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This resource is designed to allow your family to have time in Gods Word
BEFORE your children attend church. Because Gods plan is for parents to be
the primary spiritual nurturers of their childrens faith, we want YOU to be the
one to introduce this part of The Big God Story to them.
HomeFront: A Spiritual Parenting Resource This monthly magazine gives your
family ideas for creating fun, spiritually forming times in your homesetting aside
sacred space in the midst of your active, everyday lives.
Visit www.HomeFrontMag.com to subscribe to the print edition or to have a digital
copy sent directly to your inbox.


Peter and Tabitha
Acts 9:3642
A follower of Jesus named Tabitha served others and making clothes for those
around her. God uses Peter to raise Tabitha from the dead and show He is the
Lord who heals.


Discuss with your family ways you could serve your neighborhood. Maybe a sick
neighbor needs a meal or an elderly friend could use some help with yardwork.
After youve come up with some suggestions, set a time to take action, and then
serve together as a family. Read Acts 9:3642 to learn more about how one
woman served God and what happened to her.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on
you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all
Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Acts 1:8

Lesson 4


Acts 9:3642 tells the story of Tabitha (also known as Dorcas) being raised from
the dead.
Tabitha was a well-respected woman, possibly a widow, who dedicated her time
to good works.
In the Bible, the Greek term mathetria, meaning a female disciple, refers to
Tabitha alone. Its used nowhere else in the Scriptures.
God honored Tabithas servant heart by bringing her back from the dead.

Younger children tend to lean toward being egocentric. When you see your child
display this type of behavior, gently remind her that it pleases God when we think
of others first.

Your older child may have his own personal crusades or causes that are close to
his heart. Encourage him to participate in caring for others in an area of ministry
where God has given him a passion.

After reading the Scripture passage, discuss the following together:
What are some ways you can care for for those around you as Tabitha
How did God show Himself as the Lord who heals?
Who in our life right now needs prayer for healing?

A blessing can be a spoken prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or
words of encouragement and guidance over your child. For more information
about blessing your child, see the Blessing section in HomeFront: A Spiritual
Parenting Resource @ HomeFrontMag.com
A blessing to pray over your child:
(Childs name), may God care for your body, heart, and mind in every way.
May He show Himself as the Lord who heals to you and those around you.

2016 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church
and a national network of family and childrens ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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