrolysis of ATP to adenosine 5 diphosphate and decreased heat production19 .
Experimental studies have shown that thermoregulation
after injury is impaired as a result of a lowered hypothalamic
temperature threshold for the onset of shivering, which
results in no shivering, or only slight shivering, at about
31 C. Similarly, an impairment in the threshold for
vasoconstriction may also occur after trauma. In addition to
the effects of environmental exposure with increased heat
loss because of radiation, conduction and evaporation from
exposed body cavities, reduced muscle perfusion lowers
heat production28,44 . Some authors argue that, within the
most common temperature range of hypothermia seen in
trauma patients (3336 C), isolated hypothermia probably
has only a minimal clinical impact on haemostasis44 .

Effects on outcome
Several studies have shown an independent relationship
between death and hypothermia after trauma33,35,36,38,39,
45 47 . Non-survivors have a lower average body temperature, higher Injury Severity Score (ISS), and an increased
blood transfusion requirement35 . The core temperature
that has a clinical impact on trauma patients has not been

British Journal of Surgery 2011; 98: 894907

Hypothermia, acidosis and coagulopathy in major injury

identied, but some retrospective studies have shown an

independent association with mortality in trauma patients
with an admission temperature below 35 C35,36,38 . However, these reports have not been consistent over time, as
others have not conrmed the association with death48,49 .
Despite the association between hypothermia, shock and
injury severity, some have argued that hypothermia itself is
only a weak independent predictor of mortality50 and that
hypothermia does not contribute to the incidence or degree
of post-traumatic coagulopathy51 . Others have argued that,
despite a lack of exact knowledge about the pathogenesis of
post-traumatic coagulopathy, signicant factors contributing to its development include tissue injury, hypoperfusion, clotting factor dilution, hypocalcaemia, hypothermia,
acidosis, inammation and brinolysis27,52 . Typical experimental effects of hypothermia alone, or in combination
with other factors of the lethal triad, on the ability to form
clots are shown in Fig. 2.

Hypothermia + acidosis


Ability to coagulate


Metabolic acidosis in trauma is believed to be secondary

to tissue hypoxia in states of hypovolaemia and subsequent
inadequate tissue perfusion. In practice, the most obvious
indicator of metabolic acidosis in trauma is increased serum
concentration of lactate, which is produced in excessive
amounts as a result of increased anaerobic metabolism.
A number of problems may induce acidosis, notably
drug abuse (methanol, ethanol, cocaine), medications
(salicylates, penicillins), and medical conditions such
as hyperchloraemia, renal failure and ketoacidosis53 55 .
These factors need to be kept in mind in injured patients
with acidosis and no other obvious signs of a bleeding injury

Time to haemostasis

Modelling has demonstrated an additive negative effect of

factors contributing to coagulopathy

Fig. 2

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or tissue hypoperfusion. The role of metabolic acidosis in

the lethal triad is complex. It is recognized as a marker
of inadequate resuscitation and impending organ failure,
but its direct relation to hypothermia and coagulopathy
is not entirely clear, except that all three are believed
mutually to perpetuate the state of shock preceding death
in exsanguinating trauma (Figs 1 and 2).

Acidaemia is usually considered as an arterial pH below
736. Acidosis refers to the pathological condition that
results in acidaemia if there is no secondary compensatory
response to the primary disease process. The acidbase
balance in the blood is measured in an arterial blood sample,
usually taken shortly after admission in a trauma setting.
Hypoperfusion is the main contributor to acidosis with
increased lactate or a base decit (referred to as base excess
of less than 0). Although many factors may account for
increased values of both lactate and base excess, ongoing
bleeding should be suspected until proven otherwise in
patients presenting with deranged values after trauma (such
as a base decit of 5 or more).
The use of lactate and base decit as markers of
hypoperfusion has several limitations. Neither the cause
of the metabolic acidosis nor the type of disturbance
is uniquely identied. A more specic marker would be
better, but none is available. Tissue haemoglobin oxygen
saturation is currently being explored as a non-invasive
monitor of perfusion in the trauma setting and may provide
additional data on the cause of acidosis in trauma patients56 .
Bicarbonate and base decit levels also assume no
pre-existing disturbance in the non-bicarbonate buffers
(haemoglobin, magnesium). In a bleeding trauma patient,
these buffers are likely to be compromised, and up to
50 per cent of the acid load may be caused by acids other
than lactate57 .
Albumin can inuence the acidbase state, and a
decrease of 1 g/dl will raise the base decit by 37, which
might lead to an acidosis not recognized by standard measures. Consideration of weak acids such as phosphate and
albumin (including lactate) and arterial partial pressure
of carbon dioxide have led to the development of the
strong ion difference53 , originally proposed by Stewart.
This attempts to identify acidbase disorders not caused
by lactate. The Stewart calculation has not yet shown
any advantage over base decit, but it can be useful in
discriminating the cause of metabolic acidosis53 . Hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis caused by saline infusion is
sometimes seen in trauma patients, and base decit does
not identify this as well as the Stewart (or modied Stewart)

British Journal of Surgery 2011; 98: 894907


K. Thorsen, K. G. Ringdal, K. Strand, E. Sreide, J. Hagemo and K. Sreide

approach57 . Even though acidosis is known to induce coagulopathy (Fig. 2), an in vitro study on whole blood showed
that, without the presence of hypothermia, the effect of
acidosis was insignicant58 , although the blood samples
tested were from healthy volunteers.

Another demonstrated that the time needed to normalize

serum lactate levels was an important prognostic factor
for survival in severely injured patients. All patients whose
lactate levels normalized within 24 h survived, whereas
only three of 22 with persistently abnormal levels after
48 h survived74 .

Pathophysiological effects
Acidosis decreases cardiac contractility, attenuates adrenergic receptor responsiveness to inotropic agents, impairs
renal perfusion, and impairs coagulation as measured by the
time to clot and strength of the clot (Fig. 2)59 . The propagation phase of thrombin generation is inhibited, and
depletion of the platelet count occurs. These manifest as
prolonged clotting times and increased bleeding times43 .
The activity of the factor Xa/Va complex is reduced by
50 per cent at a pH of 72, 70 per cent at pH 70 and
90 per cent at pH 6860 . In addition, pH neutralization
does not completely correct coagulation, implying some
unknown effect of acidosis60 62 . These factors provide
strong evidence for acidosis as a major contributor to

Effects on outcome
Outcome assessments of acidosis per se are not easy. Few
studies have reported on this alone. Historical studies
have shown that the admission base decit in addition to
transfusion requirements during the rst 24 h correlate
signicantly with postinjury organ failure and death63 .
Severe initial lactic acidosis is associated with lower cardiac
performance and higher morbidity and mortality rates64 .
Base excess has been reported to be the best detector
of occult hypoperfusion (dened as hypoperfusion in the
presence of normal vital signs)65 . Abnormal base excess may
predict transfusion requirements, length of stay and need
for intensive care63 , but is hardly ever used in isolation for
decision-making or choice of therapy. Acidosis is usually
regarded as a poor prognostic sign66 , although severe
acidosis (pH < 66) has been reported with subsequent
survival after trauma67 .

Predictive models
Trauma score models have been developed to incorporate
base excess as a factor in the prediction of survival68 72 .
The predictive ability of one such model was not superior
to that of other existing models that did not include base
excess as a variable71 . One study recently reported on
the prehospital measurement of lactate for resuscitation
monitoring, without noting any difference in outcomes73 .
2011 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd
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An understanding of coagulopathy in injured patients has

evolved with time75 , not least owing to lessons learned from
military experience ranging from the two World Wars to
recent conicts in Iraq and Afghanistan76 .
Coagulation of blood with the formation of a
haemostatic plug is traditionally described as a cascade of
events, where protein coagulation factors, initiated through
intrinsic or extrinsic pathways, interact in a sequential
manner to form a clot. This concept has been challenged,
and a cell-based model has been proposed whereby
haemostasis is thought to occur in three overlapping
phases, rather than in sequential steps, with an emphasis
on the crucial role of platelets. In the initiation phase,
exposure of tissue factor-bearing cells in the vessel wall or
in the circulation triggers activation of primary coagulation
factors (factors VII, X and V). The process undergoes
amplication as these factors adhere to and activate
the platelet membrane. During the propagation phase,
numerous factors are paired with their co-factors on
the platelet membrane, generating a burst of thrombin
production that nally converts brinogen to brin to
form an interlinked brin clot.

Haemostasis is dened as the control of bleeding without
pathological thrombotic events77 . Coagulopathy can then
be dened as any aw in the coagulation system,
leading to either increased bleeding time or increased
formation of clots. Many tests give information about
coagulation status, including platelet count, prothrombin
time, international normalized ratio, activated partial
thromboplastin time, d-dimer and brinogen levels. Most
were developed half a century ago to monitor haemophilia
and anticoagulation therapy, and have not been validated
for the prediction of haemorrhage in a clinical setting78 .
None is satisfactory in a trauma setting, as each takes
a considerable time to measure and represents a single
point in a potentially ongoing process of bleeding. By the
time the test results are available, the patient may already
have entered an irreversible state of hypothermia, acidosis
and coagulopathy. As a result, there is growing interest

British Journal of Surgery 2011; 98: 894907

Hypothermia, acidosis and coagulopathy in major injury


in point-of-care testing, with capability for repeated

measurements and rapid results within minutes.

Pathophysiological effects
The simple synergy of hypothermia and acidosis in
a trauma setting leading to coagulopathy has been
challenged44,51,75,79 . Rather than a secondary effect of dilution and consumption as was believed in the past, traumainduced coagulopathy (TIC) is currently considered to
be a combination of primary (endogenous response) and
secondary (caused by dilution and consumption) events79
(Fig. 1). The early endogenous phase has been described as
acute traumatic coagulopathy (ATC), acute coagulopathy
of trauma shock and endogenous acute coagulopathy, all
of which describe the same entity44 . ATC is an impairment
of haemostasis that occurs early after injury and develops
endogenously in response to a combination of tissue damage and shock51,80 . It is associated with a fourfold higher
mortality rate, increased transfusion requirement and an
increased occurrence of organ failure81 83 .
The incidence of TIC depends on the methods
used to measure and dene the hypocoagulable or
hypercoagulable state. On admission to the hospital,
1034 per cent of trauma patients present with some
form of coagulopathy37,50,83,84 . TIC can lead to both

diffuse bleeding and the formation of clots, resulting in

microthrombosis. The condition resembles disseminated
intravascular coagulopathy (DIC), but with different
initiators and underlying mechanisms44 .

Mechanisms and pathways of trauma-induced

Injuries induce perturbations in the coagulation system
in many ways85 . The protein C pathway seems to be an
important contributor to TIC when an injury is associated
with hypoperfusion80 , consistent with ndings in animal
models86 . Hypoperfusion induces expression of thrombomodulin on the endothelial cell wall. Following the
thrombin burst, thrombin combines with thrombomodulin
and the endothelial protein C receptor. This complex
activates protein C, which probably plays an essential role
by inhibiting factors V, VIII and plasminogen activator
inhibitor 1, causing a hypocoagulable and hyperbrinolytic
state (Fig. 3). It is possible to inhibit this pathway, in the
hope of reversing the state of ATC. The problem, however,
is that protein C also seems to have a cytoprotective
role strongly correlated with survival86 . There may
be an increased risk of developing ventilator-associated
pneumonia with low levels of protein C87 . Therapeutic
inhibition of this pathway is not yet possible without loss of



Activation of platelets

Clot formation

Factor Va

Injury +

Activation of
Factor VIIIa

Factor Va




Factor PAI-1



Factor VIIIa



Endothelial cells

Simple overview of the thrombinthrombomodulin complex and protein C (PC) in inducing coagulopathy after trauma. Injury
and hypoperfusion induce excess expression of thrombomodulin on the endothelial cell wall. Following a thrombin burst, thrombin
combines with thrombomodulin and the endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR); this complex activates protein C. Activated protein C
(aPC) probably plays an essential role by inhibiting factors V, VIII and plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI) 1, causing a
hypocoagulable and hyperbrinolytic state

Fig. 3

2011 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd

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British Journal of Surgery 2011; 98: 894907


K. Thorsen, K. G. Ringdal, K. Strand, E. Sreide, J. Hagemo and K. Sreide

the cytoprotective mechanisms, nor is selective inhibition

of the anticoagulant part of protein C.
Opponents of the concept of the protein C pathway
argue that coagulopathy in trauma is simply a manifestation
of DIC, with a brinolytic phenotype combined with
coagulation factor depletion88 . Further, they point out
that any state of serious systemic hypoperfusion induces
excessive brinolysis but, in the presence of haemorrhage,
factor depletion plays a more prominent role.
The role of platelets in trauma is also not yet resolved. A
major bleeding episode can easily result in insufcient
platelet levels. Thrombocytopenia at admission after
trauma has been linked to increased mortality, and the
highest survival rates are seen in patients receiving the
highest platelet to erythrocyte ratio of transfusion89 .
Although platelet counts and outcome do correlate, little
is known about the potential mechanisms behind this
association. Function is probably more important than the
absolute platelet count. Platelet function is to some extent
reected by viscoelastic haemostatic assays (VHAs) such as
thromboelastography (TEG ; Haemoscope Corporation,
Niles, Illinois, USA) and rotational thromboelastometry
(ROTEM ; Pentapharm, Munich, Germany)78 . Tests of
platelet aggregation (Multiplate , Verum Diagnostica,
Munich, Germany; PFA-100 , Dade Behring, Marburg,
Germany) may give additional information, especially
when platelet inhibitors are present, although this has
not been investigated thoroughly in the trauma setting90 .
The cell-based model of coagulation emphasizes the
role of platelets in brin formation through the cascade
of events taking place on the thrombocyte membrane.
Platelets are probably the most important factors involved
in coagulation. Despite this, the role of platelets in
TIC is poorly investigated and management guidelines
are ambiguous81,91 . Yet, the trend in massive transfusion
protocols worldwide has been towards the early addition
of platelets in a ratio approaching 1 : 1 : 1 for packed red
blood cells to fresh frozen plasma to thrombocytes92 94 .
Fibrinogen levels, the formation of brin and traumainduced brinolysis have been central in the investigation
of traumatic coagulopathy43,61,95 . Primary brinolysis
appears to be fundamental in TIC and occurs early
(less than 1 h) after trauma. Fibrinolysis is associated
with massive transfusion requirements, coagulopathy and
haemorrhage-related death96 . Trauma alters brinogen
metabolism in a variety of ways43 . Ongoing haemorrhage
may cause accelerated brinogen breakdown. Loss of blood
and decreases in core body temperature inhibit brinogen
synthesis, and acidosis causes accelerated brinogen
breakdown. Haemorrhage, hypothermia and acidosis all
result in reduced availability of brinogen, supporting the

notion of brinogen supplementation in trauma patients

with coagulation defects43,62 . In this regard, point-ofcare testing with thromboelastography seems crucial in
identifying coagulation abnormalities at an early stage.
When evaluating whole blood in the uid phase after
a traumatic insult, there is research that suggests an
association between coagulopathy and ISS. A near linear
relationship has been shown to exist between the degree
of coagulopathy and increasing ISS83 . This association
is even stronger when adding hypothermia, acidosis and
hypotension to severity of injury97 .

2011 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd

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Early diagnosis and point-of-care testing

TEG , ROTEM and the Sonoclot Coagulation &
Platelet Function Analyzer (Sienco, Arvada, Colorado,
USA) are all VHAs that may function as bedside diagnostic tools52,78,90 . Rapid thromboelastography (thromboelastography with added tissue factor) is an alternative,
together with several other modications for this technology. The most widely explored and used technologies are
TEG and ROTEM78 . These instruments measure and
reproduce the phenomenon of clotting in graphical and/or
numerical format (Figs 4 and 5).
The advantages of VHAs are many, and include
evaluation of the coagulation system in whole blood. The
endpoint is clinically relevant, that is clotting in whole
blood (brin formation, clot retraction and brinolysis).
The results are available quickly (in about 20 min for rapid










Clotting evaluation by thromboelastography (TEG ).

Schematic trace indicating the commonly reported variables
reaction time (R)/clotting time (CT), clot formation time (K,
CFT), angle , maximum amplitude (MA)/maximum clot
rmness (MCF) and lysis (Ly)/clot lysis (CL). Examples for
reading include TEG (upper part) and rotational
thromboelastometry (ROTEM ) (lower part). With slight
modications and reproduced with permission from Johansson
et al.78

Fig. 4

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Hypothermia, acidosis and coagulopathy in major injury


10 mm



55 78

51 69


46K 109K

0 15


3 3


10 mm



55 78

51 69


46K 109K

0 15


3 3


10 mm



55 78

51 69


46K 109K

0 15


3 3



Examples of thromboelastography readings: a normal clotting status, b hyperbrinolysis and c hypocoagulable state. R, reaction
time (period of latency between placing blood sample in analyser and initial brin formation); K, clot kinetics (clot formation time, or a
measure of the time to reach a specic level of clot strength); MA, maximum amplitude; G, measure of clot strength (a direct function
of the maximum dynamic properties of brin and platelet bonding via GPIIb/IIIa representing the ultimate strength of the brin clot);
CI, coagulation index (a linear combination of clot time, clot kinetics and clot strength); LY30, brinolytic prole (measures the rate of
amplitude reduction 30 min after MA)
Fig. 5

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British Journal of Surgery 2011; 98: 894907


K. Thorsen, K. G. Ringdal, K. Strand, E. Sreide, J. Hagemo and K. Sreide

thromboelastography)98 , making them potentially relevant

for clinical decision-making in the trauma setting.
The use of VHAs is not new in surgery, and extensive
experience has been obtained in elective cardiac and
liver surgery78 . In terms of its use as a guide for
massive transfusion protocols in severely injured patients,
however, the evidence is just emerging52,78,98,99 . VHAs
cannot detect the effects on platelet function related to
commonly used drugs such as clopidogrel, non-steroidal
anti-inammatory drugs and aspirin. As the assay is usually
performed at a constant temperature of 37 C (although it
may be calibrated to the patients actual temperature),
the effect of hypothermia is not recognized in this

Implications for fluid therapy

Blood component therapy, or haemostatic damage
control resuscitation13,100 103 , has received renewed
interest after favourable reports in military situations.
Outcomes in civilian trauma have been conicting so
far104 106 . Although a ratio of 1 : 1 for packed red
cells to plasma (and platelets) seems to be widely
supported93,107 , there is no rm evidence for this in civilian
trauma92,104,108 111 . On the contrary, this protocol has
been shown to be harmful when administered to the wrong
patients112 , with an increase in complications and organ
Recent trials have investigated the effects of other
additions during resuscitation. A randomized study
of over 20 000 patients compared tranexamic acid
(an antibrinolytic agent) with placebo for correction
of brinolysis. There was a reduction in both allcause mortality and bleeding-related mortality compared
with controls, with no increase in fatal thrombotic
events113 . In the CONTROL trial114 , activated factor
VIIa (NovoSeven ; Novo Nordisk, Bagsvrd, Denmark)
reduced the amount of blood product used compared with
placebo, but did not affect mortality. The generalizability
of these studies is hampered by their design (selection
of study population, study centres, accrual of patients,
level and expertise of provider care, lack of standardized
measurements, criteria for presence or severity of
coagulopathy). A recent multicentre study found activated
factor VII to be of little or no use in patients
with sustained shock, acidosis and a low platelet
count115 .
Goal-directed therapy to correct coagulopathy after
trauma seems warranted in selected patients, but the best
choice of agent is still not known.
2011 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd
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The human response to trauma, involving a complex

of physiological, biochemical, immunological and cellular mechanisms, may be unpredictable116 . Protracted
reduction in tissue perfusion after major trauma produces
profound effects on tissue metabolism, structure and function that become apparent at cellular, organ and systemic
levels85,117 .
The treatment of hypothermic, hypotensive and
acidotic trauma patients in a coagulopathic state is
particularly challenging. Understanding the lethal triad
is paramount in order to provide timely and optimal
care for injured patients. Implementation of standard
measurements of hypothermia, acidosis and coagulopathy
(or their appropriate surrogate markers) that are easy to
use and interpret in prognostication and decision-making
can then follow. In turn, this leads to more logical timing
and composition of uids and blood products used in
resuscitation for these patients.
Pathophysiological derangements after trauma occur at
an earlier stage than previously thought. Coagulopathy is
present in the emergency room even in less severely injured
patients before the administration of large amounts of
uid83 . A recent systematic evaluation of the experimental
coagulopathy studies has, however, led to a consensus
suggestion of a list of crucial factors to consider in
promoting the appropriate use of translational models of
haemorrhage and shock118 .
The inclusion of hypothermia, acidosis and coagulopathy in formal scores for outcome prediction has not been
widely entertained, but could be useful if available through
bedside measurements. Some recently developed scoring
tools have included surrogate measures for such factors (for
example base excess) in prediction models68 70,119 , such as
the Sequential Trauma Score, Emergency Trauma Score,
Revised Injury Severity Classication Score119 , Trauma
Associated Severe Haemorrhage score120 and Base Excess
Injury Severity Scale. Validation of such scores is needed to
assess their usefulness in the general trauma population121 .
The treatment of cold, hypotensive trauma patients,
admitted in shock with coagulopathy, is complex, difcult to handle and associated with increased mortality82 .
A number of institutional, societal and regional
guidelines27,94,101,107,122 129 have been established and
revised to provide guidance in decision-making, although
little is known about their implementation and use in real
life. Work still needs to be done to nd reliable tests that
quickly identify these patients. They often make heavy
demands on transfusion services in terms of requirements
for blood and its components that cannot always be met.

British Journal of Surgery 2011; 98: 894907

Hypothermia, acidosis and coagulopathy in major injury

It follows that there is an equally important need to devise

therapies that unequivocally lead to better survival.
Goal-directed therapy to correct coagulopathy in trauma
seems warranted, but patient selection, timing, ratio of
blood products and choice of adjunct agent is not resolved
from current trials130 . Cellular preservation techniques by
way of therapeutic cooling or molecular inhibition may add
further to benets derived from blood component therapy
for severely injured patients when appropriate diagnostic
tools are available in the future.


The authors declare no conict of interest.

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British Journal of Surgery 2011; 98: 894907

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