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1.1. Background
Various problems that arise in the classroom when a teacher will begin the lesson
from it as detailed as any problems a student, a teacher must know about it, so that the
intake of the subjects being taught a teacher is not hampered by the problems.
Teachers and to increase the role of competition, because in the process of learningand student learning outcomes are largely determined by the role of the teacher and
competition all sorts of things. Wide variety of teaching techniques can be developed
to achieve the goal of a teacher, active, innovative, creative, effective and fun can be a
good way of teaching models and can be developed in education.
The role of a teacher is very important in promoting the spirit of the students,
basically we can know a student and the other students have the same ability to
receive instruction from teachers, only one teacher needs special methods to deliver
material to students.
Active learning, innovative, creative, effective and fun it can be achieved after all
sorts of things have been done both in terms of classroom study, research methods to
the emergence of a solution of it.
Results of the scientific work of this order may be as a reference material for
elementary education next 129 Beram Itam Right and the whole SD in general.

1.2. Problem Formulation

Based on the background described above, the formulation of the problem can be
formulated as follows:
What are the role of the teacher in the learning process and the general principles in
the teaching methodology of effective teaching and learning activities?
How to choose a good method for the learning process goes active, creative,
effective and fun?
1.3. Destination
This scientific paper has the objective which is basically divided into two, namely the
purpose of theoretical and practical purposes.
Theoretical purpose, namely to uncover and explain the method of active learning

class, innovative, creative, effective and fun.

Practical purposes, a brief portrait of how active learning methods, innovative,
creative, effective and fun is.
1.4. Benefit
While the results of this study are expected to have two benefits, namely scientific
benefits, and benefits for teachers. Both of these benefits can be summarized as
Scientific benefits, the results of this study are expected to increase and enrich the
study materials.
Benefits for teachers, namely as a donation in the audience thought reintroduce
teaching methods.
1,5. Methodology of writing
The method I use in this paper is a literature study methods, namely by finding and
examining various reference materials related to the efforts and support the
preparation of this paper.
1.6. Systematics Writing
Scientific paper is organized within the framework of the writing as follows:
Chapter I Introduction, contains the background of the problem, formulation of the
problem, objectives, benefits, writing and systematic methodology of writing.
Chapter II discussion, a chapter of the core subject matter. Unraveling the role of the
teacher in the learning process and the general principles of teaching methodologies
and effective teaching and learning conditions.
Closing Chapter III, is the final chapter of this scientific paper, contains the
conclusions and suggestions the authors want to convey.


2.1. Role of Teachers in Teaching and Learning Principles Principle and General
Methodology of Teaching

2.1.1. The role of teachers

New developments on the view of teaching and learning have consequences for
teachers to enhance the role and the competition for learning process and student
learning outcomes are largely determined by the role of the teacher and competition.
Competent teachers will be able to create an effective learning environment and will
be able to manage the class so that student learning outcomes are at an optimal level.
The role and competence of teachers in the teaching-learning process involves many
things, among others, as a teacher of teachers, class leaders, mentors regulatory
environment, participants, planners, supervisors, motivator, and konselor. want to put
forward here is the role that is considered the most domonan and most are classified
as the following:
Teacher as a demonstrator
Through its role as a demonstrator, or teaching teachers should always master the
material or subject matter to be taught and continually develop it in the sense of
improving its ability in terms of their knowledge as this will determine the learning
outcomes achieved by students.
One thing that must be considered by the teacher that he himself was a student. This
means that teachers must continually learn and develop themselves. that way she will
enrich himself with the science as a provision in his duties as a teacher and
demonstrator that is able to demonstrate what he did is didactic. It means that what it
really conveys is owned completely by the students.
Also a teacher should be able and skilled preformance formulate learning objectives,
understand the curriculum, and he himself as a learning resource skilled in providing
information to the class. as a teacher he should help students to be able to receive,
understand, and master the science. The teacher should be able to motivate the
students to continue to learn in a variety of occasions. Finally a teacher will be able to
play a role as a teacher when he controlled well and is able to implement skillsteaching.
Teachers as classroom management
In his role as manager of the class, the teacher should be able to manage the
classroom as a learning environment as well as an aspect of the school environment
should be regulated and supervised this that learning activities directed towards
educational goals. Supervision-supervision environment that helped determine the
extent to which the environment is a good learning environment. Good environment
that is both challenging and stimulating students to learn, provide a sense of security
and achieve goals.
And the quality and quantity of student learning in the classroom depends on many
factors, among others, is the teacher, personal relationships between students in the
classroom, as well as the general conditions and the atmosphere in the classroom.

The general objective is to provide classroom management and classroom facilities to

use a variety of teaching and learning activities in order to achieve good results. While
the specific objectives is to develop students' skills in using the tools learning tools,
providing the conditions that allow students to work and learn, as well as helping
students to obtain the expected results.
As a teacher manager is responsible for maintaining the physical environment in order
to be kept in its class fun to learn and directing or guiding the intellectual and social
processes in the class. By Accordingly teacher does not allow students to learn, but
also the ability to work and develop effective learning among students.
Other responsibilities as a manager is important for teachers to guide students'
experiences of day-to-day direction for students bit by bit does not rely on teachers to
perform their duties, which means students develop a sense of responsibility towards
their duties with full awareness that high, students must be able to organize
themselves, manage their activities with full awareness and responsibility will allow
teachers to convey the material and facilitate the achievement of the objectives
expected of a teacher.
Teacher as a mediator and facilitator
As a mediator teachers should have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the
media quiet about media education because education is a more effective
communication tool for teaching and learning process. Thus media education are the
basics that are indispensable complement and are an integral part for the success of
the process of education and teaching in schools.
Master is not enough just to have the skills to select and use and commercialize the
media well. For that teachers need to experience exercise-laihan practice continuously
and systematically.
As Mediator teacher becomes an intermediary in human relations. For the purposes of
skilled teachers should use the knowledge about how people interact and
communicate. The goal of teachers in order to create maximum quality interactive
environment. In this case there are three kinds of activities that can be done by the
teacher. Namely fostering good social behavior, develop a style of personal
interaction, and foster positive relationships with the students.
As a teacher facilitator should be able to seek a useful learning resources as well as to
support the achievement of the objectives and teaching and learning, both in the form
of a resource, text books, magazines, or newspapers.
Teachers as evaluators
If we look at the world of education, will we know that the order to each type of
education or other forms of education is always an evaluation, which means that at
certain times during the study period, always mengadkan assessment of the results
achieved, either by hand or by trained educators.
Similarly, the one-time teacher teaching process the teacher should be a good

evaluator. This activity is intended to determine whether the objectives have been
formulated that is achieved or not, and whether the material being taught is quite
appropriate, all such statements will be answered through the evaluation or
assessment activities.
Thus, the teacher can determine the success of achieving goals, students' mastery of
subjects, as well as the accuracy or effectiveness of teaching methods. Another
purpose of such assessment is to determine the position of the students in the
classroom or teacher assessment can be classified whether a group of students,
including students who are good, moderate, less, or simply when compared with their
By examining the achievement of objectives of teaching, teachers can determine
whether the teaching is done quite effectively gives good and satisfactory results or
otherwise. Thus, it is clear that teachers should be able and skilled implement
because, with teacher assessment can achievement by students after he carry out the
process of teaching.
In its function as an assessment of student learning outcomes, teachers should
constantly keep learning outcomes achieved by students from time to time.
Information obtained through this evaluation is a feedback on the teaching and
learning process. This feedback will be used as a starting point to improve and
enhance the learning process further. Thus the teaching and learning process will be
continuously improved to obtain optimal results.
2.1.2. Principles of Teaching Methodology
Didactic, methodical, and methodology
Before discussing the notion of Islamic religious teaching methodology should be
discussed in advance in Didactic, methodical, and methodology. The term comes
from the Greek which means so clever is a discuss the science or provide principles
on ways to deliver learning materials, so controlled and by learners. In other words,
the science of teaching and learning, specifically a science of teaching and teacher
learning didk participants.
If the didactic contained two activities, namely the "teaching" and "learning". Activity
on the part of teachers and teaching and learning activities on the part of learners. To
teaching active teacher in the learning activities while active learners. Didactic
generally divided into two kinds of general and specific didactic. General didactic
provide general principles relating to the presentation of the lesson material
motivation, role-modeling, and other interests so that children master it.
These principles apply to all subjects, whether biological, Islamic Education,
psychology, geography, and so on. So common is the science didactic talk about how
the learning process is generally applicable for each subject and lesson materials. The
general didactic seruing also called "general studies science" or "science teaching in
general". Special about how to teach specific subject areas where the general didactic
principles in use. Didactic special needs because every field of study has distinctive
characteristics different. Specifically called methodical didactic.

Definition of methodical
Methodically derived from the Greek meaning through and hodos metha means path
or way. Therefore, methodical means path or way which must be passed to achieve a
particular goal or in other words methodical is the science of how to go through the
learning process in order to achieve the learning objectives. For example, methodical
reading, methodical calculating, methodical writing and so on.
Methodology can also be divided into two kinds: (1) general methodical, and (2)
specially methodical. Discuss general methodical way of teaching in each subject in
general, such as: how to teach languages, history, science and so on. Discussed as well
as the teaching methods that can be used by teachers in the learning activities. Special
methodical, discuss how to present lesson material specific to particular learners. For
example: a special method to teach elementary subjects, different course for junior
and senior high school, and college.
Understanding Methods
Method can be interpreted as a way of teaching used by teachers in conducting
relations with learners during the learning process. Thus, the method of teaching is a
tool for creating a learning process. In a philosophical view of education, the method
is a tool used to achieve educational goals. The device has a dual function, which is
polipragmatis and monopragmatis.
Polipragmatis where the method uses Seba contain multiple (multi-purpose), for
example, a particular method on a situasai certain conditions can be used to build or
repair. Usefulness can depend on or repair. Usefulness may depend on the wearer or
the style, form, and the ability of the method as a tool, contrary monoprogmatis when
the method containing the kinds of uses for the purpose of use implications are
consistent, systematic and meaningfulness according to the condition of the target
given that the target is a human method required educators to be careful in its
Experts define the following methods:
Hasan Langgulung defines that the method is a method or a way to go to achieve
educational goals
Abd al-Rahman Ghunaimah defines that the method is practical ways to achieve the
goal of teaching
Al-Ahrasy also defines that the method is the path we follow to give sense to peerta
students about all kinds of methods in a variety of subjects.
Based on the definition above it can be concluded that the method is a set of ways,
roads and techniques used by educators in the learning process for learners to achieve
specific learning objectives or competencies outlined in the syllabus subjects.
Understanding Teaching Methodology
Terms of teaching methodology consists of two words, namely, "methodology" and
"teaching". "Methodology" also consists of: "method" and "logy". "Logy" comes from

the word logos meaning "science". Thus, the methodology is a way of talking about
science or the way to go to achieve the goal or master a particular competency. While
teaching is a process of presenting or teaching materials are presented. Thus the
teaching methodology means a science that talks about the way or ways that must be
passed to achieve the purpose of learning or mastering specific competencies defined
in the syllabus. Teaching methodology will not mean anything if it is not implemented
in practice education. Implementation of the educational methodology in education in
education called "teaching methods".

2.1.3. Method of use

Hasan Langgulung argued that the use of the method is based on three main aspects,
Properties and interests with regard to the main purpose of education.
With regard to the method-method possible really apply
Talking about the movement (motivation) and the principles
Efforts of teachers to choose the right method of educating learners are well adapted
to the demands of dealing with participants it must see to it that the lessons given to
the learners-learners was so readily accepted, it is not enough with only gentle . He
had to devise methods that will be used, such as choosing the right time, a suitable
material, a good approach, so the effectiveness of the method. For that a teacher is
required in order to study the various methods used in the teaching of a subject, such
as storytelling, demonstrations, try, solve problems, which is used by the experts to
discuss education and learning the principles of methodology.

2.1.4. Basics Method of Education

Educational methods in practice many problems welcomes individual or social
learners and educators themselves, resulting in a method educators should pay
attention to the basics of common methods of Islamic education. Because the method
is just a means of education or education so all the way to the road taken by an
educator should refer to the basics of the education method. In this case can not
escape the basic religious, biological, psychological and sociological.
Basis of Religion
Implementation of educational methods in prkteknya lot going on between educators
and learners in the wider society, have a major impact on the personality of students.
Therefore, religion is one of the basic methods of education and teaching by
educators. Religion can not be separated from the implementation of educational
methods. In his capacity as a basis for teaching, then by itself educational methods
should refer to the source of the teachings. So that all the use and implementation of
educational methods do not deviate from the purpose of education itself.

Biological Basis
Development of human biological influence in intellectual development. So the
longer the developmental biology of a person is by itself the intellectual power is
increasing as well. In providing education and teaching in Islamic education an
educator must treat biological development of learners. The development of physical
(biological) also have a strong influence on him darting through. A person who suffers
from physical disabilities will have advantages and disadvantages that may not be
owned by normal people, for example, a person who had abnormalities in the eye
(nearsightedness), then he is likely to occupy a front row seat as he was in front, then
he can not play- play when the teacher gives the lesson so that she noticed teachers
whole description. Because it continues, then he will have more knowledge than with
other friends especially her motivated with the eye disorder.
Based on this, it can be said that the physical development and physical condition
itself, indeed a very important role in the educational process. Thus, in a study using
educators consider the condition of biological learners. A student with disabilities will
affect learners' achievements, the positive influence of both negative Maupin. This
gives wisdom and God's creation, it is with great hope educators can provide a
sufficient understanding of the student participants to receive God's creation in such a
Basic Psychological
New educational methods can be implemented effectively, would be based on
developmental and psychological conditions pesert learners. Cause developmental
and psychological conditions give learners an enormous influence on intermalisasi
value and transform science, led to the transformation of science and intermelisasi
value will not run as expected.
Psychological development of a person walking according to their biological
development, so an educator in the use of educational methods not only treat
psychological too biological. Because someone who is biologically incapacitation,
then psychologically he feels tormented because AKN turns out he felt that his friends
did not experience what he suffered. With that in mind this is such a new educator
observant and able to distinguish the state of mind of students, because humans are
basically the same no.
Thus it can be said that the method of education of an educator besides the physical
condition of the students also need to consider the condition of the soul or rohaniyah,
because man is essentially made up of two elements, namely physical and spiritual
both a unity that can not be broken separate. Psychological condition in which the
methods of education in the form of a number of psychological learners including
motivation, emotion, interest, attitude, desire, willingness, talents and skills intellect
(intellectual). Thus an educator is required to develop the potential of the existing
psychological learners.
Basic Sociology









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