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Goli-Cruz, Martin Jerome G.

EDL101; term 1 AY 2014-2015

IMRD Report for Paper

Prof. C. Cordova

Part 1.
Satoquia, N. M. (2010 , June ). Peer Oral Feedback and Revisions of students
Compositions. (D. University of the Philippines, Ed.) Unpublished
doctoral dissertation .
Part 2 IMRD Report
The purpose of the study is to determine new strategies for giving feedback
on students composition in his study entitled Peer Oral Feedback and
revisions of students compositions. His study focus on influence of peer oral
feedback improving the revision of students compositions. His goal is know
the how peer oral feedback methods is effective in creating learning
atmosphere in revising students composition.
The study composed of 10 student writers randomly selected among two
freshman English classes and 3 student editors that are selected by the
researcher. The study used mixed qualitative and quantitative method in
organizing data the research also used survey method, questionnaire,
probing question instrument, in data gathering. In creating the graphical
representation of the results the researcher used T-Test in scoring drafts of
students composition.
Most of the students learned from their classmates revision and
student editor were able to practice effective editorial skills. The results also
indicated that peer oral feedback improves students and editor content,
organization and grammar in making composition for English classes. Four
student writers agree that they felt that editors were reliable and peer oral
feedback were effective. The study gave exemplar results because students
did not reject feedback by student editors. While student editors were able to
learn how to organize feedback for their classmates.
The study of Satoquia gave new strategies for giving feedback on
students composition in his study on Peer Oral Feedback on revisions of
students compositions were exemplar because he was able to gain good

feedback on students assessment on the new strategy on checking students

work . His study focus on influence of peer oral feedback improving the
revision of students composition were really helpful to teachers in teaching
student grammar and interpersonal communication skills in dealing with
their peers.
Part III
Short Reflection
I think the study was really interesting because it gave new ideas on
how students composition can be a good avenue where students would be
able to learn from their class. The study also gave me ideas on how grammar
can be transferred through tradition class lectures, but also on peer
assessment. The ideas really is innovative and creative and I commend the
intensive research of the author.

Goli-Cruz, Martin Jerome G.

EDL101; term 1 AY 2014-2015

IMRD Report for Paper

Prof. C. Cordova

Part 1.
Florence, E. E. (2006 , May ). Writing Proficiency as focus of expressive and
integrated language teaching approaches. Unpublished doctoral dissertation.
Part 2 IMRD Report
Florences study establish the effects of expressive and integrated
approaches in English language teaching and writing proficiency of freshman
college student. The purpose of the study is to explore different kinds of
approaches in teaching English.
Participants were 60 freshman college students, that divided in two types
expressive and the integrated syllabi both have different syllabi to follow. The
research focused on second language learning grammar forms and
structures, while the other concentrated on communicative function of target
language. The research conducted pre-test, lecture and post-test and
analyzed all results were evaluated using analytic marking scheme and
evaluation of composition by James F. Lee and Bill Van Patten. The pretest is
100 item test and the comparable writing test are visual image of comic strip
regarding snatching incident. When all data were evaluated and scored the
researcher used Pearson Product Movement Correlation, T-Test
The results showed that there are significant relationship between language
competences in writing proficiency. According to the study both groups and
that gender and writing proficiency show a degree of relatedness. However
academic course as a variable did not indicate that it was viable factor that
would determine its relation to writing proficiency.
The results concluded that there are significant relationship between
language competences in writing proficiency. According to the study both
groups and that gender and writing proficiency show a degree of
relatedness. However academic course as a variable did not indicate that it
was viable factor that would determine its relation to writing proficiency. The

study concluded that balance of teaching approaches expressive should be

used as much as the meaning focus approaches.
The research
recommended that L2 teachers should aware of the unlimited possibilities of
utilizing comprehensible inputs in the classroom which facilitate language
Part III
Short Reflection
I think the study was really enticing because the research was able to
integrate two types of method in teaching communicative English and
traditional lecture. Both are needed in order to have balance in students
learning interpersonal communication is essential because it is approach is
more practical and very useful for professional competency. While the
traditional grammar lectures are also important in research and academic
writing. The research showed the giving focus on both skills will make
student be proficiency and competent in speaking, writing and reading in

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